Page created by Timothy Wise
Annual Review 2018

             UIC - GLOBALLY TOP
             RANKED BUSINESS
             INCUBATOR AND

    UIC’s partners support the development of
    innovative startups and growth companies
    by sharing their knowledge and expertise
    through seminars, individual coaching and by
    financial contributions                                                            UIC is owned equally by STUNS (the Foundation for
                                                                                       Collaboration between the Universities in Uppsala, Business,

    to UIC.
                                                                                       and the Public Sector), the municipality of Uppsala, SLU
                                                                                       Holding, and Uppsala University Holding Company.


    Publisher: UIC // Graphic design: Phosworks Digital Ideas // Photography: Page 4: Göran Ekeberg. Page 10-11: Johan Wahlgren, Martina Sjaunja.
    Page 12-13: Shutterstock, Johan Wahlgren, Cristina Ramos, David Kvart, Kungl. Hovstaterna // Printing: Tidtryck, 2019

                                                                        ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
UIC was formed in 1999. The focus then was on business development
support and the letting of premises as a more traditional incubator.

In 2004 the new UIC model was established. Focus shifted fully to
business development support for innovative startups and growth
companies, and premises were no longer offered. UIC’s independence
was assured by taking no ownership in UIC companies. A successful
network of UIC partners and business coaches offering guidance and

                                                                             The UIC Story
advice to UIC companies were also here to stay.

UIC grew geographically and was designated Södertälje’s business
incubator in 2012. The successes also led to UIC being ranked in 2014
as the world’s 18th best university-affiliated business incubator                3

according to UBI Global, followed by 10th place in 2015 and 4th place
in 2018.

Success factors? UIC’s adapted business development programs, an
experienced UIC team, an independent approach, a strong network of
UIC partners and business coaches, and a world-class innovation
support system – to mention a few.

                                               See some of the top results
                                                     from UIC’s 20 years

                                  UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE
                                     UIC companies have received
                                     financing of over SEK 4.3 billion
                                     (EUR 408 million) in the form of
                                     investments, grants and loans.

registered companies have
participated in UIC’s business
development programs.
UIC is ranked the world’s 4th best
                                                          university-affiliated business incubator
                                                          by UBI Global thanks in large part
                                                          to 20 years of successful business
                                                          development support.

                                                startups & growth companies have
                                                received business development
                                                support through UIC’s programs
All figures are for the period 1999-2018.
                     FROM CEO
                     PER BENGTSSON

                     Credit for our
                     ranking should
                     be given to all
                     of these
                     supporting        UIC turns 20 this year! It is therefore a particular pleasure that the UIC companies’

                     players with      figures for 2018 are some of the best so far. They attracted more than SEK 500 mil-
                                       lion, which is a record. Also, nine out of ten companies that have completed the UIC

                     whom we           Business Accelerator program remain active and growing companies – a success rate
Words from our CEO

                                       achieved since 1999.

                     collaborate so    As UIC is turning 20, we can indulge in a brief summary. 1,011 innovative startups
                                       and growth companies have received business development support through our
                     successfully.     programs over the first 19 years, 388 of which were registered companies. Moreover,
                                       UIC companies have attracted SEK 4.3 billion in investments. A fantastic development
                                       from the handful of companies during the early years to today’s 80-90 companies
     6                                 each year.

                                       UIC’s journey also reflects the development of the innovation support system. The
                                       strong collaboration between the various actors ultimately creates more successful
                                       companies. It has also been decisive in terms of UIC’s development and our ranking
                                       in 2018 as the world’s 4th best university-affiliated incubator. This was also a result
                                       of a great collaboration with UIC partners, business coaches, owners, financiers and
                                       dedicated entrepreneurs.

                                       UIC offers business development programs for startups and growth companies in
                                       all industries to help them develop or scale up. Thanks to EuroIncNet, our collabo-
                                       ration with four leading European incubators, we open doors for business in Europe.
                                       Swedish Scaleups – a collaboration between incubators and science parks in our four
                                       neighbouring counties – provides extra skills and access to national networks to UIC

                                       Are you curious about UIC companies or how UIC could help develop your company?
                                       Don’t hesitate to contact us.

                                       Enjoy the report!

                                       Per Bengtsson
                                       CEO, UIC

                                       Uppsala, May 2019

                                                    ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
UIC is one of Sweden’s top business
incubators and accelerators – and is ranked as the
world’s 4th best business incubator with a university
connection by UBI Global.

                                    The UIC Model in short
                                    • Business development programs for the different phases of entrepreneurship.
                                    • About 20 UIC partners with expert competence available for UIC companies.
                                    • A broad network of carefully selected UIC business coaches within all sectors of industry.
                                    • Independent partner – UIC takes no ownership in UIC companies.
                                    • Focus on business development, not office rentals.

                                                                                                                                   About UIC
How we do this                                                   About UIC

          IC’s business development programs for the             UIC is a globally top ranked business incubator and accelerator
          different entrepreneurial phases – from early          focused on supporting innovative startups, entrepreneurs,
          stage to acceleration – support entrepreneurs          growth companies, researchers, innovators and teams in their
          in innovative startups and growth companies in         efforts to commercialize their concepts, enhance their business
their efforts to develop their company or expand on an           skills and take the company to the next level.
international market. Each program is designed to give the
best insights and tools needed for safer and shorter time to     We are an independent business partner to the UIC companies
market.                                                          and don’t take any ownership stakes. The focus centers on
                                                                 the company’s business development so as to accelerate time
We do this closely together with our broad network of            to market and reduce the risks that arise in early and critical
UIC partners and UIC business coaches within all industrial      phases.
sectors, who share their expertise and networks in order to
help the companies achieve their stated goals.                   The survival rate of the UIC companies is strong as nine out
                                                                 of ten UIC alumni companies remain active in the market and
Moreover, UIC also advises and guides the UIC companies to       create growth.
sound funding alternatives.
                                                                 We are business-independent and work closely together with
                                                                 the industrial, commercial and business sector. Foremost
       The survival rate of the UIC companies                    through about 20 UIC partners and a carefully selected
       is strong as nine out of ten UIC Alumni                   network of UIC business coaches and specialists sharing
       companies remain active in the market                     experience and knowledge to the UIC companies.
                            and create growth.
                                                                 UIC is located in Uppsala and Södertälje. Moreover, UIC is
                                                                 part of Vinnova’s – Sweden’s Innovation Agency – incubation
                                                                 support program, and is owned equally by STUNS, the
                                                                 municipality of Uppsala, SLU Holding, and Uppsala University
                                                                 Holding Company.

                                               UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE
UIC’s Business Development Programs


                                      UIC Business Startup                            UIC Business Build                             UIC Business Accelerator
                                      UIC Business Startup makes it possible          UIC Business Build strengthens the             UIC Business Accelerator is a tailor made
                                      to go from idea to customer in just three       entrepreneurs’ skills in business              business development program aimed at
                                      months. The participating entrepreneurs         development, financing and what it             companies ready to scale or expand to
                                      or innovators are encouraged to verify          takes to build a business concept and          a new or international market. Through
                                      the potential of their business idea at an      organization. Moreover, they develop           individual coaching by a matched business
                                      early stage, i.e. that it meets a significant   a business- and implementation plan            coach and UIC, growth companies are
                                      need, and that there are paying                 to take the company forward. The               given access to key resources in the
                                      customers in the market. Fine tuning the        participants get the opportunity to            business development process, e.g.
                                      pitch to customers and investors is also        present their pitch to a panel of investors.   business coaching, counselling, support
                                      an important part of the program. Runs          Runs for three months. Free of charge.         with financing, and a comprehensive
                                      for three months. Free of charge.                                                              business network. Runs for 2-3 years.

                                                                                                 ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
UIC offers business development programs
                                                                 from early stage to acceleration. Completing

                                                                                                                                   UIC’s Business Development Programs
                                                                 a program takes an innovative business idea
                                                                 or company one more crucial step towards
                                                                 its road to commercial success and growth.
                                                                 The result is faster time to market, higher
                                                                 survival rate and a more competitive
                                                                 company. Each program can be applied to
                                                                 independently of each other.


UIC Alumni                                 Space Incubator ESA BIC                      Business Coaches,
UIC Alumni comprises companies             Sweden                                       Specialists & UIC Partners
that have completed the UIC Business       The space incubator ESA Business             An important part of the UIC model is
Accelerator program and is selected by     Incubation Centre (BIC) Sweden is run        UIC’s broad network of business coaches
the UIC board. UIC Alumni companies        by ABI in Luleå, UIC and Innovatum           and specialists where carefully selected
can exchange experiences with              in Trollhättan. Through UIC and our          entrepreneurs or persons on leading
companies within UIC and continue to       programs, ESA BIC companies receive          positions guide the UIC companies
grow with UIC as a close and independent   both technical and business advice,          towards their stated goals.
business partner.                          access to funding and mediation for
                                           entrepreneurs from research centres,         Moreover, UIC’s network of about 20
                                           universities, space and non-space business   UIC partners support the UIC companies
                                           seeking to realize their innovative ideas    throughout all UIC’s programs - within
                                           and transfer technologies from space to      areas such as product development, IP,
                                           other areas of the economy.                  marketing, law, and insurance etc.

                                                 UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE
                  Animech, N4 and Pelago
                  Bioscience designated
                  Di Gazelle 2018
                  UIC’s alumnus company Animech
                  Technologies was nominated in 2018 as
                  one of the fastest growing companies
                  in Uppsala county and thus designated a
                  Gazelle company by newspaper Dagens
                  industri. Animech turned over SEK 30
                  million in 2017 and was rated the 47th
                  most successful company in the county.
                  Fellow UIC companies Pelago Bioscience
                  and N4 were also designated a Di Gazelle
                  company and ranked among rapidly
                  growing companies in Stockholm county.

                                                              SKAPA award to three UIC companies
                                                              SKAPA awards highlight and reward new discoveries and
                                                              innovation. Over SEK 1 million was awarded to Sweden’s best
                                                              innovators in 2018, of which three were UIC companies. In
                                                              connection with the UIC Day, Uppsala county Governor Göran
                                                              Enander and CEO of Almi Uppsala, Bengt-Åke Ljudén, award-
Highlights 2018

                                                              ed the SKAPA award to Peter Nilsson of APR Technologies and
                                                              the Unga SKAPA award for younger entrepreneurs to Nils
                                                              Weber of Bitroot. In Stockholm county, Louise Kullmar and
                  SEK 30 million to rapidly                   Inanna Lallerstedt of Nodified
                  growing Ilya Pharma                         were named winners of the
                  In autumn 2018, Uppsala-based Ilya          Unga SKAPA award.
                  Pharma received SEK 30 million (EUR 3
                  million) via a directed new share issue.
                  The company has developed a proprietary
                  technology platform for living lactic
                  acid bacteria that accelerate the healing   18.09.28
                  process of sores on the skin and mucous
                  membranes. The funds will largely be used
                                                              Companies from KI
                  to carry out the company’s first clinical   Innovations receive startup
                  study and to plan the impending phase       support from UIC
                  II study. New owners were also added to
                  strengthen the company’s position and       Innovative and scalable startups at KI
                  ensure its continued success.               Innovations’ DRIVE incubator were
                                                              accepted during the autumn onto UIC
                                                              Business Build, a program carried out
                                                              in collaboration with KI Innovations in
                                                              Solna. Startups at UIC Södertälje also
                                                              participated in the programme, which
                                                              offers participants knowledge about how
                                                              to run a company, expand their network
                                                              and sharpen their business plan. Among
                                                              the business ideas were new sustainable
                                                              energy solutions, surgical instruments
                                                              and energy-recycling drains.

                                                                        ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
                                             Six UIC companies share
                                             SEK 3 million from Vinnova
18.06.30                                     120 startups with innovative business
                                             ideas got the chance to share a total of
iCellate Medical raised                      SEK 52 million as part of the Swedish in-
                                             novation authority Vinnova’s “Innovative
SEK 16 million                               startups” grant in 2018. The UIC compa-
iCellate Medical issued SEK 16 million in    nies preVet, CADESS Medical, MaishaBit,
new equity from both existing and new        Optima Planta Sweden, Spinckel Invest
shareholders. iCellate is a global leader    and former UIC company Medical Minds
in cancer diagnosis and cancer manage-       were among the selected companies who
ment. Their technology enables cancer to     each received up to SEK 900,000. The
be detected at an early stage when it can    grant aims to help the companies en-
still be cured and provides opportunities    hance their competitiveness by produc-
to target treatments effectively.            ing new expertise and developing other
                                             unique assets. It also aims to contribute
                                             positive welfare and social effects by
                                             financing projects that promote sustain-
                                             able growth within Swedish business.

                                                                                         MetaSafe acquired by
                                             LIGHTS                                      The Södertälje-based UIC company
                                                                                         MetaSafe was acquired by the Finnish
                                                                                         CRO company Admescope Ltd, which
                                                                                         specialises in the field of pre-clinical
                                                                                         ADME-Tox research for the pharmaceu-

                                                                                                                                    Highlights 2018
                                                                                         tical industry. MetaSafe was one of the
                                                                                         companies formed when Astra Zeneca
                                                                                         closed its R&D facility in Södertälje in
                                                                                         2012, and has since that time received
                                                                                         business development support from UIC.
18.06.14                                                                                                                               11

Vidilab founders named                                                                   “We are very pleased
Entrepreneurs of the Year                                                                about the acquisition
The founders of UIC’s alumnus company
Vidilab, Bitte and Mikael Ljungström,
                                                                                         and look forward to
were designated Entrepreneurs of                                                         offering our customers
the Year for Uppsala County. Vidilab is
the Nordic region’s largest veterinary                                                   an even stronger service
medicine laboratory within the field
of parasitological faecal diagnosis. The                                                 package and continuing
judges’ reasoning was as follows: With
their niche business idea and extensive
                                                                                         to ensure quality work is
environmental and social commitment,
these entrepreneurs have created a new
                                                                                         undertaken in a complex
market and become leaders in the Nordic                                                  and important area,”
region with a well-timed business that has
a long future ahead of it.                                                               says Johanna Haglund,
                                                                                         former CEO of

                                                   UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE
                  Mercodia and VBN Components honoured at
                  Företagargalan in Uppsala
                  CEO Mona Österberg and founder Erling Holmlund of the
                  UIC company Mercodia were named Entrepreneurs of the
                  Year at the entrepreneurial gala Företagargalan in Uppsala.
                  The biotech company, which develops and produces labora-
                  tory tests, has a turnover of over SEK 100 million and a 90%
                  international market. The Innovation of the Year award went
                  to UIC’s alumnus company VBN Components, which produces
                  3D-printed, hard and wear-resistant metal components
                  directly from powder by way of additive manufacturing.

                  18.04.12                                  18.03.08
Highlights 2018

                  Peter Nilsson named one of                Midroc Europe invested in UIC company CheckProof
                  Sweden’s 10 most                          CheckProof is a digital system that helps companies take control over their operations
                  innovative entrepreneurs                  with the aim of creating structure, security and safety. The service digitises various
                                                            check lists and inspection forms that typically come in paper format. Midroc Europe
                  Peter Nilsson of APR Technologies was     became an investor and new part-owner of CheckProof during the year. The new part-
                  named one of Sweden’s 10 most innova-     nership means that more customers in the construction and industrial sector will be able
                  tive entrepreneurs and awarded Åforsk’s   to take advantage of CheckProof’s digital maintenance services.
                  “entrepreneur grant” of SEK 200,000.
                  APR forms part of the ESA BIC Sweden
                  space incubator which UIC runs together
                  with Arctic Business Incubator and
                  Innovatum. During the year the company
                  also obtained a strategically important
                  order from NASA as well as Airbus DS
                  as part of the development of the new
                  Eurostars Neo satellite platform. The
                  order entailed work valued at around
                  SEK 28 million.

                                                                      ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
18.02.21                                     18.02.07
                                                Pharem Biotech and Salipro                   Bona Postulata business
                                                Biotech in Prince Daniel’s                   award awarded to three UIC
                                                mentorship program                           companies
                                                Fifteen young entrepreneurs were             The Bona Postulata business award is
                                                accepted in 2018 to the mentorship pro-      awarded each year to ten companies
18.02.27                                        gramme offered as part of IVA’s Prince       with major growth potential based in the
                                                Daniel Fellowship project. The two-year      Uppsala county. In 2018 three of the ten
Impilo invested USD 11.5                        program offers the companies – of which      winning companies were UIC companies:
million in Cavidi                               two are UIC companies Pharem Biotech         Ilya Pharma, Deversify and Resorbable
Investment company Impilo invested              and Salipro Biotech – the opportuni-         Devices. Bona Postulata is a business
USD 11.5 million during 2018 in UIC’s           ty to develop together with a mentor         award that aims to encourage companies
alumnus company Cavidi, which will              hand-picked from the Swedish business        with major growth potential and offers
largely be used to finance the launch of        community. Prince Daniel’s Fellowship        qualified training and mentors to further
their platform, Ziva. Cavidi is a diagnostic    is intended to inspire young people to       strengthen their entrepreneurial skills.
company that focuses on diagnosing              become entrepreneurs and aims to stim-
levels of the HIV virus in blood plasma.        ulate growth in early-stage companies.
The company has developed a new and
entirely automated platform to measure
levels of the virus. By way of the Ziva plat-
form, Cavidi is aiming to meet the needs
for cost-effective checks in countries
with a high rate of the disease.

                                                                                                                                         Highlights 2018
                                                Boardie and F&A Forecasting won Nordea travel grant
                                                Boardie and F&A Forecasting were awarded the Nordea’s travel grant for 2018. The
                                                grants – each worth SEK 25,000 – are awarded annually to two UIC companies and are
                                                earmarked for a business trip that will benefit the company’s development and growth.
                                                The award was given by UIC’s partner Nordea in connection with UIC’s annual Julgrans-

                                                      UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE
                 IN FIGURES - 2018

                                                                               ROI (PUBLIC RETURN
                 UIC COMPANIES INDUSTRIES                                      ON INVESTMENT)

                    35%                        25%
                    Life Science                      IT/ICT

                                                                                     1 SEK of UIC funding pays 15 SEK

                   20%                         20%
                                                                                     back to society
                                                                                     The return ratio on the public
                                                                                     funding UIC received during 2018
                                                                                     was 15, in the form of taxes the
                                                                                     incubator companies and UIC Alumni
                                                                                     companies for the past five years paid
                  Tech/Clean Tech           Other Industries
                                                                                     back to society.
UIC in Figures

                 ORIGIN OF UIC COMPANIES

                    13%                      45%                                36%                             6%
                      Industry                Innovators/                           University                Public Sector

                 UIC TURNOVER                                                  UIC BOARD

                       21 MSEK
                                                                               Andreas Larsson (Chairman)   STUNS
                                                                               Christina Frimodig           STUNS
                                                                               Ola Diös                     Phosworks
                                                                               Hans Enocson                 Aggrandir
                                                                               Urban Eriksson               SLU Holding
                                                                               Malin Graffner Nordberg      Uppsala University Innovation
                                    2 million euros
                                                                               Hans Johansson               Myrtila
                                                                               Charlotte Skott              City of Uppsala
                                                                               Mikael Smedeby               Advokatfirman Lindahl

                                                               ANNUAL REVIEW 2018

                                                                             TAX REVENUES

      526 MSEK
                                                                             The accumulated tax revenue (direct taxes
                                                                             such as profit tax, employer’s contribution,
                                                                             employee’s tax at source and VAT) generat-
                                                                             ed by the incubator companies during 2018.

               T   U   R     N    O   V     E    R

                           51 million euros

                                                                                             230 MSEK
                                                                                               22 MILLION EUROS


                                                                                                                            UIC in Figures
502 MSEK (48,8 million euros) were                                              People
invested in UIC companies.
                                                                             within UIC



                                 Venture Capital
                                                                             STARTUPS &
                                          38.7 million euros


                                 Grants & Loans

                                          10.1 million euros
                                                                             UIC Alumni not included

                                                        UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE

                     DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN 2018.


                            ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
UIC BUSINESS                                  ChemoScan
                                              Cancer patients go through aggressive
                                                                                            Friska DU
                                                                                            Friska DU has developed a methodology
STARTUP                                       drug treatments without any guarantee         to avoid fall injuries mainly in the elderly.
                                              for drug effect. ChemoScan helps doc-
FROM IDEA TO                                  tors to avoid non-working cancer drugs,
CUSTOMER IN                                   which reduces the suffering for patients
                                              and lower the cost of ineffective cancer      GDPR-commander delivers a service for
THREE MONTHS                                  treatments in health care.                    GDPR quality-assurance in organizations
                                                                                            through gamification, using artificial
                                                                                            intelligence and comprehensive docu-
                                              Cura Connect                                  mentation.
4mpt                                          Cura Connect is a free network for doc-
Gives companies the opportunity to hire       tors and nurses where they can find great
more suitable and efficient personnel         clinical jobs without agency recruiters       Glowbalance
using a unique personality type system.       and with full transparency of job details     A unique innovation and a visual, educa-
                                              www.curaconnect.se                            tional tool which measures the United
                                                                                            Nations 17 Sustainable Development
Act&Eat                                                                                     Goals. A tool easy to use for particularly
Act & Eat offers natural and vegetarian       Dalili Design                                 businesses in order to see, value and
ready-made meals packaged in an appeal-       Dalili Design designs and produces            decide how to think and act in order to
ing way for active individuals.               hallway and wardrobe furniture for both       create a more balanced business and
                                              private homes and commercial spaces.          therefore a more sustainable developed
                                              The focus is high functioning, innovative,    global balance.
Afiya Health                                  user friendly design.                         www.clicko.se
Afiya Health is a cloud based digital plat-   www.dalilidesign.com
form offering health care service to users
through their smartphones by providing                                                      Handkraft
access to GPs, doctors and service pro-       Deep Forestry                                 The Spiral Hand Amplifier, with tools, pro-
viders in the health care value chain.        Deep Forestry has developed a prototype       vides strength for weak or stressed hands
www.afiyahealth.net                           drone that can safely navigate between        or wrists. Smooth construction makes it
                                              trees below the canopy of commercial          easy to put on and off.
                                              forests. The prototype has a powerful
Altris                                        on-board computer and sensor package
Altris provides a new cathode material        that can develop 3D models of entire          Hawkeye
for sodium-ion batteries, comprised from      forest stands.                                In today’s deadline driven society Hawk-

                                                                                                                                            UIC Companies 2018
only aboundant and environmentally                                                          eye wants to allow developers a tool so
friendly materials.                                                                         that they can catch up. Hawkeye gives a
www.altris.se                                 DrDigital                                     possibility for fast and instant searches
                                              Innovative, effective and fun IT cours-       with a really good overview and it is also
                                              es for the elderly, to get them more          integrated alongside the user’s favorite
Ansoteq                                       involved in society. IT application for all   programs.
Ansofy is a user friendly tool that allows    individuals with IT difficulties.             www.zaragsoft.se
the user to access news and articles from
many different newspapers without hav-
ing to subscribe for a separate subscrip-     ENA (Enabling Absorption)                     Hyperkonkret
tion for each newspaper.                      ENA is a contract research organization       Hyperkonkret is a personalized digital
                                              that evaluates the performance of oral        tool which helps parents help their chil-
                                              drug formulations. ENA is used to predict     dren with school subjects based upon the
ANSVAR.ORG                                    dissolution, digestion and absorption in      child’s own prerequisites.
ANSVAR is a certification for pharmaceu-      the intestine.                                www.mrshyper.se
ticals companies who want to make a pos-
itive influence towards the development
of a sustainable world. Ansvar is helping     Epic Eats                                     Iconically
to take environmental responsibility in       Epic Eats is an application where the aim     Iconically is an online platform for the re-
production to reach environmental goals       is to match diners with restaurants based     cruitment of photo models to companies
www.ansvar.org                                on the applications AI. “Never experience     in need of such services.
                                              bad food again”.
AttackPointSecurity                                                                         LeafyMade
AttackPointSecurity is helping companies                                                    LeafyMade offers a substitute to the
make sure that they are both secure and       Flow                                          conventional disposable paper plates – an
produce secure solutions to their clients.    Curve based Software Synthesizer.             environmental, friendly and organic ones
The mission is to produce a solution that     Sounds are waves. Waves are best              made out of leaves.
uses some new machine learning tech-          represented as curves. Flow is a musical      www.leafymade.se
niques to be able to find security holes in   instrument where musicians create and
client’s software or systems.                 sculpt living curves for everything that
www.attackpointsecurity.com                   goes on with the sound.                       Liqway
                                                                                            Liqway develops a tool that removes
                                                                                            water from the work area in pipes, when

                                                     UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE
Matomatic                                      Probingon                                       Ullförmedlingen
                     Matomatic offers food waste solutions          Probingon develops and markets sensors          Ullförmedlingen is an arena for Swedish
                     to large kitchens in municipalities and        used in point-of-care devices that are          wool by conveying Swedish wool, knowl-
                     restaurants. The products include a scale      part of a growing IoT ecosystem to mon-         edge of Swedish wool and contacts in the
                     with a touchpad, and a website to report       itor the status of individuals by capturing     Swedish wool industry.
                     and receive feedback on the food waste         and analyzing meaningful health data for        www.ullformedlingen.se
                     www.matsvinn.se                                more efficient diagnostics in healthcare
                     MealMatch                                                                                      Vacantify is a platform for creating
                     MealMatch is a recipe app that makes           Qaem Additive Manufacturing                     resource-efficient use of properties,
                     your days easier. MealMatch inspires to        Provides consulting, designing and pro-         buildings and premises. This is done by
                     find recipes and utilize what you’ve got at    duction in additive manufacturing. The          helping to release time vacancies and
                     home in a smooth and easy way.                 focus is on SLM (Selective Laser Melting)       surface vacancies.
                                                                    and DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering).

                     Myntie                                                                                         Vesicode
                     PeePointer is a product that entertains the    Researgene                                      Vesicode develops cutting-edge molecu-
                     bar guests during their visits to the toilet   Researgene is using DNA technology to           lar tools for high-throughput extracellular
                     at the same time it keeps urinals clean        identify what species, such as bacteria,        vesicles analysis, which can be useful in
                     www.myntie.com                                 plants and animals, are present in a bio-       both academic and clinical studies. The
                                                                    logical sample.                                 long-term goal is to map diseases and
                                                                                                                    explore the potential of very early diag-
                     Natscreen                                                                                      nosis of many human cancers (and other
                     The idea is to provide cell systems to         Saguaro Methyl                                  diseases) in a pinprick blood sample.
                     screen for compounds targeting loss of         Saguaro Methyl predicts response to
                     NAT2 in colorectal cancer.                     cancer treatment based on epigenetic
                                                                    markers.                                        WOD System Sweden
                                                                                                                    WOD Systems new router has an easy
                     Navinci Diagnostics                                                                            time control of internet browsing, built
                     At Navinci, the mission is to combine the      Seeding Solar                                   in into the router. It sends a wifi signal
                     latest technical advances in in-situ diag-     Seeding Solar is a financial product that       to the network and enables limitation of
                     nostics into kits and services so scientists   offers simple investments in energy sys-        computer usage.
                     and physicians can diagnose, select            tems based on solar power in developing
                     therapies and monitor progress based on        countries.
UIC Companies 2018

                     the clearest data possible.                                                                    WooLeads
                     www.prevet.se                                                                                  WooLeads has developed an exploration
                                                                    SmartPark                                       tool for web agencies for new customer
                                                                    SmartPark is a retractable bicycle han-         processing.
                     Oncodia                                        dlebar that facilitates bicycle parking in
                     Oncodia develops CE/IVD approved               popular bicycle racks.
                     software for mutation analysis of cancer,                                                      WW
                     which meets the patient and healthcare                                                         The most common type of skin prob-
  18                                                                SoftRobot
                     need of fast and accurate diagnosis for                                                        lem is irritation eczema, which is often
                     the choice of right therapy.                   SoftRobot develops AI solutions to              caused by repeated contact with water
                     www.oncodia.com                                streamline administrative and time-con-         and detergents, skin retardant chemicals
                                                                    suming tasks. The company offers a digital      or strains on the skin. WW’s mission is
                                                                    assistant called Aiida for accounting           to prevent and help people with hand
                     Peafowl Solar Power                            consultants and auditors.                       eczema and hand dermatitis.
                     Peafowl Solar Power has developed a            www.softrobot.io
                     new kind of solar cells that are highly
                     transparent, affordable, efficient, stable
                     and complies with the UN sustainability        Sun Labs Nordic
                     goals, for future integration in buildings     Sun Labs is specialized in development of
                     or other materials.                            Artificial Intelligence (AI), data visualiza-
                     www.peafowlsolarpower.com                      tion and real-time data logging for solar
                                                                    cell facilities and other sustainable energy
                     PercyRoc                                       sources.
                                                                                                                    UIC BUSINESS
                     PercyRoc targets the commercialization
                     of technologies based on high power mi-                                                        BUILD
                     crowaves in mining and mineral process-
                     ing industry.
                                                                    Urbanska Innovation                             EVALUATE & REFINE
                                                                    Develops the Hello Colic app that helps
                                                                    parents with colic babies. The app has
                                                                    several smart features such as checklists
                                                                    with tips rated by users, calendar to log       Bitroot
                     Pixel Biology
                                                                    food, sleep and screams and the connec-         Bitroot is an automation system which
                     Pixel Biology creates personal art based
                                                                    tions are calculated.                           monitors and computerizes a big part of
                     on your own DNA profile.
                                                                                                                    the growing process of plants to increase
                                                                                                                    the efficiency in greenhouses.

                                                                               ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
Bright Day Prototypes                         Robotics Care                                   Navinci Diagnostics
Bright Day Prototypes creates innovative      Robotics care is an innovative, medical         At Navinci, the mission is to combine the
solutions that make a sustainable energy      aid that in a unique way helps people with      latest technical advances in in-situ diag-
society possible.                             a physical disability, whose mobility is sev-   nostics into kits and services so scientists
www.brightdayprototypes.se                    erly or partially reduced, to take care of      and physicians can diagnose, select
                                              their personal hygiene by themselves. The       therapies and monitor progress based on
                                              Product, Poseidon is a hygiene robot.           the clearest data possible. The clearer the
Developeration                                                                                data, the better the patient outcome.
Developeration is developing a new
device for surgical treatment of hemor-       Sigrid Therapeutics
rhoids. The new method will give better       Sigrid Therapeutics is developing an in-        Peafowl Solar Power
result, less complications and lower the      gested medical device for lowering blood        Peafowl Solar Power has developed a
treatment cost by over 70%.                   sugar in prediabetics.                          new kind of solar cells that are highly
www.developeration.se                         www.sigridthx.com                               transparent, affordable, efficient, stable
                                                                                              and complies with the UN sustainability
                                                                                              goals, for future integration in buildings
Intellotel                                    Stardots                                        or other materials.
Intellotel is a digital hotel management      Stardots is a provider and distributor of       www.peafowlsolarpower.com
system with role based interfaces and         data analysis within research and devel-
game changing functionality.                  opment departments for universities and
www.intellotel.com                            companies.                                      Sun Labs Nordic
                                              www.stardots.se                                 Sun Labs is specialized in development of
                                                                                              Artificial Intelligence (AI), data visualiza-
MaishaBit                                                                                     tion and real-time data logging for solar
MaishaBit designs and develops eHealth        Umbrella Science                                cell facilities and other sustainable energy
solutions in close collaboration with end     With an excessive understanding of the          sources.
users, i.e. patients and healthcare profes-   biotech industry, Umbrella Science devel-       www.sunlabs.se
sionals, to empower patients and to make      op and produce micro- and nano plastic
healthcare more effective.                    disposables with a team of innovative
www.maishabit.com                             researchers and engineers for customers
                                              within science and industry.

MindMend is the first researched based        Deep Forestry
digital CBT treatment platform for            Deep Forestry has developed a prototype

                                                                                                                                              UIC Companies 2018
adults with ADHD and other psychiatric        drone that can safely navigate between
disorders. It enables healthcare providers    trees below the canopy of commercial            UIC BUSINESS PREP
to digitize core business processes – from    forests. The prototype has a powerful
screening assessment to treatment and         on-board computer and sensor package
                                                                                              DEVELOP & PREPARE
follow-up.                                    that can develop 3D models of entire
www.mindmend.se                               forest stands.
Nodified                                                                                      Medify develops products for an updated           19
Enables cost effective and accessible                                                         health and medical care, and accelerates
                                              Iconically is an online platform for the re-
communication for businesses suffering                                                        the implementation of new treatment
                                              cruitment of photo models to companies
from deficient telecom infrastructure or                                                      techniques from research, industry and
                                              in need of such services.
congested cellular networks.                                                                  clinic. Their product Medify is an intelli-
www.nodified.se                                                                               gent tool for medical training.
                                              LeafyMade                                       www.medify.life
                                              LeafyMade offers a substitute to the
Optima Planta Sweden                          conventional disposable paper plates – an
Automated plant production with                                                               UpCard
                                              environmental, friendly and organic ones
aeroponics technology. The company de-                                                        Upcard is a platform within autism and
                                              made out of leaves.
velops a technical platform for cultivating                                                   ADHD that supports children, parents,
plants without soil, sunlight or pesticides                                                   and caregivers in their Daily communica-
– vertically, locally and all year-round                                                      tion. The mission is to empower individu-
regardless of weather or season.              Matomatic                                       als, families, and organisations; encourag-
www.optimaplanta.com                          Matomatic offers food waste solutions           ing them to experiment with technology
                                              to large kitchens in municipalities and         designed to help them improve their
                                              restaurants. The products include a scale       quality of life by analyzing their own
ReCalor                                       with a touchpad, and a website to report        unique data.
ReCalor develops a floor drain with inte-     and receive feedback on the food waste.         www.upcard.io
grated heat exchanger (DWHR), in order        www.matsvinn.se
to recover energy from showers.
www.recalor.se                                                                                WeatherTech Scandinavia
                                                                                              Offers solutions and services that
                                                                                              maximize the profitability of weather-de-
                                                                                              pendent activities such as wind farms,
                                                                                              property companies, etc. www.weath-

                                                     UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE
UIC BUSINESS                                   Ilya Pharma
                                                                    Developing a concept based on genet-
                                                                                                                 Svensk Telepsykiatri
                                                                                                                 Offers high-quality psychiatric care,
                     ACCELERATOR                                    ically modified bacteria to help wounds      supervision and other related health care
                                                                    heal more effectively.                       services through digital technology such
                     SCALE                                          www.ilyapharma.se                            as videoconferencing (e-visits) to those
                                                                                                                 patients who are in need of them, regard-
                                                                                                                 less of where they reside.
                                                                    Inossia                                      www.telepsykiatri.se
                     Boardie                                        Develops a bone cement with greater          www.telepsykiatri.se
                     Boardie is a complementary product for         elasticity. Lowers the risk of compli-
                     existing ski lifts to improve comfort and      cations and tailored for pain relief and
                     provide a more enjoyable experience            stabilization of fractures in osteoporosis
                     for the lift users. Ski resorts also have an   patients.
                     opportunity to generate additional adver-      www.inossia.com
                     tising income through Boardie.
                                                                    A Swedish world-leading developer, man-
                     Cavis Technologies                             ufacturer and distributor of high quality    UIC ALUMNI
                     Develops an innovative catheter for im-        immunoassay kits. Specialized in ELISA
                     proved diagnosis of cardiac problems.          assays for clinical as well as research      RECONNECT
                     www.cavistechnologies.com                      applications within diabetes, obesity and
                                                                    cardiovascular disease.
                                                                    www.mercodia.se                              Acanova
                     Helps companies prevent maintenance,                                                        Develops technology for heat treating
                     quality assure and create a safer work-        MetaSafe                                     seeds, spun off to the SeedGard Compa-
                     place. The easy to use app allows the user     Highly specialized CRO offering metab-       ny, now called ThermoSeed.
                     to quickly and easily perform their own        olism investigations at all stages of drug   www.novigaresearch.com
                     checks and rounds as well as report devi-      discovery and development to increase
                     ations and incidents. The customer adapts      understanding of drug metabolism and
                                                                                                                 Agilent Technologies
                     CheckProof so it suits the company’s           thereby to support the development of
                                                                                                                 Develops methods for sample prepara-
                     needs and business.                            efficacious and safe drugs.
                                                                                                                 tion in conjunction with genetic sequenc-
                     www.checkproof.se                              www.metasafe.se
                                                                                                                 ing analyzes.
UIC Companies 2018

                     F&A Forecasting                                Noviga Research
                     Develops software for analysis and fore-       Noviga Research is focused on the devel-
                     casting of internal variables such as sales,   opment of small molecules for the new,
                                                                                                                 IT and information company specializing
                     inventory and demand, and external vari-       more effective treatment of cancer.
                                                                                                                 in the agricultural and food sector. Owns
                     ables such as exchange rate, commodity         www.novigaresearch.com
                                                                                                                 the media company Jordbruksaktuellt
                     and interest rates, for practical use in
                                                                                                                 (Agriculture News).
                     risk management, strategic purchasing,
 20                                                                 Pelago Bioscience                            www.agriprim.com
                     budgeting and hedging in the industry
                     and banking sector.                            Offers Target Engagement studies of
                     www.faforecasting.com                          drug candidate interactions with target
                                                                    proteins in cells and tissues with the
                                                                                                                 Offers products and solutions that help
                                                                    patented CETSA method.
                                                                                                                 real estate managers and network owners
                     Fertsoft                                       www.pelagobio.com
                                                                                                                 to reduce maintenance and running costs
                     Developing and selling a complete
                                                                                                                 by increasing air treatment efficiency and
                     management system for fertility clinics,
                                                                    Pharem Biotech                               by enabling lowering of temperature at
                     adapted to the unique needs of each
                                                                    Offers new technology for removing           their sites.
                     clinic. The system increases the efficiency
                                                                    pharmaceuticals from aquatic environ-        www.airwatergreen.com
                     at the clinic and assist the clinic staff in
                     their mission to help couples who are          ments.
                     involuntary childless.                                                                      Animech Technologies
                     www.fertsoft.com                                                                            Ads value for customers by using interac-
                                                                    preVet                                       tive visual information to clarify e.g. their
                                                                    A quality assurance system for horse         product range through its entire lifecycle.
                     FMTP Power
                                                                    owners and veterinarians.                    www.animech.com
                     Provides products, training and con-
                     sulting that increases control over the
                     network and thereby profitability for the                                                   AroCell
                     power industry. The latest innovation          Salipro Biotech                              Commercialization of biomarkers for
                     GridEx, a digital multimeter for Smart         Develops nanoparticles that increase the     monitoring cancer treatment.
                     Grid, bridges the gap between traditional      solubility of hydrophobic substances with    www.arocell.com
                     power technology and new digital com-          applications in, for example, cosmetics,
                     munication.                                    pharmaceutical development and vacci-
                     www.fmtppower.com                              nations.

                                                                               ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
Beactica                                      iCellate Medical                               PCG Solutions
Qualified method support regarding the        iCellate conducts applied research as well     Develops and markets software-based
discovery, optimization and development       as develops, manufactures, markets and         tools for clinical trials and patient regis-
of new drugs.                                 sells its own innovative medical devices       tries for the pharmaceutical industry and
www.beactica.com                              and related services within the field of       healthcare services.
                                              circulating tumor cell (CTC) detection         www.pharmaconsultinggroup.com
                                              and characterization in cancer research,
Bergström & Hellqvist                         clinical trials and diagnosis.
Develops knowledge and working prac-          www.icellate.se                                PEPTONIC Medical
tices in food industry businesses, includ-                                                   Uses the peptide oxytocin to develop a
ing quality assurance and environmental                                                      product for treating vaginal atrophy.
considerations.                               Imint, Image Intelligence                      www.peptonicmedical.se
www.bergstrom-hellqvist.com                   Develops software that enhances and
                                              automates the task of analyzing video im-
                                              ages sent from unmanned aerial vehicles        Pharem Biotech
Cavidi                                        (UAVs), as well as stabilizing videos filmed   Offers new technology for removing
Cavidi’s new technology improves HIV          with smartphones.                              pharmaceuticals from aquatic environ-
diagnosis and, therefore, the effective-      www.imint.se                                   ments.
ness of treatment in high-prevalence                                                         www.pharem.se
www.cavidi.se                                 Kontigo Care
                                              Develops mHealth tools that chang-             Plotagon
                                              es healthcare. Kontigo Care delivers           Simulates the film-making process with a
CheckProof                                    innovative user-friendly, mobile solutions     web-based platform that lets consumers
Helps companies prevent maintenance,          that give a better everyday life for both      make their own films.
quality assure and create a safer work-       patients and caregivers.                       www.plotagon.com
place. The easy to use app allows the         www.kontigocare.com
user to quickly and easily perform their
own checks and rounds as well as report                                                      ProForestry Sweden
deviations and incidents.                     Linnea Omsorg                                  Develops key innovations for profitable
www.checkproof.se                             Provides individualised treatment for          forest regeneration, e.g. MultiPro protec-
                                              adolescents and adults with special needs.     tion against the pine weevil.
                                              Covers HVB (care or residence) homes,
ChromoGenics Sweden                           daily activities, personal assistance
ChromoGenics is a technology leader                                                          Resorbable Devices
                                              and group homes for adults under LSS

                                                                                                                                            UIC Companies 2018
in the development of smart windows                                                          Develops bio-resorbable implants that
                                              (legislation related to support and service    allow easier, safer and faster surgery.
that save energy and increase comfort in      needs).
buildings. ConverLight - the company’s                                                       www.ligatie.com
electrochromic foil - can be controlled
to be brighter or darker when adding                                                         Rotundus
low electric current.                         Mercodia                                       Provides an extremely robust robot as an
www.chromogenics.se                           A Swedish world-leading developer, man-        alternative to security guards and expen-
                                              ufacturer and distributor of high quality      sive traditional surveillance technology.         21
                                              immunoassay kits. Specialized in ELISA         www.rotundus.se
Denator                                       assays for clinical as well as research
Develops innovative instruments and           applications within diabetes, obesity and
disposables for assuring the quality of       cardiovascular disease.                        Rätt Spår
biological samples to facilitate more effi-   www.mercodia.se                                Quality assurance system for treatment
cient diagnostics and drug development.                                                      in healthcare.
                                              Developing a new type of chemical-
Eribis Pharmaceuticals                        ly-derived protein binder for drug and         ScandiDos
Developing a new peptide drug for heart       diagnostic tests.                              Developing a unique measurement
/ cardiovascular indications.                 www.modpro.se                                  system in radiation therapy for cancer
Hexicon                                       Develops ground-breaking technologies
Developing an effective floating platform     for biomolecular analysis.                     Sensidose
that combines and utilizes various energy     www.olink.com                                  Developing a patented technology for in-
sources available at sea.
                                                                                             dividual dosage of commonly used drugs.
                                              Develops, manufactures and markets
                                              products and services globally for the         Sprint Bioscience
                                              treatment of severe bone defects, initial-     Develops innovative medicines with a
                                              ly in the skull area.                          focus on cancer and tumor metabolism.
                                              www.ossdsign.com                               In this area, Sprint Bioscience has solid
                                                                                             expertise and a leading position.

                                                     UPPSALA INNOVATION CENTRE
                     Solutions for securing of and trading in
                     property market valuations.

                     VBN Components
                     Offers components in high-strength
                     metals made using a free-forming (3D
                     printing) technology that produces com-
                     plex parts quickly and without waste.

                     Veterinary company developing methods
                     for diagnosing parasites.

                     ÅAC Microtec
                     Developing a new generation of small,
                     powerful satellites.

                     UIC ALUMNI
UIC Companies 2018


                     BioChromix (acquired by                      MetaSafe (acquired by Admescope)
                     Cadila Pharmaceuticals Sweden)               Highly specialized CRO offering metab-
                     Develops unique products for diagnosing      olism investigations at all stages of drug
 22                                                               discovery and development to increase
                     Alzheimer’s disease as early as possible.
                                                                  understanding of drug metabolism and
                                                                  thereby to support the development of
                     Division By Zero (acquired by Brighter)      efficacious and safe drugs.
                     Develops jDome BikeAround, which
                     makes it possible to cycle in a virtual
                     environment. JDome BikeAround is used        NanoSpace (acquired by GomSpace)
                     by people on dementia care facilities that   Develops microsystem components for
                     can cycle training with the hometown         spacecraft.
                     streets projected on the screen.

                                                                  OnTarget Chemistry (acquired by Reci-
                     Halo Genomics (acquired by Agilent           pharm)
                     Technologies)                                CRO (Contract Research Organization)
                     Develops methods for sample prepara-         primarily in preclinical research and with
                     tion in conjunction with genetic sequenc-    an emphasis on chemistry (synthesis and
                     ing analyzes.                                analytical). Also engaged in consulting to
                                                                  research companies.

                     Isconova (acquired by Novavax)
                     Develops adjuvants for vaccine prepara-

                                                                             ANNUAL REVIEW 2018
“To have somebody from the outside to
brainstorm with is crucial in a development
phase. The risk of becoming too introvert
decreases dramatically and the collaboration
with UIC helps us to cope with the development
without losing our customers on the way.”        23

– Mona Österberg, CEO, Mercodia

UIC is one of Sweden’s top business
incubators & accelerators, and is ranked
as the world’s 4th best business incubator
with a university connection by UBI Global.
UIC offers business development support,
knowledge and networks to innovative
startups and growth companies that
want to develop or scale-up to reach an
international market.

  The UIC model includes business development programs and a broad
  network of carefully selected business coaches within the commercial
  and industrial sectors, all focused on helping companies achieve their
  stated goals. The survival rate is high among UIC companies, with nine
  out of ten UIC alumni companies active in the market today and
  growing. UIC does not take any ownership interest in the companies.

  Moreover, a network of about 20 UIC partners contribute to the
  companies’ development through expertise and individual counseling.

  UIC is part of Vinnova’s incubation support program “Inkubations-
  stöd – Excellence” and is a member of the trade association Swedish
  Incubators & Science Parks, SISP. UIC is owned equally by STUNS, the
  municipality of Uppsala, SLU Holding, and Uppsala University Holding
  Company. UIC has operations in Uppsala County and the municipality of

  Mailing address: Uppsala Science Park, 751 83 Uppsala, Sweden
  Visit: Dag Hammarskjölds väg 38, Hubben
  Phone: +46 (0)18-477 0440
  Web: www.uic.se/en
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