Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University

Page created by Micheal Waters
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
Colleges Guide
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
An introduction                         Follow our student blogs
                                        to discover what life is like
Our colleges                     04     at Durham University             From iconic facilities to life-changing
                                        durham-student.org               internships, Collingwood is unique.
The wider student experience     05                                      Surrounded by a talented team of staff
                                                                         who insist on knowing every student, there
Colleges at a glance             06                                      is no better place to begin your adult life.

Colleges map                     07
                                                                         Toby Hillery
                                                                         Collingwood College

Our Colleges
Collingwood College              08

Grey College                     09

Hatfield College                 10

John Snow College                11

Josephine Butler College         12

South College                    13

St Aidan’s College               14

St Chad’s College                15

St Cuthbert’s Society            16

Stephenson College               17

College of St Hild and St Bede   18
                                      Coming to university gives
St John’s College                19   you a chance to transform
                                      into the person you want to
St Mary’s College                20   be. The friendly and diverse
                                      community of Aidan’s has
Trevelyan College                21   allowed me to be open and
                                      proud of who I am. It is a place
                                      where I was not only accepted
University College               22
                                      but I was celebrated.

Van Mildert College              23
                                      Jessica Madden
                                      St Aidan’s College

02                                                                                                                      03
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
Our colleges                                                                                          The wider student experience
When you study with us at Durham, you will come away with                                             Our students and graduates are known for their outstanding
so much more than just a degree. Our collegiate system is                                             qualities, which you can develop in your College as well as through
part of what makes Durham special.                                                                    your academic studies and other University-wide activities.
                                                                                                      Through our enormous range of activities, you will explore your
At Durham, you will become a member of a College community,                                           own interests and discover new skills to help you with your
which represents everyone, from new undergraduate to PhD                                              learning, as well as in your future after you graduate.
student. Our Colleges offer space to live with, and learn from,
one another, as well as to debate, socialise, and mix with other                                      At the heart of college life are opportunities for engagement.
students; and there are numerous opportunities to engage in                                           Each College hosts a huge number of activities, from sport and
sport, outreach, music, theatre, and the arts. You can also live                                      music, to leadership, volunteering and more. You can get involved
in your College, alongside friends. College is a place to develop                                     with set design for the College Ball, mentor in a local school, work
your skills and enhance your wellbeing, with dedicated support                                        on the College Bar, and help to maintain the College allotment.        Colleges in
and guidance from staff ready to offer help at every stage of your
time at Durham. All our Colleges provide facilities to support
                                                                                                      You can represent your College on the sports field, too, and
                                                                                                      get involved with theatre and music alongside other College
your academic learning, and your personal development, such                                           members. Why not get involved with College student governance          In your College you will
as libraries and social spaces and, in some Colleges, a chapel or                                     and leadership? Or why not host an event in College to celebrate       find endless opportunities
prayer room.                                                                                          the Holi Festival, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or Passover? The        to explore your interests;
                                                                                                      opportunities are endless.                                             support and guidance;
Every College has a representative body for undergraduate                                                                                                                    chances to lead and develop
students called the Junior Common Room. As a member of the                                            Your College community also offers you a sense of belonging, not       your College’s community;
Junior Common Room, you can participate in elected student                                            only to fellow College members, but also to the wider community        and a place to learn from
leadership, organise student-led events, and engage in local,                                         in Durham, the North East, and beyond. Student involvement             your fellow students across
regional, and global issues. Sixteen of our colleges welcome both                                     at a local level is very important in Durham, and students are         all fields of study. You will
undergraduate and postgraduate students, with a seventeenth                                           able to volunteer with schoolchildren, litter-pick on the Durham       feel a part of your College for
postgraduate-only College. Our seventeen Colleges mean hugely                                         Heritage Coastline, and sing for the elderly in nearby care homes.     the rest of your life – and you
increased opportunities for challenge and for making memories;                                        Involvement in your Junior Common Room is also important,              will always be welcome back.
there is truly something for everyone.                                                                because it allows every student to shape their experience in their
                                                                     During my time at Grey, the      College, and learn leadership skills.
                                                                     relationships I have made have
                                                                     encouraged me to pursue          Your wellbeing is an important component of your student
Every College provides:
                                                                     things I could never have        experience. Our Colleges offer pastoral and developmental
• 	A community to belong to         • 	Shared facilities for all   imagined doing before coming     support throughout your degree through dedicated Student
    whilst you are in Durham, and        students of the College     to university.                   Support Offices. Your College staff will support you as well as
    once you leave                                                                                    signpost you to central support services such as the Counselling
                                     • 	Opportunities for student                                    Service, Disability Support, and the University Chaplaincy team.
• 	Sports, societies, and student       governance through the      Natalie Green
    groups                               Common Rooms                Mathematics,
                                                                     Grey College
• 	A range of events                • 	Either catered or self-
    and activities                       catered facilities, and                                                                                                             From your friends and
                                         accommodation within                                                                                                                peers to the older students
• 	College staff to support             Durham.                                                                                                                             and right up to the
    your wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                             members of the wider
                                                                                                                                                                             college community, Butler
                                                                                                                                                                             is full of people who are
                                                                                                                                                                             always here to support you
                                                                                                                                                                             and care for you.

                                                                                                                                                                             Morgan Miller
                                                                                                                                                                             Liberal Arts,
04                                                                                                                                                                           Josephine Butler College    05
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
Colleges at a glance

 Our                   Year of              Self-catered    Gowned        No. of        No. of 1st     Total          Chapel/       UCAS
 Colleges*             foundation           (S) or          formal        students      year UG        number of      multifaith    code***
                                            Catered (C)     dinners**     living in     rooms          full-time      room
                                                                          (UG and                      student
                                                                          PG)                          members

 Collingwood                 1972                C               N            555           469           1,694            N             1

 Grey                        1959                C               Y           463            320            1,351           Y             G

 Hatfield                    1846                C               Y           409            310           1,325            Y             2

 John Snow                   2001                S               Y           492            368           1,242            N             7

                            2006                 S               Y           546            420           1,480            Y             9

 South College              2020                 S               Y           492            360            643             Y             K

 St Aidan’s                  1947                C               N           386            305           1,046            Y             A

 St Chad’s                   1904                C               Y           254            130            633             Y             3

 St Cuthbert’s             1858/88               CS              N           468            411           1,432            N             4

 Stephenson                  2001                S               N           433            348           1,045            N             8

 St Hild &
                             1839                S               N           TBC            TBC           1,356            Y             5
 St Bede

 St John’s                   1909                C               Y           240            163            709             Y             J

 St Mary’s                   1899                C               Y            312           250            983             Y             M

 Trevelyan                   1966                C               Y           320            272            977             Y             T

 University                  1832                C               Y            538           324           1,498            Y             U

 Van Mildert                 1965                C               N            524           395           1,532            N             V

Please note:                                      throughout the year called ‘Formals’. Some         preference on your UCAS form, if you
*These figures are correct for 2021, however      colleges practise the long-established             prefer not to. Instead, you can make an
they will be subject to annual change.            tradition of wearing gowns at these events.        ‘open’ application.
                                                  Others are less formal and do not wear
                                                  gowns to dine in.
**All colleges have special dinner events                                                                                                                St Cuthbert’s
                                                  ***You do not have to specify a college                                                           8a Society (Bailey Site)

                                                                                                                                                         St Cuthbert’s Society
                                                                                                                                                         (Parsons Field Site)

06                                                                                                                                                                               07
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
Long-standing excellence                                                                         Our student Junior
                                                                      in sport is now matched                                                                          Common Room
                                                                      in theatre, music, film,                                                                         functions as an
                                                                      and tech. Whatever                                                                               independent charity,
More energy, less ceremony.                                           you want to pursue,
                                                                                                  #Greytopportunities for everyone.                                    running 40+ sports
                                                                      whatever your                                                                                    teams, and over
                                                                      expertise, we will                                                                               20 societies.
                                                                      help you to
                                                                      achieve your

                                                                    C                 1                                                                              C                  G
                                                                    Catered           UCAS code                                                                      Catered            UCAS code

                                                                    Number of students
                                                                                                                                                                     Number of students
Collingwood encourages you to be the best you can be at             living in (UG & PG)           Grey is a place where all can excel within and outside their       living in (UG & PG)
whatever interests you. Collingwood students are ambitious,                                       chosen subject. Our Student Experience Officer helps enable
get involved and make great things happen: from Art to                                            further opportunities for Grey students to make the most of
                                                                       @CollingwoodDU                                                                                   @grey_college
Zorbing, there are more than 70 sports teams and over 20                                          their time at Durham through our Opportunities programme.
societies and committees to join.                                      @collingwoodcollegeDU      The programme offers a range of initiatives including: careers        @greycollege1959
                                                                       @collingwoodcollege        talks from alumni; mentoring and volunteering; and access to          @greycollegedurham
Whether you’re a serious athlete, casual gym-goer or
                                                                                                  the Grey College Trust, which offers grants to enable students
enthusiastic spectator, our floodlit pitch, extensive gym and
                                                                    For more information, see     to participate in activities outside the classroom.
fitness studio allow you to stay active and try something new,                                                                                                       For more information, see
whatever your ability level. Team Collingwood hope to retain        durham.ac.uk/collingwood      Our Junior Common Room functions as an independent                 durham.ac.uk/grey.college
the inter-collegiate sports trophy for the 10th consecutive year!                                 charity, running 40+ sports teams, and over 20 societies. Our
                                                                                                  teams and societies allow participation at all levels, and offer
The arts are equally important; our music, theatre, tech and
                                                                                                  leadership roles. Our summer mixed Rugby 7s tournament
dance societies utilise our industry-standard music and
                                                                                                  has seen over 1000 Grey students participate, and has raised
recording studio and performing arts centre. Filmmakers,
                                                                                                  over £5000 for charity. The range of musical groups is huge,
photographers and artists enjoy dedicated creative spaces,
                                                                                                  including the largest non-auditioned choir in the University.
and our library is home to budding writers and thinkers.
                                                                                                  Grey in the Community provides the chance for students to
Our culture is informal; you’ll find students chatting about                                      get involved in the local community, and we are proud to be
their next volunteering initiative over coffee, dreaming up new                                   the first University group in the UK to host tea parties with
College events whilst watching the football, or challenging the                                   Contact the Elderly.
Principal to a game of table-tennis. Formal dinners are big and
                                                                                                  Grey is situated in a beautiful setting close to the main
bold (think fairground rides and silent discos) and we end each
                                                                                                  university site, just a short walk from the city. Our facilities
year with a music festival organised by The Stag’s Head.
                                                                                                  include a library, gym, tennis court, music rooms, indoor sports
                                                                    Collingwood creates                                                                              The community that Grey
Your personal development is at our core and we’ll help                                           area, Chapel, Common Room space with a Toastie Bar and TV
                                                                    a trusted community                                                                              College provides for all its
you to seize rare, life-changing opportunities: apply to our                                      room, and our bar, the Greyhound.
unique research internships, ever-expanding list of global
                                                                    where you can feel safe                                                                          students is what has made
opportunities, or pitch for funding for your innovative ideas.      and valued, as well as an                                                                        my experience at university
                                                                    atmosphere that pushes                                                                           so unique and special.
Does The Wood sound right for you?                                  you to love the best.

                                                                    Isaac Lucas                                                                                      Namita Hukerikar
                                                                    Geology                                                                                          Natural Sciences

08                                                                                                                                                                                               09
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
Durham’s second oldest                                                                              A College is not just about
                                                                             College, located on the                                                                             the physical structure, it
                                                                             Bailey in the historical                                                                            is about the people:
                                                                             centre of Durham.                                                                                   the students and staff.
We are #AllOneHatfield.                                                      We combine strong              A modern College with traditional values.                            We pride ourselves on
                                                                             traditions with a                                                                                   the strong and
                                                                             thoroughly                                                                                          supportive College
                                                                             modern outlook.                                                                                     community
                                                                                                                                                                                 we have.

                                                                          C                   2                                                                                S                   7
                                                                          Catered             UCAS code                                                                        Catered             UCAS code

                                                                          409                                                                                                  492
                                                                                                                                                                               Number of students
                                                                          Number of students
Hatfield is Durham’s second oldest college. We combine                    living in (UG & PG)               We invite you to be part of John Snow College’s exciting           living in (UG & PG)
strong traditions, with a thoroughly modern outlook. We are                                                 journey. Since September 2020, we have been located on the
‘#AllOneHatfield’, promoting an inclusive and supportive                      @HatfieldCollege              University’s brand new complex at Mount Oswald in Durham.
environment, in which every student is valued and has many                                                  Founded in 2001 at Queens’ Campus, Stockton, John Snow
opportunities to flourish, whatever their interest and experience.            @hatfieldcollege              College relocated to Durham in 2018. However, a College is             @john_snow_college
                                                                                                            not just about the physical structure, it is about the people:
We have over 30 student-led clubs and societies, covering sport,          For more information, see         the students and staff. We pride ourselves on the strong and       For more information, see
music, drama, volunteering, and much more, welcoming newcomers            durham.ac.uk/hatfield.college     supportive College community we have, as well as our diversity     durham.ac.uk/johnsnow.college
as well as old hands. Joining Hatfield, you could try rowing with our                                       and inclusivity.
boat club’s novice programme; get involved in our Junior Common
Rooms; help to organise our Lion in Winter Ball; or join the student                                        As a modern College with traditional values, we have
welfare team. If your interests are more creative, you could join our                                       something for everyone. Whether your extracurricular interests
Lion Theatre Company; sing in Hatfield Voices or the Chapel Choir;                                          are sporting, musical, artistic or academic, we encourage
join our jazz band; or take up arts and crafts with Hatfield Create.                                        you to fulfil your potential. We have an active music and
We also sponsor a mentoring project, where our student go in to                                             performing arts scene, thriving sports opportunities and many
support five local schools.                                                                                 societies to accommodate all interests. You can also become
                                                                                                            an active citizen of the Durham area through an array of
There are plenty of opportunities to learn and develop at Hatfield                                          volunteering and charity projects.
through #HatfieldHorizons. The programme includes our prestigious
                                                                                                            Many of our activities draw upon our excellent facilities, which
annual lecture, research talks, and themed career conversation
                                                                                                            include a fitness suite, dance and yoga studios, music practice
brunches and dinners. Our students lead SHAPED, a peer-
                                                                                                            rooms, multi-faith/quiet room and event hall. There is also a
support programme Supporting Hatfielders’ Academic Progress,
                                                                                                            floodlit outdoor games area and JCR social space with café
Employability, and Development. Our alumni generously donate
                                                                                                            and bar.
to the Hatfield Trust, providing grants for students to undertake         Hatfield College is my home,                                                                         Coming to John Snow College
extra activities, internships, and Hatfield Bursaries for students from   and has been since September      Our comprehensive student enrichment programme enables             made it very easy for me
lower-income households.                                                  2019. The welcome from the        our students to develop transferable skills, self-growth           to adjust to moving quite
                                                                          Freps (Freshers’ Reps) was the    and improve employability prospects. The wide-ranging              far away from home. I look
Our College is located on the Bailey, in the historical centre of         beginning of a new start, and I   programme embraces mindfulness and wellbeing, encourages           back gratefully at how my
Durham. Some of our buildings are modern, and other are more              haven’t looked back since.        intellectual curiosity and personal development.                   confidence, personality and
traditional and reflect our heritage. We have newly-renovated social                                                                                                           friendships have grown.
                                                                                                            We invite you, the ambitious and academically curious, to join
spaces, including a café, bar, two gyms, library, computer room,
                                                                          Leah Collins                      us and help shape our future.
study rooms and music practice room.                                                                                                                                           Jack Judge
                                                                          Primary Education
                                                                                                                                                                               Primary Education
Come and join us at #AllOneHatfield.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                             11
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
Butler is home to one of                                                                               As Durham’s newest
                                                                     the broadest distributions                                                                             College, we have a founding
                                                                     of student backgrounds                                                                                 commitment to freedom
                                                                     at Durham, and we                                                                                      of speech and intellectual
Friendly, inclusive, and flexible.                                   encourage our students            Modernity and glorious tradition combined.                           inquiry. We are also
                                                                     to get involved with                                                                                   committed to
                                                                     our community’s                                                                                        volunteering and to
                                                                     pioneering spirit.                                                                                     helping you to help
                                                                                                                                                                            others at home
                                                                                                                                                                            and abroad.

                                                                   S                  9                                                                                   S                 K
                                                                   Catered            UCAS code                                                                           Catered           UCAS code

                                                                   Number of students
                                                                                                                                                                          Number of students
Butler has one of the broadest distributions of student            living in (UG & PG)                 As Durham’s newest college, South offers an inspiring              living in (UG & PG)
backgrounds at Durham, and we encourage our students to                                                combination of tradition and modernity. You will have a
get involved with our community’s pioneering spirit: we pride      For more information, see           voice in college affairs, and you will have the opportunity to
ourselves in offering a wide variety of opportunities to engage,   durham.ac.uk/butler.college         invent distinctive traditions that will write a new chapter in
lead, and inspire. We encourage everyone to take responsibility                                        the Durham story. We also have a founding commitment to                @south_collegedu
for the development of both the College and themselves,                                                freedom of speech and intellectual inquiry.
whether that is through playing in a band, working backstage                                                                                                              For more information, see
in a production, or editing our website.                                                               South offers all the opportunities for personal growth and         durham.ac.uk/south.college
                                                                                                       development that make Durham graduates attractive to top
We have over 100 student-led groups across sport, societies,                                           employers. Whether you want to volunteer in the community,
and committees, and new groups are set up every year. Our                                              participate in sport, or make music, South will support you and
committees focus on making a difference in College, the                                                help you achieve your best. If you want to act, work in student
local community, and beyond. Our International Committee                                               journalism or make films, South has the expertise and facilities
encourages our students to embrace global citizenship; and                                             to bring your ambitions to life.
our Charity Committee work hard to raise money for partner
charities.                                                                                             If you aspire to be an active citizen, participating in the
                                                                                                       community and in touch with global issues, South College’s
We have an excellent range of facilities, including study rooms,
                                                                                                       commitment to current affairs will engage and excite you. Our
a library, seminar and presentation rooms, and an events and
                                                                                                       college is committed to volunteering and to helping you to
sports hall, gym, and tennis court. The hub of College life is
                                                                                                       help others at home and abroad.
JB’s – the largest coffee shop and bar at Durham, which hosts
open mic nights, quiz nights, plays, and much more.                                                    At South, we have a superb café-bar and dedicated drama,
To support our student groups, we have a leadership                                                    dance and music rooms with state-of-the-art performance
development programme, which ensures our students can              For me, Josephine Butler            space. Our dining hall in the Hub hosts weekly formal dinners.     South brings new opportunities
access the skills they need to lead and organise projects. We      College reflects the whole          Study space in the Pitcairn Building is located alongside the      like no other college can! For
also retain close ties with our alumni, who have become a          university experience, with an      college offices, offering access to support 24/7.                  me, the chance to be able
network of contacts for advice and opportunities, and who          abundance of extracurricular                                                                           to have a real impact on the
help us to run careers events.                                     activities to join in with. There                                                                      foundations of a new College is
                                                                   is something for everyone here                                                                         an exciting opportunity, which
                                                                   with many opportunities to                                                                             only comes once in a lifetime.
                                                                   develop life skills.
                                                                                                                                                                          Kayleigh Allen
                                                                   Harry Greaves                                                                                          BSc Geography

12                                                                                                                                                                                                        13
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
We are proud co-founders                                                                                We love our traditions, but
                                                                      and hosts of Durham                                                                                     are thoroughly forward-
                                                                      Pride and Durham City                                                                                   thinking in our outlook.
                                                                      of Sanctuary, and of                                                                                    Though we are a small
Aidan’s: let’s change the world.                                      two research centres
                                                                                                      Small College, big impact.                                              community with a real
                                                                      with community impact                                                                                   family atmosphere, we
                                                                      and growing global                                                                                      encourage all of our
                                                                      relationships at                                                                                        members to dare to
                                                                      their heart.                                                                                            dream big.

                                                                    C                  A                                                                                    C                   3
                                                                    Catered            UCAS code                                                                            Catered             UCAS code

                                                                    Number of students
                                                                                                                                                                            Number of students
Welcome to St Aidan’s, the ‘Rainbow College’. From the              living in (UG & PG)               St Chad’s is located near the heart of Durham, situated just          living in (UG & PG)
creative arts to community engagement projects, peer                                                  metres away from Durham Cathedral and the UNESCO World
mentoring and Pathways to Enterprise, our energy, enthusiasm                                          Heritage Site, on the beautiful and historic North Bailey. We
                                                                        @StAidansCollege                                                                                        @StChadsDurham
and warmth encourage everyone to flourish.                                                            love our traditions but are thoroughly forward-thinking in our
                                                                                                      outlook. Though we are a small community with a real family               @stchadsdurham
A modern College, we have a growing tradition of engagement         For more information, see         atmosphere, we encourage all of our members to dare to dream              @stchadscollege
in social justice and building new relationships. You can           durham.ac.uk/st-aidans.college    big, to aim high, and to think globally – whether it’s in terms of
develop your talents, or discover ones you never suspected,                                           their academic work, their extracurricular activities, their career
                                                                                                                                                                            For more information, see
in a caring and supportive environment. Our creative writing                                          aspirations and employability, or their plans to change our world
course is unique, our intercultural and interfaith events                                             for the better.
inspirational and our College spaces can host anything
from meditation groups to ‘Live Lounge’ and ‘Open mic’                                                Our intellectually curious and highly motivated members
evenings. With the emphasis on participation, we have a great                                         participate in a wide range of College-based events and
tradition of both informal and dedicated activity: from mixed                                         activities including our inter-Common Room discussion forum
frisbee to women’s rugby; yoga and meditation to tango, salsa                                         PERSPECTIVES, our regional internship programme Intern:NE,
and classical Indian dance.                                                                           regular community volunteering opportunities around the North
                                                                                                      East, the governance of the Junior Common Room, our theatre
We are proud co-founders and hosts of Durham Pride and                                                company Green Door, our friendly and inclusive sports teams, our
Durham City of Sanctuary, and of two research centres                                                 student-run College bar, our twice-weekly gowned ‘Formals’, and
with community impact and growing global relationships at                                             our lively arts and music programme.
their heart. Through celebrations like Chinese New Year and
international film nights, our Banipal Middle Eastern Writer                                          The College is particularly committed to nurturing a diverse and
in Residence Fellowship and Shabbat celebrations, we work                                             international community of students and staff, co-sponsoring
towards active citizenship to challenge a fractured world.          I found it hard to get involved   the Ruth First Scholarship, which brings a postgraduate from          I don’t think I would have felt as
                                                                    with things outside my studies    southern Africa to study at Durham University for a year. Our         secure anywhere else, and that’s
Situated at the top of Windmill Hill, the view of Durham            at school but Aidan’s is such     International Students Organising Committee arranges an               allowed me to take risks and try
Cathedral and the dramatic landscape of the city will always        a warm and welcoming place        exciting extracurricular programme of trips around the North          new things with a confidence I
inspire you. Our modernity embraces sensitivity and respect         it was easy to get involved in    East, study skills sessions, and social events throughout the year.   wouldn’t have had otherwise. It
for the living history and struggle of this region, where natural   college life.                                                                                           sounds like a cliché, but I can’t
beauty and industrial resilience coexist.                                                             If you aspire to be part of a scholarly and social community that     overstate how much Chad’s feels
                                                                                                      will challenge and support you in equal measure, encouraging          like home.
                                                                    Irenitemi Michael Agbejule        and empowering you to make the most of every opportunity
                                                                    Computer Science
                                                                                                      while at Durham University, then we would love to welcome you         Joe Skaria
                                                                                                      to St Chad’s.                                                         Philosophy, Politics
                                                                                                                                                                            and Economics (PPE)
14                                                                                                                                                                                                          15
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
St Cuthbert’s Society is                                                                               To support the local
                                                                       one of the oldest student                                                                              community, our students
                                                                       communities in Durham,                                                                                 run a ‘Match-Up Hub’
                                                                       with strong values                                                                                     which matches the skills
Founded by students for students.                                      of diversity, inclusivity,        Community focus; global perspective.                                 of our students with
                                                                                                                                                                              local organisations
                                                                       and mutual respect.
                                                                                                                                                                              who could benefit
                                                                                                                                                                              from their help.

                                                                     CS                 4                                                                                   S                   8
                                                                     Catered            UCAS code                                                                           Catered             UCAS code

                                                                     Number of students
                                                                                                                                                                            Number of students
St Cuthbert’s Society is one of the oldest student communities       living in (UG & PG)                 Stephenson College is a modern College situated next to            living in (UG & PG)
in Durham, with strong values of diversity, inclusivity and                                              the Botanic Gardens, surrounded by beautiful woodland.
mutual respect. Cuth’s occupies two sites, with catered rooms                                            Supported by our College bursaries, students are empowered
                                                                         @CuthsSociety                                                                                          @stevocollege
on the historic Bailey and self-catered, modern flats across the                                         to pursue joint and individual interests at Stephenson,
River Wear at Parson’s Field. We provide a flexible range of             @st.cuthberts.society           and there are a wide range of opportunities for personal               @stephensonCollegeCommunity
accommodation and catering options.                                      @stcuthbertssociety             development. Students can engage with College life through             @stephenson_college
                                                                                                         joining one of our many sports teams, clubs, and societies.
Our student body, a registered charity, is energetic, enterprising                                       The newly-established Rocket Theatre Company hosted
                                                                     For more information, see                                                                              For more information, see
and democratic. The JCR has over 40 societies and sports                                                 three successful productions within its first year, and is
                                                                     durham.ac.uk/st-cuthberts.society                                                                      durham.ac.uk/stephenson
teams, and new ones are created every year. They include Biscuit                                         entirely student-run. In 2020, we will be launching our new
Appreciation, Running, Karaoke and FemSoc. We are the only                                               Connections Programme to support student development, and
college with two sites, two bars, and an entirely student-run                                            we will be extending our series of lectures from leading figures
library. Our community engagement includes drama classes in a                                            in a range of fields.
local secondary school, rugby coaching in a primary school, and
our choir performing in Durham Cathedral and York Minster.                                               Stephenson students have a strong interest in civic
                                                                                                         responsibility and social justice, and sustain close links with
Bursaries are available for personal development projects and                                            a local charity addressing homelessness. To further support
to support the performing arts. Every year a writer, artist or                                           the local community, our students run a ‘Match-Up Hub’,
musician is in residence for six months to work with students -                                          which matches the skills and experience of students with
this year an award-winning film maker and director, Paul Sng.                                            local organisations who could benefit from their help. We are
College staff provide welfare support to all students, and also                                          ambitious for our students, and we encourage both academic
organize a programme of scholarly and social events which                                                and co-curricular success, paying attention to development
contribute to the wider student experience and personal                                                  and employability as global leaders.
development, including debates on topical issues and careers         Cuth’s is a college like no                                                                            As a first-generation scholar
advice. Regular formal dinners such as Hallowe’en, Burns Night       other, spread across two            To support our student community, our fantastic facilities         growing up in a town where
and ‘Dining in the Dark’ bring students, staff and senior members    sites in Durham, it really          include study space, a gym, a music room, innovation space,        few went to university, I
together. The students organise three major balls a year.            proves how unifying a proud         and an excellent bar and performance hub. Despite being a          struggled to picture myself
                                                                                                         self-catered college, our student dine together regularly, both    at a prestigious university
                                                                     college identity can be.
                                                                                                         formally and informally, at our ‘Locomotion Dinners’               like Durham. However, from
                                                                                                                                                                            my first day at Stevo I knew I
                                                                                                         and ‘Formals’.
                                                                                                                                                                            truly belonged.
                                                                     Dan Vogel
                                                                     History, (Students of
                                                                                                                                                                            Lauren Rhodes
                                                                     Colour Rep 2018/19)

16                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
Undergraduate Colleges Guide 2022 - Durham University
We are a network of                                                                                      St John’s is one of
                                                                        talent, inspiration and                                                                                  Durham’s smallest
                                                                        action into which you                                                                                    Colleges, situated
                                                                        will come ‘home to                                                                                       in a row of Georgian
The Big Heart on the Big Hill.                                          Hild Bede’. Hild Bede is       Traditional yet forward thinking.                                         townhouses on
                                                                        a conversation, about                                                                                    the Bailey.
                                                                        knowledge and ideas,
                                                                        points of view
                                                                        and diversity of

                                                                      SC                5                                                                                      C                 J
                                                                      Catered           UCAS code                                                                              Catered           UCAS code

                                                                      TBC                                                                                                      240
                                                                                                                                                                               Number of students
                                                                      Number of students
Known simply as Hild Bede, we are a place of both history and         living in (UG & PG)              St John’s is one of the smallest colleges. Situated within a row of     living in (UG & PG)
tradition and confidence to open up new ways to become and                                             Georgian townhouses on the Bailey, next to the Cathedral, our
do more than we already are in service of our students and wider      For more information, see        gardens and lawns stretch down to the River Wear, creating a
community.                                                            durham.ac.uk/hild-bede           peaceful sanctuary in the centre of Durham.
Our 1400 students and ‘family’ of 17,000 alumni span the world                                         All our bedrooms have been refurbished, we have a new gym,                 @stjohnsdurham
and generations. We are a network of talent, inspiration and action                                    and recently completed our new 24/7 library and learning
into which you will come ‘home to Hild Bede’. We aim to give you                                       resource centre with ample study space. Our 12th century
the support, space and opportunity to develop, to thrive in your                                       College Chapel is a wonderful space for music and worship.              For more information, see
studies and to express yourself as the kind of person who now and
throughout life embodies our spirit of doing and being good.                                           We have our own boathouse and a fiercely competitive boat club
                                                                                                       – whilst being a small college, we punch above our weight when
Hild Bede is a conversation, about knowledge and ideas, points of                                      it comes to the sporting arena.
view and diversity of experience.
                                                                                                       There is a real sense of community and participation across the
Hild Bede is unique in representing all its students, both under-                                      Common Rooms and College as a whole. Our staff work closely
and post-graduate through the Student Representative Council                                           with students to create the John’s experience, and the College’s
(SRC). The SRC President and ‘Exec.’ support and run much of                                           Christian ethos translates into warm hospitality.
College life: the 36 Clubs and Societies; Welfare and Environment
Committees; ‘formals’, Winter and Summer Balls, our College                                            St John’s fosters intellectual curiosity beyond our students’
Day and, much, much more. We are growing our presence as                                               degree subjects. A flagship event is the annual ‘Borderlands’
the gateway for Durham to our local community, building on our                                         lecture, featuring leading thinkers and public figures. Student
engagement and volunteering and looking to develop enhanced                                            projects include the St John’s Common Room Academic Journal,
support and recognition for all our student leaders.                                                   Café Scientifique and Café Politique. All students are encouraged
                                                                      Hild Bede gives me a                                                                                     Why would you consider any
                                                                      wonderful sense of community     to participate in the St John’s Leadership Programme, and our
                                                                                                                                                                               other college, when you can
The SRC is your way of contributing to a partnership in running       and friendship. There’s always   Resident Tutors offer academic peer support.
                                                                                                                                                                               live with friendly people, on
College along with the College Officers and staff.                    someone you know to talk to -
                                                                                                       John’s Chronicle, our online magazine, includes everything from         a UNESCO World Heritage
                                                                      whether they’re exec or just a
You will be most welcome down by the river, up on our big hill at                                      opinion pieces on world politics to reflections on life in St John’s.   Site, with quirky rooms and
                                                                      friend. It’s such a special
big-hearted Hild Bede.                                                                                 With a student editorial team, the readership extends to our            great food?
                                                                      place and I’m so glad I got
                                                                      allocated there.                 alumni and friends, reflecting our ethos of ‘once a Johnian, always
                                                                                                       a Johnian’.                                                             Katherine Brooks
                                                                                                                                                                               Modern Languages
                                                                      Siobhan Gardiner
                                                                      General Engineering, 2nd year

18                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
St Mary’s was founded                                                                                   Our excellent careers
                                                                        in 1899 as a pioneering                                                                                 programme connects our
                                                                        all-women’s College,                                                                                    students with alumni in
                                                                        becoming mixed in                                                                                       various sectors, and
Vibrant, versatile and valued.                                          2005. We have kept
                                                                                                        Explore Without Limits.                                                 we host regular careers
                                                                        our founding ethos –                                                                                    talks and networking
                                                                        a commitment to                                                                                         sessions.
                                                                        equality and
                                                                        for all.

                                                                      C                  M                                                                                    C                   T
                                                                      Catered            UCAS code                                                                            Catered             UCAS code

                                                                      Number of students
                                                                                                                                                                              Number of students
St Mary’s is one of Durham’s oldest colleges and occupies             living in (UG & PG)               Trevelyan is a small, progressive college renowned for its            living in (UG & PG)
beautiful buildings set in extensive grounds ideally located for                                        distinctive hexagonal architecture. Our College encourages
both academic and extra-curricular activities.                                                          every student to venture out of their comfort zone and be the
                                                                          @StMarysOfficial                                                                                        @trevscollege
                                                                                                        best they can be, whilst promoting an environment of support,
St Mary’s was founded in 1899 as a pioneering all-women’s                 @stmaryscollegedurham         inclusion, and curiosity.                                                 @trevelyancollege
college, becoming mixed in 2005. We have kept our founding                                                                                                                        @trevelyancollege
ethos – a commitment to equality and opportunity for all. A key                                         We have a thriving arts scene suited to all interest and abilities,
aspect of life at Mary’s is the encouragement to get involved,                                          supported by outstanding musical and theatrical facilities.
                                                                      For more information, see                                                                               For more information, see
try new things, and develop skills you never knew you had!                                              Trevelyan is home to a 60-seattheatre and a soundproof
                                                                      durham.ac.uk/st-marys.college                                                                           durham.ac.uk/trevelyan.college
This could include organising our International Week, being                                             rehearsal and recording room. We also excel at sports,
responsible for the Junior Common Room (JCR) publicity                                                  and have a large indoor sports hall, an outdoor all-weather
and communications, joining the Midsummer Ball decorations                                              sports court, and a gym. Our College has 37 clubs, covering
committee, performing at our ‘Live Lounge’, working in the                                              everything from football to Frisbee.
College Bar or library, and more. We offer opportunities for
relaxation, too, through our wonderful student-run toastie bar,                                         Trevelyan strives to produce future-ready graduates. We have
and the Welfare at Mary’s team.                                                                         an excellent careers programme that connects our students
                                                                                                        with alumni in various sectors, and we host regular career
At Mary’s, supporting an individual’s personal and academic                                             talks and networking sessions. We also believe in providing
growth is key. New students are welcomed by our enthusiastic                                            the space and opportunity for our students to realise their
student teams at the start of each academic year. College                                               own potential. Our extensive travel bursary scheme supports
Mentors support students in capturing achievements,                                                     many students to travel the world in pursuit of academic and
reflecting on experiences, identifying strengths, and embracing                                         personal development, and our development programme will
opportunities. Alumni support current students through our                                              give you ample opportunity to hone your soft skills.
Careers Alumni Network.                                               Being in St. Mary’s College has                                                                         My advice to new students is
                                                                      truly been the highlight of my    Trevelyan was designed as a ‘modern castle’, with all of its          to be really open to trying lots
As a community, we collaborate to provide you with the                time studying in Durham! I’ve     facilities interconnected under one roof. Our students tell us        of new things. College is so
opportunity to contribute, to make a positive difference. It’s this   gained the confidence to get      that this layout makes it much easier to make friends, and that       much more than just a halls
positive experience that provides a sense of belonging, ensuring      involved in a range of clubs      they felt at home in Trevelyan immediately. Make Trevelyan your       of residence; it’s a home, a
our students retain a lifelong affiliation with St Mary’s. We look    and societies, both at college    home, and explore the limitless opportunities available to you.       community and a family.
forward to when you join us!                                          and wider University level.

                                                                                                                                                                              Alice Cooper
                                                                      Emma Johnson

20                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
The oldest of Durham’s                                                                               Mildert has 20 years’
                                                                         Colleges, housed in a                                                                                experience in outreach
                                                                         UNESCO World Heritage                                                                                and volunteering, and
                                                                         Site. At Castle, we                                                                                  runs six student-led
Not for ourselves alone.                                                 take great pride in the           Building community, inspiring innovation.                          projects across County
                                                                         achievements of                                                                                      Durham, contributing
                                                                         our students.                                                                                        over 6500 hours
                                                                                                                                                                              of volunteering

                                                                       C                  U                                                                                 C                 V
                                                                       Catered            UCAS code                                                                         Catered           UCAS code

                                                                       538                                                                                                  524
                                                                                                                                                                            Number of students
                                                                       Number of students
Known simply as ‘Castle’, University College is the oldest of          living in (UG & PG)                 College life at Mildert means getting involved regardless of     living in (UG & PG)
Durham’s colleges, and is based in Durham Castle, a UNESCO                                                 your experience or background – our ‘give it a go’ attitude
World Heritage Site. We are steeped in history, but always look to                                         means that enthusiasm is all you need to try something new!
                                                                           @durhamcastle                                                                                        @vanmildert1965
the future, too. Our motto, Non nobis solum – ‘Not for ourselves                                           Mildert has 20 years’ experience in outreach and volunteering,
alone’ – captures our ethos. We strive to be a diverse community,          @universitycollegeofficial      which has driven a strong College ethos echoing our motto,           @mildertmeansstudentsafety
and aim to provide a welcoming environment for all.                        @universitycollegedurham        ‘Sic vos non vobis’ – ‘Not for yourselves’. Our six student-         @vanmildertcollege
                                                                                                           led projects work across County Durham, contributing over
We are a scholarly community, and have a programme                                                         6,500 hours of volunteering annually. This closely aligns with
                                                                       For more information, see                                                                            For more information, see
of seminars, lectures, and events as part of our Student                                                   our commitment to environmental sustainability through
                                                                       durham.ac.uk/university.college                                                                      durham.ac.uk/van-mildert.college
Development Programme. We are proud of our student-led                                                     the student-led Green Committee, recognised with awards
outreach programme, Castle Community Action, which works                                                   regionally, nationally and internationally.
closely with the local community. We also actively promote the
mental health and wellbeing of all our College members.                                                    Our diverse range of 120 sports teams, clubs, committees, and
                                                                                                           societies ensures that there are opportunities for everybody.
College facilities include an excellent library within the Castle                                          In the arts, the flourishing Feather Theatre Company, College
walls, a bar, a gym, and a laundry. All undergraduate livers-in will                                       Choir, and Big Band perform across the university regularly.
be based in fully-catered accommodation within the Castle walls,                                           Our distinctive ‘Dimensions’ programme offers opportunities
or in our Moatside, Owengate, and Bailey Court blocks, all of                                              for enrichment, which are complemented by lectures,
which are within a two minute walk of the Castle gates. Students                                           seminars, and debates.
can dine together daily, as well as enjoy weekly formal dinners,
in the Castle Great Hall – a truly magnificent setting of which we                                         Van Mildert College is centred around a beautiful lake, and
have the privilege to dine in.                                                                             our spacious estate offers opportunities for lively, ambitious
                                                                       Our Castle community extends        events, while also providing a peaceful place for study and
At Castle, we take great pride in the achievements of our              well beyond the students and        relaxation. Facilities include music practice rooms and a        Being a part of the Van
students. If your top priority is academic achievement and             JCR; the cleaners, porters,         recording studio, a bar and shop, study space in our libraries   Mildert community has been
personal development, and you have a strong regard for your            servery staff and college office    and computer suite, a student-run gym, and the largest dining    an absolute pleasure. I loved
mental health and wellbeing, we look forward to welcoming you          are an integral and irreplaceable   hall in the University.                                          being involved with Outreach
to our community.                                                      part of college life. Their                                                                          projects, giving back to the
                                                                       warmth, humour and kindness                                                                          local community, helping
                                                                       never fail to make students feel                                                                     others and working with
                                                                       at home.                                                                                             like-minded people.

                                                                       Jemima Oakey                                                                                         Annie Timms
                                                                       Combined Honours                                                                                     Geography
                                                                       in Social Sciences
22                                                                                                                                                                                                       23
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