Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...

Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...
your options
during coronavirus.
A Financial Support Guide for business
owners, employees, job seekers and retirees.
Effective 30 July 2021
Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...
What’s inside

      Business Owners                                               2

      Government Leave Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment               3
      COVID-19 Business Support Grants for VIC                       3
      COVID-19 Business Support Grant for NSW                        3
      Enquire about a new loan as part of the SME Recovery           4   You can count on CommBank
      Loan Scheme
                                                                         in uncertain times.
      Cash flow support                                              4
      Defer repayments on your eligible BetterBusiness Loan          4   As you’ll be aware, coronavirus is a serious health
                                                                         issue that has rapidly affected almost every
      Car and equipment finance                                      4   aspect of our lives. And our society has responded
      Refund merchant fees                                           4   in substantial, often unprecedented, ways to help
                                                                         contain the risk.

      Employees and Job Seekers                                     6    The measures put in place are designed to
                                                                         help individuals and businesses do their part
      Federal and State Government support                           7   to limit the spread of coronavirus. They have
      Seeking clarity                                                7   effectively paused parts of the economy for
                                                                         now, while ensuring that it can restart quickly
      JobSeeker                                                      7   once coronavirus is under control. Many of these
      Finding employment                                             7   measures may have already affected you.

      Loan and credit card repayments                                7   We’re committed to doing all we can to
                                                                         help support our customers during these
      Support payments                                               7   uncertain times.
      Rent and utilities                                             7   We’ve designed this guide to highlight the support
      Additional benefits                                            7   available for affected businesses and individuals,
                                                                         including employees, job seekers, and retirees.
      Support for your wellbeing                                     8   It also includes some general information and
                                                                         advice for managing during this period.
      Retirees                                                      10
                                                                         The guide is current at 30 July 2021.
      Additional government payments                                11
      Reducing your drawdown rate                                   11
      Changing your asset allocations                               11
      Remaining safe and secure                                     11
      Online safety and scams                                       12
      Taking charge of your financial wellbeing                     12

               There is much that we can do together.
               For further information and links to applications,
               please go to commbank.com.au/coronavirus

B | Understanding your options during coronavirus                                    Understanding your options during coronavirus | 1
Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...
Coronavirus has had a rapid impact on many businesses, but there are
Support for                                         various measures in place to provide support. Here’s what you can do.
Business Owners
                                                    Government Pandemic Leave                               The Alpine Business Support Program will deliver
                                                                                                            grants of between $5,000 and $20,000 to Alpine
                                                    Disaster Payment
You may be eligible for benefits,                                                                           based businesses affected by restricted inter and
                                                    The Government announced a Pandemic Leave               intra-state travel.
rebates and concessions that could                  Disaster Payment for those who need to self-            The Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme and
help you save money and help your                   isolate, quarantine or care for someone. Payments       Landlord Hardship Fund will be reinstated to
                                                    are available for people who can’t earn an income
business with cash flow.                            because they have been directed to self-isolate or
                                                                                                            support landlords that provide rent relief to
                                                                                                            their tenants. More details to be provided by the
                                                    quarantine by authorised personnel.                     Victorian Government soon.

                                                    Details depend on the jurisdiction and lockdown         Further information on the grants, the eligibility
                                                    orders in place, and you can learn more at:             criteria, and how to apply, can be found on the
                                                    servicesaustralia.gov.au/pandemic-leave-                Victorian Government website.

                                                                                                            COVID-19 Business Support Grant for NSW
                                                    COVID-19 Business Support Grants for VIC
                                                                                                            The NSW Government announced an economic
                                                    The Victorian Government announced new                  support package aimed at helping businesses
                                                    cash grants for businesses impacted by the              impacted by the COVID-19 lockdown.
                                                    COVID-19 lockdown.
                                                    The Victorian Government announced a new Small          Further information on the grant, the eligibility
                                                    Business COVID Hardship Fund and Business               criteria, and how to apply, can be found on the
                                                    Continuity Fund, building on the existing Licensed      NSW Government website.
                                                    Hospitality Venue Fund and Alpine Business
                                                    Support. These payments will provide additional
                                                    support to eligible small to medium businesses          Key components of the 2021 COVID-19 package
                                                    in sectors affected by the current restrictions in      include:
                                                    metropolitan and regional Victoria.                     • COVID-19 business grant: if you’re a business,
                                                    Key components include:                                   sole trader or not-for-profit organisation impacted
                                                                                                              by the current Greater Sydney COVID-19
                                                    To be eligible for the Business Continuity Fund,          restrictions, you may be able to apply for a grant
                                                    businesses must have received or been eligible for        of up to $15,000
                                                    the previous Business Costs Assistance Program. The
                                                    additional payment amount to an eligible business is:   • Micro business grant: if you’re a micro business
                                                                                                              (small business or sole trader with annual
                                                    • $5000 for businesses that remain impacted by            turnover of more than $30,000 and under
                                                      capacity limits;                                        $75,000) impacted by the current Greater Sydney
                                                    • $2000 additional payment for those businesses           COVID-19 restrictions, you may be able to apply
                                                      located in the CBD.                                     for a grant of up to $1500 from late July 2021.

                                                    To be eligible for the boosted Licensed Hospitality     • JobSaver payments: will now be available to
                                                    Venue Fund, businesses must have received or              businesses with an annual turnover of between
                                                    been eligible for the Licensed Hospitality Venue          $75,000 and $250 million which have experienced
                                                    Fund 2021. The additional payment to an eligible          a revenue decline of 30 per cent or more.
                                                    business is:                                            Other components of the support package include:
                                                    • Up to $20,000 to support licensed venues that         • Payroll tax waivers of 25% for businesses with
                                                      continue to be impacted;                                Australian wages of between $1.2 million and
                                                    • $2000 additional payment for those venues               $10 million that have experienced a 30% decline
                                                      located in the CBD.                                     in turnover, as well as payroll tax deferrals and
                                                                                                              interest free repayment plans;
                                                    To be eligible for the Small Business COVID
                                                    Hardship Fund, small businesses with a payroll of up    • A capped grant of up to $1500 for residential
                                                    to $10 million who have experienced 70% or more           landlords who are not liable to pay land tax who
                                                    reduction in revenue must not have been eligible          reduce rent for tenants estimated at $210 million;
                                                    for existing business support funds. The payment        • Land tax relief equal to the value of rent reductions
                                                    amount to an eligible small business is:                  provided by commercial, retail and residential
                                                    • Up to $5000.                                            landlords to financially distressed tenants, up to
                                                                                                              100% of the 2021 land tax year liability;

2 | Understanding your options during coronavirus   1 Please see back cover for footnote details.                         Understanding your options during coronavirus | 3
Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...
Support for:
Business Owners

• Introduction of legislative amendments to                  Cash flow support
  ensure a short-term eviction moratorium for rental
  arrears where a residential tenant suffers loss of         The NSW and Federal Governments announced
  income of 25 per cent due to COVID-19 and meets            additional economic support for businesses impacted by
  a range of criteria;                                       the COVID-19 lockdown on 13 July 2021. Businesses
                                                             can register to receive this support with Service NSW
• No recovery of security bonds, or lockouts or              from 30 July 2021, with payments likely commence
  evictions of impacted retail and commercial tenants        from late July and backdated.
  prior to mediation;
                                                             Eligible CommBank customers who have registered to
• Deferral of gaming tax assessments for clubs until 21      receive the Government stimulus payments and need
  December 2021 and hotels until 21 January 2022.            additional cash flow support in the interim can call our
Also, NSW businesses are set to benefit from further         Business Financial Assistance line on 13 2607 and
payroll tax relief to help ease the financial burden of      request bridging finance.
COVID-19 lockdowns. This includes:                           To be eligible to apply for this bridging finance customers
• All NSW businesses who have a payroll tax liability have   must have opened a Business Transaction Account with
  the option of deferring lodgement and payment of their     CommBank prior to 1 January 2021, in addition to our
  2020/21 annual reconciliation until 7 October 2021.        standard lending eligibility (Interest and fees will apply)1.

• Customers required to lodge monthly returns will
  also have the option of deferring their returns due in     Defer repayments on your eligible
  August and September until 7 October 2021.                 BetterBusiness Loan
• In addition, all payroll tax customers that defer their    Eligible2 BetterBusiness Loan holders, with less than
  payments are eligible for an interest free payment         $10,000,000 of total commercial liabilities with
  plan of up to 12 months.                                   CommBank, can request a loan repayment deferral due
• Businesses with wages between $1.2 million and $10         to the impact of the pandemic their business.
  million that have experienced a 30 per cent decline        Remember: If you defer your repayments, for the
  in turnover will get a 25 per cent reduction of their      duration of the deferral period, interest and charges will
  2021/22 payroll tax.                                       continue to accrue at the agreed rate and time on any
                                                             outstanding balances and add to the total loan balance.
For more information about payroll tax reductions            This means that the total amount of interest payable
and deferrals visit: revenue.nsw.gov.au or contact           will be more than it would have been under the original
the team at Revenue NSW on 1300 139 815 or                   contract term.
                                                                                                                                    Key resources for business owners
                                                             If you are in financial difficulty or require a deferral call
                                                             the Business Financial Assistance Team on
                                                             13 26 07 or your dedicated relationship manager.
You can enquire about the SME                                                                                                • CommBank’s Coronavirus Support for Business Customers:
Recovery Loan Scheme                                         Car and equipment finance                                         commbank.com.au/latest/coronavirus/business-support

                                                             For business vehicle and equipment loans, eligible              • ATO: ato.gov.au/general/gen/JobKeeper-payment
To support our business customers, a loan of up to $5
million may be available for eligible customers3 who         customers* for SME Recovery Loan Scheme will receive
                                                             a 0.20% p.a. discount off the standard rate.                    • Fair Work Commission: fwc.gov.au
have received, or been entitled to receive, a JobKeeper
payment between 4 January 2021 and 28 March                                                                                  • CommBiz:
2021, or are located and/or operating in a flood-            Refund merchant fees                                              commbank.com.au/business/online-banking/commbiz
affected area during the recent floods (March 2021)4.
Applications can be made from 1 April 2021 to 31             If you’re facing financial difficulty, you can ask us to        • CommBank’s dedicated Business Financial Assistance
December 2021. This loan must be used for business           refund your Merchant terminal rental fees, minimum                helpline: 13 26 07
purposes or the purchase of commercial property, and         monthly Merchant Service Fee, Monthly Access Fee, and
is part of the Government SME Recovery Loan Scheme.          Simple Merchant Plan fee (as applicable) for up to 90
This loan must be used for business purposes or the          days. If you have a Relationship Manager they will be able
purchase of commercial property, and is part of the          to assist you with this, or you can speak with Merchant
Government SME Recovery Loan Scheme.1                        Services team on 1800 230 177, who are available 24/7.

You can learn more at: treasury.gov.au | Apply now

4 | Understanding your options during coronavirus                                                                                                   Understanding your options during coronavirus | 5
Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...
Support for
                                                    Many businesses are having to react quickly to a new trading
Employees and Job Seekers                           environment. If your income or employment circumstances
Have you been stood down                            have significantly changed, here’s what you can do.
by your employer or had your
income significantly reduced?
                                                    The Federal, NSW, Victorian, and                         You can continue to seek employment
                                                    South Australian Governments’ Business                   Many businesses have increased demands at this
                                                    and Individual Support Package                           time. If you have been stood down or had your hours
                                                                                                             reduced and you find other work, you can take that
                                                    The Federal, NSW, Victorian, and South Australian
                                                                                                             job. As long as you are not employed as a full-time
                                                    Governments have announced the COVID-19
                                                                                                             permanent employee, you will not be required to
                                                    Disaster Payment will be further expanded and
                                                                                                             resign from your original job.
                                                    increased to support individuals and businesses
                                                    impacted by the current NSW, VIC, and SA
                                                    COVID-19 lockdown.                                       You can talk to us about your loan
                                                                                                             and credit card repayments
                                                    For more information visit:
                                                    COVID-19 Disaster Payment                                IIf you’re concerned about making repayments on
                                                                                                             your credit card, personal loan or home loan, we
                                                                                                             have options to help you manage.

                                                    COVID-19 support for South Australians                   Call us on 13 30 95 to speak to our Financial
                                                                                                             Assistance team to find out more about the options
                                                    The Federal and South Australian government              that suit your individual situation. They’re open
                                                    have announced income support payments of up             8am-9pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 2pm on
                                                    to $600 a week for South Australians affected by         Saturday (Sydney/Melbourne time).
                                                    COVID restrictions.

                                                    Individuals will be eligible for the COVID-19 Disaster   Defer your home loan repayments
                                                    Payment if they have lost between 8 and less than
                                                    20 hours of work for a payment of $375, and for 20       We’re offering a two month home loan repayment
                                                    or more hours of work for a payment of $600, during      deferral to help eligible customers significantly
                                                    the period of the lockdown. There will be no liquid      impacted by lockdowns, especially those in local
                                                    assets test applied to eligibility for these payments.   government areas with additional restrictions.

                                                    The payments will be paid in arrears for the             To request a deferral log onto NetBank here, select
                                                    lockdown and anyone affected can apply through           your home loan account, then choose ‘Pandemic’ as
                                                    myGov from Wednesday, 28 July.                           the reason for your request.

                                                    To get ready, South Australians should set up
                                                    myGov accounts now so they can claim quickly and         You may be eligible for support payments
                                                    easily online.
                                                                                                             If you are impacted by the NSW and VIC COVID-19
                                                                                                             lockdown, live or work in a Commonwealth declared
                                                    You can seek clarity                                     COVID-19 hotspot, your hours have been reduced,
                                                                                                             and you are unable to earn an income because you
                                                    Being stood down is a temporary measure that             must self-isolate, quarantine or care for someone
                                                    means you remain employed but unpaid for the             who has COVID-19, then you may be eligible for a
                                                    period of time that you do not perform your duties,      payment from your state or territory government.
                                                    but are not paid your usual wage. You will continue      More detail and help to work out your eligibility is
                                                    to accrue annual leave.                                  available here.

                                                    You can learn more on the Fair Work Commission
                                                    website: fwc.gov.au

6 | Understanding your options during coronavirus   3 Please see back cover for footnote details.                          Understanding your options during coronavirus | 7
Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...
Support for:
Employees and Jobseekers

       You could seek rent and utility relief                            wellbeing. If you are suffering from heightened
                                                                         stress or any other mental health condition, consult
       You may be eligible for rental assistance from the                your regular doctor about the appropriate course
       Government. Talk to your landlord about what else                 of care, as you may be eligible for Medicare rebates
       may be possible for further rental relief. Also worth             on psychological services, with additional telehealth
       continuing to speak with your landlord and try to work            services being put in place to ensure they are
       on options to help you both during this time. You may             available for all people requiring them
       also be eligible for an energy subsidy. Many utility
       providers have also launched relief measures. Speak
       to your specific provider about temporary relief.                 You can seek help as a vulnerable
                                                                         community member if you are at risk
       You may benefit from discussing your situation
       and possible financial planning needs with one of                 of domestic violence
       our qualified financial planners. Your first meeting              If you or your family are impacted by family or
       is obligation-free and may be over the phone or                   domestic violence, support is available to you.
       at your local branch (subject to social distancing                1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) is a free national
       measures). You can get in touch by visiting the                   counselling and referral service. All of these calls are
       Commonwealth Financial Planning webpage                           confidential and can help provide guidance during a
       or calling us on 1800 138 713 from 8.30am to                      difficult time, if you’re unable to call, you can also visit
       5.30pm, Monday-Friday (Sydney/Melbourne time).                    www.1800respect.org.au for more information.

                                                                         If you’re a CommBank customer experiencing a
       You can access additional benefits                                domestic or family violence situation, you can speak
       Through Benefits finder in the CommBank app,                      to our specialist Community Wellbeing team about
       you may be able to find government or other                       your financial needs.
       benefits that you may be eligible for. Benefits
       finder connects you with benefits you may be                      For more information visit:
       eligible for – financial support that could help you              commbank.com.au/dv-assistance.
       during these uncertain times.
                                                                         For information about ‘Next Chapter’: independence
                                                                         for survivors of domestic and financial abuse visit:
       You can seek additional support                                   commbank.com.au/next-chapter-brochure                                 Key resources for employees
       for your overall wellbeing
                                                                                                                                               and job seekers
       This period of uncertainty may cause stress for
       many individuals, families, community groups and
                                                                                                                                        • Fair Work Commission: fwc.gov.au
       businesses. It is critically important that you look after
       your mental wellbeing, as well as your overall financial                                                                         • myGov: my.gov.au

                                                                                                                                        • CommBank – Superannuation and Pension Payment

                                                                                                                                        • CommBank app for Benefits finder: commbank.com.au

                                                                                                                                        • Medicare: servicesaustralia.gov.au
                      Support in case of domestic violence
                                                                                                                                        • 1800RESPECT: 1800respect.org.au
                      1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) is a free national counselling and referral service for
                      anyone affected by domestic violence. All of these calls are confidential and can help provide                    • CommBank’s Community Wellbeing Team:
                      guidance during a difficult time.                                                                                   commbank.com.au/support/dv-assistance

8 | Understanding your options during coronavirus                                                                                                               Understanding your options during coronavirus | 9
Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...
Support for
                                                     Maintaining a source of income is more
Retirees                                             important than ever in retirement. If coronavirus
Are you a retiree who has                            has affected yours, here’s what you can do.
seen their income or
superannuation fall?

                                                     You can reduce your drawdown rate                       You can take measures to remain safe
                                                     To provide retirees with more flexibility in managing
                                                                                                             and secure during this time
                                                     their retirement incomes, the Government has            We understand that some of our customers prefer
                                                     reduced the minimum drawdown rates for account          to come into the branch to do their banking. In
                                                     based pensions and similar products by 50% from         light of the Government’s announcement around
                                                     1 July 2020. You should consider whether this is        essential services, we are committed to keeping
                                                     right for you given your circumstances. To get an       as many of our branches open as possible and also
                                                     idea of how long your account-based pension will        ensuring that our customers and staff are kept
                                                     last, please visit the Moneysmart website.              healthy and safe.

                                                                                                             Some of our branches may need to close from time to
                                                     You can make changes to your asset                      time. We will keep you updated via our branch locator
                                                     allocations, but please think carefully                 tool at commbank.com.au/digital/locate-us. Social
                                                     before doing so                                         distancing will be observed in branch, and added
                                                                                                             measures have been put in place to ensure the branch
                                                     With changes in market and economic conditions,         is kept clean and safe for all.
                                                     you should consider seeking financial advice
                                                     prior to making any decisions to alter your overall     Alternatively, you can also access accounts 24 hours
                                                     asset allocation. You may benefit from discussing       a day through NetBank or the CommBank app, and
                                                     your situation with one of our qualified financial      general banking enquiries through our locally-based
                                                     planners. You can get in touch by visiting the          contact centres on 13 22 21, every day between
                                                     Commonwealth Financial Planning webpage                 6am and 10pm.
                                                     or calling us on 1800 138 713 from 8.30am to
                                                     5.30pm, Monday-Friday (Sydney/Melbourne time).          If you have questions about using your Passbook
                                                                                                             during this time, visit commbank.com.au/passbook.
                                                     Make an appointment to speak
                                                     with a financial planner
                                                     You may benefit from discussing your situation
                                                     and possible financial planning needs with one of
                                                     our qualified financial planners. Your first meeting
                                                     is obligation-free and may be over the phone or
                                                     at your local branch (subject to social distancing
                                                     measures). You can get in touch by visiting the
                                                     Commonwealth Financial Planning webpage
                                                     or calling us on 1800 138 713 from 8.30am to
                                                     5.30pm, Monday-Friday (Sydney/Melbourne time).

10 | Understanding your options during coronavirus                                                                        Understanding your options during coronavirus | 11
Understanding your options during coronavirus - A Financial Support Guide for business owners, employees, job seekers and retirees. Effective 30 ...
Support for: Retirees

       You can increase your online safety
       and awareness of scams
       We want you to remain safe and secure online. Unfortunately, there are
       some online scammers that will be seeking to take advantage of the
       current situation and access your personal information. Please do not
       share your personal bank details with anyone who contacts you directly.

       Learn more about how to protect yourself online at:

       We also have a guide to help older people avoid scams, fraud and abuse
       that can be found here:

       You can access support through the National COVID
       Older Persons Information Line
       Council on the Ageing, National Seniors Australia, Older Persons Advocacy
       Network, and Dementia Australia have banded together, supported by the
       Commonwealth Government to launch a new support service. You can call
       1800 171 866 to get the critical information you need to stay healthy and
       safe during coronavirus.

                  Key resources for retirees

       • Older Australians Line: 13 2300

       • CommBank: 13 2221

       • CommBank Branch Locator:

       • CommBank Passbook:

       • CommBank’s Guide to Protecting Yourself from Scams:

       • Safe and Savvy Guide

       • National COVID Older Persons Information Line: 1800 171 866

12 | Understanding your options during coronavirus                                 Understanding your options during coronavirus | 13
There is much that
we can do together.
For further information and links to applications,
please go to commbank.com.au/coronavirus

Things you should know: As this information has been prepared without having regard for your individual and/or business objectives, financial situation or needs,
you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. This information is current as at 30 July 2021 and is prepared
without taking into account your individual and/or business needs and objectives. CommBank has the right to change or cancel this offer at any time without
notice. The statements and content of this guide have been sourced from various government publications and summarised. CommBank disclaims, to the extent
permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to the material and does not accept any liability in relation to
the quality, operability or accuracy of the material.
1. Credit provided by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. These products are only available to approved business customers and for business purposes only.
   Applications for finance are subject to the Bank’s eligibility and suitability criteria and normal credit approval processes. View our Current Terms and
   Conditions for Business Finance, Financial Services Guide and Business Transaction Account Terms and Conditions and consider them before making any
   decision about these products. Rates are subject to change. For current interest rates, visit business banking rates and fees. Fees, charges and Terms &
   Conditions apply.
2. Customers eligible to apply for a loan repayment deferral include any CommBank business customer who holds a BetterBusiness Loan with less than
   $10,000,000 of total commercial liabilities with CommBank. Loan repayment deferrals are offered at the final discretion of the bank. These products are only
   available to approved business customers and for business purposes only. Applications for finance are subject to the Bank’s eligibility and suitability criteria
   and normal credit approval processes.  Applications for finance are subject to the Bank’s eligibility and suitability criteria and normal credit approval
   processes. View our current Terms and Conditions for Business Finance and consider them before making any decision about these products. For current
   interest rates, visit Business banking rates and fees.
3. Customers need to meet Government SME Recovery Scheme eligibility criteria: small to medium sized businesses with up to $250 million turnover, including
   those self-employed, and not-for-profits; must have an Australian Business Number (ABN); available to current and new CommBank business customers.
   This offer cannot be used to purchase residential property or financial products or to provide loans to associated entities. These products are only available to
   approved business customers and for business purposes only. Applications for finance are subject to the Bank’s eligibility and suitability criteria and normal
   credit approval processes. View our current Terms and Conditions for Business Finance and consider them before making any decision about these products.
   For current interest rates, visit Business banking rates and fees.
4. “Recent Floods” means the flooding that occurred in March 2021 in the Flood Affected Local Government Areas. “Flood Affected Local Government Area”
   means a flood affected local government area as published on the Department of the Treasury website and updated by the Commonwealth from time to time
   for the purposes of the Scheme.
*   These products are only available to approved business customers and for business purposes only. Customers need to meet eligibility criteria of the
    Government SME Recovery Scheme this includes: small to medium sized business with up to $250 million turnover, including those self-employed, and
    not-for-profits, and have an ABN. This offer cannot be used to purchase residential property or financial products or to provide loans to associated entities.
    Applications for finance are subject to the Bank’s eligibility and suitability criteria and normal credit approval processes. View our current Terms and
    Conditions for Business Finance and Asset Finance and consider them before making any decision about these products. For current interest rates, visit
    Business banking rates and fees.The statements and content of this fact sheet have been sourced from various government publications and summarised.
    CommBank disclaims, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to the material and
    does not accept any liability in relation to the quality, operability or accuracy of the material
Please view our Merchant Agreement, Financial Services Guide and Operator and User Guides at our Merchant Support Centre.
Commonwealth Financial Planners are representatives of Commonwealth Financial Planning Limited ABN 65 003 900 169 AFSL 231139, a wholly owned but
non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Bank.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL and Australian credit licence 234945.
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