Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG

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Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG
Trash in America
Moving from destructive consumption
        towards a zero-waste system
                        2021 EDITION
Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG
Trash in America
Moving from destructive consumption
   towards a zero-waste system


               SEPTEMBER 2021
Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG
The authors wish to thank Kate Bailey and Rachel Setzke of Eco-Cycle for their review of
drafts of this document, as well as their insights and suggestions. Thanks to Abi Bradford
for authoring the previous version of this report. Thanks also to Susan Rakov, Tony Dutzik,
James Horrox, Gideon Weissman, Elizabeth Ridlington and Lauren Phillips-Jackson of
Frontier Group for editorial support.
The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. Policy recommendations are those
of NJPIRG Law & Policy Center, Environment New Jersey Research & Policy Center and
Community Action Works. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders or those who provided review.
This is an update of a report originally released in February 2018.
 2021 NJPIRG Law & Policy Center. Some Rights Reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. To view the terms of this license,

                  With public debate around important issues often dominated by special interests pursuing their own narrow
                  agendas, the NJPIRG Law & Policy Center offers an independent voice that works on behalf of the public
                  interest. The NJPIRG Law & Policy Center works to protect consumers and promote good government. We
investigate problems, craft solutions, educate the public, and offer citizens meaningful opportunities for civic participation. For more
information about NJPIRG Law & Policy Center or for additional copies of this report, please visit

                      Environment New Jersey Research & Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are dedicated to protecting
                      New Jersey’s air, water and open spaces. We investigate problems, craft solutions, educate the public and
                      decision-makers, and help the public make their voices heard in local, state and national debates over the
                      quality of our environment and our lives. For more information about Environment New Jersey Research &
Policy Center or for additional copies of this report, please visit

                                                  Frontier Group provides information and ideas to build a healthier, more
                                                  sustainable America. We focus on problems that arise from our nation’s material
and technological wealth – the problems of abundance. We deliver timely research and analysis that is accessible to the public,
applying insights gleaned from diverse fields of knowledge to arrive at new paths forward. For more information about Frontier
Group, please visit

Layout: To the Point Collaborative,
Cover photo: Michael Courier,
Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................4


AMERICA PRODUCES TOO MUCH WASTE.......................................................................................10
How much solid waste does the U.S. produce?.........................................................................................................10
What does America throw away?................................................................................................................................10
What does the U.S. do with its garbage?.................................................................................................................... 11
What are the impacts of America’s waste system?...................................................................................................12
     Global warming.......................................................................................................................................................12
     Air pollution.............................................................................................................................................................13
     Water contamination..............................................................................................................................................14
     Ocean pollution.......................................................................................................................................................14
     Wasted natural resources......................................................................................................................................16
Why does the U.S. throw out so much stuff?.............................................................................................................17
     Goods are cheap....................................................................................................................................................17
     Most goods are made to be used once and thrown away.................................................................................18
     There are few direct incentives to repair, reuse, recycle and compost.............................................................18

MOVING AMERICA TO ZERO WASTE...............................................................................................20
Steps to achieving a zero-waste system....................................................................................................................22

NOTES ................................................................................................................................................29
Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG
Executive summary

         THE UNITED STATES produces too much                                  • Americans throw out 4.9 pounds of trash
         waste.                                                                 per person every day – that’s nearly 1,800
                                                                                pounds of materials per American every
         Natural resources are continually extracted                            year. 3
         to produce goods that are used in the U.S. –
         often only briefly – before they are thrown                          • The majority of waste (62%) discarded
         into landfills, incinerators or the natural                            by homes and businesses in the U.S.
         environment. This system of consumption                                is ultimately dumped into landfills or
         and disposal results in the waste of precious                          burned in incinerators.4
         resources and pollution that threatens our
         health, environment and the global climate.                          More than 91% of plastic was landfilled or
                                                                              incinerated in 2018. 5
         Because the costs of this system fall on
         society at large – not on the producers and                          Every 15.5 hours, Americans throw out
         consumers who drive it – there are few direct                        enough plastic to fill the largest NFL stadium
         incentives for change.                                               in the country, AT&T Stadium (the home
                                                                              of the Dallas Cowboys), and the pile grows
         To protect public health and the environ-                            larger every year.6
         ment, conserve natural resources and land-
         scapes, and address the mounting crisis                              Our trash leads to even more waste than we
         of climate change, America should move                               see. The products we use and dispose of are
         toward an economic system characterized                              created by processes like mining and manu-
         by zero waste. To achieve that goal, federal,                        facturing, which generate far more, and far
         state and local governments should enact                             more dangerous, waste.7
         policies and programs that incentivize                               America’s garbage largely consists of goods
         shifting to a “circular” or “closed-loop”                            that are used only briefly.
         economy in which less is consumed and all
         materials are reused, recycled and compos-                           Over 28% of all U.S. garbage is packaging,
         ted in a continuous cycle.                                           amounting to 82 million tons of material
                                                                              that is typically thrown out after a product is
         The U.S. produces more than 12% of the                               purchased or used.8
         planet’s trash*, though it is home to only 4%
         of the world’s population.1                                          Nondurable goods, such as clothing and
                                                                              newspaper, account for 17.3% of U.S. garbage,
         • In 2018 alone, the U.S. threw out over                             with yard trimmings (12.1%) and food (21.6%)
           292 million tons of municipal solid waste                          accounting for a substantial share as well.9
           (MSW) – the materials discarded by
           homes, businesses and institutions, such                           The remainder (19.5%) of what homes and
           as universities and libraries.2                                    businesses throw out is made up of durable

         * In this paper, the terms “garbage” and “trash” will be used in place of “Municipal Solid Waste,” which refers to
           materials discarded by homes, businesses and institutions, such as universities and government agencies.

Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG
goods, like furniture and appliances, many       America’s system of consumption and dis-
of which could be repaired or repurposed,        posal encourages and incentivizes waste.
or have their materials recycled for other
uses.10                                          Society bears most of the costs and burdens
                                                 of waste – not the producers and consum-
America’s linear material economy, where         ers who create it – removing incentives for
materials are extracted, made into goods,        change.
and disposed of, is a one-way street that
creates massive environmental and public         • Producers have few direct incentives
health impacts.                                    to build products to last, to make them
                                                   easy to repair, to use less packaging, or
• Global warming pollution: Roughly 42%            to make their goods or packaging easy to
  of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions             reuse, recycle or compost. In fact, it is often
  are created in the process of extracting         beneficial for producers to make goods
  resources, producing goods, disposing of         intended to be used once or only tempo-
  waste, and transporting materials at every       rarily so that consumers continually buy
  stage of that process.11                         more.
• Air pollution: Incinerator emissions           • Producers, distributors and waste haulers
  include heavy metals and mercury, a              have a stake in the U.S. waste system
  neurotoxin that impairs brain function,          continuing to operate as it does now and
  as well as cancer-causing pollutants like        have lobbied against changes.19
  dioxin, one of the most toxic substances
  known to humanity.12 The extraction            A zero-waste economy is possible.
  and production activities that support
  the linear material economy also cause         Nearly all of America’s trash could be
  environmental degradation, air pollution       composted and recycled.
  and water contamination.                       • Food waste and yard trimmings make up
• Water contamination: Leachate from               more than a third (33.7%) of U.S. garbage
  landfills can escape into the environment
  and threaten drinking water supplies.13
• Ocean pollution: An estimated 16.5
  million tons of plastic washes into the
  world’s oceans every year.14 This plastic
  persists for hundreds of years and can
  kill marine animals by entangling them,
  poisoning them or blocking their digestive
  tracts.15 Marine debris is considered one of
  the great threats to biodiversity.16
• Wasted natural resources: It would take
  321 million trees to produce the amount of
  paper that was landfilled or burned in the
  U.S. in 2018 alone.17 Thirty million acres
  of cropland, roughly the area of Pennsyl-      Figure ES-1. U.S. garbage composition by prod-
  vania, is farmed each year for food that is    uct category, 201820
  wasted in the U.S.18

                                                                                                     PAGE 5
Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG
and are organic and easily compostable, but                bans on expanded polystyrene contain-
           the U.S. lacks sufficient infrastructure.21                ers, and more are considering bans on
                                                                      other single-use foodware, packaging
         • Paper and paperboard, some of which                        and more.25
           could be composted and the rest of which
           could be recycled, make up nearly a                     • Several states have banned recyclables
           quarter (23.1%) of America’s trash.22                     from landfills, and in 2020 Vermont
                                                                     became the first to ban all compostable
         • Metals, glass, and plastics – another                     materials from landfills.26
           quarter (25.2%) of America’s garbage –
           are all readily recyclable, although many               • Thanks to a variety of policies and
           types of plastic are not.23                               programs, such as making manufactur-
                                                                     ers responsible for disposing of packag-
         • Rubber, wood, leather, and textiles make                  ing, Germany now recycles 67% of
           up the remainder (15.1%) of America’s                     household waste.27
           waste and can also be recycled into
           useful products.24 Textile recycling has                • In July 2021, Maine became the first state
           made great advances in recent years.                      in the U.S. to pass a law establishing
                                                                     producer responsibility for packaging
         U.S. cities and states, as well as other                    and paper products, shifting respon-
         countries, are already taking strides                       sibility for the costs of recycling away
         toward creating zero waste.                                 from the taxpayer and onto the corpora-
         • Eleven states have passed bans on single-                 tions responsible for producing those
           use plastic bags, seven states have passed                products.28

                    * “Other food management” includes animal feed, bio-based materials/biochemical processing,
                    codigestion/anaerobic digestion, donation, land application and sewer/wastewater treatment.
                    ǂ “Incineration” refers to combustion with energy recovery.

                                       Figure ES-2. U.S. garbage handling, 201829

Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG
America has the tools to shift away from         4. Make recycling and composting manda-
this wasteful, polluting and costly linear          tory, universally accessible and less
system to a circular material economy that          expensive than garbage disposal.
produces zero waste, conserves natural
resources, and limits pollution and global       5. Require that goods be built to last and
warming emissions.                                  easy to repair, reuse, recycle or compost.

Efforts to reduce waste should prioritize        6. Ban the sale of single-use items that are
reducing material consumption first and             not easily recyclable or compostable,
foremost; reusing, refurbishing and repair-         including packaging, plastic bags and
ing everything possible; and recycling or           food service ware.
composting all remaining materials.              7. Invest in repair, reuse, recycling and
By taking the following steps, the U.S. can         composting facilities to support a circu-
incentivize the shift to a circular economy         lar economy.
in which zero waste is created. These steps      8. Require producers to use recycled and
can be promoted through a variety of poli-          reused materials in new products, and
cies and programs at the local, state and           encourage businesses and govern-
national levels.                                    ments to set procurement standards for
1. Set a goal to achieve zero waste.                recycled materials.

2. Require producers to take responsibility      9. As waste is eliminated, ensure that all
   for their products during their entire life      remaining waste is disposed of safely.
   cycle.                                        10. Oppose the construction, expansion and
3. Price goods to reflect the environmen-            subsidization of landfills, incinerators
   tal and public health impacts of their            and plastic-to-fuel conversion facilities
   production.                                       marketed as “chemical recycling.”

                                                                                                 PAGE 7
Trash in America Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system - 2021 EDITION - NJPIRG

         THE ITEMS WE THROW in the trash or in the          plastic waste exports to Thailand jumped
         recycling bin seem to go “away” – picked up        nearly 7,000% in one year.35 Alarmed at the
         off our curbs weekly and immediately put           influx, Thailand and many other neighboring
         out of our minds.                                  countries passed import restrictions of their
                                                            own – forcing America to finally confront the
         But there is no “away.” The trash we discard       huge volume of waste we produce.36
         often comes back into our lives – sometimes
         as a product made with recycled material,          With little domestic infrastructure to sort and
         but more often as plastic litter in a beach or     reuse our own trash, the cost of recycling
         park, or pollution from an incinerator.            skyrocketed. In California, a bale of low-
                                                            grade mixed plastic that could be sold for $20
         For decades, America has sent much of its          in 2017 cost $10 to dispose of a year later.37
         trash halfway around the world in search of        Philadelphia, looking at a fourfold increase
         a new “away.”                                      in the price of recycling, started sending at
                                                            least half of its recycling straight to an incin-
         Since 1992, for example, China and Hong            erator.38 Franklin, New Hampshire, which
         Kong accepted over 72% of the world’s              had sold recycling for $6 a ton, now faced
         plastic waste imports.30 The United States         fees of $125 a ton to dispose of recycling at
         exported over 750,000 tons of plastic to           the local transfer station.39 Franklin became
         China in 2016 alone, outsourcing the sorting       one of over 100 U.S. towns to cut or pause its
         and recycling of low-value plastic scrap.31        curbside recycling program since 2018.40
         This made “recycling” in the U.S. cheap and
         easy, allowing for the export of even imper-       Today, with fewer opportunities to send our
         fectly sorted plastic waste. Every day, ships      plastic waste “away,” America faces a choice:
         in U.S. ports unloaded products from China         Continue down a pathway of increased
         and filled nearly 4,000 shipping containers        materials production and pollution – a
         full of mixed recyclables.32                       future in which communities and our envi-
                                                            ronment increasingly buckle under the cost
         The waste we produced and shipped con-             and strain of dealing with an ever-increas-
         tributed to a 66 billion to 77 billion ton back-   ing flow of garbage. Or boldly reimagine
         log in China.33 Managing this waste and            our entire relationship to the stuff we buy,
         its pollution became so unsustainable that         use and throw away.
         in January 2018, China banned almost all
         imports of mixed waste and plastic scrap.34        A zero-waste path is possible – one in which
                                                            we use less stuff, recycle and repair more of
         Exporters frantically searched for the next        what we own, and relieve our communities
         “away” – turning to nearby southeast Asian         and our environment of the burden of deal-
         countries with underdeveloped recycling            ing with ever-increasing volumes of trash.
         infrastructure to offload their scrap. U.S.        We can achieve it by setting zero-waste

targets, such as decreasing the overall ton-          federal government can follow the longtime
nage of waste we produce and increasing               leadership of countries like Germany, which
the landfill diversion rate, and then putting         has shifted responsibility for the entire life
in place the commitments, policies and pro-           cycle of packaging to producers, dramatically
grams that can make that economy a reality.           increasing recycling rates.43 In 2021, Maine
                                                      became the first state in the U.S. to pass such
There are proven, common-sense policies               a law. LD 1541 – “An Act to Support and
that can be enacted at the local, state and           Improve Municipal Recycling Programs and
national levels that can begin to change this         Save Taxpayer Money” – requires companies
system. Governments can follow the example            using certain kinds of packaging materials to
of San Francisco, which now requires that all         cover the recycling costs of those materials.44
food service packaging sold in the city, like
coffee cups, be recyclable or compostable.41          By coming to grips with our nation’s absurd,
Or they can follow the lead of states such as         linear material economy, and by putting the
Hawaii, Washington, Maine, and New Jersey             right policies and signals in place, America
and communities across the U.S. that have             can move toward a more sustainable future
banned plastic bags from grocery stores.42            – one that recognizes that there is no such
To be even more ambitious, states and the             place as “away.”
                                                                           Photo: Walter Parenteau via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Bales of plastic are collected at Recycle Central at Pier 96 in San Francisco. Better sorting technology
leads to cleaner bales and more opportunities to sell them.

                                                                                                                                 PAGE 9
America produces too much waste

           How much solid waste does the U.S.               Industrial solid waste: approximately 7.6
           produce?                                         billion tons per year (2003 estimate).47
           The U.S. produces more than 12% of the           Mining and mineral processing solid waste:
           planet’s municipal solid waste (MSW),            1-2 billion tons per year (2004 estimate).48
           though it is home to only 4% of the world’s
           population.45 Behind this mountain of trash,     Construction and demolition debris: 600
           however, is a larger one created by indus-       million tons (2018 estimate).49
           trial processes, often to make our household     Municipal solid waste or garbage from
           products that in turn, in many cases, end        homes, businesses and institutions: 292.4
           up as the waste we throw out. Activities         million tons (2018 estimate).50
           like mining, manufacturing and agriculture
           create industrial solid waste, which is poorly   Oil and gas exploration and production
           tracked but may account for up to 97% of         solid waste: 107 million tons per year (2016
           America’s total waste.46                         estimate). This figure does not include 4.5 bil-
                                                            lion tons of contaminated water per year.51
           Based on available data, the categories of
           solid waste in America, ranked by size are:      Hazardous solid waste covered by the
                                                            Resource Conservation Recovery Act
                                                            (RCRA): 28.9 million tons (2017 estimate).52

                                                            What does America throw away?
                                                            The materials thrown out in the U.S. are
                                                            largely comprised of goods that are unneces-
                                                            sary or are used only briefly – for example,
                                                            over 28% of all U.S. garbage is packaging.53
                                                            Packaging is the largest single category of
                                                            waste thrown out in the U.S., amounting
                                                            to 82 million tons a year of garbage gener-
                                                            ated by materials of little direct use to the
                                                            consumer.54 Consumer goods, including
                                                            durable goods (e.g., furniture, appliances
                                                            and other products which are intended to
                                                            last) and nondurable goods (e.g., newspa-
                                                            pers, clothing and other products intended
     Figure 1. U.S. garbage composition by product          to wear out), together comprise 36.8% of
     category, 201855                                       garbage – with a slightly higher amount of
                                                            durable goods than non-durable goods.

More than one-third of discarded materials
are organic, and are therefore compostable,
while over half are reusable or recyclable.
The components of U.S. municipal garbage
1. Organic material (food & yard trimmings):
2. Paper & paperboard: 23.1%
3. Plastics: 12.2%
4. Rubber, leather and textiles: 8.9%
5. Metals: 8.8%
6. Wood: 6.2%
                                                            Figure 2. U.S. garbage composition by material, 201856
7. Glass: 4.2%

What does the U.S. do with its garbage?                     an unknown fate.57 A great deal of unac-
                                                            counted-for trash also ends up loose in the
Nearly two-thirds – 61.8% – of garbage                      environment in the form of litter.
thrown out in the U.S. is ultimately
dumped into landfills or burned in incin-                   Because most discarded materials are
erators. Far less material – 38.2% – is com-                dumped or burned, there are currently 2,629
posted, recycled or otherwise diverted                      landfills and 75 incinerators with energy
from disposal; some of it is exported to                    recovery in the U.S.58

         * “Other food management” includes animal feed, bio-based materials/biochemical processing,
           codigestion/anaerobic digestion, donation, land application and sewer/wastewater treatment.
         ǂ “Incineration” refers to combustion with energy recovery.

                                  Figure 3. U.S. garbage handling, 201859

                                                                                                                 PAGE 11
Less than a quarter of trash in America is      around the world that manufacture prod-
          recycled. Single-stream recycling, where        ucts and raw materials we consume.
          different materials are disposed of in the
          same bin and sorted at a recycling plant, is    Using recycled materials instead of vir-
          the most common method, covering 80%            gin materials for manufacturing saves
          of American communities in 2014.60 While        energy and keeps materials out of incin-
          single-stream is the simplest way to recycle,   erators and landfills, both of which save
          around 20% of the material collected in such    significant amounts of climate pollution.67
          systems is contaminated or unrecyclable.61      In 2018, recycling and composting in the
                                                          U.S. prevented more greenhouse gas emis-
          Only 6.1 million households had access to       sions than almost 42 million passenger
          curbside food composting in 2017, resulting     cars produce in a year.68 One 2008 study
          in just 4.1% of wasted food being composted     estimated that reducing waste generation
          in 2018.62 However, many communities have       and disposal via zero waste strategies
          specific pick-up programs for yard trim-        could enable the U.S. to reduce its green-
          mings, helping the U.S. achieve a compost-      house gas emissions by more than 406
          ing rate of 63% for of yard waste.63            million metric tons of CO2 equivalent per
                                                          year by 2030 – equivalent to shutting down
          What are the impacts of America’s               one-fifth of the coal-fired power plants in
          waste system?                                   operation in the U.S. at the time that study
                                                          was conducted.69
          America’s linear economy and waste system
          create massive environmental and public         Food waste and yard trimmings, which
          health impacts.                                 make up 31.4% of waste sent to landfills,
                                                          produce methane – a greenhouse gas 86
          GLOBAL WARMING                                  times more potent than carbon dioxide in
          The U.S. generates more CO2 emissions           the short term– as they degrade in dark,
          than any country other than China.64 The        low-oxygen conditions.70 This is a large
          consumptive or “embedded” emissions             missed opportunity, because composting
          from the U.S. waste system – that is, emis-     organic matter builds soil and traps carbon
          sions from the activities that the system       by helping microorganisms and plants to
          perpetuates, such as extracting resources,      grow. In 2019, landfill methane produced
          producing goods, disposing of waste, and        the equivalent of 114.5 million metric tons
          transporting materials at every stage of        of CO2.71
          that process – collectively account for 42%
                                                          Using recycled material instead of virgin
          of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.65
                                                          materials also saves significant amounts of
          That is more than any individual sector
                                                          energy – according to the Institute of Scrap
          of the U.S. economy, such as transporta-
                                                          Recycling Industries, up to 95% for alumi-
          tion (29%) or electricity generation (25%),
                                                          num, 75% for copper, 88% for plastic, 60%
          though these sectors do overlap with the
                                                          for paper, 60% for steel and 34% for glass.
          material economy.66
                                                          It also conserves natural resources. Recy-
          Cutting back on these emissions by con-         cling 1 ton of steel conserves 2,500 pounds
          suming less would therefore be one of           of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal and 120
          the most effective strategies to cut global     pounds of limestone; and recycling 1 ton
          warming pollution. It would also reduce the     of aluminum conserves more than 4 metric
          unaccounted-for emissions from countries        tons of bauxite ore.72

AIR POLLUTION                                       can cause skin, blood, liver and reproduc-
Most waste ends up in landfills, which              tive problems.76 Incinerators also release
release toxic air pollution. Construction and       heavy metals and mercury, a neurotoxin
demolition debris that contains drywall can         that impairs brain function.77
produce toxic hydrogen sulfide gas in land-
fills.73 Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, highly    A recent development in waste disposal is
flammable and explosive gas that smells             the concept of turning plastic waste into
like rotten eggs.74 Hydrogen sulfide can            fuel by treating it with various chemicals,
cause eye and skin irritation; problems with        heat and pressure through technologies
respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological        such as pyrolysis and gasification. These
systems, among others; cancer; and, in cases        processes break apart plastics in high heat
of acute exposure, death.75                         and low oxygen conditions and release
                                                    dangerous chemicals, including hydro-
Incinerators work by burning waste mate-            gen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and new
rial at extremely high temperatures, pro-           carcinogenic molecules not present in the
ducing ash and air pollution. Some of these         original plastic.78 Toxic and environmentally
emissions include cancer-causing and                harmful materials can then end up in the
highly toxic pollutants like dioxin, which          facility’s waste streams.79

                                                                      Photo: Doug Bradley via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Air pollution from the Blue Ridge Paper Mill in the town of Canton, North Carolina. Because the vast
majority of manufactured materials in the U.S. are ultimately dumped or burned, materials such as
paper need to be continually made anew. The processes by which these new materials are made create
air, water and global warming pollution.

                                                                                                                        PAGE 13
While the extent of the risk to facility         posed of with little regulation or oversight.
          workers and neighboring communities              For example, 11 million pounds of radioac-
          remains unknown, existing pyrolysis and          tive fracking waste was spread on Pennsyl-
          gasification facilities for plastic waste have   vania roads in 2016 – legally – for de-icing
          been linked to hazardous emissions that          and dust control.86
          pose health risks to workers and nearby
          residents. Gasification of plastic produces      The U.S. has 2,629 active landfills and many
          carcinogens that can be disruptive to respi-     retired ones.87 Almost all need some level
          ratory or neurological systems, including        of monitoring, and some pose significant
          phthalates, BPA and toxic brominated com-        threats to the environment.
          pounds.80                                        For example, the town of Lewisville, Texas
          According to a European Commission               alleged in a 2012 federal lawsuit that the
          report on plastic recycling, detailed            Camelot Landfill posed “an imminent and
          knowledge of the environmental impacts           substantial endangerment” to its drinking
          and possible unintended consequences of          water supply.88 Monitoring wells outside
          industrial-scale chemical recycling “does        the landfill near the Elm Fork of the Trin-
          not exist.”81 A report by the nonprofit group    ity River were found to be contaminated
          Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives     with heavy metals and chlorinated hydro-
          (GAIA) concluded, “The only thing [plastic       carbons, which can impact central nervous
          to fuel] recycles is toxic chemicals.”82         system function and cause kidney damage.89
          Furthermore, diesel fuel produced via            The groundwater at Lees Lane Landfill
          chemical recycling emits higher levels of        in Louisville, KY, was tested in 2012 and
          pollutants, including nitrogen oxides, soot,     found to contain arsenic levels up to 38
          carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.83            times the federal limit for drinking water,
                                                           and lead contamination levels as high as
          Dumping and burning garbage rather than          130 parts per billion, nearly nine times the
          reusing and recycling materials necessitates     federal action level.90
          perpetual extraction, manufacturing and
          transportation activities, all of which also     OCEAN POLLUTION
          create air pollution.                            Much of our trash ends up loose in the envi-
                                                           ronment and is eventually carried into the
          WATER CONTAMINATION                              ocean via stormwater runoff, littering and
          The liquid that filters through landfills is     illegal dumping. An estimated 16.5 million
          called leachate, a complex mix of chemicals      tons of plastic ends up in the ocean every year,
          and contaminants that varies depending on        and that figure could grow sharply by 2040.91
          the makeup of the landfill. Toxic leachate       A 2020 study estimated that there were 165
          can threaten drinking water supplies, even       million tons of plastic in the world’s oceans,
          when landfills are protected with modern         which may not biodegrade for centuries, if
          plastic liners.84 Treated leachate is some-      ever.92 The Pacific Ocean contains a massive
          times released into surface waters, but a        garbage patch which is estimated to be about
          study by the U.S. Geological Survey found        twice the size of Texas and has been growing
          that even after wastewater treatment, leach-     continuously.93
          ate still contained potentially hazardous
          levels of contaminants.85                        A 2014 study estimated that there were at
                                                           least 5.25 trillion pieces of floating plastic in
          Industrial waste is also often contaminated      the world’s oceans.94 The majority of particles
          with dangerous or toxic substances and dis-      accumulate on the sea floor or break down

Photo: Alaska Department of Fish & Game

A Northern fur seal with a fishing net around its neck.

into smaller and smaller pieces, and eventu-         found that seafood eaters consume up to
ally into harmful chemicals, which persist           11,000 microplastic particles every year, some
indefinitely in the environment.95 All of            of which accumulate in the body over time
these bits of plastic are harmful to marine          and may lead to long-term health impacts.97
species and a potential contributing factor          In fact, humans may consume an average of
to species extinction.96 This is a problem           five grams of microplastics per week, or the
for people who eat seafood, too. One study           equivalent of a credit card.98

          Figure 4. Since the 1960s, the amount of plastic produced has radically increased102

                                                                                                                         PAGE 15
Figure 5. As plastic generation has increased, plastic recycling has stalled103

          Marine mammals also frequently ingest                 down over the past 20 years, largely to
          plastic, mistaking it for food or consuming           manufacture paper products that could be
          it inadvertently. One study found plastic             made out of recycled material.105
          in over 60% of dead sea turtles’ digestive
          tracts.99 Larger pieces of plastic can also harm      The impact of food waste reverberates
          or kill seals and whales by entangling them           throughout our globalized world. Each year,
          – based on annual entanglement figures, the           30 million acres of cropland, roughly the
          same study found that this affects at least           area of Pennsylvania, is farmed for food
          57,000 whales and seals every year.100 This           that is wasted in the U.S.106 Globally, an area
          tragedy is not limited to the seas – wildlife         the size of Mexico is farmed for food that is
          entanglement has been recorded in over 270            thrown away.107 Nearly a quarter of all water
          species.101                                           used for agriculture nourishes crops that
                                                                become food waste.108 Because America’s
          WASTED NATURAL RESOURCES                              food comes from around the world, much
                                                                of the habitat destruction occurring in
          Virgin raw materials often cost less than             other parts of the world is due to American
          post-consumer recycled content, but only              waste.109
          because of the heavy subsidization of vir-
          gin extraction, the fact that the natural             In 2018, the U.S. landfilled or burned 32.6
          resources that produce them are so under-             million tons of plastic, much of it single-use
          valued, and the failure to incorporate the            plastic containers and other plastic prod-
          environmental and social costs of their               ucts for which sustainable replacements
          extraction into their price. It took at least         are readily available.110 The demand for this
          321 million trees to produce the amount               quantity of plastic requires large amounts
          of paper that was landfilled or burned in             of oil and gas, leaving lasting impacts on
          the U.S. in 2018 alone.104 An area of Canada’s        the millions of acres of land where the fossil
          boreal forest the size of Ohio has been cut           fuels are drilled, transported and refined.


  The COVID-19 pandemic upended every           further hit by about 100 cities and towns
  facet of the economy and daily life.          suspending curbside municipal recycling
  People stayed home; they cooked and           services during the pandemic due to bud-
  ordered takeout; businesses idled while       get and safety concerns.114
  medical workers worked around the
  clock. The U.S. waste system, already         COVID-19 also reshaped policies to
  far from sustainable, was profoundly          address the trash crisis. Many communi-
  affected.                                     ties that had banned single-use plastic
                                                bags suspended these bans, uncertain
  In just two months during the spring          whether reusable bags could spread the
  of 2020, the U.S. may have generated an       virus. Even as it became clear that reus-
  entire year’s worth of medical waste.111      able bags were extremely unlikely to
  Fueled by takeout food and online shop-       transmit the virus, some cities, states and
  ping, residential waste was up 20% above      private businesses were slow to reinstate
  normal during the height of the spring        bans on disposable bags.115
  lockdowns, settling in at 7% to 10%
  above normal at the end of 2020. Mean-        As the U.S. moves beyond the pandemic,
  while, commercial waste fell 10%.112          it is unclear whether and when changes
                                                in waste patterns and litter habits will
  The price of oil fell precipitously, and      return to normal. Much will depend
  with it, the cost of making virgin plastic    on whether states, cities and towns
  and the value of recycled plastic. The        will remain committed to their waste-
  recycled plastic used to make drink           reduction goals. Forward-thinking com-
  bottles became 88% more expensive than        munities will look back at the increased
  bottle-grade plastic made from virgin         trash and ubiquitous litter of masks and
  materials, reinforcing the need to move       takeout containers on streets and in parks
  beyond single-use plastics altogether.113     during COVID and redouble their zero-
  The supply of recycled materials was          waste efforts.

Why does the U.S. throw out                     incomes were low. Waste was limited
                                                because it made economic sense to only buy
so much stuff?
                                                what you needed, to repurpose everything,
The U.S. throws out immense amounts of          and to produce and purchase durable goods
materials because goods are relatively cheap    that could be easily repaired.
to produce and consume, most goods are
made to be used once or temporarily, and        As the 20th century progressed, however,
there are few direct incentives to repair,      new technologies made all sorts of products
reuse, recycle and compost materials.           more affordable and disposable, so the bar-
                                                riers to waste fell. A dollar in 2020 buys 44
GOODS ARE CHEAP                                 times the electricity it did in 1902.116 The cost
Before the 20th century, households gen-        of industrial minerals dropped by roughly
erated minimal amounts of waste. Raw            40% from 1900 to 2000.117 With raw materials
materials were expensive, manufacturing         and energy falling in cost, new and cheaper
was relatively inefficient, and most people’s   materials were invented. Modern plastics,

                                                                                                    PAGE 17
invented in the early 1900s, became very         Food waste is another largely modern prac-
          inexpensive to produce and ubiquitous in         tice. The U.S. wastes up to 40% of the food
          the latter half of the century. Many indus-      it produces – around 133 billion pounds per
          tries, inspired by Henry Ford’s assembly         year.121 This waste is in large part due to the
          line, adopted the practice of mass produc-       spread of industrial farming in the 20th cen-
          tion, which lowered production costs.            tury, which has made it cheaper to produce
                                                           and consume food. Accounting for inflation,
          At the same time that product costs were         milk, ham and sugar in 2013 cost half or less
          falling, people’s incomes were rising, fur-      than half as much as they did in 1913, rice
          ther lowering the barriers to consumption        cost one-third what it had, and eggs cost
          and waste production. The median house-          only one-quarter what they had a century
          hold income in the U.S. more than doubled        ago.122 Producers and distributors routinely
          in 50 years from $20,102 (in 1997 dollars) in    discard food that does not meet high aes-
          1947 to $44,568 in 1997.118                      thetic standards and transport food long
                                                           distances with some of it spoiling along the
                                                           way.123 The relatively low cost of food also
                                                           allows people to buy more than they eat – a
          The 20th century saw the rise of dispos-         family of four spends $1,500 every year on
          able goods and packaging – a develop-            food that does not get eaten.124
          ment that accelerated dramatically after
          the widespread introduction of plastic.          THERE ARE FEW DIRECT INCENTIVES TO
          In 1956, the editor of National Packaging        REPAIR, REUSE, RECYCLE AND COMPOST
          magazine declared “the future of plastics        America’s wasteful system of extraction,
          is in the trash can.”119 He urged the plastics   consumption and disposal continues – even
          industry to stop thinking about reusable         though it harms public health and the
          products and instead to focus on single-use      environment, wastes natural resources, and
          products – things that can be used once          contributes to dangerous global warming
          and thrown away – because that would             – because its true costs are spread across
          create a never-ending sales opportunity.         society and even across generations. The
          It required behavior change for people to        absence of policies that hold companies
          start using disposable goods, but advertis-      accountable for managing their packaging
          ing campaigns were effective and now red         and products means that these costs are not
          plastic cups and plastic forks are American      felt directly by the producers who create the
          staples.                                         problem, who therefore have no incentive to
          Disposability even began to extend to            change their behavior.
          durable goods. “Planned obsolescence”            Producers are typically not responsible for
          was thought up in the 1920s, when the            the goods they produce after they are sold
          national automobile market reached satu-         or their warranty runs out, so they do not
          ration. General Motors famously started          have to pay to dispose of those goods when
          introducing new design models every year         they are ultimately thrown out. Produc-
          to convince consumers that their cars were       ers, therefore, have little incentive to build
          out of date so that they would buy new           products to last, to use less packaging, or
          ones.120 Today’s smartphones continue that       to make their goods or packaging easy to
          tradition, with designs that make them           repair, reuse, recycle or compost. In fact,
          so difficult to repair they might as well be     it is often beneficial for producers to make

goods intended to be used once or only tem-       In most communities, consumers do not
porarily so that consumers continually have       directly pay to throw out their garbage, or
to buy more.                                      they pay the same fee regardless of how
                                                  much they throw out, so they also have no
Similarly, since companies’ profits increase      direct incentives to repair, reuse, recycle
when we buy new products, it is in these          and compost.
companies’ interests to make it harder to
repair our old ones. Many companies have          The broader costs of this system – the
for this reason attempted to control the meth-    harm to public health and the environ-
ods of repair, with some even going so far as     ment, the waste of resources, and the
to try and block technologies and discourage      endangerment of future generations
laws that enable electronics to be repaired.125   through global warming – are also dis-
                                                  placed and largely invisible. Even Ameri-
Many groups have a vested interest in keep-       cans who feel the public health impacts
ing this system as it is. Manufacturers, dis-     of this system or who see the loss of natu-
tributors, retailers and waste haulers have       ral areas may not draw the connections
lobbied against measures to limit waste           between these burdens and the fact that so
like container deposit laws (bottle bills) and    many materials are discarded in the U.S.
bans on plastic bags, all while lobbying for
expansions of their facilities.126

                                                                                                PAGE 19
Moving America to zero waste

          AMERICA HAS THE TOOLS to shift from a            materials are ultimately dumped or burned,
          wasteful, polluting and costly linear econ-      this process must repeat from the extraction
          omy to a circular material economy that          stage to replace those lost materials. Extract,
          produces zero waste.                             produce, consume, throw out, repeat – this
                                                           system is effectively a one-way pipeline
          The U.S. material economy is linear –            that converts natural resources into ever-
          natural resources are extracted to produce       growing piles of garbage and plumes of
          goods, which are purchased, used and             incinerator smoke.
          ultimately thrown out. Because most


            Thanks to strong public participation          dard so it can be easily reused or recycled,
            and policies that hold producers respon-       leading to an almost 90% recycling rate.130
            sible for their waste, Germany now
            recycles 67% of its household waste and        When German manufacturers began pay-
            has a 97% recovery rate for packaging.127      ing a fee based on packaging type and vol-
                                                           ume, plastics in packaging fell by nearly
            • Manufacturers pay a fee on all               one third, and one million tons of packag-
              packaging based on recyclability of          ing overall was saved over five years.131
              packaging materials, encouraging
              producers to make packaging much             Producer responsibility programs are
              easier to recycle.128                        among the most impactful policy inter-
                                                           ventions to reduce trash, and interest is
            • There are uniformly colored bins             growing in the U.S. In February 2021,
              throughout the country for food waste        state legislators representing nine states
              (brown), paper (blue), packaging (yellow),   announced a coordinated plan to intro-
              and garbage (black). This simple, univer-    duce producer responsibility legislation in
              sal system makes sorting easy and            their states.132 In 2021, Maine became the
              habitual.                                    first U.S. state to pass such legislation. LD
            • Manufacturers are required to meet           1541 – “An Act to Support and Improve
              ambitious recycling targets, which           Municipal Recycling Programs and Save
              have risen over time.129                     Taxpayer Money” – requires that com-
                                                           panies using certain kinds of packaging
            Before construction debris can be dis-         materials cover the recycling costs of
            posed of, it must be sorted to a high stan-    those materials.133

Photo Credit: UCI Sustainability via Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0

Students sort their waste at a University of California Irvine sustainability event. Composting and
recycling should be mandatory, less expensive than garbage disposal and available everywhere there
are trash services – at home, school, work and in public.

It doesn’t have to be this way.                     discharges to land, water, or air that threaten
                                                    the environment or human health.”134
America can create a circular material
economy that moves towards producing                This goal can be achieved by replacing the
zero waste.                                         wasteful linear material economy with a
                                                    circular, or closed-loop, economic system. In
The Zero Waste International Alliance, which        this system, less would be consumed, prod-
in 2004 established a peer-reviewed, inter-         ucts would be built to last and be easy to
nationally accepted definition of zero waste        repair and, once they fulfilled their original
to help guide businesses, institutions and          purpose, would be easily reused, recycled
communities in creating zero-waste goals,           or composted, eliminating the need for
currently defines zero waste simply as “the         harmful landfills and incinerators. Then,
conservation of all resources by means of           new products would be made using the
responsible production, consumption, reuse,         reused and recycled materials, replacing the
and recovery of products, packaging, and            need for harmful and wasteful extraction
materials without burning and with no               processes.

                                                                                                                                  PAGE 21
Steps to achieving a zero-waste system           producer responsibility laws covering over
          The following steps can help create a zero-      a dozen types of products exist across the
          waste economy and can be promoted                U.S.135
          through a variety of policies and programs       Producer responsibility programs can be
          at the local, state and federal levels.          particularly useful in collecting, recycling
          1. Set a goal to achieve zero waste.             and reimagining paper and packaging
                                                           products (PPP). For over a decade, British
          A zero-waste goal is a critical step in driv-    Columbia has been running a successful
          ing the adoption of policies and practices       program that holds producers respon-
          that can achieve that aim. It is not enough      sible for managing several product waste
          to set goals to increase recycling and com-      streams, including paper and packaging
          posting rates. To achieve zero waste, prod-      waste. In 2019, the program recovered 78%
          ucts will need to be made using reused and       of eligible material and recycled 90% of
          recycled materials, be built to last, and be     it.136 These programs also spur producers,
          easy to repair, reuse, recycle or compost. To    who are required to pay for the collection
          make that possible, governments will need        of their products, to innovate new con-
          to adopt strong policies and provide finan-      tainers and packaging that are easier to
          cial and other support for waste reduction       recycle and use fewer resources. Producer
          programs, reuse programs, research and           responsibility programs for PPP dramati-
          infrastructure.                                  cally increase recycling rates by providing
                                                           sustainable funding that enables equitable
          2. Require producers to take responsibility      collection of materials for all residents
             for their products during their entire life   in a jurisdiction and by streamlining the
             cycle.                                        materials that are collected for recycling.
          Producers are usually not responsible for        Further, many producer responsibility pro-
          their products once they are purchased or        grams charge producers by weight for the
          their warranty runs out, so they have no         packaging they bring to market and charge
          financial incentives to use less packaging,      more for materials that are harder to recy-
          to build products to last, or to make their      cle. These charges can encourage producers
          products or packaging easy to repair, reuse,     to reduce their packaging and to use more
          recycle, or compost.                             environmentally friendly materials. As of
                                                           July 2021, Maine became the first state in
          Producers should be required to fund the         the U.S. to pass a law establishing producer
          collection and recycling of hard-to-recycle      responsibility for PPP.137
          products after their useful lives. This will
          encourage them to improve the design of          In 2021, U.S. Rep. Alan Lowenthal and U.S.
          their products to be easily reusable, repair-    Sen. Jeff Merkley (re)introduced the Break
          able, recyclable or compostable, and will        Free From Plastic Pollution Act in Congress,
          increase the recycling rates of difficult-to-    an ambitious set of policies that includes,
          recycle products.                                among other reforms, a ban on several
                                                           single-use plastic items, a national bottle
          Product stewardship laws already exist           bill, a pause on new permits for plastic pro-
          across the country, and are effective at         duction and chemical recycling facilities,
          making manufacturers responsible for the         and a nationwide producer responsibility
          collection and disposal of specific hard-        program for packaging.138 Individually,
          to-recycle or hazardous materials, such as       each of these measures would meaning-
          batteries, carpets or paint. More than 115       fully reduce the amount of unwanted waste

and pollution; taken together, the bill would     opportunities for technological innovation
upend our extractive, one-way waste system        in the materials we regularly interact with,
and greatly improve the sustainability of all     one example being the growing variety of
sectors of society.                               certified compostable foodware – though
                                                  infrastructure for collecting and managing
3. Price goods to reflect the environmental       compostables has so far lagged behind.
   and public health impacts of their pro-
   duction.                                       4. Make recycling and composting man-
                                                     datory, universally accessible and less
The price of goods often does not reflect            expensive than garbage disposal.
the impact of their production on the envi-
ronment or public health. This has led to         Mandatory recycling and composting laws
the proliferation of cheap goods that have        are among the most effective ways to reduce
serious environmental and public health           waste. Through these laws, residents, busi-
impacts that society must ultimately pay for.     nesses and institutions are required to
                                                  recycle and compost all appropriate materi-
If products were priced to reflect the envi-      als. The burning of plastics or any waste for
ronmental and public health impacts of            energy recovery should not be considered
their production, such as the social costs of     recycling.
greenhouse gas emissions or other forms
of pollution, consumers and businesses            To enact these laws, recycling and compost-
could make more informed purchases,               ing services must be made available every-
which would reduce the amount of mate-            where there are garbage disposal services
rial needlessly thrown out. This would also       – at home, at work and in public. The state
encourage the development of safer and            of Vermont, for example, now requires that
more environmentally friendly products,           publicly owned spaces provide recycling
lowering the societal costs of environmental      bins next to trash bins as part of its Univer-
and public health impacts. There are clearly      sal Recycling Law.139

                   Figure 4. Material economic systems– linear versus circular

                                                                                                   PAGE 23
The success of mandatory recycling and             There are other policies that can incentivize
          composting programs depends on public              recycling and composting. Bottle bills, for
          education. For instance, in implementing its       instance, tack a small deposit onto products
          Universal Recycling Law, Vermont has estab-        that come in bottles or cans. If consumers
          lished an education program in public schools      return the bottles and cans to be reused
          that provides support and materials for teach-     and recycled, they receive the deposit back,
          ers, such as sample lesson plans.140 This pro-     providing a direct incentive to return the
          gram aims to make recycling and composting         bottles and cans instead of throwing them
          second nature for children, so that they will      away. In 2018, of the 10 states with the high-
          influence their families at home and carry         est recycling rate for common containers
          these behaviors into adulthood.                    and packaging materials, eight had bottle
          Mandatory recycling and composting laws
          need to involve a system of accountability         Furthermore, the recyclable material col-
          to be effective. In some places, waste haul-       lected as a result of bottle bills is of higher
          ers can be fined for continually dropping off      quality because it is separated and does
          excessive quantities of unrecyclable garbage       not get contaminated by other materi-
          in their recycling and composting loads            als, thereby commanding higher value in
          and vice versa. Residents, businesses and          the marketplace.143 This is especially true
          institutions can also be issued warnings           for glass, which is easily contaminated in
          and fines when they do not sort their waste        single-stream recycling collection.
                                                             5. Require goods to be built to last and easy
          To further incentivize consumers to reduce            to repair, reuse, recycle or compost.
          the amount of garbage they produce, com-
          munities should ensure that it is more             To move toward zero waste, policymakers
          affordable to recycle and compost than to          should encourage the production and sale
          throw materials away. In many communi-             of products that are built to last and easy to
          ties, garbage is collected for free or at a flat   repair, reuse, recycle or compost.
          “all you can throw” rate, giving consumers         When products do break, it should be easy
          no incentive to reduce the amount of waste         and cost-effective to repair them rather than
          they produce and throw away.                       throw them out. Many products are inten-
          Pay as you throw (PAYT), also known                tionally or inadvertently made to be difficult
          as Saving Money and Reducing Trash                 or impossible to repair, so they must be
          (SMART) programs incentivize consumers             replaced when they break.144 It is also often
          to waste less and to recycle and compost           cheaper to buy new products than to repair
          more. PAYT is an effective policy tool that        existing ones. Policies that require the man-
          uses a modest price signal to encourage con-       ufacturers of certain products to warranty
          sumers to more carefully consider the waste        their goods for a substantial length of time
          they produce. 9,000 communities across             could encourage the sale of higher-quality
          the U.S. have some version of PAYT. One            products that are less likely to be thrown
          study of 20 Maine communities found PAYT           away prematurely.
          programs generated 45% less trash and had          In addition, some manufacturers hold the
          a 62% higher recycling rate.141 These pro-         rights to all of the tools, parts or software
          grams should be implemented everywhere             needed to fix their products – a situation
          and fees should be sufficient to incentivize       that can make it difficult or prohibitively
          composting and recycling.                          expensive for consumers to have prod-

ucts repaired. Policymakers should enact         6. Ban the sale of single-use items that are
“Right to Repair” reforms to remove these           not easily recyclable or compostable,
barriers. These reforms require that infor-         including packaging, plastic bags and
mation, parts and tools needed to repair            food service ware.
products be made available to consumers.
These reforms also expand consumers’             Packaging and containers make up 28%
rights to adapt and modify products to           of the materials thrown out by homes and
extend their useful lives.                       businesses in the U.S.147 Producers should be
                                                 required to limit the amount of packaging
Electronics are becoming a notorious             they use and to make all packaging easy to
example of products that break quickly           recycle or compost.
and are difficult to repair. Impossible-to-
open products and a restricted supply            Policymakers should tax, limit or ban prod-
of original replacement parts can lead           ucts with limited usefulness that will most
to consumers choosing to replace rather          likely end up as waste. Single-use plastic
than repair.145 Properly recycling electron-     bags, for example, almost all end up as
ics to reuse the valuable elements within        waste and often as litter in our communi-
requires specialized recycling facilities,       ties and waterways. These items are used
but these can be scarce or hard to find.         for mere moments and then take decades
This is problematic because electronics          to centuries to break down, harming the
contain toxic substances that can find their     environment and our health in the process.
way into our air and water if thrown out         To stop this nonsensical cycle, eleven U.S.
in the regular trash.                            states and many cities have banned single-
                                                 use plastic shopping bags.148 Many other
Many products, such as lightweight and           cities, counties and states in the U.S. have
mixed-material packaging, are difficult to       programs to tax or limit plastic bags or
recycle. To avoid this, lawmakers should         increase their recycling rates.149
set standards for products sold in the U.S.
to be recyclable, repairable or compostable.     Many communities are also banning the
The U.S. should also support research into       sale of polystyrene, commonly referred to
new materials that are more recyclable or        as “Styrofoam,” a particular brand name.
compostable, or less polluting, as well as       These communities are banning polysty-
new recycling applications for discarded         rene, or specific polystyrene products like
materials.                                       take-out food containers and packing pea-
                                                 nuts, because they are typically not recycla-
Products should be clearly labeled in a way      ble, do not biodegrade, and create harmful
that that facilitates recycling. Most plas-      litter. In Massachusetts alone, at least 47 cit-
tic is labeled with what appears to be the       ies and towns have restricted polystyrene.150
universal recycling symbol: three “chasing
arrows” forming a triangle, with a number        Single-use plastic foodware products, which
between one and seven inside. Confus-            are used for minutes but last for centuries,
ingly, this refers to the type of plastic, not   should also be banned. This includes bever-
its recyclability, a fact 92% of Americans       age containers, polystyrene and to-go boxes.
don’t know.146 Truthful labeling laws,           The use of disposable food service ware –
which restrict misleading recycling claims       straws, coffee cups, plastic forks, to-go con-
or symbols, can help people avoid mis-           tainers, napkins, paper towels, paper plates,
placed confidence in plastic recycling.          solo cups, etc. – should be limited to products
                                                 that are easily recyclable or compostable.

                                                                                                    PAGE 25
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