Transportation Improvement Program 2019-2022 - Maui ...

Page created by Kelly Stone
Transportation Improvement Program 2019-2022 - Maui ...
Transportation Improvement Program
                                               Public Review Draft
                                                    May 24, 2018

                                                     Maui MPO
                                                  200 South High St.
                                                  Wailuku, HI 96793

Funding for this document was provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation (Federal Highway
Administration and Federal Transit Administration), State of Hawai’i, and County of Maui.

Equal Employment Opportunity Employer - The Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization does not
discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, national origin, religion or disability in access to, or operation of its
programs, services, and activities or in its hiring or employment practices. ADA and Title VI inquiries should be
forwarded to: Lauren Armstrong, Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization, 200 South High Street, Wailuku, HI
96793, Phone (808) 270-8216.
Transportation Improvement Program 2019-2022 - Maui ...
I.     Overview............................................................................................................................................... 1
II.    Federal Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 1
III. Projects in 2019-2022 TIP .................................................................................................................... 2
IV. Project Selection ................................................................................................................................... 3
       Asset Management ................................................................................................................................ 3
       Public Participation ............................................................................................................................... 4
       Title VI and Environmental Justice ...................................................................................................... 4
V.     Performance Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 5
VI. Financial Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 6
       Highways Program ............................................................................................................................... 6
       Transit Program .................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix A. Funding Detail of 2019-2022 TIP Projects
Appendix B. Status of 2015-2018 STIP Projects
Appendix C. Public Input Summary
Appendix D. Title VI Maps
Appendix E. Project Information Sheets

Table 1. State Safety Targets and Maui Baseline Safety Performance ......................................................... 5
Table 2. FHWA - Anticipated Federal Highway Administration Funds Programmed in TIP (x $1000) ..... 7
Table 3. FTA - Anticipated Federal Transit Administration Funds Programmed in TIP (x $1,000) ............ 7

DPW                     County of Maui Department of Public Works
FHWA                    Federal Highway Administration
FTA                     Federal Transit Administration
HDOT                    State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation
MDOT                    County of Maui Department of Transportation
MPO                     Metropolitan Planning Organization
PB                      Policy Board
Planning                County of Maui Department of Planning
STIP                    Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
TAC                     Technical Advisory Committee
TIP                     Transportation Improvement Program
STP                     Statewide Transportation Planning
USDOT                   United States Department of Transportation

Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2019-2022                                                                                                        i
Transportation Improvement Program 2019-2022 - Maui ...
As a federally-mandated metropolitan planning organization, Maui MPO coordinates with the State of
Hawai‘i and County of Maui to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the island of
Maui. The TIP is a short-term project implementation plan for all surface transportation projects that are
regionally significant or will use Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) funds. FHWA funds are typically programmed for highway, bicycle, and
pedestrian projects, while FTA funds are typically programmed for acquisition, operation and
maintenance of the public transit system.

The State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation (HDOT) manages the Statewide Transportation
Improvement Program (STIP process). Federal-aid projects on Moloka‘i and Lana‘i are programmed by
HDOT and County of Maui.

Project selection for the TIP was based on asset management priorities from implementing agencies,
performance measures, and public input. The Maui MPO Policy Board is the governing body that
establishes a performance-based process to evaluate projects for their consistency with the goals and
objectives of the Federal-Aid Transportation Plan 2035 for the District of Maui, adopted by the Policy
Board as the Maui Long Range Transportation Plan in July 2017. The Technical Advisory Committee
(TAC) provides technical analysis and recommendations to the PB. Stakeholders, agencies, and members
of the public have opportunities to provide input throughout the TIP update process.

The list of TIP projects is financially constrained based on reasonably anticipated FHWA and FTA funds
and local matching funds, and includes additional illustrative projects in the planning years. The TIP may
be revised between updates, and must be updated at least every four years. The TIP must be approved by
the Maui MPO Policy Board and the Governor or Governor’s designee before it is included in its entirety
in the STIP. Maui MPO provides the TIP to the FHWA and FTA for informational purposes. The
Governor or Governor’s designee transmits the STIP to the FHWA and FTA for joint approval.

For more information, see Maui MPO Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Policies and
Procedures, adopted by the Maui MPO Policy Board on November 22, 2017.

The TIP must include surface transportation projects proposed for funding under 23 U.S.C. and 49 U.S.C.
Chapter 53. The Maui TIP process complies with the following federal requirements1:

          23 CFR 450.326     Development and content of the transportation improvement program (TIP)
          23 CFR 450.328     TIP revisions and relationship to the STIP
          23 CFR 450.330     TIP action by the FHWA and the FTA
          23 CFR 450.332     Project selection from the TIP
          23 CFR 450.334     Annual listing of obligated projects.
          23 CFR 450.336     Self-certifications and Federal certifications.

    U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Accessed August 2017.

Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2019-2022                                                      1
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Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Funding - Constrained Years 2019-2022
 Public                                                                                                        Federal-
priority                                                                                                         aid (x
   *                               Project name                            Technical program         Year(s)    $1000)
   2       Shoreline Protection/Mitigation Program                     State Safety                 19, 21, 22 10,400
   4       Hana Highway Bridge Preservation Program                    State System Preservation     19, 21    10,452
   5       Kihei North-South Collector Road Phase 1                    County Capacity                 22       8,817
   6       Makawao Ave-Makani Road Improvements                        County Enhancement              22       2,102
   8       Kaupakalua Road Pavement Reconstruction Phase 2             County System Preservation      19       6,347
   9       Central Maui Traffic Signal Upgrades                        County Congestion               20         594
   10      Pu'unene Avenue Improvements                                State Enhancement             19, 20     8,000
   11      Guardrail & Shoulder Improvement Program                    State Safety                  20, 22     4,000
   13      Kula Highway Safety Improvements                            State Safety                    19         810
   15      Mahalawa Bridge Replacement                                 County System Preservation      21       4,800
   16      North Kihei Road Safety Improvements                        State Safety                    22       1,620
   17      Wakea Ave. & Kamehameha Ave. Intersection Improvements      County Congestion               22       2,186
   18      Kahawaiokapia Bridge Replacement                            County System Preservation      20       4,586
   19      Waikakoi Bridge Replacement                                 County System Preservation      22       4,800
   21      Old Haleakala Highway Traffic Signal Upgrade @ Pukalani St. County Safety                   20       1,237
   22      Honolua Bridge Replacement                                  State System Preservation       20       4,743
   24      Wai'ale Road & Wai'inu Road Intersection Improvements       County Congestion               21       1,832
   25      Guardrail & Shoulder Improvements, Hali'imaile Road         County Safety                   19       1,225
   26      Kahana Nui Bridge Replacement                               County System Preservation      20       2,918
   27      Papalaua Street Traffic Signal Upgrade @ Waine'e Street     County Safety                   19       1,470
   28      Lower Main Street Resurfacing                               County System Preservation      21       2,800
   29      Mill St Pavement Reconstruction                             County System Preservation      20       3,200
   30      Onehe'e Ave. Pavement Rehab. & Kea St. Reconstruction       County System Preservation      19       3,520
   31      Kanaloa Avenue & Mahalani Street Resurfacing                County System Preservation      21       3,330
  new      South Kihei Road Pavement Reconstruction                    County System Preservation      21       2,000

FHWA Funding - Planning Years 2023-24 (No commitment of federal funds)
 Public                                                                                                        Federal-
priority                                                                                                         aid (x
   *                               Project name                            Technical program         Year(s)    $1000)
   1       Pa'ia Relief Route **                                       State Capacity                23,24         -
   3       Honoapi'ilani Highway Realignment - Olowalu to Pali         State Safety                    23         500
   5       Kihei North-South Collector Phase 1 ***                     County Capacity                 23       8,000
   7       Honoapi'ilani Highway Rockfall Protection                   State Safety                    24       4,000
   14      Lower Honoapi'ilani Road Improvements Phase IV              County System Preservation      23       5,010
   23      Lower Honoapi'ilani Road Pavement Rehabilitation            County System Preservation      24       4,081
* Public priority based on Maui MPO public surveys completed in February 2018.
** Regionally significant project pending $57,330,000 State funding.
*** Advance Construction federal funds from 2023 appropriation to be used for Phase 1 construction in 2022.

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                                                                                                             aid (x
                            Project name                                 Technical program       Year(s)    $1000)
Other State FHWA Projects
Bridge and Pavement Improvement Program                             Special Maintenance Prog.    19-22         TBD*
National Recreational Trails Program                                State Enhancement            19-22         1,436
Transportation Alternatives Program                                 State Enhancement            19-22         TBD**
             Papa Avenue Complete Street Improvements               State Enhancement              19          1,800
             Wai'ale Road Complete Street Improvements              State Enhancement              19          1,400

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Bus and Bus Facility (Rural) - FTA 5339                             County Transit               19-22         1,433
Bus and Bus Facility (Small Urban) - FTA 5339                       County Transit               19-22         1,308
Rural Transportation Program - FTA 5311                             County Transit               19-22         2,181
Urbanized Area Program - FTA 5307                                   County Transit               19-22         8,962
Transportation Assistance for Elderly and Disabled - FTA 5310       County Human Services        19-22         1,129

* State Special Maintenance Program (SMP) funds of approximately $14.8 million per year for State-owned Maui
Bridge and Pavement Improvement Program projects. SMP projects may be eligible for federal funds.

** The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is a competitive program administered by State DOT to provide
federal funding for bicycle and pedestrian enhancements. Counties apply annually. Once awarded funds by State DOT,
TAP projects will be listed on the TIP.

Preserving the existing transportation system and improving safety are the top federal funding priorities
established by Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. Implementing agencies HDOT,
DPW and MDOT propose projects for the TIP based on asset management systems that track the
condition of bridges, pavement, and transit systems. Technical priority for highways and bridges is
documented in the Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). County of Maui Department of
Transportation (MDOT) follows a Transit Asset Management Plan for buses and bus facilities. Preventive
maintenance reduces the cost of maintaining infrastructure by extending the time period between major
rehabilitation or replacement.

Safety projects are identified through the State Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and based
on accident data. Congestion projects originate in traffic engineering programs that consider intersection
modifications to improve safety and traffic flow. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements are proposed
based on recommendations from the Hawai’i Bike Plan, Central Maui Bicycle and Pedestrian Master
Plan, and community input. Roadway capacity projects are proposed based on the Maui Long Range
Transportation Plan, which considers land use, population growth and roadway congestion.

Maui MPO hosted a set of five public workshops in February 2018 at ADA-accessible community centers
in Pāʻia, Lāhainā, Pukalani, Kīhei and Kahului to gather public input on the priority of transportation

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projects proposed for federal funding in the 2019-2022 TIP. Meeting at various locations within Maui
Bus operating hours helped ensure fair access to the decision-making process for all potentially affected
communities, consistent with the Environmental Justice program outlined in the Maui MPO Public
Participation Plan. Staff from HDOT, DPW, Planning and MDOT, as well as County Council members
attended as representatives of the Maui MPO TAC and Policy Board. The MPO held a set of follow up
workshops in April 2018 to share the financially constrained draft.

Maui MPO issued public notices of the workshops and draft TIP documents through press releases to all
major media outlets on Maui, emails to the MPO newsletter and interagency consultation lists, radio
announcements and fliers. In February, the MPO received 170 responses to a survey that asked members
of the public to rank proposed TIP projects as High, Medium or Low priority. People completing the
survey online could refer to an interactive web map showing the location and details of each project. The
map can be viewed at

The TAC and Policy Board considered public priority to develop the financially constrained TIP. In
March 2018, the TAC considered several alternatives of the draft TIP list, and recommended a financially
constrained TIP to the Policy Board, who then approved the draft list for public review. Policy Board and
TAC meeting minutes and materials are available on the Maui MPO website. Appendix C. Public Input
Summary documents the public input gathered online and through workshops, and a disposition of public
comments received.
Figure 1. Interactive Online TIP Map

Maui MPO utilized available Geographic Information System (GIS) data to analyze the potential impact
of TIP projects on minority, low income and vulnerable populations. The majority of TIP projects involve
preservation of existing transportation facilities. These projects will not substantially change the
“footprint” of the facility or its scale. As with any capital project there are bound to be interruptions in
service, detours, etc. These are considered temporary in nature and are mitigated on-site during project
implementation and through communication with the public. The impact analysis on special populations

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or resources did not identify significant adverse or unequal impacts resulting from the distribution and
location of any TIP projects. The maps for this analysis can be found in Appendix D. Title VI Maps.

Projects selected for the TIP impact Maui’s             Figure 2. Proportion of Federal Funds by Program Type in Maui TIP
progress toward goals and corresponding
performance measures from the Maui Long
Range Transportation Plan:

         Environment
         Modal Integration
         System Preservation
         Security
         Economic Vitality and Infill
         System Efficiency
         Access Mobility
         Safety

The overall contribution of Maui TIP projects to meeting performance goals are indicated by the
proportion of federal funds spent in each program category, as shown in Figure 2.

Safety and system preservation are top priorities for federal funding, reflected in the fact that 76% of
funds in the Maui TIP are programmed for projects in those two program types. Maui MPO supported
adoption of the State safety target in February 2018 to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries
on Maui roadways. Many system preservation projects also include multimodal safety elements, which
contributes toward Maui’s attainment of safety goals.
Table 1. State Safety Targets and Maui Baseline Safety Performance

Maui MPO programmed 10% of federal funding for enhancement projects specifically focused on
improving bicycle and pedestrian safety. Additionally, Transportation Alternative Program (TAP)
projects for Complete Streets in Central Maui received $3.2 million of federal funds through a
competitive Statewide process. Congestion projects, which typically include intersection improvements,

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were programmed 5% of funds. The $8 million programmed for Kīhei North-South Collector Road in
2022 accounted for 9% of overall funding dedicated to capacity.

Ratings of each individual project’s anticipated contribution to meeting goals described by the Maui MPO
Performance Criteria are shown in Appendix E. Project Information Sheets.

Figure 3. Sample Project Information Sheet with MPO Performance Criteria

Projects programmed in the 2019-2022 TIP are constrained to the amount of federal funding that is
reasonably expected to be made available. The funding data in Table 2 and Table 3, along with Appendix
A. Funding Detail of 2019-2022 TIP Projects constitute the financial plan for the TIP and include all the
data required in the Federal Regulations, 23 CFR 450.324(h), to demonstrate that the TIP is financially
constrained and that resources from federal, state and local sources are reasonably expected to be made
available to carry out the TIP.

Available federal highway funds were estimated in cooperation with HDOT based on federal
apportionment levels and a distribution formula. FHWA funds are appropriated annually by Congress.
FAST is the enabling act that governs federal surface transportation funding. For the purpose of defining
fiscal constraint for this document, it is assumed that federal surface transportation funding will continue
beyond FFY 2018 at or near current levels.

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Approximately $170 million in obligation authority is estimated to be available for the State of Hawai‘i
each fiscal year. Each of the funding sources and detailed information on the revenues estimated to be
available for the State of Hawaii is available in the 2019-2022 STIP. Based on Daily Vehicle Miles
Travelled (DVMT), Maui’s annual estimated planning target is $25 million per year of Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) funds for State and County federal-aid projects.

                                                       The Maui TIP is incorporated without change into the
Figure 4. County-State Split of FHWA Funds 2019-2022
                                                       STIP. To demonstrate fiscal constraint in the STIP,
                                                       HDOT compares the total amount of FHWA funds
                                                       programmed statewide to the obligation limitation
                                                       anticipated each year. Under FAST Act, HDOT may
                                                       transfer apportionments from one program to another –
                                                       the total amount of FHWA funds programmed is key.
                                                       Although this provides more immediate flexibility,
                                                       transferring from one fund type to another reduces the
                                                       ability to follow through with the intent of the fund.

Table 2. FHWA - Anticipated Federal Highway Administration Funds Programmed in TIP (x $1000)

FTA administers the federal-aid funds apportioned to states for the construction, operation and
maintenance of public transportation systems. The HDOT Statewide Transportation Planning (STP) office
manages FTA grant programs, which provide funding for the Maui Bus, managed by MDOT.

Table 3. FTA - Anticipated Federal Transit Administration Funds Programmed in TIP (x $1,000)

Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2019-2022                                                     7
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In 2018, the Hawai‘i State legislature passed HB2601 HD1 SD2 to increase the rental motor vehicle
surcharge tax for lessees without a valid Hawai’i driver’s license by $2 for each day. Once signed into
law by the Governor, it requires that revenues be expended for state highway road capacity projects in the
county in which the rental motor vehicle was operated. Maui MPO Executive Director’s initial estimate,
based on average annual daily visitor census2 of approximately 64,000 in 2017, and assuming 40-50% of
visitors rent a car, indicates that $15-23 million of additional revenue would be generated by a $2 per day
surcharge. The legislation provides that additional revenues may be used to reimburse General Obligation
bonds to finance highway capacity projects on Maui. Projects of regional significance with funding
sources reasonably anticipated to be available may be added to the Maui TIP through the revision process
outlined in the Maui MPO TIP Policies and Procedures.

For additional information, please contact us:
Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization
200 South High Street
Wailuku, HI 96793
(808) 270-8216

June 28, 2018
Maui MPO Policy Board Members
Stacy Crivello, Chair, Maui County Council
William Spence, Vice Chair, County of Maui Department of Planning
David Goode, Member, County of Maui Department of Public Works
Kelly King, Member, Maui County Council
Don Medeiros, Member, County of Maui Department of Transportation
Yuki Lei Sugimura, Member, Maui County Council
Jade Butay, Member, State of Hawaii Department of Transportation

Maui MPO Technical Advisory Committee Members
Pam Eaton, Chair, County of Maui Department of Planning
Nolly Yagin, Vice-Chair, County of Maui Department of Public Works
Kathleen Aoki, County of Maui Department of Planning
Marc Takamori, County of Maui Department of Transportation
Ken Tatsuguchi, State of Hawaii Department of Transportation
Cary Yamashita, County of Maui Department of Public Works
John Smith, County of Maui Department of Public Works

Maui MPO Staff
Lauren Armstrong, Executive Director
Karen Tamaki, Financial Specialist

 Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority. Average Annual Daily Visitor Census for Maui. Accessed online at:

Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2019-2022                                                   8
Appendix A. Funding Detail of 2019-2022 TIP Projects

                                                                                                                                                                                         Maui MPO
                                                                                                                                                                         TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                               FFY 2019 THRU FFY 2022 (FFY 2023-2024 Informative Only) D R A F T
                                                      Project Criteria Color Key:    GREEN = SYSTEM PRESERVATION              PURPLE = SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS                BROWN = CONGESTION MITIGATION               PINK = MODERNIZATION         ORANGE = ENHANCEMENT             BLUE = HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM                         TURQUOISE = TRANSIT

                                                                                                   FFY2019 (Oct 1, 18 - Sep 30, 19)               FFY2020 (Oct 1, 19 - Sep 30, 20)               FFY2021 (Oct 1, 20 - Sep 30, 21)               FFY2022 (Oct 1, 21 - Sep 30, 22)               FFY2023 (Oct 1, 22 - Sep 30, 23)              FFY2024 (Oct 1, 23 - Sep 30, 24)

                                                                                                TOTAL         FEDERAL           LOCAL           TOTAL          FEDERAL          LOCAL          TOTAL         FEDERAL           LOCAL          TOTAL          FEDERAL          LOCAL          TOTAL         FEDERAL         LOCAL           TOTAL          FEDERAL        LOCAL
                                       PROJECT                                      PHASE      (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)      (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)       FUND CATEGORY & REMARKS

            MAUI : STATE - FHWA

MS          Guardrail and Shoulder Improvement Program                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                STBG
Safety      at Various Locations, Maui
            Part 4                                                                  CON                                                               1,000            800            200
            Part 5                                                                  CON                                                                                                                                                             4,000         3,200              800
            Part 6                                                                  CON                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4,000         3,200            800

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $10,000,000 -- Improve guardrails and shoulders at various locations.
MS          Hana Highway Bridge Preservation Program                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  STBG
SysPres     Phase 1                                                             ROW                1,065              852              213

              Phase 1A                                                            CON                                                                                                               12,000         9,600            2,400
              Phase 1B                                                            CON                                                                                                                                                                                                           12,000          9,600           2,400
            Phase 2                                                               PE1                                                                                                                                                                                                            1,000            800             200
                                                                                  PE2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1,000           800            200
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $27,065,000 -- Improve Hana Highway Bridges. Improvements could include widening of lanes and shoulders, replace railings,
            strengthening of the superstructure to support current design loads, all abutments will be upgraded, all approach guardrail and CRM walls will be upgraded.
            Phase 1 will include work on 6 bridges. 1. Puohokamoa, 2. Kopiliula, 3. Mokulehua, 4. Ulaino, 5. Kailua, 6. Makanali. Bridges for Phase 2 will be prioritized at a later date.
MS          Honoapi'ilani Highway Realignment, Olowalu to Pali                    PE1                                                                                                                                                                                                               500               0           500                                                 Highway Special Funds

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $150,000,000 -- Develop a two-lane alternative route mauka of Honoapiilani Highway outside of coastal hazard area and projected sea-level rise impact area.
MS          Honoapiilani Highway (Route 30),                                    CON                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5,000         4,000          1,000 STBG
Safety      Rockfall Protection / Slope Stabilization,
            Vicinity of MP 10.33 to Vicinity of MP 10.44

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $6,500,000 -- Develop implement appropriate rockfall mitigation along this section of highway.
MS          Honolua Bridge Replacement, Honoapiilani Highway (Route 30)       ROW                                                                       104             83             21                                                                                                                                                                                             NHPP
SysPres                                                                        CON                                                                    5,825          4,660          1,165

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $6,750,000 -- Replacement of a concrete T-beam bridge on Honoapiilani Hwy in the vicinity of Honolua Bay.
MS          Kula Highway (Route 37) Safety Improvements,
Safety      Aapueo Parkway to Omaopio Road                                     CON                900            810                90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HSIP

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $ 1,000,000-- Scope includes, but is not limited to: Installation of milled rumble strips on centerline; installation of milled rumble strips or rumble edge stripes on shoulders; widen shoulders to accommodate milled rumble strips where appropriate and apply safety edge; intersection improvements at various locations; pavement markings; signing.
MS          North Kihei Road (Route 310) Safety Improvements,
Safety      From Honoapiilani Highway to Piilani Highway                         CON                                                                                                                                                                    1,800         1,620             180                                                                                          HSIP

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $2,000,000 -- Scope includes, but is not limited to: Installation of milled rumble strips on centerline; installation of milled rumble strips or rumble edge stripes on shoulders; widen shoulders to accommodate milled rumble strips where appropriate and apply safety edge; left turn storage lane at MECO driveway;
            install additional traffic signal head and backplates at South Kihei Road; pavement markings; signing.
MS          Paia Relief Route                                                       PE2                                                                                                                                                                                                              3,430             0            3,430                                             Highway Special Funds
Modern                                                                             ROW                                                                                                                                                                                                               4,900             0            4,900
                                                                                    CON                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            49,000           0       49,000

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $90,000,000 -- Develop a two-lane route to bypass the town of Paia.
MS          Puunene Ave. (Rte 3500) Improvements,                               CON              10,000             5,400            4,600                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            STBG
Enhance     Kamehameha Ave. (Rte 3940) to Kuihelani Hwy (Rte 380)             ADVCON                                                                      0          2,600         (2,600)

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $14,000,000 -- Widen Puunene Ave. from Kaahumanu Ave. to Kuihelani Hwy. Improvement to bike lanes could be included where feasible.
MS          Shoreline Protection/Mitigation Program                              PE1               2,000        1,600               400                                                                                                           2,000          1,600               400                                                                                              NHPP
Safety         Various areas in Maui District                                    PE2                                                                                                               2,000         1,600             400                                                                                                           2,000         1,600            400
                                                                               ROW                                                                                                                                                                2,000          1,600               400
                                                                                CON                                                                                                                                                               5,000          4,000            1,000
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $ 15,000,000 -- Develop and construct shoreline protection measures to better protect roadways from flooding and erosion as identified and prioritized in the Statewide Shoreline Protection Program. This funding is for the Maui District Sub-Program.
             MAUI : STATE - FHWA SUBTOTAL                                                        13,965         8,662             5,303          6,929          8,143          (1,214)          14,000          11,200           2,800          14,800          12,020            2,780        21,830          10,400          11,430          61,000          9,600        51,400
            Constrained 4-year Federal aid total                              40,025

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Printed On 5/24/2018
         PLN-Planning, PE1-Preliminary Design, PE2-Final Design, PREROW-Preliminary Rights-of-Way, ROW-Rights-of-Way, CON-Construction, ADVCON-Advance Construction, INSP-Inspection, EQP-Equipment, OPR-Operations, RELOC-Relocation                                                                                                                                                                     Page No. 1
Appendix A. Funding Detail of 2019-2022 TIP Projects

                                                                                                                                                                                         Maui MPO
                                                                                                                                                                         TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                               FFY 2019 THRU FFY 2022 (FFY 2023-2024 Informative Only) D R A F T
                                                      Project Criteria Color Key:    GREEN = SYSTEM PRESERVATION               PURPLE = SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS               BROWN = CONGESTION MITIGATION               PINK = MODERNIZATION         ORANGE = ENHANCEMENT             BLUE = HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM                        TURQUOISE = TRANSIT

                                                                                                    FFY2019 (Oct 1, 18 - Sep 30, 19)              FFY2020 (Oct 1, 19 - Sep 30, 20)               FFY2021 (Oct 1, 20 - Sep 30, 21)                FFY2022 (Oct 1, 21 - Sep 30, 22)              FFY2023 (Oct 1, 22 - Sep 30, 23)             FFY2024 (Oct 1, 23 - Sep 30, 24)

                                                                                                  TOTAL        FEDERAL          LOCAL           TOTAL         FEDERAL          LOCAL           TOTAL         FEDERAL           LOCAL           TOTAL         FEDERAL          LOCAL          TOTAL        FEDERAL          LOCAL           TOTAL         FEDERAL         LOCAL
                                       PROJECT                                      PHASE        (x$1000)       (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)      (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)       (x$1000)        FUND CATEGORY & REMARKS

            MAUI : STATE - OTHER
MS          Bridge and Pavement Improvement Program, Maui                           CON              14,800                0        14,800          14,800                0       14,800           14,800                0         14,800          14,800                0        14,800        14,800                0       14,800           14,800               0       14,800 NHPP / STBG
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $88,800,000-System maintenance of highway bridges and pavements. Work may include bridge and/or pavement reconstruction, resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation and/or preservation.
            Yearly lump sum amounts represent total State Special Maintenance Program (SMP) funding levels anticipated for Maui program. The SMP is a program that funds individual repair or maintenance projects that do not normally occur annually. SMP funds have funded resurfacing and pavement and bridge preservation projects (System Preservation)
            The current list of prioritized proposed SMP projects has been posted on the STIP website at: Qualified and priority SMP projects could receive federal funds should they become available.
MS          National Recreational Trails Program - Maui (DLNR)                   CON                449              359              90            449              359               90             449            359                90              449         359    90           449         359              90              449          359                           90 NATIONAL RECREATIONAL
Enhance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TRAILS (DLNR)
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $2,700,000 -- A Federal-aid assistance program to help the State provide and maintain recreational trails for both motorized and non-motorized recreational use. Anticipated funding for Maui program.
            MAUI : STATE - OTHER SUBTOTAL                                                        15,249            359          14,890           14,890              359        14,890         14,890              359          14,890          14,890              359           14,890        14,890         15,249              359        14,890         15,249            359

            MAUI : STATE - FHWA TOTAL                                                                29,214          9,021          20,193         21,819            8,502        13,676           28,890         11,559           17,690          29,690        12,379           17,670        36,720         25,649         11,789          75,890         24,849         51,759

            COUNTY OF MAUI - FHWA

MC          Central Maui Traffic Signal Upgrades                                    PE2                 270                            270                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           STBG
Congest     1. Wakea Avenue/Kea Street                                              CON                                                                742            594            148
            2. Wakea Avenue/Onehee Avenue
            3. Wakea Avenue/Lono Avenue
            4. Wakea Avenue/Hoohana Street
            5. Kamehameha Avenue/Lono Avenue
            6. Wakea Avenue/Alamaha Street
            7. Hina Avenue/Kamehameha Avenue
            8. Papa Avenue/Kamehameha Avenue
            9. Hina Avenue/Lono Avenue
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $1,012,000-- The project will upgrade     nine (9) existing signalized intersections within Kahului. Upgrades include new wiring, signal displays, signal hardware and software, replacing mast arms and signal poles (where needed), revising signal timing, and curb ramp upgrades.
MC          Guardrail and Shoulder Improvements, Various Locations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   STBG
Safety         Phase 1 - Haliimaile Road (Route 371),                               CON               1,531          1,225             306
               Haleakala Highway (Route 37) to Baldwin Ave (Route 390)
               MP 0-MP 2.62

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $4,500,000 -- Construction of new metal guardrails and guardrail end treatments, and upgrades to existing traffic signage and markings. This is a continuous improvement program.
MC          Kahana Nui Bridge Replacement,                                      CON                                                              3,647             2,918          729                                                                                                                                                                                                STBG
SysPres     Lower Honoapiilani Road (Route 3080), MP 2.40

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $4,000,000 -- The scope of work involves demolishing the existing bridge, installing a new bridge, relocating existing sewer andwater lines, reconstructing the existing drainage system to outlet into the new bridge, relocating an existing powerpole, constructing new roadway with shoulders, sidewalks, curb and gutter, curb ramps and striping.
MC          Kahawaiokapia Bridge Replacement,                                    CON                                                                5,733           4,586          1,147                                                                                                                                                                                            STBG
SysPres     Hana Highway (Route 3700), MP 36.61

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $6,500,000 -- The scope of work involves constructing a temporary bypass road mauka of the existing bridge; demolishing the existing bridge; constructing the new bridge; then removing the temporary bypass road.
MC          Kanaloa Avenue (Route 3420, MP 0-MP 0.9) Resurfacing                 PE2                 300                        300                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  STBG
SysPres     from Kahului Beach Road to Ka'ahumanu Ave and                        CON                                                                                                            4,163          3,330             833
            Mahalani Street (Route 3231, MP 0-MP 1.18) Resurfacing
            from Ka'ahumanu Ave (Route 3400) to Maui Lani Parkway

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $4,463,000 -- The proposed scope of work for this project consists of pavement resurfacing, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping.
MC          Kaupakalua Road (Route 365) Pavement Rehabilitation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      STBG
SysPres     Phase 2 - East Kuiaha Road to Hana Highway                         CON                 7,934          6,347          1,587

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $13,850,000 for Phase 1 & 2)-- The proposed scope of work for this project consists of pavement reconstruction, utility adjustments, replacement of existing signs, and installation of pavement markings and striping.
MC          Kihei North-South Collector Road (Route 3115,                       PE2               1,500                           1,500                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              STBG
Modern      MP 1.21-MP 1.99),                                                   ROW                                                               250                              250
            Phase 1 - Kulanihakoi St to Namaau Place                            CON                                                                                                                                                               23,123        16,817   6,306                                                                                                       2022 Local funds include full match
                                                                              ADVCON                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (8,000)                                                                      of $4,204,000 + construction
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $32,000,000 -- The proposed scope of work consists of the construction of a new 2-lane roadway with a separated greenway to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. New concrete curb and gutters, traffic signage and markings, and street lighting will also be part of the construction.                                               mangement (10%) $2,102,000
MC          Lower Honoapiilani Road (Route 3080, MP 2-MP 3.4)                   PE1                                                               250                              250                                                                                                                                                                                               STBG
            Improvements, Phase IV, Hoohui Road to Napilihau Road               PE2                                                                                                                  300                             300
SysPres      (Route 3090)                                                       CON                                                                                                                                                                                                      6,263           5,010            1,253

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $16,000,000 -- The proposed scope of work consists of pavement reconstruction, road widening, construct drainage systems, relocate waterlines, construct grade adjustment walls, construct sidewalks, reconstructing existing curb ramps to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Printed On 5/24/2018
         PLN-Planning, PE1-Preliminary Design, PE2-Final Design, PREROW-Preliminary Rights-of-Way, ROW-Rights-of-Way, CON-Construction, ADVCON-Advance Construction, INSP-Inspection, EQP-Equipment, OPR-Operations, RELOC-Relocation                                                                                                                                                                    Page No. 2
Appendix A. Funding Detail of 2019-2022 TIP Projects

                                                                                                                                                                                        Maui MPO
                                                                                                                                                                        TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                              FFY 2019 THRU FFY 2022 (FFY 2023-2024 Informative Only) D R A F T
                                                      Project Criteria Color Key:    GREEN = SYSTEM PRESERVATION              PURPLE = SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS                BROWN = CONGESTION MITIGATION               PINK = MODERNIZATION           ORANGE = ENHANCEMENT              BLUE = HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM                    TURQUOISE = TRANSIT

                                                                                                   FFY2019 (Oct 1, 18 - Sep 30, 19)               FFY2020 (Oct 1, 19 - Sep 30, 20)               FFY2021 (Oct 1, 20 - Sep 30, 21)                 FFY2022 (Oct 1, 21 - Sep 30, 22)                FFY2023 (Oct 1, 22 - Sep 30, 23)          FFY2024 (Oct 1, 23 - Sep 30, 24)

                                                                                                TOTAL         FEDERAL          LOCAL            TOTAL         FEDERAL          LOCAL           TOTAL         FEDERAL           LOCAL            TOTAL          FEDERAL          LOCAL           TOTAL        FEDERAL          LOCAL        TOTAL        FEDERAL       LOCAL
                                       PROJECT                                      PHASE      (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)         (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)     (x$1000)     (x$1000)      (x$1000)      FUND CATEGORY & REMARKS
MC          Lower Honoapiilani Road (Route 3080, MP 0-MP 2)                     PE2                                                                                                                                                                                                                   300                            300
SysPres     Pavement Rehabilitation,                                           CON                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5,101         4,081        1,020
            Honoapiilani Highway (Route 30) to Hoohui Road
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $5,400,000 -- The proposed scope of work for this project consists of pavement rehabilitation, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping.
MC          Lower Main Street (Route 3830, MP 2.0-MP 1.4)                       PE2                                                                  175                           175                                                                                                                                                                                            STBG
SysPres     Resurfacing, Kahului Beach Road (Route 3400)                       CON                                                                                                                3,500        2,800               700
             to Hala Place
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $4,000,000 -- The proposed scope of work for this project consists of pavement resurfacing, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping.
MC          Mahalawa Bridge Replacement                                         PE2                  750                            750                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           STBG
SysPres     Milepost 43.29 on Hana Highway                                     CON                                                                                                                6,000        4,800             1,200

            Estimated total project cost - $6,750,000 -- Scope of work involves constructing a temporary bypass road and bridge to allow traffic to continue through the area and replacing the existing bridge with a new bridge.
MC          Makawao Avenue (Route 365, MP 1.5-MP 1.7)                             ROW                                                                                                                 750                               750                                                                                                                                       STBG
Enhance     - Makani Road (Route 3630, MP 1.4-MP 1.6) Improvements,               CON                                                                                                                                                                 2,628         2,102              526
            Phase I - Eddie Tam Gymnasium to Kalama Intermediate School

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $3,378,000 - Construct sidewalk improvements to provide a clear separation between travel lanes and pedestrians. Project will also review traffic operations and make recommendations to improve traffic flow through the Makawao-Makani intersection.
MC          Mill Street Pavement Reconstruction                                 PE2                300                            300                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             STBG
SysPres     N. Market Street to E. Main Street                                  CON                                                            4,000          3,200              800

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $4,300,000 -- Reconstruction of the existing roadway pavement; adjusting existing manholes, valves,and street monuments; repairing drainlines as required; addressing accessibility issues; installing pavement stripingand marking; and replacing existing signage.
MC          Old Haleakala Highway (Route 367, MP 0.85-MP 0.95)                     PE2                 200                            200                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         STBG
Safety      Traffic Signal Upgrade at Pukalani Street (Route 3620,                 CON                                                            1,546           1,237             309
            MP 0-MP 0.05)
            Estimated Total Project Cost - $1,746,000 -- Upgrade existing traffic signal system at the intersection of Old Haleakala Highway and Pukalani Street. Other work will include the implementation of the flashing yellow arrow for the permitted left turn movement onto Pukalani Street, new wiring, signal displays,
            signal hardware and software, replacing mast arms and signal poles (where needed), revising signal timing, and curb ramp upgrades.
MC          Onehee Avenue (Route 3960, MP 0.66-MP 0) Pavement Rehabilitation,      CON               4,400           3,520            880                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         STBG
SysPres     and Kea Street (Route 3970, MP 0.6-MP 0) Reconstruction,
            Papa Avenue (Route 3910) to Wakea Avenue (Route 3920)

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $4,400,000 -- The proposed scope of work for this project consists of pavement reconstruction, installing 4 feet wide paved shoulders, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, utility adjustments, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping.
MC          Papalaua Street (Rte 3020, MP 0.13-MP 0.17) Traffic Signal         CON                 1,837          1,470            367                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            STBG
Safety      Upgrade at Wainee Street (Route 3015, MP 0.3-MP 0.34)

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $1,837,225-- Removal of existing traffic signal system. Installation of a new signal system including controller, video detection,communication hardware, updated phasing and timing, resurfacing of the intersection's functional area, ADAAG related improvements.
MC          South Kihei Road Pavement Reconstruction                                PE2                                                               250                            250                                                                                                                                                                                          STBG
SysPres                                                                             CON                                                                                                             2,500          2,000                500

            Estimated Total Project Cost - ~$2,750,000 - Reconstruction of the existing roadway pavement from Uilani Street to Auhana Road.
MC          Waiale Road (Route 3180, MP 0.45 to MP 0.51) and                     PE1               150                            150                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             STBG
Congest     Waiinu Road (Route 3231, MP 1.15 to MP 1.18)                         PE2               150                            150
            Intersection Improvements                                           ROW                                                                   100                            100
                                                                                 CON                                                                                                                 2,290         1,832                458

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $2,690,000 -- This project proposes to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Waiale Road and Waiinu Road as identified inearlier warrant studies or other evaluated and selected alternative. Other improvements to be included areroadway widening on Waiale Road to accommodate a left turn lane.
MC          Waikakoi Bridge Rehabilitation                                        PE2                                                                   900                             900                                                                                                                                                                                       STBG
SysPres     Milepost 45.42 on Hana Highway                                        CON                                                                                                                                                                   6,000       4,800            1,200

            Estimated total project cost - $6,900,000 -- Scope of work involves constructing a temporary bypass road and bridge to allow traffic to continue through the area and replacing the existing bridge with a new bridge.
MC          Wakea Avenue (Route 3920, MP 0.70-MP 0.71) and                        PE2                260                            260                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           STBG
Congest     Kamehameha Avenue (Route 3940, MP 0.91-MP 0.92)                       CON                                                                                                                                                                 2,733         2,186              547
            Intersection Improvements

            Estimated Total Project Cost - $2,993,000 -- This project will upgrade the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Wakea Avenue and Kamehameha Avenue. Other improvements include bike lane continuation, ADA curb ramp upgrades, and roadway widening to accommodate turn lanes on Kamehameha Avenue.
             MAUI : COUNTY OF MAUI - FHWA SUBTOTAL                                                   19,582           12,562            7,020       17,593      12,535        5,058        19,503          14,762            4,741         34,484       25,905          8,579       6,563         (2,990)      1,553                           5,101         4,081        1,020
            Constrained 4-year Federal aid total                                 65,764
            MAUI : COUNTY - OTHER
MC          Transportation Alternative Program (TAP)
Enhance     Papa Avenue Complete Street Improvements                               PE2                   200              160              40
                                                                                  CON                                                                2,250       1,800          450                                                                                                                                                                                               TAP

            Waiale Road Complete Street Improvements                              PE2                                                               160             128            32                                                                                                                                                                                             TAP
                                                                                  CON                                                                                                           1,750          1,400               350
            Estimated Total Project Cost - ~$2.4 million/year -- The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is a competitive grant program that provides funding for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects
            for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, and community improvement activities. Locations to be determined by the State TAP Project Evaluation and Ranking process.
            MAUI : COUNTY - OTHER SUBTOTAL                                                            200            160              40              0                0            0                 0             0                  0               0             0                0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Printed On 5/24/2018
         PLN-Planning, PE1-Preliminary Design, PE2-Final Design, PREROW-Preliminary Rights-of-Way, ROW-Rights-of-Way, CON-Construction, ADVCON-Advance Construction, INSP-Inspection, EQP-Equipment, OPR-Operations, RELOC-Relocation                                                                                                                                                               Page No. 3
Appendix A. Funding Detail of 2019-2022 TIP Projects

                                                                                                                                                                                         Maui MPO
                                                                                                                                                                         TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                               FFY 2019 THRU FFY 2022 (FFY 2023-2024 Informative Only) D R A F T
                                                       Project Criteria Color Key:    GREEN = SYSTEM PRESERVATION              PURPLE = SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS                BROWN = CONGESTION MITIGATION               PINK = MODERNIZATION        ORANGE = ENHANCEMENT             BLUE = HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM                  TURQUOISE = TRANSIT

                                                                                                    FFY2019 (Oct 1, 18 - Sep 30, 19)               FFY2020 (Oct 1, 19 - Sep 30, 20)               FFY2021 (Oct 1, 20 - Sep 30, 21)               FFY2022 (Oct 1, 21 - Sep 30, 22)           FFY2023 (Oct 1, 22 - Sep 30, 23)          FFY2024 (Oct 1, 23 - Sep 30, 24)

                                                                                                 TOTAL         FEDERAL          LOCAL            TOTAL         FEDERAL          LOCAL           TOTAL         FEDERAL           LOCAL          TOTAL        FEDERAL         LOCAL         TOTAL       FEDERAL         LOCAL          TOTAL         FEDERAL      LOCAL
                                        PROJECT                                      PHASE      (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)       (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)        (x$1000)      (x$1000)      (x$1000)       (x$1000)     (x$1000)      (x$1000)        (x$1000)      (x$1000)     (x$1000)        FUND CATEGORY & REMARKS
              MAUI : COUNTY OF MAUI - FHWA TOTAL                                                    19,782          12,722           7,060          17,593          12,535          5,058           19,503         14,762            4,741         34,484       25,905          8,579         6,563        (2,990)        1,553          5,101         4,081        1,020

             COUNTY OF MAUI - FTA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FTA SECTION 5339 (Bus and Bus
MC           Bus and Bus Facility (Rural) - FTA 5339                                 EQP                438            350               88            438             350              88             451            361                 90          465          372               93        479           383                96         494           395              99 Facilities Prgm)
             Estimated Total Project Cost - $2,765,000 -- Program funds will be utilized to purchase communication, passenger counting equipment and buses for transit operations
MC           Bus and Bus Facility (Small Urban) - FTA 5339                         EQP                 394          315              79           401             321             80                   414            331                 83          426          341               85        439           351                88         452           362              90 FTA SECTION 5339
             Estimated Total Project Cost - $2,526,000 -- Program funds will be utilized to purchase communication, passenger counting equipment and buses for transit operations
MC           Rural Transportation Program - FTA 5311                              OPR                1,042          521            521         1,074              537            537                 1,106            553                553        1,140          570              570       1,174          587               587       1,210           605             605 FTA SECTION 5311(b)(3)
             Estimated Total Project Cost - $6,746,000 -- Planning, capital, operating, job access and reverse commute projects, and the acquisition of public transportation services.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FTA SECTION 5307 - Kahului (pop..
MC           Urbanized Area Program - FTA 5307                                 PLN/EQP/OPR            2,714          2,171             543           2,746           2,197            549            2,829          2,263                566        2,914        2,331              583       3,001        2,401               600        3,091        2,473             618 50,000 - 199,999)
             Estimated Total Project Cost - $17,295,000 -- Provides grants to Urbanized Areas for public transportation capital, planning, job access and reverse commute projects, as well as operating expenses in certain circumstances.
MC39.        Transportation Assistance for Elderly and Disabled - FTA 5310       EQP                338              270               68            348            278             70             358           286               72                 369          295               74        380           304                76          391          313              78 FTA SECTION 5310

             Estimated Total Project Cost - $2,727,000 -- Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310 - Non-Urban) Funds from program will be utilized for the purchase of vehicles.
              MAUI : COUNTY OF MAUI - FTA TOTAL                                                    4,926            3,627           1,299          5,007          3,683          1,324             5,158          3,794              1,364          5,314        3,909          1,405         5,473        4,026          1,447          5,638         4,148        1,491

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Printed On 5/24/2018
          PLN-Planning, PE1-Preliminary Design, PE2-Final Design, PREROW-Preliminary Rights-of-Way, ROW-Rights-of-Way, CON-Construction, ADVCON-Advance Construction, INSP-Inspection, EQP-Equipment, OPR-Operations, RELOC-Relocation                                                                                                                                                           Page No. 4
Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2019-2022
Appendix B. Status of 2015-2018 STIP Projects (cont.)

Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2019-2022
Appendix B. Status of 2015-2018 STIP Projects (p. 3)

Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 2019-2022
Appendix C. Public Input Summary

Maui MPO hosted a set of five public workshops in February 2018 to gather public input on the priority
of federal-aid transportation projects proposed for federal funding in the 2019-2022 Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP). Staff from the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT),
County of Maui Departments of Public Works (DPW), Planning (Planning) and Transportation (MDOT)
and County Council members attended as representatives of the Maui MPO Technical Advisory
Committee (TAC) and Policy Board. Each workshop was held from 6:00-8:00pm at various ADA-
accessible community centers around the island.
                                                           A total of 156 people signed attendance sheets at
                                                           the public workshops. Figure 1 shows attendance
                                                           by community area. Attendees heard presentations
                                                           from the Maui MPO Executive Director and
                                                           HDOT staff, asked questions and shared input
                                                           about County and State transportation projects.
                                                           Many participants also completed a survey to
                                                           share their input on top priorities for Maui’s
                                                           federal-aid projects. This report provides a
                                                           summary of the workshop comments and survey
                  Kahului -                                results for each community.
      Kihei -     Wailuku, 9
     Makena,                            Pāʻia-Haʻikū, 76


    Maui, 42

Figure 1. Public Workshop Attendance by Community

Maui TIP 2019-2022 Public Input Summary                                                                 p. 1
Maui MPO conducted a public survey for
highway and transit projects proposed for federal
funding on Maui in the 2019-2022 TIP. All
projects included in the survey were eligible for          Haʻikū, 32
                                                                                                      Pāʻia &
federal funding, consistent with the Long Range                                                      Kūʻau, 54
Transportation Plan adopted by the Maui MPO
                                                    Kahului -
Policy Board in July 2017, and derived from
County and State asset management systems.             11
The purpose of the survey was to assist the Maui
MPO TAC and Policy Board to narrow down the
draft project list to within the amount of
anticipated federal-aid. Respondents were asked     Kīhei, 18
to rank the projects island wide, choosing no
                                                                                                      West Maui,
more than 10 projects in each category.
High = Project should start in next 4 years;                           35
Medium = Project should start in years 5 or 6;
Low = Project should start after year 6.
                                                                Figure 2. Number of Surveys by Community
Workshop participants completed 41 surveys in
person, and another 129 people completed online
surveys. Results are reported as a combination of
paper and online surveys. Projects ranked “high”
priority received three points, “medium” received                                        Workshops
two points, “low” received one point and no                                                , 41
response received zero points.
Project priorities for each area as ranked by
residents of that area are provided on the
following pages.
                                                                          Online ,
Many respondents island wide commented that                                129
they would like to see more bus service, bike
paths, sidewalks and roundabouts.

                                                         Figure 3. Number of Surveys from Workshops vs. Online
                                                       Workshop participants commented on additional
                                                       projects not included on the draft TIP project list.
                                                       These comments are documented in the
                                                       following pages, and will be incorporated into the
                                                       transportation planning process led by Maui
                                                       Community members were encouraged to attend
                                                       future transportation meetings, and to sign up for
                                                       the Maui MPO email newsletter at:

Maui TIP 2019-2022 Public Input Summary                                                                      p. 2
Table 1. Maui TIP Public Survey Results, February 2018

              Overall Local                                                                      Pa'ia ‐    West    Up-      Kihei ‐    Kahului ‐ Island-
 Area                                                    PROJECT NAME
             ranking   ranking                                                                   Haiku      Maui    country  Makena     Wailuku wide
                 2        1     Shoreline Protection/Mitigation Program                                169       54       88         43       28        382
                11        2     Guardrail & Shoulder Improvement Program                               116       28       59         27       20        250
 Pa'ia ‐         1        1     Pa'ia Relief Route                                                     253       43       89         34       29        448
 Haiku           8        2     Kaupakalua Road Pavement Reconstruction Phase 2                        141       21       63         17       16        258
                 3        1     Honoapi'ilani Highway Realignment ‐ Olowalu to Pali                    146       53       80         44       27        350
                 7        2     Honoapi'ilani Highway Rockfall Protection                              111       48       52         28       21        260
                14        3     Lower Honoapi'ilani Road Improvements Phase IV                           84      44       66         21       25        240
                23        4     Lower Honoapi'ilani Road Pavement Rehabilitation                         76      42       50         19       21        208
                27        5     Papalaua Street Traffic Signal Upgrade @ Waine'e Street                  82      41       45         18       13        199
                26        6     Kahana Nui Bridge Replacement                                            83      38       46         20       13        200
                22        7     Honolua Bridge Replacement                                               83      37       59         18       12        209
                 6        1     Makawao Ave‐Makani Road Improvements                                   114       28       83         23       19        267
                13        2     Kula Highway Safety Improvements                                         93      32       74         29       13        241
                21        3     Old Haleakala Highway Traffic Signal Upgrade @ Pukalani St.              92      25       59         18       18        212
                25        4     Guardrail & Shoulder Improvements, Hali'imaile Road                    101       21       48         17       19        206
                 5        1     Kihei North‐South Collector Road Phase 1                               105       30       67         48       24        274
 Kihei ‐
                12        2     Kihei North‐South Collector Road Phase 2                                 94      23       58         46       21        242
                16        3     North Kihei Road Safety Improvements                                     98      30       51         36       17        232
                 4        1     Hana Highway Bridge Preservation Program                               139       31       70         32       25        297
                18        2     Kahawaiokapia Bridge Replacement                                       102       27       62         21       18        230
 Hana           15        3     Mahalawa Bridge Replacement                                            102       29       65         27       16        239
                19        4     Waikakoi Bridge Replacement                                              97      29       63         23       15        227
                20        5     Koukouai Bridge Modifications                                            93      26       60         26       17        222
                10        1     Pu'unene Avenue Improvements                                           100       27       68         31       25        251
                28        2     Lower Main Street Resurfacing                                            80      22       49         16       21        188
                29        3     Mill St Pavement Reconstruction                                          72      25       46         18       19        180
 Kahului ‐       9        4     Central Maui Traffic Signal Upgrades                                   113       28       66         31       17        255
 Wailuku        30        5     Onehe'e Avenue Pavement Rehab. & Kea Street Reconstruction               71      21       46         17       17        172
                24        6     Wai'ale Road & Wai'inu Road Intersection Improvements                    85      26       59         21       16        207
                17        7     Wakea Ave. & Kamehameha Ave. Intersection Improvements                 101       34       61         21       15        232
                31        8     Kanaloa Avenue & Mahalani Street Resurfacing                             75      18       39         18       13        163
  Green = Projects ranked 1‐5                                                      Total surveys         86      20       35         18       11        170
 Yellow = Projects ranked 5‐10                             Percent of surveys filled completely       56%       65%     77%       61%       91%        64%
 Points per project are sum of survey results: Low = 1, Med = 2, High = 3

Maui TIP 2019-2022 Public Input Summary                                                                               p. 3
ʻ                 ʻ
                                                               Pāʻia Community Center - February 5, 2018
                                                               Public Attendance: 86 people
                                                               Policy Board members
                                                               Kelly King, County Council member
                                                               Yuki Lei Sugimura, County Council member
                                                               David Goode, DPW Director
                                                               Don Medeiros, MDOT Director
                                                               TAC members
                                                               Robin Shishido, HDOT District Engineer
                                                               Ken Tatsuguchi, HDOT Head Planning Engineer

Survey Results

Public support for a Pāʻia Relief Route to alleviate safety issues and traffic congestion in Pāʻia was the #1
priority for federal funding on Maui as identified in the TIP survey. It is important to note that Pāʻia,
Kū‘au and Haʻikū residents made up nearly half of survey respondents. Residents from other parts of the
island also acknowledged Pāʻia Relief Route as a high priority for funding. Kaupakalua Road Pavement
Reconstruction Phase 2 also received strong support among Pāʻia-Haʻikū residents, and was ranked #8
out of 31 projects islandwide.

 Overall    Local                                                       Pa'ia ‐   West    Up-      Kihei ‐    Kahului ‐ Island-
                                       PROJECT NAME
 ranking   ranking                                                      Haiku     Maui    country Makena Wailuku wide
    1         1    Pa'ia Relief Route                                         253      43       89         34       29        448
    8         2    Kaupakalua Road Pavement Reconstruction Phase 2            141      21       63         17       16        258

Public Comments Summary
The North Shore community holds a vision of having safe bicycle and pedestrian access to and around its
neighborhoods, parks and businesses. Many residents requested more bicycle and pedestrian routes in the
Pāʻia – Kū‘au area, including a bike path from UH Maui through Spreckelsville to Ho‘okipa.
Rather than just serving cars, one resident suggested that the Pāʻia Relief Route should preserve as much
greenway as possible around the bypass to allow for a bike path and safe walkway to promote a healthy
alternative to driving. There was a request for a sidewalk from Pāʻia to Ho‘okipa, and recommendation to
consider alternatives to expensive sidewalks.
Traffic congestion in Pāʻia town at the intersection of Baldwin Avenue and Hāna Highway was noted as a
major safety and quality of life concern. Some ideas emerged for cost-effective and feasible solutions to
address congestion in the near term. One resident suggested restricting left turns into Minit Stop to
improve traffic flow on Hāna Highway through Pāʻia. Others suggested providing larger parking areas in
Pāʻia and removing parking stalls on Hāna Highway to reduce unnecessary traffic.

Maui TIP 2019-2022 Public Input Summary                                                                                     p. 4
System Preservation
Residents identified needs for road and parking lot repairs at Ho'okipa, repaving of Haʻikū, Kokomo,
Kaupakalua, Kauhikoa and Awalau Roads. There was a suggestion to improve Holomua Road to
standards, create a new scenic parking lot on the inland side of Hāna Highway at the corner of Holomua
Road, and to create an underpass tunnel to Ho'okipa.
                                                            Capacity/ Safety
                                                            Community members expressed a great deal of
                                                            concern over traffic backed up on Hāna
                                                            Highway in both directions, because of the
                                                            Pāʻia traffic during after work congestion. One
                                                            resident commented, “It is a stressful situation,
                                                            not only sitting in traffic in each direction for
                                                            extremely long periods of time, but also
                                                            because of safety issues. Tourists and locals are
                                                            crowded onto sidewalks, jay walking, and
                                                            walking across intersections regardless of the
                                                            walk okay indicators on the signs. Turning
                                                            right from Baldwin Avenue onto Hāna
                                                            Highway is scary because people dash out, and
                                                            frustrated drivers go too fast. I feel it’s only a
                                                            matter of time before there is a serious injury
Many agreed that the traffic and pedestrian mix in Pāʻia is dangerous, and that ongoing development in
Haʻikū and East Maui would make the problem worse. Workshop participants indicated that a bypass is
absolutely needed, and should be the top priority for funding. Some residents have been waiting since the
1960’s for a bypass to be built.
Discussion of Pāʻia Relief Route
There are differing opinions in the community about potential alignments of the Pāʻia Relief Route, and
many people requested more information about the project. Some community members support moving
forward with any feasible option for a Pāʻia Relief Route to alleviate traffic. Others are very concerned by
a new alternative route being considered from the vicinity of Baldwin Beach Park to Kū‘au or Ho‘okipa,
due to potential impacts to quality of life from noise and traffic congestion.
Many requested that ideally, the bypass would extend from the vicinity of Kala Road or Haleakala
Highway to at least Holomua Road or Ho‘okipa. Some people requested maps of the proposed project
alternatives, and wanted a better definition of the project before being asked to vote on in the survey.
Residents urged agency representatives to get the Pāʻia bypass done soon, and to listen hard to the
HDOT staff provided some information on the project background and status. Previous studies considered
alternatives for a route from the vicinity of Kala Road to past Ho‘okipa Beach Park. HDOT reported that
those route alternatives were discovered to traverse historic properties, triggering federal regulation
Section 4(f). The Section 4(f) regulation stems from the USDOT Act of 1966 that protects historic sites in
transportation projects. Section 4(f) requires efforts to avoid historical properties if a prudent and feasible
alternative exists. For this reason, HDOT is considering a new additional alternative route that avoids
historic sites.

Maui TIP 2019-2022 Public Input Summary                                                                    p. 5
During the environmental review phase for the
                                                          additional alternative, HDOT will go out for
                                                          consultation with the community and
                                                          landowners. The project team will explain why
                                                          the previously studied alternatives were not
                                                          selected and get public input on how they might
                                                          mitigate any traffic issues that arise from the
                                                          project’s phasing. Other challenges were
                                                          mentioned with regards toprevious route
                                                          alternatives starting near Kala Road: the
                                                          landowner intends to retain the cane haul roads
                                                          to support agriculture; and the estimated cost of
                                                          $90+ million for a longer route exceeds the
                                                          available budget for highway projects on Maui.
Maui MPO does not determine the final scope or alignment of road projects. Rather, the MPO programs
federal funds that the State and County use to implement projects. Community members will have
additional opportunities to comment on the proposed Pāʻia Relief Route through the project’s
environmental review process.
State Representative Lynn DeCoite shared information about HB2601, which proposed adding a
supplemental fee on rental motor vehicles to fund the Pāʻia bypass and Lāhainā bypass through the State
Highway Fund. She encouraged meeting attendees to testify in support of the bill to the State legislature.
SB2888 was also mentioned, which sought to appropriate $49 million in general obligation funds for
Pāʻia bypass.
Pāʻia- Haʻikū Map of TIP Projects by Public Priority

    #1 Pa‘ia Relief Route                                                  #2 Kaupakalua Road
    Note: Route alignment to be determined                                 Pavement Reconstruction
    through environmental review.

Maui TIP 2019-2022 Public Input Summary                                                                p. 6
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