Transportation Information for Business Executives & Elected Officials in Northern New Jersey & Monmouth County - EZ Ride

Page created by Zachary Chavez
Transportation Information for Business Executives & Elected Officials in Northern New Jersey & Monmouth County - EZ Ride
Issue No. 68 Summer 2017

Transportation Information for Business Executives & Elected Officials in Northern New Jersey & Monmouth County

Harmon Cove Shuttle to
Serve Frederick Goldman

        he Harmon Cove Shuttle links
        businesses like Rose Brand and
        ARRI located in the Harmon
Cove area in Secaucus to the Secaucus
Junction Transfer Station. The service
operates at 10-minute intervals during
peak hours, from 6:55 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.,
and from 4:05 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. The
demand for the service has increased
                                              The City of Asbury Park is one of the 15 Gold Level Awardees in our Safe Routes to School Program. Mayor John
with the arrival of Frederick Goldman,        Moor of Asbury Park walks with children to encourage them to walk to school.
and we will add a third vehicle in
August to serve the growing ridership.                                              45 Schools and Ten Municipalities
As a result, the frequency of service will                                          Recognized for Promoting Walking
increase with a shuttle departing from
the train station every eight minutes.
                                                                                    and Biking to School

At the Secaucus Bus Terminal, we have               he Safe Routes to School (SRTS)                 EZ Ride team has leveraged funding from
two dedicated berths for the 11 EZ Ride             program recognizes schools and                  the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
buses that together make more than 100              municipalities for their efforts to             the New Jersey Healthy Communities
trips to the Terminal. Every weekday,        enable and encourage children to walk and              Network, and the New Jersey Healthy
about 1,000 riders take advantage of         bicycle to school. The recognition is at one           Corner Store Initiative to augment the
the shuttles to Secaucus Junction and        of four levels: First Step, Bronze, Silver,            federal funds and serve communities like
connect with one of the 11 NJ Transit        and Gold. We are pleased that 45 schools               Asbury Park, Long Branch, Plainfield and
train lines that serve the station. The      and ten municipalities qualified for these             Fanwood-Scotch Plains.
shuttles serve businesses located            awards in 2017. Additionally, 15 of the 45             EZ Ride will host a Recognition Event
in Harmon Meadow in Secaucus,                schools qualified to receive the Gold Level            on October 19th at the Grand Centurion
Overpeck Center in Ridgefield Park,          award. The success of the program is due               located at 440 Madison Hill Road
Meadows Landmark in Rutherford, and          to the efforts of the EZ Ride bike and                 in Clark, New Jersey, and invite the
The Monarch in E. Rutherford.                pedestrian program team who have done                  winning schools and towns to celebrate
Each day, EZ Ride shuttles connect           a remarkable job in building partnerships              their achievement. The location can be
major transportation hubs such as            with local community leaders, elected                  easily accessed and is near Exit 135 of
Newark Penn Station, Secaucus                officials, the board of education, police              the Garden State Parkway. Please save the
Junction, Journal Square in Jersey City,     departments, schools and PTAs, libraries,              date, and an invitation will follow.
and the PATH station in Harrison to          and several non-profits active in the
                                             community.                                                 For more information please call:
more than 300 area businesses.
                                             We have more than 800 schools in our                          Lisa Lee (201) 939-4242 ext. 123
For more information, please call:
                                             service area, and due to our limited                           
 Kinga Skora (201) 939-4242 ext. 131         resources, we are focused on 200 schools
                  in 23 disadvantaged communities. The
Transportation Information for Business Executives & Elected Officials in Northern New Jersey & Monmouth County - EZ Ride


                OFFICERS                         Communities on the Move...
        Perry E. Frenzel, Chairman
         PNJ/Frenzel Associates
        Patricia Ott, Vice Chairman
                                                                         Asbury Park and EZ Ride Partner to Provide
         MBO Engineering, LLC                                            Subsidized Rides for Low-Income Residents
        Chip Hallock, Secretary

  Newark Regional Business Partnership
        Ronald E. Nichols, Treasurer                    Z Ride has partnered with the City                  transportation options are needed,” said
              NJ TRANSIT                                of Asbury Park and the Alliance for                 Mayor John Moor. “We hope that this
                                                        a Healthier Asbury Park to launch                   pilot program is successful and residents
                                                 Ryde4Life-Asbury Park, a program to                        who are most in need see this as a
             Sandra Bleckman                     provide subsidized rides using Lyft and                    beneficial program.”
      Fairleigh Dickinson University             Uber. Qualified riders will pay 50% of the                 The City’s Transportation Manager,
               Steven Brown                      cost for medical visits and grocery trips                  Michael Manzella, said “Residents
         Port Authority of NY & NJ               within ten miles and up to eight rides per                 without access to personal vehicles have
              Scott Bogren                       month.                                                     struggled to make medical appointments
Community Transportation Assoc. of America
                                                 All adults in Asbury Park who are over                     and often use a taxi service for grocery
             Robert R. Ceberio
                                                 the age of 18 and have a Medicaid,                         trips. This program provides a more
            RCM Ceberio, LLC
                                                 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance                          convenient way to access the care they
              Angel G. Estrada
                                                 Program (SNAP), Special Supplemental                       need.”
               Union County
                                                 Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,                      EZ Ride’s Executive Director, Krishna
            Diana E. Fainberg                    and Children (WIC) or Pharmaceutical
    Diana E. Fainberg Associates, LLC                                                                       Murthy, said that while there have been
                                                 Assistance to the Aged and Disabled                        many requests for a shuttle service or
               Sal Gentile                       (PAAD) Card are eligible for the
      Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc.                                                                       local circulator bus, those transportation
                                                 discounted rides.                                          services are not always sustainable. “We
             Kent E. Hansen
        Pro Bono Partnership, Inc.               Program participants do not need a                         at EZ Ride see this as an opportunity
                                                 smartphone but will need a cell phone                      to provide on-demand transportation
             James Kirkos
     Meadowlands Regional Chamber
                                                 and a debit or credit card to participate.                 services for residents who need such a
                                                 Members will need to register for the                      service most for a fraction of the cost of
               David Kuhn
  New Jersey Department of Transportation
                                                 program, pre-load a virtual wallet, and                    establishing a shuttle route. We hope that
                                                 call the toll-free number (866)208-1307                    this program is successful and will serve as
              Nadereh Moini
  New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority
                                                 Option 4 for a ride to the doctor’s office or              a demonstration for future expansion and
                                                 the grocery store. The service is available                funding opportunities for this service.”
              Mary K. Murphy
                                                 Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.                        The program is scheduled to begin in
North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority
            Anthony Scardino                     Participation in the program is open to all                Asbury Park on July 1st.
      Anthony Scardino & Associates              residents over 18. However, only eligible                  For more information, visit:
          Thomas Schulze, AICP
                                                 residents will receive the 50% subsidy.           or
      Center for Community Planning              No advance reservation is required. EZ                     contact:
            James J. Tedesco III
                                                 Ride will request the rides, monitor and
                                                 resolve any issues that may arise.                                               David Fox
              Bergen County
               Michael Vieira                    “Asbury Park residents who have limited                               (866) 208-1307, Option 4
               Essex County                      mobility and limited access to public                            
                                                 transportation have expressed that better
            Richard Fritzky,
     Meadowlands Regional Chamber

                                                 The Transporter, is a quarterly newsletter about transportation information in our region and is published by Meadowlands
                                                 Transportation Brokerage Corporation d/b/a Meadowlink. Please call Kinga Skora at (201) 939-4242 with comments,
                                                 corrections or suggestions.
                                                 This publication was prepared with funding from the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) and the Federal
                                                 Highway Administration (FHWA). This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of NJTPA and FHWA in the interest of
   Page 2                                        information exchange. NJTPA and FHWA assume no liability for its contents or use thereof.
Transportation Information for Business Executives & Elected Officials in Northern New Jersey & Monmouth County - EZ Ride

                                                                                                   RIDER SPOTLIGHT

                              Three Schools Earn Gold Level
                              Recognition for Promoting Walking
                              and Bicycling

      assaic Public Schools has a diverse      two representatives from Rutgers’
      student body, and about 92 percent       Cooperative Extension and the EZ Ride
      are Hispanic/ Latino, and five           SRTS team participated in the event.
percent are black. Most of the in-district     The audit helped to identify the areas
students come from a low socioeconomic         of improvement on the major routes
                                                                                                     MILDRED CHRIST
background with about 10,000 of the            that children used to walk to school.
student body eligible for free meals and       These findings were used to develop the        Mildred lives in New Providence
400 eligible for reduced priced meals          school travel plan. As a result of their       and has used EZ Ride services
under the National School Breakfast &          outstanding efforts all three schools –        for about a year. She was also
Lunch Program.                                 Passaic School 2, Passaic School 8, and        one of our first riders in our new
The City of Passaic has 15 elementary          Passaic School 9 advanced to the Gold          Ryde4Life program. Mildred gave
schools. Last year, we recognized all 15       Level of the SRTS program. The school          up her driver’s license when her
schools for their efforts in the Safe Routes   travel plan is a pre-requisite for any         vision became impaired and relies
to School (SRTS) program to encourage          future infrastructure funding requests.        on us to go to the grocery store,
children to walk and bike to school at the     “The City of Passaic is committed to           doctors’ appointments, the mall,
First Step Level – a record for the school     promoting safe walking and bicycling to        and will use Ryde4Life to get to
district.                                      school. We are pleased to work with the        her upcoming physical therapy
                                               EZ Ride team to improve the quality of         sessions. She thinks the drivers are
In 2017, five schools partnered with EZ                                                       courteous and drive safely, and the
Ride and introduced their students to          life in our community and look forward to
                                               their continued help as we pursue funding      EZ Ride staff is very patient.
Pedestrian Safety presentations, walk
audits and poster contests, and three          for infrastructure improvements,” said         Mildred says, “I like the quick
schools undertook student travel tallies       Mayor Hector Lora.                             pickups and not having to make
and completed school travel plans.             SRTS is a federal, state and local effort to   reservations days in advance is a
                                               enable and encourage children, including       luxury that I truly enjoy. I have
 More than 1,100 students from the five                                                       referred Ryde4Life to several of
 schools attended the pedestrian safety        those with disabilities to walk and bicycle
                                               to school. SRTS facilitates the planning,      my friends who would benefit
 presentations and received bookmarks,                                                        from the service. I would like the
 Street Smart Tip cars and bilingual letters   development, and implementation of
                                               projects that improve safety and air           service to be expanded to include
 about the program addressed to their                                                         weekends as I would like to use it
 parents. Passaic School 8 had the largest     quality, as well as reduce traffic and fuel
                                               consumption. EZ Ride has partnered             to get to church.”
 number of attendees – 400 students.
                                               with more than 50 communities to help          She has two sons. Her one son and
 In December 2016, the EZ Ride bike            implement SRTS programs.                       two grandchildren live in Arizona.
 and pedestrian team met with about 30                                                        Mildred will be celebrating her
 parents whose children attended Passaic       For more information, please contact:
                                                                                              90th birthday later this year, and
 Schools – 2, 8 & 9, to discuss the process                  Mateusz Pitrus                   we plan to expand and provide the
 to conduct a walk audit. We conducted                  (201) 939-4242 ext. 122               weekend service in time for her
 the actual audits in January 2017 on                                                         birthday!
 two different days. Mayor Hector               
  Lora along with a team of 14 parents,                                                       For information about the
  8 Passaic Police Department officers                                                        Ryde4Life Program, please contact
  and the Chief of Police Luis Guzman,                                                        us at:
                                                                                                  (866) 208-1307 Option 4

                                                                                                             Page 3
Nonprofit Org.
                                                   Meadowlink                                                 U.S. Postage Paid
                                                   144 Park Place East                                        S. Hackensack, NJ
                                                   Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075                                        Permit No. 1761
 Comments? Suggestions?
   Feel free to forward
    your thoughts on
      improving the
    The Transporter
    to Kinga Skora at
     (201) 939-4242
        or e-mail:

Service Updates
                                                                                                  Freebies gallery...
                                                                                                   Free Bike Helmets for Kids
                   Essex Night Owl Fleet Expands to Eight
                   Vehicles to Serve Growing Ridership

                                                                                                   EZ Ride conducts Bike
        very night between the hours of 1        waiting list of riders. It also has eliminated    Safety Skills and Bike
        am, and 5 am about 400 residents         the stress for drivers of picking up and          Rodeos to teach children
        from Newark, Orange, E. Orange           dropping off people at the same time.             age 4-18 years old, how to
 and Irvington take advantage of the Essex       For low-income residents in Essex County,         ride a bicycle safely. Each
 Night Owl Shuttle for the journey to work       lack of transportation was a major barrier        rodeo has a road course;
 between their homes and Newark Penn             to accessing jobs. The Essex Night Owl            this is usually the children’s
 Station. The shuttle routes are designed to     program is a life saver as residents can get      favorite part of the event,
 help riders connect with the NJ Transit bus     to and from work safely.                          we offer a “learn to ride”
 No. 62 at Newark Penn Station on the hour                                                         program for those who
 from 1 am to 5 am which transports them         For more information about the Essex              don’t know how to ride. At
 to Newark Airport. Additionally, shuttle        Night Owl, please contact:                        these events, we provide
 riders can also connect with the PATH                          Avnish Gupta                       helmets for kids who do
 service at Penn Station.                                 (201) 939-4242 ext. 118                  not have one and also teach
 For more than 10-years, we have operated                                                          them to wear it correctly.
 the popular late-night shuttle, and daily                                                         We are scheduling Bike
 ridership has grown tenfold from 40 to 400.                                                       Rodeos in five counties;
 The size of the fleet has also increased, and                                                     Bergen, Essex, Monmouth,
 on June 1 we added the eighth minibus to                                                          Passaic, and Union. To
 meet the growing demand. Shuttle routes                                                           schedule your Bike Rodeo
 have also been simplified and redesigned                                                          and request free helmets,
 for greater efficiency with a focus either on                                                     please contact:
 pick-ups or drop-offs and not both. For the                                                             Mateusz Pitrus
 first time in years, we have eliminated the
                                                                                                    (201) 939-4242 ext. 122
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