TTM/PAT: Specifying and Verifying Timed Transition Models
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FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT: Specifying and Verifying Timed Transition Models Jonathan S. Ostroff1 , Chen-Wei Wang1 ,Yang Liu2 , Jun Sun3 , and Simon Hudon1 1 Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, York University 2 School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University 3 Singapore University of Technology and Design FTSCS’13, Queenstown index
FTSCS’13 Contents • Introduction • TTM/PAT: Architecture • TTM/PAT: Resources • Contributions • A Pacemaker Example • A TTM for Pacemaker • Evaluation: A Nuclear Shutdown System • More in this Paper: TTM Semantics • Extended Work: Compositional Reasoning • Conclusion • Further References index
FTSCS’13 Introduction • Timed Transition Models (TTMs) – guarded transition systems for describing reactive systems – found useful in modelling a production nuclear reactor SDS ∗ TTMs were represented manually in “foreign” languages • We propose a textual modelling language for TTMs: – a discrete time domain [t ick event] – system as a composition of module instances – global & local timers [monotonicity] – demonic assignments [compositional reasoning] – time bounds & fairness constraints [event level] – LTL properties language [untimed & timed] • “native” tool support in PAT [simulation & checking] index
FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT: Resources Reference: index
FTSCS’13 Contributions 1. The textual syntax for the TTM notation 2. An operational semantics for TTMs using LTS (i.e., digitization) • for this talk, we do not address it in details [see the paper] 3. Implemented tool support in PAT index
FTSCS’13 A Pacemaker Example an electronic device implanted into the body to • detect (or sense) natural cardiac stimulations • regulate the heart beat by delivering electrical stimuli (or paces) – over leads with electrodes that are in contact with the heart index
FTSCS’13 In the VVI mode, the hysteresis rate interval (HRI=1200ms) is the default maximum time between two consecutive sensing’s. Case of Pacing: no sensing has occurred within the current rate interval, then • a pace is delivered • hysteresis pacing is disabled by restricting the new cycle to the lower rate interval (LRI = 1000ms) Case of Sensing: a heartbeat is sensed within the current rate interval, then • further sensing is disabled for a ventricular refractory period (VRP = 400ms) to avoid noise following the heartbeat • once VRP is over, the cycle is relaxed to a larger HRI without delivering a pace index
FTSCS’13 Heart Ventricle Controller new_cycle[0, 0] computer_delay[1, 1] start t hbn[VRP, *] vsense[0, 0] when !pace when sense do ri := HRI, do ri := HRI, sense := true , sense := false hbp[0, 0] vpace[0, 0] when pace ^ t VRP when !sense && t = ri do ri := LRI, do ri := LRI, pace := false pace := true new_cycle[0, 0] computer_delay[1, 1] start t index
FTSCS’13 A TTM for Pacemaker Constants and timers #define VRP 400; #define LRI 1000; #define HRI 1200; timers t: 0 .. (HRI+1) enabledinit end share initialization sense: BOOL = false // channel: sent from Heart, received by Controller pace : BOOL = false // channel: sent from Controller, received by Heart end index
FTSCS’13 Module of Environment – the human heart module HEART hbp[0,0] // paced heart beat interface when pace && VRP
FTSCS’13 Module of Controller – the ventricle controller module VENTRICLE_CONTROLLER vsense[0,0] interface when pc==0 && sense pace : share BOOL do ri := HRI, sense: share BOOL sense := false, local pc :=1 ri : INT = HRI end pc: INT = 0 events compute_delay[1,1] vpace[0,0] when pc==1 when pc==0 && !sense && t==ri do pc:= 0 do ri := LRI, end pace := true, end pc:= 1 end index
FTSCS’13 Module Instantiations & Compositions instances H = HEART (share pace, share sense) VC = VENTRICLE_CONTROLLER (share pace, share sense) end composition System = H || VC end We also support iterated composition, e.g., in the Fischer’s algorithm: composition fischer = || i: 1..n @ PROCESS(share x, share c, in i) end index
FTSCS’13 Properties Language: TTM vs Uppaal Assertion TCTL of Uppaal LTL of TTM/PAT Henceforth p S |= A p S |= p Eventually p S |= A◊ p S |= ◊ p Whenever p, eventually q S |= p −→ q S |= (p → (◊ q)) Infinitely often p S |= t rue −→ p S |= ◊ p Referring to a state M .st at e pc = st at e Non-Zenoness × S |= ◊ t ick p until q × S |= p U q q releases p × S |= q R p Nesting of temporal operators × e.g., (◊ p → (pU q)) Referring to occurrences of event e × e Timer t has increased monotonically × mono (t) Eventually henceforth p × S |= ◊ p S possibly maintains p S |= E p inverse of S |= ◊ (¬p) S possibly reaches p S |= E◊ p S reaches p Nesting of path quantifiers × × ∀◊ ∀ p × × index
FTSCS’13 Formalizing Requirements We translate a list of requirements into LTL formulas: 1. A natural heartbeat occurs only in the interval [VRP, H.last_ri] in the cardiac cycle. System |= (H.hbn ⇒ VRP ≤ t ≤ H.last_ri) We couldn’t use H.ri since it has already been changed by H.hbn. 2. Infinitely often, a natural or paced heart beat occurs between VRP and HRI time units from each other (note. LRI < HRI). No events illegally set the value of timer t. System |= ( H.new_cycle ∧ t = 0 ⇒ mono(t)U ( (H.hbn ∨ H.hbp) ∧ VRP ≤ t ≤ HRI ) ) index
FTSCS’13 We also translate a list of healthiness conditions into LTL formulas: 1. Clock ticks infinitely often (non-Zeno behaviour). System |= ◊tick 2. Timer t is always bounded by HRI. System |= (t 6= HRI + 1) index
FTSCS’13 Demo: Locating the Pacemaker Example index
FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT: Static Type Checking index
FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT: Generating Reachability Graph index
FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT: Graphical Simulation index
FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT: Verification index
FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT: Generating Counter-Example index
FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT: Traceability of Counter-Examples index
FTSCS’13 Evaluation: A Nuclear Shutdown System Context Diagram of SDS State Diagram of SDS Controller both_hi[1,1] delay[29,29] Nuclear Reactor power_low[1,1] power_hi[1,1] relay:=open power_hi[1,1] SDS Controller delay[19,19] Pressure power_low[1,1] Trip Relay relay:=close Power Analog Implementation of SDS Controller Pressure AND Timer1 AND Timer2 Relay Power index
FTSCS’13 Liveness & Safety Properties Liveness – Response Formula F r es : Henceforth, if Power and Pressure simultaneously exceed their threshold values for at least 2 clock ticks, and 30 ticks later Power exceeds its threshold for another 2 ticks, then within 30 to 32 ticks, open the reactor relay for at least 20 ticks. [pattern: (p ⇒ ◊q)] Safety – Recovery Formula F r ec : Henceforth, if the relay is open for 20 ticks, and after the 20th tick the power is low for at least 2 ticks, then the relay is closed before the 22nd tick. [pattern: ( ¬(Tpower_low = 2 ∧ r ela y = open) )] index
FTSCS’13 TTM/PAT outperforms manual encodings in Uppaal and SAL TTM: Property Controller Model ◊ t ick Result TTM/PAT Uppaal SAL SP EC 11 × 11 13 25 F r es : PROG 31 × 32 24 407 System Response S P EC r 5 × 3 12 15 PROG r 14 × 9 21 330 SP EC .5 Ø .4 .9 11 PROG 1 Ø 1 1 20 Fir es : S P EC r .3 Ø .2 .4 7 Initialized System PROG r .8 Ø .6 1 13 Response S P EC r1 ||S P EC r2 16 Ø 11 62 235 PROG r1 ||PROG r2 109 Ø 70 76 >1h #states: 421,442 #states: 1,771,396 #trans.: 821,121 #trans: 1,771,396 SP EC .3 × .08 .1 6 PROG .8 × .2 .3 7 F r ec : S P EC r .1 Ø .07 .2 4 System Recovery PROG r .3 Ø .07 .6 5 S P EC r1 ||S P EC r2 22 × .06 145 18 PROG r1 ||PROG r2 142 × .1 11 >1h Unit of Measurement: Seconds index
FTSCS’13 More in this Paper: TTM Semantics • Abstract Syntax • Single Machine – Digitation using LTS – turning event occurrences (e.g., t ick) into state predicates – scheduling ∗ real-time: time bounds [l, u] · e.g., spontaneous ([0, ∗]), instantaneous ([0, 0]) ∗ fairness assumptions: just (weak) vs compassionate (strong) ∗ e.g. just ent er[0, ∗] when ... do ... end • Multiple Machines – module instantiation – module composition – iterated composition index
FTSCS’13 Extended Work: Compositional Reasoning • Motivation. local reasoning w.r.g. an arbitrary environment • Rule m1 |=m P m2 `m Q P ∧Q ⇒ R m1 || m2 |= R • Demonic, non-deterministic assignments to model event actions: type STATE = {low, high} a :: 2 .. 100 end events b :: BOOL module Plant update[1, ∗] c :: {on, off} interface do power :: STATE, d :: ARRAY[STATE](20) power : out STATE = low pressure :: STATE pressure : out STATE = low end index
FTSCS’13 Conclusion • textual syntax for the convenient, expressive TTM notation – modules, events, time bounds, fairness assumptions – untimed and timed LTL properties [mono. of timer, non-Zeno] • LTS semantics (i.e., digitization) • tool support for automated encoding: TTM/PAT – static type checking – graphical simulation – model checking & traceable counter-examples • significantly better performance than encodings in Uppaal and SAL • will improve the performance (e.g., BDD, DBM) • event-based syntax is amenable to theorem proving when model checking runs out of steam! index
FTSCS’13 Further References • Compositional Reasoning using TTM/PAT J. S. Ostroff, C.-W. Wang, and S. Hudon. (2013) TTM/PAT: A Tool for Modelling and Verifying Timed Transition Models. Tech Report CSE-2013-05. index
FTSCS’13 Please Question/Comment/Criticize. index
FTSCS’13 Index 2 Contents 3 Introduction 4 TTM/PAT: Architecture 5 TTM/PAT: Resources 6 Contributions 7 A Pacemaker Example 10 A TTM for Pacemaker 10 Constants and timers 11 Module of Environment – the human heart 12 Module of Controller – the ventricle controller 13 Module Instantiations & Compositions in
FTSCS’13 14 Properties Language: TTM vs Uppaal 15 Formalizing Requirements 18 TTM/PAT: Static Type Checking 19 TTM/PAT: Generating Reachability Graph 20 TTM/PAT: Graphical Simulation 21 TTM/PAT: Verification 22 TTM/PAT: Generating Counter-Example 23 TTM/PAT: Traceability of Counter-Examples 24 Evaluation: A Nuclear Shutdown System 25 Liveness & Safety Properties 26 TTM/PAT outperforms manual encodings in Uppaal and SAL 27 More in this Paper: TTM Semantics 28 Extended Work: Compositional Reasoning in
FTSCS’13 29 Conclusion 30 Further References 32 Index index
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