UNION - Managing Money - Tata Mutual Fund

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UNION - Managing Money - Tata Mutual Fund

UNION - Managing Money - Tata Mutual Fund
Union Budget 2021 Highlights

  `        FY21 fiscal deficit at 9.5%, target at            Direct tax slabs remain unchanged;                    FY22 capital expenditure at `5.54 lakh Cr.
           6.8% for FY22 and plan to bring it           `    surcharge increased                                   up 34.5% (Vs FY21 BE) and and revenue
  `        down to 4.5% by 2025-26
                                                                                                                   expenditure at 29.29 Lakhs Crore

       `                                                `
                                                            The gross borrowing from the market next           `
           Revenue deficit grant of `1,18,452 crore         year is expected to be `12 lakh core and               FY22 divestment target at
           for 17 States                                    additional Market borrowing of `80,000 crore           `1.75 lakh Cr
                                                            to fund the FY21

           FY22 allocation for railways at `1.10 lakh        Total outlay of `2.23 lakh cr for                     Fitness tests for 20-years-old personal
           cr & `18,000 cr for buses; target of 100%         healthcare and `35,000 crore for                      vehicles and 15-years-old commercial
           electrification by 2023                           Covid-19 vaccine                                      vehicles under pollution control initiative

           Infrastructure boost with 11,000km                Focus on clean water, air and oceans                  MSME allocation to be doubled.
           national highway project in pipeline,             under Jal Jivan Mission, Urban Clean                  Government to set aside `15,700
           expansion of gas distribution network             India Mission, Deep Ocean Mission                     crore in FY22

                                                             Agri infra cess levied at `2.5 per liter on
           Government to amend Insurance                     petrol and `4 per liter on diesel but basic           Senior citizens above the age of 75
           Act to allow higher FDI                           excise duty and Special Additional Excise             need not file IT return
                                                             Duty rates on the same reduced

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                                                     1
6 Pillars of Union Budget 2021

               Health &        Physical      Innovation   Inclusive    Minimum     Human
               Well being   infrastructure     & R&D       Growth     government   Capital

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                       2
Fiscal Deficit                                                      `

                                                   Govt estimates FY21 fiscal deficit
                                  `                at 9.5%, targets at 6.8% for FY22

          Additional Market borrowing of                                Rs. 30.42 lakh crore budget estimate of
          Rs. 80,000 crore to fund the FY21 fiscal                      total expenditure risen to the
          deficit                                                       revised estimate of Rs 34.50 lakh crore

          The gross borrowing from the market FY                        Capital expenditure for FY 2021-22 is
          21-22 is expected to be Rs. 12 lakh core and                  estimated at Rs. 5.5 lakh crore and
          net borrowing of Rs. 9.24 lakh crore                          revenue expenditure at 29.29 lakhs crore

           Aim to bring the fiscal deficit below                         Revenue deficit grant of Rs. 1,18,452
           4.5 % of the GDP by 2025-26                                   crore for 17 States

                                      Contingency Fund to be increased to
                                      Rs. 30,000 crore
UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                       3

  Disinvestment Target of 1.75 Lakh Crore



     Government has
     approved policy                                       Disinvestment of                            To Sell Non-Core
     for disinvestment                                     BPCL, Concor,                               Excess Land of All
     in all non-strategic                                  BEML, Nilanchal                             CPSEs
     and strategic                                         Ispat, Air India,
                                                           Pawan Hans, IDBI
     sectors                                                                   LIC

                                                                                     TITLE TEXT
                                                           Bank & 2 more
                                                           PSUBs to take
                                Proposed to take           place in FY22         LIC IPO Likely
                                up 2 PSU banks
                                                                                 in FY22
                                and one General
                                company for
                                disinvestment in
                                the year 2021-22

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                4

             Rs 1.41 lakh crore for Urban Clean India
                                                        Rs. 2,000 Crore woh projects in PPP
                                                        mode for pos

             Boost to non-conventional energy sector
             and gas pipeline project in J&K            Initiative of Hydrogen energy mission

             675 km of highway works announced in

             West Bengal at a cost of Rs 25,000 crore   Rs. 3.05 lakh crore outlay for power

             Highways projects in Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
                                                        Gas distribution network expansion with
             West Bengal and Assam
                                                        the inclusion of 100 cities over the next

             Aim to complete 11,000km of national

             highway infrastructure in this year        Facilitation of a world-class fintech hub
                                                        in Gi city

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                        5

         Rs 1.15 lakh crore for Railways and Rs. 18,000    Kochi Metro, Chennai Metro Phase 2,
         crore for public buses                            Bengaluru Phase 2A and B, Nashik and
                                                           Nagpur Metros get an additional allocation.

         100% electrification will be completed by
                                                            National Rail Plan created to bring a
                                                            future-ready Railway system by 2030

         702 km of conventional metro is operational          Expansion of metro networks and
         and another 1,016 of metro and RRTS is              augmentation of city bus services to raise
         under construction in 27 cities                     the share of public transpo in urban areas

         MetroLite and MetroNeo to be introduced
                                                            Deployment of innovative PPP models to


         in Tier 2 cities and peripheral areas of Tier 1
         cities.                                            enable private players to provide and
                                                            operate over 20,000 buses.

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                               6
Financial Services                                 `

    `            `
       FDI in insurance hiked   `       `
                                                       Further infusion of
                                                       Rs. 20,000 crore for
       to 74% from 49%
                                                       public sector banks

                                Asset Reconstruction
                                Company and Asset
                                Management Company
                                to help banks tackle
                                bad loans

UNI N BUDGET                                                                  7
Gig industry & Migrant Workers

               Launch of 'One Nation, One Ration                                      Introduction of four new labour
               Card (ON, OR) to help migrant                                          codes to ensure Social security
               workers                                                                provision of gig and plaorm workers.

                              ON, OR plan under implementation
                              by 32 states and union territories       Women workers will be allowed in the
                              reaching about 59 crore beneficiaries.   night shi with adequate protection.

                                                                                       To facilitate credit flows for Standup
               Launch of a portal to maintain                                          India scheme for SCs, STs and women,
               information on gig workers and                                          Propose to reduce the margin capital
               construction workers                                                    required for loans from 25% to 15%.

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                          8
Sta ups, Innovators & MSME

               Tax incentives for start-ups, including                                 The eligibility for claiming tax holiday for
               an extension in capital gains                                `          start-ups extended by one more year to
               exemption by one year                                                   March 2022

        Incentivise incorporation of                                            Allocation of Rs. 1,500-crore to spur              `
        one- person companies (OPCs)
                                                                                digital payments

               Rs. 3 lakh crore Emergency Credit Line                                 Easing Compliance requirements of
       `       Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) for                                           Small Companies NRIs allowed to
                                                                                      set-up OPCs.

       Launching MCA Version 3.0 – E-Scrutiny;
       E-Adjudication and Compliance                                               Decriminalisation of LLP Act, 2008
       management to be simplified.

                                                     Tribunals to be rationalised

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                           9

          Over Rs. 75,000 crore paid                                           Increase in agriculture credit
          to wheat farmers in 2020-21,

                                                                               target to Rs. 16.5 lakh crore
          Rs. 43.36 lakh benefited

                                                                               Integration of 1,000 more
    MSP   MSP procurement to
                                                                               Mandis with the electronic
          continue at a steady pace
                                                                               national market

                                         The total amount paid to paddy
                                         farmers surged to Rs. 1.72 lakh
                                         crore in 2020-21

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                    10
Health & Wellbeing

                         Total budget outlay of 2.23 Lakh Crore - An increase of 137% from last year

        Rs 35,000 crore for Covid-19                                                       Objective to prevent over 50,000
        vaccine                                                                            child deaths annually

        Aatmanirbhar Health Yojna with
        outlay of Rs 64,180 Cr over the next 6                                             Focus on primary, secondary and
        years, in addition to National Health                                              teiary healthcare

        Set up of 17,000 rural and 11,000                                                  Integrated public health labs to be
        urban health and wellness centres                                                  set up in each district

        Rs 2,217 crore outlay for 42 urban                                                 New scrappage policy: Check up of
        centers to tackle air pollution                                                    20-yearsold personal vehicles and
                                                                                           15-years-old commercial vehicles

                                                   Outlay of Rs 2.87 lakh crore for Jal
                                                   Jeevan Mission

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                     11
Human Capital

               National education policy:           Social security benefits to be
               Strengthening of over 15,000         extended to gig and plaorm
               schools                              workers for the first time

               Special scheme for welfare of
               women and children in Assam and      Ujjwala scheme to cover 1 crore
               Bengal along with `1,000 crore for   more beneficiaries
               tea workers

UNI N BUDGET                                                                          12

                              Tax Slabs With   Tax Slabs Without
                               Exemption          Exemption

                                      Nil               Nil
                  0 - 2.5 L                                        Tax slabs remain unchanged

                 2.5L - 5L           5%*                5%         An additional cess of 4% for
                                                                   health and education is
                                                                   applicable to the income

                  5L-7.5L            20%               10%
                                                                   tax (plus surcharge)

                 7.5L - 10L          20%               15%         Surcharge Rates:

                                                                   Income of Rs 50 lakh - 1 crore: 10%
                 10L-12.5L           30%               20%
                                                                   Income of Rs 1 crore - 2 crore: 15%
                                     30%               25%         Income of Rs 2 crore - 5 crore: 25%

                                                                   Income of Rs 5 crore and more: 37%
                                     30%               30%
                 Above 15L

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                             13


                                                                           TDS exemption for dividend payments on

                   Efforts to ease tax compliance burden

                                                                           ReITs and InVITs

                   Income tax filing exemption for senior                  Ease of IT returns filing: Details of capital gains
                   citizens earning pension and interest income            and interest will be pre-filled

     6 Years
                   Time limit for reopening assessment reduced             Late deposit by employers in PF will not be
                   from 6 years to 3 years                                 allowed as deduction to employer
     3 Years

                   Announcement of faceless dispute resolution             Steps to eliminate double taxation for NRIs on
                   panel                                                   foreign retirement funds


               `   Capital gains ULIPs to be taxed as mutual               Contribution to PF by employees above 2.5 lacs
                   funds                                                   and interest earned on the same will be taxable

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                     14


    5 Crore

               Tax audit limit increased from `5 crore to                   31
                                                                                    Tax holiday for Start-Ups extended to 31st
    10 Crore   `10 crore                                                            March, 2022

        `      Capital Gains exemption on investment in                             Tax holiday for affordable housing extended
               startups also extended to 31st March, 2022.                          for migrant workers till March 31, 2022

               Relief for charitable trusts running Hospitals                       Tax Holiday for Capital Gains for Aircraft
               and Educational Institutions increased from `1                       Leasing Companies and Tax Exemption to
               crore to `5 crore                                                    Lease paid to Foreign Persons

               Additional Interest deduction (Sec 80EEA) of `1.5 lakhs to be extended for loans taken till 31st March, 2022.

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                     15
Indirect Tax

      India to rationalize customs duty on gold, silver
                                                 Custom Duty

               Solar lanterns cut to 5%                                         Copper scrap cut to 2.5%

               Increased to 10% for coon                                       Increased to 15% for auto pas and silk

                                            Duty on steel scrap exempted till March 22

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                              16
Equity Market Outlook

    Overall, the budget has provided for higher government
    spending without an increase in personal and corporate taxes          Big boost on capital expenditure for FY 22.
    or cess. coupled with reforms and greater privatisation thrust.

    This will support economic recovery, create earning upgrades          For funding, significant institutional setup planned to
    in FY22 and thus support India’s premium valuations.                  execute and monitor monetisation of assets owned by PSUs
                                                                          or government undertaking.

    Though there is a likelihood of slightly higher interest rates as a   Three key reforms for financial markets: single securities
    result, it can get offset by superior earnings momentum especially     market code, improve liquidity in bond markets and increase
    if the budget is successful in reviving the investment cycle          in FDI limit to 74%.

                                                                          Big push on privatisation - 2 PSU banks and 1 general insurance
    No changes in capital gains structure is also a sentiment positive.   company also likely to be privatised. More PSUs to be added to
                                                                          the list of privatisation and land monetisation also on the cards.

    Overall, positive for cyclical recovery in earnings at the            Setting up of ARC to buy stressed assets will enable faster
    expense of higher fiscal deficit.                                     resolution at the NCL

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                                   17
Equities portfolio related

                                                                        Budget’s focus on growth is positive for cyclicals, industrials,
     The fact that there were no changes in taxes coupled with a        capital goods and Banking. Our portfolios are well positioned.
     boost for growth made it a double joy for equity markets.          Broad based economic recovery led by investment cycle will
                                                                        also be positive or the mid and small caps.

    Cement weight and recent additions of banks in certain portfolios   Infrastructure and manufacturing revival will be key theme
    which were significantly underweight earlier have helped.           for 2021 given the thrust on this sector in the budget.

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                               18
Fixed Income Market Outlook                                                 `

                                                                                    RBI has time and again, re-iterated
      The focus of the budget on capital      The total Gross borrowing for the     its commitment to accomodative
      expenditure is commendable as           next financial year is Rs 12.05 crs   monetary     policy    stance    and
      infrastructure requirement has high     and net borrowing is Rs 9.25 crores   preference to keep the ten year
      multiplier effect in the economy and     for the next financial year. The      yields below 6 % levels. Bond yields
      can kickstart the economy into          government is also expected to        movement will now be dictated by
      higher trajectory. The idea of a bad    borrow additional Rs 80000 Crores     RBI actions or inactions. The 10 year
      bank and divestment of two              in the current financial year. The    bond yields have already moved to
      nationalised      banks   and     one   Gross borrowing programme will        6.05 % from 5.90 % before the
      insurance companies is positive for     create pressure on yields and the     budget announcement. Given the
      the market and as per the finance       ten year yields is expected to move   high borrowing requirement, it is
      ministry this is an ongoing exercise.   to 6.25 % -6.50 % range if we don’t   imperative that RBI intervenes in the
                                              have decisive RBI intervention.       G sec market to control yields.

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                                19
Fixed Income Portfolio related                          `

          We have entered in the current month         We expect rates to be stable in the
          with most debt schemes pre dominantly        short and medium end of the yield
          invested in short to medium end of the       curve as liquidity in the system
          yield curve and thus the impact of           continues to be comfortable above Rs 5
          upward movement in yields across the         Lakh crores. We have been running
          yield curve on portfolios have been lower.   shorter duration in our portfolios and
                                                       that should        help fixed income
                                                       investors. Investors need to be prudent
                                                        and invest only in short maturity funds.

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                       20
House views on MF industry                                      `

         Exemption of TDS on dividend payments to REITs and InvITs is a positive step

         This will further increase attractiveness and will also deepen the category.

         The measure to set up a body to buy bonds upto investment grade is a good step
         in helping deepening and market making in Corporate bond market. It is a very
         positive step for MFs.

          The advantage that ULIPs had over equity mutual funds (MFs) will no longer be
          there as Budget 2021 has brought the gains made from ULIPs with premium over
          `2.5 lakh on par with equity mutual funds. So gain from such ULIPs is treated as
          capital gain just like equity MFs and will be taxed accordingly.

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                            21
House views on IFSC

               Tax exemption for        Setting up of AIF for    Funds which are focused
            investment division for     disposal of stressed         in running special
           foreign banks are steps in   assets is an excellent     situations will benefit
             the right direction to             move             from such opportunities.
              creating an vibrant

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                   22

  To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate and reliable as of the date of
  publication; however, we do not assume any liability whatsoever for the accuracy and completeness of
  the above information. Any action taken by you on the basis of the information contained herein is your
  responsibility alone and Tata Asset Management will not be liable in any manner for the consequences
                                        of such action taken by you.

    Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.

UNI N BUDGET                                                                                                  23

               Thank You
UNI N BUDGET                          24
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