Fairness For Students - Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario budget Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario
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Fairness For Students Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario budget Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario
350,000 undergraduate, graduate, and college students united. The Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario is the oldest and largest student organization in the province, representing over 350,000 college, undergraduate and graduate students from Thunder Bay to Windsor. Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario 225 Richmond Street West, Suite 302, Toronto ON M5V 1W2 Phone: 416.925.3825 | Fax: 416.925.6774 cfsontario.ca | federation@cfsontario.ca Ce document est disponible en français.
Contents Introduction............................................................................ 2 Summary of Recommendations............................................. 3 Tuition Fees............................................................................ 4 Rethinking Quality of Education............................................. 6 Post-Residency Fees............................................................... 8 French Language Institutions................................................. 9 Mental Health Services......................................................... 11 Sources................................................................................. 14
Introduction ing the costs onto students and their families, Ontario is at a turning point. Across the province, even as average class sizes swell, and full-time people are beginning to realize the vital impor- faculty are replaced with poorly paid, precarious, tance of ensuring universal access to post-second- part-time instructors. ary education. Ontario is uniquely positioned on the global stage In an economy where over 75 per cent of new to take advantage of broad political and eco- jobs require some form of college or university nomic shifts, which are making this province one education, Ontarians recognize that it is no longer of the most desirable places to live in the world. acceptable for our institutions to lie beyond the We must now continue to make bold, strategic reach of any aspiring student. investments in our colleges and universities to shape a system of high quality education that With the introduction of the Ontario Student supports students and surpasses expectations for Grant (OSG), the government has taken a critical the future. At the same time, we cannot lose sight step in addressing the financial barriers that limit of the importance of investing in other public ser- access from our most marginalized communities. vices, such as transit, child care and health care, In what has been described as “the largest reform that together create the conditions for students to of student assistance in the province’s history”, we be successful. have seen a significant effort from elected officials to open the door to students from all socio- This year government will have the opportunity economic backgrounds. to bring forward a platform of ideas that speak to the people. Funding for post-secondary educa- While the Canadian Federation of Students is tion will be an election issue that has the potential pleased to see the formation of the OSG, govern- to polarize parties in their support for youth and ment must not lose sight of the bigger picture. the working class. For the eighth straight year, Ontario has ranked the lowest in per-student funding among all Students are mobilizing around the call for Canadian provinces, and this amount of funding increased public funding for the improvement continues to diminish on a per-student basis. of public services. Political parties of all stripes have a chance in this election to be the party that Declining levels of institutional funding threaten pledges to make government and public services to erode the quality of education in our province. work for the youth of Ontario. With this proud To make up for the shortfall in public funding, vision of our province in mind, students are bring- institutions are encouraged to raise tuition fees ing forward the following set of recommendations through an outdated funding formula, download- to decision-makers at Queen’s Park. 2 | Fairness for Students: Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario Budget
Summary of Recommendations Tuition Fees Rethinking Quality of Eduaction Cost: Up to an additional 4 billion dollars annually. Cost: 400 million dollars to support colleges and univer- • Increase per-student funding levels to match the sities across Ontario in full-time faculty renewal. national average. • Ensure students have access to a high quality post-secondary education system by increasing full- time permanent positions and fairness for contract workers. French Language Institutions Mental Health Services Cost: 50 million dollars. Cost: 40 million dollars. • Consult Francophone and bilingual students in dis- • Work with the Mental Health Commission of Can- cussions regarding programs and services that will be ada to create and distribute a standardized and offered at the new Toronto French Language University. mandatory Mental Health First Aid workshop for all • Ensure that any funding dedicated to the new French front-line workers at colleges and universities every Language University be new government funding. two years. • Create a French Education Fund with new funding Cost: 150 million dollars over 4 years. specifically earmarked for francophone and bilingual • Introduce more funding for colleges and universities to support the maintenance, expansion and creation of diverse forms of mental health services on campus.
Tuition Fees gain on investment from a public perspective.1 then, institutions are likely to continue increasing Investing in Ontario’s future In Canada, the total return or “net present the cost of tuition by the maximum amount annu- value”, both private and public, for an adult with ally – 3% for undergraduate programs and 5% for 2017 was an exciting year for colleges and post-secondary education is $189,200. Investing graduate and professional programs – to balance universities in Ontario with the introduction of the in an educated workforce benefits not only the their budgets. Ontario Student Grant (OSG) through changes to current economy but also future generations by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). While financial aid schemes such as the OSG help contributing to a more innovative, competitive, The OSG, offered for the first time in September to ensure that students with the greatest need and productive workforce.2 2017, was created by redirecting 100% of the have access to post-secondary education, these funds from all previously existing OSAP grants measures do not offer a sustainable solution in into one upfront package. A balanced approach: per-student ensuring that education remains affordable. What institutions really need is an increase in per-stu- Although the government did not invest any new funding dent funding to levels that are comparable with money to create the OSG, it has made it simpler Since 2008-2009, Ontario has ranked the lowest the rest of the country, so that Ontario’s colleges for students to access financial aid and has broad- of all provinces in per-student funding. As a and universities are adequately supported with ened the terms of who is eligible for support. It result of this legacy of underfunding, our “pub- public dollars to provide high-quality services, has since benefitted 210,000 students, which is lic institutions” are no longer publicly funded without raising tuition fees to pick up the slack. almost one third of all post-secondary students. but publicly assisted, with the majority of their revenue coming from tuition fees and private Raising the bar However, despite the positive impact of the OSG, sources.3 In 2014-2015, Ontario’s per-student the grant does not go far enough. Most students funding amounted to $8,037. This is a striking As colleges and universities struggle to do more in Ontario still pay out of pocket to cover the cost 35 per cent lower than the average for the rest with less, Ontario is being left behind other of their enrolment. Students from families with of Canada, which was $12,346 in the same year. provinces by failing to invest in the future of our incomes over $50,000, part-time students, inter- In fact, between 2000 and 2015, while operating institutions. This is why students are calling for an national students and students in most profes- grants for institutions increased by 43% in the rest increase in per-student funding levels comparable sional programs all continue to pay tuition fees. of Canada, Ontario’s per-student operating grant to the national average. This new money can For a truly accessible post-secondary system, we increased by only 17%.4 be used to eliminate all tuition fees and support must strive to eliminate financial barriers for all institutions by providing stable long-term funding. students. For years, successive provincial governments have sought to make up for low-levels of per-student Recommendation: Investments in public education benefit all Ontar- funding by increasing tuition fees. This de- ians. Research consistently shows that individuals cade-long trend has downloaded the costs of run- Increase per-student funding levels to who graduate from college or university benefit ning institutions onto students and their families, match the national average. in the labour market, make more money, have creating record levels of student debt. The current reduced risk of unemployment, and deliver a net tuition fee framework will expire in 2019. Until Cost: Up to an additional 4 billion dollars annually. 4 | Fairness for Students: Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario Budget
Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario | 5
Rethinking Quality of Education term contracts or per course, not knowing if their An essential service A more reflective way of assessing quality of contract will be renewed the following term. At education is to look at student to faculty ratios the college level, it is estimated that the ratio of Ontario’s colleges and universities provide an and the ratio of contract to full-time faculty. full-time to part-time faculty is approximately one essential service in our province, creating spaces to three.8 At the university level, there is a lack of for learning, innovation and personal develop- In Ontario, full-time faculty hiring has not kept comprehensive research on full-time and contract ment. These institutions support cutting-edge pace with the increasing number of students en- instructors employed by Canadian universities. research, which fuels our economy, and encour- rolling in our institutions. For example, in the last age the critical debate of ideas that bolsters our decade, at the university level full-time student The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty democracy. As major employers in our communi- enrolment has increased by 22 per cent while Associations has estimated that the number of ties, colleges and universities are also economic over the same period full-time faculty hiring in courses taught by contract faculty at the university hubs that bring people together and create jobs. universities has increased by only four per cent.6 level has doubled.9 According to a Canadian Today, the majority of new jobs require some form At the college level student enrolment has nearly Broadcast Corporation report, it is also estimated of post-secondary education. Now, more than doubled since the early 1990’s. During that time that more than half of all undergraduates in Cana- ever, we need to support all students in accessing full-time faculty has dropped, leaving roughly da are taught by contract faculty.10 The increased higher education to ensure our province’s success 1,000 fewer full-time faculty to teach 100,000 reliance on contract faculty has become en- in an increasingly competitive global economy. more students.7 trenched in our institutions and poses a significant barrier to faculty performance and job security. Defining quality of education Student to Faculty Ratio Declining Quality of Education In response to pressure from students, parents, Faculty play an essential role in post-secondary communities, employers and government, education. With student to faculty ratios in 2015 The increase in student to faculty ratios and post-secondary institutions are constantly working at the college level being 30 students to every contract hiring have led to a very worrisome shift on measuring and seeking to improve quality of two full-time faculty members and at the universi- in academia. In the past six months, we have education. Changes intended to strengthen quali- ty level 31 students to every one faculty member, witnessed a major strike at Ontario’s colleges ty, such as increasing flexibility for learners, quality high student to faculty ratios have led to less as well as picketing at the University of Toronto, assurance regimes like the Key Performance engagement and networking opportunities, fewer bringing attention to the new norm of precarious Indicator (KPI) program run by the provincial gov- forms of mentorship and minimal student-faculty work in academia. ernment, and student satisfaction surveys have research project collaborations. fallen short over the years. Analysis on programs In October 2017 over 12,000 Ontario college that measure KPI show that the impact on college Full-Time and Contract Hiring faculty went on strike, impacting around 330,000 and university behavior is minimal at best and students. Chronic underfunding has led to multi- many results are becoming increasingly stratified.5 As student enrolment has increased, there has ple barriers for both students and faculty within All of the aforementioned measures fail to provide been a disturbing shift towards an over-reliance college classrooms, with little accountability or a clear picture of the quality of education students of contract faculty. Contract faculty, both at the support from government or institution adminis- receive. college and university level, are hired on short- trations. Part-time and contract faculty often hold 6 | Fairness for Students: Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario Budget
and university faculty have long asked for better multiple teaching positions at other institutions, working conditions, full-time job status and fair making it difficult to support students outside of wages. The future of post-secondary education classroom hours. When you have a system where in the province relies on increasing the quality roughly three out of four faculty are working on of education that is delivered. Faculty working contract every four months, course curriculum is conditions are students learning conditions and negatively impacted because faculty are unable it is time that every student in Ontario access to plan for the upcoming months due to a lack of high-quality post-secondary education. job security. Recent back-to-work legislation that forced an Recommendation: end to the college strike undermined faculty’s efforts to improve their working conditions. This Ensure students have access to a high regressive action by government presents an quality post-secondary education system obstacle to sector stakeholders who are working to improve student’s learning conditions. by increasing full-time permanent posi- tions and fairness for contract workers. In November 2017, 91 per cent of contract academic workers at the University of Toronto Cost: 400 million dollars to support colleges and mandated their union in favor of strike action. universities across Ontario in full-time faculty These workers commute from campus to campus renewal. throughout the GTA, earn far less than their permanent counterparts and have little to no job security. Similar to the college strike, these work- ers outlined the need for a pathway to permanent employment. Investing in the Future Faculty that are fairly compensated with relative job stability are in a better position to provide high-quality instruction to their students. It is time that the provincial government take leadership and create appropriate working condi- tions for all workers in Ontario. Ontario’s college Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario | 7
Post-Residency Fees their research component make significant labour Background and research contributions to institutions through Conclusion presentations, authoring and producing original Post-residency fees refer to a reduction in tuition To address this financial gap, students are rec- research. The implementation of a standardized fees paid by graduate students once they have ommending the provincial government create form of post-residency fees across the province concluded their course work and are undertaking a policy that will re-introduce and mandate would help graduate students afford the high cost the independent research and thesis-writing post-residency fees across the province. of completing graduate school. Institutions that stages of their degree. Today, post-residency fees offer post-residency fees recognize the contribu- are known by several names that change between tions graduate students make to their institutions Recommendation: institutions. Terms such as “post- program,” “pro- and understand that these students are utilizing rate,” “continuing,” “maintenance of status,” The incorporation of a post-residency fee fewer university resources. “additional session,” “re-registration” and “dis- policy for all institutions in Ontario. counted” fees often refer to post-residency fees. Consequences of Higher Fees Cost: 305 million dollars per year for a 50 per cent Post-residency fees were originally put in place reduction in tuition for all students in the post-res- to recognize the fact that graduate students in For many students who manage to enroll in a idency phase of their graduate degree. the final research component of their degrees use graduate program in Ontario, financial pressure less campus resources, require less direct teacher can have a negative impact on their ability to time, and make significant contributions to the focus on their work. Financial barriers remain the institution. As a result, reduced “post-residency” leading reason why graduate students do not fees were introduced for students at this stage of continue their studies. their studies. With limited funding opportunities provincially During the early 1990s, post-residency fees were and highly competitive funding programs feder- phased out in Ontario universities leaving institu- ally, that focus more on privatized research than tions with the discretion of applying post-residen- curiosity-based research, graduate students now cy fees as they saw fit. Today, some universities in face heavier financial burdens than ever before. Ontario have some form of post-residency fees in Though graduate students may be offered place, but these policies vary drastically across the funding packages to work as Research Assistants province and can be changed at the institution's (RAs), Teaching Assistants (TAs) or lab assistants discretion. during their studies, workloads often go beyond what they are compensated for. Furthermore, Why Post-Residency Fees? many of these positions cannot remotely cover the cost of tuition and living expenses, leaving Graduate students who finish the course work many graduate students living below the poverty component of their degrees and are working on line. 8 | Fairness for Students: Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario Budget
French Language Institutions The current state of French language Toronto French Language University Recommendations: post-secondary education in Ontario - a good first step 1. As planning for the Toronto French Ontario is home to the largest francophone In August 2017, the provincial government an- Language University gets underway, population in Canada outside of Québec, with nounced plans to open the province’s first French over 550,000 Francophones calling this province Language University in southwestern Ontario. The students will be eagerly awaiting home.12 Despite being the province with the university is projected to open in Toronto in 2020. opportunities for consultation on second highest amount of French-speakers in the This announcement was made following the pub- the programs and services offered country, of the 46 post-secondary institutions in lication of the 2017 Adam Report, which outlined Ontario, only two colleges are francophone and the findings of the French-Language University at this institution. Francophone and four universities are bilingual.13 Due to this lack of Planning Board. The francophone community has bilingual students are experts in options, Francophone students are often forced been advocating for a French Language post-sec- their experiences accessing French to move further away from their home communi- ondary institution for decades, and this announce- ties in order to access programs in their language, ment was met with much enthusiasm. language education in the province taking on the cost of rent and other living expens- and are best poised to comment es in addition to their tuition fees. Students were cautiously optimistic at the time on which programs and services of this announcement and continue to be as Francophone students must also contend with a we await further details regarding the funding are currently lacking in French. It is lower quality of post-secondary education than of this new institution. Students believe that crucial that their voices be central in that of Anglophone students. On bilingual cam- it is imperative for the new French Language this discussion. puses, many courses for Francophone students University to exist solely off of new dedicated use English textbooks and resources and co-op government funds, rather than pulling available opportunities are not always offered in French. funds from francophone and bilingual universi- 2. It is also imperative that any fund- Furthermore, courses taught in French are offered ties and colleges that currently exist. While the ing dedicated to the new French at a lesser rate than English courses, forcing announcement of a French Language University francophone students to choose between taking is a long-awaited victory within the Francophone Language University be new gov- mandatory courses in English or extending their community, students continue to advocate for the ernment funding, rather than adding degrees by an extra semester or even an extra government to increase the number of available yet another school to fight for scraps year in order to complete all of their schooling in French language institutions across Ontario. their language. from the same pot of money as Ontario’s other 46 publicly-assisted colleges and universities. Students are adamant that funding for the new French Language University should Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario | 9
not impact available funds for current francophone and bilingual institu- tions, so as not to impact the number of options for Francophone and bilin- gual students to choose from when considering where to study in French in Ontario. 3. Students are also demanding the creation of a French Education Fund, which would have new funding specifically earmarked for franco- phone and bilingual education in order to increase the number of French-speaking faculty and ad- ministration and improve course textbooks and resources, especially in courses where resources are only offered in English. Approximate cost: 50 million dollars.
Mental Health Services reported experiencing overwhelming anxiety Background in the previous year. With more than half of the students across the province trying to cope with In recent years, there has been an increase in their mental health, wait-times to access support awareness around mental health on campuses, services continue to increase. In addition to lon- in government as well as throughout mainstream ger wait-times, students are also limited in terms media. As society has become more accepting of of when and how often they are allowed to access mental health and its intricacies, there has been resources during their academic term. an uptake in the number of students seeking the support of mental health services. Despite efforts made by institutions to provide resources to Mental health resources are not only underfunded students that meet their distinct needs, many of and under-staffed, but tend to be non-reflective the support services that are offered have proven of students’ needs and identities. When address- RIP to be unreliable. ing a students’ mental health, it is important that all front-line workers are equipped with the skills Quite often the stress of balancing academia, and knowledge needed to help students’ mental work, family life and the rising cost of post-sec- well-being and direct them to the appropriate ondary education serves as a catalyst to the available services and resources. decline of a person’s mental wellbeing. A survey of 25,000 college and university students con- All front-line workers, regardless of the depart- ducted by the Ontario University and College ment they work in, should be trained to know Health Association (OUCHA) reported a thirteen how to identify a student in need and direct them per cent increase in the number of students expe- to the appropriate services. By providing greater riencing anxiety and a sixteen per cent increase in funding for mental health services, more diverse the number of students experiencing depression and accessible services can be created, as front- between 2013 and 2016. line workers are given the tools needed to better support students. On May 3, 2017, the Ministry of Advanced Educa- tion and Skills (MAESD) announced an additional Funding to support these services must not come investment of $6 million per year for three years from students or at the expense of any existing to fund initiatives such as mental health hubs, public services. To develop these programs, peer-support programs and counseling. Though institutions and government should seek to this funding is a step in the right direction, collaborate with organizations such as the Mental given the prevalence of mental health concerns Health Commission of Canada, and work with amongst students, the amount of funding does stakeholders to develop polices and program- not go far enough. In 2016, the survey conducted ming that improve and expand existing services. by OUCHA also revealed that 65% of students Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario | 11
Recommendations: • Phase 1: Front-line staff (faculty 2. Introduce more funding for colleges and administrative staff that deal and universities to support the main- 1. Work with the Mental Health with students regularly, coun- tenance, expansion and creation Commission of Canada to create selors and support service staff, of diverse forms of mental health and distribute a standardized residence staff and volunteers) services on campus. When creating and mandatory Mental Health new forms of services, institutions First Aid workshop for all front- • Phase 2: Educators (professors, must be encouraged to work with line workers at colleges and contract faculty, teaching assis- both students and the religious and universities every two years. tants, research assistants) cultural communities that students The training could be delivered are members of to ensure these in phases to various types of Cost: 40 million dollars. services are reflective of their needs. campus workers and decision makers, as suggested: Cost: 150 million dollars over four years. 12 | Fairness for Students: Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario Budget
Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario | 13
Sources 1. Schleicher, Andreas. “Education at a Glance 2011.” Country Note - Canada, OECD, 13 Sept. 2011, www.oecd.org/canada/48687311.pdf. 2. "Return on Investment in Tertiary Education.” Canada benchmarked against 15 countries, The Conference Board of Canada, Mar. 2013, www.conference- board.ca/(X(1)S(shpyrdiufs2ltghgokfgjyjk))/hcp/Details/education/tertiary.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1.http://www.fao-on.org/en/Blog/Publica- tions/Post_Secondary 3. “The Funding of Postsecondary Education in Ontario.” FAO Commentary, Financial Accountability Office of Ontario, 8 Sept. 2016, www.fao-on.org/en/ Blog/Publications/Post_Secondary. 4. “Preserving the quality of university education in Ontario.” OCUFA’s 2017 pre-Budget submission, The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associa- tions, Jan. 2017, ocufa.on.ca/assets/2017-OCUFA-Pre-Budget-Submission.pdf. 5. Chan, Vivian. Efficacy and Impact of Key Performance Indicators as Perceived by Key Informants in Ontario Universities. Canadian Journal of Higher Educa- tion, 2015, journals.sfu.ca/cjhe/index.php/cjhe/article/view/184917/pdf_51. 6. “Preserving the quality of university education in Ontario.” OCUFA’s 2017 pre-Budget submission, The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associa- tions, Jan. 2017, ocufa.on.ca/assets/2017-OCUFA-Pre-Budget-Submission.pdf.http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/most-university-undergrads-now-taught-by- poorly-paid-part-timers-1.2756024 7. Ontario's Public Colleges at 50 : A Better Plan. Ontario Public Service Employees Union , d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/weownit/pages/327/attach- ments/original/1498597814/Students_and_Faculty_First.pdf?1498597814.https://www5.tfo.org/onfr/statistique-canada-compte-549-185-franco-ontariens/ 8. MacKay, Kevin. Report on Education in Ontario Colleges. Ontario Public Service Employees Union , Apr. 2014, ocufa.on.ca/assets/2014-04_CAAT-A-Re- port_Education_FULL.pdf. 9. “Preserving the quality of university education in Ontario.” OCUFA’s 2017 pre-Budget submission, The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associa- tions, Jan. 2017, ocufa.on.ca/assets/2017-OCUFA-Pre-Budget-Submission.pdf. 10. Basen, Ira. “Dirty little secret: Poorly paid part-Timers now teach most undergrads.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 8 Sept. 2014, www.cbc.ca/news/cana- da/most-university-undergrads-now-taught-by-poorly-paid-part-timers-1.2756024. 11. If grad students received the minimum amount of OGS funding ($10,000 for 2 or 3 consecutive terms of study); this would only affect 15% of grad students in the province. 14 | Fairness for Students: Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario Budget
12. Pierroz, Sébastien. “Statistique Canada compte 549 185 Franco-Ontariens.” #ONFR, Télévision française de l'Ontario (TFO), 2 Aug. 2017, www5.tfo.org/ onfr/statistique-canada-compte-549-185-franco-ontariens/."Return on Investment in Tertiary Education.” Canada benchmarked against 15 countries, The Conference Board of Canada, Mar. 2013, www.conferenceboard.ca/(X(1)S(shpyrdiufs2ltghgokfgjyjk))/hcp/Details/education/tertiary.aspx?AspxAutoDetect- CookieSupport=1.http://www.fao-on.org/en/Blog/Publications/Post_Secondary 13. “French-Language colleges and universities.” Https://Www.ontario.ca/Page/French-Language-Colleges-and-Universities, Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Oct. 26AD, 2017, www.ontario.ca/page/french-language-colleges-and-universities.“Preserving the quality of university education in Ontario.” OCUFA’s 2017 pre-Budget submission, The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, Jan. 2017, ocufa.on.ca/assets/2017-OCUFA-Pre-Budget-Submission. pdf. Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario | 15
Équité pour les étudiantes et étudiants Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants-Ontario
350 000 étudiantes et étudiantes unis, au premier cycle universitaire, au cycles supérieurs et dans les collèges. La Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants et étudiants- Ontario, avec ses plus de 350 000 membres représentés par 38 syndicats étudiants dans toutes les régions de la province, est la voix des étudiantes et des étudiants du niveau postsecondaire en Ontario. La Fédération représente des étudiantes et étudiants à temps plein et à temps partiel au niveau collégial et à tous les niveaux universitaires. Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants-Ontario 225 rue Richmond Ouest, Suite 302, Toronto ON M5V 1W2 Tél. : 416 925-3825 | Téléc. : 416.925.6774 fceeontario.ca | federation@cfsontario.ca 18 | Fairness for Students: Student recommendations for the 2018 Ontario Budget This document is also available in English.
Contenu Introduction............................................................................ 2 Résumé des recommandations.............................................. 3 Les frais de scolarité............................................................... 4 Repenser la qualité de l'éducation......................................... 6 Les frais de scolarité postprogramme.................................... 8 Les établissements d’enseignement en langue française.... 10 Services de santé mentale.................................................... 12 Sources................................................................................. 14
Introduction secondaire sera un enjeu électoral qui pourrait L'Ontario est à un tournant. Partout dans la La baisse continue des niveaux de financement polariser les partis dans leur appui aux jeunes et à province, les gens commencent à comprendre des établissements menace d’affaiblir la qualité la classe ouvrière. l'importance vitale d'assurer l’accès universel à de l'éducation dans notre province. Pour pallier le l'éducation postsecondaire. manque de fonds publics, les établissements sont Les étudiantes et étudiants se mobilisent autour encouragés à augmenter les frais de scolarité au de l'appel à un financement public accru pour Dans une économie où plus de 75 pour cent des moyen d'une formule de financement désuète, l'amélioration des services publics. Tous les partis nouveaux emplois exigent des études collégiales transférant ainsi les coûts aux étudiantes, aux politiques ont l’occasion, durant ces élections, ou universitaires, les Ontariennes et Ontariens étudiants et à leur famille, même si l'effectif d'être le parti qui s'engage à faire en sorte que reconnaissent qu'il n'est plus acceptable que nos moyen des classes augmente, et que les mem- le gouvernement et les services publics soient établissements soient inaccessibles à quiconque bres du corps professoral à plein temps sont efficaces pour les jeunes de l'Ontario. En gardant veut faire des études. remplacés par des chargées et chargés de cours en tête cette fière vision de notre province, les à temps partiel dans des postes précaires et mal étudiantes et étudiants présentent les recomman- Avec l'introduction de la Subvention ontarienne rémunérés. dations suivantes aux décisionnaires de Queen’s d’études (SOE), le gouvernement a franchi une Park. étape décisive en vue d’éliminer les obstacles L’Ontario est particulièrement bien placé sur la financiers qui limitent l'accès de nos commu- scène internationale pour profiter des vastes nautés les plus marginalisées. Dans ce qui a changements politiques et économiques qui été décrit comme « la plus importante réforme font de cette province l'un des endroits les plus du régime d'aide financière aux étudiantes et recherchés où vivre dans le monde. Nous devons étudiants que l'Ontario ait connue », nous avons maintenant continuer de faire des investissements constaté que les représentantes et représentants audacieux et stratégiques dans nos collèges et élus ont déployé des efforts remarquables pour universités pour façonner un système d'éducation ouvrir la voie aux étudiantes et étudiants de tous de haute qualité qui appuie les étudiantes et les milieux socioéconomiques. étudiants et dépasse les attentes pour l'avenir. Parallèlement, nous ne pouvons perdre de vue Bien que la Fédération canadienne des étudiantes l’importance d’investir dans d’autres services et étudiants se réjouisse de la création de la SOE, publics tels que les transports en commun, les le gouvernement ne doit pas perdre de vue la services de garde d’enfants et les soins de santé, situation d'ensemble. Pour la huitième année qui, ensemble, créent les conditions propices à la consécutive, l'Ontario s'est classé au dernier rang réussite des étudiantes et étudiants. parmi toutes les provinces canadiennes pour le financement par étudiante ou étudiant, et ce Cette année, le gouvernement aura l'occasion de financement continue de diminuer. présenter une plateforme d'idées qui touchent la population. Le financement de l'éducation post- 2 | Équité pour les étudiantes et étudiants : recommandations étudiantes pour le budget 2018 de l'Ontario
Résumé des recommandations Les frais de scolarité Repenser la qualité de l'éducation Coût : augmentation de jusqu’à quatre milliards de dollars par Coût : 400 millions de dollars pour soutenir le renouvellement année. des professeures et professeurs à plein temps dans les collèges et universités partout en Ontario. • Augmenter le financement par étudiante ou étudiant à la moyenne nationale. • S’assurer que les étudiantes et étudiants ont accès à une éducation postsecondaire de grande qualité en augmen- tant le nombre d’emplois permanents à plein temps et • Les établissements d’enseigne- ment en langue française Coût: 50 millions de dollars. • Fournir de nouveaux fonds pour le financement de la nouvelle université de langue française pour ne pas enlever du financement dont bénéficient les institutions bilingues et francophones actuelles de la province. • Créer un fonds consacré à l’éducation en français doté • d’un nouveau financement spécifiquement réservé à l'éd- ucation francophone et bilingue afin d’accroître le nom- bre de professeures et d'administrateurs francophones et améliorer les manuels scolaires et les ressources, notam- ment pour les cours en anglais.
Les frais de scolarité les obstacles financiers pour toute la population cent à la moyenne des autres provinces du Cana- Investir dans l’avenir de l’Ontario étudiante. da, qui était de 12 346 $ pour la même année. De fait, entre 2000 et 2015, alors que les subventions L'année 2017 a été passionnante pour les collèg- Tous les Ontariens et Ontariennes bénéficient de fonctionnement aux établissements augmen- es et universités de l'Ontario avec l'introduction des investissements dans l’éducation publique. taient de 43 pour cent dans le reste du Canada, la de la Subvention ontarienne d’études (SOE) dans Les recherches démontrent constamment que les subvention de fonctionnement par étudiante ou le cadre des changements apportés au Régime personnes qui obtiennent un diplôme collégial étudiant en Ontario n'augmentait que de 17 pour d'aide financière aux étudiantes et étudiants ou universitaire en bénéficient sur le marché du cent.4 de l'Ontario (RAFEO). La SOE, offerte pour la travail, sont mieux rémunérées, risquent moins première fois en septembre 2017, a été créée par d’être au chômage, et produisent un revenu Pendant des années, les gouvernements provinci- la réorientation vers une seule bourse initiale de la de placement net d’une perspective publique.1 aux successifs ont cherché à compenser le faible totalité des fonds de l'ensemble des subventions Au Canada, le rendement global ou « valeur niveau de financement par étudiante ou étudiant du RAFEO précédentes. actualisée nette », tant privé que public, pour en augmentant les frais de scolarité. Cette un adulte ayant fait des études postsecondaires tendance qui dure depuis dix ans a entraîné le Bien que le gouvernement n’ait investi aucuns est de 189 200 $. L’investissement dans une transfert des coûts de fonctionnement des étab- nouveaux fonds pour créer la SOE, cette initiative main-d'œuvre instruite est avantageux non lissements aux étudiantes et étudiants, et à leur a simplifié l’accès à l’aide financière pour les seulement pour l'économie actuelle, mais aussi famille, ce qui a créé des niveaux records d'en- étudiantes et étudiants et a élargi les conditions pour les générations futures, puisqu’il contribue à dettement étudiant. Le cadre actuel des frais de d’admissibilité au soutien. Depuis, 210 000 une main-d'œuvre plus novatrice, concurrentielle scolarité expirera en 2019. D'ici là, il est probable étudiantes et étudiants en ont bénéficié, soit près et productive.2 que les établissements continueront d'augmenter du tiers de la population étudiante de niveau le coût des frais de scolarité du montant maximal postsecondaire. Une approche équilibrée : finance- annuel permis – soit trois pour cent pour les programmes de premier cycle et cinq pour cent Cependant, malgré ses avantages, la SOE n’est ment par étudiante ou étudiant pour les programmes cycles supérieurs et pour pas suffisante. La plupart des étudiantes et étudi- Depuis 2008-2009, l’Ontario se classe au dernier les programmes d’études professionnelles – afin ants en Ontario paient toujours de leur poche le rang de toutes les provinces en matière de d’équilibrer leur budget. coût de leur inscription. Les étudiantes et étudi- financement par étudiante ou étudiant. Par ants issus de familles dont le revenu excède 50 conséquent, ce sous-financement historique a Bien que des programmes d'aide financière 000 $, les étudiantes et étudiants à temps partiel, donné lieu à des « établissements publics » qui comme la SOE contribuent à assurer l'accès les étudiantes et étudiants internationaux, ainsi ne sont plus financés par l’État, mais aidés par aux études postsecondaires des étudiantes et que les étudiantes et étudiants des programmes le public, alors que la majeure partie de leurs étudiants qui en ont le plus besoin, ces mesures d’études professionnelles continuent tous de revenus provient des frais de scolarité et de sourc- n'offrent pas de solution durable pour que payer des frais de scolarité. Pour que le système es privées.3 En 2014-2015, le financement par l'éducation demeure abordable. Les établisse- d’éducation postsecondaire soit réellement étudiante ou étudiant en Ontario s’élevait à 8 037 ments ont réellement besoin d'une augmentation accessible, nous devons nous efforcer d’éliminer $. C’est-à-dire une infériorité marquée de 35 pour du financement par étudiante ou étudiant à des 4 | Équité pour les étudiantes et étudiants : recommandations étudiantes pour le budget 2018 de l'Ontario
niveaux comparables à ceux du reste du pays, de sorte que les collèges et les universités de l'Ontario reçoivent suffisamment de fonds publics pour fournir des services de haute qualité, sans devoir augmenter les frais de scolarité pour combler le manque à gagner. Relever la barre Alors que les collèges et les universités luttent pour faire plus avec moins, l'Ontario se laisse distancer par les autres provinces en n'investissant pas dans l'avenir de nos établissements. C'est pourquoi les étudiantes et étudiants réclament une augmentation des niveaux de financement par étudiante ou étudiant comparable à la moyenne nationale. Ces nouveaux fonds peuvent servir à éliminer tous les frais de scolarité et à soutenir les établissements en fournissant un financement stable à long terme. Recommendation : augmenter le financement par étudiante ou étudiant à la moyenne nationale. Coût : augmentation de jusqu’à quatre milliards de dollars par année. Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario | 23
Repenser la qualité de l'éducation provincial, et les sondages sur la satisfaction des Un service essentiel étudiantes et étudiants ont été insuffisants au fil Taux d"encadrement des ans. L'analyse des programmes qui mesurent Les collèges et universités de l'Ontario assurent Les professeures et professeurs jouent un rôle les IRC démontre que l'incidence sur le compor- un service essentiel dans notre province, en essentiel dans l'éducation postsecondaire. Étant tement des collèges et des universités est minime créant des espaces d'apprentissage et d'innova- donné qu'en 2015, les taux d’encadrement au au mieux et que de nombreux résultats sont tion et en offrant des voies de perfectionnement niveau collégial étaient de 30 étudiantes et de plus en plus stratifiés.5 Toutes les mesures personnel. Ces établissements soutiennent la étudiants pour deux professeures ou professeurs susmentionnées ne parviennent pas à brosser recherche de pointe, qui alimente notre écon- à plein temps et au niveau universitaire, de 31 un tableau juste de la qualité de l’éducation que omie, et encouragent le débat critique sur les étudiantes et étudiants par membre du corps reçoivent les étudiantes et étudiants. idées qui renforcent notre démocratie. En tant professoral, ces taux d’encadrement médiocres qu'importants employeurs dans nos collectivités, Une façon plus réfléchie d’évaluer la qualité ont donné lieu à une diminution des possibilités les collèges et les universités sont aussi des de l’éducation est de se pencher sur les taux d'interaction et de réseautage, des formes de pôles économiques qui rapprochent les gens et d’encadrement et sur les taux d’embauche des mentorat et des collaborations de recherche entre créent des emplois. De nos jours, la majorité des professeures et professeurs contractuels en com- la population étudiante et le corps professoral. nouveaux emplois affichés requièrent une forme paraison de ceux des professeures et professeurs d’éducation postsecondaire. Maintenant plus que à plein temps. Embauche de professeures et professeurs à jamais, nous devons aider tous les étudiants et plein temps et contractuels étudiantes à accéder à l'enseignement supérieur En Ontario, l'embauche de professeures et pour assurer la réussite de notre province dans professeurs à plein temps n'a pas tenu le rythme À mesure que le nombre d'étudiantes et une économie mondiale de plus en plus concur- de l'augmentation du nombre d'étudiantes et d’étudiants augmente, on constate une ten- rentielle. d’étudiants inscrits dans nos établissements. Par dance inquiétante vers un recours excessif aux exemple, au cours de la dernière décennie, le professeures et professeurs contractuels. Les Définir la qualité de l"éducation nombre d'étudiantes et d’étudiants inscrits à plein professeures et professeurs contractuels, tant au temps dans les universités a augmenté de 22 niveau collégial qu’universitaire, sont embauchés En réponse aux pressions des étudiantes, des pour cent, alors qu'au cours de la même période, dans le cadre de contrats à court terme ou par étudiants, des parents, des communautés, des le nombre de professeures et de professeurs à cours, sans savoir si leur contrat sera renouvelé employeurs et du gouvernement, les établisse- plein temps dans les universités n'a augmenté pour le trimestre suivant. Au niveau collégial, on ments d’enseignement postsecondaire œuvrent que de quatre pour cent.6 Au niveau collégial, les estime que le rapport entre les professeures et constamment à mesurer la qualité de l’éducation inscriptions ont presque doublé depuis le début professeurs à plein temps et ceux à temps partiel et à s’efforcer de l’améliorer. Les changements des années 1990. Pendant cette période, le corps est approximativement d’un pour trois.8 Au visant à améliorer la qualité, comme une plus professoral à plein temps a diminué, ce qui laisse niveau universitaire, il y a un manque de recherch- grande souplesse pour les apprenantes et ap- environ 1 000 professeures et professeurs de es exhaustives sur les professeures et professeurs prenants, des régimes d'assurance de la qualité moins à plein temps pour enseigner à 100 000 à plein temps et contractuels embauchés par les comme le programme des indicateurs de rende- étudiantes et étudiants de plus.7 universités canadiennes. ment clés (IRC), sous la tutelle du gouvernement 6 | Équité pour les étudiantes et étudiants : recommandations étudiantes pour le budget 2018 de l'Ontario
collèges, avec peu de responsabilisation ou d'ap- L’Union des associations des professeurs d’uni- pui de la part du gouvernement ou des adminis- versité de l’Ontario estime que le nombre de trations des établissements. Les professeures et cours donnés par des professeures et professeurs professeurs contractuels et à temps partiel occu- contractuels au niveau universitaire a doublé.9 pent souvent de multiples postes d’enseignement Et, selon un rapport de la Société Radio-Canada, dans d’autres établissements, ce qui rend difficile il est également estimé que plus de la moitié le soutien aux étudiantes et étudiants après les des étudiantes et étudiants des premiers cycles heures de cours. Lorsque vous avez un système au Canada est instruite par des professeures et où trois des quatre professeures ou professeurs professeurs contractuels.10 Le recours accru aux contractuels travaillent pendant quatre mois à la professeures et professeurs contractuels s'est fois, le programme d’études est compromis parce ancré dans nos établissements et constitue un que les professeures et professeurs ne peuvent obstacle important à la performance du corps planifier les mois suivants en raison du manque professoral et à la sécurité d'emploi. de sécurité d’emploi. Déclin dans la qualité de l’éducation La récente loi sur le retour au travail, qui a mis fin à la grève collégiale, a sapé les efforts des L'augmentation du nombre d'étudiantes et professeures et professeurs pour améliorer leurs d’étudiants en comparaison du nombre de conditions de travail. Cette action régressive du professeures et professeurs et l'embauche de gouvernement constitue un obstacle pour les personnel contractuel ont entraîné un change- intervenantes et intervenants du secteur qui œu- ment très inquiétant dans le milieu universitaire. vrent à améliorer les conditions d'apprentissage Au cours des six derniers mois, nous avons assisté des étudiantes et étudiants. à une grève majeure dans les collèges de l'On- tario et à des piquets de grève sur le campus de En novembre 2017, 91 pour cent des travaille- l'Université de Toronto qui ont attiré l'attention uses et travailleurs universitaires contractuels de sur la nouvelle norme de travail précaire en milieu l’Université de Toronto ont confié à leur syndicat universitaire. un mandat de grève. Ces travailleuses et tra- vailleurs se déplacent d’un campus à un autre, En octobre 2017, plus de 12 000 membres du à l’échelle de la RGT, gagnent beaucoup moins corps professoral des collèges de l'Ontario ont que leurs homologues permanents et ont peu de fait la grève, ce qui a eu des répercussions pour sécurité d’emploi. Tout comme dans le cas de la environ 330 000 étudiantes et étudiants. Le grève collégiale, ces travailleuses et travailleurs sous-financement chronique a créé de multiples ont souligné la nécessité de trouver un emploi obstacles pour la population étudiante et pour permanent. le corps professoral dans les salles de cours des Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario | 25
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