eNewsletter of Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate

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Welcome to our Winter 2021
edition of UltraNews

Meet Dr Oratile Kgosidialwa

Introducing Ambulatory
Gynaecology to UHW

UHK diabetes support for
maternity patients

National GTD Centre
recognised at HSE Service
Excellence Awards 2021

 ational Breastfeeding Week
1-7 October 2021

Update on Ireland South’s
Innovation Programme               An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, T.D. visits CUMH
                                    Read more inside
Other news

Back to13 | Winter 2021
        cover                  For info and story submissions email: Louise.Riordan@ucc.ie   Start reading
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Welcome to the                                      of care towards our patients, our        The team has been recognised for the
                                  Winter edition of                                   colleagues, our visitors and our
                                                                                      communities and vaccination is the
                                                                                                                               establishment of the national centre
                                                                                                                               to provide excellence in care to all
                                  UltraNews, the staff                                key to protecting us all.                women in Ireland diagnosed with
                                                                                                                               molar pregnancy, the most common
                                  newsletter of Ireland                               Well done to UHW on setting
                                                                                      up an Outpatient Hysteroscopy
                                                                                                                               type of gestational trophoblastic
                                                                                                                               disease (GTD) that occurs in 1 in 500
                                  South Women &                                       Clinic earlier this year. The clinic
                                                                                      is an initiative to improve access
                                                                                                                               pregnancies in Ireland. Until recently
                                                                                                                               the management of this rare disease
                                  Infants Directorate                                 to diagnostics and treatments for
                                                                                      women with heavy menstrual
                                                                                                                               has been inconsistent in Ireland and
                                                                                                                               many patients had to travel to the UK
                                                                                      bleeding, abnormal uterine bleeding      for treatment.
I am pleased to be writing to you          the Directorate. I am pleased that         and postmenopausal bleeding and
once again with the latest edition of      we can bring you details about a           will be of benefit to the women who      I hope that you enjoy reading
UltraNews, filled with updates about       fraction of that work in this edition of   avail of these services.                 UltraNews. At this time of year,
the work and progress across Ireland       UltraNews.                                                                          we include news about how events
South Women & Infants Directorate                                                     News from UHK includes an                like National Breastfeeding Week,
this winter.                               In October, An Taoiseach Micheál           account of how one of the Maternity      Baby Loss Awareness Week and
                                           Martin T.D., visited CUMH to               Services patients was guided and         Antibiotics Awareness Day were
In many ways 2021 has flown by and         officially open new facilities at          supported by the UHK team when           marked across the Directorate.
it’s hard to believe it is now December.   the hospital. On the same day,             she was diagnosed with gestational
So much has happened this year.            commemorative medals were                  diabetes and subsequently with type      Thank you to each one of you for
Early in 2021 with the rollout of the      presented in a socially distanced          1 diabetes. Feedback from patients       your hard work and dedication to
COVID-19 vaccination programme,            manner by An Taoiseach to                  is vital to help us to enhance our       our patients again this year. On
we had renewed hope on suppressing         representatives of our CUMH staff.         services.                                behalf of Ireland South Women
the virus while continuing to deliver      The medals were commissioned to                                                     & Infants Directorate, I wish you
the safest possible care to the women      mark the work of all our dedicated,        Every year we highlight National         and those you hold dear a Happy
and infants in our region. The             multidiscipline teams during the           Breastfeeding Week around the            Christmas and prosperous New
cyberattack delivered a blow to health     COVID-19 pandemic. All staff               Directorate and we do so again this      Year. Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain
services throughout the country            throughout the Directorate will            year starting with some news from        faoi Mhaise Daoibh go léir!
and combined with the COVID-19             receive their own medal in the near        TUH about how the team there
pandemic, we have all been challenged      future.                                    has strived to meet the needs of the
in new and different ways. I frequently                                               breastfeeding families attending
talk about how proud I am of the staff     Vaccinations have been to the              maternity services there in these very
across the Ireland South Women &           forefront of our minds this year. It       challenging times.
Infants Directorate. I have never been     has never been more important to
prouder of our staff than this year. In    get the seasonal flu vaccine. Last year,   Congratulations to Dr John Coulter,
the face of difficult and extraordinary    in CUMH we achieved 86% uptake             Consultant Gynecological Oncologist
times, you have risen to the challenge     on the seasonal flu vaccine, and I         at CUMH and the staff at the
time and again, innovating and             am hoping this year, there will be an      National Gestational Trophoblastic       John R. Higgins
collaborating to continue delivering       even higher uptake throughout the          Disease Centre who have been             Clinical Director
safe services for our patients.            Directorate. Thank you to everyone         recognised at the 2021 Health            Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate
                                           who has had the seasonal flu vaccine       Service Excellence Awards. Dr            Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
There is so much great work going          as well as the third vaccination           Coulter and his team have received       University College Cork
on across the units/hospitals in           against COVID-19. We have a duty           the Excellence in Quality Care award.    South/South West Hospital Group

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An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin,
T.D. opens new and upgraded
      facilities at CUMH

                                                                                                        These new facilities will further            The speeches touched on various topics
                                                                                                        streamline gynaecological patient            including the Taoiseach’s long-standing
                                                                                                        care and form part of the ongoing            relationship with CUMH and details
Pictured above and right: An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, T.D. listens to the benefits the new and
                                                                                                        innovations that have been developed         about the new and enhanced facilities
enhanced facilities at CUMH will bring to patients. Picture by Ger McCarthy.                            by CUMH to tackle gynaecology                at CUMH, to the dedication of staff
                                                                                                        waiting lists and provide exceptional        to their work, particularly during the
On Friday 15 October, An Taoiseach,                        Taoiseach Micheál Martin said: “I have       levels of care to women in Cork and its      COVID-19 pandemic.
Micheál Martin, T.D. officially opened                     a long connection with CUMH, and             surrounding area.
new and upgraded facilities at Cork                        I am delighted to be back here again                                                      Professor Higgins expressed his
University Maternity Hospital (CUMH)                       today to witness the ongoing progress in     The existing Induction Room Delivery         gratitude to colleagues across the HSE,
that will further enhance the maternity                    providing vital healthcare for the women     Suite on the ground floor of CUMH has        the Department of Health, the National
and gynaecological services that the                       and infants of this region by Professor      been enhanced considerably making the        Women and Infants Health Programme
hospital currently offers women and                        Higgins and the team.                        suite a more comfortable environment         and HSE Capital and Estates without
babies in Cork and the surrounding                                                                      for both patients and staff. The suite now   whose support, the new developments at
region.                                                    I would like to pay tribute to all the       has three private single rooms and a         CUMH would not have been possible.
                                                           staff at CUMH for the dedication and         midwife monitoring station, facilitating
An Taoiseach was met on arrival to                         commitment shown in caring for their         close monitoring of the birthing mother,     When the speeches were completed,
CUMH by Professor John R. Higgins,                         patients throughout the pandemic.”           and ensuring the patient is at the centre    Averil Stannard, Senior Midwife took
Clinical Director of Cork University                                                                    of care at all time and their birthing       to the podium to read a poignant and
Maternity Hospital and Ireland South                       The new facilities include an Ambulatory     partner can be with the patient at all       humorous poem, penned by Celine
Women & Infants Directorate and Gerry                      Gynaecology Suite and Gynaecology Day        times too.                                   O’Keeffe, Clinical Midwife Manager,
O’Dwyer, Chief Executive Officer, South                    Unit (GDU), which are both located on                                                     capturing the highs and lows that staff at
/ South West Hospital Group. A short                       the fourth floor of the hospital. Referred   After the official opening, a small and      CUMH experienced over the past two
tour of the new and enhanced facilities                    patients will be seen and treated for        socially distanced group gathered in the     years during the COVID-19 pandemic.
followed, during which An Taoiseach                        specialised day care by staff focussed on    glass corridor on the fifth floor to hear
listened as staff described the benefits                   improving the health of their patients as    speeches from Professor Higgins, An          The visit was concluded with An
that the facilities will bring to patients.                efficiently as possible.                     Taoiseach and Gerry O’Dwyer.                 Taoiseach presenting commemorative

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medals to staff representatives from
the teams at CUMH to honour
                                                      limited to staff members from diverse
                                                      teams such as midwifery, nursing,
                                                                                                   2020 – TO THE HERE AND NOW
staff for their hard work during the                  non-consultant hospital doctors                   A poem by Celine O’Keeffe, CMM3, CUMH
COVID-19 pandemic. The front of                       (NCHDs), security, catering and
the medals carries the Ireland South                  housekeeping. Each member of staff
brand, along with the names of the                    across the Ireland South Directorate
hospitals/units in the Directorate. On                will shortly receive their own medal.
the reverse of each medal, the words
“Dedication, Compassion, Resilience”                  Due to social distance restrictions
appear along with the message “Go                     around COVID-19, a limited number of
raibh míle maith agat.”                               staff attended the gathering on the fifth-
                                                      floor glass corridor. To ensure that staff
Professor Higgins said: “Our staff                    members who could not be present
continued to provide their excellent                  could participate in the occasion,
level of care during the COVID-19                     the speeches and medal ceremony
pandemic, and we felt it appropriate                  was shared via a live online link. To
to mark their dedication to CUMH                      close ceremonies, Professor Higgins
and the community we serve with a                     presented a medal to An Taoiseach
commemorative medal.”                                 on behalf of all maternity services to
                                                      thank him for his support for maternity
Representatives who received medals                   services and tireless work as our public
on the day included but were not                      representative.

                                                                                                    Thinking all the way back to March 2020                           Pictured above:
                                                                                                                                                                      Averil Stannard, Senior
                                                                                                    Fears and worries of course there were plenty.
                                                                                                                                                                      Midwife, reads a poem
                                                                                                    As Covid came to our world and turned it upside down              by Celine O’Keeffe.
                                                                                                    When we began to wear a mask to cover the frown.                  Picture by Ger McCarthy.

                                                                                                    We built a huge tent almost overnight
                                                                                                    Had our temperature checked and asked were we alright.
                                                                                                    It did almost blow away on many a windy day
                                                                                                    And now in its place there are two cabins to stay.

                                                                                                    If we had a cough or a cold, we didn’t come in to work at all
                                                                                                    We just stayed at home and gave Occ health a call.
                                                                                                    Sent off for a swab and waited for the results with hope
                                                                                                    That it turned out Negative, how did we cope?

                                                                                                    We monitored and tested and delivered babies galore
                                                                                                    Covid was here but we couldn’t close our door!
                                                                                                    Mothers and babies at the centre of all that we do
                                                                                                    But now we were dealing with more than just the Flu!

                                                                                                    We washed and we cleaned until our skin was sore
                                                                                                    Baked in gowns and PPE, we could hardly take anymore.
Pictured above: The front and reverse of the commemorative medals.                                  New signs were erected all over the place
                                                                                                    We hardly knew each other with the mask on our face.

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Our Break rooms were gone; we couldn’t chat for too long
No more gatherings or meetings, it all felt so wrong!                 Staff representatives receive
Corridors for breaks, with tables and chairs everywhere
Or take a stroll outside to find a portacabin to share.              their commemorative medals
In January all our staff had the Vaccine, Dose One and Two
And with that, a sense of hope in all of us grew.
Sore arms. Pains and aches. But it had to be done
Because this was battle that had to be won.

A Cyber Attack in May, now that didn’t seem real,
It’s caused so much hassle, and something else we had to deal.
Our MN CMS was gone and it was paper and charts everywhere
It was the cruelest blow; it just did not seem fair.
                                                                 Above left: Niamh Spillane, Clinical Midwifery Manager 3 receives her commemorative medal.
But again we got up and we took on the task                      Above right: Helena Bugler, representing Midwifery and Nursing receives her commemorative medal.
And we had to hide our fury behind the mask.                     All pictures by Ger McCarthy.
With all hands on deck we got through this too
What a challenge it was, that much is true!

During all this time we built new rooms and got new places
Shiny new floors in our indoors spaces.
Our staff got new uniforms, and stepped out in style
In CUMH, we always like to go that extra mile.

Keeping our Dads outside made us really sad
Though many people thought we were really bad!                   Above left: Siobhan Kennedy representing Healthcare Assistants, receives her commemorative medal.
                                                                 Above right: Marie Hennessey representing Housekeeping, received her commemorative medal.
But it had to be this way to keep all the bugs at bay
And now we have our Dads visiting for most of the day.

We marvel at our strength and resilience too
What wonderful staff, together we all made it through.
Some days were so hard and often difficult to bear
But we had each other in this time to share.

There were days we had to laugh so we wouldn’t cry
There were days we could scream but we could only sigh.
The Pandemic was bad but the Cyber-attack made it worse          Above left: Richard Masongsong representing Theatre Staff receives his commemorative medal. Above right:
                                                                 Maria Leahy, Acting Manager, Social Work Services representing HSCPs, receives her commemorative medal.
Oh, just thinking of it now, it was a terrible curse!

Our team is amazing and everyone deserves a mention
A token of thanks is the very intention.
Every person who works in CUMH has played a part
In how we all dealt with Covid from the very start.

But here we are and our story’s been told
We have no idea from here what the next year will hold
But Today is a Good Day and the end is nigh
To the last 18 months we gladly say goodbye.                     Above left: Dr Brendan Murphy, Clinical Lead Neonatology, representing Consultants receives his commemorative
                                                                 medal. Above right: Alison Fahy, representing Clerical Staff, receives her commemorative medal.

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Above left: Martin Higgins representing Portering, receives his commemorative medal.
Above right: Noreen O’Sullivan representing Security Personnel receives her commemorative medal.

                                                                                                                        Outpatient Hysteroscopy
                                                                                                                        – introducing Ambulatory
                                                                                                                        Gynaecology to UHW
Above left: Catherine Kelleher, representing Noonan’s receives her commemorative medal.
                                                                                                                                                                               Pictured above: Dr Azriny Khalid,
Above right: Eoin Dunlea, representing Maintenance receives his commemorative medal.
                                                                                                                        By Dr Azriny Khalid, Consultant                        Elaine Roche, CMM, Ambulatory
                                                                                                                                                                               Gynaecology, Ms. Valerie Barry,
                                                                                                                        Obstetrician and Gynaecologist                         Health Care Assistant.

                                                                                                                   On 21 April 2021, we welcomed the            by EUA, hysteroscopy, D&C in theatre.
                                                                                                                   first few patients into the Outpatient       This should reduce the outpatients
                                                                                                                   Hysteroscopy Clinic in University            and radiology waiting lists, number of
                                                                                                                   Hospital Waterford (UHW). The clinic         outpatient visits and save costs on theatre
                                                                                                                   is an initiative to improve access to        sessions and day-case beds. This will also
                                                                                                                   diagnostics and treatments for women         increase access for other gynaecological
Above left: Janet Kelly, representing our shop workers receives her commemorative medal.                           with heavy menstrual bleeding, abnormal      procedures to be done in theatre.
Above right: Patrick Begley, representing Catering receives his commemorative medal.                               uterine bleeding and postmenopausal
                                                                                                                   bleeding.                                    The OHC is run weekly by Dr Azriny
                                                                                                                                                                Khalid, Consultant Obstetrician/
                                                                                                                   The Outpatient Hysteroscopy Clinic           Gynaecologist, Ms. Elaine Roche, CMM,
                                                                                                                   (OHC) serves as a one-stop service for       Ambulatory Gynaecology and Ms.
                                                                                                                   the management of abnormal uterine           Valerie Barry, Health Care Assistant, and
                                                                                                                   bleeding. In one visit, patients with        more recently, once a month by Dr John
                                                                                                                   abnormal uterine bleeding have a pelvic      Bermingham.
                                                                                                                   ultrasound followed by hysteroscopy,
                                                                                                                   endometrial biopsy and treatment             To date, just under 100 patients have
                                                                                Pictured left: An Taoiseach,       including removal of endometrial polyps,     been seen in the OHC with the majority
                                                                                Micheál Martin T.D. receives       submucosal fibroids, IUCD insertions         tolerating the visit very well. We hope to
                                                                                a commemorative medal from         and retrieval of lost IUCDs. This replaces   develop this service further to provide a
                                                                                Professor John R. Higgins,
                                                                                Clinical Director, Ireland South
                                                                                                                   traditionally having a pelvic ultrasound     wider range of treatments suitable for the
                                                                                Women & Infants Directorate.       in the Radiology Department followed         ambulatory setting in the future.

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CUMH Antimicrobial
Guidelines Launch
By Susan Potter, Senior Antimicrobial
Pharmacist, CUMH
The CUMH Antimicrobial Guidelines were                app will also have a number of resources to
launched on the MicroGuide App on the 27th            help improve safety of antimicrobial use.
of September. The launch was announced at the         Antimicrobial Apps can improve adherence
Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate
Grand Rounds on the 24th of September by
                                                      with prescribing guidelines, thereby improving
                                                      treatment outcomes, minimising the risk of
                                                                                                          Antibiotic Awareness Day, CUMH 2021
CUMH’s new Microbiology Consultant, Dr                antimicrobial resistance, and reducing the                   By Susan Potter, Senior Antimicrobial Pharmacist, CUMH
Deirdre Broderick and the new Antimicrobial           healthcare costs associated with the treatment
Pharmacist, Susan Potter. These guidelines were       of infection.
a joint antimicrobial stewardship collaboration                                                           Pictured above: Susan Potter, Senior Antimicrobial Pharmacist, CUMH on Antibiotics Awareness Day in CUMH.
between CUMH and UHK.                                 The free app can be downloaded from Apple
                                                      Store, Google Play or Microsoft Stores to
Sarah Fenton, Antimicrobial Pharmacist, CUH           any phone or tablet. No password is required        European Antibiotic Awareness Day took                  that if we take antibiotics when they are not
put a huge volume of work into publishing the         to access the app. A desktop version will           place on 18 November 2021 and events were               needed, they may not work when our lives
antimicrobial guidelines in 2020 and secured          be available on the staff intranet or can be        held across the Ireland South Women &                   depend on them. Other information posters
funding from Ireland South Women & Infants            accessed on any computer desktop via a              Infants Directorate to mark the day. We all             were also displayed.
Directorate for creating an antimicrobial             specific link. Any updates to the guidelines will   need to become guardians of antibiotics and
guidelines app. Kate Finch, Senior Clinical           automatically update on any user’s device so        this awareness day aims to highlight why we             The Antimicrobial Stewardship team
Informatics Pharmacist, CUMH, Dr Síle                 the most up to date version is always available.    all need to use antibiotics with care.                  recruited frontline staff including doctors
O’Connor, Antimicrobial Pharmacist, UHK,              The search function allows easy and quick                                                                   and pharmacists to wear t-shirts carrying key
Emma Flaherty, Senior Clinical Informatics            searching of full guidelines for any required       Most events in CUMH this year took place                antimicrobial stewardship messages.
Pharmacist, UHK, Alana Dineen, Senior                 information. Both CUMH and UHK now use              virtually. We joined the Twitter conversation
Clinical Pharmacist, CUMH and Susan                   the MN-CMS electronic health record. Where          on the day reminding people to visit
Potter worked collaboratively to digitise the         applicable, the yellow care plan will be included   www.undertheweather.ie to see how
antimicrobial guidelines.                             with a guideline to let users know that there is    common viruses can be treated without
                                                      a prescribing care plan for this indication on      antibiotics this winter.
Technology offers huge potential for healthcare       MN-CMS. Where there is a care plan in place
by providing services that are convenient and         all the recommended antimicrobial regimens          An email message was sent out to all staff
efficient for users. MicroGuide is a platform         for an indication are listed together and the       members highlighting efforts that are
specifically designed for hosting clinical            prescriber can select the appropriate regimen       being made in CUMH to ensure antibiotics
guidelines for hospitals and is already in            based on the patient’s penicillin allergy status.   are being used appropriately. The email
use throughout the UK and in several Irish            Using these care plans improves accuracy
                                                                                                          highlighted the new MicroGuide app to
hospitals. The app is designed to be an easy way      and efficiency of prescribing and helps to
                                                                                                          encourage prescribers to download it and
to access infection management information            ensure compliance with guidelines. Modern
                                                                                                          refer to it. The email reminded everyone that
to support appropriate antimicrobial use and          technology offers huge potential for healthcare
antimicrobial stewardship. We need to support         and support services for delivering high quality
                                                                                                          we need to unite to preserve antibiotics. An
improved access to the information clinicians         services that are both convenient for users,        online quiz was also circulated in the email
need to guide their decision making so that           cost-effective and efficient.                       about our antimicrobial guidelines. Pauline
our patients receive consistent, effective care.                                                          Hayes, Staff Midwife, CUMH won a €50
Particularly in the case of a severe, time critical   Please contact susan.potter@hse.ie if you are       One4All voucher by entering this quiz.
                                                                                                                                                                  Above: Tweet to
situation such as the treatment of sepsis.            having any issues with the apps functions or                                                                raise awareness
                                                      formatting.                                         A banner was displayed in the reception area            about Antibiotics
As well as providing the guidelines for                                                                   of CUMH to greet visitors with the message              Awareness Day.
prophylaxis or treatment of infections, the

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Baby Loss
                                                               Antibiotics                                                                         Awareness
                                                               Awareness                                                                           Week 2021
                                                               Day, UHK                                                                            in UHK
                                                                                                           By Carrie Dillon, CMS Bereavement, UHK
                                                                                                Maternity Services UHK held a virtual Service     parents it supports, we continued our
By Dr Síle O’Connor, Antimicrobial Pharmacist, UHK                                              of Remembrance this year. We also planned         fundraising for Féileacáin during the week
                                                                                                a number of other events to mark Baby Loss        in the UHK main canteen. An email address
Pictured above: Caroline O’Connor, Quality Manager, Dr Síle O’Connor, Antimicrobial             Awareness Week 2021, with the aim of:             uhk.memorytree@hse.ie was created to
Pharmacist, Lena Sheehan, UCC Pharmacy Student, Dr Hila Jazayeri, Medical Intern,                                                                 enable bereaved parents to write a message
Dr Iman Faez, Medical SHO, David Hobbert, Chief Pharmacist.
                                                                                                • Supporting bereaved families                    for their baby. These messages were inscribed
                                                                                                • Commemorating babies’ lives                     on memory tags and placed on a memory
We had a real buzz at UHK on                        An antimicrobial quiz was held              • Raising awareness about pregnancy loss          tree which was located on the Maternity Unit.
Antibiotics Awareness Day, with                     with epic prizes sponsored by the           •	Driving change and improvements in both        There was a huge response to this initiative
stands in the front atrium and in                   Meadowlands Hotel, Tralee. Over                care and support                               and sincere acknowledgements from families
the main restaurant. The stands                     100 people entered. Some answers                                                              for providing this opportunity to remember
carried the “Resist” message, and                   to the questions addressed quality          Our Service of Remembrance was hosted             their babies.
Antimicrobial Resistance and                        improvement initiatives identified          on the UHK Facebook and Twitter sites on
Infection Control (AMRIC) and                                                                   Saturday 9th October at the start of Baby         In preparation for Baby Loss Awareness
                                                    by the September Point Prevalence
                                                                                                Loss Awareness Week. This service involved        Week, recently bereaved parents kindly wrote
UHK Antibiotics Patient Information                 Survey. Another question highlighted
                                                                                                members of staff, parents and the hospital        an article for a local newspaper highlighting
leaflets. In addition, the stand in the             the recent introduction of the              choir. For the first time, UHK lit up in blue     their story and raising awareness about Baby
staff restaurant distributed summary                MicroGuide App for our Obs/Gynae            and pink to join other maternity hospital /       Loss Awareness Week.
findings from the 2021 Antimicrobials               antimicrobial guidelines (Ireland South     units and public buildings throughout Ireland.
Point Prevalence Survey, where UHK                  Women & Infants Directorate). The                                                             As the CMS Bereavement, I wrote a
showed its best results to date. Staff              answers to the quiz questions were          #WaveofLight                                      newspaper article and gave an interview on
were also offered copies of local                   available on the slogan bearing t-shirts,   A video was available on Friday 15th October      local radio to highlight the importance of
clinical pathways and visual prompts,               which created lots of fun conversations     encouraging the public and staff to join in       Baby Loss Awareness Week and the plans that
which are used locally to promote                   around Antimicrobial Stewardship in         this global movement from their own homes         UHK had put in place to commemorate same
prudent antimicrobial prescribing                   all areas of the hospital.                  by lighting a candle between 7-8pm to             in the midst of COVID-19 restrictions.
practices.                                                                                      commemorate #WaveofLight. Together, these
                                                                                                videos to date have had over 9,000 views.         We were overwhelmed at the public
                                                    Visitors to the stands included
                                                                                                                                                  response to the services offered which again
On the day, UHK hospital                            Fearghal Grimes, Hospital Manager,
                                                                                                A Bereavement Education Workshop was              highlighted the need for parents to have these
management funded t-shirts with key                 Caroline O’Connor, Quality Manager,                                                           opportunities to grieve and acknowledge the
                                                                                                also held in the Centre for Nurse & Midwifery
antimicrobial stewardship slogans                   Dr Gabriela Dornikova, Consultant                                                             loss of their baby.
                                                                                                Education. At the end of this study day,
for frontline staff including those in              Microbiologist, as well as Consultants
                                                                                                members of staff from the Labour ward
Medical, Nursing and in Pharmacy.                   from Medical, Surgical, Orthopaedics,       presented Mairie from Féileacáin with a           We look forward to 2022 with hope that our
The t-shirts carried short stewardship              Anaesthetics, Paediatrics, Obs/Gynae        fundraising cheque from the recent walk           Service of Remembrance can once again
messages to all areas of the hospital,              and Palliative Care.                        on International Day of the Midwife in            take place where families and staff can come
with no risk to Infection Control.                                                              remembrance of our dear colleague, Mary           together in person to commemorate this
                                                                                                Cotter. As this charity is totally dependent on   special week. #BLAW
                                                                                                donations and fundraising by the bereaved

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CUMH Remembers 2021
By Daniel Nuzum, Chairperson, CUMH Bereavement Committee

Our Annual Service of Remembrance has             for all staff to highlight the importance of
always been an important event in our             every interaction in bereavement care and
hospital calendar as we gather with our           to appreciate the care provided at CUMH.
bereaved families and staff colleagues to
acknowledge and remember all who have
died in pregnancy or shortly after birth and
                                                  The Service of Remembrance is still
                                                  available at www.cumhremembers.ie and
                                                  further information is on Instagram
                                                                                                       National GTD Centre
their parents and families. For the second
year, it was not possible to gather in person.
                                                                                                    recognised at HSE Service
Mindful of the importance of this event           I wish to pay tribute to all in the
and perhaps even more so because of the
impact of isolation on grieving, the CUMH
                                                  Bereavement Committee and throughout
                                                  the hospital for their hard work and
                                                                                                     Excellence Awards 2021
Bereavement Committee prepared an online          commitment in this challenging but very
Service of Remembrance. The professional          rewarding care.                                Dr John Coulter and the newly                Established in 2017, the National
production from 2020 was enhanced with a                                                         established National Gestational             Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
shorter ceremony from the beautiful Prayer        For the most up to date                        Trophoblastic Disease Centre (GTD)           Centre has managed 500 patients around
Room at CUMH. Families were invited once          information on pregnancy and                   at Cork University Maternity Hospital        Ireland with 100% cure rate in patients
again to submit names and a short message         infant loss support, guidelines                (CUMH), have been recognised at the          requiring chemotherapy with no transfer
for inscription on a Remembrance Leaf. The        and policies please visit www.                 2021 Health Service Excellence Awards.       of a patient to another country. A recent
leaves were then added to our Remembrance         pregnancyandinfantloss.ie on                                                                patient survey revealed 99% satisfaction
Tree in the Prayer Room. On the evening of        your browser or scan this QR code.             Dr John Coulter, Consultant                  with the service and professionalism of
Friday 15 October -The International Day
                                                  www.pregnancyandinfantloss.ie                  Gynaecological Oncologist at CUMH,           the team.
of Pregnancy and Infant Loss- a number of
staff gathered at the entrance of the hospital                                                   and his team have received the Excellence
for a live Instagram introduction and time of                                                    in Quality Care award. The team has          Professor John R. Higgins, Clinical
remembrance. Instagram was a particularly                                                        been recognised for the establishment of     Director, Ireland South Women & Infants
engaging form of social media with our                                                           the national centre to provide excellence    Directorate said: “Congratulations to
bereaved families. The hospital was beautifully                                                  in care to all women in Ireland diagnosed    Dr Coulter and the team at GTD. The
lit in pink and blue for the week alongside                                                      with molar pregnancy, the commonest          service the centre is providing is unique
the flying of our distinctive Teardrop flag. A                                                   type of gestational trophoblastic            in Ireland and I am delighted to see GTD
Remembrance Olive Tree was also planted                                                          disease (GTD) that occurs in 1 in 500        get the recognition that it deserves.”
along the pathway to the hospital.                                                               pregnancies in Ireland. Until recently the
                                                                                                 management of this rare disease has been     Pictured above: Catherine Duffy (NCCP), Gerry
Bereavement care is the responsibility of all                                                    inconsistent in Ireland and many patients    O’Dwyer (CEO SSWHG), Dr John Coulter, Clinical
staff; the Pregnancy Loss Research Group                                                                                                      Lead, National GTL Centre, Caitriona Kenneally,
                                                                                                 had to travel to the UK for treatment.
provided some educational reminders                                                                                                           CNS National GTD Centre.

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Impact of Cyber-attack on                                                                FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS
                                                                                         Availability of additional hardware
                                                                                                                                            card development (containing name,
                                                                                                                                            date-of-birth, address and telephone,
                                                                                                                                            GP name and telephone, blood group,
Maternity Services University                                                            requirements to enable access to third
                                                                                         party systems and data; to enable visibility       allergies and last menstrual period) to
                                                                                                                                            be held by service user in the event to
                                                                                         of OP clinic dates and list, visibility of
Hospital Kerry (UHK)                                                                     services users’ previous clinic dates and
                                                                                         future clinics scheduled, visibility of
                                                                                                                                            system disturbances.

                                                                                         service user demographics, access to               Maternity Services wish to thank all
                                                                                         letters if available, visibility of GPs details,   staff for their efforts in responding to
By Mairin McElligott, Project Lead Maternity Services, UHK                               future appointments to be scheduled.               this ransomware attack, whilst already
                                                                                                                                            responding to COVID-19. Maternity
                                                                                         A stock of paper charts to be kept in the          Services would also like to thank third
RESPONSE                                    immediately and without hesitation                                                              party companies that offered their
                                            supported by the office of Chief             event of such an occurrence in the future.
Maternity Services UHK like so many                                                                                                         assistance at this time. Maternity Services
other Health Service Executive (HSE)        Information Office, the National MN-                                                            regained operational momentum very
                                            CMS team to mention but some.                Additional staffing is also required:
services experienced a day that was                                                      - Additional ICT staff on site                     swiftly with minimal disruption to
unforgettable on the 14 May 2021 when       Measures were put in place to be able to                                                        outpatient clinics.
                                            provide the optimum care to the women,       - Additional Local Back Office
the ransomware attack took place. The                                                       Management post and,
working environment had suddenly            babies and families attending the service.                                                      Looking back at the event, the level
                                                                                         - Additional Local Back Office/Clinical
changed with the all the Information                                                        Midwifery Manager to support staff and          of teamwork present was undeniable;
Technology equipment dark and silent at     The level of innovation and use of digital                                                      intra departmental, inter departmental,
                                            health has surpassed any previous plans         to oversee data back loading.
reception desks. No desktops glowing at                                                                                                     across the Directorate and nationally.
nursing stations, no mobile laptop carts    scheduled prior to COVID-19. Resulting                                                          As environments began to return to
                                            in both challenges and benefits during       The downtime policy requires updating
accompanying their midwives and nurses.                                                  to include cyber-attacks, and a secure             status quo, with the welcomed return of
                                            the cyber-attack; as ICT was unavailable,                                                       technology, the gigantic task of data entry
                                            however with presence of third-party         backup Maternity Services generic email
Every conceivable area and department of                                                 address to enable communication with               began. Maternity Services UHK have
University Hospital Kerry was impacted,     companies offered the possibility of data                                                       reviewed lessons learnt and proposed
                                            recovery.                                    GPs via Healthlink may be beneficial to
and the enormity of the event and the                                                    maintain communication between acute               measures to increase the resilience for the
task ahead emerged as the day unfolded.                                                  site and community. Antenatal Clinic               future.
Maternity Services in UHK had an            Having experienced such an incident,
additional dimension, as the Maternal &     it has provided insight into further
Newborn – Clinical Management system        improvements to increase Maternity
is a computer-based system. The system      Services’ resilience, so as to support
incorporates an Electronic Health Record    service delivery throughout, the data
(EHR) replacing the traditional paper       upload and on-going issues following the
chart.                                      cyber-attack. There was a requirement
                                            for clinical staff working overtime to
Maternity Services UHK has always been      maintain the services, administrative/
prepared with the associated policies and   management staff worked weekends to
responses in place for a system down        retrieve essential data and MN-CMS/LBO
time; however, it was an inconceivable      staff worked overtime including weekends
event to have a situation whereby all IT    to retrieve essential data to maintain
systems are down at the same time.          services and to upload data once systems
                                            returned. Additional equipment including
All University Hospital Kerry, General      clean hardware was required to maintain
and Maternity Staff responded               outpatient clinics operations.

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National Breastfeeding Week
National Breastfeeding Week is a HSE-led event, marked each year from 1-7 October.
‘Feeding the future: Supporting breastfeeding through a pandemic and beyond’ was the
theme of this year’s National Breastfeeding Week. Giving our children the best start in
life by breastfeeding is the ultimate aim. Celebrated nationally, we are delighted to bring
you a round-up of activities, news and celebrations at TUH, UHW, UHK and CUMH.

National Breastfeeding Week 2021
 at Tipperary University Hospital
             By Anabella Almeida, CMM2 – Infant Feeding                                                National Breastfeeding Week in
                      and Lactation Specialist                                                          University Hospital Waterford
The 1st of October marks the beginning            home while their baby is still admitted. Also
of National Breastfeeding Week, which             4 new pumps have been purchased for use                       By Paula Curtin, Director of Midwifery, UHW
is celebrated nationwide by breastfeeding         in the postnatal ward, as well as a new steam
families, breastfeeding supporters and            sterilizing system.                              University Hospital Waterford Maternity          This exhibit is an acknowledgement, a
professionals, in order to raise awareness for                                                     Services marked National Breastfeeding Week      contribution in that respect.”
the importance of breastfeeding. ‘Feeding         With the aim of diverging the focus from         (1st to 7th of October) with the theme of
the future: Supporting breastfeeding through      feeding challenges, onto the plethora of         “Feeding the future: Supporting breastfeeding    “Some 62% of women breastfeed their new
a pandemic and beyond’ is this year’s moto,       breastfeeding benefits, the team at our          through a pandemic and beyond”                   babies in Ireland and it’s actually closer
which very appropriately refers to the            maternity unit has put together a display                                                         to 68% in terms of babies born in UHW.
challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic             of real statements from mums about their         As part of National Breastfeeding Week,          The HSE, here in UHW and surrounding
placed on the breastfeeding support services      breastfeeding experiences. The main display      an exhibit was installed at UHW based on         areas through South East Community
and their users.                                  in the photo below was located at the hospital   photos sent in by mothers of their babies born   Healthcare and working with others in the
                                                  reception, and there were others throughout      recently in the service. Organised by Clinical   community (including breastfeeding groups
Tipperary University Hospital has strived to      several locations to raise breastfeeding         Midwife Specialist -Lactation, Claire Bulfin     and the library service) are highlighting the
meet the needs of the breastfeeding families      awareness amongst clients and staff. All mums    the exhibit was opened by Nicola O’Rourke        importance of breastfeeding, encouraging it
attending this maternity unit in these very       whose babies were born during National           (recent mum to baby Rían) and addressed by       and providing and developing resources in its
challenging times. All antenatal classes,         Breastfeeding Week received a gift bag with      Paula Curtin, Director of Midwifery, UHW.        regard.”
including breastfeeding classes, are now being    breastfeeding and infant hygiene products, as
provided live online to prevent unnecessary       well as a “Thank you for breastfeeding” card.    The launch also featured senior staff nurses     Great thanks is given to all midwifery, nursing
gatherings. Our Lactation and Infant Feeding                                                       in the UHW Neonatal Intensive Care Unit          and the multidisciplinary team in Maternity
Specialist, Anabela Almeida (IBCLC),                                                               (NICU), Marie Claire Skehan and Eveleen          & Neonatal Services for their contribution
has developed a referral pathway so that                                                           Herron, who spoke about the starter              supporting mothers and in addition it was
women that have specific concerns or health                                                        pack given to mums with all she needs            acknowledged that the role of Clinical
conditions that can impact breastfeeding, can                                                      (information and equipment) to get the           Midwife Specialist in service has very much
be seen during their pregnancy and have a                                                          process of hand expressing started.              enhanced the services.
care plan in place for when baby is born. This
service also includes breastfeeding support                                                        Speaking about the exhibit at UHW Claire
by phone, email, and in person if required,                                                        said: “The pandemic was a very difficult time
after women and babies are discharged from                                                         for pregnant mothers and of course for new
                                                                                                                                                    Pictured above: Paula Curtin DOM, Claire Bulfin
maternity, on a self-referral basis. To promote                                                    mothers. It may be in years to come that         CMS, Nicola O’Rourke, Mother, Mary Claire Skehan
and optimize breastfeeding in the Special                                                          we’ll become aware of the ‘untold stories’       Staff Nurse NICU-lactation consultant, Eveleen
Care Baby Unit, a new hospital grade pump                                                          of many such women during the pandemic.          Herron, Staff Nurse NICU-lactation consultant.
is now available for loan to mums that are at

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Celebrations for National                                                                   Development Coordinator, Priscilla Lyons,
                                                                                                       Business Manager Janice McHugh, CAMP
                                                                                                                                                      On Monday 4 October a staff 6-hour
                                                                                                                                                      Breastfeeding Refresher Program was
           Breastfeeding Week 2021                                                                     Joann Malik. The morning provided a
                                                                                                       great opportunity for staff to hear back
                                                                                                                                                      facilitated by Mary O’Connor and Mairead.
                                                                                                                                                      The day was opened by Guest Speaker
           University Hospital Kerry                                                                   from mothers on how their breastfeeding
                                                                                                       journeys had evolved over the last weeks
                                                                                                                                                      National Breastfeeding Coordinator,
                                                                                                                                                      Laura McHugh, who provided a
      By Mairead O’Sullivan, A/CNM2 Infant Feeding Coordinator                                         and months with a variety of topics            hugely informative update on all topics
                                                                                                       discussed, including breastmilk expression,    breastfeeding in Ireland. It was a great
                                                                                                       sleeping routines, weaning to solids,          privilege to have had Laura as part of the
                                                                                                       developmental milestones and even starting     day. Mairead was also interviewed by
                                                                                                       crèche. Although it was virtual, it did give   Deirdre Walsh on Radio Kerry, highlighting
                                                                                                       a great opportunity for mixed discussion.      the additional support available to woman
                                                                                                       Staff on maternity services area all enjoyed   in UHK maternity services for their
                                                                                                       some cupcakes provided for them as part of     breastfeeding journeys.
                                                                                                       the week’s celebrations.
                                                                                                                                                      On Thursday 6 October, Professor Patricia
                                                                                                       As part of the week’s staff educational        Leahy-Warren and Dr Michelle O’Driscoll,
                                                                                                       events, Mairead facilitated a Breastfeeding    UCC, launched the Staff Survey, the initial
                                                                                                       Update for all in attendance at Maternity      steps in the 2-year research project PEEB
                                                                                                       Governance and also carried out a specific     (Practice Enhancement for Exclusive
                                                                                                       workshop with the Paediatric/Neonatal          Breastfeeding) in UHK. Director of
                                                                                                       Team members as part of their weekly           Midwifery, Sandra O’Connor and Mairead
Pictured above: Launch of staff survey for PPEB study in UHK staff canteen.
                                                                                                       education session. Problem solving case        O’Sullivan met with the team as part
                                                                                                       studies were discussed included neonatal       of the launch of the staff survey in the
To commence National Breastfeeding                       In the last 12-month period, Infant feeding   hypoglycaemia, jaundice and greater than       hospital canteen. Staff in UHK Maternity
Week, UHK specially designed celebration                 Coordinator Mairead O’Sullivan and Mary       10% weight loss. This presentation was         are privileged to have been selected as the
posters were on display throughout the                   O’Connor, CNME Midwifery Coordinator          enthusiastically received by all.              hospital pilot site for the 2-year study and
Unit, ‘Feeding the Future, Breastfeeding                 have facilitated 2 x 20 hours Breastfeeding                                                  looking forward to working with the team in
during a Pandemic’. Pull up posters first                Management Courses for Maternity and          On 1 October, Maternity Services Infant        the months ahead.
designed in 2020 which displayed 4 images                Public Health Nursing staff along with 14     Feeding Clinic celebrated one year since
of maternity service staff in UHK feeding                x 6 hours Refresher Courses. For National     the clinic was first launched as part of       Overall, the week was full of activity
their newborn babies, were on display in                 Breastfeeding Week 2021, the theme            National Breastfeeding Week, 2020. Since       and enjoyed by staff with lots of new
Antenatal waiting areas, Postnatal ward and              ‘Feeding the Future, breastfeeding during     then, the clinic has grown, with clinics       breastfeeding babies born throughout
also Special Care Baby Unit                              a Pandemic’, the plans for celebration        now facilitated on a weekly basis by either    the week.
                                                         in UHK focussed on enhancing service          Mairead O’Sullivan or Seona O’Toole
Throughout the year the team in University               users breastfeeding support experiences       CMM1 Postnatal Ward/IBCLC.
Hospital Kerry has looked to enhance the                 as well as provision of additional staff
support and education provided to mothers                Breastfeeding Education.                      Mairead, who was nominated as a council
in the maternity services. Service Users                                                               member of the Association of Lactation
and staff took part in many of the events                Mairead along with support from the Infant    Consultants in Ireland in March 2021,
hosted. University Hospital Kerry Social                 Feeding Committee hosted a virtual coffee     attended her first ALCI conference assisting
Media Platforms displayed many stories                   morning via WebEx on 1 October for past       and facilitating the full-day conference on
from Kerry breastfeeding mothers who had                 services users of the maternity department.   2 October. The conference was attended
used the services throughout the year these              This was received well by the service         by many members of University Hospital
videos were displayed on a daily basis and               user group and attended by Maternity          Kerry staff.
were enjoyed by many followers.                          CMM3 Mary Stack Courtney, Practice
                                                                                                                                                      Above: Cupcakes provided at various staff education
                                                                                                                                                      sessions throughout National Breastfeeding Week.

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Joint Quality Improvement Initiative                                                                  strongly correlate to maternal education and
                                                                                                        social class. The Growing up in Ireland study
                                                                                                                                                            At this support group they provide evidence-
                                                                                                                                                            based care that promotes and supports
    launched by CUMH Breastfeeding                                                                      found that 79% of mothers who breastfed had
                                                                                                        a third-level degree breastfed compared with
                                                                                                                                                            breastfeeding that is appropriate to their needs,
                                                                                                                                                            to maintain breastfeeding in the early weeks
Coordinator and Community Public Health                                                                 29% who left school at Junior Certificate level
                                                                                                        (Williams et al , 2010).
                                                                                                                                                            after the birth of their babies, and to enable
                                                                                                                                                            them to continue breastfeeding.
   Team in Kinsale Primary Healthcare                                                                   Susan and Barbara feel strongly that women,         Both Susan and Barbara firmly believe that The
                                                                                                        dads/ partners need the support once they           Breastfeeding Action Plan (2016-2021) needs to
                                                                                                        have left the Maternity Hospital to try to          be fully implemented in order to support and
         By Susan O’Driscoll, Breastfeeding Coordinator, CUMH                                           change the faltering statistic and ensure they      empower women and their families on their
                                                                                                        are provided with the right advice at the right     breastfeeding journey. The actions include the:
National Breastfeeding Week is celebrated            six-hour breastfeeding refresher course for        time and at the right place to ensure that each
each year from the 1-7 of October. This is the       HSE staff in the Kinsale/ Bandon area.             mother’s breastfeeding journey is a positive        1.	Implementation of policies at hospital and
end of the calendar week 40 of each year and                                                            and empowering experience. The WHO Global              community level.
symbolizes the start of a new relationship           The requirements to attend the breastfeeding       Targets to improve maternal, infant and young       2.	Investment in Breastfeeding Training & Skills
between a mother and child and the beginning         refresher course was completion of the             child nutrition include the target of an increase      Development for healthcare staff.
of their breastfeeding journey.                      two HSEland modules, one Supporting                by 2025, to a rate of at least 50% exclusive        3.	The Provision of additional Lactation
                                                     Breastfeeding and the second was                   breastfeeding rates in the first six months.           Specialist Posts ( CMS / CNS Lactation).
On 7 October 2021, a new joint quality               Breastfeeding Challenges and to read the                                                               4.	Partnership working to Promote a Culture
improvement initiative was launched                  National Infant Feeding Policy 2019.               The Breastfeeding Action Plan 2016-2021                that accepts and supports breastfeeding.
by Cork University Maternity Hospital                                                                   sets out the priority areas to be addressed to
Breastfeeding Coordinator, Susan O’Driscoll,         As we know, enhanced training and continued        improve breastfeeding supports, to enable           The establishment of this support group is an
RM, International Board-certified Lactation          education is associated with better outcomes       more mothers in Ireland to breastfeed and           important step in ensuring that all children in
Consultant (IBCLC), Martina Corkery,                 for breastfeeding initiation and duration. The     to improve health outcomes for mothers and          Kinsale and surrounds get the best possible
Assistant Director of Nursing and Barbara            course was facilitated by Susan and expert         children in Ireland. The Action Plan encourages     start in life. On 16 December this pilot project
Noonan Sexton RM, Public Health Nurse,               guest speakers from Public Health were Sheila      the need to provide skilled support to mothers,     will hopefully move to a permanent support
IBCLC. This joint initiative was to start a          Lucey PHN, IBCLC, West Cork and Claire             through our maternity services, hospitals, and      group for all the mothers of Kinsale and
breastfeeding support group outside of the           Crowley, PHN, IBCLC North Lee. These guest         primary care services.                              surrounds, as Susan will return to CUMH. To
hospital with the community public health            speakers contributed greatly to the success of                                                         date we have supported over 50 mothers in
nursing teams. This joint initiative was to run as   the day. Following on from this education day      All Public Health Nurses and GP’s in Kinsale/       this, appointment based, one to one, weekly
a pilot project for 3 months.                        the Kinsale Breastfeeding support group was        Bandon area can refer mums and babies to this       support group, enabling all these mothers to
                                                     established.                                       Breastfeeding Clinic. Even though this clinic is    continue on their breastfeeding journey.
The current situation in CUMH is many                                                                   in its infancy, appointments are booked each
mothers are contacting our services once having      Barbara Noonan Sexton came on board in             week well in advance and bookings are now
left, requesting additional supports. We are         facilitating this support group. Barbara is        being pushed a week ahead as the demand for
seeing up to an additional 40/50 mothers a           also a Public Health Nurse and an IBCLC.           this service is ever increasing.
month in our supports service. There are many        Both Susan and Barbara are fully aware that
public health nurses who are also IBCLC’s in the     despite gradual increases over the last ten        The support group is currently being facilitated
community and this joint approach will aim to        years, Ireland’s breastfeeding rates continue      by Susan and Barbara who are both qualified
increase community supports and also provide a       to be the lowest in international comparisons      midwifes and International Board-Certified
platform for ongoing information sharing falling     (Victoria et al. 2016; Europeristst, 2013) with    Lactation Consultants. Both provide one-to-
in line with the Breastfeeding in Healthy Ireland    implications for maternal and child health. Most   one support for mothers experiencing any
Document.                                            recently published NPRS data reports 56.9%         challenge on their breastfeeding journey and
                                                     any breastfeeding on discharge from maternity      provide peer support and shared expertise
Prior to the commencement of the support             services, 46.3% exclusive breastfeeding (HSE,      between their areas of work. This support
                                                                                                                                                            Pictured above: Susan O’Driscoll, Breastfeeding
group, Susan had a discussion with her Director      2016). Breastfeeding initiation rates in Ireland   group will enable us to promote, support            Coordinator, CUMH and Barbara Noonan Sexton
of Midwifery in CUMH, Katie Bourke. With             are currently among the lowest, compared to        and protect breastfeeding in Kinsale and            RM, Public Health Nurse, IBCLC.
her support and the support of the Director of       initiation rates of 90% in Australia, 81% in the   surrounding areas within the Healthy Ireland
Public Health Nursing, Brenda Golden in the          UK and 79% in the USA (HSE, 2016; NHS, 2011;       framework and across HSE Health and
community, Susan decided firstly to facilitate a     PHAA,2010, CDC, 2014). Breastfeeding rates         Wellbeing and Primary Care.

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Maternity Services
                                                                                                                University Hospital Kerry
                                                                                                               Celebrating World Patient Safety Day 2021
                                                                                                                By Mairin McElligott, Project Lead Maternity Services, UHK
                                                                                                              World Patient Safety Day this year         patient safety area where action is
                                                                                                              focussed on the prioritisation and         needed to reduce avoidable harm in
                                                                                                              safety of Maternal and Newborn             health care and achieve universal health
                                                                                                              Care. Maternity Services, University       coverage.
     CUMH NNU and the ‘Babies                                                                                 Hospital Kerry were delighted to be
                                                                                                              able to join colleagues across the globe   Considering the significant burden
      with books read-a-thon’.                                                                                in achieving the signature mark of the
                                                                                                              global campaign of lighting up iconic
                                                                                                                                                         of harm women and newborns are
                                                                                                                                                         exposed to due to unsafe care, this
                                                                                                              monuments, landmarks, and public           year’s World Patient Safety Day was
Pictured above: Susan Vaughan, Staff Midwife, Amy O’Connell, Staff Nurse and Catherine Dineen, Staff Nurse.
                                                                                                              places in the colour orange on the 17      dedicated to the need to prioritise and
                                                                                                              September 2021.                            address safety in maternal and newborn
In September, CUMH NNU took part                      Susan registered CUMH for the read-                                                                care, particularly around the time of
in the ‘Babies with books read-a-thon’.               a-thon and got in touch with the CUH                    World Patient Safety Day – established     childbirth, when most harm occurs. This
This is a fun annual event that started in            Charity who provided money to buy                       by the World Health Assembly in            is especially important in the context of
America to promote family-led reading                 books for CUMH NNU.                                     2019 through resolution WHA72.6 on         disruption of health services due to the
in Neonatal Intensive Care Units for                                                                          “Global action on patient safety” – is     COVID-19 pandemic, which has further
the benefit of infants and their families.            In total, 120 NICU’s around the world                   observed annually on 17 September.         compounded the situation.
According to the American Academy of                  registered to take place in the “Babies                 Objectives of the day are to enhance
Pediatrics, reading with babies creates               with books read-a-thon” in 2020 and
                                                                                                              global understanding of patient safety,    Since women’s experiences during
and strengthens neural connections that:              CUMH came 13th in numbers of reading
                                                                                                              increase public engagement in health       childbirth are also affected by issues
“promote … social-emotional development               encounters over the two-week period in
                                                                                                              care safety, and promote global action     of gender equity and violence, World
… and language and literacy skills during             September.
                                                                                                              to prevent and reduce avoidable harm       Patient Safety Day highlights the
this critical period of early brain and child
development.”                                         Susan says: “The read-a-thon was a great                in health care. Each year, a new theme     important notion of respectful care and
                                                      success. Parents really engaged with                    is selected to shed light on a priority    its linkages with safety.
Reading to NICU babies is also a                      reading to their preterm babies, and we
great way to bond and to improve the                  received very positive feedback. After
hospital experience. Babies love to hear              a few days, parents started to bring in
the comforting sound of their parent’s                their own books from home to read to
voice. While a baby is in NNU it can be               their babies too. It is something that we
a stressful or difficult time for families            definitely want to build on for next year
and being able to take the time to read               and our team here at CUMH are very
a nursery rhyme or a short story is                   keen to increase our reading encounters
beneficial for baby and parent/caregiver.             even more.”

This year the read-a-thon ran from 13-                For more information about the Babies
23 September. The initiative was led by               with Books Read-a-thon visit:
Susan Vaughan, Staff Midwife and it was               www.babieswithbooks.org
embraced by NNU staff and parents alike.

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field and which will then translate to       The prevalence of GDM has remained
                                                                                         better outcomes for both mum and baby        high despite an alternative diagnostic
                                                                                         which is something that I am particularly    criteria that would have been expected
                                                                                         passionate about.                            to reduce prevalence. My colleagues in
                                                                                                                                      the multidisciplinary team including
                                                                                         I find this job interesting and appealing    dieticians, diabetes midwives, diabetes
                                                                                         as it provides me with the ability to make   nurses, obstetricians and other
                                                                                         meaningful changes to the care of women      endocrinologists have to be commended
                                                                                         with diabetes and their babies in SSWHG      for all the hard work over the pandemic
                                                                                         and Ireland South Women & Infants            period to keep the services running and
                                                                                         Directorate.                                 keeping our patients and staff safe.

                                                                                         3. What is new in your area?                 5. What are your long term aims and
                                                                                         There is a lot of interesting developments   ambitions for this role?
                                                                                         going on currently within my area. For       Unfortunately, more than 30 years after
                                                                                         example, a lot of research is ongoing to     the St Vincent’s declaration, pregnant
Meet Dr Oratile Kgosidialwa                                                              determine alternatives to the oral glucose
                                                                                         tolerance test (OGTT) to diagnose
                                                                                                                                      women with diabetes and their babies
                                                                                                                                      still suffer poor outcomes compared to
Dr Oratile Kgosidialwa, MB BCH BAO, MRCPI, MSc                                           Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and      their counterparts without diabetes. With
Consultant Physician in Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus                              the best management for diabetes during      rising maternal age and obesity rates,
                                                                                         pregnancy. We are in the best position       we have seen increases in diabetes in
Endocrinology Lead for Diabetes in Pregnancy for the SSWHG                               here in CUMH/UCC to contribute to            pregnancy, particularly type 2 diabetes
                                                                                         international research in this area.         and gestational diabetes mellitus.

1. Tell us a little about your role and     diabetes. On completion of my basic          4. How does COVID-19 affect the way          My long-term plan is that any woman
the breadth of services covered?            training, I completed a clinical research    you provide care?                            with diabetes in the SSWHG will have
In April 2021, I started in my new          masters in the field of maternal             As with all services, changes had to made    similar pregnancy outcomes compared
role as Clinical Lead for the Diabetes      diabetes and published this work in an       to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic            to those without diabetes through
in Pregnancy Service in CUMH/               international peer reviewed journal called   ensuring care is delivered in the safest     improvements in pre-pregnancy,
SSWHG. This is a new post, and I am         the British Journal of Obstetrics and        possible way. Prolonged exposure to          antenatal and post-natal care an area
very excited to be the first person in      Gynaecology. My interest in both clinical    others had to be curtailed amongst other     that is often neglected. This aim will
this role. I also started my new role in    work and research in the area of diabetes    measures to reduce the spread of the         be made possible by providing training
CUH as an Endocrinology Consultant          in pregnancy was reinforced during this      virus. As a result, we had to adapt and an   and education to both staff and patients
with commitments in both diabetes and       time and I decided to complete a higher      interim diagnostic criteria for GDM had      in diabetes, in addition to undertaking
endocrinology and general medicine. My      specialist training (HST) in Diabetes and    to be introduced during the pandemic.        meaningful research.
roles mean that my time is split 50:50 in   Endocrinology.                               This interim diagnostic criteria involves
CUH and CUMH.                                                                            using fasting glucose and glycated           I am delighted to be working with a very
                                            Upon completion of my HST, I completed       haemoglobin as opposed to the OGTT           strong multidisciplinary team who also
2. What has been your career to date        an MD under the mentorship of                to diagnose GDM. Some work is already        wish to ensure that CUMH is a centre of
and what attracted you to this job?         Professor Fidelma Dunne in NUI Galway.       underway to determine what the effect of     excellence for the provision of care for
As a trainee in the basic specialist        This work was focused on improving           this change has been on women and their      women with diabetes and their babies.
training program through the Royal          future research outcome reporting in         babies.
College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI),    pregnant women with diabetes in order
I developed an interest in maternal         to improve evidence synthesis in this

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