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UNITÀ FORMATIVA TITOLO Get PET Corso di inglese per insegnanti Livello B1 SCUOLA PROPONENTE I.I.S. J.F. KENNEDY
Prima edizione Lezione 1 - Mercoledì 19/4/2017 Presentazione corso Test d’ingresso Speaking: presentazione dei partecipanti Pronunciation: attività di lettura ad alta voce da svolgere a casa, inviando la registrazione all’insegnante, il quale fornirà un feedback. Homework: pronunciation, reading e vocabulary Lezione 2 - Mercoledì 26/4/2017 Grammar: verbs tenses revision Listening Part 1: ascolto di brevi dialoghi e identificazione di informazioni generali attraverso domande con risposte a scelta multipla (1 esatta e 2 distrattori) Speaking Part 1: domande personali su famiglia, interessi, ecc. Writing Part 1: trasformazione di frasi Homework: pronunciation, writing Part 1, grammar, reading e vocabulary Lezione 3 - Mercoledì 3/5/2017 Grammar: non-defining relative clauses Listening Part 2: ascolto di un monologo o di un’intervista e identificazione di informazioni specifiche attraverso 6 domande con risposte a scelta multipla (1 esatta e 2 distrattori) Speaking Part 2: Interagire con un compagno riferendosi ad una situazione simulata, con l’aiuto di un foglio illustrato; si devono fare proposte, chiedere opinioni, esprimere preferenze ed arrivare ad una decisione finale concordata. Writing Part 2: Scrivere un messaggio di 35-45 parole in forma di cartolina, nota o email, nel quale vengono utilizzate funzioni linguistiche (scusarsi, proporre un luogo per un appuntamento, fare un invito, accettare, rifiutare, ecc.) Homework: pronunciation, writing Part 1, grammar, reading e vocabulary Lezione 4 - Mercoledì 17/5/2017 Grammar: defining relative clauses Listening Part 3: ascolto di un monologo con un esercizio del tipo gap-fill, finalizzato all’interpretazione di informazioni specifiche. Speaking Part 3: descrizione di una fotografia Writing part 3 Letter: stesura di una lettera della lunghezza di 100 parole nella quale vengono sviluppati la capacità di organizzare il contenuto, l’uso funzionale della lingua e il vocabolario specifico. Homework: pronunciation, writing Part 1, grammar, reading e vocabulary Lezione 5 - Mercoledì 24/5/2017 Grammar: If clauses types 0 and 1 Listening Part 4: Ascolto di un dialogo con esercizio del tipo vero/falso, finalizzato alla comprensione degli atteggiamenti e delle opinioni dei parlanti. Speaking part 4: conversazione in coppia con domande personali sullo stimolo oggetto della Part 3 Writing part 3 Story: stesura di un racconto della lunghezza di 100 parole nella quale vengono sviluppati la capacità di organizzare il contenuto, l’uso funzionale della lingua e il vocabolario specifico. FORMATO UNITA’ FORMATIVA Pag 2 di 6
Homework: pronunciation, writing Part 1, grammar, reading e vocabulary Lezione 6 - Mercoledì 31/5/2017 Grammar: Periodo ipotetico di tipo 2 Listening: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Speaking: Part 1 e Part 2 Writing: Part 2 Homework: pronunciation, writing Part 1, grammar, reading e vocabulary Lezione 7 - Mercoledì 13/9/2017 Grammar: Periodo ipotetico di tipo 3 Writing: Parts 2, 3 (letter) Speaking: Part 1, 2 Homework: pronunciation, writing Part 1, grammar, reading e vocabulary Lezione 8 - Mercoledì 20/9/2017 Grammar: Passive voice con tutti i tempi verbali e con modali Writing: Parts 2, 3 (story) Speaking: Parts 2, 3 Homework: pronunciation, writing Part 1, grammar, reading e vocabulary Lezione 9 - Mercoledì 27/9/2017 Grammar:Passive voice con costruzione personale (doppio accusativo) Writing: Part 3 (letter and story) Speaking: Parts 3, 4 Homework: pronunciation, writing Part 1, grammar, reading e vocabulary Lezione 10 - Mercoledì 4/10/2017 Grammar: Passive voice del tipo have st done Listening: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 Reading: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Writing: Part 1 Compilazione questionario di gradimento Seconda edizione Lezione 1 - Lunedì 6/11/2017, h. 14:30 - 17:30 Presentation of the course Entry test Speaking: presentazione dei partecipanti Pronunciation: attività di lettura ad alta voce da svolgere a casa, inviando la registrazione all’insegnante, il quale fornirà un feedback. Homework: pronunciation, reading e vocabulary Lezione 2 - Mercoledì 8/11/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Grammar: verb tenses revision Listening Part 1: this part contains a series of short unrelated extracts, of approximately 30 seconds each, from monologues or exchanges between interacting speakers. There is one multiple choice question per text, each with three options. Speaking Part 1: Part 1 gives candidates the opportunity to show their ability to use general FORMATO UNITA’ FORMATIVA Pag 3 di 6
social and interactional language and to give basic personal information about themselves. The questions which are asked relate to the candidates’ own lives and focus on areas such as work, leisure time and future plans. Candidates are expected to respond to the interlocutor’s questions, and to listen to what their partner has to say Writing Part 1: Part 1 consists of a text in which there are eight gaps (plus one gap as an example). Each gap represents a missing word or phrase. The text is followed by eight sets of four words or phrases, each set corresponding to a gap. Candidates have to choose which one of the four words or phrases in the set fills the gap correctly. Lezione 3 - Lunedì 13/11/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Grammar: Word collocation Listening Part 2: This part tests candidates’ ability to listen and locate specific information and stated opinion, from a single long text, and produce written answers by completing gapped sentences. Texts may be broadcasts, talks or classroom presentations Speaking Part 2: In Part 2, candidates are given the opportunity to speak for 1 minute without interruption. Each candidate is asked to compare two colour photographs, and to make a further comment about them in response to a task that is read out by the interlocutor. A prompt is given to the candidates in the form of a direct question; this is written above the photographs. Candidates are expected to point out similarities and differences between the photographs and then move on to deal with the question, answering it with reference to both photographs Writing Part 2 - article: In Part 2, candidates have a choice of tasks. The questions are general questions, based on a range of topics, such as health and fitness, sport, music and so on. The tasks may include any of the following task types: an article, an informal or formal letter or email, a report, a review. Lezione 4 - Mercoledì 15/11/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Grammar: Word formation (prefixes and suffixes) Listening Part 3: In this part, candidates listen to five short texts, each with a different speaker, which are related in some way. For example, they may all be speaking about aspects of the same subject, such as travel, or about similar experiences, such as journeys. Candidates choose the option from a set of eight, which matches what each speaker says. Speaking Part 3: In Part 3, candidates are asked to respond to a written stimulus which forms the basis for a discussion. They are given a discussion question, together with five written prompts designed to help candidates by providing ideas for their discussion. Candidates are expected to answer the question by exploring the different prompts. Writing part 2 - informal or formal letter or email Lezione 5 - Lunedì 20/11/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Grammar: phrasal verbs Listening Part 4: In Part 4, the main focus is on testing the candidates’ ability to listen for opinion, attitude, gist, main idea and specific information. The seven questions in this part of the paper take the form of 3-option multiple-choice questions. The questions follow the order of the interaction on the recording. Texts are usually interviews or discussions featuring two speakers. Speaking part 4: In Part 4, the interlocutor directs the interaction by asking questions which encourage the candidates to discuss further and broaden the topics introduced in Part 3. The questions differ from Part 1 in that they ask primarily for an evaluation rather than for information. This part of the test gives candidates an opportunity to show that they are capable of discussing issues in more depth than in the earlier parts of the test. Writing part 2 - review FORMATO UNITA’ FORMATIVA Pag 4 di 6
Lezione 6 - Mercoledì 22/11/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Grammar: Word transformation Reading Part 1: Part 1 consists of a text in which there are eight gaps (plus one gap as an example). Each gap represents a missing word or phrase. The text is followed by eight sets of four words or phrases, each set corresponding to a gap. Candidates have to choose which one of the four words or phrases in the set fills the gap correctly Reading Part 2: Part 2 consists of a text in which there are eight gaps (plus one gap as an example). Candidates are required to draw on their knowledge of the structure of the language and understanding of the text in order to fill the gaps. In this part, as there are no sets of words from which to choose the answers, candidates have to think of a word which will fill the gap correctly Listening parts 1, 2, 3, 4 Speaking part 1 Lezione 7 - Lunedì 27/11/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Grammar: Reported speech Reading Part 3: Part 3 consists of a text containing eight gaps (plus one gap as an example). At the end of some of the lines, and separated from the text, there is a stem word in capital letters. Candidates need to form an appropriate word from given stem words to fill each gap. Reading Part 4: Part 4 consists of six questions (plus an example). Each question contains three parts: a lead-in sentence, a key word, and a second sentence of which only the beginning and end are given. Candidates have to fill the gap in the second sentence so that the completed sentence is similar in meaning to the lead-in sentence. The gap must be filled with between two and five words, one of which must be the key word. The key word must not be changed in any way Listening parts 1, 2, 3, 4 Speaking part 2 Lezione 8 - Mercoledì 29/11/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Grammar: Passive Voice Reading Part 5: In this part, there is an emphasis on detailed understanding of a text, including the expression of opinion, attitude, purpose, main idea, detail, tone, implication and gist. Candidates are also tested on their ability to recognise meaning from context and follow text organisation features, such as exemplification, comparison and reference. Reading Part 6: Part 6 consists of one text, for example an extract from a magazine, from which six sentences have been removed and placed in jumbled order after the text, together with a seventh sentence which does not fit in any of the gaps. Candidates are required to decide from where in the text each sentence has been removed. Each sentence may be used only once, and there is one sentence that candidates do not need to use. The task tests understanding of how texts are structured. Listening parts 1, 2, 3, 4 Speaking part 3 Lezione 9 - Lunedì 4/12/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Reading Part 7: Part 7 consists of one long text or up to six shorter texts, preceded by ten questions. Candidates are required to locate the specific information which matches the questions. To do this, they need to understand detail, attitude or opinion in the question and locate a section of text where that idea is expressed, discounting ideas in other sections which may appear similar but which do not reflect the whole of the question accurately. Some of the options may be correct for more than one question. Listening parts 1, 2, 3, 4 FORMATO UNITA’ FORMATIVA Pag 5 di 6
Speaking part 4 Lezione 10 - Mercoledì 6/12/2017, h. 15:00 - 18:00 Listening Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 Reading: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Speaking Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 FORMATO UNITA’ FORMATIVA Pag 6 di 6
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