Ultrastructural Changes in the Diaphragm of Aged Emphysematous Hamsters
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Ultrastructural Changes in the Diaphragm of Aged Emphysema- tous Hamsters Herwin A. Machiels, A. Jeroen Verheul, Huib J. Croes, Theo Hafmans and P.N. Richard Dekhuijzen Department of Pulmonary Diseases, University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands Abstract In emphysematous hamsters the diaphragm is continuously exposed to an increased workload. Previous lightmicroscopical observations showed only minor changes in relatively young em- physematous hamsters. However, ageing affects the regenerating capacity of muscles. We hypothesised that the diaphragm of aged emphysematous hamsters shows an increase of ultra- structural alterations in comparison to age-matched normal hamsters. This could contribute to a reduced force-generating capacity, which occurs in emphysematous hamsters. After intratracheally instillation of elastase or saline the animals were sacrificed at the age of 15-16 months for in vitro measurements of isometric contractile properties of the diaphragm. The hamsters were perfused in situ with glutaraldehyde for electronmicro- scopical investigations. In emphysematous hamsters, twitch and tetanic forces were reduced by ~28% and ~14%, respectively (P
Ultrastructural changes in aged diaphragm pacity in comparison to age-matched ‘healthy’ control gram Poly 5.0 (Inspector Research Systems Inc, Am- hamsters. Therefore, an ultrastructural study of the dia- sterdam, The Netherlands). In the isometric mode, force phragm in aged emphysematous hamsters (instilled at the outputs were digitised using a data-acquisition board age of 40 weeks) and age-matched normal hamsters was (DASH1602, Keithley, Taunton, USA) at a sampling performed. To confirm changes in contractile properties frequency of 2.0 kHz [25]. in these hamsters, diaphragm twitch and maximal tetanic The muscle was stimulated directly by platinum plate tensions were also measured in both groups. electrodes, with rectangular current pulses (0.5 ms) gen- erated by a stimulator (Instrumental and Electronics Methods Dept., University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Neth- Animals, induction of emphysema and study design erlands). Muscle preload force was adjusted to achieve optimal fibre length (Lo) for maximal twitch force (Pt). Male Syrian hamsters (n=36) were used for the ex- After 15 min of thermo-equilibration both Pt and maxi- periments. The animals were housed under a 12:12 mal tetanic force (Po) were determined with a 2 min. in- light-dark cycle in a specific-pathogen-free area (SPF terval between subsequent stimulations. unit) according to the FELASA recommendations [30]. Animals were fed ad libitum. The studies were ap- Verification of emphysema proved by the local Animal Ethical Committee. The presence and severity of emphysema was evaluated At the age of ~40 weeks the hamsters were anaesthe- in normal (n=5) and emphysematous (n=5) hamsters. Af- tised with a mixture of halothane and N2O, vaporised in ter anaesthesia the lungs were excised and inflated with 4 air. A polyethylene cannula was inserted into the trachea % formalin (pH 7.4) to a pressure of 25 cm H2O for 2 with the tip located above the carina. The animals were hours and subsequently post fixation lung volume was intratracheally instilled with either porcine pancreas elas- determined by fluid displacement. The lungs were fixed tase (24 U/100 g body weight (EPC, Owensville, MI) in without external pressure in formalin 4% for at least 5 0.50 ml 0.9% NaCl/100 g body weight) (n=18) or an days. Subsequently, the left lung was embedded in paraf- equal volume of 0.9% saline (n=18), as described in detail fin and sagittal sections (6 µm thickness) were cut and previously [19,23,36,38]. To improve the distribution to stained with hematoxylin and eosin. To determine the ex- the peripheral parts of the lung, 3 ml of room air was in- tent of emphysematous changes in the lung, alveolar CSA jected through the tube. The hamsters were monitored was measured of at least 100 alveoli using a Sprynt- carefully until spontaneous breathing was restored. based, PC-Image digital analysis system (Bos Inc.) [38]. Six months after instillation the hamsters (age 15-16 months) were sacrificed in order to measure contractile Electronmicroscopy properties of the diaphragm in vitro (control, n=7; em- In another set of experiments the diaphragm was fixed physema, n=7). Twelve animals were sacrificed to dissect and prepared for light- and electronmicroscopical ex- the diaphragm for ultrastructural studies (control, n=6; amination. The hamsters (controls, n=6 and emphyse- emphysema, n=6), and in ten animals the degree of em- matous hamsters, n=6) were deeply anaesthetised with physema was verified (control, n=5; emphysema, n=5). pentobarbital (6 mg/100 gram body weight). A laparo- tomy was performed and the abdominal aorta was ex- Measurement of contractile properties posed. An infusion needle was inserted within the aorta The animals were randomly allocated to the experi- in the upstream direction, the caval vein was cut and the mental groups for measuring contractile properties. All abdomen was closed again. The hamsters were perfused experiments were performed according previously de- with 100 ml 0.9% saline followed by 400 ml of a 2% scribed methods [19,38]. Briefly, the hamsters were an- glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB, pH 7.3, aesthetised with pentobarbital sodium (Nembutal, 25 cm H2O). After perfusion, the diaphragm was re- 70mg/kg i.p.) and mechanically ventilated with 100% moved, part of the right costal region cut in small slices O2 (flow of 0.5 ml/g bodyweight/min; respiration fre- and immersed overnight in the same fixation fluid. Fol- quency 70 breaths/min). The diaphragm and adherent lowing rinsing in the same buffer, the tissues were os- ribs were quickly excised and immediately submerged micated for one hour in 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M in cooled oxygenated Krebs solution at pH ~7.40. Mus- PB, rinsed in PB, dehydrated through graded series of cle strips (~2.5 mm wide) were dissected from the ethanols and embedded in Epon 812. midcostal region with the insertions at the costal margin One-micron thick sections were collected, toluidine and central tendon left intact. The muscle bundle was blue-stained and screened lightmicroscopically. mounted vertically and suspended in a tissue bath Examination of these semithin sections was carried out containing Krebs solution, perfused with a 95% O2-5% by two well- experienced independent observers. CO2 mixture and maintained at 26°C. The ends of the Twenty five muscle fibres in each section (five sections muscle bundle were attached to both the micro- per animal) were investigated. Subsequently, the manipulator and to the lever arm of a dual-mode length- semithin sections were photographed with a Dialux 20 force servo-control system (Cambridge Technologies, Leitz (Digital camera Coolpix 990, Nikon). The Cambridge, USA), respectively. The system was observed abnormalities appeared to be in concordance controlled by the software program Poly 5.0 (Inspector for both investigators. Based on the abnormalities found - 202 -
Ultrastructural changes in aged diaphragm Based on the abnormalities found at the lightmicro- large blood vessels and capillaries were localised in be- scopical level, ultrathin sections for electronmicroscopy tween the connective tissue together with a few axons and were cut, double contrasted with uranyl-acetate/lead- several lipocytes. The endomysium was characterised by citrate and photographed in a transmission numerous capillaries in close contact with the muscle electronmicroscope (JEOL 1010). cells. Few fibres exhibited elongated central nuclei, sometimes characterised by chain formation. A few split- Measurement of blood oxygen tension in vivo ting fibres were present. No necrotic fibres were ob- Arterial blood samples were taken directly after plac- served. Small dark-stained muscle fibres with accumula- ing the infusion needle in the abdominal aorta in order tions of mitochondria close to the cell membrane alter- to determine pH, pO2 and pCO2 during both control and nated with thicker light-stained fibres. In several fibres emphysema conditions (Ciba Corning 238 pH/ Bloodgas central mitochondrial accumulations branched parallelly Analyzer, Halstead, UK). along the myofibrils (i.e. streaking). Several fibres also Data treatment and statistics showed longitudinal rows of lipofuscin deposits as well as small light-stained vacuoles. Incidentally some thin Cross-sectional area of the muscle bundle was calcu- atrophic fibres were present (Fig. 1A). lated by dividing diaphragm bundle weight (in g) by length (cm) times specific density (1.056 g/cm3). Force Emphysematous group was expressed per cross-sectional area (in N/cm2). All In the diaphragm of emphysematous hamsters there data are presented as means ± SE. Differences in con- were more severe structural alterations compared to tractile parameters between the treatment groups were the control group. In general ± 20% of the fibres (i.e. analysed using a Student’s t-test. Statistical analysis 4-6 fibres from ± 25 fibres) appeared to be abnormal in was performed using the SPSS package, v 10.0 (Chi- the semithin sections. cago, IL). Comparisons were considered significant at Increased Z-line streaming and disarray of myofibrils the P
Ultrastructural changes in aged diaphragm Figure 1. Lightmicroscopical figures. A. Control group: single-fibre atrophy (arrows) with loss of striation in between normal appearing myofibres. * indi- cates thin dark fibre (more mitochondria). ** in- dicates thick light fibre.. B. Emphysema group: at the left forking (asterisk) of fibre due to splitting; Figure 2. Electronmicroscopical figures. A. Control arrow points to atrophic fibre and arrowhead to group: generally well aligned sarcomeres with in fibre with central nuclei. C. Emphysema group: between mitochondria and small areas of dense several cross-sectioned fibres showing different glycogen granules. _______ = 5 µm. B. Emphy- stages of necroses (asterisks); arrow points to the sema group: at asterisks two areas of Z-line peritoneal side of the diaphragm. D. Emphysema streaming, generally there is a reduced density of group: abrupt ending of intact fibre (asterisk); be- mitochondria in this abnormal fibre region. At ar- tween arrow and asterisk the remaining ghost of rowheads a few remaining mitochondria. _______ an extension of the same fibre invaded by mono- = 5 µm. C. Emphysema group: about ten nuclei nuclear cells and macrophages indicating myo- with distinct nucleolisation located midcentrally phagia (compare EM Fig 3C); arrowhead: split within a regenerated fibre with electron-lucent fat fibre. _______ = 50 µm. globules. At arrows subsarcolemmal accumula- tions of mitochondria, empty capillaries (aster- Apart from this, numerous satellite cells as well as isks) and a small venule filled with erythrocytes regenerated fibres with centronucleation were found and its capillary branch (arrowhead). _______ = (Fig. 2C) Fibre splitting and forking were found fre- 20 µm. D. Emphysema group: longitudinal split- quently (Fig. 2D). Even ring fibres (peripheral rim of ting of a fibre, at arrowhead an abnormal long circular myofibrils surrounding longitudinal fibres) papillary projection of the fibre surface mem- were observed. brane. At asterisk the invaginating plasma mem- Remarkably, abortive regeneration was only ob- branes and basal laminae accompanied with col- served in the emphysematous group, as demonstrated lagen fibrils. _______ = 5 µm. by partially normal developing myofibrils in the pe- riphery of the fibre (Fig. 3A). Central degeneration eral influx of inflammatory cells was observed within with Z-line abnormalities and formation of rods in ab- the interstitial space. errant myofibrils were present. No obvious differences were observed in the mito- Additionally, different stages of myonecrosis were ob- chondrial population, with exception of an increased served in the emphysematous group. The area of degen- variation in mitochondrial size. There were more and eration was filled up with a few organelles and glycogen larger lipofuscin granules in the emphysema group as in between disintegrated myofilaments (sarcoplasmic already indicated in the semithin sections. There were mass) (Fig. 3B). Signs of focal necrosis (fibres with ser- no differences with regard to lipid droplets. In addition, rated borders) were found without macrophages in their many extrusions of vacuolar structures (extrusion vacu- vicinity. Segmental necrotic fibres were found in several oles) were present, eventually resulting in sequestrations sections, as well as local signs of myophagia. After the within the extracellular spaces and accompanied by disappearance of all myofibrillar and sarcotubular com- folding of the sarcolemma (Fig. 3D). Atrophic fibres ponents the basal lamina appeared to be still persistent. were increased and isolated replications of the basal The remaining space between these laminae was stuffed laminae were often found. by invading macrophages (Fig. 3C). However, no gen- - 204 -
Ultrastructural changes in aged diaphragm muscle of senescent rats has been reported to be slow and markedly impaired without restoration to normal muscle structure [34]. In the elastase-induced emphysema model the dia- phragm contracts continuously against an increased elastic and resistive load due to hyperinflation and air- flow limitation [26]. This resembles to some extent the models of resistive loading induced by tracheal band- ing as applied in experimental animal settings. In these models ultrastructural changes have been described, e.g. sarcomere disruption, Z-line streaming, and mem- brane damage [33, 40]. In situ fixation has shown not to induce changes in muscle structure [29]. It is unlikely that the observed changes between the two groups are caused by tissue fixation and processing, since all animals were treated according to the same protocol. Moreover, physical inactivity does not seem to play a role in the differences observed between the two groups. Although we did not quantify the activity lev- Figure 3. A. Emphysema group: detail of an abortive re- els of the animals, daily inspection showed no differ- generation of a fibre showing at the left degener- ences in activity level between the two groups. Finally, ated filamentous structures, at the right several myopathy due to malnutrition is unlikely since the rods as well as newly produced myofibrils with ir- animals did not lose weight. regular formed Z-lines. _______ = 5 µm. B. Em- The results of our model of elastase induced emphy- physema group: focal degeneration with disinte- sematous hamsters are partly in concordance with the grated myofibrils, loss of Z-lines and very few or- observations of Orozco-Levi et al. [28]. They showed ganelles with glycogen granules represents a sar- that sarcomere disruption is present in normal human coplasmic mass in a myofibre. _______ = 5 µm. diaphragm muscle, but is found more frequently in C. Emphysema group: in end stage of necrosis COPD patients. To our knowledge, the above- persistence of basal lamina (arrow), invaded mentioned alterations have not yet been described in the macrophages (asterisks) are distinctly present. emphysematous hamster diaphragm. _______ = 10 µm; small frame _______ = 5 µm. D. Emphysema group: a long papillary projec- Abnormalities of the contractile apparatus, like regis- tion, extrusion of vacuolar remnant (asterisks), the ter-shifting and Z-line distortions, were consistently excluded content still remains within the enclosing found in the diaphragm of emphysematous hamsters. In basal lamina. _______ = 2 µm. addition, the observed sarcoplasmic masses and focal degeneration indicate various stages of degeneration. Focal as well as segmental necrosis and eventually Discussion myonecrosis were found frequently. In age-matched This study shows that the aged emphysematous hamster control hamsters only a few of these alterations were diaphragm exhibits multiple morphological alterations in found incidentally (see Table 1). comparison to age-matched control hamsters. Light- Our findings indicate that the aged emphysematous microscopically, the emphysematous diaphragm showed diaphragm, exposed to increased loading, exhibits signs more signs of damage and regeneration compared to the of myofibre damage. Usually, muscle damage is followed control diaphragm. The ultrastructural observations sup- by a phase of muscle regeneration. Indeed, as observed in ported in a more detailed manner the former observations. peripheral skeletal muscle [6], the presence of numerous The pathological changes may in part contribute to re- satellite cells in this study indicates a regenerative re- duced contractile properties as found in the present study. sponse of the emphysematous diaphragm muscle. How- The lack of ultrastructural alterations in young elastase ever, frequent fibre splitting and forking suggest sub- instilled emphysematous hamster diaphragm can in part optimal regeneration, partly underlined by the presence of be explained by the age of the animals used since aged abortive regeneration [13, 34]. In focal necrosis there is animals are more susceptible to muscle injury compared still continuity of the fibre and necrotic material is broken to young animals [9, 16, 39]. Moreover, the diaphragm down in autophagic vacuoles. The affected fibres ap- of young animals might exhibit a greater adaptive re- peared indented, split and show serrated borders as al- sponse when exposed to an increased load, resulting in ready reported [2]. In addition, it is assumed that both less pathological changes [31]. On the other hand, older central nuclei and fibre splitting are myopathic changes animals exhibit an impaired muscle regenerating capac- or represent a defective regeneration [13]. ity [7, 8, 17, 35]. For example, regeneration in skeletal - 205 -
Ultrastructural changes in aged diaphragm Table 1. Semiquantitative representation of the electronmicroscopical observations. Observed parameter Emphysematous hamster Normal hamster Disorganised contractile apparatus* +++ +/- Satellite cells +++ +/- Central nuclei +++ + Splitting and forking +++ + Abortive regeneration + - Sarcoplasmic masses + - Focal degeneration +++ +/- Necrotic fibres ++ - Lipofuscin +++ ++ Extrusion vacuoles +++ - Atrophic fibres ++ +/- Replication basal lamina +++ +/- - = not detected, +/- = incidentally, + = few, ++ = several, +++ = numerous * = Z-line dislocation and dissolution, Z-line streaming, disarray of myofibrils and register-shifting. There were numerous extrusion vacuoles [14] with Muscle changes at the ultrastructural level have al- autophagic remnants discarded in the extracellular space ready been suggested to play a role in a decreased force as observed in the emphysematous group. This impli- generating capacity as occurs in emphysematous ham- cates a high lysosomal activity, related to e.g. focal de- sters [37]. The reduction of Pt and Po in the present generation and focal necrosis. We also observed more study was in line with previous reports [22, 23, 37]. lipofuscin granules in the emphysematous hamsters In rabbits an impaired in vitro muscle contractility ap- compared to the control group. It is well-known that peared to be associated with diaphragm injury after inspi- with ageing the size and number of lipofuscin granules ratory resistive loading [20]. Diaphragm injury caused by increases [14]. An increased presence of lipofuscin may ventilatory failure, induced by resistive loading, has been also be reflective of a higher lysosomal activity of the linked to changes in myofibrillar complexes, which ap- involved fibre [24]. In emphysematous hamster dia- pear to be susceptible to calpain-mediated degradation [5, phragm there are no data on these typical lysosomal 32, 33]. Besides calpain, free radicals are suggested to waste products. However, an enlarged number of lipo- contribute to diaphragm muscle injury. Recently, Jiang et fuscin granules has been previously reported to occur in al. have shown that free radical scavengers can prevent diaphragm muscle from COPD patients [24]. the development of diaphragm injury and, in part, the re- Atrophic myofibres were incidentally detected in the duction of in vitro diaphragm contractility [20]. control hamsters, but were detected frequently in the Additionally, oxidative stress has also been implicated emphysematous hamsters. Muscle fibre atrophy can oc- in the pathogenesis of muscle injury due to overloading. cur due to several factors [3]. Since the diaphragm is Impaired force generation in the emphysematous hamster continuously active disuse atrophy is unlikely to occur diaphragm is related to an increase in the ratio of oxidised in this study. However, repeated cycles of degeneration to reduced glutathion [19]. Inhibition of free radical gen- followed by incomplete regeneration or repair, could be eration by the xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol has a cause of fibre atrophy in this study [3]. Furthermore, been shown to attenuate exercise-induced morphological the increased presence of isolated replications of basal damage such as irregularities in myofibrillar organization, membranes is in accordance with numerous atrophic intrafibre oedema and mitochondrial swelling in the so- fibres or degenerating and necrotic fibres as already re- leus muscle [12]. In regard to future studies the emphy- ported [14]. The remnants of basal laminae are quite re- sematous hamster model seems suitable to investigate the sistant and remain present for a long period [13]. role of oxidative stress on diaphragm injury. In this study both subtle and pronounced disturbances In summary, the diaphragm of aged emphysematous of the contractile system were present, including sar- hamsters is characterised by increased ultrastructural colemmal folding and numerous extrusion vacuoles. Ar- abnormalities as a result of chronic increased loading. In eas of focal degeneration and focal as well as segmental these hamsters the regenerating capacity of the emphy- necrosis were obvious. After focal fibre necrosis, cellular sematous diaphragm seems to be impaired compared to remodelling might weaken the affected fibres, but appar- younger animals as used in previous studies, suggesting ently does not destroy them [2]. All these events are an inadequate adaptation. The observed pathological likely to result in an impairment of muscle contractility. alterations are likely to contribute to the reduced force generation of the diaphragm. - 206 -
Ultrastructural changes in aged diaphragm Acknowledgements [12] Duarte JA, Appell HJ, Carvalho F, Bastos ML, The authors wish to thank Paul H.K. Jap, PhD, for his Soares JM: Endothelium-derived oxidative stress expertise in the field of light- and electronmicroscopy, may contribute to exercise-induced muscle dam- and Leo Ennen for his expert biotechnical assistance. age. Int J Sports Med 1993; 14: 440-443. This study was supported by a grant from GlaxoS- [13] Dubowitz LMS, Dubowitz V: Muscle biopsy: A mithKline, The Netherlands. practical Approach. 3rd edition, London, WB Saunders Company, 1997. Address correspondence to: [14] Engel AG, Banker BQ: Ultrastructural Changes in P.N.R. Dekhuijzen, MD, PhD, Department of Pulmo- Diseased Muscle, in Engel AG, Franzini- nary Diseases, University Medical Centre Nijmegen, PO Armstrong C: Myology. 2nd edition, New York, Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands, tel. 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