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University of Copenhagen

ThinkChina                    CHINA STUDIES ESSAY

             Reflections on the Development and Status
                    of China Studies in Denmark
          By Jørgen Delman & Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg
                                                       MAY 2022
This ThinkChina analysis is written by Jørgen Delman, professor
emeritus of China Studies, Department of Cross-Cultural and Re-
gional Studies, University of Copenhagen & Anne Wedell-Wedells-
borg, professor emeritus of China Studies, School of Culture and
Society - China Studies, Aarhus University.

Editor: Nina Eidorff Madsen

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Frontpage image: Chinese Blackboard

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By Jørgen Delman & Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg

P                                                  STUDYING CHINA FROM AFAR
      rofessors Jørgen Delman and Anne
      Wedell-Wedellsborg      from    China
      Studies at University of Copenhagen       In recent years, archaeologists have found
and University of Aarhus, respectively, have    evidence in excavations in the Nordic
co-edited a volume introducing Danish social    countries that more than a thousand years
science and humanistic research on China        ago, the Nordic Vikings were in possession
since 2000 to a Chinese audience in Chinese.    of valuable products from China such as
Shanghai Social Sciences Press will publish     silk. While it is likely that the Vikings met
the volume in 2022 under the title: “中丹21       people from China somewhere along their
世纪的对话:丹麦的中国研究”. The Chinese                     expeditions, the first written record of
version has been co-edited with Professor       interaction between Danes and Chinese
Zhang Xihua, Director of the Denmark            came out in 1733, when the chaplain of the
Studies Centre at Beijing International         Danish ship Cron Printz Christian (Crown
Studies University (BISU) and honorary          Prince Christian), which had docked at
Doctor at University of Copenhagen.             Canton in 1731, published a travelogue. The
                                                chaplain generally described China as a rich
Jørgen Delman and Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg and well-organized country:
wrote the first version of the introduction to
                                                       “China is the Land of Canaan [the
the edited volume in English. Then, it was
                                                Promised Land - editors], that even though it
slightly revised in collaboration with Zhang
                                                teems with people, is able to nourish them
Xihua to fit the format of the Chinese version. grandly, and in addition has enough to give
Finally, it was translated into Chinese.        to strangers, both gold, precious things, of
The two Danish authors found that                  nature as well as made by hands, rare gems,
the original, co-authored version of               costly metals, and many other things that
the introduction would be useful to                not only serve as food and pleasure for the
an international audience to acquaint              body, but even contributes to its saneness
themselves with the development of China           and health.” (Huusman 1733)
Studies in Denmark and a sample of the many        The ship belonged to the newly established
researchers working on China in Denmark.

trading company Chinesisk Societet (The             decades and often in senior positions
Chinese Society) (Asmussen 2019). Crown             (Thøgersen et al. 2017). Growing cultural
Prince Christian’s successful travel set            relations accompanied Sino-Danish trade
the foundation for the development of               and economic relations. About 150 Danish
increasingly intensive trade and economic           missionaries went to China in the 19th and
relations between Denmark and China                 20th centuries (Thøgersen et al. 2017) and
since then. These relations have changed            exerted influence – for good and for bad -
and deepened, often through turbulent               on local religious, cultural and educational
times, but Danish traders never stopped             traditions and activities. Despite major
believing in the importance of China to their       external shocks and ensuing disruptions in
own and to the Danish economy. Denmark              bilateral relations during the 20th century,
was amongst the first European countries            Danes and Chinese actors continued to
to recognize the People’s Republic of China         engage in business, in education, and
in 1950 and even during the turbulent times         in culture, through migration, through
of the Cultural Revolution, the Danish              diplomacy and through increasing tourism
East Asiatic Company (宝隆洋行) upheld                  since the 1980s. These exchanges were
its representation in China as one of few           largely driven from the bottom up, which
Western companies (Thøgersen et al. 2017;           is undoubtedly a major reason for their
Brødsgaard and Kirkebæk 2001).                      resilience.

Throughout     the   centuries,   Danish            Denmark’s diplomatic presence in China
companies      and    business     people           started in 1820, when the Danish government
experienced boom and bust in China,                 appointed its first consul in China, the
but failure of others did not deter new             Scotsman James Matheson, who operated
companies from trying their luck. They              his own company in Guangzhou. The first
looked to the successes for inspiration.            consul of Danish nationality was appointed
Danish companies even helped build the              to Shanghai in 1851. For many years,
local works in China of one of the first            Denmark’s and China’s bilateral diplomatic
modern global infrastructure projects, the          missions were at the level of a legation. A
telegraph, from 1870 onwards (Thøgersen             legation was a diplomatic mission that, for
et al. 2017).                                       most practical purposes, was similar to
                                                    an embassy, but it was lower in rank and
In 1854, the foreign consuls in Shanghai            was presided over by a so-called minister
took the initiative to establish the Imperial       rather than an ambassador. Legations used
Maritime Customs Service (大清皇家海                     to be quite common, but they are rare now.
关总税务司). Formally, the service was                   The first Danish ambassador to China was
under the control of the Chinese imperial
                                                    appointed in 1912 (Thøgersen et al. 2017).
government, but it was essentially a semi-
colonialist project. The senior level staff         In 2008, China and Denmark signed
mostly comprised of foreigners and all              a bilateral comprehensive strategic
heads of the service were British up until          partnership that marked a new step in the
1949. In 1860, the Customs Service employed         relations between the two countries. There
its first Dane, and up till 1949 about 250          was a wish to pursue a new type of public
Danes worked for the Service, many for              collaborative diplomacy with much closer

government-to-government interaction and     On the Danish side, these historical
cooperation, for example in environment,     developments have called for people
climate change, energy, education, human     skilled in the Chinese language and with
rights, and accountability and transparency  knowledge of China. They have been
of governance (Sørensen and Delman 2018).    required as interpreters, cultural bridge
                                             builders, analysts, spearheads for business
China’s rise has been fast and largely
                                             ventures in China and between Denmark
unpredicted, and China has now become
                                             and China, tourist guides, journalists,
a new major power on the world scene. In
                                             diplomats, consultants, etc.
recent years, China has become entangled
in a fierce rivalry on the global scene with Some of them have become academics doing
the United States, Denmark’s traditional research on China in Danish universities.
core ally. While sentiments in Denmark Originally, they were called ‘sinologists’ (
towards China were generally positive until 汉学家) and were a relatively small, rather
the early 21st century, China’s position and marginalized group of researchers and
approach to its new status as a rising major teachers specialized on China. However, in
power on the global scene has become the recent decades, the group of China focused
object of heated public debate in Denmark. researchers has grown and scientific
There is considerable uncertainty about work on China has gained considerable
what China wants from its new global status ground across many scientific disciplines
and whether China is a threat to Denmark. in the Danish universities, while it has also
This has bred considerable negative become internationalized.
sentiments in the media, amongst Danish
politicians, and in society at large.        HOW THIS BOOK CAME ABOUT

As polities, Denmark and China hail This publishing project is the result of
from different traditions, and pursue and consultations between the two Danish
promote beliefs and values that are quite editors, Professor Jørgen Delman from
dissimilar on certain key issues. While China Studies at University of Copenhagen
suspicions towards the intentions of the US and Professor Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg
have often been evident in Denmark, the from China Studies at University of Aarhus
suspicions towards China are new. They and Professor Zhang Xihua, the Director
have become accentuated by the current of the Denmark Studies Centre at Beijing
great power rivalry between the US and International Studies University (BISU)
China.                                       and honorary Doctor at University of
                                             Copenhagen. Professor Zhang Xihua has
Suspicions towards major powers are quite observed an interest in China’s academic
natural, as Denmark is a small country community, amongst diplomats, and
which is wary of being squeezed in great amongst the informed public about the
power ‘games’. There is no doubt, therefore, views of foreign researchers on China. As
that Sino-Danish relations will take a new Director of the Denmark Studies Centre,
turn under these circumstances. At the Professor Zhang Xihua has entertained a
same time, it is also safe to predict that specific interest to present contemporary
relations will continue to develop as they Danish research on China to Chinese
rest on a strong societal foundation.        audiences. This interest confirms a life-

long impression of the two Danish editors          travelogue describing his visit to the empire
that there is indeed a keen wish in China          of the Great Khan (1271-95) under the Yuan
to acquire knowledge about how China is            Dynasty. Ever since, travelogues and later
understood outside China.                          journalistic accounts have had a great
                                                   influence on perceptions of China in the
This volume presents research by a number
                                                   world outside China.
of China focused researchers in Denmark
who work with both contemporary and                Fast forward from Marco Polo, European
historical issues in China and in relation         missionaries started to travel to China to
to China. The editors have selected already        spread the Christian gospel in the 16th
published articles from within humanities          century (see Figure 1). At times, some of
and social sciences that have been produced        them forgot their original task because
after 2000 and which are representative of         they were more interested in studying the
the analytical approach of the individual          many new phenomena that they observed
researchers. Our criteria have been that the       in China, which they often considered
authors should undertake research within           ‘strange’. They described and analysed what
their field of academic specialization based       they saw. They sent their written records
on Chinese sources and that they must              back home, and, based on the standards
be employed at a Danish university. Their          of their time, some of them worked out
work is taken as representative of their           scientific treatises about Chinese language,
own research interests, their scientific
                                                   FIGURE 1 – The historical development of China
discipline, and the Danish research
environment they work within. We have
not been concerned about the nationality
of the individual researcher. Finally,
when selecting the articles, we have also
considered the relevance of the selected
articles to a Chinese audience.
It is our hope that readers of this volume
will appreciate the scientific curiosity
of the research presented, the focus on
historical and contemporary developments
and changes in China, and the wish to
apply solid theoretical approaches and
innovative methods to the study of China
(see appendix: list of contents).
The study of China in Europe rests on more
than 800 years of tradition with describing
and analysing everything Chinese (see
Figure 1). It started with Marco Polo’s

culture, thinking, and science.               become household items amongst the
                                              better-off classes in Europe due to the
A number of Jesuit missionaries, foremost
                                              extensive trade between China and Europe
Mateo Ricci (1552-1610), became valuable
                                              (Clemmensen and Mackeprang 1980).
members of China’s educated elite through
their mastery of the Chinese language and The first professorship in ‘sinology’ (汉
culture. Some even held high offices in the 学) was set up in Paris in 1814 (see Figure
imperial bureaucracy.                         1). The Chair in Paris was meant to help
                                              train interpreters with language skills
When the Flemish Jesuit, Ferdinand
                                              and cultural competences who could
Verbiest was given the task in the late 1660s
                                              act in China and interact with Chinese
to equip the Imperial Observatory in Beijing
                                              interlocutors on behalf of the official
with new astronomical instruments, he
                                              representatives of the French empire. Since
chose to reconstruct instruments made by
                                              then, similar professorships in sinology
the Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe (1546-
                                              were established one after the other during
1601). This is the first known example of
                                              the following decades at many European
scientific exchange between Denmark and
China. The instruments are still on display
in the museum of the ancient observatory Traditionally, sinology has been considered
in Beijing.                                   the academic field that focuses on the study
                                              of China based on a philological approach,
The Jesuits also translated Confucian
                                              and primarily aimed at the study of Chinese
classics into Latin – the common scholarly
                                              philosophy, language, literature, culture
language in Europe at the time. This had a
                                              and history. The Danish scientist Knud
great impact on European intellectual life,
                                              Lundbæk (1912-1995) has documented the
not least in France, where conceptions of
                                              history of the missionaries in China and
Chinese thought and government played
                                              their scientific endeavours as well as the
an important role in the polemics of the
                                              history of the pioneers of early sinology
European Enlightenment movement. The
                                              (see e.g. Lundbæk 1986; 1995). While his
German philosopher and polymath Leibniz
                                              main professional occupation was that of
(1646-1716) became deeply interested in
                                              professor of medicine at the University
China and suggested to Russian Czar Peter
                                              of Aarhus in Denmark, Knud Lundbæk
the Great to build a road across Siberia to
                                              was also a self-taught sinologist and avid
China to connect China and Europe. Latin
                                              collector of rare original works of sinology
translations were followed by translations
                                              dating from the 16th century on.
into French, German and English, including
selections of Chinese literature and drama From early 20th century, the University
(Mungello 2013). While European views on of Copenhagen offered some teaching of
China were overly favourable, especially Chinese. The courses were taught by Kurt
during the first half of the 18th century, Wulff (1881-1939), an indologist by training
the general image of China in Europe had and librarian at the Royal Danish Library.
become more negative by the 19th century. Wulff was docent (i.e. university lecturer)
However, Chinese cultural products, arts in East Asian Languages - with special
and artefacts were popular, and luxury reference to Chinese, from 1928 until his
items such as tea, silk and porcelain had death eleven years later. (Karttunen 2018;

Arendrup 1995).                                   University has offered a full program in
                                                  Chinese studies, now China Studies. Søren
The University of Copenhagen only got             Egerod was also one of the founders of the
its first full Chair in Chinese Studies (汉        Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies in
学) in 1958. The incumbent was Professor           1968, (originally named Centralinstitut
Søren Egerod 易家乐           (易家樂) (1923-           for nordisk Asienforskning), now NIAS
1995), who retired in 1993. Søren Egerod          Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. NIAS was
was self-taught in Chinese before he went         established to promote and support Asian
to France to pursue academic studies after        studies in the Nordic countries and Søren
World War II. He joined a Rockefeller             Egerod became its first director.
Foundation program in 1945 that offered
to finance the education of one student of        It was around this time that Chinese
sinology from each of the Nordic countries.       teaching started at the University of Aarhus,
In 1946, Søren Egerod went to Stockholm           the second biggest university in Denmark.
as a student of the grand nestor of               Associate professor Else Glahn (1921-2011)
Scandinavian sinology, Bernhard Karlgren          was the founding mother of the program
(1889-1978), at University of Stockholm.          (Chiu 2011). She was originally educated as
He joined a small group of Rockefeller            a carpenter and subsequently as architect.
grantees and others, amongst them Else            At the same time, she took an interest in
Glahn. She would later establish Chinese          Chinese architecture and carpentry and, as
Studies at University of Aarhus in Denmark        noted above, she was a student of famous
(more below). Other members were Göran            Swedish master sinologist, Bernhard
Malmqvist, the internationally well-known         Karlgren. When establishing Chinese
Swedish professor who specialized in both         studies at the University of Aarhus, she
classical and modern Chinese linguistics          brought a solid classical training and a deep
and literature and became a member of             knowledge of traditional Chinese culture
the Swedish Academy, and Henry Henne,             as well as a vivid interest in contemporary
who became professor of Chinese Studies           China. Her own primary research focus
at University of Oslo. Like most of the           was Chinese architecture and building
other great early sinologist scholars,            traditions, specifically the famous 12th
Søren Egerod specialised in the study of          century building manual 营造法式 (Ying
classical Chinese language and culture,           zao fa shi) (Glahn 1981; 1975)
and did a pioneering doctoral study in            For more than 150 years, many sinologists
dialectical research at Berkeley University       considered         themselves        exclusive
in California. His dissertation was titled:       interpreters of China as empire and nation
“The Lungtu Dialect: A Descriptive and            even though their primary competences
Historical Study of a South Chinese Idiom”        were in classical language, linguistics,
and it earned him a Doctorate from the            culture, history, philosophy etc. As universal
University of Copenhagen (Egerod 1956).           China specialists, they endeavoured to
The thesis was translated into Chinese and        uphold their special role within and outside
published in China in 2016 (易家乐) (Søren           academia. Many of them, including Søren
Egerod) 2016). Søren Egerod established           Egerod and Else Glahn, made priceless
the East Asian Institute at University of         contributions to research on China at
Copenhagen in 1960 and, since then, the           times when very few people in European

universities were interested in China-              China. Apart from being well versed in
related subjects. Unfortunately, as an              Chinese culture, history and thinking,
academic field of study, sinology remained          graduates of China studies have to become
relatively isolated at the universities. From       experts in reading, decoding and analysing
the late 1960s and especially after China           policy documents, literature, media and
opened up to the outside world from                 other sources from China. The aim of their
1978, there was an increased demand                 training is to allow them to specialize and
for knowledge on present-day China and              to examine China and the relationship
for students with more contemporary                 between China and the world with
qualifications, not least in modern Chinese.        recognized theories and methods from any
The traditional sinological environments            relevant scientific discipline.
were challenged to reform themselves and
                                                    CHINA STUDIES IN DENMARK
their scientific approaches.
CHINA STUDIES AS A LANGUAGE China Studies as a language based area
                            study is now the standard in most European
                                                    countries. This is certainly also the case
Language based area studies (区域学) -                 in Denmark where contemporary China
such as today’s ‘China Studies’ (中国学) -             studies sprang out of this approach. China
emerged in the United States in the 1930s           Studies does not make a claim to be a
and expanded dramatically during and                scientific discipline in itself; it is rather to
especially after World War II to provide            be seen as a university-level, research based
highly qualified specialists with adequate          educational program (“Kinastudier” in
language competences (see Figure 1).                Danish). The current programs are run by
They were needed to collect intelligence            a versatile group of disciplinary specialists
from around the world for use by state,             who primarily share the ability to work and
military and secret services. The Cold              teach in the Chinese language.
War accentuated this need, when access
                                            China Studies have been offered at Danish
to vital information and knowledge about
                                            universities since the 1970s. University
Communist countries like the Soviet Union
                                            of Aarhus set up the first China Studies
and China was limited.
                                            program in Denmark in 1969 (at that
While the language based area study now time, it was still called ‘Chinese Studies’).
called China Studies (中国学) never forgot The University of Copenhagen reformed
its sinological roots, contemporary China its traditional sinology program into an
Studies primarily draws on established area studies program in the 1990s after
scientific    approaches    from     within Professor Søren Egerod retired from his
humanities and social sciences with a Chair. Copenhagen Business School started
focus on modern and contemporary its Asian Studies Program in 1993 with an
China and modern Chinese language. option to study the Chinese language from
China Studies eventually broke out of the 2003. Aalborg University has had a China
traditional academic isolation of sinology Area Studies Program since 2007, but it
and its exclusive focus on historical China has never integrated Chinese language
and classical Chinese to make itself more as a requirement for participation in the
relevant to the study of contemporary program.

           any Danes have been interested         Finally, University of Southern Denmark
           in China throughout the last           pursued a China Studies program between
           more than three centuries, since       2007 and 2015.
the first Danish ship landed in Fuzhou            University of Copenhagen
in 1676. A fairly complete catalogue of
Danish China professionals and China              China Studies at the University of
scholars (until 2017) can be found here:          Copenhagen is located within the
                                                  Department of Cross-cultural and Regional
                                                  Studies at the Faculty of Humanities.
                                                  The department also offers other similar
                                                  language based area studies programs
                                                  covering, for example, other Asian nations.
                                                  From 2009 until 2021, Jørgen Delman (editor
                                                  of and contributor to this volume) was the
                                                  second full professor in China Studies after
                                                  Søren Egerod.
                                                  The China Studies program at University of
                                                  Copenhagen covers Greater China including
                                                  Hong Kong and Taiwan and there are also
                                                  researchers with language competences
                                                  in China’s border regions, notably Tibet
                                                  and Xinjiang. The program consists of a
                                                  BA degree lasting four years (including 1
                                                  year of propaedeutic Chinese spread over
                                                  three semesters), an MA degree (now
                                                  in Asian Studies with a specialization in
                                                  China Studies) lasting two years, and a PhD
                                                  program lasting 3 years. The program enlists
Carsten Boyer Thøgersen, Su Qin, Nis Høyrup       about 40 new students annually for its core
Christensen, Hans Jørgen Hinrup (Editors).        curriculum and focuses on Chinese history,
List of Danish and Chinese Scholars and           culture, society and politics. During the
Professionals                                     first three semesters, there is a strong focus
                                                  on learning Chinese language alongside
Copenhagen Business Confucius Institute,
                                                  with Chinese history, from the Yellow
                                                  Emperor until Xi Jinping. During the third
https://research.cbs.dk/en/publications/          semester, the students travel to China for
list-of-danish-and-chinese-scholars-and-          an intensive course at Beijing International
professionals                                     Studies University (BISU). After returning
                                                  home, the students mainly concentrate
                                                  on courses on modern and contemporary
                                                  China. They also take a module in science
                                                  theory and three elective modules in other
                                                  relevant programs at either humanities or

social sciences. All BA modules in China          to the 40 new students enlisted into the
Studies integrate language training and           university’s own China Studies program.
empirical content in Chinese with the use         All in all, China Studies at University of
of different theories and methods from            Copenhagen may thus enlist about more
humanities and/or social sciences. It is a        than 100 new students annually, making
guiding principle throughout the program          it the largest China Studies program in
that students must become competent in            Northern Europe.
handling and analysing Chinese texts (in
                                               Staff research specializations have varied
the widest sense) scientifically. Classical
                                               over time, recently within fields such as
Chinese is optional in the program.
                                               literature, history, intellectual history,
The MA in Asia Studies/China Studies cultural               production,       anthropology,
follows the same principles as the BA politics,            political    economy,     Tibet,
program and proceeds in much the Xinjiang, socialization, religion, language
same way, although at a higher level of acquisition. Three of the contributors to
specialization and language competence. It this volume, associate professors Bent
also has an option for electives that allows Nielsen and Mikkel Bunkenborg and
students to specialize in their discipline of assistant professor Bo Æ. Sørensen all work
choice and the students can go to China, in the program.
Hong Kong, or Taiwan to pursue their
                                               There are many Chinese students at
electives or to seek an internship in a public
                                               University of Copenhagen. The exact
organization such as a diplomatic mission,
                                               number at any point in time is unknown.
an NGO, or a business. From 2021, the MA
                                               There is also a considerable number of
in China Studies has become integrated
                                               Chinese PhD candidates and employed
into an MA program called Asian Studies
                                               researchers across the university. Finally,
that comprises China, Japan, Korea and
                                               there is quite comprehensive research
India Studies. This will lead to a broader
                                               collaboration between University of
focus with a more inter-disciplinary and
                                               Copenhagen researchers and partners
regional approach, but the students will
                                               in China, however mostly in the hard
still be trained in their respective languages
                                               sciences. This means that the University
of specialization.
                                               is host to a lot of knowledge about China
The PhD program is a standard disciplinary across the faculties and their many different
program at the Faculty of Humanities that disciplines. Therefore, the university
requires a disciplinary specialization as started a think tank on China in 2013 called
well as relevant language competences, in “ThinkChina.dk”. The think tank supports
casu Chinese.                                  outreach activities relating to China across
                                               the university for the benefit of Danish
In 2018, the Asian Studies Program at
                                               society and Sino-Danish relations.
Copenhagen Business School (CBS) asked
University of Copenhagen to offer courses University of Copenhagen is a founding
to their BA students specializing on China member of the Sino-Danish Center for
and Chinese language. From then on, Research and Education (SDC) in Beijing
University of Copenhagen has enlisted (more below) and of the Nordic Center
about 70 CBS students annually in addition Fudan, at Fudan University in Shanghai.

University of Aarhus                             (Clausen et al. 1995).

China studies at Aarhus University can be        China studies at Aarhus University got its
traced back to a modest beginning in the         first full professorship in 1996. This was
late 1960s when a position in Chinese was        actually the first professorship in the Nordic
established as part of the Department of         countries focused on modern Chinese.
Linguistics. This position was taken up by       Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg (editor of and
associate professor Else Glahn (see above),      contributor to this volume), specializing in
originally a research librarian of Chinese at    modern culture and literature, took up the
the Royal Library in Copenhagen. However,        post. Later, Stig Thøgersen (contributor to
this newly established Chinese section soon      this volume), specializing in modern society
took off in a direction incompatible with its    and education, also became a full professor
linguistic parent department. When in 1973       after having been a professor with special
Chinese Studies was finally set up as the        tasks, stretching the period 2005-2019.
corner stone of an independent Department        Currently the only full professor of China
of East Asian Studies (including one             Studies at Aarhus University is Andreas
position in Japanese), it already had a well-    Steen (2020- ) (contributor to this volume),
established profile as a unit dedicated to       whose research focuses on Sino-German
modern and contemporary China research.          history and on music and sound in modern
It was based on the idea of inter-disciplinary   Chinese society.
integration, i.e. training in language and       Since its establishment as an independent
history combined with the social scientific      section with a full and comprehensive study
and cultural approaches of a whole range of      program of BA, MA, Ph.D, China Studies
other fields of study, in fact, area studies.    has been placed firmly within the academic
Knud Lundbæk (see above) was another             tradition of language based area studies.
person important to early China studies          Furthermore, for seventeen years - between
at Aarhus University. He took up sinology        1985 and 2002 - the department collaborated
after his long career as a professor of          with the Department of Political Science
medicine and became a renowned scholar           as the only place in Scandinavia to offer
of the history of early European sinology.       a dedicated two-year program allowing
His extremely valuable collection of rare        graduate students from other disciplines to
original material pertaining to this field       specialize in modern Chinese or Japanese
now belongs to Aarhus University.                society.

When Else Glahn retired in 1986 she left         The general study program of a four years
behind her a department with a relatively        BA, a two years MA, and a three years Ph.D
young staff covering language, culture,          is organized along the same lines as at
history, politics and society. Although a        University of Copenhagen. All BA students
solid foundation in traditional Chinese          spend the fourth semester in China at
history and culture remained a prerequisite,     Beijing University, and for the MA there is
the focus on modern and contemporary             the possibility of specializing in language
Chinese language and society has been            teaching. Students will then spend one
continually strengthened over the years          semester at East China Normal University
as central to both research and teaching         in Shanghai.

China Studies is now part of the bigger           International Business in Asia. CBS was one
Department of Global Studies at the Faculty       of the founding partners of SDC (see below)
of Humanities and cooperates closely with         and it is also the principal coordinator of
other sections. Staff research specializations    the social science program at SDC.
have varied over time, recently within fields
                                            In 1995, CBS established an Asia Research
such as literature, music, the history of
                                            Centre that has traditionally had a
sound, anthropology, migration, education,
                                            strong focus on China with around 15
politics, socialization, language acquisition,
                                            scholars working on China related issues
and cultural production.
                                            within politics, economics, intercultural
Like at the University of Copenhagen, other management and international business.
researchers at Aarhus University engage Together with Cambridge University, CBS
in a number of high profiled collaborative initiated the China Executive Leadership
research projects with Chinese colleagues, Program in 2005. Since then, more than 250
mostly within the natural sciences. Aarhus Chinese presidents and board chairmen
University was a primary mover behind and from China’s centrally managed state-
a founding member of Sino-Danish Center owned enterprises have participated in the
for Research and Education in Beijing.      program.
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)                  University of Southern Denmark
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)                 China-related studies at the University of
established an Asian Studies program             Southern Denmark ran from 2007 until
with a focus on Japan in 1993. In 2003, the      2015. It was a study program combining
program was expanded to include a China          business and marketing with Chinese
track. The program offers a BA degree            language, culture, and society, and it was
and combines studies within business and         located within the Department of Design
economics with studies within politics and       and Communication at the Faculty of
society and is complemented by advanced          Humanities. The study program offered a
studies in the Chinese and Japanese              4-year BA degree (including 1-year intensive
languages. The students are to become            language training at a Chinese university),
qualified for business and business-related      and also a 2-year MA degree from 2012. The
careers in global or internationally oriented    bachelor part of the program enrolled an
companies, institutions and organizations        average of 25 students per year, whereas
within either the private or public sector.      the number of master students was around
                                                 8-10 on average. The students devoted
Chinese business and government studies at
                                                 half of their study points to business and
CBS had is first full professorship in 2003 with
                                                 marketing, which was offered by the
the appointment of Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard
                                                 Faculty of Social Sciences, and the other
(contributor to this volume) who previously
                                                 half focused on Chinese language, culture,
worked at the University of Copenhagen.
                                                 and society. The program was jointly
Since 2020, CBS has cooperated with the
                                                 run by professor Michael Rudolph from
University of Copenhagen regarding the
                                                 Germany, whose research profile features
language component of the Asia Studies
                                                 anthropological studies of contemporary
Program (see above), now renamed
                                                 rituals of Taiwanese Aborigines, and

associate professor Qi Wang (excluded as          themes like China’s social credit system,
a contributor to the Chinese version of this      China’s international relations and Chinese
volume), whose research is in the field of        welfare in a comparative perspective.
gender, politics, and feminism in China.          The Development and International
As a result of a government downsizing            Relations Research Group currently has
reform in 2015, the program was closed and        one professor, and two associate professors
will cease to exist at the end of June 2021,      dedicated to China research. The associate
when the last MA students are expected to         professors are Ane Bislev and Jesper
graduate.                                         Zeuthen (contributors to this volume).
Aalborg University                             One post doc will be added in 2021.
                                               In addition, several other research
In 2007, a         Chinese Area Studies
                                               environments at University of Aalborg have
specialization was established as one of
                                               been actively engaged in research projects
several possible specializations within an
                                               on China.
existing bachelor’s program at the Faculty
of Humanities at Aalborg University. In Sino Danish Centre for Research and
2008, the Faculty of Social Sciences opened Education
a Chinese Area Studies specialization as
                                               Sino Danish Centre for Research and
part of the Development and International
                                               Education (SDC) in Beijing was established
Relations master’s program. It was a
                                               in 2010 and is a partnership between all eight
natural extension of the Chinese Area
                                               Danish universities, the Chinese Academy
Studies specialization into the Faculty
                                               of Sciences (CAS) and the University of
of Social Sciences. The specialization
                                               Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). Sino-
in Chinese Area Studies was extended
                                               Danish Center is located at the University
to a double master’s degree in “China
                                               of CAS (UCAS) Yanqihu Campus north of
and International Relations” in 2011 in
affiliation with the Board of Studies for
International Affairs at the Faculty of Social SDC’s activities include Sino-Danish research
Sciences. The contractual termination for collaboration within selected focus areas
this study program is in 2023. Professor Li and eight affiliated Master programs offered
Xing (contributor to this volume) initiated to Chinese and Danish students on an equal
the establishment of both specializations as basis. Two of these programs are within the
well as he double master’s degree. He was field of social science, namely Innovation
one of the first ethnic Chinese to obtain a Management and Public Management and
Danish PhD degree in social sciences (1998). Social Development. Annually, about 150
                                               Master students are taken in, and the SDC
Currently (2021), the Faculty of Social
                                               also trains a large number of PhD students.
Sciences is establishing a cluster for
                                               Students receive a double degree from the
researchers working with and in China.
                                               relevant Danish university and from UCAS.
Aalborg University is an active member of
                                               The overall objective of SDC is to promote
the Sino-Danish Center for Research and
                                               and strengthen collaboration between
Education (see below) and leads one of its
                                               Danish and Chinese learning environments
master programs. Currently, China focused
                                               and increase mobility of students and
research at Aalborg University cover

researchers between Denmark and China.        and provides invaluable resources to
The two social science programs at SDC are    the students and researchers at the NNC
disciplinary programs and not area studies    member institutions, not least access to
programs and there is no requirement for      Asian language databases. NIAS has thus
knowledge and use of the Chinese language     become part of an essential research
within the programs, although – of course –   infrastructure in the Nordic countries that
the Chinese students have Chinese as their    sustains high quality research and teaching
mother tongue.                                on China and other Asian countries. NIAS
                                              is also the founder and host of one of the
In 2020, SDC published its first scientific
                                              world’s important, small and independent
report focusing on Danish Chinese research
                                              publishers on Asia – NIAS Press, which has
within green energy, celebrating the fruits
                                              existed almost as long as NIAS itself. Many
of the collaborative efforts of scholars from
                                              of the titles on the list have been produced
the two countries (Jørgensen et al. 2020).
                                              by leading China Studies scholars in the
NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Nordic countries.
Studies                                           From 2013 until 2021, NIAS was host to
As noted above, Professor Søren Egerod            the Fudan-European Center for China
from University of Copenhagen established         Studies, a collaborative venture between
NIAS. The institute has been through a            the University of Copenhagen and Fudan
number of iterations during its more than         University in Shanghai. The center focused
50 years of history. The main objective           on critical issues in Chinese politics,
throughout has been to support the                economics, society and culture through
development of Asian Studies in the Nordic        cross-disciplinary       and     comparative
countries and promote contacts between            research between collaborators around the
Asian Studies researchers and their               Europe, the Nordic countries and Fudan
environments in Nordic and Asian countries        University. While the center established a
respectively. While in the past, NIAS had         productive profile of academic activities
considerable research capacity, today NIAS        and exchanges, University of Copenhagen
primarily functions as a facilitator of inter-    decided to withdraw from the collaboration
Nordic and Nordic-Asian collaboration             in 2020 due to strategic considerations. After
through networks, conferences, PhD                that, the center has moved to the University
training, and research infrastructure. The        of Oslo in Norway.
new Director, Professor Duncan McCargo
                                                  Outside the universities, China related
(2019 - ) at Department of Political Science
                                                  research is also conducted at two research
at University of Copenhagen, has been
                                                  institutions: The Danish Defense Academy
tasked with reinvigorating the research
                                                  and Danish Institute of International
environment at NIAS.
                                                  Studies (DIIS).
NIAS is guided by the Nordic NIAS Council,
                                                  Confucius Institutes in Denmark
a network of Nordic universities and
research institutes engaged in Asia related       Over time, there have been three Confucius
activities. NIAS is a key common resource         Institutes at Danish universities, i.e. Aalborg
center on Asia in the Nordic countries            University, Copenhagen Business School,

and The Royal Danish Academy of Music.            the urban rural frontier.
With their different missions, the three
                                                  In the latter group of articles we find
institutes have all been able to contribute
                                                  discussions of early ideas of globalization
to the study of China and Chinese culture
                                                  and the role of one Chinese female pioneer
within their specific fields as well as to the
                                                  as cultural mediator, as well as of the
teaching of Chinese language at universities
                                                  perceptions and role of Chinese overseas
and at schools around Denmark. However,
                                                  students in recent years. Finally one article
they have all been closed. It appeared that,
                                                  looks at Chinese debates on foreign policy,
in the end, the mission and approach of the
                                                  and another conducts a comparative
institutes were not compatible with that
                                                  analysis of Chinese and Latin American
of their host universities, or they were not
                                                  economic development.
required anymore by them.
                                              The authors in this volume do not represent
                                              all China focused research in Denmark in
Contemporary research on China in any complete sense and we encourage
Denmark covers a wide array of issues readers to go on searching for relevant
informed by different scientific traditions. research coming out the Danish research
China related research is embedded in environments.
cross-disciplinary research centers, groups,
                                              Below, the reader will find the biographical
initiatives or projects. The researchers hail
                                              records of the individual contributors to
from different disciplinary backgrounds and
                                              this volume and a bibliography of their
they mostly find their collaborators outside
                                              publications in Chinese. Their records
their own research environments, not least
                                              testify to the richness, versatility and
in China, since their own environments
                                              creativeness of China focused research in
are small when it comes to China focused
research within their specialization.
                                                  THE EDITORS
The authors included in this volume have
been selected according to the criteria           Jørgen DELMAN 约恩             德尔曼, PhD
outlined above. Their articles cover a wide       (University of Aarhus), is Professor
range of topics, some addressing issues           Emeritus of China Studies at Department
within Chinese culture, politics or society,      of Cross-cultural and Regional Studies,
others focusing on the interaction between        University of Copenhagen. He was a
China and the outside world.                      student at Beijing University 1977-78. His
                                                  research examines state-society relations,
The former group includes diverse
                                                  political change and political economy in
topics such as oral storytelling, music,
                                                  contemporary China. His current focus is
the role of Confucius, literary debate,
                                                  on environmental aspects of urbanization,
and anthropological or psychological
                                                  China’s climate change politics, energy and
approaches to personhood. Questions of
                                                  energy security politics, renewable energy
social and political relevance are analyzed
                                                  development, and climate governance at
in contributions on feminist activism,
                                                  city level. He has also taken an interest in
business group formation, urban climate
                                                  the green dimensions of China’s Belt and
politics, and issues of development along
                                                  Road Initiative. He has previously worked

as a development consultant in China and        renewable energy policies in Hangzhou”,
in a number of other developing countries,      Journal of Chinese Governance, 2017(1)
and he has been manager of large                (with Guan Ting); “From ‘Worn’ to ‘Green’
development assistance projects in China,       China Model? Energy in the 12th Five-Year
Vietnam, Russia, and Peru. His consultancy      Plan in an Environmental and Climate-
activities focused on rural and agricultural    change Perspective” (with Ole Odgaard), in:
development, public sector reform, private      Moe, Espen, Paul Midford (eds.) (2014). The
sector development, business-to-business        Political Economy of Renewable Energy
partnerships, transfer of technology and        and Energy Security. Common Challenges
institutionalization of learning processes.     and National Responses in Japan, China,
He has worked for the UN Food and               and Northern Europe. PalgraveMacmillan;
Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Beijing       “China's energy security and its challenges
(1983-1986) and been European Co-Director       towards 2035”. Energy Policy. 71, 2014, pp.
of the China-EU Center for Agricultural         107-117 ( with Ole Odgaard); “Climate change
Technology (CECAT) in the Chinese Ministry      politics and Hangzhou’s green city making”.
of Agriculture (1991-1996). He was manager      In: Björner, E., P.O. Berg (eds.) (2014).
of the Department for Private Sector            Branding Chinese Mega-Cities: Policies,
Development at Ramboll, a major Danish          Practices, and Positioning. Cheltenham,
engineering and management consulting           UK: Edgar Elgar Publishers; “Fuels for
company (1998-2001), and Director of            the Future? The Emerging Architecture
NIAS Nordic Institute of Asian Studies at       in China’s Liquid Biofuels Market”. In:
University of Copenhagen (2002-2009),           Louis Augustin-Jean, Björn Alpermann
before becoming a full professor of China       (eds.) (2014). The Political Economy of
Studies at the University of Copenhagen in      Agro-foods Markets in China. The Social
2009. He has lived and worked in China for      Construction of the Markets in the Era of
more than 10 years and visited the country      Globalization. PalgraveMacmillan (with Yu
2-3 times annually since 1982. His recent       Wang); “’Radicalism at the Center’: Regime
publications include: “Policy Translation       Legitimation Through Climate Politics and
and Energy Transition in China”. Meng Ji        Climate Governance”. Journal of Chinese
and Sara Laviosa, (eds.), in: The Oxford        Political Science, 2011.
Handbook of Translation and Social
                                                In addition, he frequently publishes brief
Practices, Oxford University Press, 2020;
                                                analytical pieces on issues within Chinese
with Yuan Ren, Outi Luova, Mattias Burell,
                                                politics, climate change, environmental
Oscar Almén he edted Greening China’s
                                                politics and urbanization.
Urban Governance - Tackling environmental
and sustainability challenges. Springer,        Publications in Chinese:
2019. Other recent publications include:
                                                德尔曼, 约恩 (2021),中国的政策转化与
“Ecological civilization Politics and
                                                能源转型.(杨宇 译).载于孟建、张小岩(
Governance in Hangzhou: New pathways
to green urban development?” Japan
Focus: The Asia and Pacific Journal, 2019;
“Energy policy design and China’s local         代尔曼,粤恩 (2018). 丹麦对华关系新动
climate governance: energy efficiency and       力-战略性政府建合作. In: 卡米拉T.N.索

伦森 (Sørensen, C.T.N.),约恩 德尔曼 (J.                Danish. She is on the Editorial Board of the
Delman) 主编 (2018).”丹麦中国的研.究                     translation into Chinese and publication
寻求世界新秩序”.           上海社会科学院出版                   of Søren Kierkegaard´s works in China.
社, pp. 41-63                                    Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg was a student
                                                at Beijing University 1977-78, a visiting
卡米拉T.N.索伦森 (Sørensen, C.T.N.),约
                                                scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social
恩 德尔曼 (J. Delman) 主编 (2018).”丹
                                                Sciences in 1991, guest professor at
麦中国的研.究寻求世界新秩序”. 上海社
                                                Beijing University in 2004, and at Zhejiang
                                                University in 2014. Between 1994 and 1996
德尔曼, 粤恩, 杨明洪 (2013). “价值链”                      she was senior researcher at the Center
乱套: 2008年污染奶事件对中国农村政治和                          for Cultural Research at Aarhus University.
社会组织的意义. 西部发展评论. 1/1, pp.                       She has been Head of Department and
12-26                                           member of the Academic Board for the
                                                Faculty of Humanities. In 1996 she was
德尔曼、约恩,殷晓清 (2011). 个体化和中                        appointed full professor of modern Chinese
国民营企业家的政治代理.贺美德、鲁纳(编                            language and Culture at Aarhus University.
著).”自我”中国 - 现代中国社会中个体                           Selected publications include chapters on
的崛起.(复旦-哈佛当代人类学丛书).上海:                          Chinese literature from the origins to the
上海译文出版社, 第三章, pp. 103-144                       present in History of World Literature,
殷晓请, 约恩 德尔曼 (2008). 个体化趋势                       vols. 1-7, 1994 (in Danish, Norwegian,
下私营企业主的身份构成及其潜在的社会风                             Swedish); all entries on Chinese literature
险. 孙大午.风雨孙大午.北京: 中国发展出                          in the Danish Encyclopedia, 1991- ; Inside
版社, pp. 307-317                                 out: Modernism and Postmodernism in
                                                Chinese Literary Culture (co-ed) 1991 with
德尔曼、约恩 (1993). 中国农业推广 -- 农                      introduction and article: “The Ambivalent
业革新及变革中的行政干预之研究. 北京:                            Role of the Chinese Literary Critic in the
农业出版社                                           1980s”; Cultural Encounters: China, Japan
德尔曼、约恩 (1989). 培训在向中国转让                         and the West (co-ed) 1995 with introduction
技术中的作用. 对丹麦经验的案列研究. 北                           and article: “Confronting Time: Aspects
京:社会科学文献出版社                                     of Temporality in some Recent Chinese
                                                Prose”; “Kafka in Chinese: on Occidentalism
Anne WEDELL-WEDELLSBORG 魏安娜                     in China,” in Kontur. Journal of Cultural
is Professor Emerita in China Studies at        Studies, vol. 4,8 2004 (in Danish); “Histoires
the University of Aarhus. She specializes       de fantômes: La modernité Chinoises et
in modern and contemporary Chinese              le retour du zhiguai,” in Écrire en present:
literature and she has published extensively    Debats litteraire franco-chinoises, 2004;
in this field. Her research also includes       “Region, Nation and the Cosmopolitan:
the history of Chinese literature, Chinese      on Rootseeking Literature in China,” in
literary culture and intellectual debates,      Passage, Journal of Literature, no.54, 2005
contemporary Chinese art, Sino-European         (in Danish); “Haunted Fiction: Modern
cultural and literary exchanges, and the        Chinese Literature and the Supernatural,”
reception of Kafka´s work in China. She         in International Fiction Review, vol. 32,
has translated works by Yu Hua, Bei Dao,        2005; “Globalization, Westernization and
Can Xue and other Chinese writers into

Tradition in China,” in Rubicon, Journal of     和丹麦宫廷。哥本哈根: 皇家银器珍藏, pp.
History, 2007 (Danish); “Literary Solitude      132-146
in Traditional and Globalized China,” in
                                                魏安娜 (2004). ”作为艺术家的个人的困境:
Chinese Culture and Globalization: History
                                                残雪 与 卡夫卡” in 中国学术, 3/4, pp. 157-
and Challenges for the 21st Century,
2009; “Contextualizing Cai Guoqiang:
Manipulative Use of Chineseness in the          魏安娜 (1993). ”当代中国文学中的自我寓
Installations of Transnational Artist Cai       言” in 今天 2, 香港: Oxford University
Guoqiang,” in Visualizing Asian Modernity.      Press, pp. 166-185
Special issue of Kontur, Journal of Cultural
                                                (魏安娜) (1991). ”丹麦汉学家魏安娜谈中国
Studies, 2010 https://www.yumpu.com/en/
                                                当代文学” in 当代文学研究, 59, 北京, pp.
cai-guo-qiang-kontur; “Yu Hua: A Literary
Biography,” in Modern Chinese Fiction           OTHER CONTRIBUTORS
Writers 1950-2000, 2013; “Commitment to
Hell: Liu Xiaobo on Kafka,” in Journal of       Ane BISLEV 毕安娜 holds a PhD in China
Oriental Studies, 2014; “Yu Hua: Selected       Studies and is currently an Associate
Critical Essays,” (ed.) in Contemporary         Professor in Chinese Area Studies at
Literary Criticism, 2016; “Yu Hua and Su        Aalborg University. Her research interests
Tong´s Fiction,” in Routledge Handbook of       include China’s social credit system, and
Modern Chinese Literature, 2018;                intercultural encounters in education and
Publications in Chinese:
                                                Publications in Chinese:
魏安娜 (2019). ”一种中国的现实 :      阅读
余华 ”. in 全球视野下的余华 Routledge                     Bislev, A. K. & Christensen, P. M. (2013).
Companion to Yu Hua. 上海: 上海交通大                  北欧地区中国问题研究机构扫描:                      China
学出版社, pp. 233-248                               Studies in the Nordic Countries, 6 Sep., in:
                                                中国社会科学报. p. 61 p.
魏安娜 (2015). ”文本中的 形影相吊: 中国
文学的孤独个体”, 中国学术, 11,2, pp. 231-        Erik    BRØDSGAARD       柏思德,
258                          PhD, is Professor at the Department of
                             International Economics, Government
魏安娜 (2014). ”余华追忆与文革” in 中国现 and Business and former Director of the
代文学研究丛刊, 6, pp. 98-111       Asia Research Center (2003-2016) at the
魏安娜 (2013). ”模棱两可的主观性: 读残雪 Copenhagen Business School. 1990-2003 he
小说” in 思想时差. 海外学者论中国当代 was Associate Professor in China Studies
文学. 北京: 北京大学出版社, pp. 139-153 at the Department of Asian Studies at the
                             University of Copenhagen. His most recent
魏安娜 (2011). ”在自我和社会群体之间: 中 works include The Communist Party Since
国当代文学中的个人” in 自我中国. 现代 1949: Organization, Ideology and Prospect
中国社会中个体的崛起 . 上海: 上海译文 for Change. Governance and Public
出版社, pp. 179-212             Policy in China, Issue 3.1-2, 2019; From
                             Accelerated Accumulation to Socialist
魏安娜 (2006). ”学术时超 - 十七到十九世纪
                             Market Economy in China: Economic
欧洲有关中国的描述” in 中国之梦. 紫禁城

Discourse and Development From 1953 to         Zhongguo,” in 孔子儒学与当代社会文集
the Present. Brill, 2017; Critical Readings    (Jinan: Qilu Shushe), pp. 137 - 148.
on the Chinese Communist Party, 4 vols.
                                               Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (1987) “儒家思想与现
Brill, 2017; Chinese Politics as Fragmented
                                               代化,” in国际孔学会议, Bulletin No. 130132
Authoritarianism: Earthquakes, Energy and
Environment. Routledge, 2016. Professor
Brødsgaard has held visiting research          Mikkel BUNKENBORG武博格 is associate
appointments in China, Hong Kong,              professor in China Studies at the
Singapore, Taiwan and the USA. He is,          Department of Cross-cultural and Regional
among others, member of the International      Studies, University of Copenhagen. Trained
Advisory Board of the East Asian Institute,    in China Studies and anthropology, he
National University of Singapore, a trustee    carried out the fieldwork for his PhD thesis,
of the Cambridge China Development             an ethnographic study of health practices,
Trust and an Honorary Research Fellow,         in the township of Fanzhuang in rural
Peking University. His current research        north China. Bunkenborg worked for some
covers state-Party-business relations in       years in comparative research on Chinese
China; the nomenklatura system and cadre       infrastructure     construction,    resource
management; and reform of Chinese state-       extraction, and trade in Mozambique and
owned enterprises.                             Mongolia and he is currently running
                                               another collaborative ethnographic project
Publications in Chinese:
                                               entitled Moral Economies of Food in
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (2015).”改革时期国企           Contemporary China. His publications
高管的社会与政治流动: 中国超级经理人的                           accordingly revolve around contemporary
崛起”, in Zheng Yongnian (ed.), 改革:困境            Chinese society and the anthropology
与出路 (Beijing: Dongfang Chubanshe), pp.         of the sinophone world with a special
111-125.                                       emphasis on bodies, health, food, and
                                               medicine, on religion, ritual, morality, and
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (2010). “欧洲的中
                                               politics in rural China, on Chinese projects
国研究”, in David Shambaugh, Eberhard
                                               outside China proper, and on ethnographic
Sandschneider, and Zhou Hong (eds.), 中
                                               methods and anthropological theory.
欧关系 (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic
Press), pp. 35-65.                     Publications in Chinese:
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, ”北欧当代中国研究     Bunkenborg, Mikkel (2007). “生物公民
述评”. in 国际汉学, No. 4, pp. 353-387.    的塑造:以北京的糖尿病人为例                      [Beijing
                                     Diabetics and the Construction of
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (1991). "马克斯韦伯
                                     Biological Citizens].” 中国农业大学学报 (
论中国社会与儒家思想,” in 齐鲁学刊, No. 1,
                                     社会科学版)Journal of China Agricultural
pp. 36-48.
                                     University (Social Sciences Edition) 24.3:
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (1991). "西放学者关 49-56.
于孔子与儒学在现代世界中作用的研究” in
                                     Vibeke BØRDAHL (易德波), Ph.D., Dr.
社会科学战线, No. 3, pp. 244-251.
                                     Phil., Senior Research Fellow at the Nordic
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (1991) "儒学当代 Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), University
社会与中国Ruxue, dangdai shehui yu of Copenhagen, www.nias.ku.dk and www.

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