Type 1 diabetes What you need to know

Type 1 diabetes What you need to know
Type 1 diabetes

The National Diabetes Service Scheme (NDSS) is an initiative of the Australian Government administered
      by Diabetes Australia. The NDSS Agent in Queensland is Diabetes Australia – Queensland.
Type 1 diabetes What you need to know
                                  A guide
                                                                                                        Chapter 1 – Diabetes
                                                                                                        • What is diabetes?
                                                                                                        • Type 1 diabetes

                                   to type 1                                                            • Other types of diabetes

                                                                                                        Chapter 2 – Lifestyle

                                                                                                        • Eating well
                                                                                                        • Carbohydrates and blood
                                                                                                           glucose levels
                                                                                                        • Adding sugar
                                  Type 1 Diabetes: What You Need To Know is designed to
                                  provide the latest and most useful information for people with
                                                                                                        • Let’s eat out
                                  type 1 diabetes, their family members and carers. Whether you         • Exercise
                                  have just recently been diagnosed or have been managing
                                                                                                        • Weight management
                                  type 1 diabetes for some time, this booklet provides facts,
                                  figures, tips and useful advice to help you live a healthier life.    • Alcohol
                                  Managing type 1 diabetes is not easy. It is a considerable            • Smoking
                                  personal challenge and may seem daunting at first. When               • Recreational drugs
                                  you have mastered the early challenges of managing type 1
                                  diabetes, there is a great ongoing benefit to be had in keeping
                                                                                                        Chapter 3 – Monitoring and care
                                  up to date with the latest knowledge and treatments. This
                                  booklet is designed to be helpful to people facing both these         • Blood glucose monitoring
                                  challenges.                                                           • Insulin
                                  The booklet is produced by Diabetes Australia – Queensland,           • Insulin pumps
                                  an organisation dedicated to providing support and education
                                  to people with diabetes. It contains resources, information and       • Hypoglycaemia
                                  advice on how to get the best out of your health care team as         • Emergency
                                  well as information on a variety of topics such as exercise, living
                                                                                                        • Sick days
                                  and eating well and what to do if it all goes wrong.
                                                                                                        • Complications
                                  Coping with hypos, health emergencies, travel, driving, insulin,
                                  discrimination issues and even making decisions on when and           • Pregnancy
                                  what to eat are all part of coping with type 1 diabetes.              • Monitoring
                                  The better informed you are, the better prepared you will be for      • Your diabetes health care team
                                  making the right decisions. If you have had diabetes for some
                                  time, this booklet may be a good refresher. It is also a resource
                                                                                                        Chapter 4 – Living with diabetes
                                  you may like to share with family members and friends who
                                  want to know more.                                                    • Coping
                                  Type 1 diabetes affects different people in different ways.           • Driving
                                  A management plan is very personal and every individual has           • Discrimination
                                  their own response and different needs to be taken
                                                                                                        • Insurance
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                  into account.

                                  Diabetes Australia – Queensland is here to guide and support          • Travelling
                                  you, whether you are taking your first steps, or just the latest of
                                  many steps, along the path to maximising your health potential.       Chapter 5 – Support
                                  If you have any queries or issues you would like to discuss after     • Diabetes Australia – Queensland
                                  reading this booklet, ring Diabetes Australia – Queensland’s call     • NDSS
                                  centre on 1300 136 588. You can make this call from anywhere
                                  in Queensland for the cost of a local call.                           • Medicare
                                  If you have direct concerns about your treatment or health,           • Fact sheets
                                  contact your diabetes health care team to discuss the problem.        • Websites
Type 1 diabetes What you need to know

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is the term used to describe a common medical condition in which the body fails to process
blood sugar, or glucose, in the normal way. There are three main kinds of diabetes: type 1, type 2
and gestational. This booklet is mainly about type 1 diabetes. More than 123,000 people in Australia
have type 1 diabetes and more are being diagnosed all the time. Understanding the different kinds of
diabetes can help you understand the symptoms and treatment available.

                                           Type 1 diabetes
What is ...
Insulin - the hormone produced by
the pancreas that allows glucose to
enter the body’s cells to be used as
fuel. Insulin is like a key that unlocks   Type 1 diabetes is a life-long               • Unquenchable thirst
the door to cells allowing glucose to      autoimmune disease that usually
                                                                                        • Insatiable hunger, often for
enter and do its job.                      occurs in childhood but can occur
                                                                                          sweet foods
                                           later in life. Type 1 diabetes occurs
Glucose - a type of sugar that comes
                                           when the immune system damages               • Extreme tiredness
from carbohydrates in your food.
                                           the pancreas and it no longer
                                                                                        • Unexplained weight loss
Carbohydrates - one of the basic           produces insulin. This means there is
building blocks of food. Carbohydrates     no key to let glucose into the cells so it   • Genital itching or regular episodes
are energy rich and found in many          can provide fuel for the body.                 of thrush
different kinds of food and drink
                                           The onset of type 1 diabetes can             • Slow healing of cuts and wounds
including those that taste sweet
                                           be abrupt and the symptoms are
such as fizzy drinks, cake, pastry,                                                     • Blurred vision
                                           obvious. Between 10 and 15 per cent
chocolate, lollies, ice-cream, custard,
                                           of all cases of diabetes are diagnosed       • Mood changes
fruit and juice. Carbohydrates are also
                                           as type 1 but it is still one of the most
found in food that doesn’t necessarily
taste sweet such as bread, cereals,
                                           common chronic childhood diseases            Type 1.5: Latent
legumes, milk, yoghurt and starchy
                                           and becoming more common in                  Autoimmune
vegetables such as potato, sweet
                                           young adults.                                Diabetes of
potato and corn.                                                                        Adulthood
                                           Causes                                       Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of
If you have diabetes, your body
                                           The cause of type 1 diabetes and             Adulthood (LADA) is also called ‘type
cannot make proper use of the
                                           how to prevent it is still unknown. The      1.5’. LADA is a slow-developing form
carbohydrates broken down from
                                           most likely explanation is that the body     of type 1 diabetes that is sometimes
food. The sugar produced from the
                                           has an abnormal reaction to the cells        mistaken for type 2 diabetes.
carbohydrates builds up in the blood
                                           triggered by a virus or other infection.
as glucose, when it should be inside                                                    About 10% of adults diagnosed
                                           We do know that it’s more common in
                                                                                                                                 Diabetes: What you need to know

the cells being used for energy.                                                        with type 2 diabetes may have
                                           people under 30.
The pancreas - A small organ                                                            LADA. People with LADA are not
near the stomach that normally             Symptoms                                     usually overweight but, as with type
produces insulin. When you have                                                         1 diabetes, they may have a family
                                           The symptoms of type 1 diabetes
type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does                                                      history of another autoimmune
                                           come on suddenly, so the disease is
not produce insulin, so you need to                                                     disease like coeliac disease.
                                           more likely to be diagnosed quickly.
replace the hormone every day                                                           People with LADA usually progress
with insulin injections or via an          The main symptoms of
                                                                                        on to requiring insulin fairly quickly
insulin pump.                              undiagnosed diabetes include:
                                                                                        after being diagnosed with diabetes.
                                           • Passing urine more often than usual,
                                             especially at night

Type 1 diabetes What you need to know
Chapter 1: Diabetes

Other types                                                                                                                        Fact sheets
                                                                                                                                   Diabetes Australia –

   of diabetes                                                                                                                     Queensland
                                                                                                                                   1300 136 588

                                                                                                                                   Diabetes Australia – National


                                            Type 2 diabetes                              • High blood pressure and high
                                                                                           blood cholesterol levels
                                                                                                                                   1300 136 588
                                            Type 2 diabetes is the more common
                                            form of the disease – 85% to 90% of          • Use of some medications, such           Queensland Health
                                            all people with diabetes have type 2           as steroids                             www.health.qld.gov.au
                                            diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, the body                                                 (07) 3234 0111
                                                                                         • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
                                            still produces some insulin, although it                                               Australian Indigenous
                                            may not produce enough, or it may not
                                            work well enough, to keep the blood
                                                                                         Gestational                               HealthInfoNet

                                            glucose levels within a healthy range.
                                                                                         diabetes                                  (Edith Cowan University)
                                                                                         Diabetes occurs in 3 to 8 per cent of
                                            In type 2 diabetes this is called ‘insulin                                             chronic-conditions/diabetes
                                                                                         Australian women during pregnancy
                                            resistance’. It means the insulin is not     and usually goes away after the baby      Diabetes Australia –
                                            working well, so the pancreas makes          is born. Women continue to produce        Multilingual Resources
                                            more in an attempt to keep up, but           insulin normally but the hormones         http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.
                                            eventually becomes exhausted. In the         produced during pregnancy mean            au/NDSS-Content/Resources/
                                            meantime, the blood glucose levels           their bodies are temporarily less         Multilingual
                                            begin to rise.                               responsive to insulin and they cannot     Sweet – Diabetes Transition to
                                            Type 2 diabetes can occur at any age,        maintain normal blood glucose levels.     Adult Care Program
                                            but is more common among those who           This kind of diabetes may require         www.sweet.org.au
                                            are overweight, carry excess kilograms       insulin but can be managed with
                                            around the waist and are older than 40.      lifestyle changes.                        Kids Helpline
                                            It is a progressive disease managed                                                    www.kidshelp.com.au
                                                                                         Of the women who develop                  1800 551 800
                                            with healthy eating, exercise and            gestational diabetes, about 17 per
                                            medication.                                  cent go on to develop type 2 diabetes     Lifeline
                                            The risk factors for type 2 diabetes         within 10 years, and up to 50 per cent    www.lifeline.org.au
                                            include:                                     will develop type 2 diabetes within       13 11 14
                                                                                         30 years.                                 Royal Flying Doctor Service
                                            • Increasing age
                                                                                         Good management after pregnancy           (RFDS)
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                            • Family history of type 2 diabetes                                                    www.flyingdoctor.org.au
                                                                                         helps reduce the risk of developing
                                            • Excess weight or obesity                   type 2 diabetes later in life.            (Call 000 for emergencies)

                                            • Lack of exercise                           Women most at risk from gestational       SANE
                                                                                         diabetes are overweight or obese,         www.sane.org
                                            • Diabetes during pregnancy                                                            1800 18 SANE (7263)
                                                                                         have a family history of diabetes, have
                                            • Certain ethnic backgrounds –               polycystic ovarian syndrome, or have      Vision Australia
                                              Indigenous Australians and people of       Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander      www.visionaustralia.org.au
                                              Middle Eastern or Pacific                  family backgrounds.                       1300 847 466
                                              Island descent

Type 1 diabetes What you need to know

                                  Some tips on                              Eat more fibre. Fibre helps control
                                                                            blood glucose levels, cholesterol and
                                  healthy eating                            weight. It also keeps the digestive
                                  Choose the right food. Choose a           system healthy. Good sources of
                                  broad variety of foods from the five      fibre can be found in wholegrain
                                  food groups: breads, cereals, rice,       bread, fruit, vegetables and legumes.
                                  pasta, and noodles; fruit, vegetables
                                  and legumes; low-fat dairy; lean meat,    Try this:
People with diabetes are          fish, poultry and nuts; and, small        • Reduce your intake of saturated
the same as everyone else         amounts of healthy fats. The Australian     fat and trans fats – these are
                                  Guide to Healthy Eating is a useful         found in whole fat dairy products,
when it comes to eating a
                                  resource for nutritional advice.            fatty meat and butter and in
healthy diet. It is important                                                 tropical oils such as coconut
                                  Watch your portions. Match your
for us all to eat a balanced      energy intake with your energy output       and palm oil. Replace them with
diet that is high in fibre, low   (physical activity). Eating too much,       healthier polyunsaturated and
                                                                              monounsaturated fats found in
in saturated fat and contains     even of healthy foods, can increase
                                  insulin resistance and raise blood          oily fish, avocado, vegetable oils,
low glycaemic index (low GI)                                                  nuts and seeds
                                  glucose levels.
carbohydrates to provide
                                  Eat regularly throughout the day.         • Aim for at least two portions of
the body with necessary fuel                                                  oily fish a week
                                  Start your day with breakfast and
and micronutrients. There         don’t skip meals. Depending on your       • Eat two serves of fruit and at least
                                                                                                                     Diabetes: What you need to know

is no need for people with        insulin regimen, you may need to snack      five serves of vegetables a day
diabetes to have special or       between meals – discuss this with your      and include beans and lentils
separate meals. If you need       dietitian or diabetes educator.
                                                                            • Limit salt intake and replace with
help deciding which foods         Include carbohydrates at each               herbs, spices, onion, chilli and
to eat, how much to eat           meal. Carbohydrates are nutrients that      capsicum
                                  are an important fuel source for your
and how often to eat, talk        body. You need to match your insulin
                                                                            • Avoid or limit alcohol intake (no
to an Accredited Practising                                                   more than two standard drinks on
                                  to the amount of carbohydrate you
                                                                              any one day)
Dietitian for advice.             have consumed.

Type 1 diabetes What you need to know
Chapter 2: Lifestyle

                                            Carbohydrates and blood
                                             glucose levels
                                            Digested carbohydrates are broken             To work out the amount of                     Foods with a low GI raise blood
                                            down into glucose – the body’s main           carbohydrates you eat, you                    glucose levels more slowly than
                                            source of fuel. Balancing diet, exercise      can use:                                      foods with a high GI and provide a
                                            and insulin intake will help manage your                                                    longer-lasting source of energy so
                                                                                          • The carbohydrate ‘exchange’ or
                                            blood glucose levels. Regular blood                                                         you feel fuller for longer. Eating too
                                                                                            ‘serve’ lists (one carbohydrate
                                            glucose testing will help you find the                                                      much of any carbohydrate will still
                                                                                            ‘exchange’ contains 15g of total
                                            right balance.                                                                              raise your blood glucose level. High
                                                                                                                                        GI carbohydrates increase blood
                                            How to manage                                 • Food labels                                 glucose levels quickly, which is useful
                                            blood glucose                                 • Carbohydrate counters
                                                                                                                                        when treating a hypo, but eating
                                            levels                                        Why GI matters
                                                                                                                                        low GI carbohydrates is generally
                                                                                          The glycaemic index (GI) ranks the            You should discuss your plan for
                                            Different types of insulin have different     effect carbohydrates have on your             treating a hypo with your diabetes
                                            actions. Each type varies in when it          blood glucose levels.                         health care team.
                                            begins to work, reaches its peak and
                                            runs out. Good diabetes management            Healthy carbohydrate choices
                                            is about matching insulin intake with         *Italics = lower GI
                                            the carbohydrates eaten. If your
                                                                                           Wholegrain/wholemeal           Burgen® Breads, 9-grain Multigrain®, PerforMAX®
                                            carbohydrate meal plan is regular and
                                                                                           bread/bread rolls
                                            consistent, it is easier to manage blood
                                            glucose levels.                                High fibre breakfast cereals   Rolled oats, All-Bran®, Guardian® or untoasted
                                            The amount – too little or too much
                                                                                           Pasta, rice and grains         Basmati, Moolgiri or Doongara, barley, bulgur and
                                            If you eat more carbohydrates                                                 couscous
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                            than usual and don’t increase your             Legumes                        Baked beans, kidney beans, chick peas, lentils,
                                            physical activity or your insulin, your                                       three bean mix
                                            blood glucose level can rise too high
                                                                                           Milk products or dairy         Low fat milk, soy drinks (calcium fortified), custard
                                            (hyperglycaemia). If you don’t eat
                                                                                           alternatives                   and yoghurt
                                            enough carbohydrates or skip a meal,
                                            your blood glucose level can drop too          Vegetables                     Potatoes, sweet potatoes and sweet corn have
                                            low (hypoglycaemia or hypo). There is                                         high levels of carbohydrates
                                            no ‘one size fits all’ solution: It depends    Fruit                          Most fruit is low GI – apples, oranges, pears,
                                            on your age, body size and physical                                           peaches, bananas. Eating lots of watermelon and
                                            activity levels.                                                              lychees can increase BGLs quickly.

Type 1 diabetes What you need to know
Chapter 2: Lifestyle

A little bit is ok
Small amounts of sugar are OK, but
high-energy foods like chocolate,
cakes and lollies should be limited.
Using an alternative sweetener is an
option, but read the label carefully
because there are two different types
of sweeteners (nutritive and non-
nutritive sweeteners). Foods that
contain an alternative sweetener,
such as sugar-free chocolate, can
still be high in fat (particularly saturated
fat) and should not be eaten in
large amounts.

Sweetened products can add variety
to a low saturated fat, high fibre eating
plan. Check the effect of sweeteners
on your blood glucose level by testing
before eating and again two hours
later. You can repeat the test to make
sure the results really are due to that
specific food.

Non-nutritive sweeteners
(also known as artificial or intense
sweeteners). These are kilojoule-free
and do not affect blood glucose levels.
They include acesulphame K, alitame,
aspartame and sucralose, saccharine,
cyclamates and stevia.

Heat can change the taste of non-

                                               Eating out
nutritive sweeteners, so add them
after you have finished cooking.
Splenda, Equal, Spoonful and
neotame are the only ones that can
be added during cooking or baking,
without affecting the taste.                   Eating out is one of life’s pleasures and you can still enjoy this experience while
                                               looking after your health.
Low joule foods and drinks that
contain non-nutritive sweeteners (soft         Meals chosen should:
drinks, cordials and jellies) can add
                                               • Be lower in fat (especially saturated fat like butter)
variety without raising your blood
glucose levels.                                • Contain breads and cereals (preferably wholegrain), vegetables (including legumes)
                                                 and fruit
Nutritive sweeteners. These include
fructose, sorbitol, maltodextrin and           • Have low amounts of added sugar
xylitol. They are not kilojoule-free,
                                                                                                                                               Diabetes: What you need to know

have different effects on blood                Insulin and eating out
glucose levels and may be labelled as
                                               You have less control over when your food arrives when you eat out, so to
‘carbohydrate modified’.
                                               avoid hypos take your insulin as the meal arrives. Choose meals with enough
                                               carbohydrates and ask for extra bread, rice, potato, fruit or fruit juice if you need
                                               more. Alternatively, you may need to reduce your dose of insulin.

                                               If it’s a special occasion and you are having a bigger meal with more carbohydrates
                                               than usual, you may wish to increase your insulin dose before the meal. Discuss this
                                               with your diabetes health care team if you are not confident in making this decision
                                               for yourself.

Type 1 diabetes What you need to know
Chapter 2: Lifestyle

                                              Checklist to
                                              get into action
                                                   Work out what activity
                                                   you will do and how
                                                   long you will do it for
                                                   Monitor your blood
                                                   glucose level before,
                                                   during and after
                                                                              Exercise can help control diabetes and prevent long-term
                                                   Consider whether
                                                                              complications. Becoming more active does not mean you
                                                   extra carbohydrates
                                                   or a reduction in          have to sweat it out at the gym – it can be as simple as
                                                   insulin is needed          walking for 30 minutes a day. Find something you enjoy
                                                                              and keep it up. Incidental activity is also a
                                                   Carry your blood
                                                                              good way to keep active so vacuuming,
                                                   glucose testing kit,
                                                                              walking up the stairs or stretching at
                                                   diabetes identification,
                                                   hypo treatment and         your desk all counts.
                                                   Footwear – is it           Insulin and                               Listen to
                                                   comfortable and will       physical activity                         your body
                                                                              Regular exercise helps make insulin       Keeping your blood glucose level stable
                                                   it protect your feet
                                                                              more effective, so you may need a         during exercise means you have to
                                                   during the activity?       lower dose. Your diabetes health          balance insulin and carbohydrates.
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                                                              care team can advise you on changes       Your blood glucose level will continue to
                                                   Check your feet
                                                                              that may need to be made to your          drop and will trigger a hypo if you
                                                   after every activity       normal regimen. Check your blood          don’t restock.
                                                   and if you develop         glucose level before, during, and after
                                                                                                                        Blood glucose levels may rise for a short
                                                   problems, see a            a training session.
                                                                                                                        time after intense exercise. This can be
                                                   podiatrist                 You may need to increase your portions    due to the amount, type or duration of
                                                                              of carbohydrates, as well as reduce       the activity, your blood glucose level
                                                   Drink plenty of water      your insulin dose during the training     before the exercise, food intake or the
                                                   and replace lost fluids    period to help prevent hypos.             kind of treatment you are using.

Type 1 diabetes What you need to know
Chapter 2: Lifestyle

Weight management
Following a long-term, balanced eating plan and adding regular physical
activity into your life are great ways to manage your weight. It is important to
get help from your diabetes health care team to work out the combination of
treatment, eating plan and activity that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

Managing your                                  Being overweight also puts pressure
                                               on joints – such as your hips, knees
                                                                                         No quick fix
weight                                         and back, which makes physical            If you are looking to lose weight, don’t
It’s not just the scales that reflect          activity more difficult.                  rush to follow the latest fad diet. The
your weight – it is also the size of                                                     best way to improve your health is to
your waist. Health professionals               Body Mass Index                           make small, sustainable changes to your
                                                                                         eating behaviour and physical activity.
recommend that men have a girth
below 94cm and women below
                                                                                         If you are thinking about using meal
80cm – although different ethnic               The best way to determine whether
                                                                                         replacement programs, talk to your doctor
groups have different recommended              you are in a healthy weight range is to
                                                                                         first. They are generally low-energy,
measurements.                                  measure your BMI. This is calculated by
                                                                                         high-protein and low-carbohydrate plans
                                               dividing your body weight in kilograms
You can work out your true waist                                                         that can put stress on your body if not
                                               by your height in metres squared.
measurement by finding the halfway                                                       managed with medical supervision. Your
point between your lowest rib and the                                                    body is already working hard to control
                                                Body Mass Index       Weight
top of your hip. If you find it difficult to                                             your blood glucose, blood pressure and
                                                (BMI) (kg / m2)       Status
measure yourself, ask for help.                                                          cholesterol so it pays to seek the
                                                Below 18.50           Underweight        right advice.
People with a high waist measurement
are more likely to have high blood              18.50 – 24.99         Normal             There are potential side-effects to
pressure, high cholesterol, sleep               25 – 29.99            Overweight         using meal replacements, such as
apnoea and dementia, as well as                                                          hypoglycaemia, and the medications you
                                                30                    Obese              take may need adjustment.
some cancers.

                                                                                         It takes time

                                                                                                                                          Diabetes: What you need to know

Type 1 diabetes What you need to know
Chapter 2: Lifestyle

                                              Losing weight is all about having
                                              realistic expectations. It takes time
                                                                                         component to maintain healthy blood
                                                                                         glucose levels.
                                              to put weight on, so it makes sense
                                                                                         High blood glucose levels can make     Complementary medicines
                                              that it will take time to take it off.
                                                                                         it difficult for you to gain weight.   should complement,
                                              Successful long-term weight loss
                                                                                         In addition to modifying your food     rather than replace
                                              involves making practical changes
                                                                                         intake, your doctor may recommend      conventional treatments.
                                              to your lifestyle. Losing 5 to 10 per
                                                                                         a temporary or permanent change to     They include herbal,
                                              cent of your body weight a year until
                                                                                         your diabetes                          traditional, natural and
                                              you reach a healthy target weight is
                                                                                         medication.                                alternative preparations.
                                              the ideal way to shed those excess
                                              kilograms and improve your health.         Some                                      Australian standards for
                                                                                         people take                               complementary medicines are designed
                                              Start your journey to better health                                                 for quality and safety, not effectiveness.
                                              by eating regularly through the day –                                              Complementary medicines have risks
                                                                                         to increase
                                              including breakfast. Don’t skip meals                                             and side-effects just like conventional
                                                                                         their nutritional
                                              because this slows your metabolism.                                               treatments. Some may interact with each
                                              To lose weight you need to use more                                               other or with prescription and over-the-
                                                                                         Some supplements are
                                              energy (measured in kilojoules) than                                              counter medicines.
                                                                                         unsuitable for people with diabetes,
                                              you consume. You may need to cut
                                                                                         so always discuss any plan to take     To minimise any risk when using either
                                              back on portion sizes and this may
                                                                                         supplements with your dietitian or     over-the-counter or complementary
                                              require a reduction in insulin dosages.
                                                                                         doctor. This is especially important   medicines, you need to:
                                              If you are looking for more tips           if you have problems with kidney
                                              on healthy eating, check out The           function or diabetes control.          • Be honest with your doctor, diabetes
                                              Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and                                              educator and dietitian about the
                                              the Diabetes Australia fact sheets: Do     Practical tips                           medication you are taking. Don’t stop
                                              you need to lose some weight? and          for gaining                              taking prescription medication without
                                                                                                                                  first discussing it with your doctor
                                              Healthy Eating Guide.
                                                                                                                                • Consider the cost
                                              Underweight                                • Eat small frequent meals
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                                                                                                                • Remember some can interfere with
                                              Being underweight can make it              • Add more mono or polyunsaturated
                                                                                                                                  prescription medicine
                                              difficult to stay healthy. If you have       margarine and oil to your food
                                              unexplained weight loss, it could mean                                            • Bear in mind that these medications
                                                                                         • Add skim milk powder to drinks,
                                              something is wrong.                                                                 have possible risks and side-effects
                                                                                           soups and stews
                                              Your dietitian can provide you with a                                             • Speak to your pharmacist about
                                                                                         • Add grated cheese to cooked foods
                                              personal treatment plan to meet your                                                your current medication and any
                                              nutritional needs. The plan will include   • Snack on small serves of crackers,     possible risks associated with adding
                                              more protein, fat and energy in your         cold meat, nuts and dried fruit        complementary medications to your
                                              diet while managing the carbohydrate                                                diabetes management

Chapter 2: Lifestyle

                                                                                       Diabetes and drinking alcohol
                                                                                       do not go well together but if
                                                                                       you follow a few basic rules,
                                                                                       there is no reason why you can’t
                                                                                       enjoy a couple of drinks.

 Smoking                                                                               But remember ... alcohol increases
                                                                                       the risk of having low blood
                                                                                       glucose (hypo) because it slows
                                                                                       the release of glucose from the liver.
                                                                                       The risk continues for some time
Giving up smoking is one of the most       Plan your efforts to get the best results   after you stop drinking.
positive things you can do for your        and get support from your doctor,
health. It will reduce the risk of long-   pharmacist, friends and family.             Tips: The National Health and Medical
term diabetes complications.                                                           Research Council recommends that
                                           Ring Quitline 13 7848 for even
                                                                                       healthy men and women consume
If you have diabetes, you already have     more help.
                                                                                       no more than two standard drinks a
an increased chance of developing
                                           Instead of focusing                         day and include alcohol free days to
heart disease or having a stroke.
                                           on the dangers of                           reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-
Smoking also increases the risk of
                                           smoking, here are                           related disease or injury.
other diabetes complications.
                                           the benefits of
You may have tried a few times to give     having a smoke-                             • Don’t drink on an empty stomach
up – it can be difficult.                  free life:
                                                                                       • Avoid drinking excessively – the
                                                                                         more you drink the greater the
                                                                                         hypo risk

                                                                                       • Tell your friends you have
                                                                                         diabetes and make sure they
  After 48 hours, the
                                                            After three to nine          know what to do if you have a
  nicotine has left your
                                                        months, your coughs,             hypo
  body and your sense
  of taste and smell are                               wheezing and breathing          • Wear diabetes ID
  dramatically improved                                 problems will improve
                                                                                       • Carry fast-acting glucose
                                                                                         and your blood glucose meter in
                                                                 After one year,         case of a hypo
                                                              the risk of a heart      • Check your blood glucose before you
  After eight                                                     attack falls to        go out and before bed
  hours, the levels                                          around half that of
                                                                       a smoker        • Carry extra snacks in case you go low
  of bad products
  in the blood                                                                         • Eat before and after you go out
  such as nicotine
                                                                                       • You may need a carbohydrate snack
  and carbon
                                                                                         during the night or before bed
  monoxide are
  reduced by half                                                                      • Drink plenty of water to prevent
  and oxygen                                                                             dehydration
  levels return to
                                                                                       • Think you have a hangover? Check
                                                                                         your blood glucose level – you may be
                                                                                                                                       Diabetes: What you need to know

                                                                                         having a hypo. Treat immediately
  Within 20 minutes of
                                                                                       • If you are sick or can’t take food, have
  stopping, your blood                                      After three months,
                                                                                         a sugary drink and monitor your blood
  pressure and pulse                                        your circulation will
                                                                                         glucose level regularly. You may need to
  rate return to normal                                       improve and your
                                                                                         follow your sick day management plan
                                                            skin will look better
                                                                                       • Never stop taking your insulin. Eat
                                                                                         breakfast to help with blood glucose

Chapter 2: Lifestyle

                                          drugs                                                                              websites
                                                                                                                             1300 136 588

                                                                                                                             Queensland Health
                                            The most commonly used recreational drug is alcohol.                             (07) 3234 0111
                                            Other recreational drugs are illegal and dangerous and involve a                 Find Your 30 Campaign
                                            higher degree of risk to your health if you have diabetes.                       (Eat Well Be Active)
                                                                                     Other drugs: Hallucinogenic drugs
                                            Know the score                           include cannabis, LSD and magic
                                                                                                                             GI database
                                            The effect of any drug on the body       mushrooms. Hallucinogenic drugs,
                                            varies from person to person but                                                 Go For 2 & 5
                                                                                     also known as psychedelics, change
                                            young people are perhaps more likely                                             www.gofor2and5.com.au
                                                                                     the way a person perceives the world.
                                            to consider experimenting with illegal                                           Health Insite (Australian
                                            and dangerous recreational drugs.        Drugs such as cannabis can cause
                                                                                                                             Government Initiative)
                                                                                     feelings of hunger and lead to a rise
                                            Drug use can cause serious problems                                              www.healthinsite.gov.au/topics/
                                                                                     in blood glucose levels. They can
                                            for people with diabetes.                                                        Diabetes
                                                                                     also cause forgetfulness - including
                                                                                                                             1800 022 222
                                            Depressants: Also called downers,        forgetting to take insulin.
                                            include alcohol and sleeping pills.                                              Lighten Up
                                                                                     LSD and magic mushrooms can
                                            They also include illegal drugs such                                             www.health.qld.gov.au/lightenup
                                                                                     cause hallucinations, which can last
                                            as heroin, methadone and cannabis.                                               (07) 3246 3399
                                                                                     up to 12 hours, affecting insulin and
                                            Downers slow the body down,              food intake..                           Measure Up Health Campaign
                                            clouding thought processes, slowing                                              www.measureup.gov.au
                                            the heart rate and breathing. Anyone     Stay safe                               Smart Choices – The Healthy
                                            who takes them will feel relaxed and
                                                                                     • The risk associated with taking       Food and Drink Supply Strategy
                                            be more prone to forgetting about
                                                                                       illegal drugs is extreme for people   for Queensland Schools
                                            insulin or testing.
                                                                                       with diabetes                         http://education.qld.gov.au/
                                            Uppers: Also called stimulants,                                                  schools/healthy/food-drink-
                                                                                     • Some drugs carry heavy penalties
                                            include illegal drugs such as speed,                                             strategy.html
                                                                                       for possession or supply
                                            ecstasy and cocaine. These drugs
                                            can make a person more active and
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                                                                     • If you go clubbing, wear
                                            talkative than usual. When the drug        diabetes ID
                                            wears off, it can cause depression and                                           Fact sheets
                                                                                     • Tell your friends about your
                                            tiredness.                                                                       Diabetes Australia –
                                                                                       diabetes and how to treat a hypo
                                            Uppers can also suppress appetite,                                               Queensland
                                                                                     • Have carbohydrates before you go      www.diabetesqld.org.au
                                            which can cause hypos, especially if
                                                                                       out and when you get home             1300 136 588
                                            combined with dancing.
                                                                                     • Don’t mix drugs and alcohol           Diabetes Australia – National


Monitoring and Care
As you develop strategies          Blood glucose                              and the amount of exercise you do,
                                                                              your diet and other lifestyle factors
to help you cope with type         monitoring                                 such as travel, stress and illness
1 diabetes, you will find that     Measuring and recording your blood
                                                                            • Understand how your lifestyle
monitoring your own blood          glucose levels is important because it
                                   helps us understand how your body          choices and treatment can make a
glucose levels is a valuable                                                  real difference
                                   responds to changes in insulin levels,
tool that puts you in charge       eating patterns, physical activity and   • Know immediately if your blood
of your self-management            other factors. A change in the pattern     glucose level is too high or too
plan. Your diabetes educator       can alert you to possible problems         low, so you can make informed
will teach you how to check        that may need to be discussed with         decisions about eating before
                                   your diabetes health care team.
                                                                                                                      Diabetes: What you need to know

                                                                              exercise, treating a hypo or seeking
your blood glucose levels and
                                   Monitoring your blood glucose              medical advice if you are sick
understand your targets. You
                                   levels, recording and reviewing          • Know when to seek advice from
will need to do a check at least   the results will help you to:              your health care team about
four times a day and extra                                                    adjusting your insulin
                                   • Become more confident managing
checks are needed if you are         your diabetes                          • Improve meals or snack planning
sick, change your activity level                                              when you are not achieving your
                                   • Better understand the relationship
or are experiencing unusual          between your blood glucose levels        glucose targets

Chapter 3: Care

                                                                                                                                   Storing insulin
                                                                                                                                   All insulin needs to be kept below 30°C
                                                                                                                                   out of the fridge and ideally between
                                                                                                                                   2 and 6°C in the fridge. Store insulin

                                                                                                                                   you are using in a cool, dry place and
                                                                                                                                   away from direct light. Your supply of
                                                                                                                                   insulin should be stored in the fridge
                                                                                                                                   until needed.

                                                                                                                                   Don’t place insulin in, or close to, the
                                          Insulin is a hormone produced in the         Intermediate-acting insulin                 freezer compartment. Keep at least one
                                          pancreas. Your body uses insulin to                                                      vial or cartridge of each type of your
                                          move glucose from the bloodstream            • Taken once or twice a day                 insulin in the fridge as a spare. Insulin
                                          into cells where it is used as energy.       • Peak action – four to 12 hours            can be safely carried in your handbag
                                          Insulin injections are required because                                                  or pocket.
                                          your body is not producing insulin.          • Lasts up to 24 hours
                                                                                                                                   Don’t use insulin if:
                                                                                       • Cloudy in appearance – must be
                                          Why inject                                     mixed before each injection               • Clear insulin has turned cloudy
                                          insulin?                                     Mixed insulin
                                                                                                                                     or changed colour

                                          Insulin is a protein. It can’t be given in                                               • The expiry date has been reached
                                                                                       • Combination of intermediate and/
                                          tablet form because stomach acids
                                                                                         or rapid-acting insulin or short          • Insulin has been frozen or exposed
                                          destroy the proteins before the insulin
                                                                                         acting insulin                              to high temperatures
                                          can be absorbed.
                                                                                       • Taken once, twice or sometimes            • Lumps or flakes can be seen
                                          Types of insulin                               three times a day                         • The vial has been opened for more
                                          There are three groups of insulin –          • Peak action – one to 12 hours               than 28 days
                                          animal, human and analogues. Human
                                          insulin is not from a living person but      • Lasts up to 24 hours
                                          is produced synthetically to exactly         • Cloudy in appearance – must be
                                          match human insulin. Most people use           mixed before injecting
                                          human insulin and insulin analogues,
                                          although a small number of people still      Insulin
                                          use animal insulin.
                                          There are five main types                    The needles used to inject insulin are
                                          of insulin:                                  very small because insulin only needs
                                          Rapid-acting analogues                       to be injected under the skin. Once
                                                                                       it has been injected, it is carried into
                                          • Injected just before food                  the bloodstream.
                                          • Peak action – one to three hours           The three main areas for injecting
                                          • Lasts three to five hours                  insulin are the stomach, buttocks
                                                                                       and thighs. Your diabetes health care
                                          • Clear in appearance                        team can help you decide which is
                                                                                       the best for you. It is important to
                                          Long-acting analogues
                                                                                       rotate injection sites, as injecting into   of sharps
                                          • Injected once or twice a day to            the same site can cause a build-up          Dispose of syringes and needles in an
                                            provide background insulin                 of lumps under the skin, affecting          approved sharps container, which must
                                          • These don’t have a peak action             absorption of insulin and control of        be kept out of the reach of children.
                                            time – so no need to take with food        blood glucose levels.                       These containers are available from
                                                                                                                                   your pharmacist or Diabetes Australia –
                                          • Lasts up to 24 hours                       The first time you inject can be
                                                                                       frightening, but as your confidence
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                          • Clear in appearance                                                                    When full, sharps containers must be
                                                                                       grows it becomes easier. If you are
                                          Short-acting insulin                         worried about your technique you            properly disposed of through your local
                                                                                       should talk to your diabetes health         council. Do not dispose of sharps in
                                          • Injected up to 30 minutes before
                                                                                       care team. Insulin injection is not         anything other than an approved sharps
                                            a meal
                                                                                       painful if performed properly – pain is     container.
                                          • Peak action – two to four hours            a sign of poor technique.
                                                                                                                                   Never share needles, syringes, pens,
                                          • Lasts up to eight hours                                                                insulin cartridges or bottles because of
                                                                                                                                   the risk of contamination and infection.
                                          • Clear in appearance

Chapter 3: Care

Insulin pumps
 What does an                                 or playing contact sports. It must not
                                              be removed for longer than two hours.
 insulin pump do?                             Insulin pumps are becoming more
 An insulin pump is a small,                  commonly used.
 computerised device worn outside the
 body – it looks a little like a pager. The   You may
 pump works like a healthy pancreas
 delivering tiny, regular doses of insulin
                                              consider a pump
 via a flexible canula that is inserted       if you are:
 under the skin. The canula is changed        • Monitoring carbohydrate
 every three days.                              intake closely

                                              • Ready to learn lots of new
 Is it for me?                                  information
 Insulin pumps are not for everyone.
                                              • Able to use simple menus such as
                                                those on a mobile phone
 How does it                                    or computer
                                              • Given the go-ahead from your
 An insulin pump is programmed
                                                diabetes specialist
 to give a small dose of insulin
 continuously over 24 hours, depending
 on the individual’s needs. An extra
                                              An insulin pump
 dose of insulin is programmed when           may be for you
 meals are eaten, or when blood               if you:
 glucose levels are too high.                 » Have recurrent hypoglycaemic
 An insulin pump contains only rapid-           episodes or have lost the ability
 acting insulin. No long-acting insulin         to sense a hypo
 is used.                                     • Want increased flexibility for
                                                insulin dosing
 New skills                                   • Are a shift-worker or change
 You will have to learn new skills when         your insulin doses often
 you first start using a pump – there
 are a few adjustments to make.               • Have unpredictable blood
 Dosing is different on a pump, as the          glucose levels
 amounts of insulin are often lower than      • Have rising blood glucose
 you used previously. Understanding             levels overnight
 carbohydrates and adjusting your
 insulin doses for different meals gives      • Are planning to start a family
 you more flexibility, but you will have        and want better control before you
 to work at becoming familiar with the          fall pregnant
 new program. You will need support           • Are in a private health
 from your diabetes health care team to         insurance scheme
 make the most of an insulin pump.
                                                                                                         Diabetes: What you need to know

                                              • Are under 18 years – you can apply
                                                for a government subsidy
 How long do
 you wear it?                                 To learn more about pumps see
                                              the Diabetes Australia - Queensland
 The insulin pump must be worn all the
                                              booklet “I’m considering an
 time, but can be removed for short
                                              insulin pump”.
 periods when showering, swimming

Chapter 3: Care

                                          Hypoglycaemia is commonly referred         Step 1
                                          to as ‘a hypo’. Generally it occurs
                                                                                     Have about 15g of quick-acting
                                                                                                                                What happens
                                          when your blood glucose level drops
                                                                                     glucose IMMEDIATELY, such as:              if a hypo is not
                                          below 4mmol/L, although this can vary.
                                          It is important to treat a hypo quickly    • Six to seven glucose jellybeans OR
                                          to stop the blood glucose levels from                                                 If not treated quickly, your blood
                                                                                     • 100ml sweet soft drink, not ‘diet’ OR    glucose level can continue to drop
                                          falling even lower.
                                                                                     • Three teaspoons sugar or honey OR        which may progress to:
                                          What causes                                • 125 to 200ml of fruit juice OR           • Loss of co-ordination
                                          hypos:                                                                                • Slurred speech
                                                                                     • 100ml of Lucozade
                                          • Delaying or missing a meal
                                                                                     If you can, re-check your blood            • Confusion
                                          • Not eating enough carbohydrates for
                                                                                     glucose level after 15 minutes to make     • Loss of consciousness/fitting
                                            a given dose of insulin
                                                                                     sure it has risen above 4mmol/L. If the
                                          • Unplanned physical activity              symptoms don’t go away or if you are
                                                                                     still below 4mmol/L, REPEAT Step 1
                                          • More strenuous exercise than usual
                                                                                     IMPORTANT: If after repeating Step
                                          • Drinking alcohol
                                                                                     1, your blood glucose level still does

                                          What are the                               not rise above 4mmol/L, get help
                                                                                     immediately. Your blood glucose level
                                          symptoms:                                  could continue to drop and you could
                                          • Weakness, trembling or shaking           become unconscious.
                                          • Sweating                                 Step 2
                                          • Light headedness/headache                If your next meal is more than
                                                                                     20 minutes away, you will need
                                          • Lack of concentration
                                                                                     to eat about 15g of long-acting
                                          • Behaviour change                         carbohydrates. This could be one of
                                          • Dizziness                                the following:
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                          • Tearfulness/crying                       • A slice of bread OR

                                          • Irritability                             • A glass of low fat milk or soy milk
                                          • Numbness around the lips/fingers
                                                                                     • A piece of fruit OR
                                          • Hunger
                                                                                     • Two to three pieces of dried
                                          If you feel any of these symptoms,           apricots, figs or other dried fruit OR
                                          check your blood glucose level. If you
                                          are unable to do so, treat as a hypo       • 200ml tub natural low-fat yoghurt
                                          anyway, just to be sure. The first thing     OR
                                          to do is make sure you’re safe.            • Six small dry biscuits and cheese

Chapter 3: Care

What to do if someone with type
1 diabetes becomes drowsy,
                                            Hypos can occur while you are asleep.
                                            The hypo may wake you up, or you
                                                                                      What else
unconscious or unable to swallow:           may wake later feeling tired, with a
                                                                                      should I do?
                                            headache or hangover sensation. If        • Wear diabetes identification alert
• Don’t give any food or drink
                                            you are concerned about overnight         • Note any hypos you have
• Place them on their side, make sure       hypos, check your blood glucose
  their airway is clear                     between two am and three am when          • Make sure your family, friends and
                                            hypos are most likely to occur. Keep        co-workers know how to recognise
• Phone for an ambulance (dial 000)                                                     and treat a hypo
                                            something sugary beside your bed
  stating a ‘diabetes emergency’
                                            just in case. You may like to check       • Look for the cause of your hypo so
• Give an injection of glucagon if          your blood glucose level before bed         you can try to prevent the situation
  available and you are trained to do so    and if concerned, have a snack before       from reoccurring
• Wait with the person until the            bedtime such as biscuits and milk, half
                                            a sandwich, fruit or yoghurt.             • Contact your doctor or diabetes
  ambulance arrives                                                                     educator if you are having hypos
• When conscious, they’ll require           Hypoglycaemia                               often
  carbohydrates to maintain their
  blood glucose levels
                                            unawareness                               • Always carry rapid-acting hypo
                                            Some people feel no symptoms of a           treatment with you

Glucagon                                    hypo, or experience symptoms only         • Eat carbohydrates if you are
                                                                                                                                         Diabetes: What you need to know

                                            when the blood glucose level drops          drinking alcohol
Glucagon is a hormone that raises the       very low. This problem is more likely
blood glucose levels and is injected in a                                             • Before driving a motor vehicle, test
                                            to occur in someone who has had
similar way to insulin.                                                                 your blood glucose level, make
                                            diabetes for a number of years or in
                                                                                        sure it is above 5mmol/L
Using it is recommended to treat severe     people who have hypos frequently. If
life-threatening hypoglycaemia. There       you have hypoglycaemia unawareness        • You will eventually recognise your
may be times when you can’t treat your      you must check your blood glucose           own hypo warning signs
own severe hypo, so it is important to      level more frequently and you should
show your family and friends how to         discuss the situation with a specialist
use your emergency glucagon.                or diabetes educator.

Diabetes: What you need to know

                                               Chapter 3: Care

Chapter 3: Care

Hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose
levels) is when the blood glucose
                                          2. Test your blood glucose levels –
                                             every two hours at first. If your
                                                                                     What are
is higher than the desirable range –         blood glucose level is more than
usually above 15mmol/L. Most people          15mmol/L over two consecutive           When there is too little insulin in the
with diabetes have a short-term rise in      tests and you have ketones, you         body, glucose can’t enter cells to
blood glucose readings that lasts            need extra insulin – contact            provide energy, so the body begins
a few hours but falls back to the            your doctor.                            to break down fat and muscle as an
target range.                                                                        alternative source of energy.
                                          3. Test for ketones regularly – use
Reasons for high blood                       either ketone urine test strips         This process causes ketones to be
glucose readings:                            or a meter, which allows blood          produced. Ketones also need insulin
                                             ketones to be checked. Test strips      to enter the cells and when there is
• Eating extra carbohydrates                                                         insufficient insulin the ketones build
                                             are available from a pharmacy or
• Not enough insulin or the dose             through NDSS.                           up in the blood and are eventually
  may be too low, or may have                                                        passed through the kidneys and
                                          4. Rest – have a friend or relative        into the urine. While large quantities
  been forgotten
                                             stay with you or check on you           of ketones can be serious, small
• Less exercise than usual                   frequently. Exercise with caution if    amounts are not harmful and can
                                             your blood glucose level is above       also be found in people who do not
• Can be temporary during or
                                             15mmol/L.                               have diabetes.
  just after vigorous exercise
  (adrenaline effect)                     5. Keep drinking and (if possible)
• Measuring the blood glucose too
                                             eating – eat or drink carbohydrate-     What is
  soon after a meal – wait two hours
                                             containing foods/fluids if your blood   ketoacidosis?
                                             glucose level is under 15mmol/L.
  after eating                                                                       Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening
                                             Eat or drink non-carbohydrate
                                                                                     condition that can occur when you
• Emotion, such as excitement                foods if 15mmol/L or above.
                                                                                     are ill or have a very high blood
  or stress
                                                                                     glucose level resulting from a lack
• Infection or other illness                                                         of insulin. The presence of large
                                          When do I get                              amounts of ketones in the blood or
• Inaccurate blood glucose levels –
  clean hands, check expiry date
                                          medical help?                              urine is called ketoacidosis.
                                          There are certain times during illness
  on strips, retest                                                                  Signs of ketoacidosis include:
                                          when your diabetes health care
If your blood glucose level is usually    professional will need to increase your    • Nausea, vomiting and/or
well controlled, an occasional higher     insulin dose.                                abdominal pain
reading is nothing to worry about.
                                          Contact your doctor or diabetes            • Deep rapid breathing or
However if your readings continue to
                                          educator if:                                 breathlessness
rise, or are higher than they should be
over a period of time, your treatment     • You can’t keep food or fluids down       • Extreme drowsiness
may need to be reviewed. Illness            and have persistent vomiting,            • A ‘fruity’ odour to the breath
or infections generally cause blood         diarrhoea and/or abdominal pain
glucose levels to rise – take action at                                              The most likely time for developing
                                          • Urine ketones are moderate/              ketoacidosis is when a person
the first sign of illness.
                                            heavy and blood glucose is over          is unwell or has an illness due to
Have a Sick Day Plan in place.              15mmol/L                                 infection. During periods of illness,
Discuss what you will do with your
                                          • Blood ketones are more than              even if you are not eating, you
diabetes health care team.
                                            0.6mmol/L and blood glucose is           still need insulin. It is important to
                                            over 15mmol/L                            continue taking your insulin and to do
Sick Day Plan                                                                        more frequent blood glucose testing.
When to start: Start even if you feel     You should contact the hospital or
                                          medical centre immediately when:           Ketones are easily detected by a
OK but there are ketones in your
                                                                                     simple urine test or blood test with
blood/urine or your blood glucose         • You have deep rapid breathing or
                                                                                     certain meters. You should test for
level is greater than 15mmol/L for two      breathlessness
                                                                                     ketones if your blood glucose is high
                                                                                                                                          Diabetes: What you need to know

consecutive readings within a 2-6 hour
                                          • You are extremely drowsy                 (usually over 15mmol/L) or if you
time frame.
                                                                                     have any symptoms of ketoacidosis.
                                          • You have a ‘fruity’ odour to your
Important steps:
                                            breath                                   If you discover a high level of ketones
1. Always take your insulin – even                                                   and especially if your blood glucose
                                          • You are unable to keep fluids down
   when you are unwell. Seek advice                                                  level is high, you should call your
   from your diabetes health care         (See ketoacidosis following.)              doctor immediately, or go to your
   team if you are told to stop. It is                                               nearest emergency department.
   rare for doses to be reduced – you
   may need more, not less.

Chapter 3: Care

                                          High blood glucose levels can cause
                                          serious damage to your body over
                                                                                    Common                                   Peripheral vascular disease:
                                                                                                                             Damage to the blood vessels in the
                                          time but there are things you can do to
                                                                                    complications                            feet means their blood supply is
                                          reduce your risk of developing them. If   Damage to the large blood vessels        limited. This can cause delayed healing
                                          blood glucose, cholesterol and blood      Heart attacks and stroke: Having         from blisters or sores. If sores are not
                                          pressure levels are kept within the       diabetes increases your risk of          properly cared for, they can develop
                                          normal range, the risk of damage to       developing these problems. People        into ulcers and become infected. In
                                          your body is reduced.                     with diabetes may have raised            very serious cases, surgery may be
                                                                                    cholesterol and blood pressure. A        necessary and amputation may
                                          Reducing complications                    family history of heart disease or       be required.
                                          from diabetes                             stroke, smoking and being physically     Neuropathy: Neuropathy is nerve
                                          • Have well-managed diabetes              inactive increases your risk.            damage caused by high blood glucose
                                                                                    Damage to the small blood vessels        levels. Nerve damage can lead to pain
                                          • Keep your blood glucose,
                                                                                                                             and loss of feeling to the hands and
                                            blood pressure and cholesterol          Retinopathy: Damage to the retinas       feet, called peripheral neuropathy. It
                                            at target levels                        at the back of your eyes, if left        commonly affects the nerves in feet but
                                          • Regularly test your blood               unchecked, can cause blindness.          any nerves can be involved including
                                            glucose levels                          Have your eyes examined regularly        those that control internal organs.
                                                                                    by a qualified optometrist or eye
                                          • Remember to see your doctor for all                                              Symptoms include:
                                                                                    specialist. If you experience a sudden
                                            your recommended screening tests
                                                                                    loss of vision, seek advice from an      • Tingling
                                          • Take all prescribed treatments          optometrist immediately.
                                                                                                                             • Numbness
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                          • Don’t smoke. Call Quitline 13 7848      Nephropathy: High blood glucose
                                                                                    levels can damage your kidneys           • Burning or pain at rest
                                          • Be physically active for at least 30
                                                                                    over time, especially if you have high   Avoid foot problems
                                            minutes five times a week
                                                                                    blood pressure. Keeping your blood
                                                                                                                             • Keep your blood glucose level
                                          • Follow a healthy eating plan            glucose and blood pressure under
                                                                                                                               well controlled
                                                                                    control will help reduce your risk of
                                          • Limit your alcohol intake
                                                                                    kidney damage. Have an annual            • Stop smoking
                                          • Lose excess weight                      urine microalbumin test to check for
                                                                                                                             • Wash feet every day with lukewarm
                                                                                    evidence of kidney damage.
                                          • Look after your feet and choose                                                    water and mild soap
                                            footwear that protects your feet

Chapter 3: Care

• Dry feet well, especially between
  the toes. Use a soft towel and
                                         Sex and diabetes                           Pregnancy
  pat gently                             Sex is an important part of                Having a family is a big decision,
                                         relationships. Sex can be an energetic     especially if you are a woman who has
• Keep the skin smooth with creams,      exercise, which means there is a           diabetes because there are more factors
  especially on the heels but not        chance of having a hypo either during      to take into account. Your diabetes
  between the toes. If the skin is       or after sex.                              health care team can guide you through
  cracked, seek help to treat                                                       your planning and your pregnancy.
                                         Make sure you have fast-acting
• Keep feet dry – dust with non-                                                    Make sure you talk to them BEFORE
                                         glucose on hand. You may also want
  medicated powder before putting                                                   getting pregnant.
                                         to tell your partner what to expect if
  on footwear                            you have a hypo. This could be the         Many women who have diabetes go
• Check feet daily – at the first sign   time to tell them a bit more about         on to have healthy pregnancies and
  of redness, swelling, lasting pain,    diabetes as well.                          healthy babies. You can increase your
  numbness or tingling, seek                                                        chances of delivering a healthy baby by
                                         In the longer term, problems while
  medical advice                                                                    keeping your blood glucose levels well
                                         having sex are more common in
                                                                                    controlled before conception and during
• Use a mirror if you cannot easily      people with diabetes.
                                                                                    pregnancy. It is important to have folic
  reach or see your feet                                                            acid before falling pregnant.
• Don’t treat calluses, corns or
  bunions by yourself
                                         complications                              The first eight weeks are important:

                                         Erectile dysfunction (ED)                  • Persistently high blood glucose
• Cut toenails straight across to                                                     levels increase the risk of abnormal
  avoid ingrown nails and use a nail     ED or impotence is the inability to
                                                                                      development to the baby and
  file to remove sharp edges. Soak       achieve or maintain an erection for
                                                                                      complications for the mother. Your
  your toenails in warm water to         sexual intercourse. It is one of the
                                                                                      doctor can measure your longer-term
  soften before you cut them             most common sexual problems
                                                                                      blood glucose levels using the HbA1c
                                         experienced by men.
• Don’t let your feet get too hot                                                     test. The risks increase if this result
  or too cold                            The main causes are tiredness,               goes above 7 per cent
                                         stress, emotion, alcohol, smoking,           (See page 23, for more information.)
• Don’t go barefoot                      recreational drugs, diabetes, certain
                                                                                    • Hypos can cause miscarriage early
• Cover small cuts with a mild           medication, surgery and other
                                                                                      in the pregnancy. Ideal control is
  antiseptic and dressing                illnesses.
                                                                                      recommended and preparation for
                                         There is a wide range of treatments          pregnancy should be discussed with
Teeth and gum                            for ED including sex therapy,                your diabetes health care team
care                                     medication (oral, injection and urethral
                                                                                    • Have your eyes checked before you
High blood glucose levels can cause      suppository) and vacuum therapy.
                                                                                      fall pregnant as pregnancy can place
tooth decay and gum infection,           Less commonly, surgery may
                                                                                      extra pressure on the small vessels
which can increase your risk of heart    be required.
                                                                                      in your eyes. If you have advanced
disease. Signs to watch out for          When starting treatment for erection         retinopathy that has not been treated,
include a dry mouth, burning tongue,     problems it is vital that your diabetes      make sure it is treated before you
red, sore, swollen or bleeding gums      and any other linked conditions such         become pregnant
and white film on your gums or on the    as heart disease are well controlled.
inside of your checks or tongue.                                                    Your main goals:
                                         Having diabetes does not mean you
Make sure your dentist knows you         will go on to develop ED, but it is        » Check your blood glucose levels
have diabetes and visit regularly.       important to be aware of it in case you      more regularly – discuss with your
                                         experience problems.                         health care team
If you have a dry mouth, drink
water rather than sugar-filled drinks.   Female sexual dysfunction (FSD)            » Follow diet and exercise guidelines,
Sugarless gum can help increase                                                       stop smoking and reduce or stop
                                         FSD can be caused by physical,
saliva production.                                                                    drinking alcohol
                                         emotional and lifestyle factors,
                                         medication and diabetes-related            » Contact your diabetes health care
                                                                                                                                      Diabetes: What you need to know

                                         complications.                               team if you have problems with
                                                                                      nausea and vomiting
                                         Women experiencing FSD may have
                                         problems with desire, arousal, pain        » Continue taking folic acid
                                         during intercourse and achieving
                                                                                    » Test your urine or blood for ketones
                                                                                    » Have a glucagon kit and make sure
                                         Currently there is no medical treatment
                                                                                      someone in the household or nearby
                                         for FSD, but research is ongoing.
                                                                                      knows how to use it
                                         Treatments in the form of therapy
                                         and aids for lubrication and clitoral      » Attend all antenatal clinic
                                         stimulation are available.                   appointments

Chapter 3: Care

                                        On target
                                          Being actively involved in the
                                          management of your diabetes means
                                          you need to know what tests you
                                          should have on a regular basis with
                                          your health care team. These tests
                                          will help determine how your health is

                                          HbA1c testing
                                          This blood test reflects your average
                                          blood glucose reading for an eight
                                          to 12-week period. You should have
                                          this test at least once a year, but
                                          you can have the test as frequently        There are two types of cholesterol
                                                                                     – HDL (the good cholesterol that
                                          as every three to six months. It
                                                                                     protects against heart disease) and
                                          provides a snapshot of your diabetes
                                                                                     LDL (the bad cholesterol which can        Check at least every 6 months for
                                                                                     damage your heart).                       changes in sensation, decreased
                                          Your HbA1c value should be 7 per                                                     circulation and infection.
                                          cent or less (this can vary according      Triglycerides are another kind of
                                          to individual circumstances). The          blood fat that increases the risk of
                                                                                     heart disease. Triglycerides should be
                                                                                                                               Annual cycle of
                                          aim is to get it as low as possible
                                                                                     less than 1.5 mmol/L.
                                                                                                                               care (Minimum
                                          without causing hypos. At this level,
                                          complications are minimised and the
                                                                                     Generally your HDL should be
                                          risk of hypos is low.                                                                Every six months:
                                                                                     greater than 1.0 mmol/L and your
                                          For each 1 per cent reduction in           LDL should be less than 2.5 mmol/L.       • Blood pressure
                                          the HbA1c value there is a 20 to           These levels are achievable through
                                                                                                                               • Weight
                                          40 per cent reduction in the risk of       regular physical activity, weight loss,
                                                                                     a healthy diet low in saturated fats      • Body mass index
                                                                                     and by taking cholesterol-lowering
                                                                                                                               • Waist circumference
                                          If your HbA1c is elevated, you may         medication.
                                          need to increase your physical activity,                                             • Foot care
                                          lose weight or adjust your insulin, but    Urine                                     Every year:
                                          talk to your diabetes health care team
                                          before doing this.
                                                                                     microalbumin                              • HbA1c
                                                                                     This test detects evidence of kidney
                                                                                                                               • Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol
                                          Blood pressure                             disease. You should have this test at
                                                                                     least once a year. Achieving target         and triglycerides
                                          monitoring                                 levels for your HbA1c and blood           • Kidney check (urine microalbumin
                                          Checking your blood pressure and           pressure will help prevent and treat        test)
                                          treating elevated levels reduces your      kidney problems. Your doctor may
                                          risk of blood vessel damage and            prescribe medication if needed.           • Medication review
                                          kidney disease.
                                                                                                                               • Smoking status
                                          Check at least twice a year. Generally     Eye examination                           • Healthy eating plan
                                          your blood pressure should be              Diabetes puts people at increased
                                          130/80mmHg. Physical activity, weight      risk of developing cataracts,             • Physical activity
                                          loss, stopping smoking and some            glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy –
Diabetes: What you need to know

                                                                                                                               • Self care education
                                          medication can help lower blood            a leading cause of blindness.
                                          pressure if it’s too high.                                                           At least every two years:
                                                                                     An eye exam every two years,
                                                                                     or more frequently, can identify          • Eye examination (more frequently
                                          Lipids (blood fat                          complications early. Keeping your           if evidence of disease)
                                          levels)                                    HbA1c level on target, controlling        Please note that the recommendations
                                          These need to be monitored annually        blood pressure and being a non-           for children and adolescents with
                                          because diabetes, when combined            smoker can prevent vision loss.           type 1 diabetes may vary from those
                                          with high lipid levels, place you at                                                 listed. Discuss this with your health
                                          higher risk of heart attack and stroke.                                              professionals.

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