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TEATROVA PRESENTS ARTBIENTALIST PROJECT AMAZON REGION (2020-2021) Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) The Artbientalistas Amazon Region Project is formulated in accordance with Ordinary Session 024 of May 20, 2020. In compliance with the provisions of the program, the following format is completed: SEMI-TERM FORMAT OF TERRITORIAL INTENTION ARTBIENTALIST PROGRAM No Sessión 024 Date and Time 20/03/2020 7:30 A.M. – 8:50 P.M. JUAN SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE PINZON // 1030656192 BOGOTÁ D.C GERENTE PROGRAMA ARTBIENTALISTAS KADIR ABDEL RAHIM GARZON // 79378589 BOGOTÁ D.C DIRECTOR TEATRO CASA TEATROVA Members JANETH CRISTINA ORTIZ MARTÍNEZ // 1013586684 BOGOTÁ D.C PRODUCTORA TEATRO CASA TEATROVA DANIEL FRANCISCO ROJAS BERNATE // 1030540638 BOGOTÁ D.C LUNIMOTECNICO TEATRO CASA TEATROVA "The Amazon is a region that represents the multiculturalism and biodiversity of Colombia, its environmental conditions and its relationship with life manifestations, make its culture and artistic representations reflect a deep ecology and a special sense of identity and belonging to the territory. It is important for the Artbientalistas program to formulate a series of projects in this region given the current difficult social, environmental and cultural conditions, in which business and political conflicts of interest, deforestation, suspicious fires, irregularities in land use planning are reflected. , persecution of environmental leaders, land accumulation, among other situations that affect the conservation and development of the Colombian Amazon. On the other hand, the effects of hyper culturality have gradually reached these communities; loss of identity, history and sense of belonging to native cultures is a latent risk. The need for a healthy, Proposal inclusive, formative, tolerant, sustainable cultural artistic connection is vital for the protection of general communities and other living and cultural manifestations of the territory. In this primary order of ideas, I propose to build a true sense of progress through the protection of environmental and cultural wealth, the Program must be presented there to found the path of this cultural and environmental movement in the construction of public opinion, inclusive and diverse vis-à-vis the ordering of the territories, first recognizing the native peoples and the Great Covenant of Good Living. The present formulation is also considered pertinent given the circumstances of connection of the Amazon Region with Peru, Venezuela; Brazil and Peru and their cultural wealth given these conditions. I propose that we continue to carry out a departmental analysis of the region JUAN SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE P. Some concerns were raised regarding mobility by Daniel Rojas, on the other hand, the initiative presented by the manager was supported. The theater producer Cristina Ortiz also expressed her doubts about the project given the complex conditions of order and security of the territory. On the other hand, the director of the Kadir Theater Abdel Rahim insisted on the need for the implementation of this program in the Amazon because of the need to share experiences through Partial contributions workshops and dialogues of cultural fabric such as puppet plays and theater that can be a transformative axis in these communities. It was also concluded that since this region is the largest in the nation, it is possibly our most important training and cultural exchange project so far. Analysis was continued. Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
TERRITORIAL DEPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS AMAZONÍA REGION GUAVIARE http://www.guaviare.gov.co/tema/territorios DEPARTMENT SAN JOSÉ DEL GUAVIARE – EL RETORNO – MIRAFLORES – CALAMAR ( 4 ) MUNICIPALITY It has 12 ethnic groups and 14 indigenous reservations. It is considered a multi-diverse and multi-ethnic department product of its immersed and immense natural wealth, its great artistic potential is reflected in its crafts and dance samples that commemorate the origins and worldviews of the territory. http://inirida- guainia.gov.co/Transparencia/BancoDocumentos/Informaci%C3%B3n%20Cultura.pdf Indigenous artisans inhabit the Coco Viejo community who for millennia have transformed clay and natural fibers into beautiful TERMS handicrafts, ovens, vases, vases, fruit bowls, vases and hot holders that they offer to their visitors. CULTURAL https://www.elespectador.com/vivir/buen-viaje-vip/guainia-intercambio-cultural-en-un-tesoro-escondido-articulo-728411 . From August 16 to 19 of each year. http://www.sinic.gov.co/SINIC/ColombiaCultural/ColCulturalBusca.aspx?AREID=3&SECID=8&IdDep=94&COLTEM=215 (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com Teatro Casa Teatrova Great conflicts and socio-environmental pressures as shown in the map http://siatac.co/web/guest/ano-2016 in the 4 municipalities in the table expressed. A rich ecosystem biodiversity is found http://siatac.co/Ecosistemas100K/Mapas/Condicion_distritos_biomas.jpg and ENVIRONMENTAL at http://siatac.co/Ecosistemas100K/Mapas/Eco2014v1_Carta.jpg. The ordering of the territory occurs mainly by the Interior. CONDITIONS https://cda.gov.co/. environmental planning file: /// C: /Users/USUARIO%20FAMILIA/Downloads/Presentacion_PGAR_2011_2020.pdf Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) Despite having great potential for social and economic development, cultural policies and the development of cultural plans, programs and projects that allow it to have an organized, systematized and continuous cultural projection have not been defined, thus causing trauma and disarticulation. total of artistic and cultural processes. Reading is a problem that indicates governance and one of its cultural RISKS objectives. There is also a lack of knowledge of cultural heritage. We can see their cultural problems and objectives in this document CULTURAL http://inirida-guainia.gov.co/Transparencia/BancoDocumentos/Informaci%C3%B3n%20Cultura.pdf. The portal of the cultural indicators of indigenous reservations fails http://siatac.co/web/guest/productos/territorios-ancestrales/resguardos-indigenas According to these environmental indicators https://sinchi.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/df30d0db241544b9aaa8e9e32d730b90 There is evidence of a RISKS continuous loss of forests, 27 hectares a year, the transformation of natural ecosystems, conflicts over areas and agricultural borders and ENVIRONMENTAL forest burning. https://sinchi.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/8231915cb08948f7ad93c0e2fbeed68e There are some threatened species The Project is believed to be viable, the connection to most municipalities is in good condition. In addition to being a cultural nucleus that needs interaction, as expressed by its Government when expressing the need for cooperation in its cultural relations that, in addition VIABILITY to strengthening and visualizing them, protect and conserve them. We can donate 50 unpublished books of our environmental works to answer your reading problems and objectives. Miraflores is the furthest from all.
VAUPÉS http://www.vaupes.gov.co/ CARARÚ- MITÚ- TARAIRA – PAPANAUA -PACOUA – YAVARATÉ ( 6 ) In Vaupés, indigenous people celebrate most expressions of nature such as the raising of fish and the harvest of cultivated and wild fruits, among others, through dance. In this way the Yuruparí dance, the dance with yarumo and plumage, the dance with maracas, the dance with mavaco are important. Most dances are done in pairs, except for the Yuruparí, which is danced individually. http://www.conservation.org.co/programas/Conservacion-para-el-desarrollo/http://www.conservation.org.co/programas/Conservacion-para-el- desarrollo/ For 2019 there were high hopes for the different artistic stimulus programs, https://www.mincultura.gov.co/prensa/noticias/Paginas/Vaup%C3%A9s-fortalece-sus-saberes-y-tradiciones-culturales.aspx however it is not known if its implementation was successful. The Prayer and the Dabacury are activities of deep cultural importance in the (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 territory:https://cda.gov.co/es/noticias/recuperacion-de-tradiciones-culturales-en-vaupes Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com Teatro Casa Teatrova E The terrain, in general, is flat. The tables of Bubiyí and Cararú are staked, and the hills of Japan, Camarao, Omudo and Tipicaca. The waterways are widely used and the routes can be done through the Vaupés, Negro and Amazon rivers, which is why fishing and hunting are highly practiced. It is ideal for ecological and adventure tourism. Most of the inhabitants are of indigenous ethnic groups and preserve their dialect and culture, the food is indigenous, Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) therefore, its tourist attraction. Secretary of Education and Culture http://www.vaupes.gov.co/directorio-institucional/secretaria-de-educacion-y-cultura. The loss of the proto dances of the department is the most latent risk. The department only has roads or trails to communicate the populations and they depend on the climate to be able to travel. Vapupes have been mentioned many times as the land of oblivion, even so the chicha, the casaba and its gastronomy attract much attention from tourists https://www.eltiempo.com/archivo/documento/MAM-1685051 But enhancing this appeal is very difficult due to its remoteness.https://repository.urosario.edu.co/bitstream/handle/10336/13748/Vaupes%20German%20Duque.pdf;jsessionid=E34341EB8BE9B1576BC00E 5F28F79CDE?sequence=4 In the 1970s, fishing exploitation and crops were exchanged for exotic animals, due to the value and high demand from developed countries. https://encolombia.com/educacion-cultura/geografia/departamentos/vaupes/ some illicit crops are part of the territory, the Bonanza coquera ends traditional crops. Socio-environmental pressures are evident in 4 of the 6 municipalities in the department Forest burning is also a latent risk The project is believed to be viable mainly because the municipalities are few and have connectivity between them, and these, with some indigenous reservations and this can greatly enhance the program We can only reach Mitú by plane, the connection between their municipalities is by river.
AMAZONAS http://www.amazonas.gov.co/departamento/nuestro-departamento PUERTO ALEGRÍA – LA CHORRERA – EL ENCANTO- PUERTO SANTANDER – PUERTO ARICA- MIRITÍ PARANÁ – LA VICTORIA- LA PEDRERA – TARAPACÁ – LETICIA – PUERTO NARIÑO (11) La s cultural traditions of the Amazon region of Colombia are linked to its history and ethnic origins as well as its natural environment, including their ways of life, ancestral knowledge and their spirituality.https://www.lifeder.com/cultura-region-amazonica-colombia/ This part of the Region is a vital and powerful cultural nucleus that cares for, protects its rites, its dances. This event, unique in the region, began in 1987 and takes place between July 15 and 20, every year. In 2002 she turned 15 years old, during which time the department of Amazonas and the municipality of Leticia have taken a leading role in the regional festive celebrations of the participating countries. http://www.sinic.gov.co/SINIC/ColombiaCultural/ColCulturalBusca.aspx?AREID=3&SECID=8&IdDep=91&COLTEM=215 We also rescued the youth parade held on July 19 IMPORTANT DOCUMENT:http://www.corpoamazonia.gov.co/files/Planes/biodiversidad/diagnostico/AMAZONIA_C3.pdf (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com Teatro Casa Teatrova Evidently the environmental conditions of this department are reflected in the immense biodiversity of the Amazon http://siatac.co/web/guest/productos/catalogoespecies The environmental conditions of this department has broken records https://wwf.panda.org/es/que_hacemos/sitios_prioritarios/amazonia/la_amazonia_naturaleza/. We found an environmental baseline in which all complex environmental components are described http://siatac.co/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=dea85a4e-ddbe-44e9-93cb-58f826deab8a&groupId=762. Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) https://www.cepal.org/sites/default/files/news/files/folleto_amazonia_posible_y_sostenible.pdf Environmental regulation is of vital importance. The use of native language is ending. https://sostenibilidad.semana.com/impacto/articulo/indigenas-al-rescate-del-amazonas-de-su-cultura-y- territorio/36076 hyperculturality has meant in some of these communities the change of their customs adopting foreign activities. Loss of governance is also a very large cultural risk, since participatory force is the structuring axis of these communities. The relationship between man and fauna has taken unexpected turns, in this department there are high rates of commercialization of wildlife https://sostenibilidad.semana.com/impacto/articulo/rescatan-en-tulua-a-cachorro-yaguarundi-domesticado/51239 The risks that also the construction of highways affect the environmental and ecological communion of these territories immensely. According to the catalog of threatened species http://siatac.co/web/guest/productos/especiesamenazadas It is considered very pertinent to incorporate the department of the Amazon, given its environmental and cultural niche and as a strategy of consolidation, training and circulation of art.
CAQUETÁ http://www.caqueta.gov.co/ ALBANIA- BELEN- CARTAGENA – CURILLO- EL DONCELLO – EL PAUJIL – FLORENCIA – LA MONTAÑITA – MORELIA- PUERTO MILAN – PUERTO RICO – SAN JOSE DEL FRAGUA- SAN VICENTE DEL CAGUAN – SOLANO – SOLITA – VALPARAISO (16 ) It is made up of 24 indigenous reservations. Its habitat was located between the Caquetá and Putumayo rivers. Their presence in the department of Caquetá dates from the 17th century and they have occupied different places, as they have been evicted by the settlers, first on the banks of the Caquetá river, near Solano; then they went up the Orteguaza, Yari and Caguán rivers. http://sinic.gov.co/SINIC/ColombiaCultural/ColCulturalBusca.aspx?AREID=3&SECID=8&IdDep=18&COLTEM=216 Its capital is Florence, and these are known as Florentines. This city is also known as the "Golden Gate of the Amazon" or the "Green Heart of Colombia" Festival of Performers and Composers of Colombian Folk Music "The Golden Settler"http://www.sinic.gov.co/SINIC/ColombiaCultural/ColCulturalBusca.aspx?AREID=3&SECID=8&IdDep=18&COLTEM=215 THE INDIGENOUS MEETING IS HELD ON ALL AUGUST. (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com Teatro Casa Teatrova Although it is surrounded by forests, it is considered the most important territory in the region for agricultural production activities. Its environmental jurisdiction is Corpoamazonía http://www.corpoamazonia.gov.co/files/Documento_Caquet%C3%A1.pdf SIAC's environmental indicators also demonstrate that it is an area of high biodiversity. The formalization of your PMA leads you to Family well-being https://www.icbf.gov.co/sites/default/files/procesos/pl7.sa_plan_de_gestion_ambiental_regional_caqueta_v3.pdf Protection is directed by the Caquetá Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) protection network https://www.redcaquetapaz.org/ambiental/ We believe that the risks are represented by the pressures of the territories and the loss of identity due to other life activities. Low support for music and dance. This territory is the most affected by socio-environmental pressures in the entire region, which is a more than latent risk to culture and peace. There are examples of the poor implementation of culture policies in Caquetá. https://hsbnoticias.com/noticias/vida- moderna/cultura/arte-y-cultura-nacionales-en-caqueta-258540 . The low strengthening of indigenous participation in democratic public opinion is reflected https://pacifista.tv/notas/la-cruzada-de-los-indigenas-del-caqueta-para-preservar-su-cultura/ The departments of the municipality of Caquetá have deficiencies in terms of public services such as aqueduct and sewerage. There is also no light, http://www.corpoamazonia.gov.co/files/Documento_Caquet%C3%A1.pdf. Mining is a latent and cruel risk for the rivers where indigenous communities are established, the use of asphalt harms the soil, feldspar, mica, is currently developing oil exploitation activities which are also of concern to communities and environmental leaders. Alert reporting ANLAhttp://portal.anla.gov.co/sites/default/files/biblioteca_web_anla_pdf/reportalecaqueta-ver4_0.pdf Access to Florence can be given by land or air. It is the department most affected by socio-environmental conflicts in the region
GUAINÍA http://www.guainia.gov.co/ BARRANCOMINAS – CACAHUAL – INIRIDA – LA GUADALUPE – MORICHAL NUEVO – PANA PANA – PUERTO COLOMBIA – SAN FELIPE ( 8 ) The hidden cultural exchange of the Guainía is a treasure that is found deep in the Amazon. Its richness in dances, scenic expressions and gastronomy are of enormous importance for the territory.http://iiniridacultural.blogspot.com/, The workshops of the current government administration formulate https://www.mincultura.gov.co/prensa/noticias/Paginas/Ministerio-de-Cultura-ratifica-su-compromiso-con-creadores-y-gestores-culturales-de- Guain%C3%ADa.aspx On the occasion of the anniversary of the foundation and subsequent creation of the Municipality of Inírida, capital of the department of Guainía, the Festival of Colonies and "Meeting of Three Cultures" was created, an event whose central axis is the integration of the various colonies that inhabit Inírida, and that at the same time integrate and relate to indigenous cultures, to outline a new mestizo culture, which has been called the third culture or new culture. http://www.sinic.gov.co/SINIC/ColombiaCultural/ColCulturalBusca.aspx?AREID=3&SECID=8&IdDep=94&COLTEM=215 (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 IMFORMACION IMPORTANTE http://inirida-guainia.gov.co/Transparencia/BancoDocumentos/Informaci%C3%B3n%20Cultura.pdf Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com All its ecosystems, rivers, ravines, hills and natural reserves make it a treasure that locals and national and foreign tourists must discover.. Teatro Casa Teatrova https://www.elespectador.com/vivir/buen-viaje-vip/guainia-intercambio-cultural-en-un-tesoro-escondido-articulo-728411 The Environmental Management plan is directed by the Family Well-beingar https://www.icbf.gov.co/sites/default/files/procesos/pl27.sa_plan_de_gestion_ambiental_regional_guainia_v2.pdf There the difficult conditions of public Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) services of the communities are established, however, the values and natural wealth of the territory are also rescued. Biodiversity http://inirida- guainia.gov.co/Transparencia/BancoDocumentos/Informaci%C3%B3n%20Ambiente.pdf Documentación fiscal http://cdguainia.gov.co/centro-de- According to the environmental and cultural leaders of the Guainía, the implementation of cultural agreements have drawbacks and delays https://www.mincultura.gov.co/prensa/noticias/Paginas/Ministerio-de-Cultura-ratifica-su-compromiso-con-creadores-y-gestores-culturales-de- Guain%C3%ADa.aspx In addition to its natural wealth, culture is one of its most representative characteristics. Indigenous communities with their ancestral wisdom and natural knowledge allow a cultural exchange and unique days surrounded by nature, indigenous culture and new experiences that will make all visitors fall in love conserving them is a deep commitment. The implementation of cultural programs is believed to be limited by the territorial dispersion of communities. The integrity of its territory is limited https://trochandosinfronteras.info/guainia-riqueza-miseria-y-lucha/ The mining behavior of the area affects the soil and the structured biomes http://polux.unipiloto.edu.co:8080/00003688.pdf _ We can also show some levels of socio-environmental pressure that concern the sustainable development of the area. Deforestation is the most relevant problem https://sostenibilidad.semana.com/medio-ambiente/articulo/deforestacion-en-guainia-las-selvas-empiezan-a-sucumbir-ante-la-ganaderia/38923 , extensive ranching also contributes to the loss of forest cover in the department Access is limited, however, it is believed feasible to reach the department and formulate the project
PUTUMAYO https://www.putumayo.gov.co/ COLON- MOCOA – ORITO – PUERTO ASIS – PUERTO CAICEDO – PUERTO GUZMAN – PUERTO LEGUIZAMO- SAN FRANCISCO – SAN MIGUEL – SANTIAGO – SIBUNDOY – VALLE DEL GUAMUEZ – VILLAGARZON ( 13 ) It is the largest Afro-Colombian population in the Amazon Region http://www.corpoamazonia.gov.co/files/Planes/biodiversidad/diagnostico/AMAZONIA_C3.pdf 254/5000 Putumayo's indigenous population amounts to approximately 30,000 people. There are 126 councils and 39 reservations that correspond to the towns began, inga, cofán, siona, murui, coreguaje, muinane, andoque, huitoto, nonuya, okaina, bora, emberá and paz. http://www.sinic.gov.co/SINIC/ColombiaCultural/ColCulturalBusca.aspx?AREID=3&SECID=8&IdDep=86&COLTEM=216 The indigenous carnivals are celebrated in Mocoa on the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Their necks are adorned by both men and women with abundant multi- colored necklaces, called beads, and they paint their faces with dots and lines of various colors, predominantly red. Putumayo can be traveled in a chalupa (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 https://sostenibilidad.semana.com/medio-ambiente/articulo/el-rio-putumayo-y-las-culturas-que-viven-a-lo-largo-de-su-ribera/38714 Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com According to corpoamazonia, which is the regulatory body for the department's environmental policies Teatro Casa Teatrova http://www.corpoamazoniagov.co/files/Ordenamiento/Determinantes/Determinantes_Putumayo.pdf The territory is in a constant strengthening of natural park policies, and has several flora and fauna sanctuaries. The environmental characterization is given below http://www.corpoamazonia.gov.co/files/documento_putumayo.pdf in it the immense natural wealth is rescued. The Environmental Management plan is also Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) managed by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare https://www.icbf.gov.co/sites/default/files/procesos/pl31.sa_plan_de_gestion_ambiental_regional_putumayo_v2.pdf Much of the cultural treasure is deposited in the force of the youth of the communities who are in charge of guarding and protecting customs. http://revistasum.umanizales.edu.co/ojs/index.php/plumillaeducativa/article/view/841/2694 The indigenous people are in a constant social movement that rescues their customs and constantly fight for the recognition of their knowledge. The sustainability of the Putumayo culture is an analyzed postulate inhttp://www.mamacoca.org/docs_de_base/Cifras_cuadro_mamacoca/Indigenas_Putumayo_buscan_recuperar_su_cultura_2002.pdf Opening this department extractive activities generates a cultural shock: https://revistas.udistrital.edu.co/index.php/colfor/article/view/3382/4919. We know that the Putumayo has enormous artistic potential, in a way we can say that it is the cultural and artistic entrance to the region, this makes it even more fragile. The dispute over territory and socio-environmental conflicts are the main concern in this regard. There are also many records of serious and irreversible environmental damage from the oil spill. https://www.minambiente.gov.co/index.php/noticias-minambiente/1846-graves-e-irreversibles-danos-ambientales- causo-derrame-de-crudo-en-putumayo-ministro-vallejo There is a complex situation and social and environmental order due to the militarization of the area and the presence of various violent actors, water and natural resources are the most affecteds https://prensarural.org/spip/spip.php?article19229v Illegal micro mining also greatly affects the territory, and is exponentially increasing https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/micromineria-ilegal-amenaza- putumayo-articulo-669010-0 Putumayo is the cultural gateway to the Amazon Region, our presence as an Environmental Artistic Program in said area is more than viable. In addition, we have contacts as artists and leaders who can contribute to the development of the activities that are formulated.
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) The information previously presented was searched and socialized by each of the project participants during the session. Several points of opinion were made, where the low management of the governments was rescued by the implementation of a solid and conscious cultural policy, which cares about saving the lives of the territories in terms of identity, memory and rituals. Voices of encouragement were also heard that encouraged and strengthened the project for its innovation and justification; however, voices that doubted the accessibility and scope of the project also emerged in a mission that engages isolated communities. Kadir Abdel Rahin (director) supported the initiative by proposing that we start contacting artist friends from Sibundoy (Putumayo), who attended as artists at the VII International Festival of Mascara in Teatrova. Initiative that opens the artistic and cultural ties of the project since each of the attendees in this session met the teacher Carlos Humberto Mutumbajoy Jakanamejoy and received his artistic teachings. SOCIALIZATION Janeth Ortiz (Producer) supports the initiative as a professional proposing methodology from the pedagogy of language, and artistic exercises for the formulation of deep, necessary activities related to cultural conditions. She initially proposes that we develop a series of dialogues with an environmental focus by Colombian authors such as our founder Carlos Parada Arango, and others like Enrique Buenaventura given that they have a familiar aspect, however, she also insists on bringing our most recognized work “The Colonized Gold ”, given that it is a work that identifies us as an artistic organization and helps the exercise of recognition of communities in a deep and popular way. Sebastián Manrique (Manager) proposes to bring more than 200 original books printed by Teatrova to libraries, schools, gardens, universities, theater groups of the territory as an exercise in cultural strengthening of the region. The Amazon Region of Colombia has 6 departments and 58 municipalities. The cultural information of the project will be extracted from SINIC, while the environmental information will be determined by SIAT-AC and the regional autonomous corporations, we also believe it pertinent to make use of ICBF's environmental reports. The project routing will be formulated according to geographic information from IGAC. The project is believed to be very viable, and it is also an enormous necessity for the consolidation of cultural and sustainable policies; Our project would be the first to be postulated as a reconstructive and protective exercise of the scenic and plastic samples and other recognized cultural principles in the Amazon. OUR INITIAL PROPOSAL CONCLUSION Circulate theatrical dramaturgy books of our founder and playwright Carlos Parada as an exercise: 50 books 50 books 50 books Formulate an environmental-cultural diagnosis of the communities and the departments that includes a final report by regional and departmental. A documentary of the experience impacts and results of the project. And the construction of a contact database for artists and managers in the region. Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) DATABASES FOR PROJECT FORMULATION GOVERNMENTS http://www.guaviare.gov.co/ http://www.vaupes.gov.co/ http://www.amazonas.gov.co/ http://www.caqueta.gov.co/ http://www.guainia.gov.co/ https://www.putumayo.gov.co/ CULTURAL INFORMATION http://www.sinic.gov.co/sinic/ ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION (Amazonas, Caquetá, Putumayo) http://www.corpoamazonia.gov.co/ ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION (Vaupés, Guainía, Guaviare) OBSERVATIONS https://cda.gov.co/ ROUTES, MAPS AND ACCESS https://igac.gov.co/ POSSIBLE PARTNERS https://fcds.org.co/quienes-somos-fcds/ http://www.otca-oficial.info/about/member_countries/3 http://www.conservation.org.co/programas/Conservacion-para-el-desarrollo/ https://amazoniacolombiana.fiu.edu/diversidad-cultural/ https://wwf.panda.org/es/que_hacemos/sitios_prioritarios/amazonia/la_amazonia_naturaleza/ Firms: SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE JANETH ORTIZ KADIR ABDEL RAHIM Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) INTENTION PHASE 1. GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTENTION FORMAT PROJECT ARTBIENTALISTAS REGION AMAZONICA Once the territory has been selected and partially analyzed, the basic and necessary information for the development of the proposal is integrated. GENERAL FORMAT OF TERRITORIAL INTENTION ARTBIENTALIST PROJECT AMAZON REGION Artbientalientas Amazonia is a project of artistic cooperation, training, and protection; based on the objective of reaching the 6 departments of the Amazon region of Colombia. We want to consolidate the first artistic project of a recognized organization in the country in the Amazon. Carry more than 200 books of unpublished works by our author Carlos Parada Arango to promote the exercise of reading and the performing arts, works that also rescue a sense of Description democratic and popular opinion on environmental problems and the Spanish conquest, General accompanied exercise of their respective medium format presentation. Accompanied by a series of dialogues, workshops, and interviews with an environmental sense for the consolidation of a cultural artistic documentary bearing the name "Las Flores del Sur" Finally, it is desired to deliver a series of environmental-cultural reports from the region to each of the departments involved in the project in order to strengthen the cultural, social, environmental, intercultural, and intercultural ties that may be related. DEPARTMENT OF THE AMAZON Leticia (9 days) Air Access CAQUETÁ DEPARTMENT Florence (3 days) Land and Air Access Puerto Rico (3 days) Land Access San Vicente del Caguán (3 days) Land Access GUAINÍA DEPARTMENT Inírida (3 days) Air Access Places times and Cumaral (3 days) Fluvial Access accesses Cacahual (3 days) Fluvial Access GUAVIARE DEPARTMENT San José del Guaviare (3days) Land and Air Access The Return (3 days) Land Access Squid (3 days) Land Access PUTUMAYO DEPARTMENT Mocoa (3 days) Land and Air Access Sibundoy (3 days) Land Access Colon (3 days) Land Access Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) VAUPES DEPARTMENT Mitú (9 days) Air Access An invitation is made to be an active part of the project to: 1. KADIR ABDERL RAHIM (DIRECTOR Y ACTOR) 2. JANETH CRISTINA ORTIZ (PRODUCTORA Y ACTRIZ) 3. DANIEL FRANCISCO ROJAS (LUMINITÉCNICO Y ESCENOGRAFO) Miembers 4. LAURA CAMILA POVEDA (PUBLICISTA Y MEDIOS AUDIOVISUALES) 5. IVAN NOSSA (MUSICO) 6. CRISTIAN LUNA (PERCUSIONISTA) 7. IVAN ESLAVA (GESTOR AMBIENTAL) Firm JUAN SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE MANAGER OF THE ARTBIENTALIST PROGRAM Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) 2. INTENTION SOCIALIZATION FORMAT FOR THE ARTBIENTALIST PROJECT IN THE AMAZON REGION This document describes in a more grounded way the reason why the operation of the project is objective and necessary. INTENTION SOCIALIZATION FORMAT ARTBIENTALIST PROJECT AMAZON REGION Date 20/05/2020 Project partial name ARTBIENTALIST PROJECT AMAZON REGION 1. JUAN SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE (MANAGER) 2. KADIR ABDERL RAHIM (DIRECTOR AND ACTOR) 3. JANETH CRISTINA ORTIZ (PRODUCER AND ACTRESS) 4. DARINEL ALHUCEMA (CINEMATÓGRAFO Y ACTOR) 5. DANIEL FRANCISCO ROJAS (LIGHTING AND SCENOGRAPHER) Members 6. LAURA CAMILA POVEDA (PUBLICIST AND AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA) 7. IVAN NOSSA (MUSICIAN) 8. CRISTIAN LUNA (PERCUSIONIST) 9. IAN ESLAVA (ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER) • Sow a culture that promotes reading and recognition of the performing arts with a sustainable identity: Carrying more than 300 unpublished drama books, Teatrova, Colombian works that promote reading, protect the environment and rescue the identity of indigenous communities. Those books are "El Dorado Colonizado" "Rumba Ambiental" and "La Fabulosa Carrera" Works that will be carried and socialized by our cultural managers in schools, universities, houses of culture. • Make the cultural and environmental wealth of the Amazon visible: Through two strategies. The consolidation of a good format documentary where the experience of cultural and environmental training around artistic expressions is captured. And the consolidation of an artistic and environmental platform that can make visible, promote, increase their capacities and also their needs Objectives regarding art and the environment, is a blog of constant opinion that seeks to establish cultural relations with the official and independent organizations of the territory to view them. •Create a circular and organic cultural experience: Presenting different artistic puppet shows and theater in each of the communities, relating these experiences to conversations and dialogues with which possible connections and existing cultural strengths are analyzed. Finally, Teatrova agrees to bring an artistic and cultural exponent of the Amazon Region to the next International Mask Festival where the final results of the project will be shared. Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) FOR THE CULTURE OF THE AMAZON And for establishing healthy and respectful artistic ties that allow the region to develop its culture with other actors in the exercise of understanding, sustainable development, consolidation of strategies of democratic, inclusive and diverse public opinion. For visualizing and magnifying their ethnic groups and customs to the world and sharing new exercises of cultural communion. FOR THE BIODIVERSITY OF THE AMAZON And contribute to the development of a protective, critical and objective vision against Justificatión the planning of its territory and use of natural resources. FOR THE PEACE OF COLOMBIA And the defense of environmental and social leaders, who, in many ways, are the protective base of cultures and expressions, by visualizing them and their communities BY TEATROVA And to be the first recognized theater group in Colombia to carry out a program of cultural exchanges with a sustainable approach Contact with Governors April 2021 Contact with mayors May 2021 Formalization of Partners June 2021 Partial dates Team Preparation June 2021 Operation Phase Jun 2021 - Aug 2021 Dec 2021 – Jan2022 Environmental Publications Mar 2022 Cultural publications April 2022 The members of the project were in accordance with the present initial formulation, documents of the biannual format of intention were presented which were of vital importance to explain the reasons for the present project. Our producer Janeth Ortiz Contributions suggested that the date of operation be reformulated to December 2021, however, it was concluded that it is on the dates of July and August that the most cultural activities are carried out in the region and therefore it was believed more timely. SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE JANETH ORTIZ KADIR ABDEL RAHIM Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) 3. INITIAL LETTERS OF THE ARTBIENTALIST PROTECTION OF THE AMAZON REGION It is important to make the progress of the Project visible, so a series of presentation-intention letters were sent to the different research organizations, with which it is desired to formulate a reliable basis for the final formulation of the project. The following letters were forwarded, requesting a response. ● The research groups that are part of the program are: COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH BIOETICS CBI-UD / UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL RESEARCH GROUP ON ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UD. G.E.A. / DISTRICT UNIVERSITY ● The organizations that are part of the program are ONIC NATIONAL INDIGENOUS ORGANIZATION OF COLOMBIA Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Bogotá, 23 de mayo de 2020 Señores, COMITÉ DE BIOÉTICA DE INVESTIGACIONES CBI -UD UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSE DE CALDAS Asunto: Presentación e intención de formulación Proyecto Artbientalistas Región Amazonía Reciban un cálido y artístico saludo por parte de la Asociación Cultural Casa Teatrova, extendemos nuestra empatía hacia su organización, hacia sus integrantes y representantes. El motivo de la presente recae en la motivación que tiene Teatrova para afianzar nuestras fuerzas y alianzas (artísticas, sociales, académicas) con el fin de cumplir el objetivo compartido del redescubrimiento del bien vivir y la protección del medio ambiente través de las ciencias ambientales y las artes escénicas. Deseamos compartir con ustedes nuestros nuevos compromisos territoriales descritos en la fase de intención del Programa Artbientalistas Región Amazonía que anexamos. Allí deseamos justificarles nuestra intención de formular un proyecto territorial en la zona de los seis departamentos de la Región Amazónica de Colombia Estamos abiertos a los aportes, comentarios y dudas. Teatrova agradece el compromiso y el interés por el arte y el repensamiento de los territorios, esperamos seguir fortaleciendo la lucha que nos une y construir juntos ciudadanías democráticas, artísticas y ambientalistas. Cordialmente KADIR ABDEL RAHIM Director Teatrova SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE PINZON Gerente Programa Artbientalistas ASOCION CULTURAL TEATROVA NIT 800.098.091-3 CALLE 24 # 4A – 16 Bogotá / 3362401 Teatrova.com.co
Bogotá, 23 de mayo de 2020 Señores, GRUPO DE ESTUDIOS AMBIENTALES UD – GEA UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSE DE CALDAS Asunto: Presentación e intención de formulación Proyecto Artbientalistas Región Amazonía Reciban un cálido y artístico saludo por parte de la Asociación Cultural Casa Teatrova, extendemos nuestra empatía hacia su organización, hacia sus integrantes y representantes. El motivo de la presente recae en la motivación que tiene Teatrova para afianzar nuestras fuerzas y alianzas (artísticas, sociales, académicas) con el fin de cumplir el objetivo compartido del redescubrimiento del bien vivir y la protección del medio ambiente través de las ciencias ambientales y las artes escénicas. Deseamos compartir con ustedes nuestros nuevos compromisos territoriales descritos en la fase de intención del Programa Artbientalistas Región Amazonía que anexamos. Allí deseamos justificarles nuestra intención de formular un proyecto territorial en la zona de los seis departamentos de la Región Amazónica de Colombia Estamos abiertos a los aportes, comentarios y dudas. Teatrova agradece el compromiso y el interés por el arte y el repensamiento de los territorios, esperamos seguir fortaleciendo la lucha que nos une y construir juntos ciudadanías democráticas, artísticas y ambientalistas. Cordialmente KADIR ABDEL RAHIM Director Teatrova SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE PINZON Gerente Programa Artbientalistas ASOCION CULTURAL TEATROVA NIT 800.098.091-3 CALLE 24 # 4A – 16 Bogotá / 3362401 Teatrova.com.co
Bogotá, 23 de mayo de 2020 Señores, ORGANIZACIÓN NACIONAL INDIGENA DE COLOMBIA - ONIC Asunto: Presentación e intención de formulación Proyecto Artbientalistas Región Amazonía Reciban un cálido y artístico saludo por parte de la Asociación Cultural Casa Teatrova, extendemos nuestra empatía hacia su organización, hacia sus integrantes y representantes. El motivo de la presente recae en la motivación que tiene Teatrova para afianzar nuestras fuerzas y alianzas (artísticas, sociales, académicas) con el fin de cumplir el objetivo compartido del redescubrimiento del bien vivir y la protección del medio ambiente través de las ciencias ambientales y las artes escénicas. Deseamos compartir con ustedes nuestros nuevos compromisos territoriales descritos en la fase de intención del Programa Artbientalistas Región Amazonía que anexamos. Allí deseamos justificarles nuestra intención de formular un proyecto territorial en la zona de los seis departamentos de la Región Amazónica de Colombia Estamos abiertos a los aportes, comentarios y dudas. Teatrova agradece el compromiso y el interés por el arte y el repensamiento de los territorios, esperamos seguir fortaleciendo la lucha que nos une y construir juntos ciudadanías democráticas, artísticas y ambientalistas. Cordialmente KADIR ABDEL RAHIM Director Teatrova SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE PINZON Gerente Programa Artbientalistas ASOCION CULTURAL TEATROVA NIT 800.098.091-3 CALLE 24 # 4A – 16 Bogotá / 3362401 Teatrova.com.co
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) FORMULATION PHASE 1. FORMULATION OF THE ARTBIENTALISTAS PROJECT IN THE AMAZON REGION The territorial project was formulated considering the following format: ARTBIENTALISTAS PROJECT FORMULATION AMAZON REGION BASICS DATES Project's name PROYECTO ARTBIENTALISTAS REGIÓN AMAZÓNICA It is a Project of cultural strengthening of the Amazon Region, whose purpose is to promote democratic, inclusive, and diverse opinion regarding the cultural and General description environmental organization of the territory. While executing strategies that make visible the cultural and environmental wealth of the región. • Sow a culture that promotes reading and recognition of the performing arts with a sustainable identity: Carrying more than 300 unpublished drama books, Teatrova, Colombian works that promote reading, protect the environment and rescue the identity of indigenous communities. Those books are "El Dorado Colonizado" "Rumba Ambiental" and "La Fabulosa Carrera" Works that will be carried and socialized by our cultural managers in schools, universities, houses of culture. • Make the cultural and environmental wealth of the Amazon visible: Through two strategies. The consolidation of a good format documentary where the experience of cultural and environmental training around artistic expressions is captured. And the consolidation of an artistic and environmental platform that can make visible, promote, increase their capacities and also their needs regarding art and the Objectives environment, is a blog of constant opinion that seeks to establish cultural relations with the official and independent organizations of the territory to view them. • Create a circular and organic cultural experience: Presenting different artistic puppet shows and theater in each of the communities, relating these experiences to conversations and dialogues with which possible connections and existing cultural strengths are analyzed. Finally, Teatrova agrees to bring an artistic and cultural exponent of the Amazon Region to the next International Mask Festival where the final results of the project will be shared Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) The Amazon region is very rich in ethnic groups, while most of its population are people who preserve their customs, their language, their culture and also their traditions. They have always been living in harmony with their environment, working hard on preserving the Amazon. We can mention that there are the nukaks (they are nomads), the Ticunas, the Tucanos, the Camás, the Huitotos, the Yaguas and the Ingas. Most of the Amazon culture practices some form of animism. This belief system sees the jungle as the home of spiritual life, with all Environmental and the flowers, plants, animals ... and they all have their own spirit. cultural background The Amazon region occupies almost 40% of the territory of Colombia, it is also the least populated area in the country. Its territory is flat with jungles, it has a huge part known as the Amazon 'foothills', because it is located right next to the eastern mountain range. Their food is obtained by native agriculture and they fish with special methods. In the Amazon region there are some exotic fruits such as the copoazú, the arazá and the caimarón. Within this region are the Andes, in addition, Colombia has 9 incredible parks to preserve the richness of biodiversity and to create a sanctuary for different species of plants and animals that live in the parks and are respected. Municipality Coordinates Means of access 70°24'22.86" O MITU 0°58'20.6” N AER /TER 1°36′51″ N, FLORENCIA AER /TER 75°36′42″ W 1°54′27″ N, PUERTO RICO TER 75°9′30″ W 2°6′55″ N, SAN VICENTE DEL CAGUAN TER 74°46′12″ W 3°52′15″ N, INIRIDA AER 67°55′16″ W 3°31′31″ N, CACAHUAL FLU 67°24′57″ W Spaces 3°31′31″ N, CUMARAL FLU 67°24′57″ W 2°33′55″ N, SAN JOSÉ DEL GUAVIARE AER /TER 72°38′19″ W 2°19′50″N EL RETORNO TER 72°37′40″O 1°57′40″ N, CALAMAR TER 72°39′10″ W 1°8′57″ N, MOCOA AER /TER 76°38′47″ W 1°12′12″ N, SIBUNDOY TER 76°55′9″ W 1°11′25″ N, COLON TER 76°58′26″ W Contact with Governors January 2021 Contact with mayors February 2021 Formalization of Partners March 2021 Times Team Preparation April 2021 Operation Phase Jul 2021 - Aug 2021 Environmental Publications Nov 2021 Cultural publications Dec 2021 Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) FOR THE CULTURE OF THE AMAZON And for establishing healthy and respectful artistic ties that allow the region to develop its culture with other actors in the exercise of understanding, sustainable development, consolidation of strategies of democratic, inclusive and diverse public opinion. For visualizing and magnifying their ethnic groups and customs to the world and sharing new exercises of cultural communion. FOR THE BIODIVERSITY OF THE AMAZON And contribute to the development of a protective, critical and objective vision against the planning of its territory and use of natural resources. Justification FOR THE PEACE OF COLOMBIA And the defense of environmental and social leaders, who, in many ways, are the protective base of cultures and expressions, by visualizing them and their communities BY TEATROVA And to be the first recognized theater group in Colombia to carry out a program of cultural exchanges with a sustainable approach 1. JUAN SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE (MANAGER) 2. KADIR ABDERL RAHIM (DIRECTOR AND ACTOR) 3. JANETH CRISTINA ORTIZ (PRODUCER AND ACTRESS) 4. DARINEL ALHUCEMA (CINEMATÓGRAFO Y ACTOR) 5. DANIEL FRANCISCO ROJAS (LIGHTING AND SCENOGRAPHER) Members 6. LAURA CAMILA POVEDA (PUBLICIST AND AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA) 7. IVAN NOSSA (MUSICIAN) 8. CRISTIAN LUNA (PERCUSIONIST) 9. IAN ESLAVA (ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER GOBERNATIONS http://www.guaviare.gov.co/ http://www.vaupes.gov.co/ http://www.amazonas.gov.co/ http://www.caqueta.gov.co/ http://www.guainia.gov.co/ https://www.putumayo.gov.co/ CULTURAL INFORMATION http://www.sinic.gov.co/sinic/ Important documents AMBIENTAL INFORMATION (Amazonas, Caquetá, Putumayo) http://www.corpoamazonia.gov.co/ AMBIENTAL INFORMATION (Vaupés, Guainía, Guaviare) https://cda.gov.co/ RUTAS, MAPAS Y ACCESOS https://igac.gov.co/ POSIBLES SOCIOS https://fcds.org.co/quienes-somos-fcds/ http://www.otca-oficial.info/about/member_countries/3 http://www.conservation.org.co/programas/Conservacion-para-el-desarrollo/ https://amazoniacolombiana.fiu.edu/diversidad-cultural/ https://wwf.panda.org/es/que_hacemos/sitios_prioritarios/amazonia/la_amazoni a_naturaleza/ Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) Peace Agreements The Artbientalistas Amazon Region Project contributes to the formalization and consolidation of the Peace Accords of Colombia signed in 2012, opening the possibility of opening dialogues around culture, the rescue of knowledge and the protection of the environment, factors that are direct victims of the armed conflicts in Colombia. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION OF THE REGION Coca, corn and Yaheé are natural manifestations of the spiritual Memories and and ancestral power of his animism. They are very fragile and old ancestralities memories that can be heard among the malokas of the original communities. In the southern region of the Colombian Amazon, the diversity of the environment has been accompanied by multiple cultural forms that have not only developed special expressions of adaptation, but also different means of intervention and environmental modification, through cumulative and complex knowledge and practices. It is a region where the human variety, represented in the diversity of habits, customs, worldview of the world, beliefs, rites and local histories of its inhabitants, has been carved through thousands of years of adaptation to the natural environment and it is possible to distinguish as ethnic-cultural groups, peasants, Afro-Colombians and indigenous people. Folklore is closer to folklore from neighboring countries Brazil and Identity Peru. In the Amazonian departments of Caquetá and Putumayo, the so-called Andean Merengue has been created. It is Andean because it was developed based on Andean peasant rhythms from the Andean Putumayense region Working raw material by hand has been an ancient activity of the Amazonian peoples. Weaving baskets, making traps, fishing and hunting instruments, clay pots, clothing and ceremonial ornaments, or tools for preparing cassava products. Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. casateatrova@gmail.com (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401
DEPARTMENTS OF CAQUETÁ AND PUTUMAYO PROBLEMS CAUSES CONSEQUENCES SOLUTIONS ACTIONS RESOURCES COSTS COMPLIANCE HUMANS (1) CULTURAL MANAGER The violence of the Communities must adapt to HUMANS department on behalf new lifestyles, abandoning Encourage dialogue COP 800000 C /U (1) CULTURAL of organized criminal traditions and other acts that in the face of cultural MANAGER organizations, the highlight their territorial organization around a (1) (1) ENVIRONMENTAL National Army, identity, since their fragile sense of peace and Respectful formulation of ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER guerrilla groups and connection with their care for all forms of UNESCO (3) dialogues of cultural MANAGER drug trafficking environment is continuously life manifested. interaction, around the (1) ADVERTISER COP 8000000 networks. broken. CONVENTION ON THE construction of a society PROTECTION AND for peace and (1) ADVERTISER PROMOTION OF THE reconciliation. 800000 DIVERSITY OF CULTURAL Deterioration in EXPRESSIONS (2005) the cultural The attention of the identity and life Generate a critical Negative and harmful communities focuses on how A. protect and promote the habits of the sense of the TECHNOLOGICAL intercultural, to adapt to the new ways of diversity of cultural original usefulness and (1) VIDEO BEAM technological and life brought from the West and expressions. CULTUREE communities of relevance of (1) COMPUTER human dynamic neglect the preservation of Caquetá. technology in (1) USB TECHNOLOGICAL interactions. their identity and ways of E. promote respect for the communities. (1) COP 1,350,000 learning and developing in life. diversity of cultural TRANSPORT (1) COP 1,600,000 Forced displacement Conflicts are generated (2) TRIP GO AND (1) ALREADY HAS expressions and raise of the original between communities, RETURN CAQUETA TRANSPOSET awareness of their value at communities, product affecting harmony and the Implementation (5) AND TWO MORE COP 800,000 the local, national and Promote the international levels. of socio- willingness of its members to territorial cultural MUNICIPALITIES WATERTIGHT AND development of a environmental form an environment around management workshops FOOD culture of good living, pressures. peace that contribute to WATERTIGHT AND COP 800,000 where a democratic generating opinion in the FOOD ADVERTISING sense is integrated community through a 3 days COP 800,000 Absence of the State Power passes to other against the cultural democratic exercise of to generate organizations, social and organization of the diverse and inclusive ADVERTISING participation cultural control and balance is territory. interaction. (1) mechanisms. subject to private interests The incursion into the Exercise healthy and Artistic representation (3) HUMANS commercial, industrial The communities abandon F. Reaffirm the importance of organic cultural of the play "El Dorado (2) ACTOR COP and extractive sectors their worldview to a certain HUMANS the link between culture and Loss of knowledge exchange Colonizado" inviting 800,000 C / U into the territory and extent when carrying out (2) ACTOR development for all and indigenous mechanisms that reflection on the (1) DIRECTOR therefore the new practices that generate (1) DIRECTOR countries, especially worldview respect the barriers appropriation of the COP 800,000 economic models that environmental impacts, (2) MUSICIANS developing countries, and of autonomy and territory and care for its (2) MUSICIANS affect customs and breaking the integral bond support activities carried out identity. cultural conditions COP 8,000,000 worldviews. that unites them to the jungle. at the national and
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