Two Demonstrations of the Machine Translation Applications to Historical Documents

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Two Demonstrations of the Machine Translation Applications to Historical Documents
Two Demonstrations of the Machine Translation Applications to
                                                               Historical Documents
                                                                    Miguel Domingo and Francisco Casacuberta
arXiv:2102.01417v1 [cs.CL] 2 Feb 2021

                                                  Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology Research Center
                                              Universitat Politècnica de València - Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain


                                        Abstract                                               erties of these documents—in the past, orthography
                                                                                               changed depending on the time period and author
                                        We present our demonstration of two machine trans- due to a lack of an spelling convention—and the na-
                                        lation applications to historical documents. The first ture of language—which evolves with the passage of
                                        task consists in generating a new version of a his- time. This creates a language barrier which increases
                                        torical document, written in the modern version of the difficulty of comprehending historical documents.
                                        its original language. The second application is lim-
                                                                                                  Different research topics on historical documents
                                        ited to a document’s orthography. It adapts the
                                                                                               focus on tackling this language barrier as well as dif-
                                        document’s spelling to modern standards in order
                                                                                               ferent aspects related to the document’s language
                                        to achieve an orthography consistency and account-
                                                                                               richness, which is also part of our cultural her-
                                        ing for the lack of spelling conventions. We followed
                                                                                               itage. For example, historical manuscripts are au-
                                        an interactive, adaptive framework that allows the
                                                                                               tomatically digitized and transcribed (Toselli et al.,
                                        user to introduce corrections to the system’s hypoth-
                                                                                               2017). Documents are automatically translated into
                                        esis. The system reacts to these corrections by gen-
                                                                                               a modern version of their original language to make
                                        erating a new hypothesis that takes them into ac-
                                                                                               them accessible to a broader audience Domingo and
                                        count. Once the user is satisfied with the system’s
                                                                                               Casacuberta (2020). Orthography is normalized to
                                        hypothesis and validates it, the system adapts its
                                                                                               account for the lack of a spelling convention (Porta
                                        model following an online learning strategy. This
                                                                                               et al., 2013). Search queries can find all occurrences
                                        system is implemented following a client–server ar-
                                                                                               of one or more words (Ernst-Gerlach and Fuhr, 2006).
                                        chitecture. We developed a website which communi-
                                                                                               Word frequency lists are generated (Baron et al.,
                                        cates with the neural models. All code is open-source
                                                                                               2009). And natural language processing tools pro-
                                        and publicly available. The demonstration is hosted
                                                                                               vide automatic annotations to identify and extract
                                                                                               linguistic structures such as relative clauses (Hundt
                                                                                               et al., 2011) or verb phrases (Pettersson et al., 2013).
                                        1    Introduction                                      In this work, we focus on two of these topics:
                                                                                             language modernization and spelling normalization.
                                        Despite being an important part of our cultural her- The first one aims to generate a modern version of a
                                        itage, historical documents are mostly accessible to historical document to make its content available to a
                                        scholars. This is due to both the linguistic prop- broader audience. The second one aims to achieve an

orthography consistency—without altering the doc-              f (e.g., a word correction). Then, the system sug-
ument’s content—to reduce the variability derived              gests a new hypothesis ỹ, compatible with the user’s
from the lack of spelling conventions and facilitate the       feedback. This restricts Eq. (1) by constraining the
work of scholars. We present a demonstration that              search space:
showcases neural machine translation (NMT) appli-
cations to these two topics, and provides an interac-                   ỹ =       arg max           P r(y | x, f )   (2)
tive, adaptive framework for scholars to increase their                        y compatible with f

productivity when working on these tasks.                  This interactive correction process is repeated un-
                                                        til the user is satisfied with the system’s suggestion.
                                                        This validated translation is new valuable data that
2 Interactive, adaptive NMT could be leveraged to continuously improve the sys-
       framework                                        tem. Each time the user validates a translation hy-
                                                        pothesis, the system’s models can be incrementally
Given a source sentence x, machine translation (MT) updated with this new sample. Therefore, when the
aims to find the most likely translation ŷ (Brown system generates a new translation, it will consider
et al., 1993):                                          the previous user feedback and it is expected to pro-
                                                        duce higher quality translations. A common way of
                                                        generating this adaptive systems consists in following
                ŷ = arg max P r(y | x)             (1)
                         y                              an online learning paradigm (Ortiz-Martı́nez, 2016;
                                                        Peris and Casacuberta, 2019).
   NMT models this equation with a neural network
which usually follows an encoder-decoder architec-
ture (although others architectures are possible), in 3       Applications
which the source sentence is projected into a dis-
tributed representation at the encoding step. Then, Our demonstration showcases NMT applications to
at the decoding step, the decoder generates, word by two different historical documents research topics:
word, its most likely translation using a beam search language modernization and spelling normalization.
method (Sutskever et al., 2014). The model param-
eters are typically estimated jointly on large parallel
corpora, via stochastic gradient descent (Robbins and
                                                        3.1 Language modernization
Monro, 1951; Rumelhart et al., 1986). At decoding This research topic aims to tackle the language bar-
time, the system obtains the most likely translation rier inherent in historical documents in order to make
by means of a beam search method.                       them available to a broader audience. To do so, it
   Despite the quality improvement in recent years, proposes to automatically generate a new version of
NMT is still far from obtaining high-quality transla- a historical document, written in the modern ver-
tions (Toral et al., 2018). Thus, human experts need sion of the document’s original language. A com-
to supervise and correct the NMT systems outputs mon approach to this problem is to tackle modern-
in order to achieve the highest quality. As an alter- ization as a conventional MT task (Domingo et al.,
native to this static, decoupled strategy for correct- 2017; Sen et al., 2019). Results showed that, while
ing systems, protocols such as the iterative-predictive there is still room for improvement, modernization
have been studied for years (Barrachina et al., 2009; techniques successfully decrease the comprehension
Knowles and Koehn, 2016; Peris and Casacuberta, difficulty of historical documents—indicated by both
2019).                                                  automatic metrics and human evaluation (Domingo
   In this framework, the correction process shifts and Casacuberta, 2020).
to a human–computer collaboration. The user in-            Additionally, while modernization’s goal is lim-
teracts with the system through a feedback signal ited to bringing a better understanding of historical

documents to a general audience—language-related                        that handles the client’s requests. All code is open-
losses may appear during the process—scholars are in                    source an publicly available1 .
charge of different tasks that require them to generate                    Initially, an old sentence is presented to the user in
modernizations of the highest quality (e.g., producing                  the client website. When the user requests an auto-
a comprehensive contents document for non-experts                       matic modernization/normalization (see Section 3),
(Monk, 2018)). Thus, we provided our system of                          the client communicates the server via PHP. Then,
an interactive, adaptive framework to increase the                      the server queries the NMT system, which generates
scholars productivity when working on these tasks.                      an initial hypothesis applying Eq. (1). After that,
The modernization system was developed following                        the hypothesis is sent back to the client website.
Domingo and Casacuberta (2020). For the inter-                             At this point, the interactive-predictive process
active, adaptive framework, we followed Peris and                       starts: The user searches the hypothesis for the first
Casacuberta (2019).                                                     error and introduces a correction with the keyboard
                                                                        (writing one or more characters). Once the user fin-
                                                                        ishes typing, the client reacts to this feedback by
3.2      Spelling normalization
                                                                        sending a request to the server. This request con-
In order to account for the lack of spelling con-                       tains the old sentence and the user feedback (the se-
ventions, which were not created until recent years,                    quence of characters that conform the prefix). Then,
spelling normalization aims to achieve an orthogra-                     the NMT system applies Eq. (2) to produce an alter-
phy consistency by adapting a document’s spelling                       native hypothesis coherent with the user’s feedback
to modern standards. This linguistics problem sup-                      and sends it back to the client website. This process
pose an additional challenge for the effective natural                  is repeated until the user finds the system’s hypoth-
language processing for these documents. Through                        esis satisfactory. Fig. 1 illustrates one step of this
the years, different approaches to this problem have                    process.
been researched (e.g., Baron and Rayson, 2008; Porta
                                                                           Client (web browser)                                   Server
et al., 2013). Some of them tackle spelling normal-      User                          x , ..., x     1             J

ization as a conventional MT problem (e.g., Boll-                         Old sentence
                                                                                        y , ..., y                   PHP         Decoder
mann, 2018; Scherrer and Erjavec, 2013). We de-                  Feedback
                                                                                                          1         I
                                                                                                            Initial hypothesis
                                                                                      y , ..., y  1
veloped our normalization system following Domingo                                                              i

and Casacuberta (2019), which approached spelling                             y , ...,y , y   1
                                                                                                 , ..., y
normalization using character-based NMT and ob-
tained significant improvements according to several                                                               Alternative
automatic metrics. Like in the previous task, we fol-
lowed Peris and Casacuberta (2019) for the interac- Figure 1: System architecture. The client presents
tive, adaptive framework.                              the user an old sentence and a prediction. Then, the
                                                       user introduces a feedback signal for correcting this
                                                       prediction (in this example, they are validating the
4 System description                                   prefix y1 , .., yi−1 and correcting the word yi0 ). After
                                                       that, the old sentence and the user’s feedback is sent
Our system is composed of two main elements: the to the server, which generates an alternative hypoth-
client and the server. The client is an HTML website, esis that takes into account the user corrections (in
which interacts with the user through javascript and this example, a new suffix yi+1                      0
                                                                                                                 , .., yI0 that completes
communicates with the server via the HTTP proto- the user’s feedback).
col, using the PHP curl tool. The server is the core
element. It contains the NMT systems, which were         Once the user is satisfied with the system’s hy-
developed with NMT-Keras (Peris and Casacuberta,
2018), and it is deployed as a Python HTTP server         1

Figure 2: Frontend of the client website. As the button “Modernize” is clicked (or “Normalize”, depending
on the task your are performing), an initial hypothesis for the old sentence appears in the right area. Then,
the user can introduce corrections of this text. The system will react to each correction, producing alternative
hypotheses coherent with the user feedback. Once the user is satisfied with the modernization hypothesis,
they can click in the “Validate” button to accept the hypothesis.

pothesis, they can validate it. Then, the system is          us to create a better visualization of the hypothesis,
incrementally updated with this new sample follow-           which is specially relevant for the spelling normal-
ing an online learning setup (Peris and Casacuberta,         ization task. Additionally, relevant attributes of the
2019). Hence, in future interactions, the system will        neural system could be visualize in order to help to
be progressively updated and able to generate better         understand better the model predictions and behav-
hypothesis.                                                  ior.
   Fig. 2 illustrates an example of how to performed
a task using the client server. After having selected
the task to perform, a list of old sentences will ap-        Acknowledgments
pear. When you click on “Modernize/Normalize”,
the system will generate an initial hypothesis. If you       The research leading to these results has received
desire to improve this hypothesis, you can click on          funding from Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) un-
the left box and type a correction. The system will,         der project PROMETEO/2019/121.             We grate-
then, generate a new hypothesis to take that correc-         fully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Cor-
tion into account. You can repeat this process for as        poration with the donation of a GPU used for part
many corrections as you desire to make. Finally, you         of this research, and Andrés Trapiello and Ediciones
can click “Validate” to tell the system that you are         Destino for granting us permission to use their book
happy with the modernization/normalization and, if           in our research.
the Learn from sample option is activated (in blue),
the system will use the sample to improve its model.
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                                                        for dealing with spelling variation in historical cor-
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cations to historical documents. We described its       tics.
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facilitate the use of the system.                     Baron, A., Rayson, P., and Archer, D. (2009). Word
   As a future work, we would like to improve our       frequency and key word statistics in corpus linguis-
website’s front end. This improvement could allow       tics. Anglistik, 20(1):41–67.

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