University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania; System

Page created by Dwight Henry
University Of Pittsburgh Medical
Center, Pennsylvania; System
Primary Credit Analyst:
Cynthia S Keller, New York + 1 (212) 438 2035;

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Table Of Contents

Rating Action

Stable Outlook

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University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Pennsylvania; System
Credit Profile
US$400.0 mil tax rev notes ser 2021C dtd 07/15/2021 due 12/31/2026
  Long Term Rating                                     A/Stable                             New
US$230.0 mil rev bnds (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) ser 2021A due 12/31/2051
  Long Term Rating                                     A/Stable                             New
US$50.0 mil rev bnds (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) ser 2021B dtd 07/15/2021 due 12/31/2051
  Long Term Rating                                     A/Stable                             New
Dauphin Cnty Gen Auth, Pennsylvania
UPMC Pinnacle, Pennsylvania
Dauphin Cnty Gen Auth (Pinnacle Health System)
  Long Term Rating                                     A/Stable                             Affirmed

Rating Action
S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'A' rating to Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority's $230 million
series 2021A bonds and Allegheny County Hospital Development Authority's $50 million series 2021B bonds, both
issued for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). We also assigned our 'A' rating to UPMC's $400 million
series 2021C taxable revenue notes that will be placed with Barclay’s Capital, Inc. We affirmed our long-term ratings
and underlying rating (SPUR) on various issuers' bonds issued for UPMC, as well as UPMC's taxable debt. Finally, we
affirmed our 'A' rating on various issuers' revenue bonds originally issued for Pinnacle Health System and Hanover
Hospital. The ratings and outlooks on UPMC Pinnacle and Hanover are on parity with the rating on UPMC because
UPMC assumed responsibility for their debt. The outlook on all ratings is stable.

Proceeds from the series 2021 bonds plus premium are expected to refinance various series of bonds outstanding and
reimburse UPMC for $160 million of prior capital expenditures. Pro forma debt is expected to be approximately $5.5
billion, which is in line with our expectations during UPMC's last review in April 2020. Because of robust cash flow in
fiscal 2020, UPMC's leverage metrics increased just incrementally, despite a $1 billion increase in debt between fiscal
years 2019 and 2020.

Credit overview
The rating reflects UPMC's very strong business position, including strategic benefits associated with its integrated
delivery and financing system (IDFS), expanding geographic coverage of Pennsylvania and into Maryland and western
New York, and healthy financial performance during the pandemic. After posting operating losses in fiscal years 2018
and 2019 (as calculated by S&P Global Ratings), UPMC realized the benefits of operating an IDFS as its insurance
companies broadly outperformed expectations with robust earnings due to enrollment growth and lower medical
claims because of patient behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. These strong earnings at the insurance plans more

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Summary: University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania; System

than offset losses in the provider division (hospitals, ambulatory care, and employed physicians), where volume was
well below expectations due primarily to the reduction of elective procedures and costs incurred to prepare to treat
COVID-19 patients.

UPMC also benefited from governmental support by recognizing $380 million of federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security (CARES) Act stimulus funds in its Dec. 31, 2020, financial statements. Additionally, UPMC received
$840 million of Medicare advance payments and added $2 billion in cash from lines of credit and term loans to its
balance sheet to bolster liquidity. Management repaid the lines of credit, but still has four term loans outstanding that
have become part of its permanent debt structure. Although unrestricted reserves are currently robust, we expect that
balances will decline as UPMC uses internal reserves to fund its significant capital projects in the coming years. We
consider the benefits of the Medicare advance payments in our liquidity analysis but remove these proceeds from our
calculations of unrestricted reserves.

From May through December UPMC's admissions have hovered around 95% of 2019 levels. Surgeries have been more
volatile and exceeded 2019 levels in June, July, and September before UPMC was hit with a surge of COVID-19
patients in late October through year-end. Emergency department visits have not rebounded, which is consistent with
national trends; however, to the extent that this drop reflects patients with nonurgent issues, the organization should
benefit financially. UPMC expects volume will incrementally improve through fiscal 2021, although actual financial
results could be influenced by subsequent surges, availability and recognition of additional stimulus funds, the
willingness of patients to continue to seek care, and investment market performance.

The rating also incorporates a one-notch positive adjustment reflecting UPMC's size, scale, and growth trajectory that
we believe is more consistent with an 'A' rating. These strengths have been important during the pandemic, as UPMC
has been able to shift resources among regions during surges and benefited from enrollment growth at many of its
insurance plans, which provided a stable revenue source despite volume declines.

The rating reflects our assessment of UPMC's:

• Large geographic footprint and leading market presence in many of the regions it serves;

• Benefits of operating an IDFS that provides a natural hedge between the insurance and provider business lines;

• Remarkably low average age of plant (AAP) from robust capital spending, which is expected to continue;

• Extremely well-funded defined-benefit pension plan; and

• Continued opportunities for growth-related system synergies and cost improvements.

In our view, partially offsetting rating factors include UPMC's:

• Recently material increase in debt, leading to continued moderately high leverage;

• Thin, although improved, unrestricted reserves relative to operating expenses;

• Below-median margins, cash flow, and debt service coverage (DSC);

• Significant routine and strategic capital plans, although the low AAP provides some spending flexibility; and

• Highly competitive Pennsylvania service areas.

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Summary: University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania; System

The stable outlook reflects UPMC's strong integrated and diversified market presence, which provides a cushion for
recently soft, but improving, financial performance. Although there are continued uncertainties associated with the
pandemic, UPMC's healthy 2020 cash flow has helped offset balance-sheet strain associated with the additional debt
issued in 2020 and should also help absorb softer budgeted fiscal 2021 financial results.

Environmental, social, and governance factors
We analyzed UPMC's environmental and governance risks relative to its economic fundamentals, market position, and
management and governance, and the corresponding effects on its financial profile, and determined that all are in line
with the industry. While governance risk is in line with peers, UPMC has particularly strong disclosure to the market
and has built a healthy integrated delivery system that provides a good platform for strategic diversity and growth.
System leadership and governance remain committed to opportunistic expansion and strategic investments, which we
have factored into our analysis. Since our last review, UPMC has appointed a new chief financial officer (CFO),
following retirement of the previous CFO. Given the deep leadership bench, the transition to an internal candidate was
very smooth and we would expect the same after the recent resignation of the physician head of UPMC's provider

We also view UPMC's social risk to be in line with our view of the sector. Although COVID-19 exposed UPMC's acute
care-related businesses to additional health and safety-related social risks that have dampened revenue growth and
required increased costs to care for patients with COVID-19, UPMC's health plans prospered during the pandemic and
offset this risk.

Stable Outlook
Upside scenario
We believe UPMC's enterprise profile could support a higher rating or favorable outlook revision if accompanied by a
continued trend of positive operating income and cash flow sufficient to return financial metrics closer to median

Downside scenario
We could consider a negative outlook with a return to persistently negative operating margins through the outlook
period that fail to generate around 2.5x DSC. Any material weakening of the balance sheet could also pressure the
rating or outlook unless there is a commensurate increase in unrestricted reserves. We could also consider a lower
rating if the financial and economic repercussions from the pandemic are too significant to absorb at the current rating
level. We view UPMC's enterprise profile, with ample geographic diversity and substantial market presence, as a
stabilizing rating factor.

Related Research
• Through The ESG Lens 2.0: A Deeper Dive Into U.S. Public Finance Credit Factors, April 28, 2020

 Ratings Detail (As Of March 17, 2021)

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Summary: University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania; System

Ratings Detail (As Of March 17, 2021) (cont.)
Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) SYSTEM
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
Allegheny Cnty Hosp Dev Auth, Pennsylvania
Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr, Pennsylvania
Allegheny Cnty Hosp Dev Auth (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
Allegheny Cnty Hosp Dev Auth (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) hosp
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
  Unenhanced Rating                                       NR(SPUR)
Allegheny Cnty Hosp Dev Auth (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) hosp
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
  Unenhanced Rating                                       NR(SPUR)
Allegheny Cnty Hosp Dev Auth (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) hosp rev bnds
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
  Unenhanced Rating                                       NR(SPUR)
Allegheny Cnty Hosp Dev Auth (University Pittsburgh Medical Center) (MBIA) (National)
  Unenhanced Rating                                       A(SPUR)/Stable                       Affirmed
Dauphin Cnty Hosp Auth, Pennsylvania
UPMC Pinnacle, Pennsylvania
Dauphin Cnty Hosp Auth (Pinnacle Hlth Sys) hlth sys rev bnds (Pinnacle Hlth Sys)
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
General Auth of Southcentral Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania
UPMC Pinnacle Hanover, Pennsylvania
Southcentral Pennsylvania General Auth (Hanover Hosp)
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
Maryland Hlth & Hgr Ed Facs Auth, Maryland
Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr, Pennsylvania
Maryland Hlth & Hgr Ed Facs Auth (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) rev bnds (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) ser 2020B due
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
Monroeville Fin Auth, Pennsylvania
Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr, Pennsylvania
Monroeville Financing Authority (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) rev bnds
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
Pennsylvania Econ Dev Fing Auth, Pennsylvania
Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Econ Dev Fing Auth (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) rev bnds (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) ser 2020A-1 due
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
Pennsylvania Econ Dev Fing Auth (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) taxable rev bnds (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) ser 2020A-2 due
  Long Term Rating                                        A/Stable                             Affirmed
Pennsylvania Econ Dev Fing Auth (Univ of Pittsburgh Med Ctr) SYS

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Summary: University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania; System

 Ratings Detail (As Of March 17, 2021) (cont.)
  Long Term Rating                                                   A/Stable                                      Affirmed
 Many issues are enhanced by bond insurance.

Certain terms used in this report, particularly certain adjectives used to express our view on rating relevant factors, have specific meanings ascribed
to them in our criteria, and should therefore be read in conjunction with such criteria. Please see Ratings Criteria at for
further information. Complete ratings information is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect at All ratings affected by this rating
action can be found on S&P Global Ratings' public website at Use the Ratings search box located in the left column.

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