TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media

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TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media
Volume 5, No. 3 October - November 2012


LED                    Regional           Runway
Lighting               Airports           Resurfacing
                                                        In association with:
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media
                                                                                         OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012

  Chief Editor
  Daniel Ship

  DGM - Publications
  Binesh Viswanath

  Advertisement Manager
  Zindal Kumar

  Corporate Sales Executive
  Apratim Sarkar

  Production Manager
  Infant Vikas

  Editor’s Secretary
  A.K.O Shamala

  International Sales
  Brodie Baxter
                                                        CONTENTS OCT/NOV 2012 VOL 5 NO 3

  Airports International Indian Edition
  is published by PDA Trade Media,
                                                       4 Headline News                                          20	A Regional View
  a division of Pradeep Deviah and                                                                              		         Crisplant’s Johan Rajczyk explains how
  Associates, under license from Key
  Publishing Ltd., U.K.                                6	International Rising Star                                        the growth in passenger numbers and
                                                               richy International Airport, recently granted
                                                              T                                                             the latest security screening standards at
  Mytec Process Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore,                         international status, also has plans to ramp                  regional airports are dictating the need for
                                                              up cargo operations in a big way.                             more high-speed, secure baggage handling.

                                                       12	The Sput tering Growth                                22	A Brighter Future
                                                         of Tiruchirappalli                                     		         Caroline Cook explores how LED airfield
  PDA Trade Media,
  A Division of Pradeep Deviah and
                                                       	Airport                                                             lighting can reduce costs in the Latin
  Associates Pvt. Ltd.,                                	
                                                        Several international carriers, including                           American region.
  32/2 Spencer Road,
  Frazer Town,                                          Air Asia, Sri Lankan and Tiger Airways,
  Bangalore, 560 005, India.
  Tel.: +91-80-4250-5000                                have taken advantage of Trichy’s booming                24	Virgin’s JFK Clubhouse
  Fax: +91-80-2551-3078                                 demand for international connectivity by                      		Tom Allett sampled Virgin Atlantic’s
  Chairman                                              opening new flights, while Indian carriers                    		 Clubhouse lounge at New York’s JFK.
  Pradeep Devaiah                                       have largely overlooked the airport’s
  Managing Director                                     potential. Habeeb Ubaidullah investigates.                    26	Maintaining Manchester
  Srinivasan S
                                                                                                                      	    Martyn Cartledge spent a night with
  EDITION is published 6 times a year.
                                                       16	IFATSEA General                                                   the team resurfacing one of Manchester
  Subscription price is Rs. 350 per                    	Assembly                                                            Airport’s two runways.
                                                        The 42nd IFATSEA General Assembly was
  Whilst every effort is made to
  ensure that the information                           heald at Hotel Ashok in New Delhi from                        30	More than a Makeover
  contained in this publication is                      10th to 14th Sep, 2012.                                       		   Tom Allett visited Phoenix Sky Harbor,
  correct, the publisher makes no
  warranty, express or implied, as                                                                                          Arizona, where multi-million dollar
  to the nature or accuracy of such
  material to the extent permitted by                  18	ICAO Conference on                                               regeneration programmes are underlining
  applicable law.
                                                          Aviation Security                                                 the airport’s recent success.
  © Key Publishing, Ltd. U.K.                                  t the recent Conference of the
  No part of this publication may be                          International Civil Aviation Organization, the          33	Products & Services
  reproduced, stored or used in any
  form or by any means, without                               seeds of a new plan for global civil aviation
  specific prior permission from the                          security were discussed.

Front Cover: Tiruchirappalli International Airport. (Vikas)

                                                                                                                               Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   3
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media

     GVK enters into an Agreement for the
     Operation, Management and Development
     of Commercial Facilities at Denpasar
     International Airport, Bali, Indonesia
       GVK holds the unique
     distinction of managing and
     operating two of India’s busiest
     airports, the Chhatrapati Shivaji
     International Airport (CSIA)
     in Mumbai and the Bengaluru
     International Airport in
       Adding another feather to
     its cap, GVK has signed an
     operations and management
     contract with The Airports
     Authority of Indonesia,
     (Angkasa Pura Airports AP1),
     the Indonesian government
     airport operator to manage the
     non-aeronautical commercial
     operations at Indonesia’s                                    development of this region.            standards and help Indonesia in
     second busiest Bali (Denpasar)                                 Speaking on the occasion, Dr.        realizing its growing potential as
     International Airport.                                       GVK Reddy, Chairman, GVK               a key destination in the region.”
       The scope includes both the                                Power & Infrastructure Ltd. said:        GVK is also developing an
     existing terminals and the new                               “This development is a true            international Greenfield airport
     international terminal which is                              testament to GVK’s established         in Yogyakarta in central Java
     currently under construction and                             track record in the operation          in collaboration with the
     is expected to open in the third                             and management of India’s              Government of Indonesia. This
     quarter of 2013 with a major                                 leading airports in Mumbai             follows the MoU that GVK had
     make-over.                                                   and Bangalore. We are happy to         signed in January 2011 with the
       Over the years, Bali in Indonesia                          strengthen our relationship with       Government of Indonesia. The
     has emerged as a prime                                       Indonesian government further          MoU for the Yogyakarta airport is
     destination for tourist traffic                              with this association and we are       an agreement between Angkasa
     from both Europe and Asia.                                   committed to bring our expertise       Pura Airports (Government
     However airport infrastructure                               and experience in transforming         of Indonesia owned Airport
     and the revenue from non-                                    the Denpasar International             Operations and Management
     aeronautical sources such as                                 Airport in Bali as well.”              Company) and GVKPIL.
     retail, F&B, duty free and other                               Mr. G V Sanjay Reddy, Vice             Back home, GVK has emerged
     services has kept a slow pace                                Chairman GVK Power &                   as India’s largest airport operator
     with the exponential growth                                  Infrastructure Ltd. said, “Retail, F   in the private sector. GVK’s
     in passenger traffic. With                                   & B and duty free are significant      two airports in Mumbai and
     immense tourism potential,                                   components of passenger                Bangalore together handled
     the Government of Indonesia                                  experience at any airport. We are      passenger traffic of about 44
     is focussed on developing                                    very excited by the opportunity        million in the year 2011-12. With
     and investing in new airport                                 to provide passengers at the           its capabilities, expertise and
     infrastructure across the country.                           Denpasar Airport in Bali a truly       strong track record in the airports
     Moreover, this prestigious project                           world-class shopping experience,       sector already well-established in
     is expected to create a number                               across brands, product variety         India, GVK is slated to bring rapid
     of economic development                                      and price points. This is also in      improvements to operations and
     opportunities in and around                                  line with our stated endeavour to      passenger services at Indonesian
     Bali and also foster greater                                 take this airport to international     airports as well.

4   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media

Declaration of Chaudhary Charan
Singh Airport Lucknow, Lal
Bhadur Shastri Airport Varanasi
and Airports at Tiruchirappalli,
Mangalore and Coimbatore as
International Airports
  On October 4th, the Union             in/Push back configuration.            navigational aids and visual aids.
Cabinet approved the declaration        Presently, Indian Airlines, Jetlite,    Mangalore: It is suitable for
of Chaudhary Charan Singh               Go Air, Indigo and Spice Jet           AB-310 and B737-400 type of
Airport, Lucknow; Lal Bahadur           airlines are operating domestic        aircraft operations in all weather
Shastri Airport, Varanasi; and          flights.                               conditions. Night operations
airports at Tiruchirappalli,              Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport,         are permitted and domestic
Mangalore and Coimbatore as             Varanasi: The airport has a            and international flights are
international airports, to fulfil the   runway suitable for operation          operating and the destinations
demand of State Governments,            of AB-320 type of aircraft in all      covered are: Dubai, Doha, Muscat,
and to offer improved                   weather conditions. The existing       Kuwait, Calicut, Bangalore,
international connectivity, wider       apron is suitable for parking          Hyderabad, Chennai and Mumbai.
choice of services at competitive       5 B767 and 4 AB-321 type of            Airlines operating are: Air
cost to air travellers.                 aircrafts. Presently, Air India,       India, Kingfisher, Spice Jet, Jet
  All these airports are capable        Jet Airways, Jetlite, Spice Jet and    Airwaysand Air India Express.
of handling medium capacity             Kingfisher airlines are operating      The runway is provided with
long range type of aircrafts            domestic services through this         instrument landing system (ILS).
and are also equipped with              airport. Air India, Thai Airways        Coimbatore: Coimbatore is
facilities for night operations.        and Cosmic Air are operating           presently handling limited
Further, all works pertaining to        International flights through this     international operations.
upgradation of the airports to          airport.                               The Airport is suitable for all
international Standards have              Tiruchirappalli: The airport is      weather operation of B-767-400
been completed. The declaration         suitable for operation of AB-320       type of aircraft. Night landing
is expected to provide impetus to       / B-737-800 type of aircraft in        operations are permitted at the
domestic/international tourism          all weather conditions. Night          airport. Destinations covered
and contribute to the economic          operations are permitted.              are: Bangalore, Chennai, Calicut,
development of the concerned            Domestic and international             Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai,
regions.                                flights are operating and the          Sharjah and Singapore. Airline
  Chaudhary Charan Singh                destinations covered are: Abu          operators are: Air India, Air
Airport, Lucknow: The airport           Dhabi, Chennai, Colombo, Dubai,        Arabia, Indigo, Jet Airways,
runway is suitable for operation        Kuala Lampur, Mumbai and               Jetlite, Kingfisher, Silk Air and
of AB-300 type of aircraft in all       Singapore. Airlines operating          Spice Jet. The airport is equipped
weather conditions. The existing        are: Air India Express, Air            with navigational and visual
apron is suitable for parking 14        Asia, Kingfisher, Mihin Lanka,         aids including CAT-l Instrument
aircraft (2 B747, 1 B-767-400, 11       Sri Lankan and Tiger Airways.          Landing System (ILS).
AB-321 type of aircraft), in Power      The airport is equipped with

                                                                                Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   5
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media

     Rising Star
     Tiruchirappalli Airport has been given international airport
     status. The airport in central Tamil Nadu has ten times more
     international than domestic traffic – moreover, international
     traffic has increased nearly fivefold in as many years.

      The New Integrated Terminal Building at Trichy. (Vikas)

             iruchirappalli (or Trichy)                           traffic ever since many decades.       status on 4 October, 2012.
             International Airport,                               After the entry of Air Asia in 2007,
             located on the NH 210                                Trichy Airport started becoming        History of
      Tiruchirappalli -Rameswaram                                 an LCC entry point, mostly             Tiruchirappalli
      highway, is 5km south of Trichy                             serving the labour workforce in        Airport
      city centre in Tamil Nadu. An ISO                           the South-East Asian and Gulf           The airport was built by the
      9001:2008 certified airport, Trichy                         countries. As said by the Prime        British during World War II;
      has the distinction of having                               Minister of India, as a part of        damaged Air Force planes landed
      experienced significantly higher                            an infrastructure boost, Trichy        in the airport and were taken
      international than domestic                                 Airport was given international        to be repaired at a workshop in

6   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media
                                                      TIRUCHIRAPPALLI AIRPORT

 nearby Ponmalai. The airport         destinations including Abu Dhabi,     Bengaluru, re-fuelled at Trichy
 was given permission for civilian    Colombo, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur          and went on to Colombo. Usually
 operations after the war. In 1936,   and Singapore and the domestic        5 to 20 people traveled on this
 Tata flew its first mail flight to   destinations including Chennai        flight from Tiruchirappalli. Air
 Colombo from the airport. Air        and Mumbai.                           Ceylon (Sri Lankan Airlines)
 Lanka started weekly flights          During the 1930-40’s, the airport    started operations in the late
 to Colombo in the early 1980s,       was used as a race course. It had     1940s while Indian Airlines’
 and Indian Airlines started its      no buildings other than ATC and       service started before 1980, both
 operations to Chennai and the        had a runway length of 600m. At       connecting Trichy to Colombo and
 Middle East in the mid 1990s.        that time, Tiruchirappalli Airport    Jaffna in Sri Lanka.
   The airport now handles            hosted Tata’s Dakota flight,
 flights to various international     which started from Mumbai via

                                      Tiruchirappalli INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
                                      IATA: TRZ ICAO: VOTR
                                      Airport Type     Public
                                      Owner            Ministry of Civil Aviation, India
                                      Operator         Airports Authority of India
                                      Districts Served Tiruchirappalli, Karur, Pudukkottai, Thanjavur, Ariyalur,
                                                       Perambalur, Salem, Namakkal, Erode, Thiruppur,
                                                       Dindigul, Thiruvarur, Nagappattinam, Cuddalore,
                                                       Madurai, Sivagankai, Ramanthapuram and Karaikkal
                                      Location         Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
                                      Elevation ASML   288 FT / 88 M
                                      Coordinates      10°45’55’’N078°42’35’’E
                                                       10.76528°N 78.70972°E
                                      Direction        Length		                      Surface
                                                       M            FT
                                      09/27            2,444        8,136            Asphalt
                                      Facilities       ILS and Runway Edge Lights. Category 1
                                                       Approach Lights, PAPI, HIRL, AFL, SAPL

A bird’s eye view of the airport.

                                                                              Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   7
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media

      The terminal building is a glass and steel structure having modern passenger friendly facilities.

     Terminals                                                    operations from 1 June 2009. The        • 6 aircraft stands:
      The airport has two adjacent                                two storey terminal has a total floor   • 3 for code D aircraft
     terminals. The New Integrated                                area of 11,700 m2 (126,000 sq ft).      • 3 for code C aircraft
     Terminal Buidling, which was                                 The terminal is designed to handle      The terminal building is a glass
     inaugurated in 2009, is being                                400 passengers at any given point of    and steel structure having modern
     used for both international and                              time. Some of the features of the new   passenger friendly facilities such as:
     domestic operations. The old                                 terminal include:                       • Central air conditioning system
     terminal has been converted into                             • 12 check-in counters                  • Aerobridges
     an International Cargo Complex.                              • 4 Customs counters (1 departure       • Baggage conveyor system
     The 4,000 m 2 (43,000 sq ft) cargo                              + 3 arrival)                         • Escalators
     complex was commissioned for                                 • 16 Immigration counters (8            • Public address system
     operations on 21 November 2011.                                 departure + 8 arrival)               • Flight Information Display System
                                                                  • 2 conveyor belts (47 m (154 ft)          (FIDS)
     Passenger Terminal                                              each)                                • CCTV for surveillance
      The New Integrated Terminal                                 • 5 X-ray scanners for baggage (3       • Airline front offices
     Building, built at a cost of `80 crore                          for registered baggage and 2 for     • More than 300 car parking spaces
     (US$15.12 million) was inaugurated                              hand baggage)
     on 21 February 2009 and started its                          • 2 security check units

      A reasonable variety of retail, food and beverage is available in the airport.

8   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media
                                                                                TIRUCHIRAPPALLI AIRPORT

The terminal has a peak hour capacity of 400 passengers (200 arriving and 200    Two baggage carousels are a recent addition to the airport.

The old terminal building has been converted into a cargo complex.

Cargo Terminal
 The old terminal at the airport
has been converted into an
International Cargo Complex at
a cost of `1 crore. The 4,000 m 2
(43,000 sq ft) cargo complex was
commissioned for operations on
21 November 2011. The Central
Board of Excise and Customs had
earlier approved and notified the
airport as an air cargo complex.
The one-time holding capacity
of the cargo terminal is 250
metric tonnes. The airport is an
important gateway for foreign
export from the central region of
Tamil Nadu.

                                                                                                               Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   9
TRICHY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - LED Lighting Regional Airports - PDA Trade Media

        Cargo may be classified as                                 second Thursday. This is in          to Singapore based Tiger Airways,
      valuable and perishable cargo.                               order to facilitate trade needs of   Srilankan Airlines and Mihin
      Tiruchirappalli and surrounding                              districts such as Trichy, Karur,     Lanka, handling over 110 flights a
      region is rich in both perishable                            Namakkal, Madurai, Erode,            month.
      and valuable cargo. Perishable                               Pudukottai, Thanjavur for various      Air India Express has an
      cargo includes fruit, eggs,                                  non-perishable export items,         engineering stores complex for
      vegetables and valuable cargo                                and also serve coastal areas like    service and repairs of its aircraft.
      includes textile products, as                                Nagapattinam, Karaikkal, and         It would help quick turnaround
      well as automobile and boiler                                Ramanathapuram for marine            of the aircraft. Repair works
      components.                                                  products, as well as to boost the    could also be carried out here.
        At present four airlines, Air                              export of green plantain from the    Initially four licensed engineers
      Asia, Sri Lankan Airlines, Mihin                             largest banana producing region      and eight technicians are posted
      Lanka and Tiger Airways are                                  and of textiles from Karur.          to meet the service and repair
      handling the cargo movements                                  The airport has begun accepting     requirements of the aircraft. The
      by their passenger aircraft. Sri                             bonded trucking cargo in an          stores would also have adequate
      Lankan Airlines has maintained                               effort to facilitate export from     spares and equipment.
      its lead as the single largest                               central Tamil Nadu. Recently
      exporter of cargo from Trichy.                               the airport exported 2.3 metric      Pilot Training
      The carrier exported a total of                              tonnes of leather goods to             The airport is also home to a
      1,429 tonnes for the 2011-12                                 Vietnam’s Hanoi via Air Asia.        flying training academy, VKN
      fiscal. As the cargo terminal is                                                                  Aviation Academy, promoted by
      presently operating at far under                             Line Maintenance                     the VKN Group, operating out of
      its capacity, goods are typically                              Air Works has a line               a 10,000 sq, ft. plot on the airfield
      cleared in just a few hours.                                 maintenance facility under           with five glass cockpit equipped
        A cargo facilitation committee                             CAAS (Singapore) and CASL            four seater Cessna 172 R aircraft.
      including airline operators,                                 ( Sri Lanka) to perform and          The academy provides training
      customs officers, IATA agents,                               certify transit checks on Airbus     for obtaining two types of licence:
      exporters and importers has                                  A320 type aircraft. Air Works        • Commercial Pilot License (CPL)
      been formed and it meets every                               currently offers transit support     • Private Pilot License (PPL)

10   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012
                                                            TIRUCHIRAPPALLI AIRPORT

Airlines and Destinations (International)                                       Aeronautical
Airlines                    International             Number of                  Trichy International Airport is
                            Destinations              Services per Week         equipped with Non-Directional
Air Asia (AK)               Kuala Lumpur              11*                       Beacons (NDB), Doppler Very High
                                                                                Frequency Omnidirectional Range
Air India Express (IX)      Dubai                     07
                                                                                (DVOR), and Instrument Landing
                            Kuala Lumpur              04
                                                                                System (ILS) CAT-1 for Runway
                            Singapore                 07                        27. Other equipment includes a
Mihin Lanka (MJ)            Colombo                   04                        modern Voice Communication
Sri Lankan Airlines (UL)    Colombo                   14                        System, a Digital Airport Terminal
Tiger Airways (TR)          Singapore                 11                        Information System (DATIS),
*(To be increased to 14 per week from December 2 2012 onwards)
                                                                                Digital Voice Tape Recorders
                                                                                (DVTR), a Dedicated Satellite
                                                                                Communication Network (DSCN)
Airlines and Destinations (Domestic)                                            and Remote Works Station
Airlines                    Domestic                  Number of                 (RWS) for Aeronautical Fixed
                            Destinations              Services per Week         Telecommunication Network
                                                                                (AFTN) messaging.
Air-India Express (IX)      Chennai                   07
Jet Airways (9W)            Chennai                   14
                                                                                Security and Safety
                                                                                 Trichy International Airport has
                                                                                advanced security equipment
                                                                                including X-Ray Baggage
                                                                                Inspection (X-BIS), Explosive
                                                                                Trace Detection System (ETDS)
           Du                                                                   and Closed Circuit Television
                                                                                (CCTV), Flight Information
                                                                                Display System (FIDS), Public
                                                                                Address (PA) system, as well as
                                                                                an Interactive Voice Response
                                                                                System (IVRS) for flight
                                                                                 Trichy has a new Fire Station
                                     Tiruchirapalli                             of Category VIII Building with
                                                                                required infrastructure facilities
                                                                    Kuala       (Watch Tower, First Aid Room,
                                    Colombo                         Lumpur
                                                                                etc.) as per Fire Order No. 4
                                                                                and with 8 CFT Garages which
                                                                                house 4 Crash Fire Tenders and 4

 Airport Director
 Shri S. Dharmaraj, the Airport Director
 at Trichy International Airport is
 an Engineer in Electronics and
 Communication with MBA in Personnel
 Management. He joined the Airport
 Authority of India in 1994 as an
 Electronics Officer and has served at
 various airports.
 He was on attachment to Indian
 Space Research Organization (ISRO),
 Bangalore for the GAGAN (GPS Aided Geo
 Augmented Navigation) project.

                                                                                 Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   11

      The Sputtering Growth
      of Tiruchirappalli
      Airport                                                                                               By Habeebullah Ubaidullah

      Over the past five years, international passenger traffic ex
      Tiruchirappalli International Airport has increased almost
      five-fold. Several international carriers, including Air Asia, Sri
      Lankan and Tiger Airways, have taken advantage of Trichy’s
      booming demand for international connectivity by opening
      new flights, while Indian carriers have largely overlooked the
      airport’s potential. Habeebullah Ubaidullah investigates.
      The Facts behind the                                         •  Trichy cannot accommodate          plans to increase the frequency
      Emerging Growth Scenario                                        wide bodied aircraft               of its Trichy-Kuala Lumpur flights
       Between 2006-07 and 2011-12,                                   operations because of              from 11 to 14 per week beginning
      Trichy registered an increase of                                insufficient runway length         in December 2012, which could
      6,25,266 passengers, almost equal                               (8,136”).                          take Trichy to No.1 in this sector.
      to the growth at Hyderabad or                                • Only four international             An average of 600-700 passengers
      Thiruvananthapuram airports,                                    destinations are served by         are travelling to Singapore per
      and rose from being the 13th                                    direct flights from Trichy:        day, making Trichy the fourth
      to 10th busiest international                                   Colombo, Dubai, Kuala              busiest direct connection to
      airport in India. This has occurred                             Lumpur and Singapore.              Singapore after Chennai, Mumbai
      despite several constraining                                 At present, TRZ is listed in India    and Delhi. From this winter DGCA
      factors:                                                     as the 10th busiest international     schedule onwards, Trichy-Dubai
      • Trichy still has limited Gulf                              airport with an average of 2200-      traffic is expected to have an
          connectivity, with only                                  2500 international passengers         average of 250-350 passengers per
          Air India Express flying                                 daily. An average of 700-800          day.
          daily to Dubai from Trichy.                              passengers are travelling to
          Gulf carriers have a major                               Colombo daily; out of ten cities      What is driving the
          influence on the Indian                                  with direct flights to Colombo,       growth?
          aviation industry; around                                Trichy is the second busiest (after   Located close to the center of
          50% of international traffic                             Chennai). An average of 500-600       Tamil Nadu, Trichy is the most
          depends on the Gulf routes.                              passengers are travelling from        easily accessed airport for about
      • Except Sri Lankan, Trichy is                               Trichy to Kuala Lumpur daily,         40 million people. This region
          only served by point-to-point                            again the second busiest after        is home to many NRIs working
          (rather than hub) carriers.                              Chennai. Air Asia has announced       in Gulf and South-East Asian

12   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012
                                                                                   TIRUCHIRAPPALLI AIRPORT

International passenger traffic ex Indian airports in FY 2011-12 and FY 2006-07

Rank No. Airport Code Runway           No. of Passengers No. of Passengers                     Change in       Growth in %         Rank Change Growth Ratio
		                    Length (in feet) traveled in FY    traveled in FY                        numbers
			                                    2011-12           2006-07
01         DEL               13,534            1,07,50,009            66,53,366                40,96,643       61.57                    +1           1.02
02         BOM               11,302            97,04,233              73,46,556                23,57,677       32.09                    -1           0.83
03         MAA               12,001            43,08,038              28,95,930                14,12,108       48.76               --                0.94
04         COK               11,155            25,86,658              14,28,632                11,58,026       81.06               --                1.14
05         BLR               13,123            23,53,821              12,73,932                10,79,889       84.77               --                1.17
06         CCJ               9,383             19,82,955              9,00,345                 10,82,610       120.24                   +2           1.39
07         HYD               13,976            19,29,429              12,07558                 7,21,871        59.78                    -1           1.01
08         TRV               11,148            18,35,952              11,86,160                6,49,792        54.78                    -1           0.98
09         CCU               10,240            15,66,102              8,05,191                 7,60,911        94.50               --                1.23
10         TRZ               8,136             7,85,844               1,60,578                 6,25,266        389.38                   +3           3.09
11         AMD               11,831            7,44,946               4,26,439                 3,18,507        74.69               --                1.10
12         GOI               11,345            5,78,256               4,03,357                 1,74,899        43.36               --                0.91
13         ATQ               12,001            3,98,207               4,88,310                 -90,103         -18.45                   -3           0.52
14         LKO               10,036            3,55,134               1,30,002                 2,25,132        173.18              --                1.73
15         IXE*              8,038             2,64,622               --                       --              --                  --                --
16         JAI               9,177             2,32,649               1,95,711                 36,938          18.87                    -2           0.75
17         Others		                            4,02,572               2,75,960                 1,26,612        45.88               --                0.92
Total			                                       4,07,96,403            2,57,78,027              1,50,376        58.26               --                --

Note: Others including Coimbatore, Pune, Nagpur, Bagdogra, Guwahati, Varanasi, Vishakapatnam and Gaya are the tiny contributors to the Indian
international travel industry, which is less than 1% and less than 10,000 passengers per month. Also they have failed to keep their contribution to the Indian
international travel industry. So we neglect these airports for statistical derivations.
* In IXE only international services commenced 2006-07 and stabilized in2007-08 only. So it is not included in these statistics.

Tiruchirapalli Airport’s growth between 2006-07 and 2011-12

Year      International		                                  Domestic			                                      Total
          Passenger Change in Net Change in                Passenger Change in        Net Change in         Passenger        Change in        Net Change in
          Flow      %*        %**                          Flow      %*               %**                   Flow             %*               %**
2006-07   1,60,578      --            --                   54,366          --         --                    2,14,944         --               --
2007-08   3,03,943      89.28         --                   90,214          65.94      --                    3,94,157         83.38            --
2008-09   3,77,725      24.27         --                   88,171          -02.26     --                    4,65,896         18.20            --
2009-10   5,94,087      57.28         --                   98,312          11.50      --                    6,92,399         48.62            --
2010-11   6,69,237      12.65         --                   86,356          -12.16     --                    7,55,593         09.13            --
2011-12   7,85,844      17.42         389.38               1,22,927        42.35      126.11                9,08,771         20.27            322.85

*Change in % refers the change in % compared the previous year
**Change in % refers the changes compared between the years 2006-07 to 2011-12
As per this data source TRZ has registered,
1. Nearly five times (489.38%) growth by international traffic during the periods
2. More than two times (226.11%) growth by domestic traffic during the periods
3. More than four times (422.85%) growth by total traffic during the periods

                                                                                                               Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   13

      countries. Prior to 2007, these                              to Chennai, with just 200 to 250      migrated from Malappuram
      passengers were travelling via                               passengers per day. Air India         district around Trichy to
      Chennai, Bangalore, Trivandrum                               Express also has seven flights per    Kozhikode and Mangalore,
      or Cochin airports. When Air                                 week to Chennai. However, their       another untapped source of
      Asia started operating ex Trichy                             weekly Trichy-Mumbai service          potential passengers.
      in 2007, international traffic                               was curtailed despite having          Kochi and Ernakulam: The
      from the airport nearly doubled                              higher than average loads.            congested Ernaklulam-
      within a year’s time – a strong                              Because of the absence of             Mayiladuthurai Express (Tea
      indication of the latent demand.                             domestic services, excess transit     Garden Express) is a clear
      Other airlines soon followed, each                           time and lack of morning flights      example of how many passengers
      time leading to sharp increases in                           (even Jet Airways’ existing flight    are wandering between Trichy
      traffic.                                                     time is not suitable), potential      and Kochi.
                                                                   passengers are scattered mainly       Thiruvananthapuram: The
      How much untapped                                            to Chennai; Karur and Namakkal        southern districts of Tamil Nadu
      potential still remains?                                     district passengers are going to      and Thiruvananthapuram are
      Within the Asia Pacific region, to                           Coimbatore Airport; Pudukkottai,      too far from Trichy and these
      date only the Kuala Lumpur and                               Dindugal, Namakkal and Salem          districts have surplus travelers.
      Singapore sectors’ potential has                             passengers are travelling via         If air transport will be introduced
      been revealed. The most probable                             Madurai and Bangalore airports.       definitely they will switch over
      excessive Gulf region potential is                                                                 because of their convenience. It is
      uncovered, with the exception of                             Potential Growth Areas for            noteworthy that plenty of people
      Dubai. The global Tamil diaspora                             Domestic Passengers                   from Kerala visit the Velankanni
      is still unutilized by Trichy                                Delhi: Almost all the airports        Shrine (a major pilgrim point
      airport, in particular, more than                            in India are connected with the       for Christians) daily. Nearly
      a million Tamil people in Burma                              national capital. A Trichy-Delhi      two million are attracted to the
      (Myanmar).                                                   service would attract many            annual nine-day Feast of the
                                                                   North India bound passengers if       Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
      Other factors                                                introduced.                           Mary there. Velankanni is 150km
       Tiruchirappalli is an educational                           Mumbai: Similarly, the country’s      from Trichy.
      centre in India. Many Africans                               commercial capital has plenty of      Varanasi: As per the Hindu
      are currently studying in the                                passengers and is still uncovered     spiritual practice Kasi –
      region. Tamil Nadu has many                                  and unutilized. Air India Express’s   Rameswaram yatra is an
      UNESCO world heritage sites,                                 successful weekly service was the     important pigrimage. The heavily
      pilgrimage centers of Hindu,                                 best example.                         congested Varanasi-Rameswaram
      Muslim and Christian religions,                              Bangalore: Bangalore has              Express train demonstrates
      archaeological sites, sanctuaries                            Many Tamil migrants and a             the potential of this route.
      and other tourist attractions. All                           close connection with Trichy.         Rameswaram is also around
      these are easily accessible from                             The majority of Tamil software        150km from Trichy.
      Tiruchirappalli Airport.                                     engineers in Bangalore are from
                                                                   the central districts of Tamil        Strange but true
      Domestic Perspective                                         Nadu.                                 Trichy is the 10th busiest
      At present, Jet Airways operates                             Kozhikode: A large population,        international airport in India,
      ex Trichy with twice daily flights                           particularly Muslims have             but its international identity
                                                                                                         is obtained only by the foreign
                                                                                                         carriers and not by the Indian
         About the Author                                                                                carriers, particularly not by
         Habeeb Ubaidullah is a Trichy resident who has                                                  the national carrier Air India.
         been associated with the aviation industry there                                                Though it has surplus domestic
         for over eight years. He has an MBA in Airline                                                  and international potential, the
         & Airport Management from Anna University of                                                    Indian carriers have failed to take
         Technology in Coimbatore. He is currently in                                                    advantage.
         the final stages of completing his PhD Thesis on                                                Are they planned strategically?
         Aviation Management, which includes complete                                                    This is the time to redesign and
         Indian passenger data and data interpretation of both                                           rethink their strategies and
         international and domestic passengers for the past decade.                                      policies.

14   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012
Tiruchirappalli AIRPORT

        Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   15

      Executive Summary of the
      Proceedings of 42nd
      IFATSEA General AssemblY
      IFATSEA (International Federation
      of Air Traffic Safety Electronics
      Associations) is the global body for
      the representation of ATSEPs (Air
      Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel)
      on professional matters. IFATSEA has
      more than 20,000 members from 60
      countries worldwide and is recognised
      as representing the interests of ATSEPs
      by International bodies as International
      Civil Aviation organization (ICAO),
      International Labour Organization (ILO),
      EUROCAE, CANSO, etc.
      CNS Officers’ Guild of Airports
      Authority of India represents the ATSEPs
                                                                   Shri. Ajit Singh, Honorable Minister of Civil Aviation, addressing the audience.
      of India and is an affiliate member of
      IFATSEA.                                                     CNS-ATM systems at their optimum                            discussions on the future generation
      42nd IFATSEA General Assembly                                performance level is vital and that CNS                     technologies on India’s GAGAN, USA’s
      The 42nd IFATSEA General Assembly,                           Maintenance Engineers, who have been                        NEXTGEN, Europe’s SESAR and Japan’s
      held at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi from                          re-designated by ICAO as “Air Traffic                       CARATS. There were also presentations
      10th to 14th September 2012, was                             Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP)”                       on the various CNS-ATM systems in
      inaugurated by Mr. Ajit Singh, Hon’ble                       play a safety critical role. Underlining                    use across the globe by companies like
      Minister of Civil Aviation in the august                     the challenges in maintaining CNS                           Raytheon, Indra, Harris, HITT, SAAB and
      presence of Mr. Yaswant S. Bhave, IAS,                       equipments and facilities, he said, that                    Fuitsu.
      Chairman AERA, Mr. Arun Mishra, IAS,                         these are effectively overcome by CNS                       Mr. Steve Bradford, Chief Scientist for
      DGCA, Mr. V. Somasundaram, Member                            Maintenance Personnel by constantly                         Architecture and NextGen Development
      (ANS) and Mr. Daniel Boulet, President,                      updating their knowledge through                            (FAA) – USA spoke on “NextGen”
      IFATSEA.                                                     training and innovations carried out at                     Update and Mr. Carlos from Portugal on
      Mr Subit Kobiraj, General Secretary                          the “Specialized Maintenance Centers”.                      “SESARJU” update
      of CNS Officers’ Guild in his welcome                        He also said that, besides maintenance                      The other important issues that were on
      address said that this historical event                      responsibilities and running training                       the Agenda of the Assembly on ATSEP
      will place a footprint for IFATSEA                           facilities, ATSEPs are also involved in                     profession were:
      in India and will also mark the                              installation of Navigational Aids and                       • ATSEP a new role for Tomorrow
      contribution of the ATSEPs of the                            Instrument Landing Systems and in                           • SAFETY and SECURITY at the heart
      Asia Pacific region on the global map.                       conducting routine and commissioning                            of our job
      He also said that CNS Officers’ Guild                        flight calibration of installed CNS                         • Stress, Fatigue and Health Hazards
      being a professional body would like to                      facilities. Hon’ble Minister further added                      in the working environment of
      contribute and share their experiences,                      that these units enable value addition in                       ATSEPs
      knowledge and expertise in the                               maintenance aspects besides economic                        • FAA Fatigue Study
      discussions and for any major decisions                      savings.                                                    • Update on ICAO Next Generation
      and changes in the developments and                          Approximately 200 delegates from 33                             Aviation Professionals (NGAP)
      policy making for betterment in the                          countries attended the 42nd IFATSEA                         • ICAO - IFATSEA Draft for ATSEP
      air navigation services making Indian                        General Assembly. The Inaugural                                 Competencies for ICAO PANS-TRG
      airspace safe and reliable.                                  function followed with the open session                         Doc 9868
      In his inaugural address to the General                      of the first day was attended by more                       • EASA - Specific Requirements for
      Assembly, Hon’ble Minister of Civil                          than 400 Distinguished Dignitaries from                         ATM/ANS providers regarding
      Aviation emphasizing the need for                            Government departments, Regulatory                              personnel training and competence
      focusing on maintenance aspects                              bodies, Airports Authority of India,                            assessment requirements
      of CNS –ATM Systems, said that                               Aviation Industry, Vendors and Media.                       • European Aviation Safety Agency
      maintaining safety critical, real time                       There were presentations and                                    (EASA) Draft Rule

16   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012

   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   17

      Communiqué of the ICAO
      High-level Conference on
      Aviation Security

      The High-level Conference on Aviation                             operations, result in significant          other stakeholders to achieve
      Security, convened by the International                           damage to civil aviation                   a sustainable level of aviation
      Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) at                             equipment and facilities, and              security;
      its Headquarters in Montréal, was held                            undermine public confidence in        f)   that all ICAO Member States are
      from 12 to 14 September 2012. The                                 air transport;                             committed to compliance with
      Conference was attended by over 700                          c)   Resolution A37-17, the Declaration         the aviation security Standards
      participants representing 132 Member                              on Aviation Security, and the ICAO         and Recommended Practices in
      States, and 23 international and regional                         Comprehensive Aviation Security            ICAO Annexes 17 — Security and
      organizations and industry associations.                          Strategy (ICASS), which further            9 — Facilitation to the Convention
      Acknowledging the critical role of                                enhance aviation security for the          on International Civil Aviation,
      civil aviation in global economic                                 safeguarding of international civil        and other aviation security
      development and the various security                              aviation against acts of unlawful          conventions; and
      challenges which the international                                interference;                         g)   that a balance should be
      air transport sector faces today, the                        d)   the Joint Statements adopted at            maintained between the needs of
      Conference highlighted:                                           ICAO Regional Aviation Security            security, facilitation, efficiency and
      a)     that credible threats exist and                            Conferences held in Bahrain, India,        effectiveness.
             need to be addressed effectively to                        Malaysia, Russian Federation,         Mindful of these points, the
             protect civil aviation;                                    Senegal and Venezuela;                Conference:
      b)     that terrorism does not respect                       e)   the importance of the cooperation     1)   encouraged ICAO Member States
             borders and if not mitigated, can                          and coordination between                   and industry stakeholders to
             cause the loss of life and injury                          ICAO, its Member States,                   adopt a risk-based approach to
             to persons, seriously disrupt                              international and regional                 aviation security;
             international air transport                                organizations, industry and all       2)   welcomed the initiative taken

18   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012

     by ICAO to establish a Risk                   LAGs in cabin baggage;                       arrangements, including one-
     Context Statement which                 8)    requested ICAO Member States to              stop security, which recognize
     provides valuable information                 treat flights arriving from States           the equivalence of their aviation
     to its Member States and offers               where LAGs screening is applied              security measures where these
     a robust methodology for States               in the same way as flights from              achieve the same outcomes, and
     to use in further developing their            States where LAGs restrictions are           which are based on an agreed
     own national risk assessments,                applied;                                     comprehensive and continuous
     should they choose to use this          9)    supported the transition of                  validation process and effective
     methodology;                                  the ICAO Universal Security                  exchange of information regarding
3)   requested ICAO and its Member                 Audit Programme (USAP)                       their respective aviation security
     States to consider developing a               to a Continuous Monitoring                   systems;
     more outcomes-based approach                  Approach that combines a risk-         16)   endorsed as key principles
     when regulating aviation security,            based approach to auditing and               governing international aviation
     as this would help them better                continuous monitoring, while                 security cooperation: a) respect for
     define the security objectives of             considering national and regional            the spirit of cooperation defined
     their measures;                               organization oversight capabilities;         in bilateral and/or multilateral
4)   strongly encouraged ICAO                10)   requested ICAO to make the best              air services agreements; b)
     to expedite the adoption of                   use of USAP audit results for                recognition of equivalent security
     new security Standards and                    defining and targeting aviation              measures; and c) focus on security
     Recommended Practices                         security capacity-building                   outcomes;
     to mitigate the risk to air                   activities for the benefit of          17)   encouraged ICAO Member States
     cargo and mail, based on the                  Member States in need;                       to enhance aviation security by
     implementation of secure supply         11)   encouraged Member States to                  standardizing formats for travel
     chain systems, common baseline                share USAP audit results in an               documents and for the electronic
     security measures for both                    appropriate and secure manner in             transmission of passenger data to
     passenger and all-cargo aircraft,             order to target capacity-building            State authorities while ensuring
     and enhanced security measures                and technical assistance efforts on          the protection of passengers’
     for cargo and mail considered to              those areas where they would do              privacy and civil liberties, and to
     be high risk;                                 most good;                                   enhance travel document security
5)   requested ICAO, the World               12)   acknowledged the progress made               by participating in the electronic
     Customs Organization, the                     in the implementation of the                 passport validation service known
     Universal Postal Union and                    ICAO Aviation Security Strategy on           as the ICAO Public Key Directory
     industry stakeholders to identify             Capacity Building, and requested             (PKD);
     further synergies between aviation            ICAO to strengthen its efforts, with   18)   requested ICAO to further address
     security, Customs and postal                  additional focus to be given to air          emerging issues such as air traffic
     security requirements, with the               cargo and mail security capacity-            management security (i.e., the
     objective of facilitating trade while         building activities;                         security of air navigation services
     assuring the security of air cargo      13)   encouraged ICAO Member States                and facilities), landside security,
     and mail;                                     and relevant stakeholders such               and cyber threats;
6)   acknowledged that threats posed               as regional organizations to enter     19)   supported initiatives undertaken
     by insiders are real, and therefore           into partnership agreements for              by ICAO, in cooperation with
     urged ICAO Member States to                   the organization and delivery                industry stakeholders and
     implement effective mitigation                of capacity-building activities,             equipment manufacturers, to
     measures, and to adopt a revised              encompassing all the parties                 develop the next generation of
     ICAO Standard on the screening of             concerned and including                      passenger and cargo screening
     persons other than passengers as              commitments to be made by all                processes, taking into account
     soon as practicable;                          partners;                                    technology developments and
7)   acknowledged the need for               14)   highlighted the importance                   desired security outcomes, and
     ICAO and its Member States to                 of defining security measures                to make recommendations for
     address the continued threat                  which are effective, efficient,              the modernization of regulatory
     to international civil aviation               operationally viable, economically           frameworks as necessary; and
     posed by liquid, aerosol and gel              sustainable, and take into account     20)   strongly encouraged States to
     (LAG) explosives, including the               the impact on passengers;                    ratify the latest aviation security
     implementation of technological         15)   strongly encouraged ICAO                     international legal instruments,
     solutions needed to gradually                 Member States to explore with                namely the Beijing Convention
     lift restrictions on the carriage of          each other mutual recognition                and the Beijing Protocol of 2010.

                                                                                           Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   19

      A Regional view
       Crisplant’s Johan Rajczyk explains how the growth in
       passenger numbers and the latest security screening
       standards at regional airports are dictating the need for more
       high-speed, secure baggage handling, which is not only cost-
       effective, but also combines energy efficiency and space-
       saving features.

20   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012

          espite the recession,             increased security. The latest baggage      control system makes sure that the
          regional airports are             handling technologies must integrate        load is balanced between available
          doing well and having to          with existing security systems and          screening equipment, so if one machine
modernise, update and invest to             allow airports to comply with new           is working slowly or there is a hold-up,
remain competitive and efficient.           standards for screening.                    the allocation is spread between other
Over the last decade the growth               To meet these demands we have             machines automatically. This provides
in flights has been rapid, but              introduced the latest member of             the added benefit of helping to reduce
many smaller regional airports              the LS-4000 family, the LS-4000econ,        the total number of EDS machines that
were never built to handle the              specifically for growing regional           are required.
number of passengers they are               airports. Using technology that has           Of course, no two airports are the
now accommodating. Therefore,               been field-proven in major airports         same, whether you’re talking about
they have had to create long-term           around the globe, the LS-4000econ           available space, passenger throughput
investment plans to deal with               integrates a loop sorter, inductions,       or destinations. That’s why we have
the growth which often includes             chutes, conveyors and controls into         designed the LS-4000econ to be based
expansion of the terminal, better           a space-saving footprint that enables       on standard modules, meaning the
technical infrastructure and                regional airports to improve their          system can be configured to fit the
improved security.                          baggage handling efficiency and             specific footprint, baggage handling
  Many regional airports still operate a    security, whilst reducing costs and         capacity and number of destinations in
manual baggage handling system, but         minimising CO emissions.
                                                                                        each airport. It’s an automated system
now see the need to adopt automated           Regional airports would often be          which is virtually out-of-the-box, so
baggage handling to keep up with the        forced to choose a conveyor-based           installation is fast and the LS-4000econ
increased passenger traffic and to          baggage handling solution as a loop         can be integrated into existing systems
remain competitive. Regional airports,      sorter would simply be too advanced         with little or no disruption to the
however, have very different needs:         and expensive for their needs, but with     normal operation of the airport.
baggage handling systems designed for       the LS-4000econ, they can have the            What’s more, being a member of the
large hubs simply aren’t applicable to      high-speed sorting functionality on a       LS-4000 family of sorters means that
regional airports.                          smaller scale. And the LS-4000econ is       the LS-4000econ system is particularly
  One key element is that regional          modular too, providing airports with        future-safe. Whenever improvements
airports don’t normally have a lot of       flexibility to adapt to passenger and       are made to the standard product,
room in which to install new baggage        airline needs.                              these will flow down to the econ too,
handling systems. Cost is obviously           As well as having an ultra-               meaning that the platform for all of our
another important factor: initial           small footprint, the LS-4000econ            sorters incorporates the same proven
and operating costs must be kept            incorporates what we believe is the         technology, no matter which option an
low and, obviously, smaller airports        industry’s most energy-efficient drive      airport takes.
will have fewer technical staff than        system based on linear synchronous            Looking forward, we see airports
large hubs. This means that any             motors. This enables airports to cut        operating a higher baggage throughput
new automated baggage handling              energy consumption by 75% compared          so there will be a requirement to optimise
system must optimise the existing           with sorters driven by linear induction     their available space, without the need
available space as well as have a low       motors. It has also been designed           for new buildings. With increasing
capital investment, easy out-of-the-        to integrate fully with Explosive           numbers of passengers passing through
box installation and low operating          Detection Systems (EDS) allowing            airports across the world, we believe
costs. Regional airports are adopting       airports to comply with new security        they will be looking to achieve greater
new technology and are looking to           screening standards.                        flexibility in their existing environment,
install advanced, high-speed baggage          Security is constantly becoming           which calls for a modular baggage
handling solutions that can be easily       more stringent and baggage handling         handling system design; one that can
integrated into existing infrastructure     technology must make it easy for            be integrated quickly and efficiently,
and available space. They are focussed      airports to comply with the latest          yet adapt as capacity increases. We
on energy-saving technologies: with         procedures. For example, baggage            also see more focus on OPEX: life-time
regional airports often situated in areas   handling systems must now fully             cost; power consumption and spare
of high industrial growth where there       integrate with EDS to enable airports       part consumption, driven by political
is pressure on them to strengthen their     to adhere to the new TSA ECAC and           regulations and a demand
green profile, so finding ways to cut CO2
                                            EU standards for screening. The             for sustainability.
emissions is vital.                         LS-4000econ has been designed to do
  Another driver is the need for            this in a particularly effective way. The

                                                                                         Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   21

       A Brighter Future
        Caroline Cook explores how LED airfield lighting can save costs
                                 and energy.

        Hella’s 0.25in (6.3mm) installation height results in
        a low contact point, making damage from ground
        support equipment less likely. (All images: Hella)

                   s the world moves towards                       ecologically beneficial airfield lighting.   LEDs in warmer countries will only last
                   more environmentally-                           In comparison to halogen lights, LEDs        30,000 hours, it is still a vast difference
                   friendly technology, the                        are brighter, they last longer and they      in comparison to halogen lighting’s
       aviation industry in particular has                         use less energy.                             ‘maximum’ 2,000 hours.
       plenty of opportunities to develop its                        Originally involved in the automotive        Sonja Strand, Hella’s Head of Airport
       ‘green’ factor. More and more airports                      industry, German lighting company            Lighting, told Airports International:
       are welcoming digital check-ins, fuel-                      Hella began producing LED fixtures for       “A long service life means less
       efficient tow tractors, water-saving                        airfield lighting solutions in 2009, and     maintenance costs. With 50,000 hours
       toilet facilities and renewable energy                      recently exhibited its products at April’s   of service, the LEDs will not need to be
       sources, in an attempt to protect the                       Airport Infra Expo in São Paulo, Brazil.     replaced very often. In fact, an airport
       planet and keep costs down.                                   A particular advantage of LED              won’t need to change their lights
         Light-emitting diode (LED) technology                     technology is its extended service life of   for around five years, depending on
       continues to lead the way for                               approximately 50,000 hours. Although         environment, utilisation and load.”

22   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012
                                                                                        AIRFIELD LIGHTING

  Hella’s lighting fixtures are also made   This, Hella states, provides “effortless   edge, obstruction lights, runway
with highly durable materials which         replacement” of the light source at any    end and runway edge. Runway
are designed to prevent damage and          time, meaning that the systems can be      centreline lights are also available,
further sustain service life. Made with     up-to-date with the latest standards.      although some countries may require
shatter- and scratch-proof glass, the       Altogether, the company claims that        approval for the technology. Hella
fixtures are resistant to temperatures      maintenance costs can be reduced by        has already installed these fixtures
between -55°C and 85°C, which               up to 70%.                                 at four Norwegian airports including
mean they are ideal for the varying           The lights contain no harmful            Stavanger and Kristiansand,
conditions at an airport. Hella claims      substances, such as mercury or lead,       Luxembourg Airport in Luxembourg,
the “core competencies” of its runway       and they cut carbon dioxide (CO ) 2
                                                                                       and Paderborn Lippstadt Airport in
and taxiway lights are their minimal        emissions by up to 85%. Ms Strand          Germany.
external diameters of 8in (20.3cm) and      explained that LEDs save much more           At the Airport Infra Expo, the
a 0.25in (6.3mm) installation height.       energy than halogen bulbs, and even        company was promoting its latest
Ms Strand commented: “Even our              have adjustable brightness levels.         product, the LED Approach Light.
12in [30.5cm] variants for the runway       “For example, an airport can have          The product was launched at inter
edge are designed with equally small        brighter LEDs during bad, cloudy           airport Europe 2011 and is available
dimensions.”                                weather, and then reduce the dim           in red as siderow, or white as
  The height in particular avoids           level for good weather, which means        approach with more than 20,000
unnecessary damage by offering a            that more energy is saved.”                candle power (cd).
low contact point for ground support          Meanwhile, Hella’s range of                According to the company, this
equipment, such as snow ploughs, and        products cover numerous inset              LED fixture spends only 40 watts
by collecting less dirt. Further benefits   applications with LED technology,          (W) of energy at its highest dim
include an easy initial installation,       including taxiway centreline, the          level compared to 150W or 200W in
as the LED fixtures don’t require new       stopbar and touchdown zone, among          existing halogen bulbs. The light is
leads, bases or additional components.      others. Additionally, Hella has            easily adjustable, due to its patented
Furthermore, they comprise decoupled        numerous elevated lights refitted          ballpoint, and can be mounted on
light modules and aluminium housing.        with LED technology such as taxiway        tube, pole or base plates.
                                                                                         Speaking at the show, Ms Strand
                                                                                       explained that the Latin American
                                                                                       region was an important market.
                                                                                       “We have made lots of good contacts
                                                                                       and had a lot of interest in the
                                                                                       equipment. There are no other
                                                                                       companies producing LEDs of this
                                                                                         In terms of finance, LED lighting
                                                                                       products can cost around 35% more
                                                                                       than the halogen lights, although
                                                                                       Ms Strand believes that this is
                                                                                       outweighed by the savings in energy
                                                                                       and maintenance costs. When
                                                                                       asked about delivery times, she
                                                                                       stated that the company organises
                                                                                       a business case for each airport, to
                                                                                       judge the duration depending on the
                                                                                       customer’s requirements and Hella’s
                                                                                       stock. However, she said, most
                                                                                       deliveries take between six and 12
 The LED Approach Light is available                                                   weeks.
 in red as siderow, or white as

                                                                                        Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012   23

        The JFK Clubhouse
                Tom Allett sampled Virgin Atlantic’s Clubhouse lounge
                                 at New York’s JFK.

                     irgin Atlantic unveiled
                     its $7 million Clubhouse
                     facility at New York’s JFK
         International Airport in March
         this year and journalists were
         given the chance to experience the
         facility in the summer. Located
         inside Kennedy’s International
         Air Terminal (IAT) it lies beyond
         the TSA security checkpoint and
         directly above gates A4 and A5 used
         by the airline.
         Luke Miles, Head of Design for Virgin
         Atlantic Airways, is responsible for
         initiatives on the ground and in the
         air, including brand design, events,
         clubhouses, in-flight entertainment,
         seating and service design. He took time
         out to give me a one-to-one tour of the
         JFK Clubhouse, explaining the thought
         processes behind the new lounge as
         we walked through. Starting with the
         first sight of the Clubhouse’s entrance,
         Mr Miles explained that the white wall
         behind its front desk is deliberately
         minimalistic as this makes the lounge’s
         most important asset – its staff – stand
         out as much as possible. Beyond the
         welcoming smiles, as you enter the JFK
         Clubhouse the ‘horizon’ opens out into a
         subtle image of the New York skyline.
         The lounge was co-designed by New
         York-based Slade Architecture working
         with Virgin’s in-house design team and
         is marketed as being ‘Understatedly
                                                                   TOP The New York/JFK Clubhouse lounge opened in March 2012 having cost a cool $7 million. (All images: KEY – Tom Allett)
         Uptown, Unmistakably New York’. The                       ABOVE LEFT Representations of the New York skyline greet you wherever you look.
         facility certainly fits the description                   ABOVE RIGHT A sofa that’s too good to sit on! This is just one of the Clubhouse’s remarkable design features.

         as even the toilets and showers are
         decorated with a representation of the                    various dining, relaxation and work                           bars line-up, they create the illusion
         ‘Big Apple’s’ streets and skyline.                        areas by the clever use of widely-                            of a dividing wall. The overall effect is
                                                                   spaced vertical bars that run from floor                      that the room appears to change shape
         From one angle…                                           to ceiling. From one angle they are                           as you walk around it.
         There are no solid walls to separate                      hardly noticeable, almost lost amongst                        Glass walls on the left- and right-
         the various sections of the lounge; the                   the flood of natural light that bypasses                      hand walls provide a superb view
         facility is effectively divided into its                  them; from another position, when the                         of the airside activity below. As you

24   Airports International Indian Edition October/November 2012
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