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TREASURE HUNT... …TO KNOW WHAT’S UNDERNEATH! EDUCATIONAL SCOPE AND CONTENT Science, Environmental Education. Soil: what it is, who inhabits it, what risks it faces, what services it performs. The poultry supply chain: raising chickens, consumption of chicken meat, hen biodiversity, labeling of eggs, chicken nutrition, elements of ethology. GOALS To make people think about the fact that the food we eat comes from the soil. The element that can help this conceptual connection is the chicken: she eats the plants and small animals (the earthworm) that live in the soil, and we eat the chicken. Acquire information about soil, chickens and hens, so as to build awareness with respect to protecting the soil and food choices. Observing and experimenting in the field Observe significant moments in the life of plants and animals. Observe, with outdoor outings, the characteristics of soils. Learn about soil structure by experimenting with rocks, stones and soils; observe the characteristics of water and its role in the environment. People, living beings and the environment Recognize through the experience of growing crops, raising animals, etc., that the life of every organism is related to other and different forms of life. RECIPIENTS Children and youths 8 years of age and older DURATION The Treasure Hunt lasts about 1h30’ PREPARATION AND PLANNING The game can be realized to the extent that there is a class prepared on the topics covered by the Treasure Hunt. To prepare the pupils: - read some fascinating stories about the soil and where food begins on FAO’s World Soil Day book contest page “ - read in a well-reasoned way the insights on soil collected at the bottom of the sheet (see Appendices 1 through 8) and the insights found on the webapp; - Devote a few moments of study to the topic of the poultry supply chain, presented in the insights collected at the bottom of the sheet (see Appendices 9 to 18).
At this point, the teacher can choose whether to have the Treasure Hunt conducted only by class members or whether to propose the activity to other classes in the school. In the latter case, the other classes do not have to prepare, it will be their classmates who will provide them with the necessary information for the activity. The treasure hunt consists of 7 steps that must be distributed in various spaces in the school, each of which must be managed by at least 2 pupils: 0_ DEPARTURE - in the classroom -> explanation of the game 1_ THE GARDEN -> in the vegetable garden, if available in the space reserved for herbs -> short sensory exercise 2_ THE SOIL -> in the schoolyard, where the soil is (if desired also in the vegetable garden) -> activities about animals that live in the soil 3_ SOIL SERVICES -> in the schoolyard, where the soil is (if desired also in the vegetable garden) -> activities on the services of soil ecosystem 4_ THE EARTHWORM -> in the schoolyard, where the soil is (if desired also in the vegetable garden) -> knowledge of earthworms 5_ THE CHICKEN -> in the cafeteria or in a space of your choice -> game about the biodiversity of chickens 6_ THE EGGS (coinciding with arrival) - in the classroom -> play on the chickens’ verses and conclusion of the activity. The small group of up to 5 pupils, playing the treasure hunt must have a phone or a tablet connected to the network. If the steps are spaced far enough apart, multiple groups of up to 5 pupils can play the treasure hunt at the same time, as long as they start in a staggered manner, i.e., the second group must leave at the time when the first has passed step 3 and is moving on to step 4. It is recommended to try the web app at least twice with pupils before implementing the treasure hunt. To do the test it is necessary to print out the markers and cut them out, so as to frame one at a time (if framed together they will not work). To prepare the activities to be carried out in the steps: - step 4: Look for earthworms in the vegetable garden or fields, place them in a container that is sufficiently moist and aerated the day before the treasure hunt; - step 5: Equip yourself with a rubber band or string, print out the sheet with the illustration of the hens and the respective names breeds (refer to the teaching sheet “Guess which hen you are!”), have several empty packages of eggs on which are labeled (eggs from different types of farms); - step 6: Equip yourself with an external speaker or amplifier to which you can connect your cell phone or tablet Use the white cardstock on hand to draw and cut out a rosette with the words “Expert of soil and chickens.” Make as many rosettes as the number of pupils who will play the Treasure Hunt treasure. A safety pin must be found for each rosette.
EDUCATIONAL AND CONSUMABLE MATERIALS In the kit you will find: • 6-step marker signs, to be scanned by pupils with a phone or a tablet in order to proceed to next step 1_ Step “the vegetable garden” 2_ Step “the soil” 3_ Step “the services of the soil” 4_ Step “the earthworm” 5_ Step “the chicken” 6_ Step “the eggs,” which coincides with the arrival • 11 drawings of chickens Also required: • Each group of pupils participating in the treasure hunt needs a phone or tablet connected to the internet, essential for scanning the markers and solving the games. • A few jars of herbs (optional, see below directions for the step “THE GARDEN”) • A container, perforated at the top, to house earthworms • Several packs of eggs • A speaker box • The white cardboard needed to make as many rosettes as the number of pupils who will play the Treasure Hunt. • Safety pins in the same number as the players • The packet of corn for making popcorn (optional, can be the final prize with which to reward the work of the pupils in the class that organized and ran the Treasure Hunt) SETTING Conduct the activity in the spaces provided by the school, making sure that the steps are sufficiently distant from each other so as to ensure that pupils are able to listen to each other without shouting. The starting and finishing classrooms can be the same, as long as the spaces allocated to the two steps are differentiated. Each step is marked by the appropriate A3 card, folded in two so that it stands alone. DESCRIPTION The game consists of a treasure hunt that takes place partly in presence (through the use of the web app) partly online and aims to learn more about the soil and the poultry supply chain. The group playing the activity must follow the directions they find on the web app and those provided by their peers in the presence.
DEVELOPMENT DEPARTURE Pupils explain how the Treasure Hunt works: it is a route that runs throughout the school. At each step there is an activity to do, online or in-person. One moves from one step to the next only after solving a game or riddle, the solution to which indicates what the next step is. In some steps you move on to the next one with the help of a code, provided by the pupils present in the step. Only after this explanation pupils can have a link, which logs them into the web app and allows them to start the game. After solving the riddle, players must go to the space where the herbs are located, the vegetable garden! caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 1 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 2 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 05/09/22 16:26 THE GARDEN. Here pupils ask players to recognize 3 or 4 herbs found in the vegetable garden or pot. Only after doing so do pupils frame the step marker and players can move on to the riddle that will take them to the soil step. C C M M Y Y CM CM MY MY CY CY CMY CMY K K caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf THE SOIL 4 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 5 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/09/22 16:26 Here pupils ask players if the soil is alive, if it is inhabited by living things. pupils can recount insights and stories from FAO’s World Soil Day book contest page booklet-contest-2022/en/ caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 2 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 05/09/22 16:26 When the activity is over, pupils have the step marker framed and check that classmates play the soil quiz, remaining available for any questions. After the game is over, they can provide the secret code to access the next step: NZ1 C C M M C C M M Y Y Y Y CM CM CM CM MY MY MY MY CY CY CY CY CMY CMY K K CMY CMY K K caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 5 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/09/22 16:26 Illustrazioni Housatonic THE SERVICES OF THE SOIL C Here pupils must explain to players that soil provides various services to humans (to prepare refer to FAO’s C World Soil Day book contest page M M Y Y CM en/). Once the concept has been illustrated, pupils have them frame the step marker and check that their caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 05/09/22 16:26 CM classmates are playing in search of the intruder, remaining available for any questions. MY MY CY CY Players can then move on to the riddle that will lead them to the earthworm. CMY CMY K K Illustrazioni Housatonic M Y Y Y caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/09/22 16:26
caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 1 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 2 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 05/09/22 16:26 C C M M Y Y CM CM MY MY CY CY CMY CMY K K THE EARTHWORM Here pupils should show the earthworms placed in the container, possibly have those who wish can touch caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 4 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 5 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/09/22 16:26 them (with extreme caution) and illustrate their characteristics. Once the earthworm has been presented, the pupils can frame the step marker and check that their classmates guess the characteristics of the earthworms, remaining available for any questions. When the game is over, they can provide the secret code to access the next step: BQ5 C C M M Y Y caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 2 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 05/09/22 16:26 CM CM MY MY CY CY CMY CMY K K Illustrazioni Housatonic C M Y CM THE CHICKEN MY CY Y Here pupils have their classmates play the game “Guess What Chicken You Are!” by providing each in turn with CMY an illustration of a chicken to put on their foreheads. When the activity is over, pupils have the step marker K framed and check that classmates solve the chicken and egg labeling quizzes, remaining available for any questions. caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 5 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/09/22 16:26 Players can move on to the riddle that will take them to the final step. When the game is over, they can provide the secret code to access the next step: AW7 C M Y CM MY caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 05/09/22 16:26 CY Y CMY K Illustrazioni Housatonic THE EGGS Here pupils frame the step marker and help their classmates recognize the cries of the hen. When the game is over, they can give the final prize: the recognition of SOIL AND HEN EXPERT. With the help of an adult, the pupils pin the rosette to the players’ chests with a safety pin. The final prize for the class that organized the Treasure Hunt can be a bag of corn seeds to make yummy caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/09/22 16:26 popcorn, because even we humans like some of the foods that the chickens are fed! Illustrazioni Housatonic
ATTACHMENTS N.1 - What is soil and what is it used for? n.2 - Who inhabits the soil? n.3 - Let’s help soil fight the climate crisis n.4 - Soil as a resource to be protected n.5 - Let’s save ourselves, let’s save the soil n.6 - The relationship between us and the soil No. 7 - Friends of cities, let’s feed real food No. 8 - Earthworms: engineers of the ecosystem n.9 - The chicken of the anthropocene era/1 No.10 - The chicken of the anthropocene era/2 No.11 - Beautiful and special from around the world No.12 - Let’s get down to business! No.13 - How to choose them? no.14 - The chicken cafeteria No. 15 - What they need for their well-being No.16 - White is better, but is it always so? n.17 - Was the egg or the chicken born first? n.18 - Our choices make a difference n.19 - 11 breeds of hens n.20 - Steps identification panels The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Slow Food and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
APPENDIX 1 CHE COS’È IL SUOLO E A CHE COSA SERVE? WHAT IS SOIL, AND WHAT PURPOSE DOES IT SERVE? da i 7 0 cm ai 2 m/ The d ept e nte h of iam t he ed so m va il is e or ge ss n pe e ra s lly Lo b etwe en 70 and 200 ce ntim ete rs Il suolo è una grande riserva di biodiversità: 2/3 di tutte le specie viventi vivono sotto la sua superficie. Il terreno fornisce i nutrienti e l’acqua necessari per produrre il cibo; filtra l’acqua piovana e la rimette in circolo pulita e potabile. Gioca un ruolo importante anche nella mitigazione della crisi climatica, grazie alla sua capacità di immagazzinare carbonio. I suoli hanno composizioni differenti in base alla loro origine e alla loro evoluzione. The soil is a massive reserve of biodiversity, containing two thirds of all living species. The land provides the nutrients and the water necessary for food production, filtering rainwater and putting it back into circulation. It plays an important role in the mitigation of the climate crisis, thanks to its capacity to store carbon. Soils have different compositions depending on their origin and evolution. s 25% nt ne acqua/water po Com 45% minerali/ minerals Componenti / 3-10% radici, materia organica, piccoli organismi viventi + fauna roots, organic material, 25% microbial organisms aria/air and fauna
APPENDIX 2 CHI ABITA IL SUOLO? WHO LIVES IN THE SOIL? Il suolo è abitato da una comunità di organismi viventi, classificati per dimensione (si va dai minuscoli batteri fino alle talpe). Questi organismi interagiscono tra di loro e funzionano come sistemi che decompongono la sostanza organica fino alla produzione di humus, elemento nutritivo assimilabile dalle piante e indispensabile per la loro crescita. The soil is inhabited by a community of organisms of varying size, from invisible bacteria to small mammals, like moles. These organisms interact with each other and together decompose organic substances to create humus, the nutrient-rich matter which is essential for plants to grow. In un ettaro di suolo (non cementificato e non degradato, ad esempio un prato) vivono fino a: In a hectare of healthy soil (for example on a pasture) you can find as much as: 1.000 kg di lombrichi 1.000 kg di artropodi e alghe 1,000 kg of worms 1,000 kg of arthropods and algae 2.700 kg di funghi Mammiferi come le talpe 2,700 kg of fungi Small mammals, like moles 1.700 kg di batteri In un solo grammo di suolo 1,700 kg of bacteria troviamo fino a 1 miliardo di batteri! In a single gram of soil there can be as many as a billion individual bacteria!
APPENDIX 3 AIUTIAMO IL SUOLO A CONTRASTARE LA CRISI CLIMATICA LET’S HELP THE SOIL TO FIGHT THE CLIMATE CRISIS! Capacità di accumulare carbonio: Carbon storage capacity: Area umida/ Wetland +66 volte times greater Un suolo sano è un potente regolatore dell’emissione Prateria/ Prairie e dell’assorbimento di gas serra. Il suolo immagazzina +60 volte carbonio sotto forma di materia organica, aiutando il times greater sistema climatico globale. Una volta catturato, il carbonio rimane intrappolato nel suolo centinaia di migliaia di anni. Lo stoccaggio del carbonio incrementa la sostanza organica e aumenta anche la fertilità e la produttività dei terreni, supportando gli importanti servizi ecosistemici derivati. Healthy soil helps regulate emissions by absorbing significant quantities of greenhouse gases. Indeed, as an organic carbon sink, it’s a powerful tool in the fight to Area forestale/ Forest mitigate the climate crisis. Once captured by the soil it can +37 volte stay there for hundreds of thousands of years. Carbon times greater storage in turn increases the quantity of organic matter in the soil, improving its fertility, productivity and the important ecosystem services it provides. Area agricola/ Farmland +12 volte times greater Terreno in un’area urbana Compared to a porous urban surface
APPENDIX 4 IL SUOLO È UNA RISORSA DA TUTELARE SOIL IS A RESOURCE 2000 Anni TO BE PROTECTED ete rs o f fertile soil Years m n ti ce 0 r1 e ov ec or / T cm di suolo fertile 0 re 1 rea ric r Pe I tempi di rigenerazione del suolo sono lunghissimi, 1500 per questo è da considerarsi una risorsa non rinnovabile. Anni Per conservarlo bisogna lavorare sugli equilibri Years ecosistemici e sulla tutela della biodiversità. Anni necessari per ricreare suolo fertile/ Years needed to recover soil fertility L’agricoltura simbiotica, ad esempio, applica sul suolo coltivato microorganismi che stimolano la ripresa della biodiversità e dell’attività microbica. The regeneration time for soil is extremely long, and as such it can’t be considered a renewable resource. To preserve the soil we must work to restore balance to the ecosystem by protecting biodiversity. Symbiotic agriculture, for example, introduces cultivated microorganisms into the soil that stimulate the recovery of biodiversity and microbial activity. il 35% dei suoli fertili globali oggi è già degradato of fertile soils around the world are already degraded 1000 Anni Years tile soil o f fer rs ete tim en c .5 r2 Il carbonio organico del ove suolo ha registrato una rec perdita stimata dell’8% fertile/ To a livello globale (dati Unccd) negli ultimi 100 anni. Around 8% of all the organic 500 Anni i suolo carbon in soils worldwide has been lost in the last 100 Years years, according to the United d cm Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. ,5 2 re a re ic rr Pe
APPENDIX 5 SALVIAMOCI, SALVIAMO IL SUOLO SAVING THE SOIL TO SAVE OURSELVES Parliamo con il nostro contadino di fiducia e facciamoci raccontare quali pratiche adotta per tutelare il suolo. Scegliamo alimenti coltivati con pratiche agroecologiche, che limitano le monocolture e l’uso di prodotti chimici di sintesi, evitano arature profonde, effettuano rotazioni tra le colture e prevedono sovescio e pacciamatura. Let’s speak to our local, trusted farmer and hear about the practices they adopt to protect the soil. Let’s choose food grown with agroecological practices which limit monocultures and the use of synthetic chemicals, avoid deep plowing, rotate crops and use green manure and mulching. SOVESCIO PACCIAMATURA GREEN MANURE MULCHING Pratica per cui si coltivano e, una Si copre il terreno con materiali vari per volta cresciute, si interrano piante garantire che non perda troppa umidità. che arricchiscono il suolo, in Covering the land with materials which particolare leguminose. ensure it retains humidity. A practice whereby one grows and then buries plant matter which enriches the soil, particularly leguminous plants. CONSOCIAZIONE INTERCROPPING Si coltivano vicine piante che si aiutano a vicenda, per svariati motivi. Growing plants which help each other side-by-side, for various reasons. ROTAZIONE COLTURE CROP ROTATION Se un suolo è coltivato sempre con la stessa coltura, a lungo andare si impoverisce. If soil is always cultivated with the same crops it is impoverished over time.
APPENDIX 6 IL RAPPORTO TRA NOI E IL SUOLO OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SOIL I fattori principali che determinano il microbiota intestinale sono di natura genetica, ma i fattori legati alla dieta e allo stile di vita sono altrettanto importanti, poiché la comunità microbica intestinale è altamente dinamica e i microrganismi possono essere assorbiti dal cibo, dall’acqua e dall’ambiente circostante. Da questo punto di vista il rapporto tra l’essere umano e il suolo risulta fondamentale. The main factors that determine our intestinal microbiota are genetic, but our diet and lifestyle are still important, as the microbial community in our intestines is highly dynamic: we can absorb microorganisms from the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. From this point of view, our relationship with the soil is of vital importance.
APPENDIX 7 AMICI DELLE CITTÀ, NUTRIAMOCI DI CIBO VERO FRIENDS OF THE CITY, LET’S EAT REAL FOOD! Il nesso tra il microbiota intestinale e la vitalità microbica del suolo è dimostrato dalla maggiore ricchezza di specie batteriche intestinali che si riscontra nelle società rurali rispetto alle comunità urbane. Ma l’agricoltura intensiva, contraddistinta dalla monocoltura e dal ricorso alla chimica di sintesi, riduce la biodiversità del suolo anche nelle aree rurali, provocando carenze di micronutrienti nella dieta e un’alterazione del microbiota umano. The link between our intestinal microbiota and the microbial vitality of the soil is demonstrated by the greater richness of bacterial species we find in the intestinal microbiota of rural communities compared to city dwellers. But intensive agriculture, marked by monocultures, chemical inputs, reduces soil biodiversity in rural areas too, leading to a shortage of micronutrients in our diets and, consequently, changes to our microbiota.
APPENDIX 8 I LOMBRICHI: GLI INGEGNERI DELL’ECOSISTEMA! WORMS: ENGINEERS OF THE ECOSYSTEM! «I lombrichi sono protagonisti nel processo di creazione della fertilità. Vengono considerati gli ingegneri dell’ecosistema e grazie al loro lavoro rendono possibile la vita di tutti gli altri organismi, compresi gli esseri umani. Rimescolando quei pochi centimetri di terriccio che ricoprono il pianeta, lo fertilizzano trasformandolo in humus» — Charles Darwin «All the fertile areas of this planet have at least once passed through the bodies of earthworms … It may be doubted if there are any other animals which have played such an important part in the history of the world as these lowly organized creatures.» — Charles Darwin Solleva fino al 60% È composto di Ha cinque cuori. Non ha né naso né del proprio peso. segmenti (fino a 200). They have five orecchie, né occhi. They lift up to 60% They’re composed of hearts. They don’t have of their own weight. up to 200 segments. noses, eyes or ears. È ermafrodita: ciascun Percepisce le vibrazioni, anche Si orienta con un senso tattile Non ha polmoni, individuo ha testicoli il ticchettio della pioggia. e gravitazionale. respira attraverso e ovaie. They feel vibrations, even They orient themselves through la pelle. Worms are hermaphrodites: the patter of rainfall. touch and gravitational sense. They don’t have each individual has testicles lungs; they breathe and ovaries. through their skin.
APPENDIX 9 IL POLLO DELL’ERA ANTROPOCENE DOMANI TOMORROW Nel 2030 il consumo di carne di pollo rappresenterà il 41% delle proteine animali. E forse ci nutriremo anche di carne e uova ottenuti in laboratorio moltiplicando cellule staminali? 41% By 2030, the consumption of chicken meat will account for 41% of all animal protein that we eat. Will we also be eating THE CHICKEN IN THE eggs and meat obtained from multiplying stem cells in the lab? ANTHROPOCENE EPOCH OGGI IERI TODAY YESTERDAY I tre maggiori produttori avicoli al mondo Oggi poche multinazionali sono The three biggest poultry producers in the world proprietarie della genetica, dei mangimi, dei farmaci, dei macelli e controllano tutta la distribuzione. These days, a few multinationals control chicken genetics, feed, drugs, Nessun’altra specie animale è stata così trasformata slaughterhouses and the entire distribution chain. dall’uomo. Per rispondere alla pressione del mercato e aumentare la produttività, l’uomo ha modificato la morfologia di polli e galline, quadruplicandone la massa corporea e triplicandone la resa in uova. Chickens are one of the species that humans have transformed the most. To respond to the pressures of the JBS Tyson Foods BRF (Brasile / Brazil) (USA / USA) (Brasile / Brazil) market and to boost productivity, we have changed their 4 miliardi 1,99 miliardi 1,55 miliardi morphology, quadrupling their body mass and tripling di polli /anno di polli /anno di polli /anno their yield of eggs. 4 billion 1.99 billion 1.55 billion chickens/year chickens/year chickens/year In passato il pollo era allevato nelle Super Chicken Le multinazionali sviluppano incroci da fattorie familiari soprattutto per le carne più grandi e produttivi, a veloce uova, mentre la carne non era un pasto accrescimento. I broiler sono fragili e 1957 1978 2005 quotidiano. “a tempo”, da consumare dopo 50 giorni. In the past, chickens were raised on 0 These corporations are constantly working family farms, mostly for their eggs, and giorni / days to develop bigger, more productive and their meat was not an everyday food. faster-growing hybrids for meat. Broilers are fragile and are consumed after just 50 28 days. giorni / days 56 giorni / days 905 gr 1.808 gr 4.202 gr Negli anni ’50 l’allevamento avicolo è diventato un’industria, a partire dagli USA. Negli ultimi venti anni il consumo Then, starting in the USA in the 1950s, di carne di pollo è aumentato del poultry farming became an industry. 45% e continua a crescere. Over the past 20 years, chicken consumption has increased by 45% and continues to grow. Nel mondo si allevano 33 miliardi di polli, 4 per persona! There are approximately 33 billion chickens in the world, four per person! Si ringraziano per i preziosi contributi: Cesare Castellini (Università di Perugia), Achille Schiavone (Università di Torino), Pietro Venezia (Veterinari senza frontiere), Aiab e Inrae.
APPENDIX 10 BELLI E SPECIALI, DA TUTTO IL MONDO... BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE, FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD... White Leghorn, Il mondo è bello perché è vario. Anche quello delle ovaiola, la più diffusa galline non è da meno: esistono razze diverse tra loro White Leghorn, per piumaggio e dimensioni ma anche per il colore delle layer, the most common uova e… proprio come noi, ognuna ha il proprio carattere! Variety is what makes the world beautiful. And the same goes for chickens: Different breeds can differ wildly in size, plumage, egg color and even personality, just like us! gallo cantante di Yurlov rooster Yurlov Crower gallina Brahma chicken Brahma 1500 razze 1,500 breeds gallina Cornuta chicken La Flèche, gallina Moroseta also known as the Devil Bird chicken Moroseta gallina Serana chicken Serana gallina Padovana È un Presidio Slow Food! chicken Padovana A Slow Food Presidium! gallina Araucana chicken Araucana C’era una pollo Mushunu di Molo volta… 3.500 È un Presidio Slow Food! anni fa nel chicken Mushunu from Molo Sud Est A Slow Food Presidium! asiatico, l’antenato, di tutti i polli moderni, il Red Junglefowl Once upon a time… 3,500 years ago in gallo Gaulois Doré Southeast Questa razza è sull’Arca del Asia, the Red Gusto di Slow Food! Junglefowl, rooster Gaulois Dorée the ancestor This breed is in Slow Food’s of all modern Ark of Taste! chickens This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 11 ANDIAMO AL SODO! AS SURE AS EGGS IS EGGS! Nucleo germinale Germinal disc Tuorlo Yolk Albume White S M L XL < 53 53-63 > 63 > 73 grammi/ grammi/ grammi/ grammi/ grams grams grams grams Il guscio delle uova ha tre strati: la parte più esterna si chiama cuticola e poi ci sono due membrane dette testacee (una esterna e una interna): il guscio non è solo bianco o rosa ma può essere azzurro o verde. E quanto è grande un uovo? Dipende! Lo si classifica per dimensioni: Small; Medium; Large e Extralarge. Cuticola Cuticule The shell of an egg has three layers. The outermost Membrana interna Inner membrane layer, the cuticle, protects two testaceous membranes, one outer and one inner. Eggshells can be white or pink, Membrana esterna brown or beige and even green or blue. Outer membrane How big is an egg? It depends! They are usually classified by size: small, medium, large and extra-large. Il bello di viaggiare è ampliare i propri orizzonti gastronomici e conoscere nuove abitudini alimentari, nuovi sapori... non si mangiano solo le uova del pollame ma anche uova di altre specie: One of the beauties of travelling and learning about other cultures lies in broadening our gastronomic horizons and discovering new food habits and new flavors. Around the world, eggs not just of poultry but also other species are considered delicacies: Bottarga di tonno Bottarga di muggine Uova di lumaca Uova di tartaruga Tuna eggs Mullet eggs Snail eggs Turtle eggs Escamoles Uova di Svartbakur Caviale di storione (uova di formica) (gabbiano islandese) Sturgeon eggs Escamoles Svartbakur eggs (ant eggs) (Icelandic gull) È sull’Arca del Gusto È sull’Arca del Gusto di Slow Food! di Slow Food! In Slow Food’s In Slow Food’s Ark of Taste! Ark of Taste! This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 12 COME SCEGLIERLE? HOW TO CHOOSE EGGS? Paese di produzione Country of production Tipo di allevamento Farming type 0 1 2 3 1 IT 002 PG 052 Comune di produzione Municipality of production Provincia di produzione Province of production Codice allevamento Farm code Ecco una tabella che può aiutarvi nell’acquisto: Tipo di allevamento This table can help you choose: Farming type Codice 0 all’aperto estensivo con vegetazione, mangime biologico 1 gallina/4mq Code 0 extensive outdoors with vegetation organic feed 1 chicken/4m2 Codice 1 all’aperto intensivo con vegetazione 1 gallina/2,5mq Code 1 intensive outdoors with vegetation 1 chicken/2.5m2 Codice 2 a terra (in capannone chiuso) 9 galline/1mq Code 2 free range indoors (in a closed shed) 9 chickens/1m2 Codice 3 in gabbia 13 galline/1mq Code 3 caged 13 chickens/1m2 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 13 COME SCEGLIERLE? HOW TO CHOOSE EGGS? Paese di produzione Country of production Tipo di allevamento Farming type 0 1 2 3 1 IT 002 PG 052 Comune di produzione Municipality of production Provincia di produzione Province of production Codice allevamento Farm code Ecco una tabella che può aiutarvi nell’acquisto: Tipo di allevamento This table can help you choose: Farming type Codice 0 all’aperto estensivo con vegetazione, mangime biologico 1 gallina/4mq Code 0 extensive outdoors with vegetation organic feed 1 chicken/4m2 Codice 1 all’aperto intensivo con vegetazione 1 gallina/2,5mq Code 1 intensive outdoors with vegetation 1 chicken/2.5m2 Codice 2 a terra (in capannone chiuso) 9 galline/1mq Code 2 free range indoors (in a closed shed) 9 chickens/1m2 Codice 3 in gabbia 13 galline/1mq Code 3 caged 13 chickens/1m2 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 14 LA CAFFETTERIA DELLE GALLINE A CAFETERIA FOR CHICKENS Polli e galline sono onnivori. Amano razzolare cercando insetti e larve e becchettare le granaglie (grano, orzo, mais) e mangiano anche l’erba dei pascoli e gli scarti vegetali (verdure, frutti,..). Le leguminose sono importanti ma non devono prevalere nel loro menù. Purtroppo, nell’allevamento intensivo l’alimentazione è addizionata di elementi nutritivi che accelerano la crescita e incrementano la produzione di uova. Chickens are omnivores. They love scratching around in search of insects and larvae and pecking at grains (wheat, barley, corn) and they also eat grass and other plants in the fields and fruit and vegetable scraps. Legumes are an important part of their diet but shouldn’t dominate their menu. Unfortunately, in factory farms the chickens’ diet is boosted with nutrients that accelerate their growth and increase their egg production. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 15 COSA SERVE PER IL LORO BENESSERE? WHAT DO YOU NEED FOR THEIR WELL-BEING? Environmental welfare Animal ONE Human welfare WELFARE welfare Il benessere degli animali deriva dal rispetto dei loro Max 130-150 capi per ogni gruppo. Così si riconoscono tra di loro, evitano lo bisogni etologici ma è legato alla salubrità del contesto stress e ci sono meno lotte gerarchiche. ambientale e al benessere degli allevatori. Per questo Max 130-150 birds per group. They can recognize each other, avoid è importante che operino in condizioni di lavoro salubri stress and reduce fights over hierarchy. e con giusta renumerazione. Questo approccio si chiama One Welfare. Animal welfare comes from respect for their behavioral needs but is also linked to the healthiness of their environment plus the well-being of the farmers. This is why it’s important for farmers to be able to work in healthy conditions and receive fair wages. This holistic approach is called One Welfare. Per ogni gallo / For each rooster Sei un allevatore? Scarica questa APP per autovalutare il benessere “dei tuoi animali!” Are you a farmer? Download this app to evaluate your well-being! 1. Gli alberi proteggono dal sole e dai rapaci, i frutti che 1. Trees offer protection from the sun and birds of prey, cascano a terra sono buoni da mangiare. while the fruits that fall to the ground are good to eat. 2. I polli nei frutteti mangiano gli insetti che potrebbero 2. In orchards, chickens eat insects that could damage the danneggiare le colture. crop. 3. I cespugli offrono nascondigli, i polli temono gli attacchi 3. Bushes serve as hiding places for chickens fearful of dei predatori. predator attacks. 4. I polli preferiscono riposare appoggiati su trespoli. 4. Chickens prefer to rest on perches. 8-12 galline / 8-12 hens 5. I bagni di polvere servono per pulirsi dai parassiti e distrarsi 5. Dust baths are used for cleaning themselves from parasites giocando un po’. and also playing. 6. Prati erbosi (con almeno 10-15 mq di spazio per ogni 6. Grassy fields (with at least 10 to 15 square meters of space pollo) dove cercare insetti e vermicelli e fare un poco di for each chicken) where they can move around and hunt movimento. for insects and worms. 7. Un po’di paglia, per frugare e giocare, così non ci sia annoia. 7. Some hay for rummaging around and playing, so they don’t 8. Miscele di cereali e leguminose il più possibile locali, get bored. evitando soia e mais ogm. 8. Mixes of grains and legumes as local as possible, avoiding 9. Un nido tranquillo per fare le uova e covare. GM soy and corn. 10. I polli amano arrampicarsi. 9. A secluded nest for laying eggs and brooding. 11. Prati seminati anche con erbe utili e gradite, ad esempio 10. Chickens love to climb. la portulaca che contiene tanti omega-3. 11. Fields sown with useful and tasty plants, like purslane, rich 12. La luce naturale è importante per garantire ritmi naturali. in omega-3s. 13. I polli al pascolo sono più sani e robusti, le galline fanno 12. Natural light is important for ensuring natural rhythms. uova più grosse e più ricche di calcio. 13. Chickens that can graze are healthier and stronger, and the 14. Beccare e strappare erba è antistress: previene le beccate hens lay bigger eggs that are richer in calcium. tra polli e il cannibalismo. 14. Pecking and pulling up grass helps relieve stress and 15. Meglio le razze o incroci rustici e, nel caso delle ovaiole, prevents chickens attacking each other and turning to razze a duplice attitudine, per evitare di sopprimere cannibalism. i pulcini maschi. 15. Hardy breeds and crosses are best, and in the case of egg- 16. Nei sistemi estensivi non servono gabbie e mutilazioni layers, those suited to meat and egg production, to avoid (debeccaggio, spunta delle ali, taglio degli speroni). having to kill the male chicks. 16. Cages and mutilations (beak trimming, wing clipping, despurring) are not needed in extensive systems. 12 4 10 9 16 1 7 8 2 3 13 11 15 5 6 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant 14 agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 16 BIANCA È MEGLIO, MA È SEMPRE COSÌ? IS WHITE MEAT REALLY BETTER? Mediamente il contenuto di grassi saturi e di colesterolo Carne di pollo delle carni bianche è inferiore a quello delle carni rosse. guascone Ma attenzione! L’alimentazione dell’allevamento intensivo È un Presidio Slow Food! ha modificato le caratteristiche nutrizionali delle carne e i grassi ora sono più del doppio degli anni ‘70, a discapito (Francia, Guascogna) degli omega-3: la maggiore quantità di acqua nelle carni, -63%grassi saturi -32% colesterolo dovuta alla macellazione di capi molto giovani, riduce Gascony chicken meat inoltre l’apporto proteico. Le carni e le uova di polli allevati (Gascony, France) -63% saturated fat al pascolo e biologici invece sono ricchi di omega-3, -32% cholesterol vitamine e altri antiossidanti. Il contenuto in grassi It’s a Slow Food Presidium! dipende anche dalla parte scelta: la coscia contiene più grassi rispetto al petto, ma monoinsaturi (più salubri) e maggiori quantità di ferro, selenio, zinco e vitamine del gruppo B. Pertanto, alterna tagli diversi in modo da garantire quantità e qualità diversa dei grassi e dei micronutrienti. On average, white meat has less saturated fat and cholesterol than red meat. But watch out! Intensive factory farming with diets packed with grains and particularly soy has changed the nutritional characteristics of the meat and it now has more than double the fat than in the 1970s, and less omega-3s. The increased water content of the meat, due to the slaughtering of very young birds, also reduces the amount of protein. Meat and eggs from pasture-raised, organically farmed chickens, on the other hand, are rich in omega-3s, vitamins and other Uova di gallina antioxidants. The fat content also depends on the cut: bianca di Saluzzo leg meat contains more fat than breasts, but the fat is È un Presidio Slow Food! monounsaturated (more healthy), and the dark meat also has more iron, selenium, zinc and B group vitamins. (Italia, Piemonte) Ideally alternate different cuts in order to ensure different -31% grassi saturi Migliore profilo lipidico quantities and kinds of fats and micronutrients. Eggs from Saluzzo White hens (Piedmont, Italy) Cresta / Comb -31% saturated fat Better lipid profile It’s a Slow Food Presidium! Schiena / Back Ala / Wing Bargiglio / Wattles Testa / Head Petto / Breast Sovracoscia / Thigh Zampa / Foot Coscia / Drumstick This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 17 È NATO PRIMA L’UOVO O...? WHICH CAME FIRST, THE CHICKEN OR...? Nell’uovo c’è tutto! Contiene l’embrione, cioè l’origine della Fatta la frittata… cosa vita, e infatti, in numerose cosmogonie, l’universo nasce da ne faccio del guscio? I gusci d’uovo sono degli ottimi un gigantesco uovo. alleati per il tuo orto. L’uovo cosmico è stato spesso rappresentato in varie arti You can’t make an omelet without figurative. Esso ricorre in particolare nelle scene funerarie breaking eggs. Eggshells can be put to good use dell’antico Egitto, dell’antica Grecia e degli Etruschi, in a food garden. dove allude alla rinascita dell’anima defunta in una vita ultraterrena. An egg contains everything that’s needed for life. In many cosmogonies, the universe was born from a gigantic egg. Semenzaio e contenitori per The cosmic egg has often been represented in the figurative piccole piante arts, and can be seen particularly in Ancient Egyptian, Containers for seedlings Ancient Greek and Etruscan funeral scenes, where it symbolizes the rebirth of the deceased soul in the afterlife. Barriera efficace contro i parassiti Effective barriers against pests Ottimo fertilizzante, mescolati al terreno sono una fonte di calcio Excellent fertilizers, providing Egg clouds calcium to the soil Huevos rancheros Pad Krapow Gai Messico / Mexico USA / USA Tailandia / Thailand Hojarascas con Japanese egg roll dulce de chancaca (Tamagoyaki) de mi tia abuela Mine Giappone / Japan Cile/ Cile Biscotti Savoiardi Pickled eggs Shakshuka Doro wat Egg Bhurji Italia / Italy Regno Unito / Medio Oriente Etiopia / Ethiopia India / India United Kingdom e Nord Africa / Middle East and North Africa This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 18 LE NOSTRE SCELTE FANNO LA DIFFERENZA OUR CHOICES CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Leggi le etichette. Acquista preferibilmente Diffida dei prezzi Read the label. animali interi e non cucinare troppo bassi. sempre le stesse parti. Don’t trust overly Ideally choose whole birds cheap prices. and don’t always cook the same cuts. Evita di acquistare Scegli carni e uova Differenzia le specie: crocchette o altri piatti provenienti da polli allevati acquista anche faraone, di carne già pronti. al pascolo, privilegiando le quaglie, piccioni, oche, Avoid nuggets and other razze locali e l’allevamento anatre, tacchini. prepared meat products. bio. Diversify species: try Choose meat and eggs pheasant, quail, pigeon, from pasture-raised goose, duck and turkey. chickens, preferring local breeds and organic farming systems. Ricorda: mangia meno Fai la tua parte! carne e sostituiscila con Il consumatore con i legumi, meglio se di varietà le proprie scelte può locali, ne guadagnerete svolgere un grande ruolo in salute tu e il pianeta! politico. Remember: Eat less meat Do your part: With their and replace it with legumes, choices, consumers can ideally local varieties—it’s play a key political role. better for your health and Make your voice heard! the planet’s. Sei un allevatore? Scarica questa APP per autovalutare il benessere “dei tuoi animali!” Are you a farmer? Download this app to evaluate your well-being! Inquadra il QR code per saperne di più. Scan the QR code to find out more. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°816172” (Art. 29.4 of the Grant Agreement)
APPENDIX 19 Illustrazioni Housatonic
APPENDIX 20 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 1 05/09/22 1 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 2 05/09/22 2 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 05/0 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 1 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf C C C C C C C C M M M M M M M M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM MY MY MY MY MY MY MY MY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CMY CMY CMY CMY CMY CMY CMY CMY K K K K K K K K caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 4 05/09/22 4 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 5 05/09/22 5 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/0 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 4 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 2 05/09/22 pdf 05/09/22 1 16:26 16:26 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 2 05/09/22 05/09/22 2 16:26 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 3 05/09/22 3 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 C C C C C C CM M M CM M M C C C C C MY Y Y MY Y Y M M M M M CM Y CM CM YCM CM CM Y Y Y Y Y MY CM MY MY CM MY MY MY CM CM CM CM CM CY MY CY CY CY MY CY CY MY MY MY MY MY CMY CY CMY CMY CMY CY CMY CMYCY CY CY CY CY K CMY K K K CMY K KCMY CMY CMY CMY CMY K K K K K K K 5 05/09/22 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/09/22 16:26 pdf05/09/22 4 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 5 05/09/22 5 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf caccia_al_tesoro_marker.pdf 6 05/09/22 6 05/09/22 16:26 16:26 C C C C C M M M M M Y Y Y Y Y CM CM CM CM CM MY MY MY MY MY CY CY CY CY CY CMY CMY CMY CMY CMY K K K K K Illustrazioni Housatonic Illustrazioni Housatonic Illustrazioni Housatonic
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