Page created by Maria Lawrence
2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

Table of contents

Web design that goes beyond just the aesthetics          04

SEO that goes beyond individual metrics                  10

Content that goes beyond entertaining                    16

Social media that goes beyond occasional interactions    21

PPC that goes beyond the clicks                          25

What will 2022 truly bring to your legal marketing?      30

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

“In life, change is inevitable.
 In business, change is vital.”
- Warren G. Bennis

Are you investing in digital marketing, or planning to? en embracing
the technologies and tactics of tomorrow is your best bet to making the
new year your own!

e following are the top legal marketing trends that your firm should
be on the lookout this 2022:

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 Web design
 that goes beyond just the aesthetics.

 Let’s put things into perspective for a moment - when you’re on the lookout for the best
 physician, the most renowned restaurant to dine at, the most experienced personal trainer
 near you, or really a professional in any industry, you’re likely doing your research online. Your
 potential legal clients are doing the same and because of this your website design is
 fundamental to your firm’s success.

 Guaranteeing the ease of usability of your firm’s website will continue being an imperative in
 2022, as an increasing number of prospects begin to expect online pathways to legal services.
 Meeting expectations has become the norm - it will be critical for your firm to exceed them in
 order to remain ahead of the increasingly competitive game.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 It’s all about first impressions!

 It’s no secret that people’s attention spans are decreasing - some of the most recent studies
 have found that it has dropped to 8 seconds! is makes your site’s first impression the most
 important one it will make. Is your web design created with optimal focus and emphasis on the
 right things?

 If you’re making wise use of white space, aka negative space, then you're on the right path. In
 addition to helping your site seem less cluttered and graphically overwhelming to your
 prospects (who are likely already emotionally strained by their current circumstances),
 negative space allows for you to visually guide your visitors to where you ultimately want them
 to go. While there are a number of web design elements your firm needs to improve its digital
 footprint, the following can help you boost your site’s image and conversion rate.


                                                                  Designing with

 e up-keep and maintenance of your website is equally as important as the initial investment
 you make to get your firm’s website designed. e benchmark is to have a dynamic site that
 keeps up with your user’s needs: Easy navigation, clear designs and relevant content.

 Part of this process involves occasionally revamping the visuals (or even overhauling them
 altogether) to make sure your firm’s digital presence is caught up with the trends, whatever
 they may be. ink of your website as one that’s evolutionary rather than something that’s
 “done” or “not done,” and it requires consistent yet incremental steps to ensure your firm
 doesn’t fall behind.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 By having a digital marketing team that takes care of your website month aer month, you can
 test out different ideas on a more consistent basis. is’ll help you actively improve in the
 search rankings, increase your overall brand awareness and it’ll cater to the current wants and
 needs of your prospects and clients.

 How to apply it:

 + A/B test (split test) different designs. Try different layouts and positions of your content in the

 + Test out different content ideas e.g. revamp old content with the latest information.

 + Try different headlines, text and fonts.

                HOME PAGE                                            HOME PAGE

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                  Be a Leader of
                                                                  Digital Accessibility

 Accessibility is key to your firm’s success. It means making sure everyone has access and
 navigates your website with ease - including people with disabilities. is trend has been
 around and is showing signs of becoming increasingly critical to your site’s overall health and
 success. According to the CDC, 1 in 4 of adults in the U.S. have some type of disability - that’s
 25% of your potential market!

 It’s important that everyone that’s looking for legal services is able to perceive, understand and
 navigate your firm’s website.

 How to apply it:

 + Making sure the color contrast is balanced - not too harsh or difficult for the eye to read and
    see. WebAIM offers a free color contrast checker.

 + Apply alternative text, alt text, to your images. is is a brief description of their content and
    appears if the image fails to load or if e.g. the user is using a screen reader.

 + Add descriptive labels in your fill out forms. Take a look at this example:

           Fill out the form below to talk to a            Fill out the form below to talk to a
           member of our team.                             member of our team.
           First Name
                                                             First Name

           Email                                             Email

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                              First-Party Cookies

 Google plans to phase out support for third-party cookies in 2023 and it’s critical to prepare
 your firm for a cookie-less world. Firms have to already start preparing to gather their own
 website data (first-party cookies) rather than depending on third-party cookies from Chrome
 and other browsers. e push of first-party cookies means businesses will have to test new
 marketing methods.

 How to apply it:

 + Adding user registration forms on your website.

 + Test out other channels linked to your website, such as social channels.

 + Sending targeted and personalized emails.


                                                               Being Transparent
                                                               About Privacy

 is is related to the previous point on first-party cookies. ese cookies need a user’s personal
 information such as: name, last name and email, which are willingly provided by the users -
 many of them (79%), however, are growing concerned with how companies use their data.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 erefore, it’s critical your firm is transparent about what the data is for, how it’ll be used and
 how it’s protected. In other words, designing with transparency in mind.

 How to apply it:

 + Showcase how you safeguard the user’s privacy.

 + Explain how the shared data relates to the value they’ll receive in return.


                                                                 Website load time
                                                                 and Page Speed
                                                                 are Still King!

 One element that never goes out of style is a website’s loading time. Ideally you’ll want your
 website to load within two to three seconds. Aer that, at around 4 seconds 1 in 4 of all visitors
 will abandon the site.

 How to apply it:

 + Optimize your images and videos. If possible, compress some images larger files.

 + Use 3rd party hosting like Vimeo.

 + Minimize the amount of redirects, which is when visitors on one page get forwarded to

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 that goes beyond individual metrics.

 SEO will continue to be the number one area of focus for many businesses. 2021 was a year of
 increased search activity for many due to the pandemic and the consequential dramatic
 increase in remote work, as well as decreased physical social interaction.

 SEO is more than just placing keywords, it's dynamic and competitive. is is especially the
 case in practice areas like family law, criminal law and personal injury, with other practice
 areas like bankruptcy and employment law are rapidly closing in in terms of competitiveness.
 Below, you’ll be able to gather more info on the specifics of what’s to come for SEO in 2022.

 Remember, you don’t have to do it all alone. Our team of legal SEO specialists are always ready
 to help your law firm.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                   Getting the
                                                                   Featured Snippet

 e featured snippet is also called position zero for a reason - it’s above the paid ads in the
 search results, it’s above anything else. It is essentially a box that appears in the search results
 and provides the most relevant information according to Google. Here’s an example:

 e beauty of this snippet is that it is really there and up for grabs. When a user searches
 “what’s the difference between contingency fee and hourly rate?” e answer that Google
 prioritizes isn’t based on who pays the most but rather who provides the most relevant and
 robust content.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 How to apply it:

 + Answer specific questions - the more specific, the better!

 + Know what your users are asking.

 + Create high-quality content.

 + Optimize your FAQ page regularly.


                                                                                                                                Opting for AI
                                                                                                                                Powered Technology

 AI, artificial intelligence, is here to stay! is technology is already behind many services like
 chatbots (we’ll elaborate on these in the next point) and search engines. A number of
 businesses are supercharging their AI powered business strategy for a variety of reasons.

 ose that are staying ahead of the curve and fully embrace AI benefit from: better customer
 experiences, improved decision-making, innovate their services, achieve cost savings, operate
 more efficiently overall, and increase productivity. Here’s the some proof of AIs potential:

       + More AI means more benefits                                                                                           All companies          Companies that have fully embraced AI

       Create better customer experiences

       Improve decision-making

       Innovate our products and services

       Achieve cost savings

       Operate more efficiently / increase productivity

                   Q3: To what degree have your All investments in this area lived up to expectations, % answering ‘’currently realizing benefits’’ Top five from list of 10 options
                                                                        Sources: PwC 2021 Al Predictions. Bases: 1,032,257

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 ere are AI powered programs like Jarvis that can read the Internet and can help you write
 content pieces such as blog posts and social media posts, based on its findings on trending
 topics and keywords.

 How to apply it:

 + Mix AI with human touch. Although AI is able to write blog posts and social media posts, that
    human je ne sais quoi is vital to make it content that is enjoyable to read.

 + Identify ways AI can help your firm. While there are hundreds of content pieces stating the
    benefits of AI - your firm’s wants and needs are unique to you! (Need help figuring out how
    your firm could leverage AI? Let’s jump on a call and discuss things further.)


                                                                  Adding Advanced
                                                                  Chatbots and

 Marketing today is more conversational than ever - and this is achieved, largely thanks to
 personalization. People today want immediate responses - 82% of them expect an immediate
 response to their sales and marketing questions. One way to enhance the customer interaction
 and make it more customized to the clients’ needs is through chatbots.

 e majority of chatbots today are driven by AI. ey are soware applications that
 communicate with users via live chats, messagings, calls, etc. Here’s how you can get started:

 + Use a platform like ChattyPeople to create a functioning chatbot.

 + Define your goals - How can a chatbot facilitate the sales process for prospects?

 + Create a natural conversational flow.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                     e Rise of
                                                                     Voice Search

 Today, around one-third of the U.S. population uses voice search to conduct searches. Just think
 back to the popular voice search assistants we use today like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant
 and Apple’s Siri. While people are on the go, they use the help of voice assistants for commands
 and queries such as: “What’s the closest car accident law firm near me?” Or “What should I do
 if someone hits my parked car?”

 With that said, the question that arises is - how can your firm prepare for the rise of voice
 search? For starters, the majority of voice search commands come from mobile devices,
 making it imperative that your content is optimized for mobile devices. In addition to this, voice
 search commands tend to be longer because while we can only write 40 words per minute, we
 can speak 150 words per minute. Since voice search is all vocal commands, the best tip is to
 optimize your content with long-tailed keywords.

 How to apply it:

 + Ensure you have long-tailed keywords in your content. For example, instead of “personal
    injury,” you can optimize for the long-tailed keyword, “truck accident firm in Dallas, Texas.”
    is is not only more specific, but it also speaks directly to your niche audience in a specific

 + Add trigger words such as: how, what, best, and easy.

 Want to know more about why voice search is relevant for law firms?
 We’ve covered more details here.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                     Generating the
                                                                     Best Results with

 Your clients are your main source of revenue. Geo-fencing can help you reach the audience that
 you need and vice versa, help the audience that needs you, find you.

 Geo-fencing refers to a generated radius based on relevant geographic sectors to that market
 and that is possible by creating a virtual perimeter around your businesses’ location.

 is is a critical trend for law firms that are investing money in marketing efforts such as PPC.
 For example, if a user is looking for “the best family lawyer near me,” it’s critical your firm is able
 to connect with this audience and convert the user into a client.

 In order to engage with the audience that is most likely to convert based on the location, take
 the following steps:

 + Ensure the content is optimized for mobile.

 + Have clear goals and objectives e.g. Do you want to attract users and provide them with
    additional information or do you want them to schedule a call?

 + Find users at specific venues relevant to your firm’s practices. If we look back at the family
    lawyer example - a best practice would be to look at the specific services you want to offer
    e.g. business ownership and invest in relevant ads in places like entrepreneur conferences,
    workshops, seminars, etc.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 that goes beyond entertaining.

 Year aer year, content continuously shis focus and it might seem impossible to keep up. At its
 core though, content should be customized to speak your prospects’ language.

 It should also understand their personal pains and desires, touch on the challenges and
 provide solutions.

 Given the constant and rapid evolution of consumers’ behavior, we’ll be covering the content
 trends that are the most pertinent to the legal world.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                  Video Marketing
                                                                  Stands Strong

 Video marketing continues to grow stronger, and there’s scientific reasoning behind the
 success of video marketing. As humans, we are visual beings that process visuals 60,000X
 faster than words.

 However, the adoption of video marketing in the legal profession is still slow. In 2020, only 24%
 of respondents said their firms use video as part of their marketing. Nevertheless, the influential
 power videos can have over your firm’s business is bigger than you might think. Biteable
 conducted research to prove the effectiveness of videos and the following was concluded:

 + 60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool

 + 61% of marketers see video as a “very important or extremely important” part of their
    marketing strategy

 + 74% of marketers say video has a better return on investment than static imagery.

 How to apply it:

 + Don’t be afraid to showcase your firm’s personality! ink back to the questions: what’s your
    mission? What are your core values and how can you translate that into visuals?

 + Add testimonials e.g. a personal injury firm could showcase a testimonial of a client whose
    life changed aer X firm helped them out with their car accident case.

 + Include closed captions because not everyone is going to look at your videos with sound on.
    In the U.S. around 92% of consumers watch videos with the sound off.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                 Audio Ads
                                                                 Sound Promising

 Audio ads have a promising future - ad spend in this area is expected to show an annual
 growth rate of 10.55%! Although it isn’t entirely up to one factor, the pandemic did play a big
 part in boosting global listening.

 Audio ads can be placed in pre-rolls (before), mid-rolls (during) and post-rolls (aer) a stream.
 ey’re not visual, however they are short: between 15, 30 or 60 seconds. Audio ads are gaining
 popularity for the following reasons:

 + It has a highly targeted audience reach.

 + Allows you to track your ad spend.

 + Boosts your branding.

 How to apply it:

 + Plan the objectives.

 + Plan the frequency - you want your ad to be memorable but you don’t want to annoy people.

 + Keep it conversational.

 + Include a clear CTA (call to action).

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                   Podcasts Will
                                                                   Keep Growing

 Although visual videos are on the rise, that doesn’t mean audio is le behind! In reality,
 podcasts continue to rise. e adoption of podcasts rose due to factors like the pandemic
 where 60% of the podcast listening was done at home.

 How to apply it:

 + Have a central topic of focus.

 + Have talking show notes with possible questions to ask.

 + Add a CTA to redirect the visitors. E.g. do you want to take them to a blog post? Or a specific
    page on your website such as the contact us form?


                                                                Engaging with
                                                                Push Notifications

 Nowadays, one of the best ways you can grab and retain attention is by using push
 notifications. is is key to engaging with all your prospects across different devices but more
 so, mobiles. Mobile usage surpassed desktops and is expected to increase a whopping additional
 25% from the current levels by 2025.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 To keep your different audiences engaged, you’ll need to create clear objectives. Do you want
 grow your subscriber list? Increase followers? Sales? It’s better to have clear objectives of what
 you’d like to reach. is will later ensure the copy reflects the goals. Since the window of
 opportunity is so small, we’d like to help you with a few best practices.

 How to apply it:

 + Be timely.

 + Keep it short and simple.

 + Add a clear call to action.

 Take a look at these two push notification samples and see why it works:

                      Why It Works                             Why It Works

                 + Timely.                                 + Timely announcement.

                 + Encourages goals.                       + Aligned to interests.

                 + Effective call to action.               + Enticing call to action.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 Social media
 that goes beyond occasional interactions.

 Social networking is by far the most popular online activity and it’ll keep on growing thanks to
 increased mobile-usage. According to Statista, by 2022 there will be around 3.96 billion users
 and it is estimated that by 2025 the number will rise to 4.41 billion.

 Today, the overwhelming majority of firms and attorneys have some form of social media
 presence. According to the ABA, 81% of respondents say that their firm maintains a presence
 in at least one social media channel. Although it isn’t set in stone, opting for socials seems like
 a solid promise this 2022.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 More specifically among those, LinkedIn is the leading social media platform for law firms.

 Given the many new updates, we’ll decide to focus the upcoming social media trends on the
 ones most applicable for firms:


                                                                   Opting for
                                                                   Hybrid Events

 Events aren’t what they used to be but many are working their way around the changes and
 one way is through hybrid events. Since there’s a state-by-state Coronavirus restriction, many
 are finding new ways to plan, organize, promise and host events.

 While some might opt for in-person meetings, others might opt for online or hybrid meetings.

 Whatever you opt for, it’s critical to be prepared for online and offline events. For example, if
 you are hosting a remote event it’s important there is a team supporting technical issues, if the
 event is in-person, make sure you have staff ready to take on any on-site obstacles with the

 In the case of hybrid events, both preparations are needed to ensure a seamless and successful

 How to apply it:

 + Present the same to both audiences.

 + Check all apparatuses beforehand, especially audio.

 + Add other elements like: guest speakers, games, live polls/quizzes and breaks.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                                                         Reeling in the Big
                                                                                                         Fish with Reels

 Reels: the secret ingredient behind TikTok overtaking the Youtube average watch time. Reels
 are short, engaging videos and it’s available on other big platforms like Instagram and
 Facebook. However, Instagram has decided to focus on reels and entertaining video content in
 order to compete with platforms like TikTok.
 Reels are so powerful because they stand out amongst the sea of content that’s being pushed.
 Videos like reels are processed at a faster rate than those featuring an image or text.

 How to apply it:

 + Make it fun, but add quality.

 + Humanize your firm with music, text and captions.

 + Highlight unique and interesting points.

 + ink outside the box!


                                                             X                                       .

                                                                                                         Joining Niche
                  Law Firm Marketing

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
                  euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore.

                                                                   Law Firm Marketing
                                                                                                         Facebook Groups
                  Lorem ipsum dolor                          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                                                             adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer   euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore
                  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
                  euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore.       magna aliquam erat volutpat.

 Facebook continues to dominate as the #1 social media platform, as it excels at connecting
 niche communities to one another. is is relevant for firms looking to help prospects in specific

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 For example, if you’re a personal injury firm specializing in truck accidents, then you’ll want to
 join groups where these audiences can be found.

 How to apply it:
 Join the main Facebook groups. ere you can begin your search:

 + Facebook groups: You can join and network with groups that are relevant to your firm.

 + Live audio rooms: Discover and join conversations with other thought-leaders.

 + Facebook lives: Be the thought leader by hosting a real time event.


                                                                  Linkedin Creator

 LinkedIn launched creator mode, a profile setting on your dashboard that can help grow your
 influence. It has additional tools that can help firms create content, network beyond their reach
 and thus, grow their connections.

 How to apply it:
 LinkedIn added a step-by-step how to turn on the creator mode guide. If your firm opts for a
 creator mode profile on LinkedIn, this is what will happen:

 + e profile is converted to a ‘follow’ account.

 + Access to the latest LinkedIn creator tools.

 + Option to publish a LinkedIn newsletter.

 + Immediate access to lives without having to fill in applications.

 For those who want to amp up their networking game on LinkedIn, this sounds like a solid
 promise this 2022. If you’d also like to remove all the headaches and have a team do all of this
 for you - we’re here to help you.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 that goes beyond the clicks

 Just like SEO, PPC (pay-per-click) is estimated to be a crucial player for many this 2022.

 It will continue to grow primarily because it isn’t working in silos. Trends like AI or voice search
 affect how PPC works.

 Below are PPC trends law firms should be on the lookout for:

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions


                                                                       Adding PPC

 AI is a prominent player in all business sectors, and PPC is no exception. Although AI already
 offers automation for other marketing sectors like SEO, the PPC automation is also evolving.

 It isn’t clear as of yet how exactly AI will shi the functionality of PPC, some expect better
 ad-testing, smart analysis of headlines, calls to action and it also helps identify if and where
 there are wasted marketing dollars.

 Since, this is still evolving it’s hard to predict how to apply it, but the following are automation
 tools to help you get started:

 + Microso’s Digital Marketing Center

 + Optmyzr

 + Adobe Advertising Cloud


                                                                  Exploring Affiliate

 Affiliate marketing can help you turn things around quickly. How? It gets your message across
 to the right people - the ones interested in your legal services.

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 is type of marketing is based on promoting your services through someone else.

 How to apply it:

 + Choose affiliate marketers based on the audiences you need to reach.

 + Offer something captivating.

 + Provide pre-made materials, such as case studies or best practices.


                                                                Organizing Smart

 Google’s smart bidding uses machine learning (an extension of AI) to optimize for conversions or
 conversion valued in each auction. ere are four main reasons why businesses continuously
 opt for this bidding strategy:

 + It helps you make more accurate predictions on how different bid amounts could impact
    your conversion rate.

 + Has a ‘signals’ option where businesses can target users based on even more specific
    segmentations such as: particular auction behaviors, devices and locations.

 + Allows setting performance and targeted customized settings linked to your firm’s business

 + Offers a deeper and transparent performance report.

 How to apply it:

 + According to Google this kind of bidding strategy should be tied to business and overall
    campaign goals. e following is an example:

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

      Business Goal                                                Campaign Goal     Smart Bidding Strategy

      Increase sales                     Get as many conversions as possible at       Maximize conversions,
         or leads                              a fixed budget or fixed ROI                Target CPA

         Increase                        Get as many conversions as possible at      Target ROAS, Maximize
           profit                         a fixed budget or fixed return on ad          conversion value
                                                    spend ( ROAS )


                                                                                   Including RSAs
                  Official Site | Law Firm Marketing |
                                                                                   Search Ads)
                  Made Easy

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
                  elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut
                  laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

 Starting June 30, 2022, Google will begin to prioritize RSAs, also known as responsive search
 ads. To help you better understand, let’s take a look back at what Google ads were and how
 RSAs came to change it all. e original text ads in Google consisted of headlines and a body.
 With RSAs it’s different.

 Instead of the whole ad being viewed as one, with RSAs each piece of content in the ads is
 viewed as an asset. You can add different headlines and descriptions and Google will help you
 mix and match to find the best combination according to your campaign goals. Besides having
 the headline and body copy, a big plus of RSAs is that it also offers an external link placement,
 here’s an example:

2022 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

 How to apply it:

 + Get creative and A/B test different headlines and body copies (there’s a limit of 3 RSAs per
    ad group).

 + Make sure you include at least one of the keywords in the headlines.

 + Highlight features and benefits linked to a problem you’ll be solving.

 + Have a team of PPC experts do the work for you! At the end of the day, if you want to avoid
    the pains and headaches of having to go through endless tutorials and trials and errors, one
    of the best bets you can make this 2022 is partnering up with legal PPC experts.

What will 2022 truly bring
 to your legal marketing?

With every new year, comes a new slate upon which to write your personal and
professional dreams and desires for the future.

While 2021 was already a year of continuously adjusting and moving towards more
digital efforts, 2022 will propel this even more. Specifically in marketing, the upcoming
new trends will change how firms connect and sell to their prospects.

During the pandemic, digital marketing overtook traditional marketing for many
reasons but primarily for factors like working from home. Today, this is still applicable.
Although some firms might return back to their offices or provide a hybrid option, the
pandemic will continue to push for more innovation this 2022.

As we enter this new year, we hope your firm prepares to take the right risks, defy
expectations and outperform beyond your wildest dreams!

Regardless of which trends you’d like to apply, it’ll always boil down to meeting clients
where they are today. We hope this document helps your firm grow and prosper this
new year. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or better yet - get a head
start: we’re here to guide you all the way through.

For more information, visit , check out the most epic
legal marketing updates in our blog section and gather the best breakthrough legal
insights with our LAWsome podcast.
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