Tsunami of Regulation - The Buy-Side Braces for a - PRACTICAL ADVICE FROM - Global ...

Tsunami of Regulation - The Buy-Side Braces for a - PRACTICAL ADVICE FROM - Global ...
                                   ADVICE FROM
                                   DTCC EXPERTS

The Buy-Side Braces for a
Tsunami of Regulation
                    in 2020 and Beyond
The Impact of Upcoming Regulations on the Buy-Side
Tsunami of Regulation - The Buy-Side Braces for a - PRACTICAL ADVICE FROM - Global ...
INTRODUCTION                                                                              (MTU) Product Management Consultant
Buy-side firms face an unprecedented              Timeline of Buy-Side                    at DTCC, says clients preparing for UMR
wave of financial and operational                 Regulatory Compliance Dates             will face similar considerations. “Some
challenges in 2020 and beyond as they                                                     firms may need to transform securities
prepare for the perfect storm: the go-live        11 October 2020: SFTR phase-            into cash to post collateral or meet
of multiple new regulations. Over the             three reporting obligations for         margin calls under the new rules, which
next 18 months Uncleared Margin Rules             buy-side firms                          is uncharted territory for them,” he says.
(UMR) along with key provisions of                                                        “Their approach may be to start trading
the Securities Financing Transactions             1 February 2021*: CSDR’s                repo, and that brings them into scope for
Regulation (SFTR) and Central Securities          settlement discipline regime            SFTR and CSDR.”
Depositories Regulation (CSDR) will take          (SDR)                                     “A firm with limited resources should
effect. For the buy-side, this regulatory                                                 examine all the regulations to identify
tsunami is straining traditional operating        1 September 2021: UMR phase             overlaps and synergies in its compliance
models and introducing new costs and              5, threshold aggregated average         strategies,” says Mark Steadman,
regulatory reporting requirements.                notional amount (AANA) > EUR/           Executive Director, Repository &
  UMR’s phases 5 and 6 offer one example          USD 50 billion                          Derivatives Services (RDS) Product
of the compounding impact of these                                                        Development at DTCC. “A central project
multiple regulations and the law of               1 September 2022: UMR phase             management office function could
unintended consequences. These phases             6, threshold AANA > EUR/USD             perform this work. For example, today a
will predominantly impact funds and               8 billion                               firm might choose to forego settling on
institutional investors, requiring buy-side                                               time in order to have more time to source
firms to perform functions they have                                                      its data. But, because all these regulations
never before undertaken. Many firms are                                                   emphasise timeliness, if the firm moved
expected to make securities lending a key     funds and other market participants.        from manual to automated sourcing, it
element of their liquidity management           “A period of substantial regulatory       could also achieve timely settlement and
strategies to offset UMR’s operational        change lies ahead for the financial         reporting.”
and funding costs. In turn, this reliance     sector,” says Matt Johnson, Associate         “Firms that internally discuss how they
on securities lending will increase firms’    Director, Institutional Trade Processing    will interpret and address the rules will
SFTR reporting obligations and cause          (ITP) Product Management at DTCC.           benefit,” says Johnson. “Teams should
other adverse effects as firms look to        “It should prompt a holistic assessment     share their information and collaborate as
mitigate settlement risk under CSDR.          of the impacts on firms’ operations and     much as possible.”
  Relevant authorities recently postponed     how firms can prepare for successful          In that spirit, we sat down with these
the implementation dates of SFTR              implementation.” Johnson cites CSDR as      DTCC executives to discuss key client
phase-one and UMR, with the delay             an example: this mandate is expected to     priorities and available solutions as firms
of CSDR’s settlement disciple regime          increase the volume of stock loans and      prepare to manage the regulations coming
(SDR)* expected by the industry, which        borrows as participants look to cover       through the pipeline in the months ahead.
will help firms maintain their focus          short positions. Repos may be also be
on managing daily operations during           used to cover shorts to enable settlement   UMR AT A GLANCE with Duncan
the coronavirus pandemic. While this          and avoid buy-ins and penalties under       Scott, MTU Product Management
temporary relief allows firms to postpone     CSDR. However, Johnson points out,          Consultant, DTCC
allocating resources to the technology        “all of those repos and stock borrows
and operational upgrades needed to meet       and loans will need to be reported under    The first four phases of UMR have come
demands of these regulations, it does         SFTR when the first phase of SFTR goes      into force in stages since 2016 and have
not eliminate the enormous pressure the       live this year.”                            affected banks. Many more firms, most
mandates put on asset managers, hedge           Duncan Scott, Margin Transit Utility      on the buy-side, will come into scope

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Tsunami of Regulation - The Buy-Side Braces for a - PRACTICAL ADVICE FROM - Global ...
with phases 5 and 6, which are now                                                           problem for some firms. Some of those
delayed 12 months to September 2021 and                                                      hurdles are removed if you have an
September 2022, respectively. Regulatory                                                     existing relationship.
initial margin (IM) in the over-the-                                                          In terms of upskilling, maybe you lean
counter (OTC) derivatives space will be a                                                    on your specialist settlement staff to
new operational burden for many of these                                                     determine what the firm as a whole can
firms. Phase 5 firms with an aggregated                                                      do, rather than worry you've never done a
average notional amount (AANA) of more                                                       particular thing before in your area.
than EUR/USD 50 billion will need to
exchange IM with their counterparties                                                        Besides the operational challenges
for swaps that are not centrally cleared                                                     and resource constraints, what other
as of September 1, 2021. The AANA                                                            aspects of UMR will be difficult for the
threshold will drop to EUR/USD 8 billion                                                     buy-side?
for Phase 6 firms from 1 September, 2022.                                                    Keep in mind that as well as posting
                                                                                             IM to a segregated account to secure a
How do UMR phases 5 and 6 affect the                                                         counterparty, buy-side firms also have
buy-side?                                                                                    to onboard wherever their counterparty
UMR’s requirements for posting initial                                                       chooses to secure them. This represents
and variation margin and mandatory                                                           both a documentary and operational
central clearing of OTC derivatives                                                          challenge.
are raising margin call volume and
the amount of collateral required                                                            How can DTCC help?
substantially. Furthermore, UMR               DUNCAN SCOTT, MTU Product Management           DTCC helps firms simplify and
mandates that IM be posted by both            Consultant, DTCC                               streamline compliance with emerging
counterparties to each other and this                                                        regulations. We saw an opportunity to do
two-way margining be held in segregated                                                      this for UMR and developed our solution:
account structures.                           firms will be very new to these activities     the Margin Transit Utility (MTU).
  Phases 1 to 4 covered banks but phases      and may not have the resources to carry          MTU automates the margining process
5 and 6 will predominantly impact funds       them out internally.                           from point of agreement through to
and institutional investors. When these         Then, having calculated the amount,          settlement. It applies automation to
phases take effect they will put stress on    firms must find a way to pay it, bearing in    the validation, enrichment, settlement,
buy-side operating models and introduce       mind the need to use segregated accounts.      reporting and monitoring of matched
new costs and regulatory reporting                                                           collateral calls globally. MTU
requirements for these firms.                 Can you offer guidance for how to              incorporates a feed from AcadiaSoft,
                                              evaluate whether to outsource or               which provides matching for 70% to
What firms will be impacted?                  handle in-house?                               80% of the industry’s margin calls. We're
The size of a firm’s AANA of derivatives      I recommend doing a gap analysis of your       connected to the SWIFT network so, very
is the determining factor. Firms can          firm’s skillset. If you're already posting     simply, we get a message from AcadiaSoft
perform a relatively quick, two-step check    margin, calculation of IM may be the only      that says party A and party B have agreed
to see when they’ll come into scope.          new thing you need to master. And that’s       to move collateral in the following form
For phase 5, in-scope firms will have an      the piece I would focus on - getting help      from one to the other. To get collateral
AANA of non-cleared derivatives of EUR/       with the calculations, using the existing      settlement instructions, MTU leverages
USD 50 billion or more - but they need        models that are out there.                     DTCC’s Alert® standing settlement
to start posting initial margin only where      Other aspects of meeting the                 instructions (SSI) database, which is
their IM calculation versus a particular      regulations, such as connecting to             the industry standard for settlement
counterparty exceeds EUR/USD 50               tri-party providers or a third-party           instructions, then SWIFT messages are
million. Then, the AANA threshold will        custodian, are within the realm of a lot of    generated to the custodians and, tri-party
drop to EUR/USD 8 billion for Phase 6         operations departments.                        agents and/or paying agents.
firms beginning 1 September, 2022.              UMR requires that the model used to
                                              calculate IM is subject to back-testing        What about the credit and liquidity
What are some key challenges of UMR           and the responsibility to do this testing      risk firms incur from UMR?
implementation?                               remains with each firm. Use of a common        MTU also helps firms manage credit
First is the in-scope assessment process.     industry model will allow you to meet the      and liquidity risk by accelerating the
Second is calculating the requisite initial   UMR requirements and minimise your             distribution of settlement data. Because
margin, a risk-based calculation. Models      compliance risk.                               MTU acts for both parties, upon receipt
are available to do it and firms need to        Also, talk to your settlements               of the collateral both payer and payee
decide whether to outsource this piece        department about their existing repo,          can share the status update. This
of work. Firms should also establish a        tri-party and securities lending facilities,   transparency allows firms to work with
process for agreeing to the amount with       then piggyback off them where possible.        real-time settlement rather than assumed
their counterparty. In phase 5, a lot of      Account opening is proving quite a             settlement, which is quite important

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for credit and risk managers as well as                                                     How can firms improve confirmation
treasurers in financial institutions. With                                                  and settlement to reduce trade fails?
assumed settlement, by contrast, firms                                                      We encourage electronic or automated
book what they assume was paid or                                                           confirmation. If you're trading with a
received but the next day may learn there                                                   broker that requires an email allocation
was a break or a fail and have to unwind                                                    or email confirmation, you may want
or make adjustments.                                                                        to look at moving confirmation onto an
                                                                                            automated platform.
Why is margin call automation                                                                 We also advise automating the various
important?                                                                                  steps in the settlement process. Now that
Technology upgrades have accelerated                                                        Europe works on a T+2 settlement cycle,
trading and post-trade processing                                                           you only have 48 hours after execution to
across many asset classes, yet much of                                                      capture the trade, book the trade, confirm
the activity around margin calls and                                                        it, affirm it, instruct it, fund it, pre-match,
collateral movement remains untouched                                                       then settle. At the same time, you need to
by automation. The result: margin calls                                                     make sure the reference data you're using
today still rely in part on faxes, emails                                                   - i.e., settlement instructions - are correct.
and manual processes – which slows
processing, impedes transparency and                                                        What tools are available to the buy-
increases error rates.                                                                      side?
  MTU delivers the automated workflows                                                      DTCC’s ITP no-touch workflow offers
firms absolutely require in order to meet                                                   multiple tools to facilitate confirmation
the rigorous operational demands of                                                         and settlement and minimise inaccurate
rules like UMR and avoid the financial        MATT JOHNSON, Associate Director, ITP         or incomplete standing settlement
penalties for noncompliance.                  Product Management, DTCC                      instructions (SSIs), which are one of the
                                                                                            biggest reasons for trade failure.
CSDR AT A GLANCE with Matt                                                                    Confirmation ensures you understand
Johnson, Associate Director, ITP              regulation to date in the UK and Europe,      what's been bought or sold, what needs to
Product Management, DTCC                      it changed best-execution rules that were     be delivered or received. Ideally it should
                                              referenced in the first iteration of MiFID.   also verify the place of settlement and
CSDR aims to harmonise the                    Best-execution rules for the buy-side         location of the relevant accounts. If both
authorisation and supervision of central      now require firms to take into account        parties provide that information and both
securities depositories (CSDs) across the     things like settlement cost and settlement    parties have agreed, you've locked in your
EU and improve settlement discipline in       likelihood when placing business with         economic risk and your settlement risk.
the securities settlement systems they        an investment bank or broker-dealer.          Using the no-touch workflow eliminates
operate. Its settlement discipline regime     These mandates are relevant to CSDR’s         your need to pre-match prior to
(SDR), anticipated to go live 1 February,     discipline regime because they’re all         settlement because it's been done straight
2021, introduces penalty fees for failed      about increasing settlement performance       after execution as part of confirmation.
transactions and forced mandatory buy-        across European markets. In preparation         Our central trade matching platform
ins where a failing participant does not      for CSDR buy-side firms should start          (CTM™) enables same-day confirmation
deliver the financial instruments to the      looking at their brokers’ post-trade          and matching of trades globally. CTM
receiving participant within four, seven      performance.                                  in tandem with our ALERT database
or 15 days after the intended settlement                                                    can reduce SSI-related trade fails by
date depending on the asset class of the      All markets have failed trades. Is            enriching trades with golden-source
transaction.                                  it utopian to try eliminating failed          account and standing settlement
                                              trades?                                       instructions. Additionally our ALERT Key
What’s most important for buy-side            Failed trades are inevitable, but certain     Auto Select (AKAS) feature determines
firms to know about CSDR?                     strategies can minimise their incidence.      the preferred place of settlement and
CSDR’s provisions are very broad              CSDR imposes penalties to ensure you are      location of accounts.
but a key aspect of this mandate is its       not the party responsible for a fail.           We encourage clients to populate their
settlement discipline regime. We expect         We're telling our clients to take a         outbound SWIFT messages to their
the SDR will come into force in February      critical look at their trade processing,      settlement agent or custodian with
2021 and will have a huge impact on every     from execution through to settlement          this locked-in data. That way, they’re
single post-trade market participant – to     and including the way trades are being        distributing the same data they’ve agreed
the point that firms, including on the buy-   captured after execution and how they’re      with their broker-dealer all the way
side, will have to change the way they        being confirmed.                              through the post-trade lifecycle.
conduct business.                               The key is prevention, prevention,            For buy-side firms we offer the Global
  If we look at the Markets in Financial      prevention. If you don't fail any             Custodian Direct workflow. This tool
Instruments Directive (MiFID II),             transactions, you have nothing to worry       allows global custodians to manage SSI
probably the biggest piece of financial       about regarding the SDR.                      maintenance and ownership within

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DTCC’s Margin Transit Utility
    (MTU) automates the margin
    settlement process for OTC
    derivatives transactions and
    other marginable products on
    behalf of buy-side firms, their
    administrators and custodians
    and dealer counterparties. MTU
    leverages the ALERT® database
    to obtain collateral instructions
    to minimise trade fails.

    MTU Features & Benefits
    • Accommodates bilateral,
    third-party and tri-party

    • Eliminates the need for direct,
    multiple builds to individual
    counterparties and custodians

    • Validates formatting of
    pledge-accepted margin calls

    • Integrates with ALERT® to
    enable real-time enrichment of
    collateral standing settlement
                                            to settlement. If trades do fail, the         gaps, we can help clients plug them -
    • Automates outbound                    exceptions can be highlighted, and            by identifying the DTCC services they
    settlement instructions                 the dataset can be shared among the           can use or, for those who want to keep
                                            relevant parties to that transaction.         some work in-house, recommending
    • Eliminates the need for               Fixing exceptions prior to trade failure,     capabilities they should build in order to
    authenticated release faxes             or quickly after, allows firms to mitigate    mitigate their settlement risk.
    where counterparties use a              their exposure to regulator-imposed             Some clients may achieve top marks
    segregated account at a third-          penalties and buy-ins.                        across all four areas of the scorecard
    party custodian                                                                       yet still have trades fail. In that case, the
                                            Can CSDR preparations be                      scorecard says you're likely not at fault
    • Delivers consolidated end-of-         outsourced?                                   because your processes are designed to
    day reporting                           Buy-side compliance cannot be                 make sure the trade is settled with finality
                                            outsourced to a custodian or a broker.        on its settlement date.
    • Offers scalability and capacity       Therefore, firms must look for gaps in          One thing that I emphasise to my clients
    to handle rising collateral             their current trade processes and post-       is: make sure you're using your systems,
    demands                                 trade lifecycles in terms of what the         in-house or outsourced, the way they're
                                            CSDR discipline regime will impose, then      intended. If you use a service, utilise all of
                                            run an analysis to judge whether they can     its features - it doesn't cost you extra and
                                            plug those gaps internally or need to seek    you'll get additional benefit when CSDR’s
                                            out a vendor or third-party system.           discipline regime takes effect.
                                              Our clients can do this gap analysis
ALERT on behalf of their buy-side clients   using a DTCC best-practice scorecard          SFTR AT A GLANCE with Mark
by automating the exchange of SSIs          that breaks the post-trade lifestyle          Steadman, Executive Director, RDS
between a custodian’s central repository    into four components: SSI and general         Product Development, DTCC
and the ALERT database.                     reference data; confirmation and the
  In cases where trade failures and         automation of confirmations; notification     SFTR phase-one, with a three-month
exceptions do happen, DTCC Exception        out for settlement; and exception             delay, is now scheduled to go live
Manager will allow counterparties to        management capture and trade analytics.       simultaneously with phase-two on 13 July,
view exceptions when they occur so            The scorecard can identify gaps in data     2020. Buy-side firms will be primarily
they can be addressed or fixed prior        sources or processing. Where there are        captured in phase-three, scheduled to

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Tsunami of Regulation - The Buy-Side Braces for a - PRACTICAL ADVICE FROM - Global ...
take effect on October 11, 2020, followed
by non-financial counterparties (NFCs)             DTCC Tools to Minimise Trade
in January 2021. The regulation aims               Fails
to reduce perceived shadow banking
risks in the securities financing markets          CTM™ enables same-day trade
by imposing conditions on the reuse                confirmation and matching by
of financial instruments provided as               automating the processing of
collateral and requiring that managers of          equities, fixed income and repo
UCITS and alternative investment funds             trades from trade execution to
(AIFs) make detailed disclosures to their          instruction.
investors regarding their use of securities
financing transactions (SFTs) and total            CTM used in conjunction with
return swaps. To provide transparency              ALERT® reduces the likelihood
to regulators SFTR also requires both              of SSI-related trade fails by
parties to a trade to report new, modified         automatically enriching trades
or terminated SFTs and the associated              with account and standing
collateral to an ESMA registered or                settlement instructions.
recognised trade repository (TR) on a T+1
basis.                                             CTM used along with ALERT Key
                                                   Auto Select (AKAS) populates
What are the biggest challenges SFTR               preferred place of settlement
poses to buy-side firms?                           and preferred depository.
I don't think anyone would disagree
that SFTR is the most complex trade                DTCC Exception Manager
reporting regime to date. SFTR                     supports timely settlement by
requires the reporting of the underlying           accelerating the resolution of
collateral, not just its netted value,             trade exceptions.
therefore collateral reuse reporting
may be difficult to delegate, and then             DTCC best-practice scorecard
there is the pain of sourcing the data to          helps firms conduct gap
populate 155 fields, including a unique            analyses of their post-trade
transaction identifier (UTI) which needs           processing.
to be paired and shared. Additionally,
the formatting requirements for SFTR
reports submitted to TRs are strict - they
must be in ISO 20022 - so any firm not
well versed in reporting in XML will face                                               Presumably some buy-side firms have
a challenge. If that isn’t enough, repo,                                                not yet started preparing for SFTR. Do
stock lending and margin lending are very                                               you have advice for these firms?
different products with very different                                                  Many of these firms may be unfamiliar
workflows, and each has its own industry                                                with SFTR and the regulatory
representative body. So there's a lot to get                                            expectations around it, so first they should
your arms around.                                                                       undertake an audit. What security finance
                                                                                        products do you trade? What products
Tell us more about the difficulty of                                                    are you in scope for? Who do you trade
collateral reuse reporting for the buy-                                                 with today? Start talking to those firms,
side and its implications?                                                              especially if you are seeking to delegate
Collateral reuse needs to be reported                                                   your reporting.
at an aggregated level for each entity                                                    Second, they can gather lots of useful
that reuses its collateral. As its not at a                                             information through industry bodies
trade or counterparty-to-counterparty                                                   like the International Capital Markets
level as with all other trade reporting,                                                Association (ICMA) and International
and requires some sensitive information                                                 Securities Lending Association (ISLA).
to be provided, this means delegating                                                   Each have issued SFT reporting best
this to another party is going to be very                                               practice guides.
difficult to do. Certain restrictions are                                                 When it comes to reporting, DTCC
already in place for reuse but, given the                                               is enabling clients to meet their SFTR
nature of reuse reporting under SFTR,                                                   reporting obligations through our Global
this regulation may make it too onerous to     MARK STEADMAN, Executive Director, RDS   Trade Repository (GTR) service. GTR
bother with reuse.                             Product Development, DTCC                is the world’s largest trade repository

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DTCC’s SFTR Solution: GTR +
                                                                                                  DTCC Report HubTM Service

                                                                                                  The Global Trade Repository
                                                                                                  service (GTR) in combination
                                                                                                  with the DTCC Report Hub
                                                                                                  service simplifies the trade
                                                                                                  reporting process.
                                                                                                  DTCC Report Hub’s customisable
                                                                                                  suite of quality assurance and
                                                                                                  reconciliation tools manage
                                                                                                  trade data on the front and
                                                                                                  back ends of submission.
                                                                                                  The service’s pre-reporting
                                                                                                  capabilities include, among
                                                                                                  others, data normalisation, data
                                                                                                  enrichment, pre-validation and
                                                                                                  exception management.
                                                                                                  Once the data has been vetted
                                                                                                  and formatted, clients submit
                                                                                                  it to a DTCC licensed/registered
                                                                                                  trade repository.
                                                                                                  Post-submission, clients can
                                                                                                  use the DTCC Report Hub’s
                                                                                                  post-reporting capabilities
                                                                                                  to reconcile GTR end-of-day
                                                                                                  reports with the data submitted
                                                                                                  from their internal books and

for OTC derivatives reporting and it is       end, to reconcile reported data with firms’      way for firms to allocate resources
entering the securities financing market as   internal records. Yet most firms lack            by alleviating the stress on in-house
a registered TR.                              efficient, rationalised in-house systems         technology and staff.
  With our years of experience in             and procedures to perform this work.
jurisdictions around the world, we              We built the DTCC Report Hub to                At the start of this conversation,
understand clients’ top pain points           serve this unmet need, which will only           we discussed the extent to which
around reporting and can advise on best       keep growing as reporting mandates are           clients can benefit from overlaps and
reporting practices. We’re also committed     extended to more jurisdictions and get           synergies in preparing for UMR, CSDR
to minimising the client build-out effort     more complex. In fact, we plan to adapt          and SFTR. Is DTCC looking at new ways
for SFTR. To that end, we have rolled out     the service to function across products          to connect the dots between services
the DTCC Report HubTM service, a suite        and regulatory jurisdictions.                    to offer greater value?
of tools clients can use in combination         The DTCC Report Hub leverages                  Absolutely yes. We're continuously looking
with GTR to manage their pre- and post-       automation technology to translate               for ways to join our services together
reporting tasks.                              transaction data into formats required by        into a more seamless offering that helps
                                              regulators, enrich the data using reference      our clients. Now that we’ve incorporated
Be more specific about these pre- and         data sources, and find and fix errors and/       MTU into our ITP service suite alongside
post-reporting tasks and how the DTCC         or missing data before firms submit to a         CTM, ALERT, DTCC Exception Manager
Report Hub works.                             TR. The service also lets users compare          and other post-trade capabilities, we offer
SFTR requires extensive effort to             their trading books to transactions to           clients a fairly comprehensive solution
transform and enrich trade data so that it    ensure the trade reports match.                  for UMR and CSDR compliance. And
meets stringent eligibility, completeness,      Because users choose the features they         GTR is now working with our CTM team
accuracy and timeliness standards before      want, the DTCC Report Hub service is a           to develop straight-through processing
it is submitted to a TR in the mandated       flexible toolbox for buy-side and dealer         from CTM into GTR, which will further
ISO 20022 XML format and, on the back         firms, small or large. It is also an efficient   streamline SFTR trade reporting.

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