University Curriculum Committee

Page created by Luis Bush
University Curriculum Committee
Minutes | December 8, 2022 | 3:00 PM | via Zoom

Members Attended: Mohamed Askar, Keith Bradshaw, Suzie Campbell, Grant Corser, Katie Englert, Scott Knowles, Katya
Konkle, Erich Mueller, Kristin Wiggins (for Andrew Burroughs), Jared Wilcken

Members Not Present: Ken Hall (excused), Joel Judd, James Sage (excused), SUUSA Representative

Guests: Sean Heiner, Shalini Kesar, Celesta Lyman, Glen Sagers

   I.   Approval of prior meeting minutes (November 10, 2022)
            A. Approved unanimously
  II.   Curriculum Proposals
            A. College of Engineering & Computational Sciences
                    1. Curriculum Proposals
                           a) New Programs
                                    i. Cybersecurity with Information Assurance - Cybersecurity Strategy Emphasis
                                   ii. Cybersecurity with Information Assurance - Management Emphasis (MS)
                                 iii.  Uncrewed Aircraft Operator (Certificate of Proficiency) (must remove upper-
                                       division courses)
                           b) Program Modifications
                                    i. Aviation Administration and Leadership (BA/BS)
                                   ii. Data Science (Certificate)
                                 iii.  Mathematics - Actuarial Science Emphasis (BS)
                                  iv.  Mathematics - Applied Mathematics Emphasis (BS)
                                   v.  Mathematics - Pure Mathematics Emphasis (BS)
                           c) New Courses
                                    i. AVTN 1131 - Introduction to UAS
                                   ii. AVTN 1136 - UAS Intermediate Flight Lab
                                 iii.  AVTN 2516 - Uncrewed Aircraft Mission Lab
                           d) Course Modifications
                                    i. AMTA 1300 - AMT - Airframe 3 (semesters offered)
                                   ii. AMTA 1400 - AMT - Airframe 4 (semesters offered)
                                 iii.  AMTA 1600 - AMT - Airframe 6 (semesters offered)
                                  iv.  AMTG 1200 - AMT - Intro AV General (semesters offered)
                                   v.  AMTG 1300 - AMT - General 1 (semesters offered)
                                  vi.  AMTG 1400 - AMT - General 2 (semesters offered)
                                 vii.  AVTN 3310 - Human Factors & Safety (semesters offered, prerequisites)
                                viii.  AVTN 3430 - ADM - Crew Resource Management (semesters offered,
                                  ix.  AVTN 3520 - Quality Innovation Systems Thinking (number from 3500,
                                   x.  AVTN 3640 - Aeromedical (semesters offered, prerequisites)
                                  xi.  AVTN 4020 - Aviation Economics (semesters offered, prerequisites)
                                 xii.  CSCY 1000 - Introduction to Computer Applications and the Internet (prefix from
                                                                 UCC Minutes for December 8, 2022 | Prepared December 9, 2022 | p. 1
xiii.   CSCY 1030 - Foundations of Computer Science (prefix from CSIS)
     xiv.    CSCY 1100 - Outreach Computing Projects (prefix from CSIS)
      xv.    CSCY 3990 - Undergraduate Research (prefix from CSIS)
     xvi.    CSCY 4830 - Reading and Conferences (prefix from CSIS)
    xvii.    CSCY 4850 - Special Topics (prefix from CSIS)
   xviii.    CSCY 4880 - Community Engagement (prefix from CSIS)
     xix.    CSCY 4890 - Internship (prefix from CSIS)
      xx.    CSCY 2100 - Spreadsheet Applications (course equivalency)
     xxi.    CSIA 6000 - Foundations of CSIA (title, description)
    xxii.    CSIA 6040 - Cybersecurity Project Management (title, transcript title,
    xxiii.   CSIA 6060 - Cybersecurity Risk Management (title, transcript title)
    xxiv.    CSIA 6200 - Incident Response Preparedness (title, transcript title, description)
     xxv.    CSIA 6310 - Cybersecurity Policies and Compliance (title, transcript title)
    xxvi.    CSIA 6320 - Cybersecurity and Enterprise Frameworks (title, transcript title,
   xxvii.    CSIA 6330 - Cybersecurity Auditing (description, semesters offered)
  xxviii.    CSIA 6500 - Capstone/Internship Experience (title, transcript title, description,
             schedule type, grading method, credits, contact hours, repeatability)
     xxix.   CSIA 6510 - Thesis (description, credits, contact hours, repeatability)
      xxx.   CSIA 6850 - Special Topics in Cybersecurity (title, transcript title, description,
             semesters offered, repeatability, registration restrictions)
     xxxi.   CYBR 3400 - Practical Cryptography (course equivalency)
    xxxii.   CYBR 3500 - Network Administration (course equivalency)
   xxxiii.   CYBR 3650 - System Administration II (course equivalency)
   xxxiv.    EET 1730 - Electronic Devices I (prerequisites)
    xxxv.    EET 2780 - Digital Electronics I (prerequisites)
   xxxvi.    MATH 3140 - Applied Statistics (number from 2140, prerequisites) (needs a
             different course number as well as updated syllabus)
  xxxvii.    MATH 3190 - Fundamentals of Data Science (description, semesters offered,
e) Course Deletions
          i. CS 1040 - Introduction to Programming with MatLab
         ii. CSIS 1010 - E-Commerce in a Global Society
       iii.  CSIS 1200 - Digital Citizenship
        iv.  CSIS 1320 - ePortfolios
         v.  CSIS 1330 - Social Media
        vi.  CSIS 2010 - Computer Applications
       vii.  IS 2620 - Linux Administration
      viii.  IS 3100 - Systems Analysis and Design
        ix.  IS 3300 - Practical Cryptography and Trusted Systems
         x.  IS 3620 - Network Administration and Management
f) Voting
          i. Motion to approve all College of Engineering & Computational Sciences
             curriculum proposals: Katie Englert
         ii. Second: Scott Knowles
       iii.  Discussion:
                 a. The CSIA program will be modified to 30 credits (from 33 total). Some of
                     the courses also have name changes to better align with industry
                     standards. The program has gone back to two emphases to make the
                     program more forward-thinking (the department may add more

                                   UCC Minutes for December 8, 2022 | Prepared December 9, 2022 | p. 2
emphases in the future) and to collaborate with other departments
                                  across SUU. They are currently collaborating with the School of Business
                                  in the MBA program and have seen success with that emphasis. More
                                  students across the cybersecurity industry are doing internships instead
                                  of 6-credit capstones of a thesis or project. The program will also start
                                  working with Academic Partnerships so they will be changing their
                                  courses to the 7-week format.
                              b. The changes to the prerequisites in the EET courses are to allow
                                  Avionics students to be able to enroll without taking additional
                              c. The course deletions for CS, CSIS, and IS courses are to clean up courses
                                  that have been replaced by other offerings or haven’t been offered in
                              d. The three new AVTN courses will be in the proposed Uncrewed Aircraft
                                  Operator certificate. They are based off of current courses. Current
                                  students in the AAS will be taught out using the current courses and
                                  new students will take the new proposed courses.
                              e. Many disciplines can use uncrewed aircraft but it still is an aviation field
                                  so there is specific knowledge and training required. This training will
                                  allow students to safely and properly operate drones. The program
                                  already has a lot of students from other disciplines participating in this
                              f. Q: Why isn’t upper-division allowed in certificates? (A: There is a USHE
                                  rule, as outlined in the R401 regulation, that no certificates can have
                                  entry prerequisites or upper-division requirements. The idea is that
                                  upper-division is generally reserved for upperclassmen and certificates
                                  are supposed to be entry-level programs. If it were an institutional
                                  certificate then we could have upper-division courses listed but because
                                  it requires USHE approval, they will not accept the certificate of
                                  proficiency if it is submitted as-is. Katya and James will work with Sean
                                  offline to adjust the R401 proposal.)
                              g. Q: Will adding prerequisites slow students down in graduation? (A: It
                                  was not a concern at the college level.)
                      iv.  Approved unanimously
B. College of Health Sciences
       1. Curriculum Proposals
               a) New Courses
                        i. NFS 4000 - Dietetic Professionalism I
                       ii. NFS 4100 - Exploring Culture in Nutrition
                     iii.  NFS 4150 - Exploring Culture in Nutrition Lab
                      iv.  NFS 4240 - Food Sustainability Seminar
                       v.  NFS 4481 - Community Nutrition: Dietetics
                      vi.  NFS 4991 - Senior Seminar: Dietetics
                     vii.  NFS 6000 - Dietetic Professionalism II
                    viii.  NFS 6020 - Nutritional Biochemistry: Macronutrients
                      ix.  NFS 6030 - Nutritional Biochemistry: Micronutrients
                       x.  NFS 6040 - Nutrition Counseling and Communication: Dietetics
                      xi.  NFS 6050 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I
                     xii.  NFS 6060 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II
                    xiii.  NFS 6200 - Food Science
                    xiv.   NFS 6205 - Food Science Lab

                                                   UCC Minutes for December 8, 2022 | Prepared December 9, 2022 | p. 3
xv.  NFS 6250 - Foodservice
     xvi.  NFS 6300 - Management in Dietetics
    xvii.  NFS 66993 - Capstone Project III (need clarification on number)
   xviii.  NFS 66994 - Capstone Project IV (need clarification on number)
     xix.  NFS 66995 - Capstone Project V (need clarification on number)
      xx.  NFS 6991 - Capstone Project I (need clarification on number)
     xxi.  NFS 6992 - Capstone Project II (need clarification on number)
b) Course Modifications
        i. NFS 1000 - Introduction to Dietetics (title, transcript title, description, semesters
       ii. NURS 4361 - Evidence Based Practice for the RN to BSN (semesters offered,
      iii. PE 1088 - Fitness Center (schedule type)
c) Course Deletions
        i. NFS 1240 - Introduction to Food Preparation
       ii. NFS 1245 - Introduction to Food Preparation Lab
      iii. NFS 4200 - Food Science
      iv.  NFS 4205 - Food Science Lab
d) Voting
        i. Motion to approve all College of Health Sciences curriculum proposals with
           friendly amendments as discussed below: Keith Bradshaw
       ii. Second: Katie Englert
      iii. Discussion:
               a. The new NFS courses are for the new MS in Nutrition and Dietetics. The
                    programmatic accreditation body, ACEND, has approved the curriculum
                    but the program is still waiting for full approval of the program itself.
               b. Friendly amendment: Add “s” to the “Dietetic” in NFS 4991’s title and
                    transcript title.
               c. Friendly amendment: Change NFS 6693, 6694, and 6695 to 6993, 6994,
                    and 6995 respectively.
               d. Q: How are the capstones different? (A: They are taken in sequence. In
                    the first semester of the program, students are in Capstone I for 1 credit
                    and the courses build on each other from there. Students continue to
                    build on their capstone project which culminates in the final capstone
                    course in their final semester.)
               e. Q: Should the capstones have each other as prerequisites? (A: The
                    department would support that, but it would likely not make much of a
                    difference because of how the program is structured. If any student fails
                    a capstone course, they would need to have some sort of individualized
                    course created to retake that course but would still need to continue in
                    the program.)
               f. Q: How many students will be in the program? (A: The capacity is a
                    maximum of 15 students a year.)
               g. Q: Some of the syllabi and proposals are incomplete when it comes to
                    learning outcomes and associated information. (A: For the accreditation
                    visit, they only required the course name, a description, how it will meet
                    the accreditor’s knowledge requirements, and a 14-week calendar. The
                    department was focused on meeting the accreditor’s requirements.
                    When all of the faculty are in place and the courses are ready to be
                    offered to students, all of that information will be complete.)
      iv.  Approved unanimously (with friendly amendments)

                                   UCC Minutes for December 8, 2022 | Prepared December 9, 2022 | p. 4
C. School of Business
       1. Curriculum Proposals
               a) Course Modifications
                       i.  ECON 3150 - Principles of Economics (number from 4260)
                      ii.  ECON 4150 - Advanced Economics (number from 4270)
                     iii.  FIN 3400 - Entrepreneurial Finance (prerequisites) (awaiting
                           clarification/confirmation on change to prerequisite minimum grade)
                     iv.   FIN 3750 - Investments (prerequisites) (awaiting clarification/confirmation on
                           prerequisite minimum grade)
               b) Course Deletion
                       i.  ECON 6000 - Foundations of Economics
               c) Voting
                       i.  Motion to approve all School of Business curriculum proposals: Katie Englert
                      ii.  Second: Erich Mueller
                     iii.  Discussion:
                                a. Q: What is the issue with the prerequisite minimum grade? (A: These
                                    courses have listed “C-” as the minimum grade needed for their
                                    prerequisites, which would make them outliers in the School of
                                    Business. It’s the Provost’s Office’s understanding that in the Business
                                    programs students do not need to meet minimum grades for each
                                    course but rather have a minimum overall GPA in order to graduate.
                                    Having “C-” instead of the regular “D-” could potentially cause issues for
                                    some students.)
                     iv.   Approved unanimously
D. College of Education & Human Development
       1. Curriculum Proposals
               a) Course Modifications
                       i.  SCED 3180 - Instructional Technology (prerequisites, registration restrictions)
                      ii.  SCED 3720 - Content Area Literacy (prerequisites, registration restrictions)
               b) Voting
                       i.  Motion to approve all College of Education & Human Development curriculum
                           proposals: Scott Knowles
                      ii.  Second: Suzie Campbell
                     iii.  Approved unanimously
E. College of Humanities & Social Sciences
       1. Curriculum Proposals
               a) Program Modifications
                       i.  Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)
               b) New Courses
                       i.  PSY 6400 - Advanced Social Psychology
                      ii.  PSY 6520 - Clinical Practicum
                     iii.  PSY 6810 - Rural Mental Health and Substance Use
                     iv.   PSY 7200 - History and Systems
               c) Course Modifications
                       i.  ACEN 3040 - Advanced Oral Fluency and Accuracy (credits, contact hours)
                      ii.  INDS 4900 - Special Topics (prerequisites)
                     iii.  PSY 2010 - Psychology as a Science and Profession (prerequisites)
                     iv.   PSY 6610 - Development through the Lifespan (semesters offered)
                      v.   PSY 7100 - Memory and Cognition (semesters offered)
                     vi.   PSY 7450 - Biological Bases of Behavior (semesters offered)

                                                   UCC Minutes for December 8, 2022 | Prepared December 9, 2022 | p. 5
vii.   WGS 4890 - Women and Gender Studies Internship (number from 4010,
                            schedule type, grading method)
               d) Voting
                        i. Motion to approve all College of Humanities & Social Sciences curriculum
                           proposals: Grant Corser
                       ii. Second: Scott Knowles
                     iii.  Discussion
                               a. The program modification to the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies is
                                   to include an additional fourth required course in the core, but this
                                   change will not change the credit totals required for graduation.
                               b. The UCC will continue to see new PSY courses for another year or so as
                                   the PsyD program builds its requirements.
                               c. The changes to the WGS Internship course are to bring it in line with
                                   other internship courses (such as using the appropriate schedule type
                                   and common course number, and changing the grading to Pass/Fail to
                                   be consistent with Policy 6.3).
                      iv.  Approved unanimously
F. College of Performing & Visual Arts
       1. Curriculum Proposal
               a) Program Modifications
                        i. Dance (Minor)
                       ii. Theatre Arts Education (BA/BS)
                     iii.  Theatre Design and Production (BFA)
               b) New Courses
                        i. MUSC 2160 - Songwriting I
                       ii. MUSC 3160 - Songwriting II
                     iii.  MUSC 4323 - Audio Recording II
                      iv.  THEA 2612 - Scenic Technology
                       v.  THEA 2622 - Costume Technology
                      vi.  THEA 2632 - Lighting, Sound, and Video Technology
                     vii.  THEA 3622 - Advanced Scenic Painting
                    viii.  THEA 3632 - Vectorworks
               c) Course Modifications
                        i. DANC 1520 - Cross-Cultural Dance (contact hours)
                       ii. MUSC 1180 - Survey of Music Technology (number from 4180, description,
                           semesters offered)
                     iii.  MUSC 3200 - Athletic Band (semesters offered, credits, contact hours)
                      iv.  MUSC 3210 - Brass Ensemble (credits, contact hours)
                       v.  MUSC 3220 - Woodwind Ensemble (credits, contact hours)
                      vi.  MUSC 3230 - String Ensemble (credits, contact hours)
                     vii.  MUSC 3240 - Percussion Ensemble (credits, contact hours)
                    viii.  MUSC 3241 - Advanced Percussion Ensemble (credits, contact hours)
                      ix.  MUSC 3242 - Drumline (credits, contact hours)
                       x.  MUSC 3250 - Piano Ensemble (credits, contact hours)
                      xi.  MUSC 3260 - Pit Orchestra (credits, contact hours)
                     xii.  MUSC 3320 - Wind Symphony (credits, contact hours)
                    xiii.  MUSC 3323 - Audio Recording I (title, transcript title, prerequisites)
                    xiv.   MUSC 3330 - Jazz Ensemble (credits, contact hours)
                     xv.   MUSC 3340 - Luminosa Treble Choir (title, transcript title, description, credits,
                           contact hours)
                    xvi.   MUSC 3350 - Opus Chamber Choir (credits, contact hours)

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xvii.   MUSC 3360 - Concert Choir (credits, contact hours)
   xviii.   MUSC 3370 - Opera/Musical Theatre (credits, contact hours)
     xix.   MUSC 3380 - Symphony Orchestra (credits, contact hours)
      xx.   MUSC 3390 - Alternate Currents Performance Ensemble (description, credits,
            contact hours)
     xxi.   THEA 1613 - Theatrical Production (semesters offered)
    xxii.   THEA 1641 - Theatrical Production Lab (semesters offered)
   xxiii.   THEA 1813 - Design Analysis (semesters offered)
   xxiv.    THEA 2513 - Theatrical Design (title, transcript title, description, semesters
            offered, prerequisites)
     xxv.   THEA 2553 - Scenic Painting (semesters offered)
    xxvi.   THEA 3533 - Costume Design (number from 4363, description, prerequisites)
   xxvii.   THEA 3553 - Lighting Design (number from 4353, prerequisites)
  xxviii.   THEA 3563 - Scenic Design (number 4343, prerequisites)
    xxix.   THEA 3571 - Portfolio (semesters offered)
     xxx.   THEA 3573 - Sound Design (number from 4373, prerequisites)
    xxxi.   THEA 4223 - Design Collaboration (number from 3223, title, transcript title,
d) Voting
      i.  Motion to approve all College of Performing & Visual Arts curriculum proposals:
          Scott Knowles
     ii.  Second: Grant Corser
    iii.  Discussion
              a. Theatre Arts Ed – students will select two of the three courses in the
                  Supplemental Production Coursework section
              b. New MUSC courses will support the new Commercial Music BM
              c. New THEA courses are to create permanent courses for courses that
                  have been taught as Special Topics previously.
              d. All MUSC ensemble changes are to offer a 0-credit option in order to
                  better allow students who are maxed out in their credits to participate
                  in the ensembles without having them pay additional tuition.
              e. THEA modifications are to more accurately reflect semesters offered
                  and/or prerequisites to have students better progress toward
              f. Q: Most students who register for the ensembles will likely end up
                  taking the course for 0 credits. How will the department tackle that? (A:
                  The department is aware of this issue and they will be using majors
                  meetings at the beginning of each semester to inform students,
                  academic advisors, and better awareness of the ensemble directors. For
                  any graduation problems, the department is aware that they may need
                  to waive the requirements.)
              g. Q: Other than too many credits, why would a student register for 0
                  credits? Will they have different duties? (A: It doesn’t change their role
                  in the ensemble.)
              h. Q: Can students participate in the ensembles without being registered?
                  (A: We currently have students in this position and the department is
                  having issues tracking them. The students also don’t have access to
                  Canvas for the ensembles. Additionally, students can now be failed if
                  they fail to participate, unlike now.)
    iv.   Approved unanimously

                                  UCC Minutes for December 8, 2022 | Prepared December 9, 2022 | p. 7
G. College of Sciences
       1. Curriculum Proposals
               a) New Program
                       i. Communicating Science (Minor) Tabled until January 2023
               b) Program Modifications
                       i. Physics Teacher Education (Minor)
               c) New Courses
                       i. ENVS 1000 - Introduction to Environmental Science
                      ii. ENVS 2000 - Selected Field Trip
                     iii. ENVS 3000 - Research Methods in Environmental Science
                     iv.  ENVS 4000 - Selected Field Trips
                      v.  ENVS 4800 - Senior Capstone
                     vi.  GEOG 3300 - Biogeography
               d) Course Modifications
                       i. BIOL 1615 - General Biology Lab I (description)
                      ii. GEO 1110 - Exploring Earth: Introduction to Geology (title, transcript title,
                     iii. GEO 3010 - Environmental Geology (description, prerequisites)
                     iv.  GEO 3610 - Hydrology (description, prerequisites)
                      v.  GEOG 3110 - The Earth from Space: Introduction to Remote Sensing
                          (description, semesters offered)
                     vi.  GEOG 3115 - The Earth from Space: Introduction to Remote Sensing Lab
                          (description, semesters offered)
                    vii.  GEOG 3350 - Geomorphology (prerequisites)
               e) Course Deletions
                       i. GEOG 3300 - World Political Geography
                      ii. GEOG 3620 - Geography of North America
               f) Voting
                       i. Motion to approve all College of Sciences curriculum proposals with friendly
                          amendments: Katie Englert
                      ii. Second: Keith Bradshaw
                     iii. Discussion
                              a. ENVS 1000 was approved by GE Committee on 12/7/2022 as a new
                                  Physical Sciences Knowledge Area option.
                              b. The other new ENVS/GEOG courses will be taught by new departmental
                              c. GEOG 3300 is recycling a course number. The Registrar’s Office
                                  recommends not reusing this course number but selecting something
                                  else to keep Banner data as clean as possible. 3270 is used by some
                                  other USHE institutions.
                                     I.    Friendly amendment: Change the number for GEOG 3000
                                           Geomorphology to 3270.
                              d. Q: What does “advanced standing” mean in the ENVS 4000 course
                                  description? (A: “Advanced standing” is intended to signal that the
                                  course is for majors who are more advanced/further along in the
                                     I.    Friendly amendment: Given the lack of a specific definition and
                                           potential confusion among students, UCC recommends
                                           removing this phrase from the description of ENVS 4000.

                                                 UCC Minutes for December 8, 2022 | Prepared December 9, 2022 | p. 8
e. ENVS 1000 is being included as a prerequisite option for several of the
                                           course modifications to open up options for students, especially those
                                           in the new Environmental Studies and Environmental Science programs.
                                iv.  Approved unanimously (with friendly amendments)
III.   Curriculum Information Items
           A. College of Sciences
                   1. Unit Name Change: Department of Physical Science to Department of Chemistry and Physics
                          a) The new name better reflects the content of the programs and courses the department
IV.    Adjourned at 4:09 PM

                                                          UCC Minutes for December 8, 2022 | Prepared December 9, 2022 | p. 9
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