A health crisis first, an economic crisis second

Page created by Philip Cruz
A health crisis first, an economic crisis second
May 2020

                                                               A health crisis first,
                                                         an economic crisis second

                                                                                Catherine Birch
                                                                               Senior Economist

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This is not personal advice. It does not consider your objectives
or circumstances. Please refer to the Important Notice.
A health crisis first, an economic crisis second
Australia’s physical distancing measures are
                   New daily COVID-19 cases in Australia

Source: Departments of Health, States and Territories      2
A health crisis first, an economic crisis second
We are not expecting rates to go up anytime soon
                Market expectations for the RBA cash rate

Source: Bloomberg, ANZ Research                             3
Commonwealth and state governments have now
spent AUD119bn in 2019-20, AUD130bn in 2020-21

        Cost to Governments of COVID-19 related measures

 Source: Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments, ANZ Research   4
Business confidence has fallen to a record low and
       conditions are weakest since the 1990s recession

                              Businesses confidence and conditions





Net balance






                    97   99    01    03    05      07   09    11     13     15   17   19   21
                                    Business confidence    Business conditions

       Source: NAB, ANZ Research                                                           5
Some of the industries hardest hit by the crisis
are those with the weakest balance sheets
              Businesses’ liquidity and gearing ratios

Source: RBA                                              6
ANZ Job Ads have fallen 58% in two months

                                                                                           ANZ Job Ads

This reflects the

                     Cumulative change in job ads, %, sa
short, sharp                                               -10
impact of COVID-
19 on the labour
market compared                                            -30
with the 1990s
recession and
GFC.                                                       -50


                                                                 0   2   4   6   8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24     0   2   4   6   8 10   0   2
                                                                             Months since lowest unemployment rate in cycle

                                                                                 1990s recession*   GFC      COVID-19
                    *newspaper job ads only

                    Source: SEEK, Dept of Education, Skills and Employment, ABS, ANZ Research
Hundreds of thousands of jobs have already
                   been lost

                                                                                      Changes in jobs and wages paid


                    Index: week ending 14 March = 100,

                           not seasonally adjusted


Hospitality and
arts and                                                  92
recreation have
recorded the
largest drops in                                          88





jobs and wages.









                                                                                                   Employee jobs                                     Employee wages

                   Source: ABS, ANZ Research
Some households entered shutdowns without much of a buffer
  Underemployed and renters most at risk   A third of households are not
       of defaults / late payments           ahead on their mortgage
Our spending spikes as lockdown eases, but it
                       won’t last

Our spending in                                                                                                                                    ANZ spending
May has been
very strong, but
the longer term

                       ANZ observed spending (weekly) contribution
trend of retail will                                                 30
reflect weaker                                                       25

                               to total retail % change y/y
incomes and less                                                     20
financial stability                                                  10
















                                                                                   Food retail                                  Dining/takeaway                             Department stores                          Household goods
                                                                                   Fashion                                      Other                                       0                                          Total retail

                       Source: ANZ Research
Cuts to household        Housing prices to fall
income, sharply
rising uncertainty for                                                                        Housing price forecasts, by capital city
households, reduced
population growth,                                                        16
and weaker investor

                           Housing prices, y/y % change (calendar year)
demand will depress                                                       12
the housing market
over the next year or                                                      8




                                                                                Australia*     Sydney      Melbourne     Brisbane        Adelaide      Perth   Hobart
                                                                                             2017   2018     2019      2020 (forecast)      2021 (forecast)
                                    * Capital city weighted average

                         Source: CoreLogic, ANZ Research                                                                                                                11
The ANZ-PCA survey points to a major downturn
Expectations for
future work have   in residential building over the coming year
collapsed in the
                                                   Forward work schedule vs residential approvals
property sector.
                                                 100                                                                                 30



                         Forward work schedule

                                                                                                                                           % change y/y (trend)
                                                 50                                                                                  -10




                                                  0                                                                                  -50
                                                       12      13      14      15    16       17       18        19      20
                                                         Forward work schedule      Quarterly residential building approvals (RHS)

                   Source: ABS, PCA, ANZ Research                                                                                                                 12

All ANZ card data have been de-identified, de-sensitised and
aggregated before being analysed.

ANZ spending data were not scaled up to represent total
spending, and only include spending by ANZ cardholders and
transactions for merchants that use ANZ point-of-sale

The market share of ANZ cardholders and ANZ point of sales
terminals differs between categories and over time. The
changes in spending between December and February are still
a good proxy of consumer spending, as changes within these
months are not likely to be very affected by market share.

Important notice
[28 January 2020]

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