University of Texas at Austin Conducts Orientation Session at DSMC
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P A R T N E R S H I P S I N E D U C A T I O N University of Texas at Austin Conducts Orientation Session at DSMC Science and Technology Commercialization Graduate Degree Now Offered at DSMC’s Fort Belvoir Campus CO L L I E J. JO H N S O N n December 16, 1995, Col. After two years of work, Knight and O William E. Knight, USA, extended an enthusiastic and long-awaited welcome to the first candidates for the Uni- versity of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) graduate degree in Science and Tech- nology Commercialization. Knight, the his staff pulled together many of the legal, logistical, and administrative details to make the new educational partnership between UT-Austin and DSMC a reality. An enthusiastic sup- porter of this joint educational venture from the onset, Knight stressed that Dean of College Administration and “partnership” was indeed the key Services at DSMC’s main Fort Belvoir word. “This is a perfect match for a campus, was joined by representatives partnership between UT-Austin and of UT-Austin and the DSMC Com- DSMC because UT is an innovator in mandant. Together, they conducted trying to bring technology to the mar- the first Virginia Orientation Session ketplace quickly. We [DSMC] are also for students enrolling in UT-Austin’s innovators in assisting the acquisition Science and Technology Commercial- reform effort, which is helping not ization Masters Program, which began only the federal government but, classes on January 26, 1996. specifically, the Department of Defense to work better, smarter, faster, and Making It’re here to learn this pro- Happen cess,” Knight told the assembled stu- This mutually beneficial educational dents, “and you’ve come to the right partnership was preceded by months place.” of rigorous preparation and restructur- ing on the part of UT-Austin and A Dream Come True DSMC. Realizing that a critical core of “A dream come true” is how the technology managers in the Washing- DSMC Commandant, Brig. Gen. ton, D.C. area could benefit from such Claude M. Bolton, Jr., USAF, a program, UT-Austin and DSMC described the UT-Austin/ developed and structured the curricu- DSMC educational partner- la, schedule, and facilities so that stu- ship. “From the beginning dents could remain on the job while when Bill Knight and I first pursuing a graduate degree in Science looked at the proposal, it and Technology Commercialization. sounded like a great idea, Of special note is the fact that this is because a lot of folks in this the first degree program UT-Austin area want to know how to do has offered totally outside the state of this type of work. And thanks Texas. to UT Austin, and the hard work of Johnson is Managing Editor, Program Manager, DSMC Press. 52 PM : MARCH-APRIL 1996
Bill and his staff, you, our students, pus.” He had generous praise for UT- Award for Excellence. Reciprocating, now have the opportunity to take this Austin, Knight and his staff, calling Sullivan presented Bolton with one of important step in achieving your grad- their joint cooperation “key to bringing the first UT-Austin/Fort Belvoir T- uate education goals. You are the rea- this graduate program altogether for shirts, commenting, “It’s one of the sons that we’ve worked so hard over all of you.” Referring to the increased shirts that hopefully many of our stu- the last couple of years to make this importance of dual use-technology dents also will wear to remember that educational partnership happen.” and how to get it to the marketplace, they’re part of a new group, an experi- he commended UT-Austin for being at ment, changing the learning processes Bolton went on to say that, “We the forefront educating the profession- in higher education.“ [DSMC] look at this as a grand oppor- al acquisition workforce in this vital tunity for the College, working with acquisition reform initiative. About the IC2 Institute UT-Austin, to bring the business of The Science and Technology Commer- technology and commercialization, Introducing Dr. Robert S. Sullivan, cialization graduate degree program together with the latest in learning the- Director, IC2 Institute, UT-Austin, has deeply embedded roots in UT- ories and classroom equipment, to Bolton presented him with a brass Austin’s IC2 Institute. Sullivan first your learning experiences on this cam- coin — the DSMC Commandant’s gave an overview of the Institute’s framework. The Institute’s acronym stands for “Innovation, Creativity, and Capital.” It was founded by Dr. George Kozmetsky, who had previously co-founded BRIG. GEN. CLAUDE M. BOLTON, JR., Teledyne Corporation COMMANDANT, DSMC, PRESENTS DR. — the large, multi- ROBERT S. SULLIVAN, DIRECTOR, IC 2 national, multi-busi- INSTITUTE, UT-AUSTIN, WITH A BRASS ness industry, with strong ties to the COIN REPRESENTING THE DSMC COM- defense industry tech- MANDANT’S AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE. nology base. THE OCCASION MARKED THE FIRST VIR- GINIA ORIENTATION SESSION OF UT- Kozmetsky, seeking to AUSTIN’S NEW MASTERS PROGRAM IN parley his past suc- SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMER- cesses and profits tak- CIALIZATION. (SEE INSET FOR COIN ing knowledge from CLOSE-UP.) the laboratory to the marketplace, plunged those assets into establishing the IC 2 Institute 17 years ago. As the IC2 Insti- tute Director, he looked at many issues including venture capital and start-up firms. “The IC2 Institute,” said Sullivan, “is now more than UT-Austin. In fact, its programs span the United States in terms of our activities within the Insti- tute. And one very important piece of the Institute is the Master of Science Degree in Science and Technology Commercialization, which we’re now focusing on. Ultimately, you’ll realize that it’s at the core of what we do.” Austin Technology Incubator Another important piece of the Insti- tute’s success, according to Sullivan, is Photo by Richard Mattox PM : MARCH-APRIL 1996 53
its Austin Technology Incubator, evolving all across the country includ- ence and technology. How do we do it which basically takes knowledge out ing Johnson Space Center, Houston, better? What would build a better of the laboratories, commercializes Texas; San Jose, California; Charleston, infrastructure? “It doesn’t do us any that knowledge, and sets up compa- South Carolina; and Bechtel, North good to discover something,” said Sul- nies. Currently, the Institute has about Las Vegas, Nevada. livan, “if we’re not getting the informa- 29 companies in its incubator; only tion out.” And that is where dissemina- two have failed. Global Alliances. The Institute plays a tion enters the picture. The bottom role networking commercialization line, according to Sullivan, is if a dis- “Our easy access to support structures processes and procedures around the covery does not go into the market and other infrastructures necessary for world. Its horizons extend from work- [dissemination] and society does not launching these companies has been ing military defense processes in the benefit, no wealth or prosperity shar- critical.” Sullivan went on to say that in Ukraine, to sharing technologies and ing results. Sullivan stressed that the Austin, the UT-Austin Technology processes in Cuba, to incorporating Institute wants to create social and cul- Incubator has directly created between software companies in Brazil into the tural enrichment. And to achieve that 800 and 1,000 jobs that are technolo- Austin Technology Incubator. end, all three processes — research, gy-based and high-paying. And the discovery, dissemination — are insepa- multiplier effect for that in terms of Telecommunications. The Institute rable. other related jobs is very significant for recognizes that the processes of com- the community. “In fact,” he acknowl- municating and learning are changing Summarizing his presentation, Sullivan edged, “two years ago, the Austin drastically. The goal is to distribute told the students the Institute’s prima- Technology Incubator was named the learning worldwide; provide individu- ry mission is to “enhance understand- top incubator in the United States.” als with the right knowledge when ing of the processes of creating eco- they need it and where they need it; nomic wealth and prosperity sharing. But That’s customize the information for cus- Clearly, this technology transfer pro- Not All tomers; and maintain a mutually satis- cess is at its heart. We want to not Sullivan continued his discussion of fying partnership with customers and only tell you what we know, we want the Institute with a recap on the amaz- institutions. to know more ourselves.” ing array of projects and services origi- nating from the Institute. Among Conferences, Seminars, Executive Sullivan referred to commercialization them: Programs. The Institute runs confer- as the core to the entire commercial- ences, seminars, and executive pro- ization process,.“...because we create Capital Network, TCN. This is a grams all over the world, including industry, take discovery, and get it to “matching mechanism” where the Russia and China, as well as major the market. It then creates wealth and Institute matches wealthy individuals cities in the continental United States. prosperity sharing — and we want to looking for investment opportunities increase the likelihood of teaching you with a technological industry suited to Focus for Tomorrow how to succeed in these areas as well their capital, risk, and other parame- Sullivan then outlined for the assem- as being successful at doing that our- ters. This Network has now become bled students exactly what the Insti- selves.” the largest of its kind in the United tute’s focus would be during their States, very successful, and completely graduate education: Focus on the self-sustaining. Forbes, Fortune, and Faculty Business Week have published articles Continual Transforming Process. Sullivan then introduced Professor highlighting the Network’s successes. “Focus on not only what skills are nec- Timothy W. Ruefli, Management Sci- essary today to carry out our jobs, ence and Information Systems Depart- Technology Commercialization Cen- develop a foundation or a process so ment, UT-Austin Business School. In ters. The National Aeronautics and that we’re continually transforming addition to his professorship at the Space Administration was the Insti- ourselves — not only trying to keep up Business School, Ruefli is an IC2 Insti- tute’s first experiment outside of with change, but actually causing tute Fellow and Frank C. Erwin Austin to bring the technologies in, change. We want to be at the fore- Endowed Centennial Professor. provide the best technology for the front.” market, provide an infrastructure and According to Ruefli, his primary support, and increase the likelihood of Research, Discovery, Dissemination. responsibility is to support the educa- the company’s success. The commer- These three areas are a vital part of the tional partnership between UT-Austin cialization process is now growing so Institute’s mission. Research and dis- and DSMC by coordinating faculty for rapidly that, according to Sullivan, the covery focus on the laboratory process the program, and promoting a rapport Institute could double its size and still — what it takes to be more successful between students and faculty that fos- not satisfy all the demand. Centers are in the process of commercializing sci- ters a thriving learning environment. 54 PM : MARCH-APRIL 1996
Welcoming the assembled students, Ruefli said, “This degree program is DR. ROBERT S. SULLIVAN designed for working professionals… Director, IC2 Institute We expect you will learn a lot from each other as part of the learning expe- The University of Texas at Austin rience. We’re bringing together a diverse group of people with r. Robert S. Sullivan became director of various experiences, and we promote interaction.” Ruefli went on to say that the overrid- ing focus of the course will be on sci- ence and technology as a key element D the IC2 Institute at The University of Texas at Austin on June 1, 1995. He has been an IC2 Fellow since 1987 and is now the IC2 Harry H. Ransom Centennial Fellow. He also serves as a member of the faculty of the UT-Austin Graduate School of Business and holds the J. Marion West Chair of organizational competitive strategy. for Constructive Capitalism. According to Ruefli, “We see science Sullivan was dean of the Graduate School and technology commercialization as of Industrial Administration (GSIA) at Carnegie management. In particular, his research has keys for organizations to reinvent Mellon University (CMU) from 1991-95 and is focused on network simulation, implementation themselves, as the basis for technology an adjunct professor in the Information Technol- strategies for computer integrated manufactur- entrepreneurship, and as the engine ogy Center in the CMU School of Computer ing, and job scheduling and sequencing. that drives the social and cultural Science. His publications have appeared in such enrichment resulting from economic Under his leadership, the ranking of GSIA journals as Management Science, Operations among business schools rose significantly. He led Research, The International Journal of Production wealth and prosperity sharing. The GSIA through complete reengineering of the Research, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, and ability to get things off the shelf and school’s educational and research programs. This Annals of Operations Research. He has written into the market is the key to competi- complex effort included the application of two books with colleagues: Service Operations tion, and rapid innovation is becoming advanced technology in the field of finance, a Management (McGraw-Hill, 1982) and Quanti- the key to survival.” focus on increasing manufacturing productivity, tative Systems for Business (Prentice-Hall, 1986), and the creation of experimental and distance accompanied by a software product of the same Masters Program Structure learning. The reengineering effort also encom- name, which has appeared in a number of ver- Ruefli promised the students a 12- passed development of one-of-a-kind innovative sions since the first publication. month program that will be an degree programs forged by combining GSIA’s Sullivan is a member of the editorial intense, perhaps painful experience. own resources with other Carnegie Mellon boards of two academic journals: Interfaces and The Institute will administer the pro- departments and those of other universities. the Journal of Manufacturing and Operations His administration stressed global educa- Management. He has served as chairman of The gram with a Friday/Saturday schedule, tional interactions, the application of technology Institute for Management Sciences (TIMS) Col- designed to let students work regular to the GSIA learning experience, “just-in-time lege on Production and Operations Management, hours and still continue their educa- learning,” entrepreneurship, and the commercial- chairman of the Special Interest Group in Manu- tion. He also spoke of communication ization of new technologies. facturing Management of the Operations skills and team building, two impor- From 1976 to 1991, Dr. Sullivan was on Research Society of America (ORSA), and chair- tant tools integrated into the curricula. the faculty at The University of Texas at Austin, man of the review panel for the Design and Speaking of the types of material cov- where he was Joe B. Cook Professor of Manage- Computer Integrated Manufacturing Program of ered in the program, Ruefli gave a brief ment and associate dean for research and aca- the National Science Foundation. He is a mem- review of the course material: demic affairs in the Graduate School of Business. ber of the Task Force on Business School Educa- He served as codirector of the Center for Tech- tion Committee of INFORMS (merger of TIMS • What is the technology transfer and nology Venturing, director of the Bureau of Busi- and ORSA), a member of the Advisory Board of ness Research, and associate director of the the Business School of the Adolfo Ibanez Univer- commercialization process? Manufacturing Systems Engineering Program in sity (Chile), and 1996 president of the Greater • What are the stages of commercial- the College of Engineering. Austin Quality Council. ization and why are they critical? Sullivan was the first professor in the His professional affiliations include the • How are innovation and creativity Management Department to win both the busi- American Institute for Decision Sciences, the stimulating? ness school’s undergraduate and graduate Institute for Management Sciences, and the • How do we create scientists with awards for teaching excellence. He was also Operations Management Association. entrepreneurial minds? involved in the design of the Manufacturing Sys- A graduate of Boston College in mathe- • How do we get scientists in the lab tems Engineering Program and was a lead faculty matics, Sullivan holds a master’s degree in pro- to work with people who can inte- member in the design of the Systems Manage- duction management and quantitative methods grate things into the market? ment MBA program, which was funded with a from Cornell University and a doctorate in opera- • How can technology markets be $2.7 million grant from the IBM corporation. tions management from Pennsylvania State Uni- Sullivan’s research interests center on versity. identified and defined? manufacturing systems management and project • What is the process of assessment, and how can capital expertise be PM : MARCH-APRIL 1996 55
accessed and applied to the com- ogy Commercialization Degree, Ruefli working with people. He noted that mercialization process? stated, “We don’t have a specific nar- Kozmetsky, co-founder of the C2 Insti- • How do we define the metrics of row channel that we’re aiming at. tute, will also be involved. performance and assess risk? We’re talking about managers or direc- • How do state and federal govern- tors of labs or technology divisions; Wrap-up ments support R&D and commer- leaders of technology-based compa- Concluding his remarks, Ruefli said cialization? What’s likely to happen? nies; and companies working with that the classes are small enough that How can we capitalize on this? Department of Defense, Department of instructors can accommodate a rea- • What is the impact of the legal sys- Energy, and the federal labs. We’re sonable amount of individual attention tem and intellectual property rights? aiming at consultants holding local, and focus. He then opened a student • What constraints are placed on state, and national positions with question-and-answer session, followed commercialization? industry consortia. We’re also looking by registration and a tour of the • What do you have to know to make at science and technology entre- Defense Systems Management College commercialization successful? preneurs themselves and technology library, Management Deliberation Cen- • How can you apply the commercial- venture capitalists.” ter, Learning Resource Center, and ization process as a competitive classrooms. weapon? Ruefli assured the students that UT- Austin had assembled an exceptional Editor’s Note: For further information, Potential Career Paths and group of faculty to teach the courses. prospective students should Course Instructors The instructors were selected for their call 1-800-218-6782 or E-Mail: Referring to the career paths available knowledge, eminent qualifications to to those with the Science and Technol- teach the subject matter, and skill in A R G E N T I N E D E F E N S E A T T A C H É V I S I T S D S M C n 18 January, 1996, we O welcomed Lt. Gen. Carlos Zabala, Argentine Defense Attaché, to the Defense Systems Management Col- lege (DSMC). Zabala’s visit was pre- cipitated by Secretary of Defense William J. Perry’s creation of the Argentine-U.S. Defense Bilateral Group in November of 1994 with the goal of cementing the close rela- tions that have developed between Argentina and the United States since the 1990 Gulf War, in which Argentina participated. Argentina is in the process of restructuring its defense policy making apparatus, LT. GEN. CARLOS ZABALA, ARGENTINE DEFENSE ATTACHÉ, which includes, but is not limited A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL to, the Ministry of Defense. They SECURITY AFFAIRS, AND MEMBERS OF THE COLLEGE STAFF have identified an urgent need for trained civilian defense REVIEW COURSE MATERIALS DURING THE ATTACHÉ’S ORIEN- experts. This was the primary focus of Zabala’s visit. They are TATION VISIT TO DSMC ON JANUARY 18, 1996. PIC- interested in sending students to DSMC as well as having DSMC send instructors to Argentina to reach a larger audi- TURED FROM LEFT: LT. COL. BEAUCHAMP, AIDE TO LT. GEN. ence at lower cost. This issue is likely to be central in the sec- ZABALA; COL. WILLIAM E. KNIGHT, U.S. ARMY, DEAN OF ond meeting of all the Ministers of Defense of the Southern COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES, DSMC; LT. GEN. Hemisphere scheduled for October in Argentina. Perry host- CARLOS ZABALA, ARGENTINE DEFENSE ATTACHÉ; PROFES- ed the first meeting, and will attend the second. SOR GIBSON LEBOEUF, HOLDER OF NAVY CHAIR, DSMC EXECUTIVE INSTITUTE; DR. FRED RUIZ-RAMON, INTERNA- Editor’s Note: LeBoeuf, whose native language is Spanish, TIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS, INTER-AMERICAN REGION. acted as official interpreter throughout the visit. 56 PM : MARCH-APRIL 1996 Photo by Richard Mattox
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