Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators

Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for
                                                      Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
                                               Raveesh Garg1 , Eric Qin1 , Francisco Muñoz-Matrínez2 , Robert Guirado3 , Akshay Jain4 , Sergi Abadal3 ,
                                             José L. Abellán5 , Manuel E. Acacio2 , Eduard Alarcón3 , Sivasankaran Rajamanickam6 , and Tushar Krishna1
                                                                 1 Georgia  Tech, {raveesh.g, ecqin}@gatech.edu, tushar@ece.gatech.edu
                                                                     2 Universidad   de Murcia, {francisco.munoz2, meacacio}@um.es
                                                   3 Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, {rguirado, abadal}@ac.upc.edu, eduard.alarcon@upc.edu
                                                                                   4 Neutroon, akshay.jain@neutroon.com
                                                                         5 Universidad Católica de Murcia, jlabellan@ucam.edu
                                                                           6 Sandia National Laboratories, srajama@sandia.gov
arXiv:2103.07977v2 [cs.DC] 24 Sep 2021

                                                                                                                              Distribution Network
                                                                                                                                                                                Register File (RF)

                                                                                                              Global Buffer
                                            Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have garnered a lot of

                                                                                                                                                     Inter-PE NoC
                                                                                                                                                                                Processing Element (PE)
                                         recent interest because of their success in learning representa-
                                         tions from graph-structured data across several critical appli-                                                            Distribution/Reduction
                                                                                                                                                                    bandwidth is the number of
                                         cations in cloud and HPC. Owing to their unique compute and                                                                PEs that can receive/send
                                                                                                                                                                    data in one cycle

                                         memory characteristics that come from an interplay between                           Reduction Network

                                         dense and sparse phases of computations, the emergence of re-                           Figure 1: Spatial Accelerator
                                         configurable dataflow (aka spatial) accelerators offers promise
                                                                                                            dataflow is used to refer to the mechanisms used by acceler-
                                         for acceleration by mapping optimized dataflows (i.e., com-
                                                                                                            ators to stage the computation across space and time [7, 32].
                                         putation order and parallelism) for both phases. The goal of
                                                                                                            A “good” dataflow is one that can maintain high utiliza-
                                         this work is to characterize and understand the design-space
                                                                                                            tion via efficient parallelization, and minimize data move-
                                         of dataflow choices for running GNNs on spatial accelerators
                                                                                                            ment through the memory hierarchy via data reuse. The
                                         in order for the compilers to optimize the dataflow based on
                                                                                                            dataflow along with tile sizes is known as a mapping [32].
                                         the workload. Specifically, we propose a taxonomy to describe
                                                                                                            Flexible accelerators support diverse mappings which can be
                                         all possible choices for mapping the dense and sparse phases
                                                                                                            statically configured by a compiler. The space of dataflows
                                         of GNNs spatially and temporally over a spatial accelerator,
                                                                                                            for executing dense DNN layers sequentially has been ex-
                                         capturing both the intra-phase dataflow and the inter-phase
                                                                                                            plored heavily [7, 32, 41, 55]. However, several ML and
                                         (pipelined) dataflow. Using this taxonomy, we do deep-dives
                                                                                                            HPC kernels employ multiple phases of sparse-dense com-
                                         into the cost and benefits of several dataflows and perform case
                                                                                                            putations [9, 11, 31, 40], offering opportunities for pipelining
                                         studies on implications of hardware parameters for dataflows
                                                                                                            and reuse across phases. The focus of this work is to character-
                                         and value of flexibility to support pipelined execution.
                                                                                                            ize and understand the dataflow choices for such multiphase
                                                                                                            kernels that can be leveraged by a mapping optimizer. Specifi-
                                         1. Introduction
                                                                                                            cally, we focus on understanding dataflow choices for Graph
                                         Recently, there has been an emergence of several general-          Neural Networks (GNNs), though our analysis can extend to
                                         purpose programmable spatial accelerators (aka Reconfig-           other dependent multiphase computations as well.
                                         urable or Flexible Dataflow Accelerators [59]) targeting ma-          GNNs are becoming increasingly popular because of their
                                         chine learning and HPC. Commercial examples include Cere-          ability to accurately learn representations from graph struc-
                                         bras [45], Graphcore [1], and SambaNova [14], and academic         tured data to solve graph/node classification, graph genera-
                                         prototypes include Plasticine [42] and MAERI [33]. While           tion, and link prediction problems [50]. Example applica-
                                         low-level technological and microarchitectural details vary,       tions include item recommendation [15], molecular feature
                                         at a high-level these accelerators are comprised of a “spatial”    extraction [13], 3D classification tasks [17], natural language
                                         array of processing elements (PEs), a private register file (RF)   processing [37], semantic segmentation [43], and fraud detec-
                                         in each PE, a programmable scratchpad-based memory hier-           tion [25]. The diversity of these problem domains results in
                                         archy, and specialized networks-on-chip (NoC) for operand          very different workload characteristics.
                                         distribution and output collection to/from the PEs. Figure 1          GNN inference runtime is dominated by two phases [52]:
                                         shows an example.                                                  (1) aggregation and (2) combination. Aggregation is an SpMM
                                            A key distinguishing feature of spatial accelerators from       computation with irregular, workload dependent accesses of
                                         conventional CPUs and GPUs is the ability to support dataflow      data. Combination computations can be cast as GEMMs, sim-
                                         execution [42]. In the spatial accelerator domain, the term        ilar to traditional dense DNNs. Several recent works on GNN
Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
Single independent         Prior work on DNN dataflow
                                                                                                                    1                                CSR representation of adjacency graph
                                                       studies - Kwon et al. (MICRO
       Multiphase           sparse/dense dataflows     2019), Eyeriss, Timeloop,                                                                        Edge-ID   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
       sparse/dense        Single         Single       Interstellar
       dataflows           phase          phase                                                            0               2              Edge-array = [0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 0, 3, 0, 4]
                           dense          sparse       This work on GNN dataflows

                                                                                                                                                        Vertex ID 0                1     2   3   4     # Neighbors: N*
Figure 2: Map space of our work on GNN dataflow studies is a super-                       (a) 4                            3    (b) Vertex-array = [0, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11]
set of that of prior works on DNN dataflow studies - Kwon et al. [32],
                                                                                                               # Vertices: V*                  # In Features: F                                      # Out Features: G
Eyeriss [7], Timeloop [41] and Interstellar [55].                                                                                                                 # Out Features: G
                                                                                                           1 1 0 0 0

                                                                                                                                                                      # In Features: F
                                                                                                                                    # Vertices: V*
                                                                                          # Vertices: V

                                                                                                                                                                                                     # Vertices: V
acceleration [4, 6, 18, 30, 35, 52, 53, 57, 58] have demonstrated                                          0 1 1 0 0
the challenges with getting high performance for GNNs from                                                 0 1 1 0 1
commodity CPUs, GPUs and DNN accelerators. These chal-                                                     1 0 0 1 0
lenges arise from (i) extremely high amounts of sparsity in the                                            1 0 0 0 1
aggregation phase (over 99% as compared to 70-80% in mod-                                                 Adjacency Matrix           Feature Matrix Weight Matrix                                     Feature Matrix
ern DNNs), and (ii) diverse data reuse opportunities within                               (c)                    A                         Xl            W                                                 Xl+1
and across these phases. These works have also demonstrated
                                                                                          Figure 3: (a) Example graph, (b) CSR representation of the adja-
that GNNs offer opportunities for acceleration by crafting                                cency matrix, (c) main computations – Note: V* can be represented
specialized dataflows for extracting reuse both within and                                as neighbors (N*) if it is represented in CSR format. Any computation
across the phases. Unfortunately, most of these prior works                               with A is the aggregation phase (e.g. AX or A(XW)), and any compu-
propose building specialized GNN accelerator ASICs with                                   tation with W is the combination phase (e.g. XW or (AX)W). ’l’ refers
heavy co-design of a specific GNN dataflow and its hardware                               to the layer.
microarchitecture which limits their applicability as Graph                                   phase, dependent computations such as GNNs on spatial
datasets and GNN algorithms evolve. In contrast, this is the                                  accelerators.
first work, to the best of our knowledge, that provides a quali-                            • Using the taxonomy, we contrast existing and hypothetical
tative and quantitative analysis of the design-space of various                               multiphase computations using GNN dataflows using a
inter-phase and intra-phase dataflow strategies for mapping                                   cycle-accurate GNN simulation framework that we devel-
GNNs over flexible spatial accelerators.                                                      oped across various graph datasets.
   We start by proposing a succinct taxonomy to classify vari-                              • We determine the efficiency of different dataflows and
ous inter-phase and intra-phase dataflows to describe the possi-                              their relation with the workload sparsity and dimensions
ble pipelining strategies employed by GNN accelerators. This                                  of matricesand the costs and benefits of pipelining.
taxonomy expresses: (1) Aggregation intra-phase dataflow, (2)                               • We also analyze the implications of hardware constraints
Combination intra-phase dataflow, (3) Inter-phase strategy,                                   on the choice of dataflow. We also advocate for a Recon-
and (4) phase ordering. Rather than target a specific GNN                                     figurable Dataflow Accelerator for pipelined dataflows as
accelerator where the dataflow choices might be limited due                                   opposed to fixed ASICs.
to its microarchitecture [18, 35, 52] or directly compare two                                Prior works on DNN accelerators have proposed taxonomies
different GNN accelerators where it would become hard to                                  to classify and describe the design space of dataflows [7,32,55].
tease apart the performance difference due to dataflow versus                             These taxonomies have been valuable to both architecture and
microarchitecture, we target a templated flexible1 spatial accel-                         compiler researchers since they formalize reuse and simplify
erator substrate [33, 42] over which any dense/sparse dataflow                            the understanding of cost-benefit of DNN accelerators [7, 32]
that our taxonomy describes can be run. Using our taxonomy,                               and also help formalize the design space of dataflows for
we explore various factors that affect the runtime and energy                             mapping optimization [5, 38]. However, these DNN dataflow
of the dataflow strategies such as spatial/temporal mapping                               taxonomies have targeted loop-optimizations for single dense
choices of various dimensions in the intra-phase, the pipelin-                            layers. GNNs offer pipelining opportunities between the two
ing granularity in the inter-phase, and tile sizes. We study the                          phases (sparse and dense) as shown in Figure 2 which helps
impact of graph properties (such as number of vertices, edges,                            extract additional reuse between two phases. This motivates
features) on dataflow choice. We also analyze the impact of                               our taxonomy for GNN dataflows and we envision this work
hardware parameters, for example low distribution and reduc-                              playing a similar role in enabling richer HW-SW co-design
tion bandwidth and issue of load balancing in pipelining. We                              via informed HW design-space and map-space exploration.
also make a case for flexible accelerators as opposed to GNN
accelerator ASICs given the interdependence of dataflows.                                 2. Background
A summary of the key contributions of this paper is:                                      2.1. GNN Computation
 • We develop a taxonomy to characterize and enumerate
   the design space of dataflow choices for mapping multi-                                An input graph is represented by G(V, E) with V vertices and E
                                                                                          edges. Graph can also be represented as an adjacency matrix
   1 Note:   By "flexibility" we mean configurability of tile-sizes and PE-               which represents the connectivity of the graph. Matrix repre-
partition sizes, not Turing-complete programmability like CPUs/GPUs.                      sentations of graphs are common, since dense/sparse matrix

Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
multiplication have been prime targets of spatial accelerators.                       N                        M

   Recent works show that the main computation bottlenecks
of various GNN algorithms like GCN [31], GraphSage [20],                   K       Matrix B         K
GINConv [51], and DiffPool [56] can be broken down into
two phases - Aggregation and Combination [52]. GNNs allow
                                                                                                        time          2
either phase to precede the other while some algorithms like

GraphSAGE perform aggregation before combination. Ag-                                              Step 1) Load Matrix B stationary onto

                                                                                                   the systolic array (K and N dimensions
gregation phase involves addition of the feature vectors of


                                                                                                   are both spatial).
the neighboring nodes in the graph. This leads to irregular                                        Step 2) Multicast Matrix A (K is spatial
                                                                                                   and M is temporal).
accesses of data due to the irregular degree distribution in the                                                                                        3
                                                                                      1            Step 3) Spatial reduction of the K
graphs of interest and, as a result, irregularity in the neighbor                                  dimension to generate Matrix O.
locations of a particular vertex in a given dataset. Aggregation                   Figure 4: “Weight stationary" dataflow for GEMM.
phase can be mapped as sparse matrix - dense matrix multipli-
cation (SpMM) with the highly sparse adjacency matrix being             Table 1: Intra-phase Dataflow choices and their hardware im-
the main source of costly irregular accesses. Combination               plication. The order of dimensions within {} can be inter-
phase is a feature reduction phase. Unlike Aggregation, it is           changed. The subscript s on two dimensions represents spa-
dense with regular GEMM computation.                                    tial mapping (i.e., unrolling) of those dimensions across the
                                                                        rows and columns of the accelerator (in a tiled manner), while
   Figure 3a shows an example graph with five vertices and
                                                                        t represents temporal mapping. We show the choices for com-
eleven edges, including self loops. Figure 3b is the Com-
                                                                        bination (VGF). The same choices exist for aggregation (VFN).
pressed Sparse Row (CSR) representation of the graph’s ad-
jacency matrix, as shown on the left of Figure 3c. For CSR                     Dataflow
                                                                                              Implication of                 Implication of
                                                                                              Loop Order                     Spatial Dimensions
representation, the neighbors of a particular vertex are stored                               Output (VG) stationary,        Spatial multicast of VF and
back-to-back. Because most graphs are extremely sparse (>                      {Vs Gs }Ft
                                                                                              Intermediate matrix (VF)       FG every cycle. Temporal
                                                                                              and Weights (FG) stream        reduction of partial sums
99% sparsity) [28], CSR is often used as the graph representa-                                every cycle                    within each PE.
tion [18, 52], and is what we assume in this work. As labeled                                 Weight (FG) stationary,        Spatial multicast of VF
                                                                               {Gs Fs }Vt     Intermediate matrix (VF)       every cycle. Spatial reduction
in Figure 3c, A represents the adjacency matrix, X represents                                 streams every cycle            of partial sums across PEs
the feature matrix, and W represents the weight matrix. Any                                   Intermediate matrix (VF)       Spatial multicast of FG
                                                                               {Vs Fs }Gt     stationary, Weight (FG)        every cycle. Spatial reduction
computation with A is a part of the Aggregation phase, and                                    streams every cycle            of partial sums across PEs
any computation with W is a part of the Combination phase.
Other variables include: V (# vertices), F (# input features),          the PEs, reusing the weight tiles. Tiles of the output matrix
G (# output features), and N (# of neighbors of a vertex).              are generated by spatial reductions across the K dimension. In
                                                                        Section 3 we discuss all possible dataflows for GEMM which
2.2. Spatial Accelerators                                               forms the combination phase for GNNs.
Microarchitecture. Spatial accelerators are built as arrays of          3. GNN Dataflow Taxonomy
processing elements (PE). Each PE houses a multiply-and-
accumulate (MAC) unit and a private register file (RF). The             In this section, we discuss GEMM/ SpMM dataflows within
PE array is backed by a shared scratchpad memory [7, 26, 33],           an individual phase (Intra-phase dataflows) and the overall
which we refer to as Global Buffer in this work. While early            dataflow with both the phases (Inter-phase dataflows).
accelerators targeted dense GEMM/CONV2D operations [2, 7,                  Notation. We use the notations from Figure 3 for the ag-
12, 26, 33], recent accelerators also target sparse convolutions,       gregation and combination matrices for the rest of the paper.
SpGEMM and SpMM [8, 21, 22, 44]. All accelerators provide               Table 1 presents the succinct notations we will use for de-
efficiency by enabling reuse of data either spatially (i.e., via        scribing dataflows, without writing out its full loop-nest. It
multicast) or temporally (i.e., via scratchpad memories).               also discusses the implication of the loop order and spatial
   Dataflows. In the spatial accelerator domain, dataflow               (i.e., parallelism dimension) on data movement. Further, in
refers to the loop order and parallelism strategy employed              the paper, tile size (T_) is used in the context of
when mapping the data and computation tiles over the                    spatial loop tiling and it refers to the number of elements of a
PEs [7, 32]. The dataflow choice exposes reuse opportunities            dimension mapped in parallel across PEs. For e.g., T_F is the
for data operands over space (i.e., over wires via multicasts           number of input features (F) processed in parallel across PEs.
and reductions) and time (i.e., via scratchpad buffers) [32].           3.1. Intra-phase Dataflow
Figure 4 shows an example of a 2D spatial array running a
“weight stationary” [7] dataflow for GEMM. Tiles (portion of            3.1.1. Combination Dataflow. Figure 5 (right side in (a) and
matrix mapped onto the PEs at a time) of the weight (KN)                bottom in (b)) shows examples of combination dataflow. In
matrix are mapped spatially onto the PE array and remain                Figure 5(a), V×F matrix is loaded into the RFs from the buffer
stationary. Tiles of the input (MK matrix) are streamed over            and streamed from the RFs. F×G matrix is streaming from

Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
for (v=0; v
Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
and then loaded back to the PEs for the next phase.                       In fact, the dataflow shown in Figure 5(a) is same as that
3.2.2. Sequential Pipeline (SP). SP is similar to sequential              used by HyGCN [52]. However, the HyGCN microarchi-
but splits aggregations and combinations into small stages,               tecture employs separate dedicated SIMD and Systolic en-
which are then interleaved over time on the accelerator’s PEs.            gines respectively for Aggregation and Combination, along
Figure 5(b) shows SP inter-phase dataflow. Depending on the               with a dedicated buffer between them for intermediate val-
intra-phase dataflows, it is possible to reduce data movement             ues. The dataflow is tied to the microarchitecture; in contrast,
between aggregation and combination stages as shown in Fig-               Figure 5(a) runs the HyGCN dataflow on a programmable
ure 6. Specifically, the output data of one stage can be kept             spatial accelerator by configuring different sets of PEs to run
stationary within PEs’ local registers rather than going into a           the aggregation and combination dataflows described earlier
global buffer or DRAM as shown in Figure 5(b). We discuss                 in Section 3.1 and staging the intermediate values through the
this in more detail in Section 4.2.                                       partitions in scratchpads. Programmable spatial accelerator
3.2.3. Parallel Pipeline (PP). PP is when both phases are al-             provides flexibility as opposed to original HyGCN microarchi-
located onto parallel units (i.e., group of PEs) within an accel-         tecture with fixed dataflow.
erator at the same time. The size of these parallel units can be             Hardware support for dataflows. We would like to note
same (e.g., HyGCN [52]) or flexible (e.g., AWB-GCN [18]),                 that each dataflow may require different levels of support
depending on the flexibility within the accelerator substrate.            from the hardware. For the intra-phase dataflows, support
For this dataflow, it is critical to balance the production and           for multicasts and reductions (either spatially via a store-and-
consumption rate to reduce stalls. An intermediate ping-pong              forward or temporally via a read-modify-write register within
buffer and network-on-chip (NoC) is needed to send data from              PEs may be needed [32]) as Table 1 discusses. For the inter-
one stage to the next. This is similar to the typical workflow            phase dataflows, Table 2 lists the NoC and PE support needed
for a more general accelerator such as GraphCore. Figure 5(a)             for each dataflow2 . We discuss the implications of hardware
shows an example of PP dataflow with left half performing                 parameters in detail in Section 5
Aggregation and right half performing combination.                           Scope of Taxonomy and Extensions. In the interest of
                                                                          space, we apply our taxonomy to study GCNs. Sec.6 discusses
3.3. Complete Description of GNN Dataflow
                                                                          scope and applicability to other GNNs and HPC kernels.
Given the dataflow types described above, we use the follow-
ing template to describe a complete dataflow:                             4. Qualitative and Analytical Analysis
    (, )                                In this section, we present a qualitative analysis of the trade-
    represents the inter-phase dataflow,  repre-            offs of various dataflow choices and their runtime and storage
sents the computation order (aggregation to combination is                implications. We analyze inter-phase dataflows in terms of
AC, combination to aggregation is CA).  represents              runtime, intermediate global buffering support needed and
the aggregation phase intra-phase dataflow, and                 feasible dataflows. We also focus on the intra-phase dataflow
represents the combination phase intra-phase dataflow.                    implications on inter-phase dataflows. Table 3 describes the
   Table 2 uses our taxonomy to enumerate and characterize                runtime and intermediate buffering requirements for inter-
the space of dataflow choices for mapping the aggregation                 phase dataflows that we derive in this section. Figure 6 shows
and combination loops, including the hardware structures re-              the space-time representation of Inter-phase dataflows and the
quired for supporting that dataflow. To keep the table compact,           impact of Inter-phase dataflows on energy of intermediate data.
we add a subscript x to indicate that the dimension could be              We observe that dataflow parameters for both phases can be
spatial or temporal while curly brackets {...} indicate that              interdependent thus multiphase dataflow space is non-trivial.
the dimensions can be interchanged for different loop orders.             For the analysis, we focus on AC computation order.
This leads to a total 6,656 choices purely from the product
of all feasible loop orders, parallelism choices, and phase or-           4.1. Sequential Dataflow
der across the three inter-phase choices. Note that for each
                                                                          Recall that in sequential dataflow, the phases simply run one
dataflow choice, the tile sizes are also parameters as Section 5
                                                                          after the other using any intra-phase dataflow. The overall
discusses. This can put the actual number of possible map-
                                                                          latency is the sum of latencies of individual phases. The entire
pings in the trillions [41]. We observe in Table 2 and Section 4
                                                                          intermediate matrix is first written to the memory by first phase
that loop orders and tile-sizes of two phases are interdependent.
                                                                          and then read from the memory by second phase. Hence the
Thus we formalize the non-trivial space of multiphase GNN
                                                                          intermediate storage (Bufferinter ) used is simply the number
                                                                          of output elements which is V×F data elements as shown in
   For the purposes of analysis, in Table 2 we explicitly list
                                                                          Figure 7a. Such amount of data cannot be stored on-chip for
sets of interesting dataflows (some of which existing accelera-
tors have leveraged) with the remarks highlighting their key                 2 For instance, to implement its PP dataflow (Row 5), HyGCN [52] uses
characteristics. As an example, the HyGCN [52] accelerator’s              several SIMD units for the aggregation phase, followed by a unidirectional
dataflow can be succinctly described as: PPAC (Vx Fs Nt ,Vs Gs Ft )       high bandwidth bus to feed it to a 2D systolic array for the combination phase.

Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
Table 2: Characterizing the design-space of dataflows for GNN Accelerators – Note that any direction will affect the aggregation
and combination dimension variables, but similar concepts apply. Subscripts s, t, x mean spatial, temporal, either spatial or
temporal respectively. Curly brackets ‘{}’ show that the loop order is interchangeable.
                                                             Order -                                                     Intermediate            NoC/PE                 Example &
  Row                   Inter Phase                                                                                                                                                        Remarks
                                                             Aggregation, Combination                                    Global Buffer           support                Order
                                                                                                                                                                        TPU [26]           Similar to running one layer at a time.
  1                                                          ANY-{Vx Fx Nx }, {Vx Gx Fx }                                     3                  Intra-phase            Eyeriss [8]        Outputs of one layer gets stored in
                                                                                                                                                                        (any direction*)   scratchpad and rescheduled back onto PEs.
                                                                                                                                                                                           No intermediate global buffer, as output data
                                                                                                                                                 Local buffer                              of one phase is stationary in the buffers, and can
                                                             AC - {Vx Fx } Nt , {Vx Fx } Gt                                                      inside PEs             EnGN [35]          be used as input for the next phase. For agg->
  2                     Pipeline                                                                                              7
                                                             CA - {Nx Fx } Vt , {Vx Gx } Ft                                                      to accumulate          (any direction*)   cmb, order of V,F should be same, T_VAGG =
                                                                                                                                                 data                                      T_VCMB and T_FAGG =T_FCMB and reduction
                                                                                                                                                                                           is temporal as data is always in in-place buffers.
                                                             AC - Vx {Fx Nx }, Vx {Gx Fx }                                                       No intermediate
                                                                                                                                                                                           There will be a buffer/ setup delay between
                                                             AC - Fx {Vx Nx }, Fx {Vx Gx }                                                       support needed
  3                                                                                                                           3                                         (any direction*)   aggregation and combination phases to remap
                                                             CA - Nx {Vx Fx } , Vx {Gx Fx }                                                      Interm outputs
                                                                                                                                                                                           output data to new location.
                                                             CA - Fx {Vx Nx } , Gx {Vx Fx }                                                      stored in GB.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Element(s) wise granularity: Element(s) of the
                        Parallel                                                                                                                 NoC connecting Agg
                                                                                                                                                                                           intermediate matrix indexed by V,F can be
  4                     Pipeline                             AC - {Vx Fx } Nx , {Vx Fx } Gx                                   3                  and Cmb units to       (agg ->cmb)
                                                                                                                                                                                           pipelined. The order of V,F should be same for
                        (PP)                                                                                                                     intermediate buffer.
                                                                                                                                                                                           both phases.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Row(s) wise granularity:Row(s) of intermediate
                                                                                                                                                                                           matrix indexed by V can be pipelined. The order
                                                                                                                                                 NoC connecting Agg     HyGCN [52]         should not be (VFN,VFG) since that can be done
  5                                                          AC - Vx {Fx Nx }, Vx {Gx Fx }                                    3                  and Cmb units to       Auten et al. [4]   element wise. HyGCN allocates fixed number of
                                                                                                                                                 intermediate buffer.   (agg ->cmb)        PEs per unit, which may lead to stalls. E.g.,
                                                                                                                                                                                           combination engine idle while waiting. HyGCN
                                                                                                                                                                                           dataflow - PPAC (Vx Fs Nt ,Vs Gs Ft )
                                                                                                                                                 NoC connecting Agg                        Column(s) wise granularity: Column(s) of the
  6                                                          AC - Fx {Vx Nx } , Fx {Gx Vx }                                   3                  and Cmb units to       (agg ->cmb)        intermediate matrix indexed by F can be
                                                                                                                                                 intermediate buffer.                      pipelined. The order should not be (FVN,FVG).
                                                                                                                                                 NoC connecting Agg                        Element(s) wise granularity: The order should
  7                                                          CA - {Nx Fx } Vx , {Vx Gx } Fx                                   3                  and Cmb units to       (cmb ->agg)        be (NFV, VGF) or (FNV, GVF). V×G matrix
                                                                                                                                                 intermediate buffer.                      after cmb becomes N × F for agg.
                                                                                                                                                 NoC connecting Agg
                                                                                                                                                                                           Row(s) wise granularity: Order should not be
  8                                                          CA - Nx {Vx Fx } , Vx {Gx Fx }                                   3                  and Cmb units to       (cmb ->agg)
                                                                                                                                                                                           (NFV, VGF) since it can be done element wise.
                                                                                                                                                 intermediate buffer.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Column(s) wise granularity: The order should
                                                                                                                                                 NoC connecting Agg                        not be (FNV, GVF). AWB-GCN enables flexible
                                                                                                                                                                        AWB-GCN [18]
  9                                                          CA - Fx {Vx Nx } , Gx {Fx Vx }                                   3                  and Cmb units to                          allocation of PEs for different phases to match
                                                                                                                                                                        (cmb ->agg)
                                                                                                                                                 intermediate buffer.                      production and consumption rates. AWB-GCN
                                                                                                                                                                                           dataflow- PPCA (Fs Nt Vs , Gt Ft Vs )

                                                                                          Buffer (Intermediate Values)
Memory hierarchy                                                                                                                                           tation for the SP dataflow. For this dataflow, as shown in
                                     Compute unit                          Aggregation Unit                                       Combination Unit
                                                                                                                                                           Figure 7a, the intermediate data produced in the aggregation
                                                                                                                  Read                                     phase is written by the PEs to the global buffer, and then read
                                                                                                                                                           from there for computing the combination phase. Thus, the
                # In Features: F    # In Features: F                                            # In Features: F
                                                                                                                                                           intermediate storage required is equal to the size of the number
      # Vertices: V*

                                      # Vertices: V*

                                                                                                # Vertices: V*

                                                       T_V                                                                    Global or Interm
                                                                       Compute Unit                                           buffer                       of elements pipelined which we define as Pel. The intermedi-
                                                                                                                               Local register
                                                                                                                               file (RF)                   ate data is broken down into granularities which we describe
   Intermediate matrix                                                                        Intermediate matrix
a) Seq and SP-generic
                                   Intermediate matrix
                                                                   b) SP - Optimized                               c) PP
                                                                                                                                                           in detail in Section 4.4. The total feasible number of loop
                                                                                                                                                           orders is shown in row 3 of Table 2, which is equivalent to the
Figure 7: Intermediate buffering in Inter-Phase dataflows – AC com-
                                                                                                                                                           number of PP loop orders shown in rows 4-9. The total run-
putation order is assumed.
                                                                                                                                                           time of SP-generic would be similar to the sequential dataflow,
large graphs, as Figure 6 shows and would incur higher energy                                                                                              although the energy consumption would be lower by avoiding
than the other inter-phase dataflows.                                                                                                                      the transfer of the aggregation outputs to memory.
4.2. Sequential Pipeline (SP)
                                                                                                                                                              SP-Optimized. In order to save both energy and latency, we
In Sequential pipeline, a few elements of the first phase are                                                                                              can select a subset of intra-phase dataflows for aggregation and
computed and then second phase acts on those elements and                                                                                                  combination such that the outputs generated by aggregation
the process is repeated in an interleaved manner over time. As                                                                                             can stay local within the PEs’ registers and reused directly by
Figure 6 shows, this reduces the intermediate matrix footprint                                                                                             the combination phase. This avoids writing this intermediate
and naturally gives an energy advantage over Seq by avoiding                                                                                               data up the memory hierarchy to the buffer and reading it again.
expensive memory accesses down in the memory hierarchy                                                                                                     These dataflows are SPAC ({Vx Fx }Nt ,{Vx Fx }Gt ) for Aggrega-
(including DRAM).                                                                                                                                          tion to Combination order and are shown in Row 2 of Table 2.
   SP-Generic. This can be considered a naïve implemen-                                                                                                    In this dataflow, the requirement is that the loop order pair for

Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
# Vertices: N*               # In Features: F              # In Features: F                         # Out Features: G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          # Out Features: G
                                                                                                                                                                        1 1 0 0 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # In Features: F
                                                                                                                                                                                            # Vertices: V*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          # Vertices: V*
                                                                                                                                                       # Vertices: V

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              # Vertices: V
                                                                                                                                                                        0 1 1 0 0
                                                                             Buffer                                                                                     0 1 1 0 1
                           Aggregation Unit                              (Intermediate                                Combination Unit                                  1 0 0 1 0
                                                                                                                                                                        1 0 0 0 1
                                                                                                                                                                       Adjacency Matrix      Feature Matrix                                                Weight Matrix       Feature Matrix
                                                                                                                                                                              A                    Xl                                                           W                   Xl+1
                                                                                                                                                         for v=1:V                                                          for v=1:V
                                                                                                                                                           for f=1:F               Aggregation Phase                          for g=1:G Combination Phase
                                                                                                                                                             for n=1:N                             (b) Row wise granularity     for f=1:F

                    # Vertices: N*              # In Features: F              # In Features: F                                 # Out Features: G                          # Vertices: N*               # In Features: F              # In Features: F                         # Out Features: G
                                                                                                  # Out Features: G                                                                                                                                       # Out Features: G
                  1 1 0 0 0                                                                                                                                             1 1 0 0 0

                                                                                                   # In Features: F

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # In Features: F
                                     # Vertices: V*

                                                                   # Vertices: V*

                                                                                                                                                                                            # Vertices: V*

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          # Vertices: V*
 # Vertices: V

                                                                                                                               # Vertices: V

                                                                                                                                                       # Vertices: V

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              # Vertices: V
                  0 1 1 0 0                                                                                                                                             0 1 1 0 0
                  0 1 1 0 1                                                                                                                                             0 1 1 0 1
                  1 0 0 1 0                                                                                                                                             1 0 0 1 0
                  1 0 0 0 1                                                                                                                                             1 0 0 0 1
                 Adjacency Matrix     Feature Matrix                                              Weight Matrix                 Feature Matrix                         Adjacency Matrix      Feature Matrix                                                Weight Matrix       Feature Matrix
                        A                   Xl                                                         W                             Xl+1                                     A                    Xl                                      T_F                  W                   Xl+1
    for v=1:V                                                                                    for v=1:V                                         for f=1:F                                                                                            for f=1:F
      for f=1:F              Aggregation Phase                                                     for f=1:F Combination Phase                       for v=1:V                    Aggregation Phase                                                       for g=1:G Combination Phase
        for n=1:N                                                                                    for g=1:G                                         for n=1:N                                                                                            for v=1:V
                                                      (a)   Element wise granularity                                                                                                                         (c) Column wise granularity

Figure 8: Different parallel pipeline strategies with different granularities: (a) Element(s) wise (b) Row(s) wise and (c) Column(s) wise for the
phase order Aggregation to Combination.

aggregation to combination phase should be ({VF}N, {VF}G).                                                                                                  refer to the number of elements being pipelined as (Pel). Thus
After, one iteration of temporal loop-nest of V,F is finished                                                                                               the amount of intermediate storage used is 2×Pel, Pel for each
with all neighbors reduced, the accumulated data remains in                                                                                                 phase. The runtime of one pipeline iteration is equal to the
the MAC units and then dimension G is streamed over it.                                                                                                     runtime of the slower phase for producing Pel elements. The
Moreover, corresponding T_Dimensions for both Aggregation                                                                                                   total runtime is the sum of runtimes of individual iterations
and Combination would be same since the same intermediate                                                                                                   sum(max(tAGG ,tCMB )).
data stored in the PEs by the first phase is processed by the
second phase. Thus for the phase order Aggregation to Combi-                                                                                                4.4. Granularities for SP-Generic and PP
nation, T_VAGG =T_VCMB and T_FAGG =T_FCMB . Also, since
                                                                                                                                                           We discuss three types of granularities at which the interme-
the data should be available for consumption locally in the
                                                                                                                                                           diate matrix can be broken into pipeline stages for PP and
processing elements, reduction must be temporal (T_N=1).
                                                                                                                                                           SP-Generic dataflows. Rows 4-9 in Table 2 shows all feasible
Recall from our notation that the order between V and F is
                                                                                                                                                           loop orders for all possible granularities and phase orders.
interchangeable and either of them (or both) can be mapped
spatially or temporally depending on the underlying accelera-                                                                                                 Element. Element(s)-wise granularity involves tiles of few
tor. The advantage of SP-optimized is reduced buffer accesses                                                                                              elements (Pel = T_F×T_V) being processed in a pipelined
and reduced buffer requirement, since the data to be used in                                                                                               manner rather than the whole dimensions.
the second phase is directly used inside the PEs, as also shown                                                                                               Figure 8a shows an example of element(s)-wise granular-
in Figure 7b. Moreover it saves the latency and memory read                                                                                                ity PPAC (Vx Fx Nx , Vx Fx Gx ). For each element (or a set of
overhead of loading the data into PEs. An instance of this                                                                                                 elements) which is (are) indexed by V and F, the inner-most
dataflow is used by the EnGN [35] accelerator. Rubik [6] also                                                                                              loop (N) of aggregation reduces all the neighbors for a given
uses the SP-Optimized inter-phase dataflow. For Aggrega-                                                                                                   tile of vertices and features to be reduced and, in parallel, the
tion, it memoizes the partial aggregations in private cache and                                                                                            innermost loop of combination computes G for the previous
reuses them eliminating redundant computations.                                                                                                            tile of vertices and features.
                                                                                                                                                              If the tile sizes of dimensions are imbalanced for multiple
4.3. Parallel Pipeline Dataflow                                                                                                                            phases, the number of elements that would be written in the
Parallel pipeline dataflow divides the accelerator into two                                                                                                intermediate buffer would be the Least Common Multiple
engines, with one engine feeding the other engine spatially.                                                                                               (LCM) of both the T_DimensionAGG and T_DimensionCMB .
The intermediate data is broken down into small granularities                                                                                              For this work, in case of an imbalance, we only consider tiling
and the data is processed in a pipelined manner as shown                                                                                                   strategies where higher tile size would be a multiple of lower
in Figure 6. For example, if granularity is a single row of                                                                                                one to avoid having large number of pipelined elements due to
intermediate matrix, then the aggregation phase computes and                                                                                               large LCM. So, it is equivalent to considering the max of two
writes the data corresponding to nth row and in parallel, the                                                                                              tile sizes T_FMAX and T_VMAX . For example, if T_FAGG =1
combination phase reads and processes data corresponding to                                                                                                and T_FCMB =2, with same T_F, two iterations of aggregation
(n-1)th row. To facilitate this, intermediate buffers are required                                                                                         are needed before pipelining step. The amount of buffering is
and the amount of intermediate buffering required is twice                                                                                                 2×Pel for PP datalow and Pel for SP-Generic.
number of elements of the intermediate matrix pipelined. We                                                                                                   Row. In row(s)-wise granularity, whole row(s) of the inter-

Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
Table 3: Runtime and buffering requirements for Dataflows
  Inter-phase dataflow   Intermediate Buffering   Runtime                         classification datasets Citeseer and Cora. The large graph
  Seq                    V×F                      tAGG +tCMB
  SP-Generic             Pel                      tAGG +tCMB
                                                                                  sets are generally sliced to fit on-chip [35, 52]. Large graph
  SP-Optimized           0                        tAGG +tCMB -tload               classification datasets can be batched such that the graphs fit
  PP-Element             2×T_Vmax ×T_Fmax         sum(max(tAGG ,tCMB )Pel )       on-chip. For this work, there is sufficient on-chip buffering for
  PP-Row                 2×T_Vmax ×F              sum(max(tAGG ,tCMB )Pel )
  PP-Column              2×V×T_Fmax               sum(max(tAGG ,tCMB )Pel )       a batch of graph classification datasets and for node classifi-
mediate matrix is (are) considered instead of a few elements                      cation datasets. We characterize on-chip data movement and
in a row. The number of rows that are pipelined is T_Vmax .                       runtime of the GNN dataflows since our aim is to study the
So Pel = T_Vmax ×F. Figure 8b shows an example loop order                         behaviour of these dataflows on spatial accelerators. Based on
(VFN, VGF) for Row(s) wise granularity for PP dataflow for                        matrix dimensions and sparsity, we divide the workloads into
phase order Aggregation to Combination. Each row of the                           3 categories: high number of edges/vertices and relatively low
aggregated matrix is indexed by V. So for each set of rows                        features/vertices (HE), high features/vertices and relatively
indexed by V, the inner two loops compute for aggregation F                       lower edges/vertices (HF), and low edges/vertices and low
and N in parallel, the two innermost loops for combination                        number of features/vertices (LEF).
compute G and F for the previous row(s).                                          Table 4: Datasets information. First part for graph classifica-
   Column. In column(s)-wise granularity, the whole col-                          tion, bottom part for node classification – ‘*’ means that indi-
umn(s) of the intermediate matrix is (are) considered instead                     cator vectors were used in place of features.
of a few elements in a column. The number of columns that                          Name             #Graphs       #Nodes(av)      #Edges(av)   #Features    Category
are pipelined is T_Fmax . So the Pel = T_Fmax ×V. Figure 8c                        Mutag            188           17.93           19.79        28*          LEF
shows an example loop order (FVN, FGV) for Column(s)                               Proteins         1113          39.06           72.82        29 (full)    LEF
                                                                                   Imdb-bin         1000          19.77           96.53        136*         HE
wise granularity for PP dataflow for phase order Aggregation                       Collab           5000          74.49           2457.78      492*         HE
to Combination. Each column of the aggregated matrix is                            Reddit-bin       2000          429.63          497.75       3782*        HF
                                                                                   Citeseer         1             3327            9464         3703         HF
indexed by F while the inner two loops compute the computa-                        Cora             1             2708            10858        1433         HF
tions corresponding to columns in pipelined manner.
   Table 3 summarizes the runtime and buffering requirements
for the different inter-phase dataflows discussed before.                         5.2. Comparison of dataflows
                                                                                  In this subsection, we compare the performance and energy
5. Quantitative Analysis and Case Studies                                         of GNN dataflows. In the interest of space, we evaluate the
In this section, we do a deep dive into the performance and                       representative dataflow configurations shown in Table 5. The
energy of different GNN dataflows. We also perform case                           inter-phase dataflows here are similar to EnGN and HyGCN
studies on implications of pipelining. We also discuss the costs                  (SP-Optimized and PP at row-wise granularity) respectively.
and benefits of flexible accelerators for pipelined dataflows.                    For SP-Optimized dataflow, T_N=1, T_VAGG =T_VCMB and
                                                                                  T_FAGG =T_FCMB .
5.1. Experimental Methodology
                                                                                            Table 5: Dataflow configurations for evaluation.
5.1.1. Cycle-Accurate Simulation Framework. In order to                             Dataflow Configuration         Name†            Distinguishing Property
carry out detailed evaluation of various dataflows, we built a                      SeqAC (Vx Fx Nt ,Vx Gx Fx )    Seq-Nt           Temporal Aggregation
                                                                                    SeqAC (Vx Fx Ns ,Vx Gx Fx )    Seq-Ns           Spatial Aggregation
cycle-accurate simulation framework around STONNE simu-                             SPAC (Vx Fs Nt ,Vx Fs Gx )     SP-Fs Nt -Fs     Temporal Aggregation & high T_F
lator [39]. STONNE simulator models the flexible accelerators                       SPAC (Vs Fx Nt ,Vs Fx Gx )     SP-Vs Nt -Vs     Temporal Aggregation & high T_V
                                                                                    SPAC (Vs Fx Nt ,Vs Fx Gx )     High-Vs -SP      SP dataflow; high T_V
MAERI [33] and SIGMA [44], and the hardware models have                             PPAC (Vx Fx Nt ,Vx Gx Fx )     PP-Nt -Vt/sl     Temporal Aggregation &
been extensively validated against their RTLs. It consists of                                                                       Granularity of lower rows
reconfigurable networks-on-chip for operands (e.g., inputs,                         PPAC (Vx Fx Ns ,Vx Gx Fx )     PP-Ns -Vt/sl     Spatial Agg. & low granularity
                                                                                    PPAC (Vx Fx Nt ,Vs Gx Fx )     PP-Nt -Vsh       Temporal Agg. & high granularity
partial sums and weights) distribution, operands multiplica-                        PPAC (Vx Fx Ns ,Vs Gx Fx )     PP-Ns -Vsh       Spatial Agg. & high granularity
tion, and output reduction (e.g., addition) allowing us to study                  † The  compact name consists of three parts separated by ’-’. First part
different tile sizes. The STONNE framework also supports                          represents inter-phase dataflow, second indicates dimensions which are
                                                                                  necessarily spatial or temporal for aggregation and the third part (if
CSR decoding and indexing logic to run SpMM in addition                           any) indicates dimensions which are necessarily spatial or temporal for
to GEMM to compute both phases. To implement inter-phase                          combination. Temporal/Spatial aggregation refers to temporal or spatial
dataflows, we built an analytical model around the simulator                      reduction of the N dimension. In third part of compact name for PP, the
that computes the runtime, buffering and energy statistics of a                   subscripts corresponding to the vertex are t/sl for lower(l) granularity and sh
                                                                                  for higher(h) granularity. We also introduce High-Vs -SP dataflow to highlight
GNN layer based on the analysis in Section 4.                                     the problem of parallelizing sparse dimensions for all datasets except proteins
5.1.2. Datasets. We evaluate the GNN dataflows for the target                     and Mutag where T_V is already high due to smaller T_F limited by F.
datasets described in Table 4. These are standard datasets rep-
resenting workloads from multiple domains like biochemistry,                      5.2.1. Performance. Figure 9 shows the runtimes of various
citation networks and social networks [28, 54]. We evaluate                       dataflows. Our observations are as follows:
one batch of 64 graphs for graph classification workloads                          • For Collab and Imdb (HE category) spatial reduction (Ns )
(batch of 32 graphs for RedditBIN) and we evaluate node                              in general performs much better than (Nt ), because they

Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
Figure 9: Runtimes of Dataflows normalized to Seq-Nt for GCN algorithm. PE Utilization is close to 100%. The values in the brackets are tile
sizes for each dimension, represented as (T_VAGG ,T_N,T_FAGG ,T_VCMB ,T_G,T_FCMB ).

Figure 10: On-Chip buffer access energies of dataflows, GB is Global Buffer and RF is local (PE) register file. Size of the Interme-
diate buffer for PP depends on the pipelining granularity. The values in the brackets are tile sizes for each dimension, represented as

Figure 11: Global Buffer breakdown for Mutag and Citeseer, Adj-Adjacency matrix, Inp-Input matrix, Int-Intermediate matrix, Wt-weight
matrix and Op-output matrix, Psum-partial sum accesses. The values in the brackets are tile sizes for each dimension, represented as

   are densely connected. For other datasets, since they are                Best Performance: For HF category datasets, PP-Nt -Vsh is
   sparse, optimal T_N is low.                                           best while for other datasets SP-Vs Nt -Vs performs the best,
 • SP-Vs Nt -Vs performs well in most of the cases since par-            although there is an optimal T_V for best performance.
   allelization of the vertices leads to reduced redistribution
   overhead. However, for HF datasets ,extremely high T_V                5.2.2. Energy. Figure 10 shows the energy consumed by vari-
   can lead to delays since the performance is limit by the              ous dataflows across workloads. The energy difference comes
   a dense row (with large number of non-zeros) as demon-                due to differences in number of accesses across the memory hi-
   strated in High-Vs -SP dataflow. Such dense row is referred           erarchy. We assume the energy of a global buffer (GB) access
   to as "evil row" in AWB-GCN [18].                                     to be 1.046pJ (1MB/bank) and the energy of a local PE register
 • Mutag and proteins have great performance despite ex-                 file (RF) access to be 0.053pJ based on the energy model from
   tremely high_V, which shows that these workloads don’t                Dally et al. [10]. For PP dataflow, we assume that there is a
   have evil rows.                                                       separate ping-pong buffer for intermediate data and the size of
 • For the Collab dataset, PP performs worse than Seq                    that depends on the capacity required based on Table 3. Our
   dataflow due to poor load balancing between Aggrega-                  observations related to energy are as follows:
   tion and Combination.                                                  • Energy is dominated by GB reads followed by RF reads.
                                                                          • SP and PP have lower energy compared to Seq dataflow

Understanding the Design Space of Sparse/Dense Multiphase Dataflows for Mapping Graph Neural Networks on Spatial Accelerators
since these dataflows do not incur high intermediate global          ure 13 shows the performance implications of reducing the
    buffer accesses.                                                     bandwidth for different inter-phase dataflows. Runtime re-
 • Figure 11 shows global buffer accesses. In Collab (HE                 duces with decrease in bandwidth and PP dataflow suffers the
    category), input accesses dominate, in Cora (HF category),           most since the bandwidth is shared between the two phases as
    weight accesses dominate. Mutag (LEF category) extracts              shown in Figure 13
    best reuse due to pipelining.
 • In PP dataflow, even though the GB accesses are same as               5.4. Case Study: Rigid vs Flexible Dataflow Accelerators
    Seq dataflow, we observe lower energy since the energy of
    memory accesses from smaller intermediate buffer is less.            In this section, we make a case for flexible dataflow acceler-
 • SP-Vs Nt -Vs has low energy but High-Vs -SP has higher                ators as opposed to highly specialized GNN ASICs. These
    energy due to the partial sum accesses due to low T_F.               ASICs have fixed dataflows and tile sizes and their microa-
    Therefore there is a cost associated with SP-Optimized               chitecture is tailored them. SP and PP dataflows are interde-
    which is the overhead of partial sums. High T_F can help             pendent since the portion of the intermediate matrix produced
    reduce the energy due to partial sums                                by the first phase governs the second phase. As discussed in
   Best Energy: For HF category datasets, PP-Nt -Vsh and SP-             Section 4, there are certain loop orders and tile sizes which can
Vs Nt -Vs have best energies. For HE workloads, SP-Vs Nt -Vs             take advantage of pipelining. Next, we discuss the flexibility
has best energy, however energy saving by pipelining is not              features needed to support efficient pipelining.
significant. For LEF workloads, SP-Fs Nt -Fs and PP-Nt -Vt/sl               SP-Optimized: For SP-Optimized dataflow, T_VAGG =
have best energies.                                                      T_VCMB and T_FAGG = TCMB . Also, in order to retain interme-
5.2.3. Costs associated with pipelining. We observed the                 diate matrix locally in PE, T_N=1. Therefore the Aggregation
energy and performance benefits of inter-phase pipelining in             phase should have temporal reduction. A rigid architecture
Section 5.2.1 and Section 5.2.2. However, we also observed               would have the same reduction tile size. For combination,
some dataflows become worse due to pipelining, thus the main             T_FCMB determines spatial reduction. A rigid architecture
costs of pipelining are as follows:                                      with only spatial reduction cannot map SP-Optimized. A rigid
 • SP-Optimized: While SP optimized dataflow re-uses the                 architecture with only temporal reduction can map only one in-
    outputs accumulated locally in the PEs, since it does not            stance with tile sizes T_F=T_N=1 which implies that only V is
    always process all features, partial sums are generated              distributed parallely. This dataflow is High-Vs -SP. We observe
    instead of complete sums and have to be re-read once all             from Figure 9 and 10 that this dataflow has a huge runtime
    the partial sums corresponding to an output are generated.           due to performance being limited by the sparse rows, and a
    This increases the energy as seen in Figure 11.                      huge energy due to the overhead of writing and reading partial
 • PP: A major performance implication of PP is load balanc-             sums. Therefore, configurability of tile sizes is essential given
    ing. Since this dataflow is over space, the delay is dictated        the interdependence of phases. EnGN [35] uses two networks,
    by the worse stage of pipelining, therefore in some datasets         however flexibility is more robust to workload changes.
    like Collab, it is actually worse than Seq (Figure 9). More-            PP dataflow: In case of PP dataflow, a critical factor for
    over, optimal allocation does not always lead to perfect             pipelining is the load balancing of phases. We observed in
    load balancing due to unstructured sparsity.                         Figure 12 that depending on the workload, optimal allocation
                                                                         to a phase can change depending on workload sparsity and
5.3. Case Study: Hardware Parameter Implications
                                                                         dimensions. This requires a flexible substrate. Using a rigid
5.3.1. PP: Load balancing. In PP dataflow, the delay is de-              substrate with two distinct sub-accelerators like HyGCN [52]
cided by the slower phase. Therefore load balancing is critical.         can lead to load imbalance for certain workloads. Load balanc-
Figure 12 shows the performance of different allocations of              ing also requires an appropriate choice of tile sizes for both the
PEs to phases for different pipeline granularities. Collab has           phases to minimize stalls due to the slower phase. Therefore
higher density (HE category) hence slow Aggregation, there-              flexible resource allocation and configurability of tile sizes are
fore 25-75 performs poorly. For Mutag (LEF category), 50-50              essential for mapping PP efficiently.
is best allocation scheme amongst the three allocation schemes              Cost/benefit of flexibility: Mapping SP and PP efficiently
Since, citeseer is sparse and has high number of features (HF            dataflow require configurable tile sizes and flexible PE alloca-
category), combination phase is slower, therefore 75-25 allo-            tion. Moreover as shown in Section 5.2, flexibility to choose
cation performs poorly.                                                  from SP and PP according to the workload leads to optimal
5.3.2. Implications of Low bandwidth. For Section 5.2, we                dataflow. All these features add up to a programmable spa-
assumed sufficient on-chip distribution and reduction band-              tial accelerator. However, there is no additional cost for a
width to ensure that the data is received/sent without stalls.           programmable spatial accelerator running pipelined dataflows
However, lower Global Buffer distribution and reduction band-            compared to running single phase dataflows. Therefore flexi-
width will lead to stalls and hence would affect the perfor-             bility provides more benefit per cost for mapping multiphase
mance for dataflows where spatial reuse becomes less. Fig-               kernels than independent kernels.

Figure 12: Runtimes with different PE allocation to phases. Label represents the dataflow and the PE allocation ratio PEAGG -PECMB . Runtimes
are normalized to 50-50 low granularity. The values in the brackets are tile sizes for each dimension: (T_VAGG ,T_N,T_FAGG ,T_VCMB ,T_G,T_FCMB ).

                                                                                  Scope of the Dataflow Taxonomy. The present representa-
                                                                               tion distinguishes the intra-phase dataflows that can be used
                                                                               for vertex aggregation and combination, as well as dataflows
                                                                               between both phases of a GNN. However, the loop transforma-
                                                                               tions and inter-phase pipelining in our taxonomy also does not
                                                                               capture order of nodes and graph partitioning. Further, our tax-
                                                                               onomy does not capture accelerator-specific microarchitecture
Figure 13: Runtime normalized wrt Seq-Nt for 512. Legend rep-                  optimizations for GNNs such as load balancing [18], window
resents the number of elements that can be sent to or received                 shrinking [52], computation elimination via memoizing [6,24].
from global buffer in parallel. The values in brackets are tile sizes-
                                                                               Capturing all this within the compiler is exciting future work.
                                                                                  Application of Taxonomy to Other Kernels beyond GNNs
6. Extensions and Future work                                                 - Though this work focuses on GNNs, the taxonomy and inter-
                                                                               phase analysis proposed in Sections 3 and 4 can be gener-
Qualitative Analysis of GraphSage dataflows- Our taxonomy                      alized to dataflows for multiphase computations (GEMM-
in Section 3 focusses on GCN [31]. We briefly describe the                     GEMM/GEMM-SpMM/SpMM-SPMM). One immediate ex-
design space of GraphSage [20] dataflows. The key differences                  ample is Deep Learning Recommendation Models [40] that
between GraphSage and GCN are:                                                 is built of a SpMM and DenseGEMM in parallel followed by
   (1) GraphSage samples the neighbourhood of a vertex for                     concatenation followed by DenseGEMMs.
fixed number of neighbours as a result, as a result, adjacency                    Mapping Optimizer. In this work, we performed case stud-
matrix follows structured sparsity. While this does not af-                    ies on select dataflows to demonstrate interesting insights.
fect the design space description, perfect load balancing can                 A mapping optimizer can be built on top of the inter-phase
be achieved statically in PP and fixed T_N would not incur                     cost model and STONNE simulator [39] which automatically
underutilization, since number of neighbours is same. (2)                      searches the search space of the dataflows. There are existing
GraphSage combination phase involves matrix multiplica-                        mapping optimizers for DNN accelerators [5, 27, 55]. Since
tion of weight (W) with concatenated input feature map (Xl )                   GNN dataflows add an additional inter-phase optimizations
and intermediate matrix (A.Xl ) (V×2F). Thus dimensions of                     knob, dataflow search is important.
W are 2F×G. GraphSage combination can be described as:
X l+1 = (concat(X, A.X l )).W = X.Wtop + (A.X).Wbottom                        7. Related Work
   The concat operation is reading the Xl for the top half F×G                Dataflow Analysis. Prior dataflow works (such as Timeloop
features of W (Wtop ) and reading A.Xl for reading the bottom                 [41], Interstellar [55], and Kwon et al [32]) only analyze single-
half F×G features of W (Wbottom ). We can either concatenate                  phase dense dataflows and are a subset of dataflows that we
the intermediate and input matrices first and compute a large                 study as shown in Figure 2.
GEMM or we could consider two GEMMs separately and                               GNN Acceleration: Software Techniques. Software accel-
add the partial sums later. Thus there is an additional knob in               eration for GNNs aims at exploiting the knowledge of the
the combination phase, order of concatenation and GEMMs.                      graph properties to better adapt the workload to the under-
Performing concatenation first constrains the dataflow since                  lying hardware [3, 6, 16, 23, 24, 29, 36, 46–49, 60]. This in-
execution of the whole combination depends on the aggre-                      cludes techniques such as intelligent partitioning [46], sparsity-
gation phase. Performing GEMM first on the contrary is                        aware workload management [49], vertex reordering [6], or the
extremely flexible since X.Wtop can be scheduled independent                  caching of partial aggregations to avoid redundant sums [24].
from Aggregation thus transforming the design-space to three                  These techniques are either specific for GPUs, such as the
operations. This flexibility would be beneficial. For exam-                   dataflow constructs in Neugraph [36], or orthogonal to the
ple, X.Wtop can be allocated flexibly to balance the load in                  approach of this paper.
PP or computations of Aggregation and both GEMMs can                             GNN Acceleration: Hardware Techniques. Each GNN
be interleaved taking full advantage of SP dataflow reuse be-                 accelerator implements a specific dataflow, which is generally
tween Aggregation and Combination and between the two                         fixed and not formally defined [3, 4, 6, 18, 19, 30, 34, 35, 52, 57].
GEMMs of combination. Thus GraphSage opens up another                         Recently, GCNAX [34] proposed a flexible accelerator with
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