Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation using compressive sensing
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Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation using compressive sensing Van Ha Tang Abdesselam Bouzerdoum Son Lam Phung Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Journal of Electronic Imaging 22(2), 021006 (Apr–Jun 2013) Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation using compressive sensing Van Ha Tang Abdesselam Bouzerdoum Son Lam Phung University of Wollongong School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering NSW, 2522 Australia E-mail: imaging, the objective of applying CS is to speed up data Abstract. We introduce a robust image-formation approach for through-the-wall radar imaging (TWRI). The proposed approach con- acquisition and achieve high-resolution imaging.10–15 So far, sists of two stages involving compressive sensing (CS) followed by the application of CS in TWRI can be divided into two main delay-and-sum (DS) beamforming. In the first stage, CS is used to categories. In the first category, CS is applied to reconstruct reconstruct a complete set of measurements from a small subset col- the imaged scene directly by solving an l1 optimization lected with a reduced number of transceivers and frequencies. DS beamforming is then applied to form the image using the recon- problem or using a greedy reconstruction algorithm.10,11,13–15 structed measurements. To promote sparsity of the CS solution, an In the second category, CS is employed in conjunction with overcomplete Gabor dictionary is employed to sparsely represent traditional beamforming methods. In other words, CS is the imaged scene. The new approach requires far fewer measure- applied to reconstruct a full data volume, and the conven- ment samples than the conventional DS beamforming and CS- tional image formation methods, such as DS beamforming, based TWRI methods to reconstruct a high-quality image of the scene. Experimental results based on simulated and real data dem- are then used to form the image of the scene.12 By exploiting onstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed two-stage CS, the latter approach enables conventional beamforming image formation technique, especially when the measurement set is methods to reconstruct high-quality images from reduced drastically reduced. © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a data samples. Moreover, adopting a conventional image for- Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or mation approach produces images suitable for target detec- reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI. [DOI: 10.1117/1.JEI.22 tion and classification tasks, which typically follow the image .2.021006] formation step. In Ref. 12, the full measurement set is recovered from the range profiles obtained by solving a separate CS problem at each sensor location. CS is applied in the temporal frequency domain only, leaving uncompressed sensing in the spatial 1 Introduction domain. To recover the full measurement set, several CS Through-the-wall radar imaging (TWRI) is an emerging problems are solved independently—one for each sensing technology with considerable research interest and important location. There are also limitations in reducing the measure- applications in surveillance and reconnaissance for both ments along the temporal frequencies. Since the target radar- civilian and military missions.1–6 To deliver high-resolution cross-section depends highly on signal frequency, significant radar images in both range and crossrange, TWRI systems reduction in transmitted frequencies will lead to deficient use wideband signals and large aperture arrays (physical information about the target.13 Thus, to guarantee accurate or synthetic). This leads to prolonged data acquisition and reconstruction, imaging the scene with extended targets may high computational complexity because a large number of require an increase in the number of measurements.5,16 samples need to be processed. New approaches for TWRI are The conventional beamforming methods have been shown therefore needed to obtain high-quality images from fewer to be effective for image-based indoor target detection and data samples at a faster speed. To this end, this paper pro- localization when using a large aperture array and large sig- poses a new approach using compressive sensing (CS) for nal bandwidth.17–24 However, a limitation of the traditional through-the-wall radar imaging. CS is used here to recon- beamforming methods is that they require the full data vol- struct a full measurement set, which is then employed for ume to form a high-quality image; otherwise, the image qual- image formation using delay-and-sum (DS) beamforming. ity deteriorates rapidly with a reduction of measurements. CS enables a sparse signal to be reconstructed using The question is then how to exploit the advantages of the considerably fewer data samples than what is required by traditional beamforming methods to obtain high-quality the Nyquist-Shannon theorem.7–9 In through-the-wall radar images from a reduced set of measurements. To answer the aforementioned question and address the Paper 12308SS received Aug. 15, 2012; revised manuscript received Dec. limitation of existing CS-based imaging methods, this paper 14, 2012; accepted for publication Jan. 3, 2013; published online Jan. 25, proposes a new CS approach for TWRI, whereby a signifi- 2013. cant reduction in measurements is achieved by compressing Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-1 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Tang, Bouzerdoum, and Phung: Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation. . . both the transmitted frequencies and the sensor locations. where ϵ is a small constant. Several optimization methods, First, CS is employed to restore the full measurement set. including l1 -optimization,33 basis pursuit,34 and orthogonal Then DS beamforming is applied to reconstruct the image matching pursuit,35 have been proposed that produce stable of the scene. To increase sparsity of the CS solution, an over- and accurate solutions. complete Gabor dictionary is used for sparse representation of the imaged scene; Gabor dictionaries have been shown to 3 Proposed Approach be effective for image sparse decomposition and representa- In this section, we introduce the proposed two-stage TWRI tion.25–27 In the proposed approach, fast data acquisition is approach based on CS. The main steps of the proposed achieved by reducing both the number of transceivers and approach are as follows. First, compressive measurements transmitted frequencies used to collect the measurement are acquired using a fast data acquisition scheme that samples. In Ref. 12, data collection was performed at all requires only a reduced set of antenna locations and fre- antenna locations, using a reduced set of frequencies only. quency bins. An additional Gabor dictionary is incorporated In contrast, the proposed approach achieves further mea- into the CS model to sparsely represent the scene. Next, the surement reduction by subsampling both the number of full TWRI data samples are recovered, and then conventional frequencies and antenna locations used for data collection. DS technique is applied to generate the scene image. In this Furthermore, to satisfy the sparsity assumption, a Gabor section, we first give a brief review of the conventional DS dictionary is incorporated in the scene representation. In beamforming method for image formation in Sec. 3.1, before Ref. 14, a wavelet transform was used as a sparsifying basis presenting the new image formation approach in Sec. 3.2. for the scene. However, our preliminary experiments show that the performance is highly dependent on the particular wavelet function used. We also found that wavelets offer no 3.1 TWRI Using Delay-and-Sum Beamforming significant advantage over Gabor basis in the problem of Consider a stepped-frequency monostatic TWRI system that through-the-wall radar image formation. Finally, we should uses M transceivers and N narrowband signals to image a note that there are several approaches that have been pro- scene containing R targets. The signal received at the m-th posed for wall clutter mitigation in TWRI,1,28 including antenna location and n-th frequency, f n , is given by recent successful CS-based techniques.29,30 In this paper, we assume that wall clutter can be removed using any of X R those techniques, or the background scene is available to zm;n ¼ σ r ðf n Þ exp f−j2πf n τm;r g; (5) perform background subtraction. r¼1 The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief review of CS theory. Section 3 where σ r ðf n Þ is the reflection coefficient of the r-th target for presents TWRI using DS beamforming, and describes the the n-th frequency, and τm;r is the round-trip travel time of proposed approach for TWRI image formation. Section 4 the signal from the m-th antenna location to the r-th target presents experimental results and analysis. Section 5 gives location. In the stepped-frequency approach, the frequency concluding remarks. bins f n are uniformly distributed over the entire frequency band, with a step size Δf: 2 Compressive Sensing f n ¼ f 1 þ ðn − 1ÞΔf; for n ¼ 1; 2; : : : ; N; (6) CS is an innovative and revolutionary idea that offers joint sensing and compression for sparse signals.7–9,31 Consider a where f 1 is the first transmitted frequency. P-dimensional signal x to be represented using a dictionary The target space behind the wall is partitioned into a rec- Ψ ∈ ℝP×Q with Q atoms. The dictionary is assumed to be tangular grid, with N x pixels along the crossrange direction overcomplete, that is, Q > P. Signal x is said to be K-sparse and N y pixels along the downrange direction. Using DS if it can be expressed as beamforming, a complex image is formed by aggregating x ¼ Ψα; (1) the measurements zm;n . The value of the pixel at location where α is a column vector with K nonzero components, i.e., ðx; yÞ is computed as follows: K ¼ kαk0 . Stable reconstruction of a sparse α requires K to be significantly smaller than P. 1 XM X N Iðx; yÞ ¼ z expfj2πf n τmðx;yÞ g; (7) Using a projection matrix Φ of size L × P, where MN m¼1 n¼1 m;n K < L ≪ P, we can obtain an L-dimensional measurement vector y as follows: where τm;ðx;yÞ is the focusing delay between the m-th trans- y ¼ Φx: (2) ceiver and the target located at the pixel position ðx; yÞ. Assuming that the wall thickness and relative permittivity The original signal x can be reconstructed from y by are known, the focusing delay can be calculated using Snell’s exploiting its sparsity. Among all α satisfying y ¼ ΦΨα we law, the distance of the transceiver to the front wall, and the seek the sparsest vector, and then obtain x using Eq. (1). This distance of the target to the back wall, see Refs. 11, 21, signal reconstruction requires solving the following problem: and 36. min kαk0 subject to y ¼ ΦΨα: (3) Equation (3) is known to be NP-hard.32 Alternatively, the 3.2 Proposed Two-Stage TWRI problem can be cast into an l1 regularization problem: Let z be the column vector obtained by stacking the data samples zm;n in Eq. (5), where m ¼ 1; 2; : : : ; M and min kαk1 subject toky − ΦΨαk2 ≤ ϵ; (4) n ¼ 1; 2; : : : ; N. Let sxy be an indicator function defined as Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-2 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Tang, Bouzerdoum, and Phung: Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation. . . σr; if a target r exists at the xy-th pixel; reflections and the presence of extended objects, such as peo- sxy ¼ : (8) ple or furniture. Therefore, the sparsity assumption of vector 0; otherwise s may be violated. To overcome this problem, an additional The elements sxy are then lexicographically ordered into a overcomplete dictionary is employed to sparsely represent s. column vector s. The magnitude of each element in s reflects In our approach, a Gabor dictionary is used. Let W be the the significance of a point in the scene. From Eq. (5), the full synthesis operator for the signal expansion. Thus, the vector measurement vector z can be represented as s can be expressed as z ¼ Ψs; (9) s ¼ Wα. (12) where Ψ is an overcomplete dictionary, which depends on Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (11) yields the target scene, the antenna locations, and the transmitted y ¼ AWα: (13) frequencies. More precisely, Ψ is a matrix with (M × N) rows, and (N x × N y ) columns. The entry at row r and column For noisy radar signals, the compressive measurement c is given as vector y is modeled as Ψr;c ¼ exp f−j2πf n τm;ðx;yÞ g; (10) y ¼ AWα þ v; (14) where r ¼ ðm − 1Þ × N þ n, and c ¼ ðx − 1Þ × N y þ y. where v is the noise component. To reduce the data acquisition time and computational The full data volume can be recovered by two techniques: complexity, we propose acquiring only a small number of the synthesis method and the analysis method. In the synthe- samples, represented by vector y. The measurements in y sis technique, the problem is cast as follows: are obtained by selecting only a subset of Ma antenna loca- tions and N f frequencies. In this paper, the reduced antenna min kαk1 subject toky − AWαk2 ≤ ϵ. (15) locations are uniformly selected, and at each selected antenna location, the same number of frequency bins are Once the coefficient α has been obtained by solving the regularly subsampled. This fast data acquisition scheme optimization problem, the full TWRI data samples are leads to stable image quality and is more suitable for hard- obtained, using Eqs. (9) and (12), ware implementation. Figure 1(a) shows the conventional radar imaging where full data samples are acquired. z ¼ Ψs ¼ ΨWα: (16) Figure 1(b) illustrates the space-frequency subsampling pat- tern used in the proposed approach. In the analysis technique, the problem is formulated as Mathematically, the CS data acquisition can be repre- sented using a projection matrix Φ with (Ma × N f ) rows min kW−1 sk1 subject to ky − Ask2 ≤ ϵ: (17) and (M × N) columns. Each row of Φ has only one non- zero entry with a value of 1 at a position determined by By solving this optimization problem, we obtain the the selected antenna locations and frequency bins. Thus vector s directly, which can be used to reconstruct the full the reduced measurement vector y can be expressed as measurement vector z, see Eq. (9). Note that it was suggested in Ref. 37 that the analysis y ¼ Φz ¼ ΦΨs ¼ As; (11) technique is less sensitive to noise, compared to the synthesis technique. In our approach, we use the analysis technique for where A ¼ ΦΨ. solving the CS problem. After reconstructing the full meas- In practical situations, the scene behind the wall is not urement vector z, we apply the conventional DS beamform- exactly sparse because of multipath propagations, wall ing to generate the scene image as described in Sec. 3.1. (a) (b) Fig. 1 Data acquisition for TWRI: (a) conventional radar imaging scheme; (b) TWRI based on CS. The vertical axis represents the antenna location, and the horizontal axis represents the transmitted frequency. The filled rectangles represent the acquired data samples. Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-3 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Tang, Bouzerdoum, and Phung: Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation. . . 4 Experimental Results and Analysis the ground-truth images. The performance of the proposed In this section, we evaluate the proposed approach using both approach in the presence of noise is evaluated by adding synthetic and real TWRI data sets. First, the performance of white Gaussian noise to the received signal. the proposed approach is investigated in Sec. 4.1 using syn- Figure 2 shows the ground-truth image and the DS beam- thetic data. Then the experimental results on real data are forming image reconstructed using the full measurement vol- presented in Sec. 4.2, along with the TWRI experimental ume. Note that in this paper, all output images are normalized setup for radar signal acquisition. by the maximum image intensity. The true target position is indicated with a solid white rectangle. Figure 3 illustrates the images formed with reduced subsets of measurements (12% 4.1 Synthetic TWRI Data and 1%), using DS beamforming [Fig. 3(a) and 3(b)] and the Data acquisition is simulated for a stepped-frequency radar proposed approach [Fig. 3(c) and 3(d)]. Here, the received system, with a frequency range between 0.7 and 3.1 GHz signals are corrupted by additive white Gaussian (AWG) with a 12-MHz frequency step. Therefore, the number of noise with SNR ¼ 20 dB. Compared to the image obtained frequency bins used is N ¼ 201. The scene is illuminated using DS beamforming with all measurement samples with an antenna array of length 1.24 m and an inter-element [Fig. 2(b)], the images produced using DS beamforming spacing of 0.022 m, which means the number of transceivers with reduced data samples [Fig. 3(a) and 3(b)] deteriorate used is M ¼ 57. The full data volume z comprises M × N ¼ significantly in quality and contain many false targets. By 57 × 201 ¼ 11;457 samples. Our goal is to acquire much contrast, Fig. 3(c) and 3(d) shows that images obtained with fewer data samples without degrading the quality of the the proposed approach, using the same reduced datasets, suf- image. fer little or no degradation. These results demonstrate that The TWRI system is placed in front of a wall at a standoff the proposed approach performs significantly better than distance of Zoff ¼ 1.5 m. The thickness and relative permit- the standard DS beamforming when the number of measure- tivity of the wall are d ¼ 0.143 m and ϵr ¼ 7.6, respectively. ments is reduced significantly. Furthermore, the images pro- The downrange and crossrange of the scene extend from 0 duced by the proposed approach using the reduced data to 6 m, and −2 to 2 m, respectively. The pixel size is equal samples have the same visual quality as the images formed to the Rayleigh resolution of the radar, which gives an image by the standard DS beamforming method using the full data of size 97 × 65 pixels. In this experiment, three extended volume. targets (each covering 4 pixels) are placed behind the wall To evaluate the robustness of the proposed approach in the at positions p1 ¼ (1.21 m, −0.78 m), p2 ¼ (3.09 m, 1.09 m), presence of noise, the measurement signals are corrupted and p3 ¼ ð4.96 m; −0.16 mÞ. The reflection coefficients are with AWG with SNR equal to 5 and 30 dB. Figure 4 presents considered to be independent of signal frequency: σ 1 ¼ 1, σ 2 ¼ 0.5 and σ 3 ¼ 0.7, respectively. In our experiment, the average PSNR of the reconstructed images as a function the first-order method Nesta is used to solve the CS optimi- of the ratio between the reduced measurement set and the zation problem with the analysis method due to the robust- full dataset. The figure clearly shows that the images formed ness, flexibility, and speed of the solver. More details about with the proposed approach have considerably higher PSNR the Nesta solver can be found in Ref. 33. Here a dictionary than the images formed with the standard DS beamforming, consisting of the complex Gabor functions is used for sparse using the same measurements. This is because the proposed decomposition of the scene.27 approach reconstructs the full data samples using CS, before The peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) is used to evaluate applying DS beamforming. the quality of the reconstructed images: To compare the performance of different imaging meth- ods, we used three antenna locations and 40 uniformly PSNR ¼ 20log10 ðI max ∕RMSEÞ; (18) selected frequencies, which represents 1% of the total data volume. Figure 5 shows the results obtained by different where I max denotes the maximum pixel value, and RMSE is imaging methods. Figure 5(a) shows the CS image recon- the root-mean-square error between the reconstructed and structed with the method proposed in Ref. 10. Although 6 0 6 0 5 5 −5 −5 Downrange [m] 4 4 3 −10 3 −10 2 2 −15 −15 1 1 0 −20 0 −20 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Crossrange [m] Crossrange (m) (a) (b) Fig. 2 The behind-the-wall scene space: (a) ground-truth image; (b) DS image formed using full volume of data samples. Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-4 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Tang, Bouzerdoum, and Phung: Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation. . . 6 0 6 0 5 5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 4 4 3 −10 3 −10 2 2 −15 −15 1 1 0 −20 0 −20 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (a) (b) 6 0 6 0 5 5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 4 4 3 −10 3 −10 2 2 −15 −15 1 1 0 −20 0 −20 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (c) (d) Fig. 3 Scene images formed by different settings: (a) DS using 12% full data volume; (b) DS using 1% full data volume; (c) proposed approach using 12% full data volume; (d) proposed approach using 1% full data volume. The signal is corrupted by the noise with SNR ¼ 20 dB. 70 Figure 5(c) and 5(d) shows the images formed with the pro- posed approach using wavelet and Gabor sparsifying diction- 60 aries, respectively. Here, the wavelet family is the dual-tree complex wavelet transform. It can clearly be observed that DS (SNR = 5 dB) the image formed using the Gabor dictionary contains less 50 DS (SNR = 30 dB) clutter; however, both dictionaries yield high-quality images Proposed approach (SNR = 5 dB) Average PSNR (dB) Proposed approach (SNR = 30 dB) even with a significant reduction in the number of collected 40 measurements. In the next experiment, only the frequency samples are reduced; the data is collected at all antenna locations, 30 using M ¼ 57 transceivers. The reduced dataset represents 20% of the full data volume. Figure 6 presents the images 20 formed using different approaches: standard CS method,10 the temporal frequency CS method,12 the proposed method 10 with a wavelet dictionary, and the proposed method with a Gabor dictionary. It can be observed from Fig. 6(b) that there is a substantial improvement in the performance of the tem- 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 poral frequency CS method.12 This is because when using all Data samples (%) antenna locations, this imaging method can obtain the full data volume for forming the image. However, the proposed Fig. 4 The PSNR of images created by the standard DS (dashed method yields images with less clutter, using both wavelet lines) and the proposed approach (solid lines). and Gabor dictionaries. In summary, experimental results on synthetic TWRI the targets can easily be located, there are many false targets data demonstrate that the proposed approach produces high- in the image. Figure 5(b) illustrates the image formed with quality images using far fewer measurements by applying the method presented in Ref. 12; this image is considerably CS data acquisition in both frequency domain and spatial degraded with the presence of heavy clutter. The reason is domain. The proposed approach performs better than the that the imaging method in Ref. 12 is not able to restore conventional DS and CS-based TWRI methods, especially the full data volume from a reduced set of antenna locations. when the number of measurements is drastically reduced. Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-5 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Tang, Bouzerdoum, and Phung: Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation. . . 6 0 6 0 5 5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 4 4 3 −10 3 −10 2 2 −15 −15 1 1 0 −20 0 −20 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (a) (b) 6 0 6 0 5 5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 4 4 3 −10 3 −10 2 2 −15 −15 1 1 0 −20 0 −20 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (c) (d) Fig. 5 Scene images formed by different imaging approaches: (a) CS image formed by method in Ref. 10; (b) DS image formed by method in Ref. 12; (c) DS image formed by the proposed approach with wavelet dictionary; (d) DS image formed by the proposed approach with Gabor dictionary. The measurements made up 1% of full data volume. The signal is corrupted by the noise with SNR ¼ 10 dB. 4.2 Real TWRI Data where Rt is the target area, Rc is the clutter area, and N c is the In this experiment, the proposed approach is evaluated on number of pixels in the clutter region. The target region is a real TWRI data. The data used in this experiment were col- 2 × 6 area selected manually around the true target position. lected at the Radar Imaging Laboratory of the Center for For reference purposes, Fig. 8(a) presents the image Advanced Communications, Villanova University, USA. formed by the standard DS beamforming method using the The radar system was placed in front of a concrete wall full data volume. If all available data samples are used, the of thickness 0.143 m, and relative permittivity ϵr ¼ 7.6. conventional DS beamforming method yields a high-quality The imaged scene is depicted in Fig. 7. It contains a image (TCR ¼ 30.33 dB). However, when the number of 0.4 m high and 0.3 m wide dihedral, placed on a turntable samples is significantly reduced, the standard DS beamform- made of two 1.2 × 2.4 m2 sheets of 0.013 m thick plywood. ing method alone does not yield a high-quality image. A step-frequency signal between 0.7 and 3.1 GHz, with Figure 8(b) shows the image formed using 2 antenna loca- 3-MHz frequency step, was used to illuminate the scene. tions and 200 frequency bins (i.e., 0.9% of the collected The antenna array was placed at a height of 1.22 m above data). Clearly this image contains too much clutter (TCR ¼ the floor and a standoff distance of 1.016 m away from the 16.76 dB). wall. The antenna array was 1.24 m long, with inter-element Using the same reduced dataset, we compare the proposed spacing of 0.022 m. Therefore, the number of antenna approach with other CS-based TWRI methods. Figure 9(a) elements is M ¼ 57 and the number of frequencies is shows the standard CS image formed using the approach in N ¼ 801; the full measurement vector z comprises M × N ¼ Ref. 10. This is a significantly degraded image, compared to 57 × 801 ¼ 45; 657 samples. The imaged scene, extending the image in Fig. 8(a) (obtained using DS beamforming with from ½0; 3 m in downrange and ½−1; 1 m in crossrange, full measurements). The reason is that the imaging method the scene is partitioned into 81 × 54 pixels. in Ref. 10 directly forms the scene image by solving the To quantify the performance of the various imaging meth- conventional CS problem; when the measurements are ods, we use the target-to-clutter ratio (TCR) as a measure of drastically reduced and the CS solution is moderately sparse quality of reconstructed images. The TCR is defined as the due to the presence of clutter and noise, the reconstructed ratio between the maximum magnitude of the target pixels image becomes less accurate. Because of the appearance and the average magnitude of clutter pixels (in dBs):1 of heavy clutter in Fig. 9(a), the TCR of the formed image drops to 21.78 dB. Figure 9(b) presents the image maxðx;yÞ∈Rt jIðx; yÞj formed by the temporal frequency CS method of Ref. 12. TCR ¼ 20 log10 P ; (19) The quality of the formed image deteriorates because this ðx;yÞ∈Rc jIðx; yÞj 1 Nc method does not recover the full data volume when the Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-6 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Tang, Bouzerdoum, and Phung: Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation. . . 6 0 6 0 5 5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 4 4 3 −10 3 −10 2 2 −15 −15 1 1 0 −20 0 −20 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (a) (b) 6 0 6 0 5 5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 4 4 3 −10 3 −10 2 2 −15 −15 1 1 0 −20 0 −20 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 −1 0 1 2 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (c) (d) Fig. 6 Scene images formed by different imaging approaches: (a) CS image formed by method in Ref. 10; (b) DS image formed by method in Ref. 12; (c) DS image formed by the proposed approach with wavelet dictionary; (d) DS image formed by the proposed approach with Gabor dictionary. All antenna locations are used and the frequency bins are just 20% of the total transmitted frequency. The signal is corrupted by the noise with SNR ¼ 10 dB. The Gabor functions are optimum in the sense that they achieve the minimum space-bandwidth product (by analogy to time-bandwidth product), which gives the best tradeoff between signal localization in space and spatial frequency domains. Figure 10 shows the recovered signal coefficients s for the dihedral scene shown in Fig. 7. The signal co- efficients recovered with the Gabor dictionary, shown in Fig. 10(a), are much more sparse and concentrated on the target location, whereas the signal coefficients recovered without using the Gabor dictionary, Fig. 10(b), are more (a) (b) spread out. In the final experiment, we use several wavelet families Fig. 7 TWRI data acquisition: (a) a photo of the scene; (b) a top-view [Daubechies 8, Coiflet 2, and the dual-tree complex wave- of the behind-the-wall scene. let transform (DT-CWT)] as sparsifying basis, and com- pare their performances with that of the Gabor dictionary. antenna locations are reduced. The background noise and All wavelet transforms use three decomposition levels. clutter appear with stronger intensity than the target in the Figure 11 illustrates the images formed using different reconstructed image (TCR ¼ 12.13 dB). Figure 9(c) and wavelet transforms [Fig. 11(a) to 11(c)], and the image 9(d) shows, respectively, images formed by the proposed formed with the Gabor dictionary [Fig. 11(d)]. It can be approach without and with the sparsifying Gabor dictionary. observed from the figure that the images reconstructed It can be observed that the image in Fig. 9(c), formed without with the DT-CWT and the Gabor dictionaries are of superior the Gabor sparsifying basis, contains high clutter (TCR ¼ quality than those obtained with the Daubechies and Coiflet 14.40 dB), resulting in false targets. By contrast, Fig. 9(d) wavelets. The formed images using the DT-CWT and the shows that the image formed using the proposed approach Gabor dictionary have similar TCRs of 28.71 and 28.82 dB, is considerably enhanced by incorporating the Gabor dic- respectively. The superiority of the DT-CWT and the Gabor tionary; the true target is located accurately and the clutter dictionaries can be explained by better directional selec- is considerably suppressed (TCR ¼ 28.82 dB). tivity and localization in space and spatial-frequency. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is partly due However, we should note that the choice of the best diction- to the excellent space-frequency localization of Gabor atoms. ary for a specific TWRI system depends on many factors, Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-7 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Tang, Bouzerdoum, and Phung: Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation. . . 3 0 3 0 2.5 2.5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 2 2 1.5 −10 1.5 −10 1 1 −15 −15 0.5 0.5 0 −20 0 −20 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (a) (b) Fig. 8 Images formed by different settings: (a) conventional DS using full data volume; (b) conventional DS using 0.9% full data volume. 3 0 3 0 2.5 2.5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 2 2 1.5 −10 1.5 −10 1 1 −15 −15 0.5 0.5 0 −20 0 −20 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (a) (b) 3 0 3 0 2.5 2.5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 2 2 1.5 −10 1.5 −10 1 1 −15 −15 0.5 0.5 0 −20 0 −20 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (c) (d) Fig. 9 Images reconstructed by different imaging methods: (a) CS image by imaging method in Ref. 10; (b) DS image by imaging method in Ref. 12; (c) DS image by proposed approach without Gabor dictionary; (d) DS image by proposed approach with Gabor dictionary. The measurements constitute 0.9% of full data volume. such as the scene characteristics, target structure and the produces images with considerably higher PSNRs and is decomposition level. less sensitive to noise or the number of data samples used, compared to the standard DS beamforming. Furthermore, 5 Conclusion experimental results on real TWRI data indicate that the In this paper, we proposed a new approach for TWRI image proposed approach produces images with higher TCRs formation based on CS and DS beamforming. The proposed compared to other CS-based image formation methods. approach requires significantly fewer number of frequency Our approach also produces images of similar TCRs com- bins and antenna locations for sensing operations. This pared with the DS beamforming approach that uses the leads to a considerable reduction in data acquisition, full data volume. Therefore it would be reasonable to processing time, and computational complexity, while pro- expect that the proposed approach will enhance TWRI ducing TWRI images of almost the same quality as the DS target detection, localization and classification, while beamforming approach with full data volume. The experi- allowing a reduction in the number of measurements and mental results demonstrate that the proposed approach data acquisition time. Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-8 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
Tang, Bouzerdoum, and Phung: Two-stage through-the-wall radar image formation. . . −4 −6 x 10 x 10 4 3 Magnitude Magnitude 1 2 1 0 0 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 Index Index (a) (b) Fig. 10 Reconstructed signal coefficients s for the dihedral scene: (a) using the Gabor signal representation; (b) without using the Gabor signal representation. 3 0 3 0 2.5 2.5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 2 2 1.5 −10 1.5 −10 1 1 −15 −15 0.5 0.5 0 −20 0 −20 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (a) (b) 3 0 3 0 2.5 2.5 −5 −5 Downrange (m) 2 2 1.5 −10 1.5 −10 1 1 −15 −15 0.5 0.5 0 −20 0 −20 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 Crossrange (m) Crossrange (m) (c) (d) Fig. 11 Images formed by the proposed approach with different sparsifying basis: (a) Daubechies 8 (TCR ¼ 18.56 dB); (b) Coiflet 2 (TCR ¼ 26.46 dB); (c) DT-CWT (TCR ¼ 28.71); (d) complex Gabor dictionary (TCR ¼ 28.82 dB). Acknowledgments 2. F. Ahmad, M. G. Amin, and S. A. Kassam, “Synthetic aperture beam- former for imaging through a dielectric wall,” IEEE Trans. Aero. We thank the Center of Advanced Communications at Electron. Syst. 41(1), 271–283 (2005). Villanova University, USA, for providing the real TWRI data 3. W. Genyuan and M. G. Amin, “Imaging through unknown walls using different standoff distances,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 54(10), used in the experiments. This work is supported in part by a 4015–4025 (2006). grant from the Australian Research Council. We thank the 4. F. Ahmad and M. G. Amin, “Noncoherent approach to through-the-wall anonymous reviewers for the constructive comments and radar localization,” IEEE Trans. Aero. Electron. Syst. 42(4), 1405–1419 (2006). suggestions. 5. M. G. Amin, Ed., Through-The-Wall Radar Imaging, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (2010). References 6. M. G. Amin and K. Sarabandi, “Special issue of IEEE transactions on geosciences and remote sensing,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 1. Y.-S. Yoon and M. G. Amin, “Spatial filtering for wall-clutter mitiga- 47(5), 1267–1268 (2009). tion in through-the-wall radar imaging,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote 7. D. L. Donoho, “Compressed sensing,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor. Sens. 47(9), 3192–3208 (2009). 52(4), 1289–1306 (2006). Journal of Electronic Imaging 021006-9 Apr–Jun 2013/Vol. 22(2) Downloaded From: on 19 Dec 2021 Terms of Use:
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In 1991, he joined the University of 21. F. Ahmad, “Multi-location wideband through-the-wall beamforming,” Adelaide, Australia, and in 1998, he was in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process., appointed associate professor at Edith pp. 5193–5196, IEEE, New York (2008). Cowan University, Perth, Australia. Since 22. F. Ahmad and M. G. Amin, “Multi-location wideband synthetic aper- ture imaging for urban sensing applications,” J. J. Franklin Inst. 2004, he has been professor of computer 345(6), 618–639 (2008). engineering with the University of 23. K. M. Yemelyanov et al., “Adaptive polarization contrast techniques for Wollongong, where he served as head of through-wall microwave imaging applications,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. School of Electrical, Computer and Remote Sens. 47(5), 1362–1374 (2009). Telecommunications Engineering (2004 to 2006), and associate 24. A. A. Mostafa, C. Debes, and A. M. 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