Page created by Allen Armstrong

• Our global community                   2
• Closer to home                         3
• Learn with Monash, wherever you are    4
• Get ahead                              5
• Scholarships to unlock your talent     6
• Live in Malaysia                       8
• A vibrant student life                10
• See the world                         11
• We’ll support you                     12
• Be at home                            13

• Prepare for uni                       14
• Improve your English                  16
• Our courses                           17

• Entry requirements                    42
• How to apply                          46
• A summarised guide                    48
                  It’s hard to imagine a time when the need
                  to make positive change has been greater
                  than now.

STARTS            At Monash, we see challenges as opportunities to
                  make things better. We know we have to play

                  our part in solving the problems facing the world.
                  That’s why all Monash students, lecturers, researchers,
                  professional staff, alumni and supporters contribute
                  to making real change.
                  You, too, have the opportunity to step up and make
                  a difference.
                  Whether you want to change your life, your career, your
                  community or the world, your journey starts at Monash.

                  IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT, CHANGE IT.
                  Are you ready?


                                                      UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022   1
    With a presence on three continents, partnerships                                     MALAYSIA            Parkville
    and study abroad programs around the world,                                           Kuala Lumpur        Peninsula
    Monash is truly international. Our global reach
    gives you access to more research collaborations,
    more global partnerships, and a greater choice
    of overseas opportunities.

                                                                  Prato            INDIA
                                                                                               Jakarta            CHINA


                                    31                   #
                                                         US NEWS AND
                                                                      QS GRADUATE
                                                                                      TIMES HIGHER
                                                                                                     QS WORLD
    UNIVERSITIES               IN THE WORLD              UNIVERSITIES (2022)          UNIVERSITY     (2022)          UNIVERSITIES
    (2019)                     (Times Higher Education   RANKINGS                     RANKINGS                       (2021)
                                                         (2022)                       (2022)

CLOSER                                                                                      Access the same resources
                                                                                            and global connections as
                                                                                            your peers in Australia.

TO HOME                                                                                     Graduate with a prestigious Monash
                                                                                            University degree recognised by
                                                                                            the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
                                                                                            and quality assured by Monash University
As a student at Monash University                                                           Australia and the Australian Tertiary
                                                                                            Education Quality and Standards Agency.
Malaysia, you’ll experience the best
of both worlds with outstanding                                                             Enjoy significantly lower
education in a supported, flexible                                                          tuition and living expenses than
                                                                                            you would studying and living in
and culturally-rich environment.                                                            Australia, the US or UK.

                                                                                            Immerse yourself in a
      CLICK TO TAKE A VIRTUAL                                                               multicultural student population
      TOUR OF OUR CAMPUS.                                                                   in a dynamic, cosmopolitan and
                                                                                            moderate Muslim environment.

                                                                                            Be in proximity to countries in
                                                                                            the Indian subcontinent
                                                                                            and Asian regions.

A DYNAMIC UNIVERSITY                                     OUR STUDENTS AND STAFF

140+                                                     9400+                    830+                         16%
PARTNER UNIVERSITIES                                     STUDENTS FROM            STAFF FROM                   OF OUR ACADEMIC STAFF
ACROSS THE GLOBE                                         78 COUNTRIES             35 COUNTRIES                 ARE EXPATRIATE

                                                         21:1                     84%                          23,000+
                                                         STUDENT TO ACADEMIC      OF OUR ACADEMIC STAFF        MONASH MALAYSIA
                                                         STAFF RATIO              HOLD A DOCTORAL DEGREE       GRADUATES
PRIVATE UNIVERSITY               by the Ministry of
                             Higher Education Malaysia

Statistics as of 31 December 2021
                                                                                                                UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022   3
    At Monash we offer a mix of both
    in-person and online learning.
    Online learning at Monash can look different depending on what
    course and units are studied. For example, in some units, you’ll
    be listening to livestreams of lectures, and attending virtual
    tutorials via Zoom; in others you’ll be watching practicals
    recorded by our lecturers and teachers.
    We want you to get the most out of your education experience.
    To achieve this, we use a variety of tools and platforms to support
    and enable online learning.

    Moodle is an essential go-to point for:
    • Course content
    • Reading lists
    • Assessment and study requirements
                                                                          We use a range of easy-to-use educational tools and technologies
    • Assignment uploads
                                                                          to provide a rich and engaging learning experience. Here’s a glimpse
    • Discussion forums                                                   of what your Monash experience will look like.
    • Contact information for tutors and lecturers.

    Echo360 and Panopto                                                     CLICK TO WATCH.
    You may use Echo360 to watch lecture recordings or Panopto
    to upload video assignments.

    Zoom is a technology used to facilitate meetings and online
    classes. These platforms and tools are the main systems in
    use by Monash to support day-to-day online learning, and are
    easy to use with plenty of support available to ensure you have
    access at all times.

       What if I can’t come to campus?
       We also offer online learning if you’re unable to attend
       on-campus due to current travel restrictions. While
       travel restrictions are in place you can commence and
       continue your studies fully supported by our education
       technologies and academic staff. Once you’re able to
       travel, you can transition to on-campus programs.

GET AHEAD                                                           Gain hands-on experience
                                                                    through clinical placements,
                                                                    fieldwork, study tours,
                                                                    placements, or internships
                                                                    that are built into your studies.
From day one, a Monash education sets you on
the path to future career success. Our programs
and platforms offer work-integrated learning                        Get professional support
experiences and engagement with industry.                           from our career experts.
You’ll develop an enterprising mindset, hone                        monash.edu.my/career-services
your employability skills, and gain a competitive
edge in the graduate employment market.
                                                                    Attend internship fairs,
                                                                    employer networking sessions,
SOME OF OUR NOTABLE ALUMNI                                          career seminars and workshops.
               Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr Khalid Abdul Kadir
               spearheaded landmark studies in diabetes and
               endocrinology, paving the way for new treatments
                                                                    Show employers that you
               and national strategies to combat the disease.
               He was the recipient of the Merdeka Award in         have what they’re looking
               2008, National Science Award Malaysia in 1997        for with our award-winning
               and the Tun Abdul Razak Research Award in 1986.      Student Futures platform.
               Tricia Yeoh is the CEO of IDEAS, an independent
               public policy think tank. She formerly served as     Develop your employability
               Research Officer to the Chief Minister of Selangor
               and as the Director of the ASLI Centre for Public    and leadership skills
               Policy Studies. She was conferred the Meritorious    with Leap into Leadership
               Service Medal by the Sultan of Selangor in 2011.     Online modules.

               Joel Neoh is the founder of Groupon Malaysia
               and Fave. He was recognised with the Malaysian       Access local and
               Service Medal by the Prime Minister in 2013 and      international work
               named one of Asia’s Top 10 entrepreneurs and         opportunities through
               Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.     Monash job portals.

               Safaath Ahmed Zahir is a leading women’s
               rights activist in Maldives. She is the founder of   Receive career advice
               Women and Democracy and co-founder of                and insights from
               Women on Boards. She was named one of
               Forbes’ 30 Under 30 in Asia and recognised by        experienced alumni.
               the United Nations for her work. She received
               the Queen’s Young Leaders Award in 2016.

                                                                    Stay connected after you
               Kimberly Wan is a figure skater and national
               ice hockey player. She is the Malaysia Book of       graduate with lifelong access
               Records holder for the ‘Youngest female to           to our alumni programs and
               achieve the highest skating level’ and the first     career-related events.
               Malaysian linesman to officiate the IIHF Women’s
               Challenge Cup of Asia tournament. She is also
               the co-founder and CEO of Otomate Me.

                                                                               UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022   5
    At Monash, we believe in unlocking your potential
    to make a difference in the world.
                                                                                                                                             IN SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE
                                                                                                                                             AWARDED OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS
    * All scholarships listed here apply only for study at Monash University Malaysia, unless stated otherwise.

                                                    Availability                                    Eligibility                                                          Benefits

    MONASH HIGH                                     All undergraduate courses                       Completed an Australian Year 12 qualification or                     RM5000 per semester, subject
    ACHIEVER AWARD                                  except the Bachelor of                          an international senior secondary qualification                      to maintaining satisfactory
                                                    Medical Science and Doctor                      accepted by the University with an outstanding                       academic progress.
    For new students
                                                    of Medicine, and Bachelor of                    Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) or
                                                    Pharmacy (Honours).                             equivalent, as deemed by the University.
                                                    Awarded automatically to
                                                                                                    Met the minimum academic results of:
                                                    eligible students at the time
                                                                                                    • AUSMAT ≥ ATAR 98
                                                    of admission.
                                                                                                    • GCE Advanced Level ≥ 3 As
                                                                                                    • CIMP ≥ 95%
                                                                                                    • MUFY ≥ 89%
                                                                                                    • IB ≥ 38
                                                                                                    • SMA-3 Indonesia ≥ 9.5/GPA 3.66
                                                                                                    • AISSC India ≥ 90%
                                                                                                    • ISC ≥ 85%
                                                                                                    • UEC ≥ 6 As
                                                                                                    • STPM ≥ 11 points
                                                                                                    • Senior SSC/State Board ≥ 95%
                                                                                                    • Monash College Diploma Part 2* ≥ WAM 80.
                                                                                                    Applicants who’ve already commenced tertiary
                                                                                                    studies or are transferring with credit exemptions
                                                                                                    and/or advanced standing aren’t eligible to apply.
                                                                                                    * From Jakarta International College and University College Lanka.

    MONASH HIGH                                     All undergraduate courses                       Candidates are nominated by their schools based                      RM5000 per semester, subject
    ACHIEVER AWARD                                  except the Bachelor of                          on their outstanding academic achievements                           to maintaining satisfactory
                                                    Medical Science and Doctor                      (top 1% of the current undergraduate population                      academic progress.
    For continuing students
                                                    of Medicine, and Bachelor of                    of the school). Nominees must have completed
                                                    Pharmacy (Honours).                             one year of study (equivalent to two continuous
                                                                                                    semesters with a minimum of 48 credit points)
                                                                                                    at Monash University Malaysia without failing
                                                                                                    any units and having achieved an average score
                                                                                                    of 80% or more.

    MONASH EQUITY                                   All undergraduate courses                       Met the minimum admission requirements                               100% tuition fee and associated
    SCHOLARSHIP                                     except the Bachelor of                          for the course. Available only for Malaysian                         fees waiver, a one-off laptop
                                                    Medical Science and Doctor                      citizens and permanent residents.                                    allowance of RM2000, plus
                                                    of Medicine, and Bachelor of                                                                                         a stipend of either:
                                                    Pharmacy (Honours).                                                                                                  • RM700/month and single
                                                    Supports financially                                                                                                    accommodation at Sunway
                                                    deserving students.                                                                                                     Monash Residence, or
                                                                                                                                                                         • RM1300/month if no
                                                                                                                                                                            accommodation is required at
                                                                                                                                                                            Sunway Monash Residence.
                                                                                                                                                                         50-100% tuition fee waiver and
                                                                                                                                                                         a one-off laptop allowance of

Availability                         Eligibility                                            Benefits

MONASH                            Bachelor of Pharmacy                 Met the minimum admission                              100% tuition fee and associated fees waiver,
PHARMACY                          (Honours) only.                      requirements for the course.                           a one-off laptop allowance of RM2000, plus
                                                                       Available only for Malaysian citizens                  a stipend of either:
EQUITY                            Supports financially
                                                                       and permanent residents.                               • RM700/month and single accommodation
SCHOLARSHIP                       deserving students.
                                                                                                                                 at Sunway Monash Residence, or
                                                                                                                              • RM1300/month if no accommodation is
                                                                                                                                 required at Sunway Monash Residence.
                                                                                                                              50-100% tuition fee waiver and a one-off
                                                                                                                              laptop allowance of RM2000.

MONASH                            Bachelor of Pharmacy                 Met the minimum admission requirements                 Either a 50% or 25% tuition fee waiver for
PHARMACY                          (Honours) only.                      for the course. Participation in                       the duration of the course (four years).
                                                                       a non-academic pursuit, extracurricular
                                                                       activities, and community engagement
                                                                       initiatives are an added advantage.

MONASH                            All undergraduate courses            • Malaysian national athletes with                     RM5000 per semester, subject to maintaining
SPORTS                            except honours degrees.                a verification letter from the National              satisfactory academic progress and sporting
                                                                         Sports Council of Malaysia.                          performance, as determined by the University.
                                                                       • Met the minimum admission
                                                                         requirements for the course.

MONASH                            Bachelor of Medical Science          Must have received a full unconditional                RM10,000 tuition fee waiver per year. A total
MEDICINE                          and Doctor of Medicine.              offer for enrolment and met the                        of RM50,000 for five years of study.
                                                                       selection criteria.
BURSARY                           Limited to 20 recipients
                                  per intake.

MONASH                            All undergraduate courses            Indonesian students who have completed                 RM2500 tuition fee waiver per semester.
BURSARIES                         except the Bachelor of               the Sekolah Menengah Atas 3 qualification              A total of RM5000 for the first year of study.
                                  Medical Science and Doctor           with a minimum score of 9.0 or GPA 3.5
                                  of Medicine, and Bachelor of         to 3.65 (only your actual examination
                                  Pharmacy (Honours).                  results will be considered).

SIBLING                           All undergraduate courses            • All siblings must be enrolled concurrently in at least a standard (full) study load of
DISCOUNTS                         except honours degrees.                 24 credit points (typically four units) in the semester in a full-fee-paying undergraduate
Siblings are defined as two                                               course.
or more children who have                                              • The sibling paying the higher tuition fee will be eligible for a 10% semester tuition fee
both parents in common.                                                   waiver. A sibling enrolled in the Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine or
Not available to step-siblings,
half-siblings, cousins, spouses
                                                                          Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) course will be eligible for a maximum waiver of RM5000
or other family members.                                                  per annum (RM2500 per semester).
                                                                       • If one sibling is a recipient of the Monash High Achiever Award for new/continuing
                                                                          students in the same semester, his/her sibling(s) are eligible for a 10% semester tuition
                                                                          fee waiver, provided all other criteria of the scheme are met.
                                                                       • Students who obtain other external scholarships or financial assistance (except PTPTN
                                                                          Loan) at any point of their studies won’t be eligible for the scheme. The sibling without
                                                                          any other scholarships or financial assistance (except PTPTN Loan) is eligible to apply
                                                                          for the sibling discount.
                                                                       • If a student discontinues or intermits from the course, the scheme will no longer
                                                                          be applicable.

GRADUATE                          All honours degree courses.          Distinction average in prior study from                100% or partial tuition fee waiver.
RESEARCH                                                               a recognised university, and met all other
                                                                       entry requirements. Selection is based on
                                                                       academic achievement for each discipline.

The availability of scholarships and financial assistance are subject to terms and conditions, which may be reviewed by the University from time to time. All scholarships are mutually
exclusive and can’t be combined. Students with other external scholarships or financial assistance (except PTPTN Loan) will not be eligible. Please visit monash.edu.my/scholarships
for more details, including application deadlines, or to make an appointment with our Scholarships and Study Loan Office.

                                                                                                                                                       UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022      7
Langkawi, Kedah

                                      George Town, Penang

                                                               Cameron Highlands, Pahang

                                                   Batu Caves, Selangor

                                                                      Petronas Twin Towers,
                                                                      Kuala Lumpur

    Malaysia is a wonderfully unique country                                                  Studying in Sunway
                                                                                              Sunway City is a friendly and safe township where you’ll have everything
    that has captivated generations with its                                                  you need within reach. Eateries, hotels, banks, a medical center, a
    natural beauty, cultural diversity and the                                                shopping mall, and even a water theme park are all easily accessed
                                                                                              using a monitored elevated pedestrian walkway or public transport.
    warmth of its people. It’s a great destination                                            Want to go farther? From Sunway City, you’re less than an hour away
    for learning and adventure.                                                               by train to the Kuala Lumpur city centre where you can visit iconic
                                                                                              landmarks and attractions such as the Petronas Twin Towers, Central
    Located in the economic pulse of Southeast Asia, Malaysia is                              Market, Islamic Arts Museum, KL Bird Park and more.
    the leading tourist and commercial destination in Asia. It’s politically
    stable, geographically safe and has a warm tropical climate.                              Cost of living
    And with a diverse population of various ethnicities, cultures
                                                                                              Before you begin your studies at Monash, it’s a good idea to plan and prepare
    and backgrounds, Malaysia offers no shortage of flavourful cuisine,
                                                                                              a budget. Below are some costs associated with living and studying in
    vibrant festivals and heritage traditions. You’ll always have places
                                                                                              Malaysia, and should be used as an approximate guide. These figures
    to go, people to meet and treasures to discover.
                                                                                              (in Malaysian Ringgit) are estimates only, and may vary depending on your
                                                                                              personal lifestyle choices. Generally, Malaysia is an affordable country.
                                                                                              • Accommodation            RM330 to RM1500 per month
                                                                                              • Phone and internet       RM30 to RM80 per month
                                                                                              • Groceries                RM50 to RM80 per trip
                                                                                              • Eating out               RM6 to RM50 per meal
                                                                                              • Clothing                 From RM30
                                                                                              • Entertainment            From RM12 per event

Mount Kinabalu, Sabah

Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak
                                                                 Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur

   Getting to Monash
   Our campus in Sunway is well connected with great
   transport links. Whether you choose to drive or take
   public transport, getting to uni is incredibly easy.
                                                                 George Town, Penang                  Batu Caves, Selangor
                       KLIA Express (Airport)

                               KL Sentral

                    LRT                              KTM

          USJ 7 station                     Setia Jaya station

                    BRT                              BRT

    Sun-U Monash station                  Sun-U Monash station

   WITHIN SUNWAY CITY                                            Mount Kinabalu, Sabah
   Take the BRT electric bus service to key locations
   within Sunway City, or opt for the free shuttle bus
   service that runs every hour.

        Operation hours
        Monday to Saturday: 7.00am to 10.15pm
        Sunday: 9.00am to 10.15pm
               Pyramid Tower Hotel
               (Sunway Pyramid and Sunway Lagoon)
                                                                 Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak     Cameron Highlands, Pahang
               Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa
               Sunway Metro (bus stop)
               Sunway Lagoon BRT Station
               Sunway Geo Residences
               Bay Rocks
               A Marine/Nautica
               La Costa
               Monash Residence
               Sun-U Monash BRT Station
               Sun-U Residence
               Sunway Medical
               Lagoon Club (bus stop)
                                                                 Langkawi, Kedah

                                                                                                            UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022   9
     Live your life to the fullest at Monash. When you’re on
     campus, immerse yourself in the exciting events and                                              CELEBRATE DIVERSITY
     opportunities available all year round to create memories                                        Having a diverse student population on
                                                                                                      campus means coming together to celebrate
     and connections that’ll last a lifetime. Here’s a glimpse of                                     various cultures and festivals around the
     what you can do.                                                                                 world. Don’t miss events such as the One
                                                                                                      World Festival and Cultural Night.

                                                                                                      REPRESENT YOUR PEERS
                                                                                                      Run by reps elected by the student body,
                                                                                                      the Monash University Student Association
                                                                                                      is responsible for supporting and protecting
                                                                                                      the interests of fellow students.
      JOIN A STUDENT CLUB                                GO FOR GOLD
      (OR TWO… OR THREE)                                 The Monash Cup is an annual multi-sports
      Choose from around 60 student-run clubs            event where four houses compete in about
      and societies to meet like-minded friends or       20 sporting games and activities ranging
      try something new. If you can’t find a club that   from badminton, chess to cheer.
      you like, we can help you start a new one.

                                                                                                      LEARN SOMETHING NEW
                                                                                                      Engage with high-profile thinkers, leaders,
                                                                                                      policymakers, academics and experts on
                                                                                                      a wide variety of topics at events such as
                                                                                                      the Sir John Monash Lectures and more.

      STAY ACTIVE                                        SIGN UP FOR WORKSHOPS
      No matter your level of fitness or                 AND COMPETITIONS
      commitment, we’ve got you. The Monash              Gain even more learning opportunities by     CHECK OUT THE BAZAARS
      Sports Centre offers an open field and             attending workshops and challenges           Fill up on delicious local dishes and
      courts for badminton, futsal, basketball,          organised by schools, clubs and industry     delicacies at food bazaars or get yourself
      handball and more. You’ll also find a gym          partners. This is a great way to build on    a bargain at flea markets organised by
      and a rock climbing wall.                          the skills you’ve learnt in the classroom.   various clubs and societies.

     Photos contributed by the Monash Gazette.

When you choose to study overseas,
it’s more than your surroundings
that change – you’ll experience new
cultures and enhance your global
perspective. Take the leap and
broaden your mind.                                            VINNIE LEE
                                                              Bachelor of Biomedical Science
International exchange                                        Monash University, Australia

Choose from more than 140 partner universities around
the world, and graduate with a degree that’s studied in
different continents – all while paying your regular course
fees to Monash University Malaysia.

Try Australia
Because you’re already a Monash student, studying at
our Australian campuses is the easiest way to see the
world. The Global Intercampus Program lets you spend
a semester in Melbourne with no added costs to your
regular course fees.

Go on an Italian adventure
Spend two to eight weeks at the Monash Prato Centre
in Italy, one of our most popular faculty overseas
program destinations. This is ideal if you want a taste
of adventure before deciding if you’re ready to go abroad
for a full semester.

Seize the day
Use your semester breaks to go on short study tours
overseas, typically around two to four weeks, at selected     LIM WAN CHANG                                             KELLY CHONG
partner universities.                                         Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering   Bachelor of Business and Commerce
                                                              University of Exeter, UK                                  Peking University, China
Go global
Build a professional network while you’re still studying.
                                                              MARIUM IMRAN
Our Global Discovery Program taps into the expertise of
                                                              Bachelor of Psychological Science
some of our brightest alumni – students have previously       University of Bergen, Norway
travelled to cities such as London and New York.

Unique research opportunities
Work with world-renowned professors on cutting-edge
research projects and experience life in a leading research
laboratory overseas.


                                                                                                                              UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022   11
                                                                           Research and learning
                                                                           Our Learning Skill Advisers can help you improve your academic
                                                                           performance and study approaches.


                                                                           Counselling services
                                                                           Our counsellors are here to help you through difficulties, dilemmas or

                                                                           anxieties. No issue is too big or too small.

                                                                           Religious facilities
                                                                           There are many places of worship within Sunway City including
                                                                           mosques, temples, churches and other religious centres. At Monash,
                                                                           there’s a Muslim prayer room and a multi-faith centre.
     Academia may be a major part of your student                          monash.edu.my/religious-facilities

     life but we recognise what happens around                             Health and wellness
                                                                           A registered nurse is on campus to treat minor illnesses and injuries. For
     you can matter just as much. From providing                           serious medical treatment, the Sunway Medical Centre is minutes away.
     general guidance to specialised support,                              monash.edu.my/wellness

     we are here to help you make the most                                 Disability support services
     out of your university experience.                                    If you have a disability, medical or mental health condition, you can
                                                                           access specialised support services from assistive technology to
     Campus security                                                       alternative assessment arrangements.
     Our security team works round the clock to ensure a safe and secure   monash.edu.my/disability
     campus environment.
     monash.edu.my/security                                                Airport pick-up
                                                                           We welcome all new international students with a free airport pick-up
     Library and Learning Commons                                          service to take you to your accommodation.
     Find the latest resources for your learning and research needs, or    monash.edu.my/airport-arrival
     sign up for workshops to develop your study skills.
     monash.edu.my/library                                                 International student advisers
                                                                           Moving to a new country can be difficult. Our student advisers can
                                                                           assist you with accommodation, medical insurance, places to eat
                                                                           and other general support to help you settle in.

Start with a short stroll to class before lunch. Stay at the library until closing time.
The gym, sports fields and even restaurants – they’re all on your doorstep
if you live on campus.

                                      Waterfront Residence                                            Sun-U Residence                                                  Sun-U Apartment

  DISTANCE                            3 minutes                                                        6 minutes                                                       9 minutes

  ROOM                                Single or twin                                                   Twin                                                            Twin or quad

  AIR-CONDITIONED                     Yes                                                              Yes                                                             No

  FEATURES                            Air-conditioning, bed, wardrobe, study                           Air-conditioning, bed, study table and                          Bed, study table and chair, wardrobe,
                                      table and chair, notice board, book                              chair, wardrobe, fan, shower heater,                            book rack, fan, shower heater,
                                      rack, mini fridge, LCD TV (single),                              refrigerator, water dispenser, microwave                        refrigerator, water dispenser,
                                      side table (ensuite), and wi-fi.                                 oven, notice board, and wi-fi.                                  and wi-fi.

  UNIT LAYOUT                         Eight bedrooms, three bathrooms,                                 Four bedrooms, two bathrooms,                                   Three bedrooms (two twin and one
                                      two washrooms, living area                                       living area and pantry                                          quad), two bathrooms, living area
                                      and pantry                                                                                                                       and pantry

  GENERAL                             Swimming pool, basketball court,                                 Olympic-sized swimming pool, badminton                          Badminton court, 24-hour convenience
  FACILITIES                          gymnasium, 24-hour convenience store,                            and squash courts, gymnasium,                                   store, 24-hour security, air-conditioned
                                      covered elevated walkway, 24-hour                                24-hour convenience store, 24-hour                              student lounge, laundromat, BBQ pit
                                      security, learning hub, student lounge,                          security, laundromat, BBQ pit and open                          and open picnic area, and Muslim
                                      laundromat, car park, outdoor gazebo                             picnic area, study rooms with wi-fi,                            prayer room.
                                      with BBQ area, game and movie rooms.                             poolside cafe, Muslim prayer room,
                                      Guest rooms available for a fee.                                 and visitor’s lounge.

  MAXIMUM                             2258 rooms                                                       1884 rooms                                                      1036 rooms

  MONTHLY RATE 1                      •   RM780 (twin)                                                 • RM700 (not air-conditioned)                                   • RM380 (quad)
  (payable on                         •   RM980 (single with inner view)                               • RM780 (air-conditioned)                                       • RM450 (quad with window view)
  a quarterly basis)                  •   RM1150 (single)                                              (Flexi schemes and special rates                                • RM560 (twin)
                                      •   RM1650 (single ensuite)                                      available.2)
                                      (Flexi schemes and special rates

1 Rates are correct at time of publication. For the latest information, please visit residence.sunwayhouse.com.my. All photos above were taken at Waterfront Residence.
2 Flexi Scheme: a) Flexi 6 for new and returning residents – Stay for six months, get 5% off; b) Flexi 12 for new students – Stay for 12 months, get 10% off. Special rate for returning residents: Stay for 12 months, get 20% off.

                                                                                                                                                                                           UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022               13
     A place here may be closer than you think. You can start your journey to Monash from age 17
     by successfully completing a Monash University Foundation Year, diploma or English language
     pathway. All you need to do is decide which is best for you.

     MONASH UNIVERSITY                                                                                        YEAR 11 QUALIFICATION
     FOUNDATION YEAR                                                                                              (SPM/O Level/equivalent)
     JPT/BPP(K) (R2/010/3/0266/A5694) 10/24

     Prepare for success at Monash University Malaysia with direct entry into                 YEAR 12 QUALIFICATION             MONASH UNIVERSITY
     undergraduate degrees from any school. Equivalent to Australian Year 12,                 (A Level/STPM/UEC/Australian      FOUNDATION YEAR (MUFY )
     this course provides a flexible length of study through modular teaching                 Matriculation/Canadian            or
     and learning.                                                                            Year 12/equivalent)               MONASH COLLEGE
                                                                                                                                DIPLOMA PART 11
     At a glance                                                                                                                (Available in Melbourne
     • Locations: Sunway College Kuala Lumpur, DK265-01 (W);                                                                    and Jakarta)
         Sunway College Johor Bahru, DK 265 (J)
     • International locations: Jakarta International College, Indonesia;
       Universal College Lanka, Sri Lanka; Virscend Education, China;                         DIPLOMA OF HIGHER                 FIRST YEAR MONASH
       SIM Global Education, Singapore                                                        EDUCATION STUDIES                 MALAYSIA2
     • Duration: 1 year                                                                       or                                • Arts and Social Sciences
     • Intakes: January, March, April (Intensive), July and August.                           MONASH COLLEGE                    • Business
                                                                                              DIPLOMA PART2                     • Engineering
     Benefits                                                                                 (Available in Indonesia,          • Information Technology
     • Direct pathway to Monash                                                               Melbourne and Sri Lanka)          • Medicine and Health
     • Recognised by universities in Australia, New Zealand and the UK                                                            Sciences 3
                                                                                                                                • Pharmacy 3
     • Enter any Monash school
                                                                                              SECOND YEAR                       • Science
     monash.edu.my/mufy                                                                       MONASH MALAYSIA2
                                                                                              • Arts and Social Sciences
                                                                                              • Business
                                                                                              • Information Technology
     1   Progression to Diploma of Higher Education Studies subject to approval.
     2   Subject to meeting Monash University entry requirements and subject prerequisites.   • Science
     3   Not available for Monash College Diploma Part 1.                                     • Engineering 4
     4   Available only for Monash College Diploma Part 2 students.

EDUCATION STUDIES                                                                                  GENERAL STUDIES
KPT/JPT (R/140/4/0007) 01/23 - MQA/SWA0654

You can still study for an undergraduate course   At a glance                                      General Studies units equip you with
through an alternative pathway if your            • Duration: 1 year (full-time)                   knowledge and soft skills such as
pre-university/Year 12/equivalent scores fall     • Intakes: February, July and October
                                                                                                   philosophy, arts and communication
below the normal entry requirements. Upon                                                          to encourage intellectual, balanced and
                                                  • Fees:       Malaysian student
successful completion1 of this course, you                                                         holistic development. General Studies
may be eligible to transfer into the second                     RM34,821 (non-science stream)      comprises units from four broad categories:
year of the following Monash degrees:                           RM39,326 (science stream)
                                                                                                   • MPU U1: Appreciation of philosophy,
                                                                International student
Arts and Social Sciences                                        RM39,061 (non-science stream)         values and history
• Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences                          RM43,990 (science stream)          • MPU U2: Mastery of soft skills
• Bachelor of Digital Media and                                 2022 fees per year                 • MPU U3: Broadening of knowledge
  Communication.                                                                                      in Malaysia
                                                  Benefits                                         • MPU U4: Practical management of
Business                                          • Pathway to undergraduate degrees in arts,         community project.
• Bachelor of Business and Commerce.                business, computer science and science
                                                                                                   All international and Malaysian
                                                  • Develop important academic literacy skills
Information Technology                                                                             undergraduate students enrolled at
                                                    such as strategic and critical reading in
• Bachelor of Computer Science
                                                                                                   Monash University Malaysia are required
                                                    higher education, sound academic writing
                                                                                                   to complete and pass General Studies,
• Bachelor in Computer Science in                   competencies, and insight into the world of
                                                                                                   as prescribed by the Ministry of Higher
  Data Science.                                     academic research
                                                                                                   Education Malaysia and the Malaysian
                                                  • Transition successfully to a Monash degree     Qualifications Agency. This is a prerequisite
Science                                             through a gradual and supportive approach      for the award of an undergraduate degree.
• Bachelor of Science                               to university learning
• Bachelor of Food Science and Technology         • Acquire lifelong learning skills.              monash.edu.my/general-studies
• Bachelor of Medical Bioscience.
                                                  Academic literacies
    Choose the stream you’d like to study         This course is designed with units to help you
                                                  adapt to important academic and research
                                                  skills. You’ll be taught academic reading,
                                                  writing and research competencies through
     Successfully complete your studies           two compulsory units: Learning in Higher
                                                  Education and Academic Literacies.
                                                                                                   1 Pass each unit in the diploma on the first (and only) attempt and
                                                                                                     achieve the minimum average mark required for the destination
                                                                                                     course. Students are required to meet a minimum weighted
        Progress to the second year of                                                               average mark (WAM) 50 to qualify for progression to the Arts
      the corresponding Monash degree                                                                and Social Sciences, Business and Science courses and WAM
                                                                                                     60 for Information Technology.

                                                                                                   I learnt so much in the first
                                                                                                   semester itself. My lecturers
                                                                                                   are really helpful and the course
                                                                                                   provides me with an important
                                                                                                   range of knowledge that will be
                                                                                                   useful when I undertake my
                                                                                                   undergraduate degree. I’m
                                                                                                   excited for what’s to come over
                                                                                                   the next few years at Monash.”
                                                                                                   KANIZ ALAM
                                                                                                   Diploma of Higher Education Studies

                                                                                                                               UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022             15
                                                   At a glance
                                                   • Duration: 20 weeks
                                                   • Intakes:         February and August

                                                   • Fees:            RM9991 Malaysian student RM10,185 International student

                                                       FIRST 10 WEEKS

                                                       Four hours a day with a total of 20 hours a week.

                                                       SUBSEQUENT 10 WEEKS
                                                       Four hours a day with a total of 20 hours a week.

     If you’ve met our academic requirements           20 WEEKS
                                                       Total of 400 hours.
     but narrowly missed the English language
     requirements, Monash English Bridging
                                                   What will you gain from this course?
     is for you. This 20-week course prepares      • Be better prepared to meet the English standards required for pursuing
     you for the English language and academic         a Monash University degree.
                                                   • Gain confidence in academic skills from the improvement of English
     expectations of Monash, giving you the            proficiency.
     skills needed to succeed in your studies.     • Expand social skills and be part of an international community.
                                                   • Study with like-minded students with similar destination courses.
     R/KJP/00617 (03/25) - MQA/SWA0118
                                                   • Feel more supported through a personalised learning plan and the ability
                                                       to track your own progress via the Learning Management System.

                                                   What skills will you develop?
                                                   • Communicate effectively in social conversations, academic discussions
                                                       and presentations.
                                                   •   Improve your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
     Monash English Bridging was a great start     •   Improve your writing, reading and listening skills.
     to my university life. It helped prepare me   •   Understand, apply and explain theories in your degree program.
     for university and gave me time to adapt      •   Write summaries and short reports in an academic style.
     to the environment and learn more about       •   Understand and apply academic integrity.
     the cultures around me.”                      •   Learn how to respond to feedback.
                                                   •   Become an independent learner.
     Egypt                                         monash.edu.my/meb

Choosing what to do at uni is an adventure. It’s about discovery, passion and realising
your dreams. At Monash, we offer a range of courses that allow you to fulfil these
ambitions. Use the index below to find your course of interest.

ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES                   18        ENGINEERING                                 24       MEDICINE AND HEALTH
                                                                                                          SCIENCES                                      32
Arts and Social Sciences                   20        Engineering (Honours)                       25
• Communication                                      • Chemical engineering                      26       Medicine                                      33
• Film, television and screen studies                • Civil engineering                         26       Medical Science (Honours)                     34
• Gender studies                                     • Electrical and computer systems                    Psychological Science                         34
• Global studies                                       engineering                               27
                                                                                                          Psychological Science and Business 35
• Psychology                                         • Mechanical engineering                    27
• Public relations (minor)                           • Robotics and mechatronics engineering     28       Psychological Science (Honours)               35
• Writing (minor)                                    • Software engineering                      28
Digital Media and Communication            20
                                                                                                          PHARMACY                                      36

Arts (Honours)                             21        INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                      29       Pharmacy (Honours)                            37
                                                     Computer Science                            30
BUSINESS                                   22        • Algorithms and data structures                     SCIENCE                                       38
                                                     • Cybersecurity
Business and Commerce                      23                                                             Science                                       39
                                                     • Deep learning
• Accountancy                                                                                             • Applied microbiology
                                                     • Data analytics
• Applied economics                                                                                       • Biotechnology
                                                     • Entrepreneurship
• Banking and financial management                                                                        • Genomics and bioinformatics
                                                     • Image processing
• Business analytics                                                                                      • Medicinal chemistry
                                                     • Artificial intelligence
• Business law and taxation                                                                               • Psychology
                                                     • Malicious AI and dark side security
• Econometrics and business statistics                                                                    • Tropical environmental biology
                                                     • Mobile application development
• International business management                                                                       • Chemistry (minor)
• Management                                         Computer Science in Data Science            31       • Genetics and genomics (minor)
• Strategic marketing                                Computer Science (Honours)                  31       Food Science and Technology                   40
Business and Commerce (Honours)            23        Software engineering is offered in collaboration     Medical Bioscience                            41
                                                     with the School of Engineering. See page 27
                                                                                                          Science (Honours)                             41
                                                     for more information.

                                                                                                          DOUBLE DEGREE
                                                                                                          Business and Commerce and
                                                                                                          Digital Media and Communication               42

Look for these icons on each course page for key information. There is also a button on each course page. Click it, and you’ll be taken directly
to that course on our website.
     Duration              Intakes            Fees per year                                        Industry exposure              Double degree

                                                                                                                              UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022   17
                                    42                                          ARTS

                                                                                AND SOCIAL
                                IN THE WORLD
                                FOR ARTS AND

                                TOP 100
                                IN THE WORLD FOR
                                AND MEDIA STUDIES
                                QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022
                                                                                AT A GLANCE

                                                                                              WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING UNITS
                                RECOGNISED BY                                                 Gain industry exposure and internship opportunities that will
                                Public Service Department in Malaysia                         equip you with the necessary leadership, communication,
                                                                                              problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to transition
                                                                                              smoothly to the working world.

                                                                                              ALTERNATIVE FILM SCREENINGS
                                                                                              Enjoy challenging films produced by independent filmmakers,
                                                                                              and meet some of these storytellers whose critical storylines
                                                                                              reflect themes from your course.

                                                                                              STUDY TRIPS
                                                                                              Explore cultural, economic, social and political environments,
                                                                                              issues and policies in Malaysia and across countries within
                                                                                              the Asia-Pacific region
                                     CLICK TO VIEW
                                     THE COURSE GUIDE.                                        JOB MARKET VERSATILITY
                                                                                              Our flexible degrees, which combines breadth with depth, will
                                                                                              give you the kind of versatility valued by employers. You’ll be able
                                                                                              to compete in a variety of jobs and industries, including those
                                monash.edu.my/sass                                            typically populated by graduates from other disciplines.

                                My time at Monash definitely helped me develop
                                a cosmopolitan outlook, in part due to the
                                breadth of topics and issues I was exposed to,
                                and also because of the international exposure it
                                accorded me in terms of travel opportunities and
                                meeting people from different parts of the world.
                                This was extremely useful to me when living and
                                working abroad.”
                                HELEN SNEHA JAMBUNATHAN
                                Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences
                                Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
                                Associate Insight Director at Canvas8, London

                           18   UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022

                                                                                                                                                                  ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
AND SOCIAL SCIENCES                                                                                                        3 years

KPT/JPT (R2/220/6/0014) 01/26 - MQA/SWA0103                                                                                February, July and October

Learn to think critically, apply reason and         Areas of study                                                         RM37,132 Malaysian student
solve complex problems.                             Majors                                                                 RM42,446 International student
                                                                                                                           2022 fees per year
                                                    • Communication – critically analyse media
This course exposes you to important skills that
                                                      industries and the links between politics, culture                   Work integrated learning
can be transferred to your future workplace.
                                                      and communication.
You’ll hone your capabilities to access reliable
sources of information and to critically evaluate   • Film, television and screen studies –
important facts, opinions and key debates, which      study historical, textual and critical approaches
                                                                                                                 CAREER PATHS
you’ll then communicate through critical writing.     to film and television, and related new screen
                                                                                                                 You can pursue a career in:
You’ll develop awareness of important issues                                                                     • journalism, media, public relations
                                                    • Gender studies – uncover gender biases and
in areas such as gender and sexuality,                other discriminatory practices in this homegrown
                                                                                                                 • marketing, advertising, business
politics, contemporary global challenges,             major with a dedicated focus on Asia.                        research
new developments in media and communication                                                                      • consulting, international trade,
                                                    • Global studies – explore the global political,
practices, and more.                                                                                               training and development
                                                      economic, social and cultural developments that
                                                                                                                 • diplomacy, foreign affairs
                                                      continue to shape our world.
                                                                                                                   and politics
                                                    • Psychology – understand human cognition and
                                                                                                                 • production, direction, film,
                                                      behaviour with this broad scientific discipline.
  CLICK FOR MORE                                                                                                   television and video.
  COURSE DETAILS.                                   Minors
                                                    • Public relations – master tactical communication
                                                      skills to build strategic relationships and manage
                                                      the reputation of organisations.
                                                    • Writing – discover a range of contemporary
                                                      writing, techniques and experiments.

                                                   WORK                                            During your studies, you’ll complete at
                                                                                                   least one credit-bearing Work Integrated

                                                                                                   Learning unit. These units teach you
                                                                                                   how to apply the academic knowledge

                                                                                                   you’ve learned to real-world, practical
                                                                                                   situations and allow you to experience
                                                                                                   the kind of work environments and tasks
                                                                                                   you’re likely to encounter when you
                                                                                                   enter the workforce.
                                                                                                   Task Force: Responding to global
                                                                                                   You’ll work under guidance in multi-disciplinary
                                                                                                   project teams, or task forces, to produce policy
                                                                                                   recommendations or other relevant output to
                                                                                                   address issues and problems of contemporary

                                                                                                   A world in crisis: Multilevel
                                                                                                   responses to global emergencies
                                                                                                   Put your research, negotiation and problem-solving
                                                                                                   skills to the test in a fast-paced international crisis
                                                                                                   simulation. You’ll use your team’s knowledge of
                                                                                                   global politics and the media to manage the crisis
                                                                                                   and achieve your objectives.

                                                                                                   Workplace learning internship
                                                                                                   Integrate academic knowledge with practice to
                                                                                                   gain first-hand experience of working in the
                                                                                                   industry. Our students have interned with a variety
                                                                                                   of companies and organisations, both in Malaysia
                                                                                                   and abroad.

                                                                                                                            UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022    19

                                         3 years                          AND COMMUNICATION
                                         February, July and October       KPT/JPT (R2/220/6/0012) 01/25 - MQA/SWA0104

                                         RM37,132 Malaysian student       A degree for today’s media world.                       Course structure
                                         RM42,446 International student                                                           The course develops through three themes:
                                         2022 fees per year
                                                                          This specialist course addresses the growing
                                                                          demand for graduates with new and diverse               • A core digital media studies component
                                         Work integrated learning         skills in communication, and a critical                   provides you with a firm grasp of digital
                                                                          understanding of how the internet and digital             communication practice and research. You’ll
                                                                          media influences our lives.                               learn about the history of the internet and the
                                                                                                                                    workings of social media platforms, how to
                                CAREER PATHS                              You’ll build the skills needed to research and            construct and analyse digital objects such as
                                This course equips you with a skill set   analyse the political, social, economic and cultural      memes, and how to design and execute
                                and knowledge that is future-oriented     implications of digital technologies and industries,      a digital media research project.
                                and adaptable to a wide range of          as well as the ability to design and manage the use
                                                                                                                                  • A component that provides a broader
                                industries. You’ll be especially suited   of digital technologies to solve social problems.
                                                                                                                                      grounding in communication and media
                                to senior positions in:
                                                                          When you graduate, you’ll be prepared for                   studies will teach you the key concepts and
                                • public relations                        professional environments where the production              developments in media studies. This ensures
                                • corporate communications                and distribution of digital media content are               that you’ll graduate with knowledge of how
                                • marketing and advertising               integral to the workplace.                                  pre-digital and digital media systems are
                                • policy development                                                                                  distinct from one another.
                                • human relations and management                                                                  • A professional practice component allows
                                • research                                                                                            you to apply your knowledge of digital and
                                • editing and writing.                      CLICK FOR MORE                                            non-digital media systems to real-world
                                                                            COURSE DETAILS.                                           situations calling for teamwork, policy design
                                                                                                                                      and advanced oral communication skills. You’ll
                                                                                                                                      also gain valuable work experience by applying
                                                                                                                                      for an internship through our extensive network
                                                                                                                                      of industry partners.

                                                                          BACHELOR OF ARTS (HONOURS)
                                         1 year                           KPT/JPT (R3/220/6/0018) 12/26 - MQA/SWA0106

                                         February                         This honours degree is a separate                       Areas of study
                                                                          but complementary course to the arts                    •   Communication
                                         RM37,132 Malaysian student
                                         RM42,446 International student   undergraduate degree.                                   •   Global studies
                                         2022 fees per year                                                                       •   Gender studies
                                                                          If you have an excellent academic record
                                                                                                                                  •   Film, television and screen studies
                                                                          and are interested in pursuing further education,
                                                                          you can apply to engage in an additional year
                                                                                                                                  •   Psychology.
                                CAREER PATHS                              of coursework study and independent research.           With the increasingly intersectional nature of these
                                Due to the highly practical nature of     Under the guidance of an academic supervisor            categories, there’s truly no limit to the topics that
                                this course, there are no shortages       who’s recommended to you by the Honours                 you can work on as part of your dissertation.
                                of rewarding career opportunities         Committee, you’ll design and carry out
                                available to you. Our graduates have      a research project of your own choosing.                Progression to further studies
                                found careers in:                         This culminates in a research dissertation              The honours degree also prepares you to
                                • academia                                that provides you with the perfect opportunity          pursue a research degree such as a Doctor
                                • management consulting                   to explore and gain a deeper knowledge of               of Philosophy (PhD).
                                • international trade                     a particular area of study that you’re interested in.
                                • human resources
                                • corporate research and analysis.

                                                                            CLICK FOR MORE
                                                                            COURSE DETAILS.

                           20   UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022
BUSINESS                                                                                       #

                                                                                               IN THE WORLD FOR
                                                                                               ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE

AT A GLANCE                                                                                    #
                                                                                               IN THE WORLD FOR
                          PROFESSIONALLY RECOGNISED                                            ECONOMICS AND ECONOMETRICS
                          Our business courses are recognised by a number of local and
                          international qualifying agencies and professional bodies.
                          RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP                                               IN THE WORLD FOR
                                                                                               BUSINESS AND
                          We’re a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible
                                                                                               MANAGEMENT STUDIES
                          Management Education initiative. This means we’re committed
                                                                                               QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022
                          to providing you with the skills needed to become responsible
                          leaders of tomorrow.
                                                                                               International Accreditation      Signatory

                          INDUSTRY ADVISORS
                          We work closely with leading industry experts to ensure that our
                          course content reflects current business trends and developments.

                          MORE FLEXIBILITY
                          Studying towards two degrees at the same time lets you develop            CLICK TO VIEW
                          expertise in different but complementary areas. Ask us about              THE COURSE GUIDE.
                          your double degree options.


If you love numbers as I do, you’ll enjoy
the challenges in accounting and financial
management. Monash prepared me well
for the corporate world, and the skills I’ve
learnt have been highly applicable and
essential to my current job. Monash has
taught me so much and the University’s
motto Ancora Imparo continues to inspire
my continuous learning spirit. I am still
learning and will not stop learning.”
Audit Associate, Ernst & Young LLP Singapore
Bachelor of Business and Commerce
Recipient of the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation
– Monash Equity Scholarship
Ranked second ACCA Top Affiliate in Singapore 2021

                                                                                                                  UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022   21

                         3 years
                                                          AND COMMERCE
                         February, July and October       KPT/JPT (R2/220/6/0018) 12/21 - MQA/SWA0106

                         RM38,213 Malaysian student       Understand how the key elements of                         First year course structure
                         RM43,680 International student   today’s business environments work                         Core units
                         2022 fees per year
                                                          together to make a company or                              • Accounting in business/Financial accounting 1
                         Professionally accredited                                                                   • Malaysian business law
                                                          organisation successful.
                                                                                                                     • Introductory microeconomics
                         Work placement program           This is a wide-ranging course designed to give you         • Introduction to statistical analysis
                                                          the skills and experiences you’ll need for a career        • Introduction to management
                                                          in business. You’ll be able to create a study course       • Marketing theory and practice
                                                          that best suits your employment goals and                  Capstone unit
                CAREER PATHS                              discipline interests, which means you’ll focus on
                You’ll be prepared to work in:                                                                       Free elective
                                                          specialised areas of study while building sound
                • financial analysis                      knowledge of major business disciplines.                   Professional recognitions
                • human resources
                                                          Areas of study                                             If you’ve completed the required units, you’ll
                • public relations
                                                                                                                     qualify for exam exemptions from:
                • marketing                               •   Accountancy
                                                                                                                     • CPA Australia
                • accountancy                             •   Applied economics                                      • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
                • international trade                     •   Banking and financial management                           (ACCA)
                • administration                          •   Business analytics                                     • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
                • advertising                             •   Business law and taxation                                  (CAANZ)
                • data science.
                                                          •   Econometrics and business statistics                   • Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
                                                          •   International business management                          (CIMA)
                                                          •   Management                                             • Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
                                                          •   Strategic marketing.                                       (MICPA)
                                                                                                                     • Institute of Chartered Accountants in England
                Enhance your degree
                                                                                                                         and Wales (ICAEW).
                A double degree is a great way to
                gain a complementary skill set and                                                                   Industry placement
                expand your employability. Turn to            CLICK FOR MORE                                         This degree offers an industry placement unit that
                page 41 to learn more. Only the               COURSE DETAILS.                                        you can take either as a capstone or elective unit.
                Bachelor of Business and Commerce                                                                    Our students have worked with organisations such
                is accredited by AACSB.                                                                              as Unilever, Nestlé, L’Oréal, Citibank, Accenture
                                                                                                                     and KPMG.

                                                          BACHELOR OF BUSINESS
                         1 year
                                                          AND COMMERCE (HONOURS)
                         February and July                KPT/JPT (R2/340/6/0494) 03/25 - MQA/SWA0110

                         RM38,213 Malaysian student       This additional one-year course offers                     Specialisations
                         RM43,680 International student   advanced study in one of the specialist                    •   Accountancy
                         2022 fees per year
                                                          Business areas.                                            •   Applied economics
                                                                                                                     •   Banking and financial management
                                                          This course is designed for the high-achieving
                CAREER PATHS                                                                                         •   Business analytics
                                                          students in pursuing advanced study in a specialised
                Graduates will have a highly              area of business. Through a rigorous research
                                                                                                                     •   Business law and taxation
                respected qualification that              training, this course develops you as a critical scholar   •   Econometrics and business statistics
                positions them well for employment        and a specialist in your field of professional interest.   •   International business management
                in multinational corporations,                                                                       •   Management
                                                          If you plan to pursue a research degree, completing
                government and non-governmental                                                                      •   Strategic marketing
                                                          the course with first- or second-class (upper)
                organisations, and universities.
                                                          honours may fast-track you into the Monash
                Successfully completing this course       Doctoral Program (PhD) without having to first
                will also provide you with the            complete a master’s degree by research.
                critical foundation necessary to
                pursue a PhD.

                                                              CLICK FOR MORE
                                                              COURSE DETAILS.

ENGINEERING                                                                                     #

                                                                                                IN THE WORLD FOR CIVIL
                                                                                                AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

AT A GLANCE                                                                                     #
                           REACH YOUR POTENTIAL                                                 IN THE WORLD FOR
                                                                                                CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
                           Employers want graduates who are highly-skilled and

                           well-rounded. Develop critical skills for success by participating
                           in design competitions and leadership training programs.

                                                                                                IN THE WORLD FOR
                           PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE                                               MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
                           Gain expertise in emerging areas like renewable energy,
                           nano-materials, biodegradable structures, solid-state lighting,
                           and the design of low-carbon products and bio-mimic robots.          TOP 100
                                                                                                IN THE WORLD FOR ELECTRICAL
                                                                                                AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING
                           PROFESSIONALLY ACCREDITED                                            QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022

                           Our Engineering degrees are accredited by Engineering
                           Accreditation Council Malaysia and Engineers Australia.              TIER 5 (EXCELLENT)
                                                                                                IN D-SETARA ENGINEERING
                                                                                                MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAYSIA
                           INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS
                           Our undergraduate degrees are identical to those offered at the      RECOGNISED BY
                           Clayton campus in Melbourne, and are recognised by nternational      Public Service Department in Malaysia
                           qualifying agencies and professional bodies.

                           PASSPORT TO THE WORLD                                                      CLICK TO VIEW
                           Australia and Malaysia are signatories to the Washington Accord.           THE COURSE GUIDE.
                           When you graduate, you can work in any other signatory country
                           without having to requalify.


The whole campus experience, from having such a
diverse and globalised campus environment to having
a solid coursework with great lecturers, prepared me
for my career. I had friends and coursemates from
a wide variety of backgrounds and that helped to give
me a global mindset and perspective. The coursework
promoted self-learning and encouraged a self-starting
attitude together with valuing teamwork and
collaboration. All these formed a solid foundation
for me to carry into the working world.”
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)
Lead Field Service Engineer at GE Aviation, South Korea

Hafiz supports GE Aviation’s GEnx-powered fleet at Korean Air by ensuring
that the engines continue to run smoothly and any fleet reliability issues
are resolved. He believes that engineers don’t just need to solve problems
but have the responsibility to promote environmentally sustainable practices.
His goal is to contribute towards that target in the aviation industry for
a greener future.

                                                                                                                   UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022   23

                             4 years

                                                              BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING
                             February, July and October

                             RM48,101 Malaysian student
                             RM54,915 International student
                             2022 fees per year
                             Professionally accredited        Engineers are collaborative and creative               First year course structure
                                                              problem-solvers who design technology                  Core units
                             Industrial training              and develop innovative solutions to make               • Computing for engineers
                                                              things work better.                                    • Engineering mathematics
                                                                                                                     • Engineering design: Lighter, faster, stronger
                   DEGREE AWARDED                             Their work is key to meeting the world’s sustainable   • Engineering design: Cleaner, safer, smarter
                   Your degree will reflect your chosen       development goals, including advancing technologies
                                                                                                                     • Engineering mobile apps
                   specialisation:                            for clean water, green energy, high-speed
                   • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering         communications and transportation, advanced            General studies unit
                       (Honours)                              healthcare devices, reliable autonomous systems        • Leadership and innovation
                                                              and safe, smart sustainable products, homes and
                   •   Bachelor of Civil Engineering                                                                 Elective units
                                                              cities, and more. As an engineer, you’ll apply maths
                       (Honours)                                                                                     Select two units from:
                                                              and science in a practical way, and work in teams to
                   •   Bachelor of Electrical and Computer                                                           • Foundation physics
                                                              develop new technologies and improve existing ones.
                       Systems Engineering (Honours)                                                                 • Foundation mathematics
                   •   Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering     The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) has              • Chemistry 1 advanced
                       (Honours)                              a common first year, allowing you to experience        • Spatial communication in engineering
                                                              a range of disciplines before deciding on              • Engineering design C: Automated, integrated
                   •   Bachelor of Robotics and
                                                              a specialisation in your second year. It focuses         and connected world
                       Mechatronics Engineering (Honours)
                                                              on the role of the engineer in the future while        • Discrete mathematics for computer science
                   •   Bachelor of Software Engineering       developing your foundational skills for engineering.   • Physics for engineering
                       (Honours).                                                                                    • Computer organisation and programming
                                                              A total learning experience                            • Digital systems
                   INDUSTRY PLACEMENT                         At Monash, you’ll have access to some of the           • Introduction to computer science for engineers
                   You’ll complete 12 weeks of approved       world’s finest facilities, including the Smart Lab     • Mechanics of fluids
                   engineering work in an industry-based      for Engineering Design and laboratories supporting     • Introduction to systems engineering
                   environment after your third year. This    cutting-edge research in micro and nanodevices,        • Programming fundamentals in java
                   will help you to apply what you’ve         intelligent lighting, robotics and more.               • Introduction to computer systems, networks
                   learnt to real-life situations, work       You can get involved in the Student Leaders              and security.
                   closely with industry professionals, and   Network, design competitions, volunteering
                   enhance the technical and professional                                                            Professionally accredited
                                                              opportunities, or join one of the many student clubs
                   skills that will give you an edge in the                                                          • Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia
                                                              to develop your strengths and passions, and
                   competitive employment market.                                                                    • Engineers Australia
                                                              become a well-rounded engineer.
                                                                                                                     • Australian Computer Society (Bachelor of Software
                   Our students have interned with            On graduation, you’ll be known for your creative         Engineering (Honours) only).
                   British Telecommunications, Carrier,       thinking, problem-solving and ability to excel
                   ExxonMobil, F&N, Intel, Goodyear,          in team-based environments, and be highly
                   HICOM, IBM, Malaysia Airlines, Shell,      sought-after across many industries. As                  CLICK FOR MORE
                   Maxis, Dyson, ABB, Gamuda, and more.       a Monash graduate, you’ll leave prepared for
                                                                                                                       COURSE DETAILS.
                                                              leadership, success and, most importantly, life.

              24   UNDERGRADUATE PROSPECTUS 2022
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