Understanding Roles and Entities: Datasets and Models for Natural Language Inference

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Understanding Roles and Entities: Datasets and Models for Natural
                                                                   Language Inference

                                                                     Arindam Mitra∗ Ishan Shrivastava∗ Chitta Baral
                                                                                 Arizona State University

                                                                  Abstract                          premise: A soccer game with multiple males playing.
                                                                                                    hypothesis: Some men are playing a sport.
                                                                                                    label: Entailment.
                                             We present two new datasets and a novel atten-         premise: A black race car starts up in front of a crowd of people.
                                             tion mechanism for Natural Language Infer-
arXiv:1904.09720v1 [cs.CL] 22 Apr 2019

                                                                                                    hypothesis: A man is driving down a lonely road.
                                             ence (NLI). Existing neural NLI models, even           label: Contradiction.
                                             though when trained on existing large datasets,        premise: A smiling costumed woman is holding an umbrella.
                                             do not capture the notion of entity and role           hypothesis: A happy woman in a fairy costume holds an um-
                                             well and often end up making mistakes such             label: Contradiction.
                                             as “Peter signed a deal” can be inferred from
                                             “John signed a deal”. The two datasets have           Table 1: Example premise-hypothesis pairs from SNLI
                                             been developed to mitigate such issues and            dataset with human-annotated labels.
                                             make the systems better at understanding the
                                             notion of “entities” and “roles”. After training       premise: John went to the kitchen.
                                             the existing architectures on the new dataset          hypothesis: Peter went to the kitchen.
                                             we observe that the existing architectures does        premise: Kendall lent Peyton a bicycle.
                                                                                                    hypothesis: Peyton lent Kendall a bicycle.
                                             not perform well on one of the new bench-
                                             mark. We then propose a modification to the           Table 2: Sample premise-hypothesis pairs where exist-
                                             “word-to-word” attention function which has           ing models trained on SNLI suffers significantly.
                                             been uniformly reused across several popular
                                             NLI architectures. The resulting architectures
                                             perform as well as their unmodified counter-          One such dataset is SNLI which contains a to-
                                             parts on the existing benchmarks and perform          tal of 570k premise-hypothesis pairs. However,
                                             significantly well on the new benchmark for
                                                                                                   several top performing systems on SNLI struggle
                                             “roles” and “entities”.
                                                                                                   when they are subjected to examples which re-
                                         1   Introduction                                          quire understanding the notion of entity and se-
                                                                                                   mantic roles. Table 2 shows some examples of this
                                         Natural language inference (NLI) is the task of           kind.
                                         determining the truth value of a natural language            The top-performing models on the SNLI bench-
                                         text, called “hypothesis” given another piece of          mark predict entailment as the correct label for
                                         text called “premise”. The list of possible truth         both the examples in Table 2 with very high confi-
                                         values include entailment, contradiction and neu-         dence. For example, the ESIM (Chen et al., 2016)
                                         tral. Entailment means the hypothesis must be             model predicts entailment with a confidence of
                                         true as the premise is true. Contradiction indi-          82.21% and 96.29% respectively.
                                         cates that the hypothesis can never be true if the
                                                                                                      To help the NLI systems to better learn these
                                         premise is true. Neutral pertains to the scenario
                                                                                                   concepts of entity and semantic roles we present
                                         where the hypothesis can be both true and false
                                                                                                   two new datasets. Our contributions are twofold:
                                         as the premise does not provide enough informa-
                                                                                                   1) we show how existing annotated corpus such as
                                         tion. Table 1 shows an example of each of the
                                                                                                   VerbNet (Schuler, 2005), AMR (Banarescu et al.,
                                         three cases.
                                                                                                   2013) and QA-SRL(FitzGerald et al., 2018) can be
                                            Recently several large scale datasets have been        used to automatically create premise-hypothesis
                                         produced to advance the state-of-the-art in NLI.          pairs that stress on the understanding of entities
                                                 These authors contributed equally to this work.   and roles. 2) We propose a novel neural attention
for NLI which combines vector similarity with             Similarly, we use the two name sentences and
symbolic similarity to perform significantly better    the gender neutral names to create more neutral
on the new datasets.                                   labelled premise-hypothesis pairs. We ensure that
                                                       the set of unique template sentences and gender
2     Dataset Generation                               neutral names are disjoint for train, dev, test set.
We create two new datasets. The first one con-         2.1.2 Creation of examples using AMR
tains examples of neutral or contradiction labelled
                                                       Contrary to the bAbI dataset, AMR corpus con-
premise-hypothesis pairs where the hypothesis is
                                                       tains complex and lengthier sentences which pro-
created from the premise by replacing its named
                                                       vides varity to our dataset. We use the annotation
entities with a different and disjoint set of named
                                                       available in the AMR corpus to extract 945 tem-
entities. This dataset is referred to as NER-
                                                       plate sentences such that each of them contain at
C HANGED. The second one contains examples
                                                       least one mention of a city or a country or a person.
of neutral labelled premise-hypothesis pairs where
                                                       Consider the following example with the mention
the hypothesis is created by swapping the two
                                                       of a city:
different entities from the premise which has the
same (VerbNet) type but plays different roles. This         “Teheran defied international pressure
one is referred to as the ROLE -S WAPPED. To help           by announcing plans to produce more
the NLI systems to learn the importance of these            fuel for its nuclear program.”
modifications, the two datasets also contain entail-
ment labelled premise-hypothesis pairs where the       Using a list of certain names of cities, countries
hypothesis is exactly same as the premise.             and persons selected from the AMR corpus we
                                                       change the names mentioned in the candidate sen-
2.1     NER-C HANGED DataSet                           tences to create the “Neutral” labelled premise-
To create this data set, we utilize the sentences      hypothesis pair. From the example mentioned
from the bAbI (Weston et al., 2015) and the AMR        above, the following pair is generated:
(Banarescu et al., 2013) corpus.
                                                        Premise : Dublin defied international pressure by
2.1.1 Creation of examples using bAbI                   announcing plans to produce more fuel for its nu-
We extract all the 40814 sentences which con-           clear program.
tains a single person name and the 4770 sentences       Hypothesis : Shanghai defied international pres-
which contain two person names. For all the sin-        sure by announcing plans to produce more fuel
gle name sentences, we replace the name in the          for its nuclear program.
sentence with the token personX to create a set         Gold Label: Neutral
of template sentences. For example, the following
sentence:                                                 We also use the AMR corpus to collect sen-
                                                       tences containing “Numbers” and “Dates” to cre-
       “Mary moved to the hallway.”                    ate neutral or contradiction labelled premise-
becomes                                                hypothesis pair. The gold labels in this case is de-
       “personX moved to the hallway.”                 cided manually. The following pair provides an
                                                       example of this case:
This way, we create a total of 398 unique tem-
plate sentences, each consisting only one name.         Premise : The Tajik State pays 35 dirams (a few
We then use a list of 15 Gender Neutral names           cents) per day for every person in the rehabilita-
to replace the token personX in all the template        tion clinics.
sentences. We then make pairs of premise and hy-        Hypothesis : The Tajik State pays 62 dirams (a
pothesis sentences and label the ones with differ-      few cents) per day for every person in the reha-
ent names as neutral and with same name as en-          bilitation clinics.
tailment. The template mentioned above, creates         Gold Label: Contradiction
the following premise-hypothesis pair:
                                                          We also convert a few numbers to their word
    Premise : Kendall moved to the hallway.            format and replace them in the sentences to create
    Hypothesis : Peyton moved to the hallway.          premise-hypothesis pairs. Consider the following
    Gold Label: Neutral                                example:
Premise : The Yongbyon plant produces 4                      “PersonX lent PersonY a bicycle.”
 Hypothesis : The Yongbyon plant produces five            Note that VerbNet provides example sentence
 megawatts.                                            for each VerbNet classes not for individual mem-
 Gold Label: Contradiction                             ber verbs and sometimes the example sentence
                                                       might not contain the required PersonX and Per-
                                                       sonY slot. Thus, using this technique, we obtain a
2.2   ROLES -S WITCHED DataSet
                                                       total of 89 unique template sentences from Verb-
The ROLES -S WITCHED dataset contains sen-             Net. For all such template sentences, we use gen-
tences such as “John rented a bicycle to David”,       der neutral names to create the neutral labelled
where two person play two different roles even         role-swapped premise-hypothesis pairs, as shown
though they participate in the same event (verb).      below:
We use the VerbNet(Schuler, 2005) lexicon to ex-
tract the set of all verbs (events) that take as ar-       Premise : Kendall lent Peyton a bicycle.
guments two same kinds of entities for two dif-            Hypothesis : Peyton lent Kendall a bicycle.
ferent roles. We use this set to extract annotated         Gold Label: neutral
sentences from VerbNet(Schuler, 2005) and QA-
SRL(FitzGerald et al., 2018), which are then used      2.2.2    Creation of dataset using QA-SRL
to create sample premise-hypothesis pairs. The         In the QA-SRL(FitzGerald et al., 2018) dataset,
following two subsections describe the process in      roles are represented as questions. Thus we
detail.                                                go through the list of questions from the QA-
2.2.1 Creation of dataset using VerbNet                SRL(FitzGerald et al., 2018) dataset to map the
VerbNet(Schuler, 2005) provides a list of Verb-        questions into their corresponding VerbNet role.
Net class of verbs and also provides the restric-      We consider only those QA-SRL(FitzGerald et al.,
tions defining the types of thematic roles that are    2018) sentences which contains both the role-
allowed as arguments. It also provides a list of       defining questions of a verb in their annotation and
member verbs for each class of verbs. For exam-        where each of the entity associated with those two
ple, consider the VerbNet class for the verb give      roles (the answer to the questions) is either a sin-
- “give-13.1”. The roles it can take are “Agent”,      gular or a plural noun, or a singular or a plural
“Theme” and “Recipient”. It further provides the       proper noun. We then swap those two entities to
restrictions as “Agent” and “Recipient” can only       create a neutral labelled premise-hypothesis pair.
be either an Animate or an Organization type of        The following pair shows an example:
                                                           Premise : Many kinds of power plant have been
   We use this information provided by Verb-
                                                           used to drive propellers.
Net(Schuler, 2005) to shortlist 47 VerbNet classes
                                                           Hypothesis : Propellers have been used to drive
(verbs) that accepts the same kind of entities for
                                                           many kinds of power plant.
different roles. “give-13.1” is one such class as
                                                           Gold Label: neutral
the two different roles for it, “Agent” and “Re-
cipient” accepts the same kind of entities, namely
“Animate” or “Organization”. We take the mem-          3     Model
ber verbs from each of the shortlisted VerbNet
                                                       In this section we describe the existing attention
classes to compute the set of all 646 “interesting”
                                                       mechanism of the DecAtt (Parikh et al., 2016) and
verbs. We then extract the annotated sentences
                                                       the ESIM (Chen et al., 2016) model. We then de-
from VerbNet to finally create the template sen-
                                                       scribe the proposed modification which helps to
tences for the data set creation.
                                                       perform better on the NER C HANGED dataset.
   Consider the following sentence from VerbNet
which contains the verb “lent” which is a member          Let a be the premise and b be the hypothesis
verb of the VerbNet class “give-13.1”.                 with length la and lb such that a = (a1 ,a2 ,...,ala )
                                                       and b = (b1 ,b2 ,...,blb ) where each ai and bj ∈ Rd is
      “They lent me a bicycle.”                        a word vector embedding of dimensions d.
We use such sentences and associated annotations          Both DecAtt and the ESIM model first trans-
to create template sentences such as:                  forms the original sequence a and b to another se-
Data Sets       DecAtt                       ESIM                 Lambda DecAtt        Lambda ESIM               BERT
Train     Test Train Test                   Train  Test              Train  Test          Train  Test           Train Test
               Acc    Acc                   Acc    Acc               Acc    Acc           Acc    Acc            Acc   Acc
SNLI      NC 84.58%59.34%                   89.78% 33.59%            85.1% 46.48%         90.10% 33.08%         91.59%8.37%
SNLI + NC NC 85.58%88.43%                   89.42% 51.96%            85.8% 96.14%         89.72% 92.61%         90.97%80.55%
SNLI + NC SNLI 85.58%84.12%                 89.42% 87.27%            85.8% 84.41%         89.72% 87.19%         90.97%89.17%
SNLI      RS 84.58%54.62%                   89.78% 53.96%            85.1% 54.72%         90.10% 53.96%         91.59%20.81%
SNLI + RS RS 85.25%75.12%                   89.93% 87.33%            84.24% 77.38%        90.3% 90.29%          90.84%72.15%
SNLI + RS SNLI 85.25%85.20%                 89.93% 88.21%            84.24% 84.56%        90.3% 87.74%          90.84%88.88%
SNLI + RS NC 86.49%92.05%                   89.69% 53.46%            86.4% 97.24%         90.7% 95.88%          90.72%80.55%
+ NC
SNLI + RS SNLI       86.49%84.72% 89.69% 87.09% 86.4%                         84.26%      90.7%      87.81% 90.72%89.09%
+ NC
SNLI + RS RS         86.49%76.09% 89.69% 88.86% 86.4%                         77.85%      90.7%      90.76% 90.72%68.50%
+ NC

Table 3: Table shows the train and test set accuracy for all the experiments. Here, NC refers to NER-C HANGED
dataset and RS refers to the ROLE -S WITCHED dataset. Each row of this table represents an experiment. The first
two columns of each row represents the train set and the test set used for that experiment. Rest of the columns
show the train and the test accuracy (Acc) in percentages for all the five models. In our experiments, we have used
the bert-large-uncased model.

quence ā = (ā1 , ..., āla ) and b̄ = (b̄1 , ..., b̄lb ) of same    computed using equation 3. We will refer to this
length to learn task-specific word embeddings. It                     feed-forward neural network as the lambda layer.
then computes a non normalized attention between
each pair of words using dot product as shown in
                                                                      λij = 1−LeakyReLU (1−LeakyReLU (Wλ xλij ))
equation 1.
                                                                         Here, Wλ is learned from data with respect to
                        eij = (āi )T b̄j                     (1)
                                                                      the NLI task and xλij is the input to the lambda
   Since the initial word embeddings for similar                      layer which is a 16 dimensional sparse feature vec-
named entities such as “john” and “peter” are very                    tor and encodes the NER (Named Entity Recogni-
similar, the normalized attention scores between                      tion) information for the pair of words in the two
NER-C HANGED sentence pairs such as “ Kendall                         sentences. We group the NER information into
moved to the hallway.” and “Peyton moved to                           4 categories namely ‘Name”, “Numeric”, “Date”
the hallway.” forms a diagonal matrix which nor-                      and “Other”. We use Spacy and Stanford NER tag-
mally occurs when premise is exactly same as hy-                      ger to obtain the NER category of a word. Let viner
pothesis. As a result, the systems end up predic-                     and vjner be two vectors in {0, 1}4 which encode
tion entailment for this kind of premise-hypothesis                   the one-hot representation of the NER category,
pairs. To deal with this issue, we introduce sym-                     then xλij [k1 ∗ 4 + k2 ] = viner [k1 ] ∗ vjner [k2 ] where
bolic similarity into the attention mechanism. The                    k1 and k2 ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}.
attentions scores are then computed as follows:
                                                                      4   Related Works
             e0 ij = λij eij + (1 − λij )symij                (2)
                                                                      Many large labelled NLI datasets have been re-
   Here, symij represents the symbolic similarity                     leased so far. Bowman et al. (2015) develop
which is assigned 0 if the string representing ai is                  the first large labelled NLI dataset containing
not “equal” to the string representing bj . If the two                570k premise-hypothesis pairs. They show sam-
string matches, then a weight w which is a hyper-                     ple image captions to crowd-workers and the la-
parameter, is assigned. λij ∈ [0, 1] is a learnable                   bel (entailment, contradiction and neutral) and
parameter which decides how much weight should                        ask workers to write down a hypothesis for each
be given to vector similarity and how much weight                     of those three scenarios. As a result they ob-
to the symbolic similarity (symij ) while calculating                 tain a high agreement entailment dataset known
the new unnormalized attention weights e’ij . λij is                  as Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI).
Since premises in SNLI contains only image cap-        SNLI train set alone, they perform poorly on the
tions it might contain sentences of limited gen-       NER-C HANGED and ROLE -S WITCHED test set .
res. MultiNLI (Williams et al., 2017) have been        This could be attributed to the absence of simi-
developed to address this issue. Unlike SNLI           lar examples in the SNLI dataset. After expos-
and MultiNLI, (Khot et al., 2018) and (Demszky         ing the new datasets at train time along with the
et al., 2018) considers multiple-choice question-      SNLI training dataset, DecAtt and BERT shows
answering as an NLI task to create the SciTail         significant improvement where the ESIM model
(Khot et al., 2018) and QNLI (Demszky et al.,          continues to struggle in the NER-C HANGED test
2018) datasets respectively. Recent datasets like      set. Our Lambda DecAtt and Lambda ESIM mod-
PAWS (Zhang et al., 2019) which is a paraphrase        els however significantly outperform the remain-
identification dataset also helps to advance the       ing models and achieves as well as or better accu-
field of NLI. Glockner et al. (2018) creates a NLI     racy than its unmodified counterparts DecAtt and
test set which shows the inability of the current      ESIM on the SNLI test set.
state of the art systems to accurately perform in-
ference requiring lexical and world knowledge.         6   Conclusion
   Since the release of such large data sets,
                                                       We have shown how the existing annotated mean-
many advanced deep learning architectures have
                                                       ing representation datasets can be used to create
been developed (Bowman et al., 2016; Vendrov
                                                       NLI datasets which stress on the understanding
et al., 2015; Mou et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016;
                                                       of entities and roles. Furthermore, we show that
Munkhdalai and Yu, 2016; Rocktäschel et al.,
                                                       popular existing models when trained on exist-
2015; Wang and Jiang, 2015; Cheng et al., 2016;
                                                       ing datasets hardly understand the notion of en-
Parikh et al., 2016; Munkhdalai and Yu, 2016; Sha
                                                       tities and roles. We have proposed a new attention
et al., 2016; Paria et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2016;
                                                       mechanism for natural language inference. As ex-
Khot et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018; Liu et al.,
                                                       periments suggest, the new attention function sig-
2019). Although many of these deep learning
                                                       nificantly helps to capture the notion of entities
models achieve close to human level performance
                                                       and roles. Furthermore, the performance does not
on SNLI and MultiNLI datasets, these models can
                                                       drop on the existing testbeds when the new atten-
be easily deceived by simple adversarial exam-
                                                       tion mechanism is used, which shows the general-
ples. Kang et al. (2018) shows how simple lin-
                                                       ity of the proposed attention mechanism.
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of words deceives the DecAtt Model. Gururangan
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