Page created by Allan Klein
Ta b l e of C o n te n t s
Academic Excellence           Te r r i to r ia l Ac k n ow l e d g e m e n t
05   Our Stats
06   Research
08   Student Life             The University of Alberta respects the
     Student Success
     Education Abroad
                              sovereignty, lands, histories, languages,
Location                      knowledge systems, and cultures of
12 Our Location
14 Canada
                              First Nations, Métis and Inuit nations.
16 North (Main) Campus
18Living on North Campus      The University of Alberta, its buildings, labs, and research stations
20 Campus Saint-Jean          are primarily located on the traditional territory of Cree, Blackfoot,
21 Augustana Campus
                              Métis, Nakota Sioux, Iroquois, Dene, and Ojibway/Saulteaux/
Programs                      Anishinaabe nations; lands that are now known as part of Treaties
22 Programs
29 How to Apply               6, 7, and 8 and homeland of the Métis.
30 Colleges & Faculties
Study Here
34 Scholarships and Tuition
36 English Requirement
37 International Curricula

                              A message from the President                     About the President
                              The University of Alberta is home                Bill Flanagan is the 14th president
                              to an exceptional community of                   and vice-chancellor of the University
                              students and researchers who                     of Alberta. President Flanagan, JD,
                              are leading the way in innovation,               DEA, LLM, served as the dean of
                              problem solving and community                    law from 2005 to 2019 at Queen’s
                              building. Our diverse network of                 University. He was president of the
                              scholars challenge themselves and                Council of Canadian Law Deans
                              each other as they seek out truth                from 2011 to 2014, and served on
                              and shape how our world will look in             the National Action Committee on
                              the future. Your unique talents and              Access to Justice in Civil and Family
                              interests will enrich our community.             Matters. His work in support of HIV/
                              Join us for a learning experience that           AIDS research and initiatives has
                              will transform you and prepare you for           made him a well-recognized and
                              success in an ever-changing world.               respected public figure.
                              Bill Flanagan,
                              President and Vice-Chancellor,
                              University of Alberta

                    WE ARE
                    Leading with
                    Purpose                                                                          TOP 5
                                                                                                     UNIVERSITY IN CANADA

                     At the University of Alberta, we seek out challenges so we can create change.
                                                                                                     TOP 100
                                                                                                     UNIVERSITY IN THE WORLD
                     We question and test the status quo — and then innovate on it. We collaborate
                     and integrate. We overcome barriers so our ideas can collide and grow.
                     Together we are change makers, community                                                 FACULTY OF
                                                                                                              NATIVE STUDIES
                     builders, world shapers, and truthseekers.                                               IN NORTH AMERICA

                                                                                                              2nd GLOBALLY
                                                                                                              IN ARTIFICIAL
                                                                                                              INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH

                                                                                                              2nd IN CANADA
                                                                                                              FOR GRADUATE

                                                                                                     HOME TO A
                                                                                                     2020 NOBEL PRIZE
                                                                                                     43,000+               300,000+
                                                                                                     STUDENTS from ALUMNI
                                                                                                     162 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE

04   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                             For more information on rankings visit OUR STATS   05
DISCOVERY                                                                              740

                   IS IN OUR
                                                                                                      AGREEMENTS ACROSS
                                                                                                      84 COUNTRIES

                   DNA                                                                                67th GLOBALLY
                                                                                                      IN FACULTIES RANKING

                                                                                                      2nd LARGEST
                                                                                                      RESEARCH LIBRARY
                                                                                                      IN CANADA
                     HOW TO BUILD A BETTER FUTURE                                                                              GET INVOLVED ON CAMPUS ­— THERE IS
                     Amazing mentors                          Hands-on opportunities                                           LITERALLY SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE.
                     Learn from the best and work             From your very first year you can
                     alongside them in their research labs    participate in groundbreaking
                                                                                                      450+                     From Alpha Gamma Delta                                Go green and gold
                                                                                                      STUDENT CLUBS
                     or participate in their field studies.   research with the Undergraduate                                  to the Yarn Club, there are                           When we aren’t cheering on our
                     Our award-winning professors             Research Initiative (URI). Get real-                             so many fun and diverse                               varsity teams. You can find us
                     are committed to developing and          world experience with fieldwork,                                                                                       seeking out events and celebrations
                     supporting the next generation of free   or lead the way with self-directed
                                                                                                                               experiences here.                                     unique to our community, like:
                     thinkers and innovators — like you!      summer projects.
                                                                                                      96 CHAMPIONSHIPS                                                                • Green and Gold Day
                                                                                                      IN NATIONAL ATHLETICS
                                                              Then, see it all come to life at the
                                                                                                                               It all starts with a ‘WoW’                             • Bar None Week
                                                                                                                               Week of Welcome (WoW) is the                           • Campus Cup
                     Renowned facilities                      Festival of Undergraduate Research                                                                                      • AntiFreeze
                                                              and Creative Activities (FURCA)                                  best way to start off on the right
                                                                                                                                                                                      • International Week
                     Some of the world’s most advanced
                                                              where we celebrate the remarkable       10,000+                  foot and get involved. It’s a week of
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Pride Week
                     research facilities call the U of A                                              INTRAMURALS              orientations, concerts, and a clubs
                                                              work you’ve been doing. Whether                                                                                         • Round Dance and TAWOW
                     home. The Canadian Ice Core Lab                                                  PARTICIPANTS             fair where you find people that share
                                                              you are focused on the impact of        EACH YEAR
                     is studying over 10,000 years of                                                                          your passion.
                                                              the opioid crisis, or you are looking
                     climate change, while our artificial
                                                              for ways to eliminate fossil fuels —
                     intelligence labs are creating smart
                                                              FURCA is the place to present and                               For a full listing of student groups and clubs go to
                     bionic limbs.

06   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                RESEARCH AND STUDENT LIFE   07
                    HERE FOR
                YOUR                                                                                                 260+                                 46+                                $1M+

                                                                                                                                                          COUNTRIES TO                       AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                     PROGRAMS                             CHOOSE FROM                        IN FUNDING

                                                                                                        TO SEEK ADVENTURE, GET NEW PERSPECTIVES
                                                                                                        OR DIG INTO RESEARCH, LITERALLY.
                     Supporting your journey                  on campus? What happens when I            You can earn credit toward your        See where faculty-led
                     The International Services Centre        arrive at the airport in Edmonton?        degree while studying outside the      can take you
                     (ISC) is home to International           Our International Student Services        classroom or gaining real-world        Take a program led by a faculty,
                     Student Services, Education Abroad,      team provides services, events,           experience. From a few weeks in        which could include a study tour,
                     Global Education and the Visiting        and programs that can help you            a field school to spending several     coursework, and fieldwork in
                     Programs. International Student          accomplish your academic and              semesters abroad, be inspired by the   unexpected places — like studying
                     Services provides international          personal goals. These international       possibilities!           ancient tombs at a field school in
                     students with the resources to help      experts are ready to coach you
                                                                                                                                               Thessaly, Greece, while completing a
                     them adjust to life at the U of A, and   towards a successful university           Exchanging is life-changing            course in Classical Archaeology!
                     in Canada.                               experience.                    Trade in your scenery and take
                     International                            Get recognized                            courses at a partner university        Imagine an international
                     student services                         Global Education at the U of A            for a semester or a full year — like   internship
                                                              offers the Certificate in International   the University of Wollongong in        Choose a 4- to 8-month work
                     Coming to Canada to study at                                                       Australia, an ecologically designed
                                                              Learning—and as an international                                                 placement with a private company,
                     the U of A will be an adventure,                                                   campus in the foothills of the Mount
                                                              student, you already fulfill one of the                                          organization, or a research
                     and with every adventure comes                                                     Keira rainforest, overlooking the
                                                              completion requirements!                                                         placement at a university — like
                     questions. Where will I go if I need                                               Pacific Ocean.
                     advice? Will I meet other students                                                                       researching climate change in the
                                                                                                                                               French Alps and Berlin.

08   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL SERVICES CENTRE   09
                                                                                                                            BOOKS                                                                     Co-op programs and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      work experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Many faculties and programs at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      U of A offer paid co-op programs or
                                                                                                                                                                                                      work experience placements - letting
                                                                                                                                                                                                      you obtain practical experience while
                                                                                                                                                                                                      you earn credit towards your degree.

         125+                          TOP 100                                 220+                                                                                                                   U of A co-op and work placement
         ACTIVE SPINOFF                GLOBALLY                                CSL COMMUNITY                                                                                                          partners include businesses
         COMPANIES                     FOR EMPLOYMENT RATE                     PARTNERS                                                                                                               ranging in size from five to 50,000+
                                                                                                                                                                                                      employees, government at all levels,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      research laboratories, and non-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      governmental organizations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Participating in co-op work
                                                                                                                                                                                                      programs, work experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                      placements, or academic internships
YOUR IDEAS CAN TRANSFORM INTO PROJECTS, INITIATIVES,                                                                                                                                                  has been shown to make graduates
                                                                                                                                                                                                      more attractive to employers, and to
AND VENTURES — ALL WHILE YOU PURSUE YOUR DEGREE                                                                                                                                                       receive higher starting salaries!
Learn. Launch. Lead.                   Connect with employers                    Make a difference
                                                                                                                                                                                                      A Canadian career
With help from organizations like      Let us help you build your work           If you love the thought of giving                                                                                    after graduation
eHUB, group projects have turned       experience and resumé with an             back to the community while
                                                                                                                                                                                                      After you graduate from the U of A,
into game-changing products right      internship, job shadowing, and career     drawing real life connections to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      you may be eligible to stay and work
here at the U of A!                    mentoring opportunities in virtually      social issues, look into Community      NAVNEET                                                                      in Canada for up to 3 years with the
                                       any field through:                        Service-Learning (CSL). You’ll gain     INTERNSHIP STUDENT                     My internship with Syncrude           Post Graduation Work Permit. Living
Trade a classroom for                                                            hands-on experience in the non-profit                                          allowed me to explore my interests
                                        • The U of A Career Centre                                                       Navneet found his purpose by                                                 and working in Canada provides
a makerspace                                                                     sector by choosing a placement                                                 in sustainability, gender equity,
                                        • Transition to Career (T2C)                                                     interning with Syncrude as a Student                                         opportunities to apply for Permanent
Our one-of-a-kind maker spaces                                                   with a local organization. You can                                             and Indigenous community policy
                                        • Co-ops, practicums, and                                                        Consultant on Sustainability Policy.                                         Residency.
allow our doers to do, our tinkers                                               also add a Certificate in Community                                            development­­—areas I hope to
                                          internship opportunities in                                                    He is incredibly involved on and       progress in my future career. I now
to tink, and our creators to create:                                             Engagement and Service Learning to                                                                                   U of A’s International Student
                                          every direct-entry faculty                                                     off campus as a Senior UAlberta        have a better understanding of how
                                                                                 your degree when you complete more                                                                                   Services offers support with
 • Student Innovation Centre                                                     than one CSL course.         Ambassador and a Human Rights          I can apply my schooling when         pathways to Canadian permanent
 • The Elko Engineering Garage                                                                                           Advocate for the John Humphrey         advocating for policy changes for
 • Printmaking and design studios                                                                                        Centre ­— to name a few!               marginalized communities.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Learn more at

10   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                                        CO-OP AND CAREERS     11
WELCOME TO                                                               THE CITY THAT CELEBRATES
                                                                                            DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY
                                                                                            It’s hard to pinpoint what makes              Our North Campus is right at the

                                                                                            Edmonton so… Edmonton. It could               heart of it all, steps away from a lush
                                                                                            be our entrepreneurial undercurrent,          river valley that takes your breath
                                                                                            encouraging you to embrace your               away with each changing season.
                                                                                            dreams and take a risk. It could be our
                                                                                                                                          From here, you can take the train,
                                                                                            sense of adventure — in any weather
                                                                                                                                          grab a bike, electric scooter, or go
                                                                                            — where exploring and discovering
                                                                                                                                          on foot — and you’ll find unique

                                                                                            are a part of daily life. It could even
                                                                                                                                          shops, coffee houses, restaurants,
                                                                                            be our world-class festivals, enviable
                                                                                                                                          and theatres just down the street or
                                                                                            arts scene, or cultural celebrations
                                                                                                                                          across the river from campus.

                                                                                            like nowhere else that showcase how
                                                                                            rich and diverse this city truly is.

                                                                                            You’ll have years to get to know this city and find your
                                                                                            favourite spots — here are a few to get you started:

                                                                                            ᐄᓃᐤ (ÎNÎW) RIVER LOT 11∞ INDIGENOUS ART PARK Isoktew by Amy Malbeuf
                                                                                            15 minute walk from campus

                                                                                                                                          WHYTE AVENUE
                                                                                                                                          One of Edmonton’s most vibrant districts

                                                            NORTH SASKATCHEWAN
                                                            RIVER VALLEY
                3 HOURS                                     Walk, bike, snowshoe,
                TO THE CANADIAN   325 DAYS      150km       or canoe through North
                ROCKIES           OF SUNSHINE   OF TRAILS   America’s largest urban
                                                            park — it’s 22 times the size
                                                            of New York’s Central Park.     WEST EDMONTON MALL                            ICE DISTRICT - ROGERS PLACE Home of
                                                                                            North America’s Largest Shopping Mall         the Oilers and Edmonton’s Biggest Events
                                                                                            20 minute drive                               7 minutes by train

12   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                        EDMONTON          13
                                                                                                    “TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE”

                   STUDY IN
                              THE ROCKY                                                             CELEBRATED IN OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM
                              MOUNTAIN                                                              A country to explore                                                         Prosper in Alberta
                              PARKS                                                                 Explore Canada: the second largest                                           Alberta is recognized as having

                                                                                                    country in the world, home to friendly                                       one of the strongest economies and
                              Located a few hours                                                   people and stunning landscapes.                                              highest living standards in the world.
                              away from Edmonton                                                                                                                                 Albertans enjoy higher salaries than
                              is Canada’s world                                                     From coast to coast to coast Canada
                                                                                                                                                                                 in any other province in Canada, as
                              famous Banff National                                                 has exciting cities and breathtaking
                                                                                                                                                                                 well as world-leading education and
                              Park. Experience                                                      natural beauty that will appeal to
                                                                                                                                                                                 healthcare systems.
                              stunning peaks,                                                       your adventurous side. The people
                              beautiful lakes, and                                                  of Canada are as interesting as the                                          Canada is known as one of the
                              ancient glaciers.                                                     landscape - Canadians come from                                              top 10 countries globally for quality
                                                                                                    all over the world and celebrate                                             of life, and is one of the safest
                                                                                                    multiculturalism by sharing their                                            countries in the world.
                                                                                                    traditions and welcoming the
                                                                                                    traditions of others.

                                                                                                                                                                          S    Calgary
                                                                                                                                                      Seattle             US/CANADA BORDER

                                      London            Berlin                                                                                                                           Edmonton
                                                                  Kiev                                                                                                             Vancouver
                                                Paris                                                                                                                                                          Montréal

                                                                                                              Beijing                                                                                             New York
                                                                  Istanbul                                                                                                                   Washington D.C.
                                                                                                                           Seoul   Tokyo
                                                                                          Islamabad                                                                       Los Angeles
                                                                                            Delhi                                                                                                           Miami
                                                                     Riyadh       Dubai               Dhaka         Hong Kong                                                                    Mexico City

                                      Accra    Lagos                                                        Kuala Lumpur
                                                                         Dar es Salaam                                                                                                                            Lima

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               São Paulo
                                                           Cape Town                                                                       Sydney

14   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                    EDMONTON    15


                                                                                                                                                   CLASS SIZE

                                                                                                                                                   PER YEAR

                                  OUR MAIN TEACHING
                                  CAMPUS IS A CAMPUS
                                  OF CONTRASTS
                                  With 150 buildings occupying over
                                  50 city blocks, it’s truly a city within
                                  a city. Yet it is also on the edge of
                                  a natural river valley. It’s a classic
                                  academic setting steeped in over
                                  113 years of history, yet also home
                                  to some of the most advanced
                                  research, technology and teaching
                                  facilities in the world. Light Rail
                                  Transit (LRT) connects North
                                  Campus to the downtown core, or
                                  just two stops in the other direction,
                                  to South Campus — home to our
                                  agricultural research facilities, and
                                  our athletics teams. Come and tour
                                  campus in person or take a 360°
Over 60 feet of linear climbing
                                  video tour at to see          With three rooftop telescopes   A Historic performance space   The social centre of campus
                                  what life is like here.
16     VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                         NORTH (MAIN) CAMPUS   17
                    LIKE TO LIVE
                 ON CAMPUS?
                                                                                                                             85%                               ZERO                        CANADA’S
                                                                                                                             OF RESIDENTS                      COMMUTE                     LARGEST
                                                                                                                             PLAY DODGEBALL                    TO CAMPUS                   RESIDENCE

                     (AND PROBABLY MORE FUN)
                     First-year residence                                                                                                     ISABELLA
                                                                                                                                              NORTH CAMPUS RESIDENT               I moved into Residence for my first
                     Meeting your floormate, making your space your own, and creating those                                                                                       year of university and I loved that it
                     lifelong friendships through clubs, sports, study groups and all kinds of                                                Isabella has lived in multiple      gave me independence, freedom,
                     fun, that’s what residence is all about. Lister Hall, on North Campus, is our        Take a                              Residences across campus with       and ease to experience student life
                     traditional first-year dorm home to 2,300 students across five towers. First-        virtual tour at                     her emotional support cat, Tofu,    while living on campus. I have met an
                     year students are guaranteed a room if you apply by April 30                                   and found her purpose working as    amazing and diverse group of friends
                                                                                                                                              a Residence Assistant, a Wellness   during my three years already and
                     Meal plans. Because                       Begin at basecamp.                                                             Ambassador, and Head Storyteller.   can’t wait to meet more. Because
                                                                                                                                                                                  you’re living in such a tight-knit
                     you want to eat, not cook.                Moving out on your own and starting                                                                                community, it’s really easy to make
                     Lister and Peter Lougheed Hall            university are two big life changes                                                                                meaningful connections.”
                     residents choose a meal plan as           — attending BaseCamp will help you
                     part of their accommodation cost,         make this transition. A week before
                     so you can focus on your studies          classes start, you’ll move in, meet your
                     rather than meal planning, shopping,      floor-mates, get to know the campus,
                     and washing dishes. Ew. Many of our       and explore the city. It’s more than an
                     intenational students have specific       orientation, it’s a head start on how to
                     dietary requirments due to religious      excel as a first-year student.
                     and/or cultural reasons.

18   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                LIVING ON NORTH CAMPUS          19
25 ÉTUDIANTS                                100,000+
                 950                            PAR CLASSE                                  RESSOURCES À        1,000                                22 AVERAGE                         3-WEEK COURSE
                 ÉTUDIANTS                      EN MOYENNE                                  LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE     STUDENTS                             CLASS SIZE                         STARTS EACH TERM

                   CAMPUS                                                                                     AUGUSTANA
               SAINT-JEAN                                                                                     CAMPUS
                     THE U OF A EN FRANÇAIS                                                                   THE U OF A IN A UNIQUE WAY
                     Francophone focus                       Enjoy the immersive environment                  Liberal arts and sciences               from campus, students can explore
                     As the only French-language             of learning in French, but you can               A welcoming campus exclusively          the vast trail network and historic
                     university and college campus west      also easily access all the amenities             focused on undergraduate                downtown. From cross-country
                     of Manitoba, Campus Saint-Jean          of North Campus by taking a free                 education, multidisciplinary program    skiing to local shops and restaurants,
                     is helping to reinforce Canada’s        10-minute shuttle ride.                          majors, a non-traditional academic      Camrose has lots to offer.
                     linguistic duality. With nine                                                            calendar, and experiential learning
                     undergraduate programs and two          Résidence Saint-Jean                             opportunities embedded in a project-    Residence at Augustana
                     master’s programs, it’s the best of     Enjoy a unique crossroads of                     based core. Augustana leads the         Most first-year students live on
                     the U of A — delivered in French.       academic, linguistic, and cultural life          way in designing a truly immersive      campus, where they enjoy convenient
                                         by living on campus in Edmonton’s                and holistic university experience.     access to their classes, professors,
                                                             vibrant French Quarter. Résidence                         and on-campus activities. Augustana
                     Central Edmonton                        Saint-Jean features historic                                                             housing provides dorm style
                     The campus is located in the            architecture; no two rooms are alike,            Camrose, Alberta                        accommodations, a diverse and
                     heart of Edmonton’s francophone         and each room is a private one.                  A one-hour drive from Edmonton will     engaging environment, and a full
                     neighbourhood of Bonnie Doon.                                                            bring you to Augustana Campus in        meal plan with a variety of locally-
                                                                                                              the City of Camrose, Alberta. Steps     sourced food options.

20   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                       CA,MPUS SAINT-JEAN AND AUGUSTANA CAMPUS   21

                         FINDING A PROGRAM.
                                       Good thing we have 200+ to choose from!

                                                        Not sure          LEARN MORE ABOUT:

                                                        where to start?   • requirements and prerequisites
                                                                          • customizing your degree (adding

                                                   a major or minor, specialization
                                                                            or certificate, honors program,
                                                                            practicum, or co-op experience)
                                                                          • graduate studies and research

VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024
AGRICULTURAL, LIFE &                                                        AGRICULTURAL, LIFE &                                                         ARTS                                                               EDUCATION
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES                                                       ( C ONT IN U ED )                                         | 780.492.4530 | | 780.492.4933 |              (C ONTINUED)
                                                                                                                                                         BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS DRAMA — ACTING*                              BACHELOR OF EDUCATION ELEMENTARY
                                                                            COMBINED DEGREES:                                                                                                                                • Generalist program — no major or minor
 BACHELOR OF ARTS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES                                                                                                                  BACHELOR OF MUSIC
  Majors:                                                                    • Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation
                                                                               Sciences / Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies                              Routes:                                                           BACHELOR OF EDUCATION SECONDARY
  • Environment and Peoples of Canada
                                                                             Majors:                                                                      • General Studies                     • Composition and            Majors:
  • Food and Society
                                                                             • Human Dimensions of Environmental Management                               • Performance*                          Sonic Arts                 • Art                             • General Sciences
  • Politics, Society and the Global Environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Biological Sciences             • Mathematics
                                                                            CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS:                                                        COMBINED DEGREES:                                                   • Career and Technology           • Music: Wind Band
 FOOD BUSINESS MANAGEMENT                                                    • Certificate in Sustainability                                              • Bachelor of Arts (Drama) / Bachelor of Education (Secondary)       Studies† (Communication         • Physical Education
                                                                                                                                                          • Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education (Elementary)             Arts; Computer Science; Design; • Physical Sciences
  Majors:                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Health; Human Sciences; Media;
                                                                            CUSTOMIZE YOUR DEGREE:                                                        • Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education (Secondary)                                              • Physics
  • Agricultural Business Management                                                                                                                                                                                           Natural Resources; Recreation;
                                                                             • Science Internship Program                                                                                                                      Trades, Manufacturing,          • Second Languages††
  • Food Business Management                                                                                                                             CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS:
                                                                             • ALES Mini-internship Program                                                                                                                    and Transportation)                       (Cree, French, German,
 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE AGRICULTURE                                             • Minors in various programs                                                 • Applied Social Science              • Globalization and         • Chemistry                                  Japanese, Spanish, Ukrainian,
                                                                                                                                                            Research                              Governance                • Drama
  Majors:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Social Studies
                                                                                                                                                          • Archaeology                         • International Learning    • English Language Arts
  • Agricultural and Resource Economics
                                                                                                                                                          • Civil-Military Leadership           • Language                  † Please note that many CTS majors are not available to direct-entry applicants.
  • Animal Science (Pre-vet)
  • Crop Science                                                            ARTS                                                                          • Community Engagement                  Documentation and         Additionally, some CTS majors have capacity limits. If you are interested in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            applying to a CTS major, contact the faculty for further details.
                                                                                                                                                            and Service-Learning                  Revitalization
  • Sustainable Agricultural Systems                               | 780.492.4295 |                                                                                                †† Please note that some second-language majors have capacity limits.
                                                                                                                                                          • Community Linguist                  • Peace and Post-Conflict
 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ANIMAL HEALTH                                                                                                                        • Computer Game                         Studies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            COMBINED DEGREES (5-YEAR PROGRAMS):
                                                                            BACHELOR OF ARTS / BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONORS)                                    Development                         • Research in Arts
  Majors:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Bachelor of Arts (Native Studies) / Bachelor of Education
                                                                             Majors:                                                                      • Economics and the                     (Psychology)
  • Companion and Performance Animals (Pre-vet)                                                                                                                                                                                (Elementary Route)
                                                                             • Ancient and Medieval        • Mathematics                                    Management of Natural               • Translation Studies       • Bachelor of Arts (Native Studies) / Bachelor of Education
  • Food Animals (Pre-vet)
                                                                               Studies (BA Major Only, not • Media Studies (BA Major                        Resources, Energy and                 in MLCS                      (Secondary Route)
                                                                                in Honors)                              Only, not in Honors)                the Environment                     • Translation Studies       • Bachelor of Arts (Drama) / Bachelor of Education
                                                                            • Anthropology                          • Modern Languages and                • Ethics                                in Japanese                  (Secondary Route)
 & CONSERVATION SCIENCES                                                    • Art and Design (BA Major                Cultural Studies                    • European Studies                    • World Sound Arts          • Bachelor of Kinesiology / Bachelor of Education
  Majors:                                                                       Only, not in Honors)                • Music                               • Finance                                                            (Elementary Route)
  • Conservation Biology                                                    •   Classics                            • Philosophy                                                                                            • Bachelor of Kinesiology / Bachelor of Education
  • Environmental Economics and Policy                                      •   Drama                               • Planning (BA Major Only, not       CUSTOMIZE YOUR DEGREE:                                                (Secondary Route)
  • Human Dimensions of Environmental Management                            •   East Asian Studies                      in Honors)                                                                                          • Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education (Elementary Route)
                                                                                                                                                          • Arts Work Experience (AWE)
  • Land Reclamation                                                        •   Economics                           •   Political Science                                                                                   • Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education (Secondary Route)
                                                                                                                                                          • Community Service-Learning (CSL)
  • Northern Systems (Yukon University)                                     •   English                             •   Psychology                                                                                          • Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Education
                                                                                                                                                          • Arts Study Abroad (Cortona)
  • Wildlife and Rangeland Resources Management                             •   Film Studies (BA Major Only,        •   Religious Studies                                                                                      (Secondary Route)
                                                                                not in Honors)                      •   Science, Technology and                                                                             • Bachelor of Science (Augustana Campus) / Bachelor of
 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE FASHION                                                • History                                   Society (BA Major Only, not in                                                                        Education (Secondary Route)
 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT                                                        • History of Art, Design
                                                                              and Visual Culture
                                                                                                                    • Sociology
                                                                                                                                                         BUSINESS                                                           OFF-CAMPUS PROGRAMS:
 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE FOREST                                                 • Human Geography                       • Women’s and Gender                 (ALBERTA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS)                                       • Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (ATEP)
 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT                                                        • Linguistics                             Studies                   | 780.492.5773 |         • Collaborative (Off-Campus) Degree (Grande Prairie,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Fort McMurray)
 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE FORESTRY                                               BACHELOR OF ARTS CRIMINOLOGY                                                                                                                    Fort McMurray intake occurs every second year. Please contact the faculty for
                                                                                                                                                         BACHELOR OF COMMERCE                                               more details. For questions about ATEP, please contact
                                                                            BACHELOR OF ARTS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES                                        Degree Options:
                                                                                                                                                          • BCom                                • BCom Honors Finance       CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS:
  Majors:                                                                    Routes:
                                                                                                                                                          • Bilingual BCom                      • BCom Honors                • Certificate in Advancing Adolescent Literacy
  • Family Science                                                           • Environment and Peoples of Canada
                                                                                                                                                          • BCom Co-op Program                    Management Science         • Certificate in Digital Learning
  • Clothing, Textiles and Material Culture                                  • Politics, Society, & The Global Environment
                                                                                                                                                          • BCom Honors                         • BCom Honors                • Certificate in Early Childhood Education
                                                                             • Food & Society
                                                                                                                                                            Accounting                            Operations                 • Certificate in Global Citizenship
                                                                            BACHELOR OF DESIGN                                                            Management Majors:                                                 • Teaching Students with Complex Communication Needs
  Majors:                                                                                                                                                 • Accounting                          • Finance
  • Nutrition and Food Science, General Program                              Routes:
                                                                                                                                                          • Business Economics and              • Human Resource
  • Food Science and Technology Specialization                               • Business / Marketing                 • General
                                                                                                                                                            Law                                   Management
  • Dietetics Specialization*                                                • Engineering                          • Social Sciences
                                                                                                                                                          • Business Studies                    • International Business
                                                                            BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS ART & DESIGN                                            • Business Technology                 • Marketing
                                                                                                                                                            Management                          • Operations Management
                                                                            BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS DRAMA — PRODUCTION                                      • Entrepreneurship and                • Strategic Management
                                                                                                                                                            Innovation                            and Organization
                                                                             • Design                                                                    CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS:
                                                                             • Stage Management
                                                                                                                                                          • Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
                                                                             • Technical Production
                                                                                                                                                          • Certificate in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies
                                                                                                                                                          • Certificate in Real Estate

24    VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024 *Indicates no direct entry from high school.                                                                                                                                                      For more information on rankings visit OUR STATS               25
ENGINEERING                                                                        NURSING                                                                 SCIENCE | 780.492.1715 |            | 780.492.5300 |      ( C ONT IN U ED )

 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ENGINEERING                                                   BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING                                           • Immunology and                         • Molecular, Cellular and            COMBINED DEGREE:
 Note: the first year of Engineering is a general qualifying year; students then                                                                              Infection                                Developmental Biology               • Bachelor of Science (Specialization in Science and Education) /
 apply to a program and / or specialization to complete their degree.              CUSTOMIZE YOUR DEGREE:                                                   • Integrative Physiology                 • Neuroscience                          Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
                                                                                    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Bilingual)                            • Mathematical Physics                       (Honors only)
 PROGRAM OPTIONS (AFTER QUALIFYING YEAR)*:                                          • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Collaborative)                           (Honors only)                         •   Paleontology                     CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS:
  CHEMICAL ENGINEERING                                                              • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Honors)*                              • Mathematics                            •   Pharmacology                      • Certificate in Computer Game Development (joint certificate
  • Computer Process Control option                                                 • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RPN to BSCN)*                         • Mathematics and                        •   Physics                             with Faculty of Arts)
  • Oil Sands Elective stream                                                                                                                                 Economics                              •   Physiology (Honors only)          • Research Certificate in Science (Biological Sciences, Psychology)
  • Biomedical option                                                                                                                                       • Mathematics and                        •   Planning                          • Certificate in Biomedical Research (in conjunction with
                                                                                                                                                              Finance*                                   (Specialization only)               the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry)
 • Environmental Engineering option
                                                                                   NATIVE STUDIES                                                           • Mathematics —                          • Psychology*
                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Statistics                         CUSTOMIZE YOUR DEGREE:
                                                                          | 780.492.2991 |
                                                                                                                                                            • Science                                                                      • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
 COMPUTER ENGINEERING                                                                                                                                          (Specialization only)                                                       • Science Internship Program
 • Nanoscale System Design option                                                  BACHELOR OF ARTS NATIVE STUDIES                                                                                                                         • Other Campus Options
 • Software option
                                                                                   BACHELOR OF ARTS NATIVE STUDIES (HONORS)*
 • Nanoengineering option                                                          COMBINED DEGREES:
 • Biomedical option
                                                                                    • Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies / Bachelor of Education
 • Nanoengineering option
                                                                                      Majors:                                                              PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS                                                          PHARMACY &
                                                                                      • Cree
                                                                                      • Native Studies                                                      These faculties do not offer direct entry from high school,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
                                                                                    • Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies / Bachelor of Education            often they require you to earn a specific number of                  | 780.492.3362 |
 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING                                                               in (Elementary) Education                                             credits or to complete an undergraduate (bachelor) degree
 • Biomedical option                                                                • Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Conservation                 before applying.                                                              DEGREE PROGRAMS:
                                                                                      Sciences /                                                                                                                                           • Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
 MINING ENGINEERING                                                                 • Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies                                                                                                                   • Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) for Practicing Pharmacists
 PETROLEUM ENGINEERING                                                                • Human Dimensions of Environmental Management                       LAW                                                                            COMBINED DEGREES:
 CUSTOMIZE YOUR DEGREE:                                                                                                                           | 780.492.6016 |                      • Doctor of Pharmacy / Master of Business Administration
                                                                                   CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS
  • Cooperative (Co-op) Education Program                                           • Certificate in Indigenous Sport and Recreation
  • Minors and Certificates in the faculties of ALES, Arts,                         • Certificate in Indigenous Governance and Partnership                 DEGREE AND GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS:
    Science, and Business                                                                                                                                   • Juris Doctor (J.D.)
                                                                                                                                                            • Master of Laws (LLM)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          REHABILITATION MEDICINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | 780.492.2903 |
                                                                                                                                                            • Doctor of Philosophy in Law
KINESIOLOGY, SPORT,                                                                SCIENCE                                                                  • Internationally Trained Lawyer Pathway†
                                                                                                                                                            † This program is designed for individuals who already possess a law degree   GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS:
& RECREATION                                                              | 780.492.4758 |
                                                                                                                                                            from another country. Contact for more details.             • Master of Science in Occupational Therapy | 780.492.5604 |                                                                                                                                                                                    • Master of Science in Physical Therapy
                                                                                   BACHELOR OF SCIENCE GENERAL PROGRAM                                                                                                                     • Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science
 BACHELOR OF ARTS IN RECREATION, SPORT, & TOURISM                                   • Biological Sciences    • Mathematics                                 MEDICINE & DENTISTRY                                                            • Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Science
  Minors:                                                                           • Chemistry              • Physical Sciences                  | 780.492.6621 |
  • Community Development                                                           • Computing Science      • Physics
  • Sport & Recreation Management                                                   • Earth and Atmospheric  • Psychology
  • Tourism & Natural Environments                                                    Sciences               • Statistics                                  DEGREE PROGRAMS:
                                                                                                                                                            • Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
 BACHELOR OF KINESIOLOGY                                                           BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SPECIALIZATION OR HONORS                             • Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science                  | 780.492.8211 |
  Majors:                                                                           Program areas:                                                          • Post-Professional Certification
  • Adapted Physical Activity               • Sport Performance                     • Applied Mathematics     • Computing Science                           • Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy                                    GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS:
  • Physical Activity and                   • Individualized Major                    (Honors only)             Specialization in                           • Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene)                                         • Master of Public Health
                                                                                    • Astrophysics                                                             (Post-diploma degree completion)
    Health                                      (self-designed)                                                 Software Practice                                                                                                          • Master of Science in Public Health
                                                                                    • Biochemistry            • Ecology, Evolution, and                     • Doctor of Medicine†
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN KINESIOLOGY                                                 • Cell Biology              Environmental Biology                       • Doctor of Dental Surgery
  COMBINED DEGREES:                                                                 • Chemistry                                                             † Medical students are required to obtain a baccalaureate degree, from a
                                                                                                              • Environmental Earth                         program recognized by the University of Alberta, prior to admission.
  • Bachelor of Kinesiology / Bachelor of Education (Elementary)                    • Computing Science         Sciences
  • Bachelor of Kinesiology / Bachelor of Education (Secondary)                     • Computing Science —     • Geology
                                                                                      Business minor          • Geophysics
 CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS                                                                 (Specialization only)*
  • Certificate in Indigenous Sport and Recreation
  • Research Certificate in Kinesiology

26    VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                  For more information on rankings visit OUR STATS        27
                                                                                   AUGUSTANA CAMPUS
                                                                                   (CAMROSE, ALBERTA)
                                                                                                                                                               APPLICATION | 780.465.8780 |             | 780.679.1132 |                DATES AND
 BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS                                                              BACHELOR OF ARTS                                                            DEADLINES
  Majeures (certaines majeures pourraient changer):
  • Économie                            • Histoire
                                                                                    • Sustainability Studies (Economics, Environmental Studies, Sociology)
                                                                                                                                                                                                            READY TO APPLY?
  • Études canadiennes                  • Psychologie                               • Physical Education                                                                                         Applying to university doesn’t have to be complicated — you can find answers
  • Études Interdisciplinaires          • Science politique                         • Psychology and Mental Health (Mental Health and Well Being                                                 to frequently asked questions, and access videos that will guide you through
  • Français-langue                     • Sociologie                                  stream OR Brain and Behaviour stream)
  • Français-littérature                                                            Interdisciplinary Studies:                                                                                   the application process at
                                                                                    • Creativity and Culture (Art, Drama, English, Languages, Music, and
 BACCALAURÉAT ÈS ARTS AVEC SPÉCIALISATION*                                            Philosophy)
                                                                                    • Ethics and Global Studies (History, Philosophy, Political Studies, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1. CHOOSE                                    3. CHECK
  • Études canadiennes
                                                                                      Religious Studies)
                                                                                    • Law, Crime and Justice Studies (Criminology, Sociology, History,
                                                                                                                                                               2022                              Identify your first and second choices
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for the best chance of receiving an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              After you apply you will have access
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to UAlberta Launchpad. Here you can
  • Études interdisciplinaires
                                                                                                                                                               October 1
                                                                                      Political Studies, and Psychology)                                                                         admission offer. Check the admission         check your application status, submit
  • Langue et littérature                                                                                                                                                                        requirements for both programs at            outstanding documents, update new
  • Sciences socio-politiques                                                      BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT                                                      Fall 2022 undergraduate  as well as admission         final marks, and review any checklist
                                                                                    Majors:                                                                    application opens                 average trends at           items for your program. We will also
 BACCALAURÉAT ÈS SCIENCES                                                           • Management (General OR Business Economics)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        assign you a UAlberta email address,
  • Chimie                                • Sciences biologiques                   BACHELOR OF MUSIC                                                                                             2. SUBMIT                                    where you will check for notifications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or Correspondence.
  • Mathématiques                         • Sciences
                                                                                    Majors:                                                                                                      Start your application at
  • Physique                                mathématiques                           • Performance-Based Pedagogy (Comprehensive, Conducting,
  • Psychologie (sciences)                • Sciences physiques                        Keyboard, OR Voice)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 where you will upload transcripts with
                                                                                                                                                                                                 your completed grade 11 and 12 courses,      4. ACCEPT
 BACCALAURÉAT EN ÉDUCATION PRIMAIRE                                                BACHELOR OF SCIENCE                                                         January 11                        and grade 12 courses you are taking and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 planning to take. You can also apply for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              After you receive an admission offer,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              you’ll need to accept it in Launchpad, and
  Majeures (n/a — degré de généraliste)                                             Majors:                                                                    Awards Application Deadline
                                                                                                                                                                                                 residence on your application. After you     pay the tuition deposit. You will also need
                                                                                    • Integrative Biology                     (Computing Science stream
                                                                                                                                                                                                 apply for admission you will receive a       to accept your residence offer. Log into
                                                                                    • Chemical and Physical
                                                                                                                              OR Computational and Applied
                                                                                                                              Mathematics stream)              February 13                       student ID and CCID that you can use to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 apply for scholarships.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bear Tracks with your student ID and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CCID to accept offers for scholarships
  • Français                                                                        • Computing Science                    • Environmental Science             Update new final marks
                                                                                                                           • Physical Education                                                                                               and awards.
  • Études sociales                                                                   and Mathematics
  • Mathématiques
  • Musique                                                                        COMBINED DEGREE:                                                            March 1
  • Sciences générales                                                              • Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Education (Secondary)                  Fall 2023 Admission
                                                                                                                                                               Application Deadline
 BACCALAURÉAT EN ÉDUCATION (APRÈS-DIPLÔME)                                                                                                                                                                  AFTER YOU APPLY:
  (2 ANS)
                                                                                                                                                               April                             EVALUATION
 PROGRAMMES COMBINÉS:                                                                                                                                          Registration for courses for
  • Baccalauréat en éducation / sciences                                                                                                                       Fall 2023 semester opens          Admission to the U of A is competitive and works on a rolling basis — some students
  Majeures:                                                                                                                                                                                      could receive an admission offer as early as October. Admission averages are

                                                                                                                                                               April 30
  • Sciences biologiques                                                                                                                                                                         calculated using the five required courses for your program of choice using the courses
  • Sciences mathématiques                                                                                                                                                                       and final marks included on your application. View the average admission range for
  • Sciences physiques                                                                                                                                         Deadline to apply to residence    your programs at Where final Grade 12 marks are unavailable, the final
                                                                                                                                                               for guaranteed housing            mark in the equivalent Grade 11 course will be used. Admission offers could be based
 BACCALAURÉAT BILINGUE EN ADMINISTRATION                                                                                                                                                         on final Grade 11 marks.

                                                                                                                                                               May 1                             OUTSTANDING DOCUMENTS                        International students: You must
                                                                                                                                                               Deadline to accept admission                                                   obtain a new study permit for post-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Your UAlberta Launchpad portal               secondary studies, even if you already
 POUR PERSONNALISER VOTRE BACCALAURÉAT:                                                                                                                        offer (unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 may indicate that you have further           have a high school study permit.
  • Sciences en génie (première année)                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                                 documents to supply:               
 La première année du baccalauréat Sciences en génie peut être faite en français              Apply and submit required
 au Campus Saint Jean; le reste du baccalauréat sera complété en anglais au
 Campus nord.
                                                                                              documents as early as                                            August 1                          Out-of-province students:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Your transcripts may not be transferred
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ENGLISH LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                                                               Deadline to submit                                                             PROFICIENCY
                                                                                              possible to be considered for                                    admission documents
                                                                                                                                                                                                 automatically. Please ensure they are
                                                                                                                                                                                                 sent to and received by the University       You must possess the required level of
                                                                                              both admissions and awards.                                                                        of Alberta.                    English Language Proficiency (ELP) in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              order to be granted admission (except
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for French-language programs, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              require FLP). There are several ways to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              demonstrate ELP.

28    VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       HOW TO APPLY        29
AGRICULTURAL, LIFE &                                                                                               EDUCATION
                              ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES                                                                                    | 780.492.4530 |
                                                                                                                                                 We are proud of a rich legacy as Canada’s first Faculty of Education. Our degree is recognized globally for its
                     | 780.492.4933 |                                                       excellence, with our program currently ranked in #44 in the world and #4 in Canada! Our graduates teach in
                              Choose from over 40 program options that blend theory with hands-on practical learning, including field courses,   countries throughout the world and also pursue numerous careers outside of the classroom.
                              practicum placements, and paid work internships. Our programs are directly related to key employment sectors,
                              including the environment, food and agriculture, human services, and animal care.                                  Careers include:
                                                                                                                                                  •   Professional Teacher                                      •   Educational or Vocational Counselor
                              Careers include:                                                                                                    •   Educational Administrator                                 •   Adult Educator
                               •   Food Engineer                                           •   Forester                                           •   Educators / Trainers in the public and private sectors    •   Child or Youth Care Worker
                               •   Agrologist                                              •   Land Reclamation Manager                           •   Educational Consultant                                    •   Tutor
                               •   Wildlife Biologist                                      •   Fashion Merchandising Manager
                               •   Plant Biotechnologist                                   •   Child and Youth Programmer
                               •   Soil Scientist                                          •   Environmental Policy Analyst

                              ARTS                                                                                                               ENGINEERING
                     | 780.492.4295 |                                                   | 780.492.1715 |
                              With over 100 years of success, we proudly offer some of the most diverse and acclaimed academic programs          The Faculty of Engineering offers internationally respected undergraduate and graduate engineering degrees. Our
                              in Canada. Spanning across the social sciences, humanities, and fine arts, our graduates possess marketable        degrees include cutting-edge programming in areas such as Biomedical, Nanotechnology, Energy, and Natural
                              degrees with highly sought-after skills and knowledge.                                                             Resources Engineering.

                              Careers include:                                                                                                   Careers include:
                               •   Foreign Affairs Officer                                 •   Humanitarian Aid Worker                            •   Aerospace Engineer                                        •   Architectural Engineer
                               •   Economist                                               •   Business Consultant                                •   Environmental Engineer                                    •   Project Management Engineer
                               •   Public Relations and Communications                     •   Non-profit Manager                                 •   Chemical Manufacturing and Processes Engineer             •   Research and Development Engineer
                               •   Policy and Financial Analyst                            •   Social Entrepreneur                                •   Mechanical Systems and Facilities Engineer                •   Product and Systems Design Engineer
                                                                                                                                                  •   Petroleum or Mining Engineer                              •   Software and Video Game Engineer

                              BUSINESS                                                                                                           KINESIOLOGY, SPORT,
                              (ALBERTA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS)
                     | 780.492.5773 |
                                                                                                                                                 & RECREATION
                                                                                                                                        | 780.492.5604 |
                              The Alberta School of Business provides students with a world-class education, leadership opportunities, and
                              connections to the global community. With an over 100 year legacy as one of Canada’s top business schools, our     Discover the art and science of human movement in Canada’s premier Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport & Recreation.
                              BCom program has empowered thousands of students to become leaders around the world.                               We offer outstanding programs in the fields of kinesiology, sport and exercise science, physical activity & health,
                                                                                                                                                 leisure, recreation, and tourism leading to active, rewarding careers!
                              Careers include:
                                                                                                                                                 Careers include:
                               •   Accountant                                              •   Investment Banking Analyst
                                                                                                                                                  •   Sport Event Administrator/Facility Manager                •   Certified Exercise Physiologist
                               •   Business Development Associate                          •   Information Systems Manager
                                                                                                                                                  •   Tourism/Recreation Manager                                •   Exercise Therapist
                               •   Data Analyst                                            •   Marketing Coordinator
                                                                                                                                                  •   Kinesiologist                                             •   Community Youth Program Supervisor
                               •   Financial Analyst                                       •   Operations Manager
                                                                                                                                                  •   Strength and Conditioning Coach                           •   Fitness, Health & Wellness Consultant
                               •   Human Resources Coordinator                             •   Tax Analyst
                                                                                                                                                  •   Exercise Rehabilitation Specialist

30   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FACULTIES AND COLLEGES   31
NURSING                                                                                                                  PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS
                     nursing | 780.492.5300 |                                             | 780.492.6016 |
                                                                                                                                              | 780.492.6621 |
                              Ranked as the second best nursing program in the Canada by the QS World University Rankings, we offer a full    | 780.492.3362 |
                              range of undergraduate and graduate programs and are the only Canadian member of the Hartford Centers for
                                                                                                                                              | 780.492.2903 |
                              Gerontological Nursing Excellence.
                                                                                                                                              | 780.492.8211 |
                              Careers include:                                                                                                         These faculties do not offer direct entry from high school, often they require you to earn a specific number of
                               •   Food Engineer                                             •   Forester                                              credits or to complete an undergraduate (bachelor) degree before applying.
                               •   Agrologist                                                •   Land Reclamation Manager
                               •   Wildlife Biologist                                        •   Fashion Merchandising Manager                         Careers include:
                               •   Plant Biotechnologist                                     •   Child and Youth Programmer                             •   Lawer
                               •   Soil Scientist                                            •   Environmental Policy Analyst                           •   Judge
                                                                                                                                                        •   Doctor
                                                                                                                                                        •   Pharmacist
                                                                                                                                                        •   Radiologist

                              NATIVE STUDIES                                                                                                           CAMPUS SAINT‑JEAN
                                                                                                                                                       (8406 RUE MARIE-ANNE GABOURY)
                     | 780.492.2991 |
                                                                                                                                              | 780.465.8780 |
                              The Faculty of Native Studies critically examines the historical and contemporary political, economic, social and
                              legal relations, identities, rights, and goals of Indigenous societies and peoples, in Canada and internationally. Our   Le Campus Saint-Jean, unité académique pluridisciplinaire francophone, se définit par un engagement à
                              Faculty educates Indigenous and non-Indigenous students to be responsible citizens through excellent community           intégrer l’apprentissage, la découverte et la citoyenneté. Près de 1 000 étudiants y étudient dans le cadre de ses
                              engagement, teaching and research focused on the complexity of Indigenous issues.                                        programmes collégiaux, de baccalauréat et de maîtrise.
                              Careers include:
                               •   Foreign Affairs Officer                                   •   Humanitarian Aid Worker                               Quelques Carrières potentielles:
                               •   Economist                                                 •   Business Consultant                                    •   Enseignant(e)                                             •   Ingénieur pétrolier
                               •   Public Relations and Communications                       •   Non-profit Manager                                     •   Infirmière                                                •   Chercheur en sciences biomédicales
                               •   Policy and Financial Analyst                              •   Social Entrepreneur                                    •   Comptable                                                 •   Fonctionnaire international
                                                                                                                                                        •   Représentant en commerce international                    •   Spécialiste en investissements bancaires
                                                                                                                                                        •   Directeur générale
                                                                                                                                                        •   Analyste financier

                              SCIENCE                                                                                                                  AUGUSTANA CAMPUS
                                                                                                                                                       (CAMROSE, ALBERTA)
                     | 780.492.4758 |
                                                                                                                                              | 780.679.1132 |
                              The Faculty of Science offers unparalleled education with world-class instructors, hybrid learning environ-
                              ments, hands-on lab and field experience, and internship opportunities. With degrees spanning 7 scientific
                              disciplines, we will give you the skills and confidence to forge your own path.                                          Augustana is a distinct, close-knit, friendly campus committed to high-quality education in the tradition of the
                                                                                                                                                       liberal arts and sciences to provide a unique academic experience for its students. Located one hour south of
                                                                                                                                                       Edmonton, Augustana offers extensive experiential learning opportunities within its region and across the globe.
                              Careers include:                                                                                                         Careers include:
                               •   Accountant                                                •   Investment Banking Analyst                             •   Business Manager                                          •   Lawyer
                               •   Business Development Associate                            •   Information Systems Manager                            •   Entrepreneur                                              •   Political Consultant
                               •   Data Analyst                                              •   Marketing Coordinator                                  •   Information Systems Analyst                               •   Research Scientist
                               •   Financial Analyst                                         •   Operations Manager                                     •   International Aid Worker                                  •   Software Developer
                               •   Human Resources Coordinator                               •   Tax Analyst                                            •   Investment Banker                                         •   Translator

32   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FACULTIES AND COLLEGES   33
SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS                                                                     YOUR UNIVERSITY
                                                                                                        The University of Alberta awards more than $40.6 million each year in                       OF ALBERTA TUITION
                                                                                                        undergraduate scholarships, awards, and financial support to all kinds of                   WILL NOT INCREASE
                                                                                                        students. Apply early to your program so you can be assessed for awards.
                                                                                                        View all entrance awards at                                                   Your admission comes with a tuition
                                                                                                                                                                                                    guarantee. As an international
                                                                                                                                                                                                    student at the U of A you will know
                                                                                                        ADMISSION-BASED                                   APPLICATION-BASED                         the total tuition for your program
                                                                                                        Receive a scholarship you don’t                   Fill out a single application, and the    when you receive admission.
                                                                                                        even have to apply for. Eligibility               U of A will assess you for all of our
                                                                                                        for these scholarships is based on                entrance scholarships and awards.         Tuition guarantee details
                                                                                                        your admission average at the time                The deadline for application-based        Your tuition guarantee only applies to the
                                                                                                        of your admission offer. Apply to                 awards is January 12, 2023, and you       standard requirements, including electives,
                                                                                                        your program early so the U of A                  must apply to your program first.         necessary to complete your program.
                                                                                                        can assess you for a match to the

                                                                                                                                                                                                    It does not include any mandatory non-
                                                                                                                                                          President’s International Distinction     instructional fees or other costs such as the
                                                                                                        following awards and many more:
                                                                                                                                                          Scholarship (25 Available Each Year)      U-Pass, textbooks, residence fees, students
                                                                                                        International Admission Scholarship               Students with a superior admission        associations, etc. It also does not include
                                                                                                        Top students could receive up to                  average and demonstrated                  the cost for any courses you choose to take

               YOUR FUTURE
                                                                                                        $5,000 CAD, depending on admission                leadership qualities entering their       as extra or that need to be repeated due to
                                                                                                        average.                                          first year of an undergraduate degree     withdrawal or failure.
                                                                                                                                                          on a Student Visa Permit could            If you choose to take Spring/Summer
                                                                                                        Regional Excellence Scholarship
                                                                                                                                                          receive up to $120,000 CAD (payable       courses, your total program tuition will
                                                                                                        Top students from certain regions
                                                                                                                                                          over 4 years).                            remain the same however your annual total
                                                                                                        could receive up to $5,000 CAD,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    will increase for that year.
                                                                                                        based on admission average.                       International Leader Scholarship
                                                                                                                                                          Well-rounded leaders with superior        Your tuition guarantee is set for the typical
                                                                                                        Gold Standard Scholarship                                                                   duration of your program plus one year.
                                                                                                                                                          academics may receive up to
                                                                                                        The top 5% of students in each                    $10,000 CAD.                              Typically programs are four years,
                                                                                                        faculty could receive up to $6,000,                                                         therefore the guarantee would be in place
                                                                                                        depending on admission average.                                                             for five years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Should you require a fifth year of study to
                                                                                                                                                                                                    complete your program requirements, you
                                                                                                                                                                                                    will not face additional tuition costs in that
                          FIRST-YEAR ESTIMATE*                                                                                                                                                      fifth year. If your remaining courses exceed
                                                                                                                                                                                                    your program requirements, you will pay
                                                                                                                                                                                                    per course. In either case, payment for
                            $29,192 - $42,707                                    IN FINANCIAL
                                                                                                        GUARANTEED TUITION RATES
                                                                                                        FOR STUDENTS ENTERING THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA IN FALL 2023
                                                                                                                                                                                                    mandatory non-instructional fees in the fifth
                                                                                                                                                                                                    year will be required. If you have outstanding
                            FOR INTERNATIONAL TUITION                            IS AVAILABLE                                                                                                       program requirements to complete after
                                                                                                        Program                     Year 1 (2023)   Year 2 (2024)   Year 3 (2025)   Year 4 (2026)   five years you will be required to pay for
                                                                                                                                                                                                    those remaining courses, individually, at the
                                           plus                                                         Augustana Faculty
                                                                                                        Faculté Saint Jean                                                                          current rate in that academic year.
                                                                                                        Faculty of Education         $29,192 CAD     $29,192 CAD     $29,192 CAD     $29,192 CAD
                                                                                                                                                                                                    If you change programs at the University
                  $3,500 ($3,592.80)+ FOR BOOKS, SUPPLIES AND FEES               1 APPLICATION          Faculty of Native Studies
                                                                                                        Faculty of Nursing                                                                          of Alberta your original guarantee will no
                  $15,000+ FOR RESIDENCE WITH MEAL PLAN                          TO BE CONSIDERED FOR
                                                                                 ALL AWARDS                                                                                                         longer be valid, and you will receive a new
                                                                                                        Faculty of Arts
                                                                                                        Faculty of ALES                                                                             guarantee for your new program.
                                                                                                        Faculty of Kinesiology,
                  GET A REFINED ESTIMATE                                                                Sport, & Recreation
                                                                                                                                    $31,895 CAD     $31,895 CAD      $31,895 CAD    $31,895 CAD     In the event of a discrepancy between the
                  WITH THE COST CALCULATOR                                                              Faculty of Science                                                                          tuition amounts displayed in this publication
                  at                                             1 IN 5                 Open Studies                                                                                and your University of Alberta Offer of
                  Estimates are based on your program and living arrangements.   FIRST-YEAR                                                                                                         Admission, the Offer of Admission shall be
                                                                                                        Alberta School of
                                                                                 STUDENTS RECEIVE       Business
                                                                                                                                    $37,842 CAD     $37,842 CAD      $37,842 CAD    $37,842 CAD     taken as correct.
                                                                                 A SCHOLARSHIP
                                                                                                        Faculty of Engineering      $42,707 CAD     $42,707 CAD      $42,707 CAD     $42,707 CAD
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Read the full details of the guarantee at

34   VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                                 SCHOLARSHIPS AND TUITION              35
ENGLISH PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT                                                                                                                                                                        SELECTED INTERNATIONAL CURRICULA
All undergraduate applicants to English-speaking and bilingual programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                       The University of Alberta evaluates students from all countries for admission.
need to demonstrate the required level of English language proficiency before
                                                                                                                                                                                                       A complete list of entrance requirements may be found online at
admission, regardless of their citizenship status or country of origin.
Learn more at

 HOW CAN YOU MEET                                       THE U OF A WILL ACCEPT
 THE ELP REQUIREMENT?                                   ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:                                                              DETAILS AND CONDITIONS                                       GENERAL INFORMATION
 Complete an ELP exam with the                          TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) When requesting                      iBT: At least 90 with a minimum score of                     INTERNATIONAL CURRICULA                        Students currently in High School need to submit their previous year’s results and confirmation of final year course
 minimum required score                                 TOEFL scores, use: Institution Code: 0963, Department Code: 00                     21 points in each section                                                                                   registrations. Students who have completed High School need to submit official and complete copies of their final results
 Standardized test results must be                                                                                                         Note: the PBT is no longer accepted                                                                         or information which allows for their results to be verified online. For a list of accepted credentials please visit
 issued directly from the testing office.
 Photocopies will not be accepted.                      IELTS (Academic) (International English Language Testing System)                   At least 6.5 with no band less than 6.0                      FIVE REQUIRED SUBJECTS                         Admission to the University of Alberta is competitive. Five admission subjects are required for most curricula,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and will vary based on your choice of program. Please visit
 Test scores must be valid and verifiable.              CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language assessment) Either                        At least 70, with no band less than 60
 Scores more than two years old will not                CAEL (paper) or CAEL CE (computer)                                                                                                              GRADES REQUIRED                                Each undergraduate degree program has its own competitive admission average.
 be accepted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          To see the competitive range for your program please visit
                                                        CanTEST (Canadian Test of English for Scholars and Trainees)                       At least 4.5, with no part lower than 4
 Test scores must include four sections:
 Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.             CAE (Certificate in Advanced English, also known as Cambridge                      At least 180, with no less than 170 in each skill
                                                        English: Advanced)
 See Note 4                                                                                                                                                                                            SELECTED INTERNATIONAL CURRICULA
                                                        CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English, also known as Cambridge                At least 180, with no less than 170 in each skill
                                                        English: Proficiency)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION (GCE) CURRICULUM
                                                        PTE (Academic) (Pe arson Test of English Academic)                                 At least 61, with no less than 60 in each
                                                                                                                                           communicative skill
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Students in the General Certificate of Education (GCE) system need to present three Advanced Level (A-level) subjects. Certain programs require specific A-level subjects.
                                                        DuoLingo English Test                                                              At least 115, with no subscore less than 95

 Completing certain courses                             English Language Arts 30-1 from Alberta                                            Final blended grade of 75% or better in class and            ENTRY CRITERIA                                 Each undergraduate program has its own competitive admissions average.
                                                                                                                                           diploma                                                                                                     Predicted A-Level grades are accepted for admission consideration. For more information please visit
 These courses must be approved by the
 U of A, and you must achieve a certain
                                                        International Baccalaureate English A1, A2; or English A: Literature;              A grade of 5 or better
 minimum grade in that course
                                                        or English A: Language & Literature
                                                                                                                                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB)
 See Note 4
                                                        International Baccalaureate English B                                              A grade of 6 or better                                       IB courses completed at either the higher level (HL) or standard level (SL) may be used for admission.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The University of Alberta does not use Ab Initio level courses for admission consideration. For more information please visit
                                                        Advanced Placement English                                                         A grade of 4 or better on the College Board
                                                                                                                                           examination                                                  FULL IB DIPLOMA APPLICANTS                     Students need to present their full diploma with the five admission subjects required by your program of interest. Students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       currently in the last year of the IBDP can submit predicted IB grades for consideration. Transfer credits may be granted
                                                        O-level, GCSE, IGCSE, AS-level or A-level English Language or                      A grade of B or better                                                                                      upon receipt of official and complete IB results.
                                                        Literature course (not the English ESL).

                                                        CBSE Core English or ISC English from XIIth Standard examinations                  A score of 75% of better                                     PARTIAL IB APPLICANTS                          Students need to present five admission subjects required by their program of interest, a combination of IB and local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       curriculum may be used (but not GCSE and IB).
                                                        6 credits of transferable university-level English studies completed               A grade of B+ or better (must be transferable as
                                                        at a post-secondary institution where English is recognized as the                 6 credits of English at the U of A).                         CHINESE SYSTEM
                                                        language of instruction.

                                                        The University of Alberta’s ESL 140/145                                            Successful completion                                        Students who study in Chinese curriculum need to present five admission subjects required by their program of interest. For more information please visit

 Previous Education in English                          Successful completion of three years of full-time education in                     Such education must include Alberta Grade 12
 See Notes 1, 2, 3, 5                                   English in: Canada (including Grade 12 year), or another country                   or its equivalent level, and can be a combination
                                                        where English is recognized as the official language of instruction,               of secondary inclusive of Grade 12 and post-                 INDIAN SYSTEM
                                                        or in a recognized school/institution where English is the primary                 secondary education.
                                                        language of instruction.                                                                                                                        CBSE and CISCE National Boards                 To be considered for a conditional offer, students will need to submit board results for Class X and arrange for their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       predicted grades to be sent to the University of Alberta directly by their school. The offer will become unconditional on
                                                        Successful completion of the equivalent of three years of full-time                The level of English proficiency required for                                                               presenting final Class XII board results meeting the university’s requirements.
                                                        instruction in a school/institution in Canada in which the major                   graduation is equivalent to that in English
                                                        language of instruction is other than English.                                     language schools/institutions in Canada.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Indian State Boards                            To be considered for a conditional offer, students will need to submit school results for Class XI showing a competitive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       average and course registration for Class XII, or Class XII mid-year results. The offer will become unconditional upon receipt
                                                        Graduation from a recognized degree program offered by an                          The University must be located in a country
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the final Class XII board results meeting the university’s requirements. For more information please visit
                                                        accredited University at which English is the primary language of                  where English is the primary language or it
                                                        instruction.                                                                       must be recognized as one where English is the
                                                                                                                                           primary language of instruction.

 Completing the U of A's                                Academically qualified students who do not meet the English Language Proficiency requirements listed above should
 Bridging Program                                       consider the U of A's Bridging Program.                                                                                               US SYSTEM

 Note 1: Enrolment in English as a second language (ESL) courses or programs will not be included in the calculation of three years of full-time study. Enrolment must be in a regular high
                                                                                                                                                                                                        BOTH SCHOOL AND CURRICULUM                     To be evaluated for a conditional offer, students would need to present Grade 10 and 11 school results including the course
 school or post-secondary for-credit program. Where students are registered in both ESL and regular programs, the ESL hours will be deducted from the total educational hours.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        validated by a RECOGNIZED US BODY              registrations of their final Grade 12 year. The offer would become unconditional upon receipt of final results and meeting
 Note 2: Proof of three years of education must be submitted in the form of official transcripts (including details on course enrolment and hours of instruction). Note 3: Failing grades/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the University of Alberta’s requirements.
 courses will not be counted when calculating full-time attendance. Only courses with passing grades will be considered. Note 4: Standardized test results must be issued directly from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SCHOOL AND/OR CURRICULUM NOT                    For the University of Alberta to recognize school-awarded course marks, both the school and curriculum need to be validated
 testing office. Photocopies will not be accepted. Test scores must be valid and verifiable. Note 5: For a list of countries and universities that are recognized as having met the U of A's English
                                                                                                                                                                                                       validated by a RECOGNIZED US BODY               by a recognized US body. If the school is not, students will need to present all the required subjects through standardized
 language proficiency requirement, visit:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tests (e.g. AP, SAT, SAT subject tests). For more information visit
 Spoken English Language Proficiency (required by some programs) If you select a program related to Health Sciences or Education, you will be required to meet the spoken English language
 proficiency requirement. Please refer to the U of A Calendar for how to meet this requirement (Section 13.3.2).
 The University of Alberta reserves the right to use discretion in determining adequate levels of language proficiency to ensure success in academic programs. In some cases, additional
 English language testing, conducted by the Faculty of Extension, may be required to confirm English language proficiency.

36     VIEWBOOK | 2023 - 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           For more information on rankings visit OUR STATS                  37
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