Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...

Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
The Official Publication of the Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral        August 2021

       August 20, 2021

                                                      August 13, 2021

    Champion For Business and Advocate For Community
Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
      August 3, 2021 | 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
 The Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village
 5951 Silver King Boulevard | Cape Coral 33914
                                                             Publisher & Editor
       August 4, 2021 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
                                                          Stephanie Roberson
                                                           Technology Director
     August 11, 2021 | 11:30 PM - 1:00 PM
             Cape Coral Yacht Club
    5819 Driftwood Pkwy | Cape Coral 33904                  Contributing Editors
                                                              Donna S. Germain
     LEADERSHIP CAPE CORAL KICK-OFF                            President/CEO
                August 13, 2021
 The Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village
 5951 Silver King Boulevard | Cape Coral 33914
                                                               Claudia St. Onge
          BUSINESS AFTER HOURS                                Business Manager
     August 19, 2021 | 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM        
          The Cape at Savona Point
  1730 Savona Point Circle | Cape Coral 33914
                                                                 Lisa Barrella
    WOMENS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE                           Membership Sales Director
      August 20, 2021 | 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM       
 The Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village
 5951 Silver King Boulevard | Cape Coral 33914                   Michelle Russ
                                                            Special Events Director
      August 24, 2021 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM    
   Gulf Coast Village Retirement Community
1333 Santa Barbara Boulevard | Cape Coral 33991                  Lori Marlowe
                                                           Welcome Center Specialist
      CAPE CORAL FARMERS’ MARKET                
  Surfside Shops - Tuesdays 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
   Club Square - Saturdays 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM                   Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral
                                                      P.O. Box 100747, Cape Coral, FL 33910
 VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE EVENTS AT             2051 Cape Coral Parkway, Cape Coral, FL 33904                    Phone (239) 549-6900 Fax (239) 549-9609
Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
Life’s Puzzle:
      Putting the Pieces Back Together
                10th Annual
       Women’s Leadership Conference
    Presented by the Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral

       August 20th, 2021, 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
        The Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village
       5951 Silver King Boulevard, Cape Coral, FL 33914

  This conference will celebrate “Women’s Leadership” and
explore key topics that affect businesswomen in Southwest
Florida. Learn from world-changing thinkers and innovators
            in the Women & Business community

A Portion of the Proceeds will benefit The Cape Coral Animal Shelter
Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
                 Chairman, Zachary Zeis, WastePro
       Chair Elect, Julie Ferguson, Cape Coral Caring Center
             Treasurer, Laura Koehn, Rawlings Realty
Financial Advisor, Tony Constantino, Constantino, Nelson & Werline
                                                                     Chamber Trends             CALL TO ACTION: HELP US PROTECT THE CALOOSAHATCHEE
    Legal Advisor, Kimberly Morris, Jones, Habor and Rollings
            Past Chair, Matthew Connar, Boost Creative                                         AND OUR COMMUNITY
              Director at Large, Dusty Shelton, It’s IT
                         DIRECTORS                                                             The Army Corps of Engineers has been working on a new
                       Barb Adams, Individual
               Krystal Bottcher, Chapman Insurance                                           regulation schedule for Lake Okeechobee known as the
                    Angela Davis, Merrill Lynch                                              Lake Okeechobee Systems Operation Manual (LOSOM).
           Jenell Dolan, Lee County Electric Cooperative
                 Tonya Frank, Re/Max Realty Team                                             These regulations include how the water in the lake will be
                       Bill Jacob, CenturyLink                                               managed as well as the volume and duration of flows sent to
     Bill Johnson, Jr, Cape Coral Construction Industry Assoc
                        Bill Jones, WastePro
                                                                                             the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie estuaries, and south to the
                                                                     Donna S. Germain, IOM,
           Jay Johnson, Bubba’s Roadhouse and Saloon
                                                                                            Everglades. It is anticipated to guide the lakes operations for the
                      Lorri Philbin, Lee Health                                             next decade until the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration
                 Molly Scott, Chris Tel Construction                     President/CEO
            Mick Sheldrake, Kiwanis Club of Cape Coral                                      Plan is completed.
                   Leigh Strand, Brand 1 Ink
Chuck Warren, Coral Ridge Funeral Home, Cemetery and Cremation         In June, your Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral together with other local chambers
                Nita Whaley, City of Cape Coral
                Molly Wright, Suncoast Beverage                      and elected officials sent a letter urging the Army Corps of Engineers to adopt an
                          TRUSTEES                                   improved version of Plan CC from the Iteration 2 Lake Okeechobee System Operating
           Daryl Aubuchon, Lee County Sheriff ’s Office              Manual (LOSOM) alternatives.
                 Cindy James, First Horizon Bank
           Jeff Justin, Lee County Electric Cooperative
                  Rachel Kadul, Seminole Casino                        Your voice is urgently needed to let the Corps know that we do not accept CC in its
                      Steve Kowalski, Entrust                        current form!
             Toni Mueller, Sanibel Community Bank
                   Sarah Sheffield, Pearl Vision
              Machelle Shirk, Achieva Credit Union                     Click HERE to take action:
                     Nancy Travis, Lee Health
            Melanie Williamson, Williamson & Sons
                 CHAIRMAN EMERITUS                                     As they move into the next phase of the LOSOM process, the Army Corps selected its
               Brett Bisbe, B2 Technology Solutions                  preferred plan, known as Alternative CC. According to a release from the Sanibel Captiva
        Annette Carrasquillo, LAI Design Associates, LLC             Conservation Foundation:
             Wayne Kirkwood, Kirkwood Electric, Inc.
              Joseph Francioni, SWFL Water Testing
                Thomas Giles, Avalon Engineering                       Alternative CC as it exists today would be harmful to the Caloosahatchee for the
             Michelle Lewis, B2 Technology Solutions
     Heather Mazurkiewicz, Council For Progress Foundation
                                                                     following reasons:
            Joseph Mazurkiewicz, BJM Consulting, Inc.                  •       It relies on the Caloosahatchee as the primary outlet for Lake Okeechobee,
                Donna Meola, Dolphin Key Resort                      resulting in significant improvements to some stakeholders at the expense of the
                  Ed Ramos, Ramos Builders, Inc
                    Thomas Shipp Jr, Attorney                        Caloosahatchee and west coast communities.
               Christopher Spiro, Spiro & Associates                   •       It increases the total volume of nutrient-laden water that is delivered to the
     Elmer Tabor, Wonderland Realty/Cape Coral Town Center
                                                                     Caloosahatchee and coastal waters that would be available to harmful algal blooms like
                     CHAMBER STAFF                                   blue-green algae and red tide.
                Donna S. Germain, President/CEO
 Claudia St. Onge, Business Manager/Farmers’ Market Director           •       It increases the number of days and duration of stressful and harmful flow
           Stephanie Roberson, Technology Director                   events (flows greater than 2,100 cubic feet per second) to the Caloosahatchee, impacting
            Lisa Barrella, Membership Sales Director
              Michelle Russ, Special Events Director
                                                                     salinity and the ecological health of our estuary.
             Lori Marlow, Welcome Center Specialist
                                                                       They are currently evaluating options to optimize performance of alternative CC to
Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
better balance the various project purposes, needs of the natural systems, and stakeholders.

     Between August 6 and 10, the Corps will announce what components of alternative CC they will optimize in the next modeling phase.
   Your voice is urgently needed to let the Corps know that we do not accept CC in its current form.

     We are asking the Corps to incorporate the following changes into alternative CC to ensure it is balanced for all stakeholders:
     •     Measure all discharges to the Caloosahatchee Estuary at the Franklin Lock (S-79).
     •     Cap regulatory discharges made in Zone D, the primary operational zone, to a maximum of 2,100 cfs at S-79— consistent with
   the ecological performance targets for the Caloosahatchee estuary.
     •     Equitably distribute flows across all outlets —south, east, and west—when conditions are wet.
     •     Allow for beneficial dry season releases to the Caloosahatchee and the Everglades in all zones.
     •     Minimize or eliminate back flowing of nutrient-rich water from the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) and C-44 basins into the
     •     Evaluate and improve upon modeling completed by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) in sensitivity run
   3.5 (SR3.5), which reduced the harmful high-volume discharges to the Caloosahatchee.

      We are asking our members to reach out to Colonel Andrew Kelly, and Eva B. Velez-Torres, from the US Army Corps of Engineers by
   clicking the link below. Your voice is urgently needed to let the Corps know that we do not accept CC in its current form!

     Click HERE to take action:

                                        RELIABLE POWER

                                        COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT
                                        QUALITY SERVICE
                                        COMPETITIVE RATES
                                        Since 1940, LCEC has been delivering the electricity that
                                        makes life easier. A reliable power supply and quality
                                        service at a reasonable price opens a world of possibilities.
                                        Because we live and work here, we know it is our duty to
                                        help make our communities better.

Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
Ribbon Cuttings

          LELULO’S PIZZERIA, Restaurant               BROWARD FACTORY SERVICE, Air Conditioning Services
        3123 Chiquita Blvd. S. | Cape Coral, FL                 6240 Arc Way | Ft Myers, FL | (239) 205-6935  | (239) 482-1303

                             SUITES, Accommodations      APEX CORPORATE FILMS, Video Production
        1701 Old Pondella Road | Cape Coral, FL                       Cape Coral, FL | (239) 652-0269  | (239) 980-5488

     POWER HOUSE STUDIOS, Broadcast/Media                     YOUR PEACE OF MIND, Technology
    4409 SE 16th Place, Suite 10B | Cape Coral, FL                     Ft Myers, FL | (239) 599-2236     | (239) 478-1766
Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
Ribbon Cuttings

          PCMS ADVISORS, LLC, Medical Devices                              HAMPTON MANOR OF CAPE CORAL, Assisted Living
                 Hawthorn Woods, FL                                              1906 Skyline Blvd. | Cape Coral, FL
                   (847) 409-2833                                 | (239) 823-9579

       Schedule your ribbon cutting today by contacting
            Lisa Barrella, Membership Director at
                    (239) 549-6900 x103 (or)

                   Membership Trends
                               Hello everybody! We hope you            We can also post those on our social media (nearly 20,000
                               are enjoying Summertime here            followers combined) and on our website at no cost!
                               in Southwest Florida. We all feel
                               the same - when it falls below 95       Also, if you would like your offer to be a Chamber Member ONLY
                               degrees, we feel a bit chilly!          discount, offer, etc., we can help you with that also, at no cost of
                                                                       course, on our website.
                               That does not keep away our over
                               36,000 tourists and locals alike        I am also more than happy to put your materials in our New
                               coming into our WELCOME CENTER          Chamber Member WELCOME PACKAGES that include their
                               (the only one in Cape Coral!) per       CHAMBER PLAQUE, for more exposure for YOU!
                                                                       So please make some time and drop those materials off at the
                                It is a good time to for our Chamber   Welcome Center at 2051 Cape Coral Parkway E, as I am running
       LISA BARRELLA          family    members to bring me their      low! Take advantage of this Member benefit that can attract more
 Membership Sales Director    business    cards, rack cards, flyers,
                              coupons, discounts, offers, menu’s,      business your way! Take good care and stay cool!
etc. that we can display in the Welcome Center!
Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
                       FOR APPLICATION

Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
Stuff It Program
In the Chamber Stuff It Program, Expose
     Your Business to New Cape Coral
        Residents and Visitors!!!
    Season is here and more and more people are
  inquiring about visiting and relocating to our city.
     The Chamber Stuff It Program will put your
company information in their hands. Each week, your
    marketing materials will be sent to prospective
        residents and visitors in a Visitor and
                  Relocation Packet.

 For more information, please call Lisa Barrella
        at 549-6900 ext 103 or e-mail

 The cost is $150 for 6 months or $300 for the year
Trends - Kick-off August 20, 2021 - Cape Coral ...
NEW & renewed Members
  NEW MEMBERS                     Arica Naugle         Backstreets Sports Bar          Lamar Advertising
                                   Ariel Taronji      MEMBER SINCE: 06/2012          MEMBER SINCE: 07/2008
    JUNE 2021                   Ashanti Ducree
                           Barbara Gomez Diez de         BIG 8 BBQ, Inc.               Lou Peppe Business
ADULT DENTISTRY OF SW                 Solang          MEMBER SINCE: 07/2020               Services, Inc.
        FLORIDA                   Bilgenur Kurt                                      MEMBER SINCE: 02/2018
Norma Jeanne Appelbaum            Cailyn Finger            Bowland
                                Candy Santiago        MEMBER SINCE: 06/1995         Mighty Muscles Professional
  BETH A. PRATHER. P.A.          Chelsea Mazza                                              Baseball
    Kathy Schwarzhoff            Cherish Powell      Cape Coral Realtor Cynthia      MEMBER SINCE: 06/2018
                                  Crystal Pujols          (Cindy) Brown
  BULLDOG PROPERTY                Cullen Peters       MEMBER SINCE: 02/2019              Pearle Vision
    MANAGEMENT                 Desirae Marinell                                      MEMBER SINCE: 03/2020
    Todd Firmstone        Destinie Wright - Deaton   Caribbean Island Cape Coral
                             Devynn J DeAngelo        MEMBER SINCE: 06/2015          Pro Med Instruments, Inc.
FLORIDA DOMICILE REALTY      Elizabeth Rodriguez                                     MEMBER SINCE: 02/2018
           LLC                 Emily Nirenberg        Cheetah Printing & Signs
       Ingrid Horn             Francesco Dicaro       MEMBER SINCE: 06/2012             Raso Realty, Inc.
                             Gleidys Pumar Perez                                     MEMBER SINCE: 04/1989
        HUMANA              Jaime Pascual Nicolas        Chicago Pizza
    Alexandra Horgan           Jennifer Chapple       MEMBER SINCE: 06/2015             Smargasy, Inc.
                                Jennifer Simon                                       MEMBER SINCE: 06/2015
      LEE DESIGNS               Jesse Bachman         CONRIC PR & MARKETING
     Brandon Yountz               Jessica Ochoa       MEMBER SINCE: 07/2018           Southern Oak Wealth
                               Jocelyn Martinez                                          Management
   LELULO’S PIZZERIA               John Rinaldi             D & A llc                MEMBER SINCE: 10/2017
      Jorge Mazur               Jonathan Flores       MEMBER SINCE: 04/2017
                                  Jordyn Poling                                      The Waters of Cape Coral
   LOVEWORK MEDIA                  Jorge Cortez       Danny Yates Landscaping        MEMBER SINCE: 06/2020
       Luis Sosa              Kamisha D Smith         MEMBER SINCE: 04/2016
                                  Lauren Frable                                        Tudor Villas Corp.
  PCMS ADVISORS, LLC           Lovenia Hoggard        Dr. Mel Youngs, DC., PA.       MEMBER SINCE: 07/2006
   Robert McCormick           Maria Landaverde        MEMBER SINCE: 02/2012
                             Mariaruben Ramos                                          York Road Marine
 POWER HOUSE STUDIOS,             Mary Spence        Frantz EyeCare - Jonathan       MEMBER SINCE: 07/2015
          LLC                   Narveeda Singh          M. Frantz, MD, FACS
   Dr Stephen Everett         Rochelle Williams      MEMBER SINCE: 04/1989
                                   Ruth Aguila
   SIMILY INSURANCE            Sabine Bertrand        Hampton Manor of Cape           WELCOME TO ALL
    Lazaro Rodriguez                Santia Alce              Coral
                                  Shiena Kozak        MEMBER SINCE: 02/2020          OUR NEW MEMBERS
    SOUTHERN CROSS        Thalia Pereira Rodriguez
 CONTRACTING SERVICES,            Tiffany Horne      John Michael’s Diamond &          AND THANK YOU
          LLC                    Yaireth Gachuz           Jewelry Studio
      Dustin Miller                 Zara Azhar        MEMBER SINCE: 06/2020           TO OUR RENEWED
THE CHECK CASHING STORE                              Kimberly Piper - Real Estate   MEMBERS FOR YOUR
      Matthew Titi                                       Associate Broker -
                          RENEWED MEMBERS                  Remax Trend              CONTINUED SUPPORT
                                                      MEMBER SINCE: 06/2019
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS            JUNE 2021                                             TO THE CHAMBER OF
   Adaivis Rodriguez                                   Kobayashi Dojo / Main
    Ainsley Thomas           ABC Pest Control                Campus                     COMMERCE OF
      Alexa Schiavi       MEMBER SINCE: 07/2019       MEMBER SINCE: 03/1997
    Alexxandria Pate                                                                     CAPE CORAL
 Araseli Ramirez-Reyna
Host a Networking Event
   Business Card Exchange                     Networking at Noon                     Business After Hours
For the early birds, the Business Card   Join your fellow Chamber members      Join your fellow Chamber members for
Exchange is designed for those who       the forth Friday of each month from   the Business After Hours Networking
cannot get away midday or for those      12:00pm - 1:00pm for Networking       Event from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Enjoy
looking for the extra early morning      at Noon. Enjoy the opportunity to     the opportunity to network with 100+
networking from 7:30am. You will find    network with other chamber members    members. We always have networking
members passionate about networking      and potential customers during the    activities,   great   giveaways   and
the first Tuesday of each month at the   lunch hour.                           sponsorship opportunities to expose
Business Card Exchange Networking                                              your business.
Event.                         2021 SPOTS ARE ALMOST BOOKED UP!
             To reserve your date or for questions regarding each of these opportunties,
  Contact Membership Director, Lisa Barrella at (or) (239) 549-6900 x103
Chamber Trends &
                                              Website Advertising
                    Chamber Trends Monthly Advertising
                                          Full Page $337
                                           1/2 Page $227
                                           1/4 Page $147
                                        Business Card $117
                       All ads include hyperlink to your company’s website
Non-profit organizations receive 2 free 1/2 page ads per year upon request with their membership

                     Chamber Trends Weekly Advertising
                                       Press Release $25

                                 Banner Advertising $50/month
                   Runs 4x, includes a hyperlink to your website or document

                             Business Spotlight E-mail Blast $199
                   Business Spotlight will run 2x in the month of your choice

                                 Website Advertising
                                Leaderboard Banner $100/month
                                   Internal Banner $80/month
                   All banners include a hyperlink to your comapny’s website

                   For More Information, Contact Stephanie Roberson
                 (239) 699-8442 (or)
We love Local.
We’re part of the local community just like you.
And we’re dedicated to helping you connect with
the people that matter most: your neighbors.
All to help you grow your business.
Healthcare Trends
                             Lee Physician Group: Exceptional Primary and Specialty Care for You and Your Family
“I should see a doctor about that.” Then what?                               That might sound scary at first—but part of serving the community is
Lee Physician Group’s primary care doctors serve as the first line of        making sure the next step on your care journey inspires confidence and
defense, the go-to source for all of your health problems. Primary care      optimism. After all, our specialists have a razor-sharp focus. They’ve
doctors – often called internal or family medicine doctors – listen to       trained their whole lives for this.
your concerns before putting a treatment plan in place.
                                                                             Armed with that training as well as life-changing experiences at some
But primary care doctors have an expanded role at LPG: They work with        of the top medical schools and hospitals in the country, Lee Health
you to address root causes of problems as well as the emotional impact       specialists dive into the details and take the reins after a primary care
of illnesses.                                                                diagnosis.
This creates an essential dialogue and spurs a rewarding partnership. If     Heart and Vascular
you need a screening, risk assessment, referral – or if you just want to     Heart disease continues to top lists of health concerns, so our cardiac
talk about how to be healthier — simply pick up the phone, schedule          experts push the envelope with revolutionary techniques – including
online, or use our telemedicine service to get a professional in your        non-invasive surgical options – that you simply can’t find anywhere
corner.                                                                      else. Going beyond technology, our heart team puts together long-
                                                                             term plans so you can stay active.
Primary Services
•       Preventive screenings                                                Shipley Cardiothoracic Center
•       Check-ups and follow-ups                                             Simply a reputation for excellence. Robotic heart surgery, valve repair
•       Men’s and women’s health                                             and replacement, surgery for atrial fibrillation, and treatment for
•       Geriatric care                                                       valvular heart disease. Shipley’s new suite inside HealthPark Medical
•       Sports medicine                                                      Center ensures patient comfort as well as space for education.
•       Referrals to specialists
•       Help coordinating prescriptions and refills                          Other Cardiology Care
•       Vaccinations and travel consultations                                Artery health, cardio-oncology (cancer’s effect on the heart), tests,
•       Health risk assessment                                               rehabilitation, specialized spots such as the Heart Care Transition Clinic
•       Counseling on maintaining a healthy lifestyle                        and the Rapid Diuresis Clinic, heart failure, heart disease, rhythm issues
•       Diagnosis and treatment of chronic conditions                        – the list of heart specialties goes on and on. Heart care should easy
•       Family planning and gynecological screenings                         to find, so we have multiple locations throughout Southwest Florida.
Our Locations                                                                Orthopedics
LPG has more than 80 practice locations throughout Lee County. Visit         Reducing pain. Aging in a happy and healthy way. The LPG orthopedic
our location page to find somewhere close to you: https://www.               team keeps these goals in mind whether you have a simple hand                                                condition or complex shoulder, hip, or knee issues. Diagnosis, imaging,
                                                                             consultations, outpatient surgery, and rehabilitation: It all comes
MyChart                                                                      down to personalized service. From diagnosis through recovery, LPG
Have you heard of MyChart? It’s an online portal where you can access        orthopedics makes sure your muscles, bones, and joints keep up with
your records, request a prescription, pay your bills, and talk directly to   your active lifestyle.
your doctor’s office. Log in using the MyChart app or desktop link.
                                                                             So Many Other Specialties
Visit and click on MyChart at the top of the page.             Women’s health, endocrinology, rheumatology, gastroenterology,
                                                                             neurology, pulmonology, OB/GYN, geriatric and memory care, palliative
Telemedicine                                                                 care, pain medicine, infectious diseases, allergy and immunology,
What happens when you need care after hours, over the weekend, or            urology – the truth is, Lee Health has enough specialties to fill its own
if you’re out of town? Dial up our telemedicine services and you’ll be       book. But here are two essentials:
face-to-face with a physician in no time. This service, which you can
use on your phone, tablet, or computer, is perfect for non-emergencies       •         Lee Health responds to community needs, so we regularly
such as cold and flu.                                                        bring in experts from all over the world to lead the charge in various
                                                                             disciplines. Our practices continue to expand and relocate to give you
Visit and scroll down for information on how to use            easy access and build an interconnected network.
                                                                             •         We invite you to visit for a complete list of
Lee Physician Group Specialty Care                                           specialties. Just click on what you are interested in to read about
                                                                             conditions, treatments, providers, locations, and other info: https://
“You need to see a specialist.”                                    
Top Tier Members
    B2 Technology Solutions                      CenturyLink
        1406 SE 46th Lane              2710 Del Prado Blvd S, Cape Coral
      Cape Coral, FL 33904
                                   Gulf Coast Village Retirement Community
Gunterberg Charitable Foundation       1333 Santa Barbara Blvd. Cape Coral
         1350 Park Road
       Lancaster PA 17601             The News-Press - Fort Myers Office
                                          2442 Dr. MLK Blvd. Ft. Myers
 Lee County Electric Cooperative
         4980 Bayline Dr                  SWFL Experts Automotive
    North Fort Myers, FL 33917         1009 SE 12th Pl, Unit 1, Cape Coral

            Lee Health
           P.O. Box 2218
       Fort Myers, FL 33902

   Since 1940, LCEC has been delivering the electricity that makes life easier. A reliable
   power supply and quality service at a reasonable price opens a world of possibilities.
   Because we live and work here, we know it is our duty to help make our communities
 2051 C
       ape Coral
           Coral Parkway
                 Parkway E
   Cape Coral, FL 33904
      (239) 549-6900
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