Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk

Page created by Jeanette Norris
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Trophy Moose            Spot and Stalk Black Bear
Trophy Whitetail Deer   Baited Black Bear
Trophy Mule Deer        Winter Wolf Hunts Over Bait
Standard Mule Deer      Custom Packages
Trophy Elk
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Hunt Pricing and Dates
                                                                    Available Hunts                  Dates                 Price           Optional Add Ons
                                                           Spring Black Bear Spot and Stalk     May 1 to June 15        $4750 USD                                  $300.00
                                                                        6 Days

                                                            Spring Black Bear Baited Hunt       May 1 to June 15        $4750 USD                                  $300.00
                                                                        6 Days

                                                              Standard Mule Deer Hunt              November             $5000 USD         Moose $4000 USD          $400.00
                                                                        6 Days

                                                                Trophy Mule Deer Hunt              November             $8500 USD
                                                                                                                                          Moose $4000 USD
                                                                        6 Days                                                           Whitetail $3500 USD

                                                                Trophy Mule Deer Hunt              November             $14,000 USD
                                                                                                                                          Moose $4000 USD
                                                                       10 Days                                                           Whitetail $3500 USD

                                                              Trophy Whitetail Deer Hunt           November             $6000 USD
                                                                                                                                           Moose $4000 USD
                                                                        6 Days                                                        Trophy Mule Deer $6000 USD

                                                                   Trophy Elk Hunt               Mid September          $7000 USD       Black Bear $2500 USD       $500.00
                                                                        6 Days

                                                           Trophy Moose Hunt Spike Camp       Last 10 days of Sept or
                                                                                                                      $13,000 USD       Black Bear $2500 USD       $500.00
                                                                       10 Days                 First 10 days of Oct

                                                              Standard Moose Rut Hunt              Mid Sept to
                                                                                                                        $8000 USD       Black Bear $2500 USD       $500.00
                                                                        6 Days                      Mid Oct

                                                                Moose Post Rut Hunt                November             $7000 USD        Mule Deer $2500 USD       $500.00
                                                                        6 Days

                                                                  Winter Wolf Hunts             December through
                                                                                                                        $4500 USD                                  $175.00
                                                                        6 Days                       March

                                                       All hunt costs are in US dollars. Non Hunters are $300.00 USD per day.
                                                       Rifle rentals available for $500.00 USD per hunt each.
                                                       Any payments being made with a credit card will be subject to a 5% processing fee.
                                                       Wolf / Coyote can be added to any big game hunt for an additional $300.00 USD. Any wolf harvested
                                                       will be subject to a $750.00 USD Trophy Fee. No trophy fee on coyotes. All hides must to preserved at
                                                       hunters cost. Wolf / Coyote will only be hunted while primary species is still available.

                                                                                            All Hunts Include:
                                                       •   High Success Rates                                      •   Hunt Transportation
                                                       •   Great Trophy Quality and Size                           •   Trophy Care
                                                       •   Combo and Single Species Hunts                          •   Great Food and Better Company
                                                       •   Professional Guides                                     •   Memories to last a Lifetime

Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:                                
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Additional license fees                        Booking Information
When adding an additional species to your      To ensure you hunt is locked in we require
hunt. The license fee for that species will    a deposit of 50% of the cost of your hunt.
be added to the fees shown in the pricing      Please include with your deposit the number
schedule. License fees are subject to change   of hunters in your group and the species
each year as they are adjusted annually by     each hunter wishes to hunt and the number
the Alberta Government.                        of non-hunters in your group if any. All
                                               permits are limited so please be clear with
                                               this information when listing the desired
                                               species. Also include the complete name,
                                               address, phone number, email address of
                                               the main contact person in your group.

                                               Once your deposit has been received we will
                                               send a contract / liability waiver for each       Getting Here
                                               member of your group. They must be filled                                                          All non-Canadians coming to Canada from
                                                                                                 DRIVING – If driving up for your hunt you will
                                               in completely, signed and returned. We will                                                        other countries must comply with Canadian
                                                                                                 be met in Fairview, Alberta which is approx.
                                               then verify your hunt, sign them on our end                                                        immigration rules and regulations regarding
                                                                                                 1.5 hours North of Grande Prairie and 5.5
                                               and send you a completed copy for your                                                             legal admission to Canada regardless of
                                                                                                 hours NW of Edmonton. Driving is a great way
                                               records. Once these steps are completed                                                            intention or reason for coming to Canada.
                                                                                                 to come up if you intend to take your meat
                                               your hunt will be 100% locked in for the                                                           Contact the U.S. Fish & Game Department to
                                                                                                 home with you.
                                               dates you selected. Always carry a copy of                                                         obtain up-to-date information on regulations.
                                               your hunting contract for proof of your hunt if
                                                                                                 FLYING – If you are flying into Canada you
                                               asked by customs when crossing the border.                                                         Persons who are inadmissible
                                                                                                 will need to book your flights into Grande
                                                                                                 Prairie, Alberta where we will pick you up       to Canada
                                               Final payment will be due well before your
                                                                                                 and drop you off again following your hunt.      Criminal Record?
                                               hunt dates. The exact date will be clearly
                                                                                                 If you wish to return to the airport early       Even a D.U.I. will prevent travel to Canada.
                                               identified on your paperwork.
                                                                                                 at an unscheduled time once your hunt is         Apply for a temporary resident permit for
                                                                                                 completed there will be a service charge of      hassle free border crossing into Canada.
                                               If booking more than one year in advance a
                                                                                                 $250.00 USD per trip.
                                               small deposit of $1000.00 per hunter will
                                                                                                                                                  For a free consultation please call:
                                               hold your hunt until December 1st of the
                                               year prior to your hunt. The balance of your
                                                                                                 Customs – Border Crossing                        CANADA BORDER CROSSING SERVICES
                                                                                                 U.S. residents and clients from other            U.S. Toll Free – 1-800-438-7020
                                               deposit will be due by this date in order to
                                                                                                 countries travelling through the United          Web:
                                               continue holding your hunt.
                                                                                                 States and coming to Canada please note          Email:
                                               Late payments will be subject to a 10% late
                                               fee. Payments that are more than 30 days          that Passports are required for entry back
                                               late will result in your hunt being canceled.     into the United States as well as into other
                                               All payments are non refundable.                  countries. Passports are required.

             Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:                                                      
Trophy Moose Trophy Whitetail Deer Trophy Mule Deer Standard Mule Deer Trophy Elk
Terrain and Hunting Methods
                                                                                                    For the most part our hunting terrain is
                                                                                                    flat. We have a mixed boreal forest of pine,
                                                                                                    spruce, aspen, willow, alder and buck
                                                                                                    brush. Generally speaking we start our
                                                                                                    day in the vehicle and drive to an active
                                                                                                    hunting area. Depending on the species
                                                                                                    being hunted, we may stay with the pickup
                                                                                                    but usually we are hunting on foot or atv
                                                                                                    in order to access more remote locations.
                                                                                                    Once your trophy is harvested we will
                                                                                                    prepare it for transport.

Firearms Information                              the case of the un-expected. We have seen         Weather is the greatest factor that can affect
                                                  many issues over the years causing clients        your hunt and determine how successful you
For hunters who bring their own firearms
                                                  to not make their hunt at the last minute or      will be. It is also the only factor that we have
into Canada, a confirmed Non-Resident
                                                  having to leave shortly after their arrival for   absolutely no control over. We will make every
Firearms Declaration (RCMP 5589 / CAFC
909) will serve as a license and registration.    something at home. Adequate insurance to          effort to work with the weather we get during
This form must be presented in triplicate,        cover these situations is well worth the cost.    your hunt to give you the best opportunity
unsigned, to a Canada Customs Officer at                                                            possible at harvesting your desired game.
your first point of entry into Canada. There is   Meat Left Behind                                  However sometimes the weather has other
a small fee for this which is not included in     Clients who do not want their wild game           ideas and we all have to deal with this. No
your hunt price. For more information please                                                        matter where you hunt in the world this is
                                                  meat or parts of their wild game meat must
call: 1-800-731-4000 (for Canada and the                                                            always the case.
                                                  still have this unwanted meat processed at
United States) or 506-624-5380 (for all           their cost. The unwanted meat will then be
other countries).                                                                                   Following your booking you will be sent a
                                                  left in our care and it will be distributed to
                                                                                                    detailed booking package that will outline
                                                  families in need. This is a great way to give
Import Regulations                                                                                  the type of weather and temperature range
                                                  back to the area.
                                                                                                    you could expect for the time of year your
Check with your local authorities for import                                                        hunt is to take place. It will also contain
regulations into your country and any country     Hunting Camp                                      an equipment list which will include
you may be travelling through. Remember           We use a variety of hunting camps depending       suggestions on clothing.
– export permits may be required for each         on the time of year, species hunted and
country you leave.                                desire of the hunter. They range from             For your next Alberta hunting adventure
                                                  remote tent camps, mobile trailers, hotels        contact Udell’s Guiding and Outfitting and
Trip Insurance                                    and specialty locations. We can cater to all      we will do everything possible to put you on
It is highly recommended that all clients         requests for your group. Some requests may        the trophy of your dreams and memories of
purchase trip insurance to protect them in        require additional costs.                         a lifetime.

              Phone (780) 722-0243 • Email:                                                          
Contact us with any questions:
Udell’s Guiding and Outfitting
   #3344-11007 Jasper Ave.
  Edmonton, Alberta T5K 0K6

    Kelly Udell - Outfitter
    Phone: (780) 722-0243
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