2019-2020 Developing Excellence Plan - Flanderwell Primary School - Flanderwell Primary ...

Page created by Beverly Hale
2019-2020 Developing Excellence Plan - Flanderwell Primary School - Flanderwell Primary ...
Flanderwell Primary School

Developing Excellence Plan

     “Every child, every minute, every hope”
2019-2020 Developing Excellence Plan - Flanderwell Primary School - Flanderwell Primary ...

Review of school performance KS1 and KS2 2018/19………….page 3

Developing Excellence Plan 2019/20…………………………….page 19

Early Years review of performance and action plan…………….page 62

 - Staff tasks towards DEP implementation……………………page 41
 - Sport’s funding document 2019/20…………………………..page 45
 - Pupil premium action plan 2019/20………………………….page 50
 - Summary SEF 2019/20……………………………………… page 56

2019-2020 Developing Excellence Plan - Flanderwell Primary School - Flanderwell Primary ...
Review of school

2019-2020 Developing Excellence Plan - Flanderwell Primary School - Flanderwell Primary ...
Y1 Progress and Attainment 2018/19
 7 SEN:      Historical data: On entry to FS1 2016   Historical data: on exit to FS2 2018    Attainment Summer       Attainment Y1B 2019    Attainment Y1E 2019
pupils; 9                                                                                     2019 whole cohort
PP pupils
% RWM                         %             %                     %             %                        %                      %                       %
                                                                                            % expected   exceeding    % ARE     Exceeding    % ARE      Exceeding
  exp:        % below      expected     exceeding    % below      expected      exceeding
 Maths          40            60            0          11            89            29          96            30        91          36        100           25
Reading         56            44            0          16            84            33          91            37        86          41         96           33
Writing         60            50            0          16            84            19          91            22        86          18         96           25
 SPAG                                                                                          87            22        77          18         96           25
   SEN                                                                                         71            0          0           0         50            0
   SEN                                                                                         71            0         50           0        100            0
   SEN                                                                                         57            0         25           0        100            0
   SEN                                                                                         57            0         25           0        100           0
  Maths                                                                                        96            40        92          46        100           33
  Maths                                                                                        95            19        89          22        100           33
 Reading                                                                                       92            40        85          54        100           25
 Reading                                                                                       90            33        89          22         92           41
 Writing                                                                                       86            19        78          11         92           25
 Writing                                                                                       96            24        92          23        100           25
Spag Girls                                                                                     81            19        67          11         92           25
Spag Boys                                                                                      92            24        85          23        100           25
  Maths                                                                                       100            33       100          33        100           33
 Reading                                                                                       89            44        67          33        100           50
 Writing                                                                                      100            22       100           0        100           33
SPAG PP                                                                                        57            0         25           0        100            0

2019-2020 Developing Excellence Plan - Flanderwell Primary School - Flanderwell Primary ...
Y1 Progress and Attainment:


   % school passing phonics screen               % national passing phonics screen              % PP (school) passing phonics
   Y1 2019                                       Y1 2019                                        screen Y1 2019
                 85%                                            82%                                           89%

  The % pupils passing the phonics test is above national (an improvement on 2018).
  Very good progress has been made from the end of EYFS to the end of Y1 in reading and writing and maths at Expected and Greater Depth.
  At the expected standard, there are no significant gaps between the performance of boys and girls.

 Implications for future action:
      •    Improve progress rates in maths for this cohort and for Y1 2020.
      •    Close gaps in performance in performance at GDS in favour of boys for this cohort.
      •    Improve outcomes in SPAG for PP pupils.

2019-2020 Developing Excellence Plan - Flanderwell Primary School - Flanderwell Primary ...
Y2 Progress and Attainment 2018/19
 SEN: 5      Historical data: On entry to FS1     Historical data: on exit to FS2       Attainment            Attainment         Attainment Y2S      Attainment Y2
pupils; 7                  2015                                2017                   Summer 2018 y1         Y2G/Sh 2019               2019           whole cohort
PP pupils                                                                                 cohort
% RWM                       %            %                    %            %                     %                    %                   %
                                                                                         %       exceeding   % ARE   Exceeding   % ARE   Exceeding   % ARE   % GDS
exp:76%      % below     expected    exceeding   % below      expected    exceeding
  Maths        41          59           10          7            93          10         86           14       75       46         88       28         82       37
 Reading       51          49           10         14            86          21         83           24       83       42         84       28         84       35
 Writing       51          49           10         14            86          19         86           19       83       42         84       28         84       35
  SPAG                                                                                  76           17       63       29         80       29         63       26

   SEN                                                                                  40           0        25        0         86        0         64       0
   SEN                                                                                   0           0        50        0         57        0         55       0
   SEN                                                                                   0           0        50        0         57        0         55       0
SEN SPAG                                                                                 0           0        36        0         25        0         43       0
  Maths                                                                                 87           13       70       40         88       29         81       33
  Maths                                                                                 84           16       79       50         88       25         82       41
 Reading                                                                                83           30       78       30         76       29         80       30
 Reading                                                                                84           16       86       50        100       25         91       41
 Writing                                                                                89           16       85       50        100       25         91       41
 Writing                                                                                83           22       80       30         76       29         78       30
Spag Girls                                                                              79           11       71       36        100       25         82       32

Spag Boys                                                                               74           22       50       20         71       29         63       26

 Maths                                                                                 100           20       67       63         80       40         75       50
Reading                                                                                 40           40       67       67         40       40         50       50
 Writing                                                                                40           20       86       50         60       40         63       50
SPAG PP                                                                                                       67       33         40       40         50       38

2019-2020 Developing Excellence Plan - Flanderwell Primary School - Flanderwell Primary ...
Comparisons with national:
                                                                              Working at Greater Depth within
                          Working at the Expected Standard
   Key Stage 1                                                                    the Expected Standard
                               School                   National                 School           National
    Reading                     84%                      75%                      35%               25%
    Writing                     84%                      69%                      35%               15%
  Mathematics                   82%                      76%                      37%               22%
   R, W & M                     76%                      65%                      35%               11%

          *Please note mid-term assessments are only undertaken for a small number of pupils who have raised concern.

    •   Outcomes for expected and greater depth are well above national in all areas, including at Greater Depth. Good progress was made from the end of FS2 in reading and writing. Progress
        was slower in mathematics. The progress of more able pupils was very good in all areas.
    •   12 new pupils arrived in Y2 over the academic year.

Implications for future action:
     •    Increase progress rates in maths at KS1.
     •    Narrow gap in attainment in reading and writing in favour of girls for this cohort.

Y3 Progress and Attainment 2018/19
 SEN: 9      Historical data: On entry to    Historical data: on exit to FS2    End of KS1 2018       Attainment       Attainment      Attainment
pupils; 11            FS1 2014                            2016                                     Summer 2019 Y3W    Summer 2019     Summer 2019
PP pupils                                                                                                                 Y3C        whole cohort Y3

% RWM         %          %           %        %         %           %          % Exp       % GDS    % Exp   % GDS    % Exp   % GDS   % Exp    % GDS
exp:85%      below    expected   exceeding   below     expected    exceeding
 Maths        53        47           9        11          89          39        92          41       97      48       88      42      92       45
Reading       53        47           9        13          87          30        86          41       97      41       83      42      91       46
Writing       53        47           9        11          89          37        88          37       86      41       73      27      85       40
 SPAG                                                                           80          33       86      31       83      17      85       25
  SEN                                                                           50           0      100       0       25      0       56        0
  SEN                                                                           33           0       80       0       0       0       44        0
  SEN                                                                           33           0       40       0       0       0       22        0
  SEN                                                                           11           0       22       0       0       0       20        0
 Maths                                        15          85          25        92          37       93      57       82      36      88       48
 Maths                                         8          92          50        93          44      100      40       92      46      96       43
Reading                                       20          80          20        79          29       93      36       73      37      84       36
Reading                                        8          92          38        93          52      100      47       92      47      96       46
Writing                                        4          96          50        96          41       93      47       92      46      93       46
Writing                                       20          80          20        79          33       73      27       92      46      93       46
  Spag                                                                          81          33       93      27       92      15      93       21
  Spag                                                                          79          33       76      28       73      18      79       36
  Maths                                                                         93          44      100       0       71      29      82       18
 Reading                                                                        80          40      100       0       72      43      82       27
 Writing                                                                        90          30       75       0       71      14      73        9
SPAG PP                                                                         60          30       40       0       0       0       73        0
*Please note mid-term assessments are only undertaken for a small number of pupils who have raised concern. There were 5 new pupils in y3 compared to the end of Y2.

          Y3 pupil progress and attainment
          Outcomes are strong at the end of Y3 in reading, writing and maths and the Expected standard and at Greater Depth. Boys and PP perform less well compared to girls
          in SPAG and boys perform less well in maths and reading compared to girls, although girls perform exceptionally well. Progress is good from starting points.

Implications for future action:

              •    Accelerate the progress of PP pupils in this cohort in all areas.
              •    Accelerate the progress of boys and PP in SPAG for this cohort.
              •    Continue to improve writing attainment for this cohort in order to narrow gaps with starting points.

Y4 Progress and Attainment 2018/19
 14 SEN:     Historical data: On entry to     Historical data: on exit to    Attainment    Attainment   Attainment          Attainment        Attainment Y4
pupils; 15            FS1 2013                        FS2 2015              End KS1whole    end of Y3    Y4c 2019           Y4 K 2019        whole cohort 219
PP pupils                                                                    cohort 2017
 % Exp                   %           %                %          %          %      %       %      %            %          %      %                    %
                                                                                                 GDS     %    Exceeding   ARE    Exceeding   % ARE    Exceeding
RWM: 79       %       expected   exceeding    %      expected   exceeding   Exp    GDS     Exp          ARE
             below                           below
  Maths       73        27          0          9       91           24      94      34     94     36    100      37        92      31          96       34
 Reading      56        44          0         14       86           35      81      38     86     40    93       33        81      35          87       34
 Writing      58        42          0         14       86           31      83      19     88     28    89       33        81      19          85       36
  SPAG                                                                      83      23                  100     33        77       27         89        30
   SEN                                                                      71       0     77     0     100     0         83        0         93         0
   SEN                                                                      29      0      62     0     75     12.5       33       0          57        7
   SEN                                                                      29      0      54     0     63       0        33       0          50        0
   SEN                                                                      29      0      54     0     100      0        33       0          71        0
  Maths                                                                     91      24     96     29    100     27        100      33         100       30
  Maths                                                                     96      42     92     42    100     50        86       29         92        39
 Reading                                                                    71      19     79     21    87      20        75       25         81        22
 Reading                                                                    88      36     92     58    100     50        86       29         92        39
 Writing                                                                    88      27     96     42    100     50        93       36         96        42
 Writing                                                                    77      10     79    12.5   80      20        67       0          74        11
Spag Girls                                                                  88      34                  100     50        86       43         92        46
Spag Boys                                                                   76      10                  100     20        67        8         85        15
  Maths                                                                     82       0     91     9     100     17        78        0         87         7
 Reading                                                                    82      18     91     21    100     17        67       0          80        7
 Writing                                                                    55      0      91     18    67      17        67       0          67        7
SPAG PP                                                                     55      0                   100      0        33       0          71        0

*Please note mid-term assessments are only undertaken for a small number of pupils who have raised concern. There were 8 new pupils in y4 compared to the end of Y2.

          Y4 pupil progress and attainment
          Outcomes are strong at the end of Y4 in reading, writing and maths and the Expected standard and at Greater Depth. Boys and PP perform less well compared to girls
          all areas, most notably in writing. Progress is good from starting points (end of KS1) in all areas and for combined RWM.

Implications for future action:

              •    Accelerate the progress of PP pupils in this cohort in writing and SPAG in particular.
              •    Accelerate the progress of boys in this cohort so that the gap in attainment compared to girls is narrowed in all areas, particularly in writing and in particular for
                   the Y4K cohort.

Progress and Attainment: Year 5 2018/19
7 SEN pupils; 17         Historical data: Entry to        Historical data: Exit to           End of KS1 2016                                        Attainment 2018                                                     Attainment 2019
PP Pupils                     FS1 2012/13                       FS2 2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Y5C % GDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Y5H % Exp

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Y5C % Exp
                                                                                                                                                                               Y4F % Exp

                                                                                                                                                         Y4L % Exp
                                                                                                                   % (Greater

                                                % above

                                                                                  % above

                                                                                            % Below
                       % below

                                                             % below




                                                                                                                                             % GDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 % GDS

                                                                                                                                                                                            Y4F %
                                                                                                                                                                      Y4L %
                                                                                                                                 % Exp

                                                                                                                                                                                                     % Exp



 Maths                 83            17         0           13         87         33        0               87      29          88          35          88           33       88           36       83           35         82           39    85          31
Reading                72            28         0           16         84         47        2               87      36            84          45          79         42         88         48       81           48         82          43     81          54
Writing                64            36         0           13         87         31        4               78      22          76          29          71           17       80           40       72           33         75           39    69          27
Spag                                                                                        4               78      42          82          35          75           25       88           44       72           35         75           39    69          31
SEN maths                                                                                   0               50       0          43          0           50           0        33           0        25            0         50           0      0           0
SEN reading                                                                                 25              50       0          43          0           50           0        33           0        13            0          0           0     25           0
SEN writing                                                                                 50              25       0          0           0           0            0        0            0        0             0          0           0      0           0
SEN spag                                                                                    50              50       0          43          0           50           0        33           0        0             0          0           0      0           0
Maths Boys                                                                                  0               79      25            81          31          79         21         83         42       74          22          77          23     71          21
Maths Girls                                                                                 0               95      33          96          39            100        59       92           31       93           48         92           39    93          57
Reading Boys                                                                                4               89      25          81          35          79           27       83           42       70           33         69           39    71          29
Reading Girls                                                                               0               95      48          87          57          80           60       92           54       93           63         93           57    92          69
Writing Girls                                                                               4               96      33            91          39          90         30         92         46       89           32         93          57     85          46
Writing Boys                                                                                4               63      13          62          19          57           7        67           33       56           15         57          21     54           8
Spag Girls                                                                                  5               95      57          91          44          90           40       92           46       89           52         93           57    85          46
Spag Boys                                                                                   4               67      29          73          27          64           14       83           42         56         19         57           21    54          15
Pupil Premium                                                                               0               77      12          82          24          80           20       86           27         79         16         75          12.5   82          18
Pupil premium                                                                                6              76      12          76          18          70           10       86           27        79          32         75          25     82          37
Pupil premium                                                                               12              59       6          76          12          80           10       71           14        63          11         63          12.5   64          19
Pupil Premium                                                                               12              59      18          82          35          70           10       86           27        68          11         63          12.5   73            7

               Y5 pupil progress and attainment (see also table below showing progress over time)
               Outcomes are good at the end of Y5 in reading, writing and maths and the Expected standard and at Greater Depth. Boys and PP perform less well compared to girls all
               areas, most notably in writing and SPAG. Gaps in attainment between boys and girls in favour of girls have not been sufficiently narrowed over the academic year.
               Progress is good from starting points (end of KS1) in all areas at Greater Depth but progress has been slower at Expected (see table below).

     Implications for future action:

                   •         Accelerate the progress of PP pupils and boys in this cohort in writing and SPAG in particular.
                   •         Improve attainment levels at the expected standard.

*Please note mid-term assessments are only undertaken for a small number of pupils who have raised concern. There were 13 new pupils in y5 compared to the end of Y2.

Progress and Attainment: Year 6 2018/19
    SEN=13 pupils,     Historical data: On entry to      Historical data: exit to                Historical data: end of                                Attainment 2018                                Attainment 2019
  .PP= 16 pupils       FS2 2012/13                       FS2 2013                                      KS1 2015
10 NEW pupils added

                                                                                                                                                                    % GDS Y5H

                                                                                                                                                                                           % GDS Y5C

to year group in y6, 3


                       % below

                                                         % below

                                                                                                                                                         % AS Y5H

                                                                                                                                                                                % AS Y5C
                                                                                            % Below
of which were SEN and


                                                                                                                                             % GDS





                                                                                                                                                                                                                  % GDS
3 PP.

                                                                                                                                  % AS

                                                                                                                                                                                                       % AS

 Maths                    69         31        0              11     89            29                 2     89          29         83         34          79           31          87         37          90         32
 Reading                  59         41        0              11     77            33                 4     89          33         86         44          79           41          94         44          83         17
 Writing                  62         38        0              23     77            13                 7     77          13         78         32          76           34          80         30          92         31
 spag                                                                                                                              76         39          76           41          77         37          86         39
 SEN maths                                                                                            17    50           0         30          0          25           0           33          0           62         15
 SEN reading                                                                                          33    33           0         50          0           0           0           33          0           54         8
 SEN writing                                                                                          50     0           0         20          0           0           0           33          0           69         15
 SEN spag                                                                                                                          20          0           0           0           33          0           54         8
 Maths Boys                                                                                           5     87          32         79         38          69           39          88         38          84         42
 Maths Girls                                                                                          0     95          26         87         30          88           25          86         36          96         21
 Reading Boys                                                                                         10    82          32         79         38          69           39          88         38          77         29
 Reading Girls                                                                                        0     96          35         93         47          94           43          93         50          86         4
 Writing Girls                                                                                        0     92          27         87         40          88           44          86         36          96         29
 Writing Boys                                                                                         14    64           5         69         24          62           23          75         25          87         33
 Spag Girls                                                                                                                        83         43          88           44          79         43          93         43
 Spag Boys                                                                                                                         69         35          62           39          75         31          81         32
 Maths Pupil                                                                                          0     90          20         92         23          100          0           88         38          88         12.5
 Reading Pupil                                                                                        0     80          10         92         23          100             0        88         38          81         12.5
 Writing Pupil                                                                                        0     70          10         85         15          100             0        75         25          88         13
 Spag Pupil                                                                                                                        77         23          100             0        63         38          81         25
       Evaluation of impact:
       The majority of pupils perform at a level that is in line with age related expectations in maths, reading, writing and spag. The proportion pupils performing below age related has
       decreased over the year in maths writing and SPAG, but increased slightly in reading: however this is a cohort that has experienced a significant level of mobility with 10/60 pupils new to
       Y6 in Y6. The % progress from entry to school in FS2 to end of y5 is outstanding in maths and writing. The % pupils working as higher ability pupils increased for the cohort since end of
       FS2 and from end of KS1 in maths and writing, which was the focus of school action. Outstanding progress has been made for the cohort from entry to school in 2012.
       Issues for action:
       Pupils struggled to complete the reading SAT paper and some pupils who had performed well throughout their y6 year failed to make both expected standard or greater depth standard. This
       was the case for both boys and girls, those who were new to our school in y6 but also some who were not. The school needs to accelerate the progress of pupils in reading by improving
       school-wide strategies for developing fluency and stamina in reading.

Working at Greater         Average Scaled       •      Outcomes were significantly above national at Expected in writing
                     Working at the
                                             Depth within the              Score            and maths and well above national in reading, GPS and RWM combined.
  Key Stage 2      Expected Standard
                                            Expected Standard                               •      Outcomes were above national at GDS in writing, maths, GPS.
                  School      National     School      National       School    National
                                                                                            •      Combined RWM AS for PP was above national for all pupils (69%)
   Reading         83%         73%          15%          27%           104        104
    Writing        92%         79%          31%          20%
  Mathematics      90%         76%          25%          27%           107        105
     GPS           86%         78%          39%          36%           107        106
   R, W & M        80%         65%          10%          10%

                                                                      PROGRESS END OF KS2 2019

This was a challenging Y6 cohort with high mobility in upper KS2, however outcomes were strong represented significant achievement and progress over time:

 All pupils      On entry to FS2   Exit to KS1 2015   Attainment Y6      % progress (+/-)   % progress (+/-) entry   Progress score
                     2012                             2019               entry FS2 to end   end of KS1 – end of
                                                                         of KS2             KS2
                % EXP       %      %       %          % EXP    %         % EXP       %       % EXP        % GDS
                           GDS     EXP     GDS                 GDS                   GDS
 Reading         41%       %0      89%     %23        81%      13%       +40%        +13%      -8%        -10%           0 (-1.7-1.5)
 Writing         38%       0%      77%     13%        92%      31%       +54%        +31%     +15%        +18%          2.9 (1.5-4.4)

 Maths           31%       0%      89%     29%        90%      32%       +59%        +32%     +1%         +3%           2.1 (0.7 – 3.4)

                                                                                                                                                  RWM combined
                                                                                                                                        outcomes were well above
                                                                                                                                        national for all pupils and pupil
                                                                                                                                        premium pupils (national 65%),
                                                                                                                                        however not significantly above
                                                                                                                                        as pupils performed less well than
                                                                                                                                        expected in reading compared to
                                                                                                                                        teacher assessment.

Pupil at the end of KS2 2019 performed well compared to national expected in all areas and in writing and maths at Greater Depth. Boys outperformed national in all areas. Girls
performed well at expected but below national at GDS in reading and maths.

Overall, attainment is strong in all areas with greater depth in reading an area for improvement.
Implications for future action:

    •    Continue to raise attainment in reading in order to accelerate progress rates so that attainment at GDS is in line with writing and maths
    •    Target support for pupils in the 2019/20 Y6 cohort who have not yet securely age related in RWM,
    •    Continue to raise the attainment of pupil premium pupils in all areas for the Y6 2019/20 cohort.

Group Analysis Whole School 2019 Y1 – Y5

•   Overall, pupils perform at Expected well above national. They perform less well in writing compared to other aeas.
•   Boys perform less well in reading and writing across school compared to girls.
•   Pupil Premium pupils achieve well in maths but the English gap with their peers needs to continue to close in 2020.
•   BME pupils (35 in total) perform well compared to Non BME pupils.
Foundation subjects assessments 2018/19:
               % Art   %           %         % Design     %       % RE    %         %           % French   PE
                       Geography   History   and          Music           Science   Computing
Y1 %           76/17   96/0        97/0      93/4         100/0   96/0    91/7      93/4                   91/6
Y2 %           86/2    78/4        80/4      86/2         92/0    86/6    86/18     93/0                   88/10
Y3 %           74/27   80/17       74/24     76/24        98/2    85/15   89/33     81/19       89/7       72/28
Y4 %           100/0   100/0       100/0     100/0        81/19   100/0   100/0     100/0       100/0      77/22
Y5 %           78/12   73/19       77/15     46/19        96/4    89/8    81/31     69/19       92/3       80/19
Y6 %                                                                      91/8

Excellence Plan


The detailed picture…….
KS1 Areas for development:
Y2 2019/20:
           • Improve progress rates in maths for at KS1
           • Close gaps in performance in performance at GDS in favour of boys for this cohort.
           • Improve outcomes in SPAG for PP pupils.
           • Accelerate the progress of pupils in reading by improving school-wide strategies for developing fluency and stamina in reading.

KS2 Areas for development:

Y3 2019/20:
    • Increase progress rates in maths for this cohort.
    • Narrow gap in attainment in reading and writing in favour of girls for this cohort.
    • Accelerate progress for pupil premium pupils in all areas
    • Accelerate the progress of pupils in reading by improving school-wide strategies for developing fluency and stamina in reading.

Y4 2019/20:
    • Accelerate the progress of PP pupils in this cohort in all areas.
    • Accelerate the progress of boys and PP in SPAG for this cohort.
    • Continue to improve writing attainment for this cohort in order to narrow gaps with starting points.
    • Accelerate the progress of pupils in reading by improving school-wide strategies for developing fluency and stamina in reading.

Y5 2019/20:
              •   Accelerate the progress of PP pupils and boys in this cohort in writing and SPAG in particular.
              •   Improve attainment levels at the expected standard.
              •   Accelerate the progress of pupils in reading by improving school-wide strategies for developing fluency and stamina in reading.

Y6 2019/20:
              •   Accelerate the progress of pupils in reading by improving school-wide strategies for developing fluency and stamina in reading.
              •   Accelerate the progress of PP pupils and boys in this cohort in writing and SPAG in particular.
              •   Improve attainment levels at the expected standard

EMERGING ISSUES                               (the overview):

                                           (Outcomes of self-evaluation activities from 2018/2019)

Quality of education
   • Embed curriculum programmes of study (Cornerstones/ Abacus maths/ RWI spelling/Reflex maths), including embedding with new staff and staff new
        to year groups, to ensure the curriculum offer is broad, full and balanced, studied by all and is both knowledge-led whilst promoting mastery of skills.
   • Tighten systems for the teaching of reading in order to accelerate achievement for all. Improve fluency and stamina.
   • Revise assessment procedures in order to improve accuracy of formative and summative assessment, therefore improving teachers’ ability to target
        any gaps in knowledge and understanding and raise achievement. Embed marking policy with new staff and introduce new assessment systems across
   • Raise attainment in reading, writing and maths so that outcomes are significantly above national in all areas: target at least 90% RWM in each year
        group. Do this by closing gaps in attainment for groups of pupils (in particular pupil premium pupils and boys), through improving the subject
        knowledge of staff, evaluating and monitoring the targeted support to pupil premium pupils more closely and by ensuring consistency and progression
        across all subject areas.

Behaviours and Attitudes
   • Introduce a spiral curriculum across Foundation subjects (already established in maths and English) and promote learning which arises from teachers’
       understanding of metacognition. Teach teachers about the science of memory and support pupils to develop more effective learning styles.

Personal development
   • Continue to a deploy sport’s coach (WSSC) who will focus on preparing pupils for competitive sport and encouraging them to engage in physical
   • Establish a strong culture of character development – teach children to be respectful, not afraid to take risks in their learning and to be resilient. Use
      Collective Worship sessions and RE as a catalyst for exploring personal development.

Leadership and Management
   • Promote an inclusive and ambitious vision for all. Revise the intervention timetables to enable access for all learners to a full and balanced curriculum.
   • Raise achievement by strengthening the quality of teaching and learning. Plan high quality CPD for all staff, thereby improving teacher subject
       knowledge, including exploration of quality questioning for mastery and developing staff’s expertise at breaking down a learning objective into its
       smallest components.

A C T I O N            P L A N 2019/20
Improvement Priority 1              Remove barriers to pupil progress in order for all groups of learners to make good progress.

Success Criteria:                   We will know we are successful when …
                                         •       All cohorts and groups achieve at least good progress per annum and the % outstanding progress is accelerated in RWM
                                         •       Provision raises standards and is responsive to children’s needs.
                                         •       Teaching is responsive to need, takes account of the needs of all groups of learners and is focused and simple.
                                         •       Any gap in performance in favour of girls are reduced, in particular in reading and writing.
                                         •       Pupil premium pupils have a highly structured support system in place, teaching styles match their needs perfectly and the gap is narrowed for PP pupils
                                                 performing below age related

     Objectives         Lead                                                Milestones                                                  Time                   Monitoring and Evaluation
                       Person                                                                                                           scale
                                                                                                                                                     What         By      When             Outcome
                                 Securing outstanding outcomes for the Y6 cohort 2019/20:
1. Reduce barriers     RC/CC                                                                                                           End of
to progress for the                                                                                                                     year
                                                  •    Target support for pupils in the y6 2019/20 cohort who have
Y6, ensuring high
standards are at
                                                       not yet secure age related in maths and English                                            lesson         AA/      Half       Outcomes for Y6
least maintained and                              •    Reduce the gap in performance between pupil premium pupils                                 observatio     JA       termly     pupils continue to
improved                                               and their peers in maths, reading, writing and SPAG                                        ns/ drop                           improve and RWM
                                                  •    Target PP pupils in the y6 2019/20 cohort to ensure outcomes                               ins                                combined expected
                                                       are at least in line with peers                                                                                               attainment is well
                                                  •    Improve % EXP in reading by the end of the key stage so that                                                                  above national by
                                                       outcomes are well above national attainment
                                                                                                                                                                                     progress is made by
                                                                                                                                                                                     the cohort and
                                                                                                                                                                                     groups of pupils,
                                                                                                                                                                                     including PP.
2. Continue to                       •        Narrow the gap between secure age-related attainment for PP pupils and their                By      Monitoring     JA/A     Termly     A highly structured
improve outcomes       JA/TO/A               peers (personal education plans in place for all PP pupils regardless of ability to        end of    of             A/T                 and rigorous plan is
for pupil premium         A                  be quality assured, monitored and evaluated).                                               year     personal       O                   in place to ensure
pupils                               •       Targeted support for all vulnerable PP cohorts/ pupils in order to raise attainment                  education                          the progress rates of
                                             and ensure that the gap with their peers is narrowed. Monitor and evaluate this                      plans                              PP pupils are
                                             targeted support regularly (JA/TO)                                                                                                      accelerated
                                     •       All PP pupils who are not on track to secure ARE or to make sufficient progress                      Pupil                              Outcomes are
                                             to have a gap analysis carried out; interventions planned/ monitored/ evaluated;                     interviews                         improved in all
                                             targeted first quality teaching support given.                                                                                          cohorts for PP pupils
                                                                                                                                                                                     and any gaps are

3. Narrow gender       JA/AA/V       •     Continue to narrow the gap between boys and girls attainment in favour of girls              June      Pupil          AA/J     Termly
gaps for some           A/HW               for some cohorts. Do this through:                                                           2020      progress       B                   % boys attaining
cohorts in favour of                     -      Bespoke programmes of support for underperforming cohorts and groups                              meetings                           expected or
girls (at ARE or for                                                                                                                              Drop ins                           exceeding
                                         -      Planning that is fluid and appropriate for the needs of all pupils
more able pupils)                                                                                                                                 Pupil                              statements raised in
                                                                                                                                                  interviews                         2019/20 for cohorts
-   Further improve outcomes in SPAG/ spelling elements of writing across          Work         with gender gaps,
                                                                                                                 scrutiny     gaps to be narrowed
                                  school for all pupils, with a particular focus on boys and PP, through
                                                                                                                 (literacy    compared to
                                  ensuring that RWI spelling programme is embedded. Link spelling                and spag     2018/19.
                                  competitions through house teams in order to inspire boys through              books)
                                  competition                                                                    Monitoring
                              -   Planning to be more ‘purposeful’ to inspire boys: use of Cornerstones.         of long
                              -   Raise achievement in boy’s writing so that progress from KS1 to the end of     planning
                                  KS2 is at least good for all cohorts and the good outcomes in writing at the
                                  end of KS2 in reading are at least maintained.
                              -   Continue to raise attainment for boys in cohorts with more notable gender
                                  gaps for average or more able pupils.

(see also Maths and English action plan)

A C T I O N              P L A N 2019/20
Improvement Priority 2           Remove barriers to pupil progress in order for all groups of learners to make good progress by embedding the
                                 strategy of ‘teach simply’.
Success Criteria:                We will know we are successful when …
                                        •    All cohorts and groups achieve at least good progress per annum and the % outstanding progress is accelerated in RWM
                                        •    Provision raises standards and is responsive to children’s needs.
                                        •    Teaching is responsive to need, takes account of the needs of all groups of learners and is focused and simple.

 Objectives                                                           Milestones                                             Time                         Monitoring and Evaluation

                                                                                                                                           What           By        When              Outcome
                                                                                                                                                                             Outcomes in writing
                                    •       Through coaching strategies, ensure that teachers break down teaching                                                            improve, in particular
Improve                                                                                                                                                                      for low attaining groups
                                            objectives into their simplest form: CPD with a focus on breaking                          Deep dive        AA/JA/
the                                                                                                                                                                          and pupils at risk of not
              AA/JA/                        objectives into components/ composites/ C planning. Improve subject              Sep       monitoring:      TO/JSh/     Half
quality of                                  knowledge of teachers so that they are able to use this knowledge to plan                                                        making sufficient
the           HW/JS                                                                                                          2019-                      HW          termly   progress from starting
                                            from misconceptions.
teaching                                                                                                                     July      Drop-ins                              points.
                                    •       Ensure planning methods in maths focus on the development of small
of                                          steps. Embed use of bar modelling as a strategy for teaching simply how
English                                     to solve complex reasoning problems as a tool for mathematical thinking.                   Book                                  The gap between
and                                         Continue with maths mastery approaches within a spiral curriculum.                         scrutiny                              current attainment in
                                                                                                                                                                             all year groups and
maths so                            •       Improve teacher subject knowledge of genres and use a consistent yet
                                                                                                                                                                             the school target of
that                                        simple and progressive writing framework throughout year groups.                           Lesson
                                                                                                                                                                             90% RWM Exp is
teaching                            •       Introduce simple but effective strategies for teaching common exception                    obs                                   narrowed.
                                            words/ commonly used words, ensuring that current research into the
                                            science of memory are deployed. Ensure all resources, working walls,                       Pupil
on                                          vocabulary and strategies are consistent across the key stage.
                                                                                                                                                                             The % pupils performing
delivering                                                                                                                             interviews                            below expected in maths
                                    •       Develop staff confidence in assessing pupil progress in reading                                                                  is improved across year
simple                                      (benchmarking) and planning simple strategies for narrowing gaps in                                                              groups, particularly for
lessons                                     achievement for SEN pupils and low attainers in reading.                                                                         SEN/PP/lower ability
which                               •       Improve teacher subject knowledge in the area of the science of                                                                  pupils.
impact                                      memory, the principles of instruction and metacognition (staff text for
positively                                  CPD: Rosenshine) as a means of enabling staff to further develop skills                                                          The % pupils performing
                                            of ‘teaching simply’.                                                                                                            below expected in
upon                                                                                                                                                                         reading is improved
pupil                               •       In connection with improving staff subject knowledge, develop depth for
                                                                                                                                                                             across year groups,
progress                                    mastery questioning in order to increase access to outstanding teaching.                                                         particularly for
througho                                    Introduce a simple framework for teachers to scaffold questioning,                                                               SEN/PP/lower ability
                                            thereby ‘digging deeper’ and improving AFL (Ideas for Depth). Develop                                                            pupils.
ut school.                                  the central idea of teaching with variation to highlight the essential
                                            features of a concept or idea through varying the non-essential features                                                         The % pupils performing
                                    •       Simplify and structure scaffolds for low ability pupils to enable them to                                                        below expected in writing
                                            achieve success and attain expected standards. Continue to train TA’s                                                            is improved across year
                                            to support less able pupils well, fostering independence rather than over-                                                       groups, particularly for
                                            scaffolding support.                                                                                                             SEN/PP/lower ability
                                                                                                                                                                             pupils and boys.
                              (see also maths and English action plan).

A C T I O N           P L A N 2019/20
Improvement Priority 3     Practice thoroughly: To ensure that all pupils have mastery of core elements in RWM, by ensuring fitness fluency and retrieval practice in
                           Maths and English is an essential part of daily provision for all cohorts and barriers to progress are removed for all pupils including
                           vulnerable groups.
Success Criteria:          We will know we are successful when …
                               •       Pupils’ basic skills in maths, reading and writing are firmly established for all pupils
                               •       Fitness fluency and retrieval practice is an established part of daily teaching
                               •       Pupils practice regularly skills needed to master RWM
                               •       Pupils’ knowledge and understanding of key skills are deep and established rather than shallow, so that they are instantly able to recall them
                                       and apply them in a variety of contexts
                               •       The % pupils working at the expected standard in all year groups is increased and no children are left behind.

  Objectives                                             Milestones                                       Time                          Monitoring and Evaluation

                                                                                                                         What          By        When               Outcome
                           •       Embed Fluency Fitness strategies in ENGLISH AND MATHS,                                                                  Outcomes in writing
Improve the                        ensuring fluency skills are taught every day so that children                                                           improve, in particular for
quality of the                     have the opportunity to practice thoroughly in order to                           Deep dive       AA/JA                 low attaining groups and
teaching of      AA/J              embed new concepts and number facts in Maths and basic skills        Sep          monitoring:                 Half      pupils at risk of not
English and                        in English. Introduce Reflex Maths to support this across all year                                                      making sufficient
                 A/JS/                                                                                  2019-                                    termly
maths so that                      groups.                                                                                                                 progress from starting
                 HW/V                                                                                   July         Drop-ins
teaching                   •       Fluency Fitness ‘non-negotiables’ for each year group to be                                                             points.
                 A                 sent home and shared in parent workshops. This will detail           2020
allows for
                                   what each year group should know by the end of the year.                          Book
opportunity                                                                                                                                                The gap between
                           •       Embed the teaching and learning of fluency linked to                              scrutiny
to practice                                                                                                                                                current attainment in all
thoroughly                         the science of memory. CPD on Retrieval Practice                                                                        year groups and the
skills and                         research with all staff and develop the use of working                            Lesson obs                            school target of 90%
                                   memory. All staff to investigate the use of retrieval
knowledge                                                                                                                                                  RWM Exp is narrowed.
                                   practice as a learning tool. What did we learn last week                          Pupil
learned, thus                      that helped us today?
impacting                                                                                                            interviews                            The % pupils performing
                           •       In English, continue to use CLPE or equivalent recommended,
positively                                                                                                                                                 below expected in maths is
                                   age appropriate texts to inspire, model and continue to
upon pupil                                                                                                                                                 improved across year
                                   develop fluency across all English strands. Provide more able
progress                                                                                                                                                   groups, particularly for
                                   pupils the opportunity to ‘read around the text’ in order to
throughout                                                                                                                                                 SEN/PP/lower ability
                                   practice reading skills and in addition improve their vocabulary
school.                                                                                                                                                    pupils.
                                   range and agility.
                           •       Provide more opportunities for children to read across the                                                              The % pupils performing
                                   curriculum in order to practice their reading skills thoroughly.                                                        below expected in reading
                                   Explore echo reading and similar strategies to improve reading
                                                                                                                                                           is improved across year
                                   fluency and stamina. Track reading speed of all pupils and
                                                                                                                                                           groups, particularly for
                                   benchmark regularly – ensuring benchmarking is monitored by
                                                                                                                                                           SEN/PP/lower ability
                           •       Introduce/embed with new staff a spiral curriculum to support the
                                   science of memory and retrieval practice: Understanding                                                                 The % pupils performing
                                   Christianity; Cornerstones; (including continuing to embed                                                              below expected in writing is
                                   Abacus maths and the revision of genre focus in writing so there
                                                                                                                                                           improved across year
                                   is progression throughout KS2.)
                                                                                                                                                           groups, particularly for
                                                                                                                                                           SEN/PP/lower ability pupils
                                                                                                                                                           and boys

A C T I O N           P L A N 2019/20
Improvement Priority 4           Remove barriers to pupil progress in order for all groups of learners to make good progress
                                 by embedding the strategy of ‘feedback constructively’.
Success Criteria:                We will know we are successful when …
                                       •    All cohorts and groups achieve at least good progress per annum and the % good progress is accelerated in RWM
                                       •    Provision raises standards and is responsive to children’s needs.
                                       •    More pupils access good or better teaching, learning and assessment
                                       •    Outcomes for groups and all pupils improve for as a result of accelerated progress resulting from outstanding teaching and learning in relation to feedback
                                            and effective use of assessment for learning

      Objectives                                     Milestones                                        Time                                       Monitoring and Evaluation

                                                                                                                                 What             By         When                 Outcome
Improve the quality of    AA       •       Improve marking and feedback,                    Intro new assessment            Monitoring of       Partner      Termly     Outcomes in writing
the teaching of English                    allowing pupils enough time to                                                   assessments         schools                 improve, in particular for
                                                                                            system Autumn 2019
and maths so that         JS               respond to feedback and                                                                                                      low attaining groups and
teaching allows for                        improve their work: focus on live                                                                                            pupils at risk of not
                          JA                                                                Testing introduced by
feeding back                               marking and feedback.                                                                                                        making sufficient
constructively, thus                                                                        Dec 2019
                                   •       Introduce new summative assessments                                                                                          progress from starting
impacting positively                       for RWM:                                                                                                                     points.
upon pupil progress                -       Revise KPI’s, ensuring that there are
                                                                                            QLA by Jan 2020                 Analysis of Test    AA/JA/JS     Termly
throughout school.                                                                                                          scores
                                           clear non-negotiable statements that                                                                                         The % pupils performing at
Improve summative                          each child needs to achieve in each              Moderation of writing                                                       expected in maths is
assessment                                 year group. Revise statement criteria            assessments                                                                 improved across year
procedures in order to                     and terminology (move to                         Jan/April/June                  Marking scrutiny    AA/JA/JS                groups, particularly for
improve the accuracy                       WT/EXP/GDS for all year groups to                                                                                 Half       SEN/PP/lower ability
of teacher judgements,                     allow for greater consistency and to                                                                              termly
                                                                                            Pupil progress                                                              pupils.
therefore impacting                        support parents with their
positively on tracking                     understanding of assessment).                    meetings termly or
                                                                                            most often if needed.                               AA/JA                   The % pupils performing at
and pupil progress.                -       Introduced summative testing termly for                                          Pupil progress                              expected in reading is
                                           each year group.                                                                 meetings                         Termly     improved across year
                                   -       Analyse (question level analysis) in             New assessment                                                              groups, particularly for
                                           depth testing for individuals in order to        system well embedded                                                        SEN/PP/lower ability
                                           inform next steps                                by July 2020                                                                pupils.
                                   -       Improve the quality of pupil progress
                                           meetings, allowing for conversation                                                                                          The % pupils performing at
                                           about in-depth analysis of test results.                                                                                     expected in writing is
                                   -       Moderate assessments across                                                                                                  improved across year
                                           partnership of schools with Exec HT
                                                                                                                                                                        groups, particularly for
                                                                                                                                                                        SEN/PP/lower ability pupils
                                                                                                                                                                        and boys.

                                                                                                                                                                        Assessments and
                                                                                                                                                                        predictions are increasingly
                                                                                                                                                                        accurate,and teachers plan
                                                                                                                                                                        lessons or interventions
                                                                                                                                                                        based accurately on needs
                                                                                                                                                                        of pupils.

A C T I O N          P L A N 2019/20
Improvement Priority 5         To accelerate progress for all pupils across the broad and balanced curriculum, ensuring that outstanding provision is embedded in all
                               aspects of school life and in all year groups by pursuing excellence in all aspects: embody excellence.
Success Criteria:              We will know we are successful when …
                                   •    More pupils access good or outstanding teaching across all subject areas
                                   •    Outcomes for groups and all pupils improve for as a result of accelerated progress resulting from good or outstanding teaching
                                        and learning across the curriculum and in all year groups.

        Objectives                                                  Milestones                            Time                     Monitoring and Evaluation

                                                                                                                     What           By        When          Outcome
                                          Action planning for Humanities, Science, the Arts:
    -   Improve the                            •    Review long term planning and ensure children         Sept    Deep dive        SLT       termly   Children have full
        quality of the        CC/JA                 access the breadth of the curriculum but in a         19 –    monitoring by    and
                                                                                                                                                      access to a braid,
        teaching across                             more meaningfully and with excellence and             July    SLT and          subject
                                                                                                                  subject          leaders            balanced curriculum.
        the curriculum so                           enjoyment. Introduce the Cornerstones                 2020
                                                                                                                  leaders across
        that excellence is                          curriculum, enabling leaders to check for                     the                                 Standards in all
        standard in all                             coverage of content and progression across                    curriculum,                         subject areas improve.
        subject areas         Subject               year groups.                                                  including work
                              leaders          •    Ensure pupils acquire knowledge across the                                                        Pupils have
    -   Improve the                                                                                                                                   opportunity to practice
                                                    curriculum as well as skills.
        curriculum offer to                                                                                                                           maths and English
                                               •     Develop stronger cross curricular links in order
        ensure coverage                                                                                                                               skills within foundation
                                                    for pupils to practice maths and English skills in                                                subjects and science
        and progression
                                                    all aspects of the curriculum at the same                                                         lessons.
        for all pupils                              standard as in discrete maths and English
        regardless of                               lessons, and to ensure that learning is multi-
        ability                                     sensory and inviting for all pupils (including more
    -   Ensure effective                            able, boys, SEN, PP).
        links are made to
        develop maths                     Action planning for RE and Collective Worship:
        and English skills                    •   Embed Understanding Christianity schemes across
        in cross-                                 all year groups to improve the quality and
        curricular                                progression of knowledge and understanding in RE
        learning.                                 (spiral curriculum).

                                          Action planning for Computing:
                                              •    Introduce a new computing scheme which provides
                                                   coverage and progression for all units of work.

Literacy Action Plan 2019/20
                                                                           Literacy Curriculum Intent:
                                                                         “To raise the fluency of English”
        To inspire children to become fluent, confident readers whose love for literature will thread through into their adult lives.
        To empower children to interact with peers and adults in a confident, articulate way to prepare them for the next stage in their educational journey.
        To provide a safe and secure learning culture in all literacy lessons characterised by high challenge and support.
        To develop children’s rich vocabulary to support our learners to flourish, create, innovate and achieve in a variety of ways, including the written form.
        To develop a genuine love and enjoyment for literacy learning characterised by positive behaviours.
        For our children to achieve positive personal, social and academic outcomes, regardless of their starting point in all areas of English curriculum.
        To create a culture of resilience, perseverance and resourcefulness.
        To provide a curriculum for all children where the knowledge and skills are progressive and revisited.

 National Curriculum “A high-quality education in English will teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and
                                                 through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them.”

  Excellence and enjoyment “Teachers recognise where links are effective to enable pupils to apply the knowledge and skills learned in one subject to others, as well as
                                 bringing coherence to learning when complementary aspects of subjects are brought together.”

                                                                     What fluency means at Flanderwell:
                                     “Fluency is the ability to draw on all areas of English together when teaching, and when learning.”
    Improve children achieving AS and GDS in reading, especially pupil premium children and prior attainers making the required progress.

 KS1 Data:                                   KS1 PP:                                     KS2 Data:                                    KS2 PP:
 AS = 49%                                    AS = 0%                                     AS = 64.4%                                   AS = 68.8%
 GDS = 34.7%                                 GDS = 50%                                   GDS = 16.9%                                  GDS = 12.5%

   •    Benchmarking is now established across the school = next step to continue staff development for Benchmarking to ensure children both
        reading fluently and comprehending. Chn to pass (at AS) a KS1 SAT paper before being moved to White – no matter whereabouts in FS/KS1
        they are. Chn to pass an old curriculum (at L2) SAT paper before moving onto purple reading band. Chn who pass a new curriculum paper
        at GDS (110) can be moved to brown.
   •    CPD work still needed with staff on how to answer SAT type questions.
   •    Cracking, Headstart, home reading scheme, reading into writing embedded – needs to be monitored by literacy leads.
   •    Children need opportunities to read around the CLPE text, either genre or author.
   •    Hooked on a Book developed for Y5 and Y6 with an increased range of books. Need to develop similar for Y3 and Y4.
   •    Book corners have improved – next step needs to be more interactive (activities and games to do) – to be used for ‘choice reading’.
   •    Analysis of KS2 Reading SAT needed – where did it go wrong?
   •    CPD needed for teaching of reading and the different reading content domains.

Improve staff subject knowledge in SPaG & improve attainment

 GPS                                   KS1 PP:                                KS2 Data:                              KS2 PP:
 KS1 Data:                             AS = 12.5%                             AS = 49.2%                             AS = 53.6%
 AS = 42.9%                            GDS = 37.5%                            GDS = 37.3%                            GDS = 25%
 GDS = 28.6%

    •   Staff meetings delivered clarification and up-knowledge teachers on phrases, clauses and sentences. Clarity on what should be taught
        and when it should be taught.
    •   New SPaG workbooks bought for September 2019.
    •   Activities and teaching ideas beyond the core books needed.
    •   What summative assessment can we use? Do we need a class track equivalent for SPaG or should we just use the summative assessment?

                                                             Accelerate progress in writing

 Writing                               KS1 PP:                                KS2 Data:                              KS2 PP:
 KS1 Data:                             AS = 12.5%                             AS = 61%                               AS = 75%
 AS = 49%                              GDS = 50%                              GDS = 30.5%                            GDS = 12.5%
 GDS = 34.7%

                                                             Planning, Purpose & Audience
Progression of writing document written and coverage document written. Twilight session on this. Focus on alternative ways to teach narratives – moving
away from extended pieces and adopting the ‘less is more’ approach. Simplistic plans used throughout the school effectively. Work on purpose and
audience continued to develop. Next steps are process of writing and progression of skills. Clarification of what modelled / guided and shared is.

   CPD work sporadic throughout the year on vocabulary. We now need a policy or guidance or what we mean by ‘teaching’ vocabulary – has to link to

                                                                          Editing Work
Children are editing their work and responding to teachers’ marking. More work is needed to develop this and ensure marking is always purposeful and will
 develop childrens’ writing ability. More peer editing needed within KS2. Focused more on secretarial within some classes, e.g. just spellings and in some
cases where teachers are making the edits rather than the children. Every draft should be edited. Staff to observe good practice around school. Plans to be
                                          edited prior to writing to ensure a high quality piece of writing is produced.

                                                          How do we take the RWI into writing?

Objectives                  Actions to be taken                     When           Deep Dive                        Success Criteria

 Develop the     • Pupil    Questionnaire to    investigate      September 2019       Pupils        VA and HW to use feedback improve the reading
  enjoyment        children’s thoughts and feelings about                                                      experience for children.
and fluency of     reading, cracking, home reading books,
   reading         homework etc.

                 • Embed Hooked on a Book within Y5 and             Ongoing           Pupils       Children regularly read Hooked on a Book and have
                   Y6 – ensure opportunities for children to                                                     opportunity to feedback.
                   feed back about their book are provided                                          Y3 and Y4 have the opportunity to access hooked
                   regularly. Roll out hooked on a book to Y3                                                           on a book.
                   and Y4 and create a new area in Y3/4
                   shared area.

                 • Continue with reading certificates, which        Ongoing         Teachers       Children & Parents rewarded for home reading and
                   reward home reading at the given points.                                                     feel their time is valued.
                   Continue to use a central display to share
                   children’s success, which teachers or
                   teaching assistants should update
                   regularly. Continue to display a reading
                   racetrack    within   each      classroom
                   displaying jumps of multiples of 10 to
                   motivate reading and celebrate reading

                 • KS1 Parental engagement meeting to             Autumn 2019       Curriculum     Parents are clear on how children progress through
                   explain what book bands mean and how                              Leaders           the book bands and the expected speed of
                   they can support their child at each level                                                         progression.
                   (inc. bed time stories).

                 • KS2 Parental involvement to be worked on         Ongoing         Teachers       Parents are clear what is expected of their children
                   once home reading activities have been                                                  and how they can help their child.

                 • To ensure that good quality texts are being      Ongoing         Teachers       Children hear a range of high quality texts regularly.
                   shared regularly with children using texts
                   from CLPE or suggested Cornerstones

                 • Continue to allow KS1 and KS2 children to                                         Children are given opportunities to read books
                   choose their own book to read during          From September    Lesson Visits   chosen by them. Children are given opportunities to
                   independent time that sits alongside their         2019                                        read aloud to adults.
                   banded home reading book. Reading

corners to reflect personal choices and
               questionnaire feedback.

              • Review of current timetable to ensure         From September       Pupils       Children given regular opportunities to read aloud to
                children are reading aloud to teachers.            2019                                                adults.
                Provide opportunities every day for whole                                        A range of domains are asked when children read
                class reading and continue to ensure all                                                          aloud to adults.
                children are heard by the class teacher or
                teaching assistant on a regular basis.
                Continue to use the updated reading
                sheets to record individual reads with T or

              • Develop the use of reading buddies            From September        Pupil        Children have additional opportunities to read with
                (currently Y2 and Y5) across school with a         2019                             their peers and share books for enjoyment.
                particular focus on children who are not
                reading at home or are not on track to
                make good progress.

              • Review of home reading activities and TA       Autumn 2019      Work Scrutiny   Children have meaningful home reading activities
                marking/changeover process. Develop                                                  that are easily marked by TA or teacher.
                new approach so that the children are able                                      Children have a more positive approach to reading
                to access the texts and questions with                                          comprehension homework and are pre taught the
                greater ease and are more positive about                                         required vocabulary and question types before
                their reading homework.                                                                    accessing the texts at home.

Clarify and   • Moderation of benchmarking – possibly             Termly        Work Scrutiny   Children reading books at their correct reading level.
embed the       supplement benchmarking with SAT                                   Pupils
process of      papers before progressing to purple, gold,
 reading        white & brown.

              • In Y2-Y6, Re-design and clarify the two          Ongoing        Lesson Visits   • Children begin to build their stamina in reading.
                week teaching sequence of Cracking                              Work Scrutiny   • Children expand their vocabulary.
                Comprehension.                                                     Pupils       • Children build on current comprehension diet.
                   • Timed summarising activities.
                   • 90 word per min activities.
                   • Stamina activities.
                   • Vocabulary activities

• Develop the fluency and accuracy of                 Ongoing            Lesson Visits   • Children can read an age appropriate text
  childrens’ reading so they can read at least                           Work Scrutiny     accurately and fluently.
  90 words per minute of an age appropriate                                 Pupils
  text by the end of Year 6. Begin to use the
  Herts Reading Intervention.

• In Y1 and 2 (RWInc children), review the            Ongoing            Lesson Visits   • Children have firm basis in fluency so that they
  timetable for teaching reading.                                        Work Scrutiny     can access a range of texts.
     • Embed the skills teaching of content                                 Pupils       • Children expand their vocabulary.
       domains through headstart and                                                     • Children begin to develop comprehension skills,
       cracking.                                                                           which should be linked to RWInc skills and
     • Allocate a time for children to read to                                             approaches, e.g. ‘Find it, Prove it.’
     • Time for discrete comprehension
     • Linking well to RWInc so that children
       have continuity when they come off
       RWInc and begin comprehension.

• In Year 2, consider the groupings for               Ongoing            Lesson Visits
  reading comprehension and RWInc                                        Work Scrutiny
  Phonics to ensure that children are having                                Pupils
  access to high quality teaching of reading
  comprehension and are accessing
  phonics so that they keep up.

• Continue to monitor the progress of all             Ongoing            Lesson Visits
  children, with a particular focus on PP                                Work Scrutiny
  children so that they are making at least                                 Pupils
  the same progress if not better than their

• CPD of teaching the content domains                 Ongoing            Lesson Visits   Children understand that different questions require
  explicitly.                                                            Work Scrutiny    different skills to answer them and have the skills
     • Staff Meetings                            Staff Meetings             Pupils                      required to answer them.
                                                 Cover for lesson
     • Modelled observations from HW and         observations.
       other good practice.                      Cover for peer
     • Peer Coaching                             coaching
     • Monitoring by HW

Clarify and   • CPD of teaching the process of writing
 embed the       (Analysed         WAGOLLS,          Simplistic
  process of     planning, Modelled, Shared, Guided                    Ongoing            Lesson Visits   Children are taught a systematic process for
teaching and     writing, writing drafts, editing work)                                   Work Scrutiny   producing a piece of writing
  modelling         • Create a Shared/Modelled/Guided             Staff Meetings             Pupils       1 – Analyse a WAGOLLwith a focus on improving
                                                                  Cover for lesson
    writing            writing document clarifying the            observations.
                                                                                                          writing as well as the genre specific features.
                       practice.                                                                          2 – Produce a simplistic plan
                    • Lesson observations of HW                                                           3 – Model / Shared / Guided Writing
                    • HW/VA to observe                                                                    4 – Write draft
                    • Staff meetings                                                                      5 – Self & Peer edit

               • Create a skills (component progression           By Summer 2020           Curriculum     There is a clear spiral curriculum for writing pathing
                 document) from FS-Y6                                                       Leaders                     the various components.

               • Embed the audience and purpose work                   Ongoing            Work scrutiny   • Children understand the purpose of why they are
                 from previous year.                                                                        writing and who their audience is.
                                                                                                          • Children can tailor their writing to the audience and

               • Develop TA knowledge of modelled writing              Ongoing            Lesson Visits   • All children are independent and making good
                 or supporting individual writing, with a                                    Pupils         progress.
                 particular focus on support for SEN/ LAP.                                Work scrutiny
               • Provide opportunities for

               • Continue to apply SPaG skills from                    Ongoing            Lesson Visits   • All children are taught a progressive range of
                 discrete grammar lessons within writing                                     Pupils         grammar skills and these are used within their
                 and ensure these skills are highlighted                                                    writing.
                 within writing lessons. Embed the use of a
                 grammar scheme across school to ensure
                 a spiral curriculum and there is
                 consistency. Continue to develop staff
                 knowledge of grammatical vocabulary
                 through the use of CPD and explicit

               • Ensure children have quick recall of how to           Ongoing            Lesson Visits   • Children are able to accurately spell a range of
                 spell high frequency words/ commonly                                     Book Scrutiny     commonly used words and are able to apply them
                 used words and words from their year                                                       consistently within their writing.
                 group lists.
                 Provide access to the correct spellings
                 within the classroom environment. Ensure
                 children are provided with opportunities to
                 practise these words and that they are high

profile within the teaching and marking of

                     • More opportunities for children to read            Termly           Lesson Visits   • Children can choose books to read independently
                       around the core text, either by offering                               Pupils         similar to the core book.
                       opportunities to read books from the same                                           • Children are given samples of books similar to the
                       author or same genre.                                                                 core book during writing lessons.

      Develop a      • HW to lead the development and share              Ongoing           Lesson Visits   • Staff have a good understanding of the
     whole school      information from Literacy Hub 2019.                                    Pupils         requirements for teaching vocabulary.
     approach to
     the teaching
          and        • Timetable it to fit within the 2-week cycle of    Ongoing           Lesson Visits   • Children are taught high quality vocabulary
    understanding      comprehension. Use a range of strategies                               Pupils         lessons regularly with a consistent approach.
    of vocabulary      and share these with staff.

                     • Develop a system of tracking children’s           Ongoing           Lesson Visits   • Children are taught vocabulary in a progressive
                       exposure to new vocabulary and develop                                 Pupils         and purposeful way.
                       the sure of knowledge organisers so that
                       vocabulary is understood by all children.

                     • Develop children’s speaking and listening         Ongoing                 Pupils    • Children are able to clearly articulate their
                       skills and the use of debate and P4C                                                  thoughts and can apply a range of vocabulary to a
                       activities.                                                                           range of situations.

    HW/ VA to regularly monitor the following (deep dives to be undertaken once per half term)
       •   Comprehension (Cracking, Headstart, Teaching the Content Domains)
       •   Spelling (RWI)
       •   Benchmarking
       •   Handwriting
       •   Modelled/Shared/Guided Writing
       • Fluency (reading 90 words per minute)

Subject: Maths
Evaluation 2018/19

Strengths                                                                  Areas For Development                                     Evidence                Priorities For
Introduction of Reflex Maths to enable children to develop and             Reflex maths – To develop this further, encourage         Informal discussions    Maths fluency
improve fluency facts for maths.                                           children to access it more at home. Inform parents                                How misconceptions are
                                                                           clearly about Reflex maths through a Reflex workshop.     Learning Walks          addressed.
Abacus planning – A spiral curriculum ensuring children revisit skills                                                                                       How Abacus fluency fitness
and have more opportunities to master the curriculum.                      Celebration of math achievements – rewards for            Book Scrutiny           resources are being used.
                                                                           success with Reflex maths and Times Tables Rockstars.                             Involving parents during a
Fitness fluency in lessons – children are more fluent and confident with                                                             Pupil Interviews        workshop.
their rapid recall of facts.                                               Continue to develop fluency and arithmetic (the use of                            Addressing this to meet the
                                                                           rising stars) – Investigate how misconceptions are        Learning walks and      needs of SEN maths learners
Bar modelling training -introducing another visual strategy for children   being taught. How and when is fluency fitness and         lesson observations     and those with slow
to use.                                                                    driving test activities being delivered?                                          progress.
                                                                                                                                     Staff feedback during
Problem solving – STOPS challenges and the KPI challenges – (try it,       Embed bar modelling to follow on from training this       DEP twilight            Celebration of achievements
apply it, fly with it). These also link with the introduction as bar       year.                                                                             Develop times tables
modelling as some questions feature this.                                                                                                                    corridor display.
                                                                           Investigate – “Can you still…?” How is it being taught?                           Times tables awards.
Lots of verbal problem solving taking place in foundation stage.                                                                                             Achievements in Reflex to
                                                                           Y2 cohort moving into Y3 – work on consolidating                                  be shared.
Attitudes towards maths as a subject across school continue to be          mathematical gaps in learning to increase the progress
strong and positive. Children clearly enjoy maths and are confident        rate.                                                                             Bar modelling
learners. These attitudes towards maths could be seen clearly with the     Also investigate how children with specific maths                                 Embed this approach so it is
Y4 maths tests and times tables tests and also from children taking        needs (e.g. dyscalculiar) and how they use visual                                 used frequently and
their Y2 maths SATS.                                                       prompts to support their learning and build on their                              consistently across the whole
                                                                           strengths.                                                                        school.

                                                                           Continue to build a high quality cross-curricular                                  OFSTED ACTION PLAN
                                                                           portfolio to work towards OFSTED target.                                          TARGET
                                                                                                                                                             To ensure greater
                                                                                                                                                             opportunities are provided
                                                                                                                                                             for pupils in KS1 and KS2 to
                                                                                                                                                             apply their mathematical
                                                                                                                                                             skills in a wide range of

Action plan 2019/20
 Objectives                   Actions to be taken                  Start   Target    Person     Resources (time,        Monitoring (how,              Success Criteria
                                                                   Date     Date     Leading    personnel, event)      when and by whom)
1.Maths              Ø Investigate how and when Abacus             OCT     Spring   JS         Time to talk to        JC / AA / JA            Fluency fitness and Driving
fluency                Fluency Fitness and Driving Test                                        children about         During learning walks   Tests are used regularly in all
To ensure                                                                                      experiences with FF    / Teacher               KS2 classes.
                       learning opportunities are being
children’s                                                                                                            questionnaire and       Children in KS1 are given
misconception          delivered. Further improve GDS
s in maths are         outcomes with their mathematical                                        Learning walk to see   pupil interview         opportunities to practice fluency
addressed to           fluency skills.                                                         it in action.                                  skills daily.
enable them
to become                Monitor how Rising Stars arithmetic       OCT
fluent                                                                              JS                                JS AA / JA
                         tests are being delivered.
                         How are misconceptions being taught
To provide               or addressed?                                                                                                        Reflex maths is high profile
regular                                                            Septe            JS and     Afternoon for a        JS / JA / AA            across school and children
opportunities        Ø Reflex Maths parent workshop to
for children to
                                                                   mber             Y4/5/6     parent workshop for                            engage with it regularly through
                       inform parents about how it benefits                         teachers   all Year groups                                use at home and school.
fluency skills.        their children and provide them with                                    accessing Reflex
                       an opportunity to see it in action.                                     Maths.
                                                                   Septe            JS and
                     Ø Increase Times Tables Rockstars             mber             Key                               JS / JA                 Times tables remain high profile
                       Engagement with verbal times tables                          Stage                                                     and children are fluent with
                       battles in Key Stage Assemblies.                             leaders                                                   their facts and individual
                     Ø Spring 1 – Now children will have been
                          taught most methods in class, have an                     JS         Spring term –          JS / JA / AA            Parents are aware of calculation
                          afternoon workshop for parents to see                                afternoon maths                                methods taught in the relevant
                          the appropriate calculation methods                                  workshop across                                year group and how they can
                                                                                               school.                                        support their child’s learning at
                          for individual year groups in action.
                  Provide parents with a copy of the calculation
                      strategies for the relevant year group.
                                                                   g                                                                          Fluency and prior learning links
                     Ø Investigate ‘can you still…?’ How is it                      JS         Learning walks /       JS / JA / AA            are seen clearly during maths
                       being taught in classes?                                                pupil interviews                               lessons.
                       What have you remembered from last
                       week, which has helped you with your
                       learning today?”

                         Develop reasoning in lessons,
                         including in plenaries
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