UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw

Page created by Shane Collins
UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
 • founded in 1816
 • the largest university in Poland and the best research centre in the country
 • was granted research university status for 2020-2026
 • belongs to the top 3% of universities in the world according to global
   rankings such as Times Higher Education World University Ranking (THE),
   Quacquarelli Symonds World University Ranking (QS), Academic Ranking
   of World Universities (ARWU)
 • holds very good positions in international comparative evaluations of the
   quality of education: 19 programmes provided by UW have been listed in
   QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020; 12 subjects run by UW were
   ranked in the Shanghai Ranking of Academic Subjects 2020 (Physics was
   ranked 51-75 worldwide, Mathematics – 76-100)
 • belongs to the 4EU+ European University Alliance selected by the European
   Commission for funding in the ‘European Universities’ call for proposals,
   launched as part of the 2019 Erasmus+ programme
 • awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” title by the European Commission
   for adopting the principles of the European Charter for Researchers, which
   means that UW offers a friendly working environment and transparent
   recruitment procedure
 • distinguished by the European Commission for its participation in the
   Erasmus+ programme
UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
              FACTS & FIGURES
                              The 4EU+ Alliance is among the consortia
                              selected by the European Commission
                              for funding in the first pilot ‘European
                              Universities’ call for proposals, launched
                              as part of the 2019 Erasmus+ programme.

MEMBERS                           MISSION
• University of Warsaw,           The 4EU+ Alliance is based on a shared vision for
  POLAND                          a European University that embraces academic
• Charles University,             values, ensures equitable access to education,
  PRAGUE, CZECHIA/CZECH           and shapes the next generations of open-minded
  REPUBLIC                        and critical-thinking citizens to be ready to face and
                                  solve global challenges. The 4EU+ mission is to
• Heidelberg University,
  GERMANY                         develop a barrier-free and continuously deepening
                                  cooperation in education, research, mobility and
• University of Copenhagen,
                                  innovation within the Alliance. To achieve these
                                  goals, 4EU+ has defined a set of key actions:
• Sorbonne University,            • Setting up common research-based core
  FRANCE                            curricula,
• University of Milan,            • Defining and developing shared skills,
  ITALY                             competencies and values (Multilingualism, Data
                                    literacy, Critical thinking, Entrepreneurship, Social
                                  • Promoting student and staff mobility.
UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
I N 4 E U + , W E C A R RY O U T                     2 3 A S S O C I AT E D PA RT N E R S
W O R L D - C L A S S R E S E A R C H W IT H I N
                                                     • business organisations, including Cap
T H E F O L LO W I N G F O U R F L A G S H I P         Digital, SAP SE, Suez, and Ricoh,
                                                     • NGOs, among them European
• Health and demographic change in an                  Environment Bureau, and Robert
  urban environment,                                   Schuman Foundation,
• Europe in a changing world:                        • associations of entrepreneurs,
  Understanding and engaging societies,
                                                     • regional authorities: Cities of Warsaw,
  economies, cultures and languages,
                                                       Prague, Copenhagen and Rhein-Neckar
• Transforming science and society by                  Metropolitan Region.
  advancing information, computation and
• Biodiversity and sustainable development.

   4EUplusAlliance
   4EUplusAlliance

                                                   PARIS          HEIDELBERG

UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
• Faculty of Applied
• Faculty of Applied
  Social Sciences and
  Resocialisation               & FIGURES
• Faculty of Archeology
• Faculty of “Artes
                              UW is a public, comprehensive and research
                              intensive university. It provides education and
• Faculty of Biology
                              carries out research in the fields of humanities,
• Faculty of Chemistry
                              social and natural sciences, as well as numerous
• Faculty of Culture
                              interdisciplinary projects, including subjects
  and Arts
                              in medical or technical sciences.
• Faculty of Economic
                              7 500     employees
• Faculty of Education
• Faculty of Geography        40 500 students
  and Regional Studies
• Faculty of Geology          2 500     doctoral candidates
• Faculty of History
• Faculty of Journalism,      4 800 international students
  Information and Book        and doctoral candidates
• Faculty of Law and          UW is an institution open to the international com-
  Administration              munity. It aims to be an attractive and friendly place
• Faculty of Management       for international researchers and students. It is
• Faculty of Mathematics,     most popular among students from Belarus, China,
  Informatics and             France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine.
• Faculty of Modern           24 faculties
• Faculty of Oriental         30 academic and research units
• Faculty of Philosophy       4 Doctoral Schools
• Faculty of Physics
• Faculty of Polish Studies
• Faculty of Political
  Science and
                                • Doctoral School of Humanities
  International Studies
                                • Doctoral School of Social Sciences
• Faculty of Psychology
                                • Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences
• Faculty of Sociology
                                • Interdisciplinary Doctoral School
UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
The quality of education at UW is con-
firmed by the annual appraisals which        2 7 E N G L I S H - L A N G UA G E
show that the majority of students are       PROGRAMMES
satisfied with their selection of the uni-       •   American studies (1st, 2nd cycle)
versity and the education programme.             •   Archaeology (1st, 2nd cycle)
The University’s strongest points are: its
                                                 •   Chemistry (2nd cycle)
prestige, development opportunities, the
                                                 •   Cognitive Science (2nd cycle)
study environment. The quality of ed-
                                                 •   Data Science and Business
ucation is also confirmed by research                Analytics (2nd cycle)
conducted with the University’s gradu-
                                                 •   English Studies (1st, 2nd cycle)
ates. Results demonstrate that having
                                                 •   Environmental Management
a diploma from UW is a definite asset in             (2nd cycle)
the job market; 94% of respondents have
                                                 •   European Politics and Economics
found employment after graduation.                   (1st cycle)
                                                 •   Finance, International Investments
over 100 programmes of 1st, 2nd and                  and Accounting (1st cycle)
long cycle – uniform Master’s studies            •   Humanitarian Action (2nd cycle)
    27 English-language programmes           •        International Business Program
                                                     (2nd cycle)
    22 double degree programmes                  •   International Economics
    run by UW and international part-                (2nd cycle)
    ners                                         •   International Relations
                                                     (1st, 2nd cycle)
    interdisciplinary programmes that
                                                 •   International Studies in Philosophy
    enable students to develop their                 (1st cycle)
    curriculum individually                      •   Master in Food Systems
                                                     (2nd cycle)
programmes of doctoral studies in
4 Doctoral Schools                               •   Oriental Studies – Inner Asia:
                                                     Mongolian and Tibetan Studies
    each doctoral candidate has an                   (2nd cycle)
    opportunity to follow a complete             •   Physics (2nd cycle)
    learning pathway in English                  •   Political Science (1st, 2nd cycle)
                                                 •   Psychology (uniform Master’s
over 100 postgraduate programmes                     cycle)
    Master of Business Administration            •   Quantitative Finance (2nd cycle)
    (MBA) and Master of Law (LLM)                •   Sustainable Development
    programmes                                       (2nd cycle)
                                                 •   Teaching English to Young
Open University courses                              Learners (2nd cycle)
UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
UW is a Polish leader in attracting       R E S E A R C H O N S O C I A L LY
external funding for research – both      I M P O RTA NT I S S U E S
under the European Union and domes-       UW scientists conduct research on socially
tic grant schemes.                        important issues in cooperation with scientific
                                          centres from all over the world. In addition to the
3 800 academic teachers                   flagship programmes under the 4EU+ Alliance, such
                                          projects include those implemented within the EIT
2 500 doctoral candidates                 Food – European Knowledge and Innovation Com-
                                          munity in the food sector, which forms part of the
180 million EUR subsidies
                                          European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
for maintenance and development of
                                          UW has been a member of EIT Food since 2016.
didactic and research potential

                                          In 2018, UW also initiated a project under the frame-
1 600      projects financed from na-
                                          work of yet another EU Knowledge and Innovation
tional or international research grants
                                          Community – EIT Climate, whose objective is to
ca. 100 Horizon 2020 grants               mitigate and adapt to the consequences of climate
                                          change. In 2019, the university was awarded the
16 European Research                      status of project partner within EIT Raw Materials –
Council grants                            a raw materials community.

23   spin-off companies                                   “ E XC E L L E N C E I N IT I AT I V E –
                                                          R E S E A R C H U N I V E R S IT Y ”
1 000 international partners
                                                          Following the competition of the
                                                          Ministry of Science and Higher Edu-
680 universities that work with UW
                                                          cation entitled “Excellence Initiative
under bilateral agreements
                                                          – Research University”, the Universi-
100 international societies                               ty of Warsaw was granted research
and research networks with UW                             university status for 2020-2026. The
as a member                                               UW will receive 10% extra on a state
                                                          subsidy. This will boost the develop-
                                                          ment of 5 priority research areas
                                                          and the execution of 70 measures
                                                          specified in the application, includ-
                                                          ing programmes supporting the
                                                          development of employees, doctoral
                                                          candidates and students.
UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
UW continues to pursue the following strategic objectives:

• strengthening the position as a Poland’s leading research centre,
• gaining international recognition,
• maintaining its high ranking among the Central European universities and developing
  cooperation with the continent’s top universities,
• continuing a strong impact on its environment, in particular by addressing socially
  significant research topics.

M U LT I - A N N UA L                         I NT E G R AT E D D E V E LO P M E NT
D E V E LO P M E NT P L A N                   PROGRAMME
UW is implementing the multi-annual           2018 marked the beginning of the imple-
development plan “University of Warsaw        mentation of the university’s four-year
2016-2025.” Its main objective is:            Integrated Development Programme (ZIP).
• to enhance the potential of the
                                              The programme is designed to support
  humanities and social sciences and
  to integrate them into innovative           the comprehensive development of the
  experimental programmes,                    university and includes:

• to strengthen the international position    • development of new fields of study
  of the university and increase its role       and modification of existing curricula,
  in fostering social and economic            • enriching the range of curricula, courses
  transformations.                              and scholarship programmes for
To facilitate reaching of these goals, the      doctoral candidates,
programme includes the construction           • organization of classes and training
of new buildings and the expansion and          sessions to improve the skills
reconstruction of existing facilities.          of students and employees,
                                              • development of university management
                                                IT tools.
UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
– the 9th largest country in Europe, a member of the
European Union, the Schengen Area, the European
Higher Education Area and the Bologna Process

– the capital city of Poland, the political, economic,
social and cultural centre of the country, one of the
most dynamically developing cities in Europe

                  ADMISSIONS OFFICE

                  I NT E R N AT I O N A L R E L AT I O N S O F F I C E

                  O F F I C E F O R I NT E R N AT I O N A L R E S E A R C H A N D L I A I S O N

                  W E LC O M E P O I NT

                  U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA R S A W
                  Krakowskie Przedmieście Street 26/28
                  00-927 Warsaw
                  (+48) 22 55 20 000
                   UniWarszawski
                   fanpageUW
                                                                         UW Press Office © 2020
UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW - | University of Warsaw
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