TURNER: The Uncertainty-based Retrieval Framework for Chinese NER

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TURNER: The Uncertainty-based Retrieval Framework for Chinese NER
TURNER: The Uncertainty-based Retrieval Framework for Chinese NER

                                                 Zhichao Geng , Hang Yan , Zhangyue Yin , Chenxin An , Xipeng Qiu∗ , Xuanjing Huang
                                                                      School of Computer Science, Fudan University
                                                           Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Fudan University
arXiv:2202.09022v1 [cs.CL] 18 Feb 2022

                                                 Chinese NER is a difficult undertaking due to
                                                 the ambiguity of Chinese characters and the ab-
                                                 sence of word boundaries. Previous work on Chi-
                                                 nese NER focus on lexicon-based methods to in-
                                                 troduce boundary information and reduce out-of-
                                                 vocabulary (OOV) cases during prediction. How-
                                                 ever, it is expensive to obtain and dynamically
                                                 maintain high-quality lexicons in specific domains,
                                                 which motivates us to utilize more general knowl-
                                                 edge resources, e.g., search engines. In this pa-
                                                 per, we propose TURNER: The Uncertainty-based
                                                 Retrieval framework for Chinese NER. The idea
                                                 behind TURNER is to imitate human behavior:
                                                 we frequently retrieve auxiliary knowledge as as-
                                                 sistance when encountering an unknown or uncer-
                                                 tain entity. To improve the efficiency and effec-
                                                 tiveness of retrieval, we first propose two types
                                                 of uncertainty sampling methods for selecting the
                                                 most ambiguous entity-level uncertain components
                                                 of the input text. Then, the Knowledge Fusion          Figure 1: A case of our Uncertainty-based Retrieval framework. The
                                                 Model re-predict the uncertain samples by com-         base NER model identifies "Asia-Pacific" as an NS entity, but it is
                                                 bining retrieved knowledge. Experiments on four        uncertain whether "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation" is an NT
                                                 benchmark datasets demonstrate TURNER’s effec-         entity. The Knowledge Fusion Model accurately predicts by retriev-
                                                 tiveness. TURNER outperforms existing lexicon-         ing knowledge using the query "Asia-Pacific Economic Coopera-
                                                 based approaches and achieves the new SOTA.            tion" with the search engine.

                                         1       Introduction                                           incorporating the matched items’ boundary and semantic in-
                                         Named Entity Recognition (NER) plays an essential part in      formation into the model via a variety of methods. However,
                                         natural language processing. The performance of the NER        the lexicon-based approaches have several drawbacks. First,
                                         task has improved dramatically as a result of the recent ad-   model performance is highly dependent on the quality of the
                                         vances in deep learning and pre-trained models. In compar-     lexicon, yet obtaining and dynamically maintaining a high-
                                         ison to English NER, Chinese NER is more challenging due       quality lexicon in a particular application scenario is costly.
                                         to the character ambiguity and absence of word boundaries.     Second, existing methods are incapable of utilizing dynam-
                                                                                                        ically changing lexicons while introducing semantic knowl-
                                            In recent years, lexicon-based approaches have dominated
                                                                                                        edge and vice versa. A line of previous work [Li et al., 2020;
                                         the Chinese NER field [Zhang and Yang, 2018; Li et al.,
                                                                                                        Liu et al., 2021] utilizes word embeddings to represent
                                         2020; Liu et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2021a]. Due to their
                                                                                                        matched items, but updating the lexicon requires retraining
                                         ability to reduce OOV occurrence during prediction, lexicon-
                                                                                                        the model. Another tributary of previous work [Wang et al.,
                                         based approaches have become the necessary element for ob-
                                                                                                        2021a] leverages only the word boundary information, which
                                         taining SOTA results in Chinese NER. These approaches be-
                                                                                                        enables the usage of a dynamically updated lexicon, but this
                                         gin by matching the input sentence with the lexicon and then
                                                                                                        method discards the semantic information of words.
                                                 Corresponding author                                      Considering the limits of lexicon-based methods, retrieval
TURNER: The Uncertainty-based Retrieval Framework for Chinese NER
methods, e.g. retrieving with search engines, are more            2.2    Retrieval Methods for Neural Models
generic resources of of knowledge in the NER task. The            Retrieving knowledge from the database to enhance neural
retrieved knowledge can help eliminate ambiguity in the in-       models has been applied in several NLP tasks [Qiu et al.,
put text and enhance performance. Additionally, the re-           2014; Hashimoto et al., 2018; Gu et al., 2018]. They ei-
trieved knowledge is presented as text, allowing the query-       ther use the retrieved text to guide the generation process
knowledge base to be dynamically updated. However, exist-         or expand the training set automatically. In the NER task,
ing retrieval methods [Torisawa and others, 2007; Wang et al.,    some works introduce knowledge from the knowledge graph
2021b] in the NER task retrieve the knowledge using traversal     or Wikipedia [Torisawa and others, 2007; He et al., 2020].
strategies, which is inefficient, especially in the case of on-   They retrieve knowledge by traversing matches all possible
line retrieval. Moreover, existing pre-trained models are suf-    sub-sequences, then encode the knowledge to incorporate
ficiently powerful to handle the majority of NER cases. Re-       it into the model. Wang [2021b] chunk the sentence into
trieving knowledge for simple samples that the model could        sub-sentences based on punctuation, then utilizes the sub-
have dealt with correctly is ineffective.                         sentences as queries in the search engine to retrieve external
   We notice that in Chinese NER, the model can produce           context. The knowledge is chosen from the retrieved items
diverse predictions about some input components, i.e., the        that have the highest association with the original text.
model is uncertain about these components. Furthermore,
our statistics demonstrate that the uncertain components are      2.3    Uncertainty
the bottleneck of performance. Therefore, retrieving knowl-       The predictive result in the classification task can be uncer-
edge for the uncertain components can provide the maxi-           tain even with a high softmax output [Gal and Ghahramani,
mum support for the prediction. In this paper, we propose         2016]. Monte-Carlo Dropout [Gal and Ghahramani, 2016]
TURNER: The Uncertainty Retrieval framework for Chinese           (MC Dropout), a Bayesian approximation of the Gaussian
NER. By leveraging Monte-Carlo Dropout [Gal and Ghahra-           process, is a general approach to estimate uncertainty. MC
mani, 2016] or parsing the top-K label sequences predicted        Dropout keeps dropout active in the prediction phase and
by the base NER model, we can obtain the entity-level un-         evaluates the uncertainty according to the difference of sev-
certain components with a high degree of complexity and           eral forward passes. In the sequence labeling task, Gui [2020]
uncertainty for the base NER model. Then by querying on           employ MC Dropout to create draft labels and locate the un-
the uncertain components, knowledge can be retrieved ef-          certain labels. Furthermore, they utilize two-stream attention
ficiently and effectively, eliminating uncertainty, as shown      to model long-term dependencies between draft labels and re-
in Figure 1. Afterward, the Knowledge Fusion Model re-            fine them, thereby getting rid of Viterbi decoding.
predicts the uncertain samples by integrating the original in-
put text, the retrieved knowledge, and the output of the base     3     Approach
NER model. We conduct experiments on 4 Chinese NER
                                                                  In this section, we will first introduce our uncertainty sam-
datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of our method. The re-
                                                                  pling methods for sequence labeling NER models, followed
sults illustrate TURNER significantly outperforms the base
                                                                  by our framework for Chinese NER utilizing the uncertainty.
NER model on all datasets, boosting the F1 score by 1.1 on
average. TURNER also outperforms existing lexicon-based           3.1    Uncertainty Sampling and Retrieving
methods on Chinese NER, achieving new SOTA results. To
                                                                  Sampling Method
the best of our knowledge, we are the first to combine uncer-
tainty sampling and retrieval methods in the NER task.            MC Dropout MC Dropout [Gal and Ghahramani, 2016] is
                                                                  a general approach to obtain the uncertain components. Given
                                                                  an input sequence for the sequence labeling NER model, we
                                                                  first obtain the model’s prediction as the provisional result.
2     Related Work and Background                                 Then, we utilize MC dropout to keep dropout active and gen-
                                                                  erate K candidate label sequences with Viterbi decoding in
2.1    Chinese Named Entity Recognition                           K forward passes. As illustrated in Table 1, the difference
                                                                  between the predicted entity set of each candidate label se-
With the advent of deep learning, neural networks have be-        quence and the provisional result can be considered uncertain
come a dominant solution to the NER task [Ma and Hovy,            entities as the model predict them under mild perturbation.
2016]. In recent years, lexicon-based methods have become         The uncertain components can then be obtained by merg-
widespread for Chinese NER. Zhang and Yang [2018] pro-            ing all adjacent and overlapping uncertain entities. We sam-
pose lattice LSTM to encode both lexicon information and          ple uncertain entities rather than position-level labels because
character information. Li [2020] propose the Flat-Lattice         querying at the entity level improves retrieval precision.
Transformer as a way to incorporate lexicon information           Top-K Label Sequences MC dropout demands more GPU
into the transformer model without any loss of information.       resources as it requires multiple forward passes. As a re-
Liu [2021] make use of the BERT Adapter [Houlsby et al.,          sult, we also give an alternative strategy for sampling uncer-
2019] to introduce lexicon information to the bottom layers       tainty in NER tasks. Given the label probability distribution
of BERT. Wang [2021a] propose DyLex, which utilizes only          of an input sequence, we can obtain K legal label sequences
the boundary information of words, allowing models to use         with top-K scores based on the variant of the Viterbi algo-
dynamically updating lexicons.                                    rithm [Brown and Golod, 2010]. Previous works rerank the
"         Asia-Pacific                     Economic Cooperation            method        "
                                                                                                                                Predicted Entities
                             "        亚           太             经          合         组           织     方      式       "
       Provisional Result    O       B-NS       E-NS             O          O         O          O      O      O      O            (亚太,NS)
          Candidate 1        O       B-NS       E-NS           B-NT       I-NT      I-NT        E-NT    O      O      O      (亚太, NS), (经合组织, NT)
          Candidate 2        O       B-NS       E-NS             O          O         O          O      O      O      O            (亚太,NS)
          Candidate 3        O       B-NT       I-NT           I-NT       I-NT      I-NT        E-NT    O      O      O         (亚太经合组织, NT)
          Candidate 4        O       B-NS       E-NS             O          O       B-NT        E-NT    O      O      O        (亚太,NS), (组织, NT)
                            Uncertain Entities: 亚太, 经合组织, 亚太经合组织, 组织                                          Uncertain Component: 亚太经合组织

Table 1: An example of obtaining the uncertain component of an input sequence. The top part shows the input sequence. The middle part
lists the candidate label sequences and correlated predicted entities. The bottom part contains uncertain entities and the uncertain component.
The candidate label sequences can be obtained from MC Dropout or Top-K label sequences.

top-K label sequences to enhance the performance [Yang et                             tween ACCcertain and ACCuncertain reveals that the uncer-
al., 2017], but we can also sample the uncertainty from these                         tain components are real hard samples and become bottle-
sequences. We adopt the top-1 label sequence as the provi-                            necks for performance. Therefore, by querying about uncer-
sional result and other label sequences as the candidate label                        tain components, the desired knowledge can be retrieved effi-
sequences. Afterward, we can sample the uncertainty as de-                            ciently and effectively. Additionally, the proportion of uncer-
scribed before. Additionally, we observe that when the model                          tain components is inversely proportional to the model’s per-
is highly confident about the prediction, the difference be-                          formance across datasets, and the number of retrievals is sig-
tween the prediction result and the top-K label sequences is                          nificantly less than the number of test samples in all datasets.
minor, such as altering a single O label to an S type label.
Because this will minimize the loss of scores when there is
no competing entity in candidates. Therefore, we filter out                           The search engine is a general resource for acquiring supple-
candidates that differ in a only single position from the provi-                      mental knowledge for the uncertain components. By query-
sional result to minimize the retrieval times, considering most                       ing the search engine, we can obtain the context related to
Chinese entity names are longer than one character.                                   the uncertain components as auxiliary knowledge to sup-
                                                                                      port the prediction. Similarly, if available, we can also re-
Preliminary Results                                                                   trieve knowledge offline from the in-domain encyclopedias or
To verify the importance of the uncertainty components,                               knowledge graphs using retrieval algorithms such as BM25.
we conduct an investigation on the test set of four bench-                            When search engines are adopted, the cost of retrieval can
mark Chinese NER datasets utilizing BERT as the base NER                              be significant. However, for a particular application scenario,
model.1 We generate eight candidate label sequences using                             the distribution of entities is usually concentrated. Therefore,
MC Dropout, and the results are shown in Table 2.                                     as more query-knowledge pairs are collected, the number of
                                                                                      new requests will continue to decrease.
                            MSRA        Onto          Weibo           Resume          3.2      Framework
   F1 Score                  95.92      81.54          70.11          95.78           In this part, we will present the architecture of TURNER. As
   Oracle F1                 98.09      88.21          81.20          97.50           illustrated in Figure 2, TURNER solves the uncertain compo-
   ACCuncertain              69.51      58.02          51.08          50.93           nents via a two-stage pipeline. We employ a base NER model
   ACCcertain                99.69      98.12          98.01          98.64           to acquire provisional results and uncertain components in the
   Avg UC Num                0.089      0.345          0.507          0.111           first stage and another Knowledge Fusion Model to re-predict
   Avg UC Length              4.48      3.74            3.03           11.1           the uncertain samples with retrieved knowledge in the second
                                                                                      stage. The parameters of the Knowledge Fusion Model and
Table 2: The statistical results of the uncertain components. "F1                     the base NER model are independent of each other.
Score" denotes the F1 score of the base NER model on the test
                                                                                      Stage One: Provisional Result and Uncertainty Sampling
dataset. "Oracle F1" denotes the F1 score obtained by the base NER
model when all uncertain labels are corrected. "ACCuncertain " and                    In the first stage, we use a base NER model to predict on the
"ACCcertain " denote the position-wise label accuracy of the predic-                  input sequence to get provisional results and uncertain com-
tion results for the uncertain components and the confident compo-                    ponents. The base NER model can be any sequence labeling
nents, respectively. "Avg UC Num" denotes the average number of                       NER model, such as BERT+MLP.
uncertain components in each input sequence. "Avg UC Length"                             Formally, given input sequence X = [c1 , c2 , ..., cn ], we
denotes the average number of tokens in each uncertain component.                     apply the base NER model to obtain the provisional results
                                                                                      LP and candidate label sequences LC with dropout active.
   The base NER model obtains high oracle F1 scores indi-                             If there is no uncertain component in all candidates, the
cating that it possesses considerable promise. Even while                             base NER model is highly confident about the current sam-
the base NER model achieves an impressive level of accu-                              ple, then LP is the final result. Otherwise, we take LP as
racy on the confident components, the significant gap be-                             the provisional result and obtain the uncertain component
                                                                                      U = [ci , ci+1 , ..., ci+o ] using the method in Section 3.1. Af-
       More details of our settings can be found in Section 4.                        terward, we can utilize U as query to retrieve the knowl-
where label embedding and character embedding are train-
                                                                           able parameters. The self-attention mechanism ensures that
                                                                           all information is fully integrated and the knowledge is effi-
                                                                           ciently utilized. Ultimately, we decode D̃ using the Viterbi
                                                                           algorithm to obtain the final result L̃. If there are multiple un-
                                                                           certain components in one input sequence, we process them
                                                                           separately in the second stage and sum all obtained D̃ before
                                                                           Viterbi decoding.
                                                                           3.3    Training of TURNER
                                                                           Since the parameters of the base NER model and the Knowl-
                                                                           edge Fusion Model are independent, the two-stage training
                                                                           procedure can be undertaken independently. The training of
                                                                           the base NER model is trivial, and we will focus on the train-
                                                                           ing of the Knowledge Fusion Model.
                                                                               To minimize the gap between training and prediction, the
                                                                           uncertainty of training data must be sampled. Therefore, we
                                                                           conduct N-fold jackknifing to divide the training data into N
                                                                           equal parts. In each step, we train the base NER model with
Figure 2: The architecture of TURNER. (a) The base NER model               N-1 pieces of data and then use the base NER model to sam-
makes predictions on the input sequence. This enables TURNER               ple uncertainty for the remaining one piece of data. Addi-
to identify uncertain components and then retrieve pertinent knowl-
edge. (b) The Knowledge Fusion Model produces predictions based
                                                                           tionally, we conduct data augmentation by leveraging various
on the retrieved knowledge and the provisional result.                     checkpoints of the base NER model when generating training
                                                                           data for the second stage. For a given training sample, we ap-
                                                                           pend the sampled components of all checkpoints sequentially
edge text K = [k1 , k2 , ..., km ]. If there are multiple non-             and discard the components that are significantly overlapped
continuous uncertain components in one input sequence, we                  with existing uncertain components.
retrieve the knowledge separately and process them indepen-                    However, the data augmentation strategy will result in the
dently in stage two.                                                       repetition of some training samples, which may lead to over-
                                                                           fitting on several input sequences. Therefore, we introduce
Stage Two: Knowledge Fusion Prediction
                                                                           the position-wised weighted average for the cross-entropy
In the second stage, We employ K as auxiliary knowledge to                 loss. By decreasing the weight assigned to the confident com-
re-predict the sample with uncertain component U using the                 ponent, the model can concentrate on the uncertain compo-
Transformer-based Knowledge Fusion Model. To introduce                     nents rather than overfitting the simple cases. Formally, We
the retrieved knowledge without losing any information, we                 calculate the loss L as follows:
concatenate K behind X to obtain the knowledge-enhanced                                             
input sequence X̃ = [c1 , c2 , ..., cn , [SEP ], k1 , k2 , ..., km ].                                 1 if ci ∈ U
                                                                                              λi =                       ,            (6)
   Considering the base NER model’s excellent accuracy in                                             α    if ci ∈
the confident components, we incorporate the label informa-                                        P1≤i≤n
tion of the provisional result to support the Knowledge Fusion                                               ·λi · lossi
                                                                                              L = i P1≤i≤n               ,            (7)
Model. To avoid confusion or misleading, we mask the un-                                                 i       ·λi
certain labels in the provisional result and obtain the modified
                                                                           where λi is the weight coefficient at position i; lossi is the
provisional result L˜P as follows:                                         cross-entropy loss at position i; α is a hyper parameter ranges
                  li          if i ≤ n and ci ∈   /U                      [0, 1]. And we do not calculate loss for the knowledge text.
             l˜i = [mask] if ci ∈ U                     ,            (1)
                                                                          4     Experiments
                    [pad]          if i > n
                                                                           We conduct comprehensive experiments to evaluate the ef-
               ˜     ˜  ˜        ˜     ˜ , ..., ln+m+1
             LP = [l1 , l2 , ...ln , ln+1          ˜ ],              (2)   fectiveness of TURNER. We use the BIESO label set and
                                                                           employ the standard F1-score as the evaluation metric. All
where li is the i-th label of the provisional result and l˜i is the        experiments are conducted on 8 GeForce RTX 3090.
i-th label in L˜P . Afterward, we incorporate X̃ and L˜P us-
ing the Transformer-based Knowledge Fusion Model to ob-                    4.1    Datasets
tain the knowledge-enhanced probability distribution D̃:                   We conduct experiments on four benchmark Chinese NER
                                                                           datasets to evaluate TURNER, including MSRA [Levow,
           HL˜P = Label Embedding(L˜P ),                            (3)    2006], Ontonotes 4.0 [Weischedel et al., 2011], Re-
           HX̃ = Character Embedding(X̃),                           (4)    sume [Zhang and Yang, 2018] and Weibo [Peng and Dredze,
                                                                           2015]. MSRA and Ontonotes are annotated using data from
           D̃ = Transformer Encoder(HL˜P + HX̃ ),                   (5)    the news domain; Weibo is annotated from the Internet blogs;
Resume is annotated from the resumes. We follow the                                        MSRA      Ontonotes    Weibo    Resume
same train, dev, test split of the official version and previ-
ous work [Li et al., 2020]. The statistical information of each           BiLSTM+CRF        91.87      71.81       56.75     94.41
dataset is shown in Table 3.                                              TENER             93.01      72.82       58.39     95.25
                                                                          ERNIE             94.82      77.65       67.96     95.08
                       Type       Train    Validation     Test            Lattice-LSTM      93.18      73.88       58.79     94.46
                                                                          FLAT+BERT         96.09      81.82       68.55     95.86
                      Size        46364         -        43.65
        MSRA                                                              LEBERT             95.7      82.08       70.75     96.08
                    Lengthavg      46.8         -        39.5
                                                                          DyLex+BERT        96.49      81.48       71.12     95.99
                      Size        15724       4301        4346
      Ontonotes                                                           BERT Baseline     95.91      81.54       70.10     95.78
                    Lengthavg      31.3       46.6        47.9            TURNERMC          96.85      83.56       70.78     96.36
                      Size        1350        270         270             TURNERTop-K       96.54      83.91       71.22     96.36
                    Lengthavg     54.7        53.7        55
                                                                       Table 4: The overall performance of TURNER. "BERT Baseline"
                      Size        3821         463        477          is the base NER model we utilize in the 1-st stage. "TURNERM C "
                    Lengthavg     32.5         30         31.7         and "TURNERT op−K " denote TURNER sampling uncertainty with
                                                                       MC Dropout or Top-K label sequences, respectively.
Table 3: Dataset statistics. "Size" denotes the number of samples in
the sub-set. "Lengthavg " denotes the average length of samples.
                                                                       2021], DyLex+BERT [Wang et al., 2021a]. In the bottom
                                                                       part, we show the performance of TURNER with two un-
                                                                       certainty sampling methods. The results demonstrate that
4.2      Settings                                                      TURNER significantly enhances the base NER model’s per-
Models and Training We implement a strong base NER                     formance, boosting the average F1 score by 1.1 with both two
model using BERT2 +MLP in the first stage of TURNER.                   uncertainty sampling methods and achieving new SOTA re-
We do not use CRF because we observe that the same per-                sults. Although lexicon-based baselines are obviously supe-
formance can be obtained by relying just on the Viterbi al-            rior to lexicon-free baselines, TURNER outperforms existing
gorithm to constrain that there is no illegal transition in the        lexicon-based methods in each dataset, proving the potential
predictive result. The Knowledge Fusion Model is also ini-             of lexicon-free methods in Chinese NER.
tialized using BERT. We search the learning rate in {2e-5,                TURNER makes more substantial advancements in MSRA
3e-5} and the weight coefficient α in {0.1, 1}, and other hy-          and Ontonotes, which belong to the news domain, because
perparameters we used are listed in Appendix A. We use the             entities referenced in the news are more likely to be retrieved
validation set to select the best checkpoint and report its per-       by search engines. The improvement on Weibo is relatively
formance on the test set.                                              limited, as many entities are usernames or nicknames, mak-
                                                                       ing it more challenging to retrieve related information using
Uncertainty and Retrieval During prediction, We gener-
                                                                       the search engine. It can be inferred that the effectiveness
ate eight candidates for MC Dropout and four candidates for
                                                                       of TURNER is directly proportional to the relevance of the
the top-K method. To generate training data for the second
                                                                       retrieved knowledge.
stage of TURNER, we use MC Dropout for uncertainty sam-
pling. The statistical results of the uncertainty sampling on
                                                                       4.4   Ablation Study
four datasets are listed in Appendix B. For retrieving, we use
Baidu, which is a widely used Chinese search engine. We                We conduct ablation experiments to verify the contribution
prioritize the retrieved items belonging to the encyclopedia           of each component of TURNER. The settings of the abla-
category and do not change the order of other retrieved items.         tion experiment are shown as follows: (a) W/o retrieve:
Furthermore, each retrieved item is limited to a title and up          We do not retrieve knowledge for the uncertain components,
to 50 characters of content, and all items are concatenated in         i.e., the input for the Knowledge Fusion Model X̃ equals X.
order. The retrieved knowledge is limited to 400 characters.           (b) W/o uncertainty: We abandon the two-stage architec-
                                                                       ture and do not sample the uncertainty. As a result, we use
4.3      Overall Performance                                           sentence-level queries to retrieve knowledge for each sam-
Table 4 shows the overall performance of TURNER in four                ple like Wang[2021b]. The knowledge is also concatenated
benchmark datasets of Chinese NER. In the top part of ta-              behind the original input text. (c) W/o LE: We do not use
ble we show the performance of lexicon-free baselines, in-             the label embedding to provide the provisional results to the
cluding BiLSTM+CRF [Huang et al., 2015], TENER [Yan                    Knowledge Fusion Model. (c) W/o WL: We use the un-
et al., 2019] and ERNIE [Sun et al., 2019]. In the sec-                weighted average method to calculate the loss for the Knowl-
ond part of table we provide several latest strong lexicon-            edge Fusion Model, which is equivalent to setting α to 1.
based baselines, including Lattice-LSTM [Zhang and Yang,                  As shown in Table 5, the two-stage uncertain samples re-
2018], FLAT+BERT [Li et al., 2020], LEBERT [Liu et al.,                predicting architecture can be regarded as a particular way
                                                                       of model ensembling, which can boost the performance a
       https://huggingface.co/hfl/chinese-bert-wwm                     bit without knowledge. Without uncertainty sampling, the
MSRA       Ontonotes     Weibo    Resume   the uncertainty sampling process: (a) SAR: since most candi-
                                                                    dates are duplicate and will be filtered out, we use Sampling
    TURNERMC              96.85       83.56       70.78     96.36
                                                                    Acceptance Ratio (SAR) to denote the ratio of candidates that
      w/o retrieve        96.33       81.93       70.15     96.11   can be utilized in uncertainty sampling rather than being fil-
      w/o uncertainty     95.85       82.45       70.27     95.87   tered out; (b) VSR: we use Valuable Sampling Ratio (VSR) to
      w/o LE              96.70       82.72        69.8      96.0   denote the ratio of candidates that yield a better F1 score than
      w/o WL              96.85       82.60       70.78     96.30   the provisional results after the filter. The higher the VSR,
                                                                    the better the uncertainty sampling recall ability. And the
                 Table 5: Results of the ablation study.            VSR/ASR ratio reflects how much noise is present in the sam-
                                                                    pling results. As illustrated in Table 7, the top-K method has
                                                                    stonger ability to recognize uncertain components and yield
contribution of context retrieved via sentence-level queries is
                                                                    better oracle scores, but there is also more noise, resulting in
limited. By combining uncertainty sampling and retrieval,
                                                                    more retrieval times.
TURNER can boost the performance to the greatest extent.
The label embedding and weighted-average loss also con-
                                                                                                MSRA              Ontonotes
tribute much to the Knowledge Fusion Model.
                                                                                              MC  Top-K          MC    Top-K
5       Discussion                                                          SAR              0.013     0.096    0.054     0.416
                                                                            VSR              0.003     0.009    0.018     0.071
5.1       TURNER With Offline Retrieval
                                                                            Avg Retrieval    0.089     0.162    0.345     0.764
The time cost of retrieval from search engines is still too                 Oracle F1        98.09     98.41    88.21     92.3
high in some application scenarios. As a result, we con-
duct experiments with an offline knowledge graph to test            Table 7: The statistical results of two uncertainty sampling methods.
TURNER’s generalization capabilities. We use the ownthink3          "Avg Retrieval" denotes the average retrieval times for each sample.
knowledge graph, which contains more than 140 million
(Subject, P redicate, Object) triplets about general knowl-
edge. For each subject in the knowledge graph, we merge all            From the perspective of computational efficiency, the addi-
related triplets containing it to generate a descriptive docu-      tional GPU cost of two sampling methods can be calculated
ment 4 . Then, for each query, we use the BM25 algorithm            as follows:
to retrieve the three most relevant descriptive documents as                   COSTMC = O((k + β1 (1 + γ)2 ) · C),             (8)
auxiliary knowledge in TURNER.                                                  COSTTop-K = O(β2 (1 + γ)2 · C),               (9)
                                                                    where k is the number of candidates, β is the retrieval ra-
                          MSRA      Ontonotes     Weibo    Resume   tio, γ is is the ratio of the length of the knowledge text to
    BERT Baseline          95.91       81.54      70.10     95.78   the original input text, and C is the cost of the base NER
    TURNERMC                                                        model, i.e., BERT+MLP. MC Dropout demands more GPU
      w/ search engine     96.85       83.56      70.78     96.36   resources in the first stage, while the top-K method results
      w/ offline KG        96.59       82.73      70.37     96.17   in more retrieval times and consumes more GPU resources in
                                                                    the second stage because it samples more uncertain compo-
    Table 6: The performance of TURNER with offline retrieval.      nents. The ultimate choice should be based on actual details.

   As illustrated in Table 6, TURNER with offline re-
                                                                    6    Conclusion and Future Work
trieval outperforms existing SOTA lexicon-based methods in          In this paper, we propose TURNER, a framework for Chi-
MSRA, Ontonotes, and Resume, which can be considered in-            nese NER that integrates uncertainty sampling and knowl-
domain datasets for the knowledge graph. Because many in-           edge retrieval. TURNER applies MC Dropout or top-K la-
ternet phrases are out-of-domain for the knowledge graph, the       bel sequences to identify the uncertain components that lead
offline retrieval does not operate effectively in Weibo. The        to ambiguity with a base NER model. Afterward, the uncer-
results indicate the generalization ability of TURNER, which        tain components can be utilized as queries to retrieve knowl-
can work with various knowledge bases. The performance of           edge efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, the Knowledge
offline retrieval is not as good as the search engines because      Fusion Model re-predict the uncertain samples based on the
search engines have broader knowledge and more precise re-          retrieved knowledge. Comprehensive experiments on four
trieval.                                                            datasets illustrate TURNER significantly outperforms exist-
                                                                    ing lexicon-based methods and achieves new SOTA results.
5.2       MC Dropout vs. Top-K Label Sequences                         For existing NLP technologies, it is impossible to dynami-
Because the two uncertainty sampling approaches are on par          cally maintain all required knowledge in neural models. The
in performance, we undertake a more detailed analysis to            retrieval methods utilizing external knowledge bases can be
compare them. We use two metrics to measure the quality of          solutions to this issue, while our uncertainty-based retrieval
                                                                    paradigm makes retrieval methods more effective and effi-
        https://www.ownthink.com/knowledge.html                     cient. In the future, we will try to broadcast the uncertainty-
        More details can be found in Appendix C.                    based retrieval paradigm to more NLP tasks and applications.
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A     Hyperparameters

                     Baseline Model     Knowledge Fusion Model
                                                                       Original Text

    Epochs                20                      10                   实践越来越证明,“亚太经合组织方式”符合本地区
    Batch Size            32                      32                   的实际,有利于各成员的不同权益和要求得到较好
    Weight Decay           0                       0                   的平衡,有助于发挥各个成员的能力,促进共同发
    Dropout               0.1                     0.1                  展。
    Learning Rate        2e-5                 {2e-5,3e-5}
                                                                       Uncertain Component
    Optimizer           AdamW                  AdamW
    Warm Up Ratio         0.1                     0.1                  亚太经合组织
    Max Seq_Len          128                      512
    α                      -                    {0.1,1}                Knowledge w/ Search Engine
                                                                       亚 太 经 合 组 织-百 度 百 科:简 介 : 亚 太 经 合 组 织
Table 8: The hyperparameters we used for training. Other hyperpa-      一般指亚太经济合作组织。亚太经济合作组
rameters are the same as BERT. For the baseline model, we use same     织 ( 英 文 :asia-pacificeco|亚 太 经 合 组 织-asia-
hyperparameters in all datasets. For the Knowledge Fusion Model,
the search range is the same in all datasets.
                                                                       09november2021vir|亚 太 经 合 组 织 超 额 实 现 悉 尼
                                                                       林 业 目 标_政 务_澎 湃 新 闻-thepaper:11月9日,亚
                                                                       太 经 合 组 织 部 长 级 会 议 联 合 发 布 部 长 声 明,对
B     Uncertainty Sampling Results                                     亚 太 区 域 森 林 面 积 增 长2790万 公 顷,如 期 实 现
                                                                       悉|习 近 平 在 亚 太 经 合 组 织 工 商 领 导 人 峰 会 上
                                                                       的 主 旨 演 讲(全 文):坚 持 可 持 续 发 展 共 建 亚 太 命
                       Type     Train    Validation   Test
                           MC Dropout                                  的 主 旨 演 讲 (2021年11月1|亚 太 经 合 组 织 概 况
                      SizeU     10748         -        335             中 华 人 民 共 和 国 外 交 部:【 成 立 】 亚 太 经 合 组
                     NumU C     13748         -        388             织(asia-pacificeconomiccooperation,ape|习近平在亚
                      SizeU      4471       1133      1229             话...:很高兴同大家见面。首先,我感谢阿德恩总理
                     NumU C      6403       1464      1501             和新西兰政府为本次会议作出的努力。本次会议
                      SizeU       614        86         93             以推动疫后经济复|增加2650万公顷!中国为亚太
           Weibo                                                       地区森林增长贡献巨大|亚太经合组织超额实现
                     NumU C      1027       133        137
                      SizeU      1309        50        38
          Resume                                                       进步|悉尼林业目标超额实现,中国森林面积13年
                     NumU C      1798        53        53
                      Top-K Label Sequences
                                                                       Knowledge w/ Knowledge Graph
                      SizeU        -          -        615
                     NumU C        -          -        706             亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议宣
                      SizeU        -        2225      2383
         Ontonotes                                                     的亚太亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会
                     NumU C        -        3048      3322
                      SizeU        -        111        125             京雁栖湖畔,举行亚太经合组织第二十二次领导
                     NumU C        -        155        165             人非正式会议。。中文名:亚太经合组织第二十
                      SizeU        -         48        44
                     NumU C        -         50        50
Table 9: Statistical results of two uncertainty sampling methods.
"SizeU " denotes the number of samples that contain at least one un-   业部长。标签:社会事件。歧义关系:首届亚太经
certain component. "NumU C " denotes the total number of uncertain     合组织林业部长级会议。歧义权重:1028。|亚太经
components in all samples.                                             合组织领导人非正式会议。亚太经合组织领导人
C     Case Study                                                       间:1992年4月。首届
In order to better illustrate the effectiveness of retrieved
knowledge, we give a case of retrieved knowledge in Ta-                     Table 10: An example of retrieved knowledge.
ble 10.
D     Analysis on Uncertainty Sampling Methods
We give an investigation about the influencing factors of un-
certainty sampling using the testset of MSRA, and the results
are shown in Table 11. For all influencing factors, the perfor-
mance shows a trend of first rising and then falling, indicating
that there are local optimal choices.

               MC Dropout, Candidate Num = 8
      Drop Rate             0.05     0.1      0.2       0.4
      SAR                  0.008    0.013    0.031     0.221
      VSR                  0.002    0.003    0.005     0.002
      F1 Score             96.74    96.85    96.66     96.29
                 MC Dropout, Drop Rate = 0.1
      Candidate Num          2        4        8         16
      SAR                  0.023    0.018    0.013     0.009
      VSR                  0.006    0.005    0.003     0.002
      F1 Score             96.56    96.79    96.85     96.75
                         Top-K Method
      Candidate Num          1        2        4         8
      SAR                  0.118    0.104    0.096     0.088
      VSR                  0.019    0.014    0.009     0.006
      F1 Score             96.42    96.50    96.54     96.46

    Table 11: The results on MSRA datasets of our investigation.

   For MC Dropout, as the dropout rate increases, the model’s
capacity decreases significantly and more noisy candidates
are generated. Therefore, with enough computational re-
sources, finding the optimal forward times is a more general
solution. The Top-K method generates more valuable candi-
dates as well as more noisy candidates.
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