TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX - SEPTEMBER QUARTER 2020 - released November 2020 - Australian ...

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TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX - SEPTEMBER QUARTER 2020 - released November 2020 - Australian ...

                         released November 2020
TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX - SEPTEMBER QUARTER 2020 - released November 2020 - Australian ...
AAA   2
TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX - SEPTEMBER QUARTER 2020 - released November 2020 - Australian ...
Table of contents

Foreword               Transport Affordability Index: September 2020   4

Section One            Summary of results                               6

Section Two            Detailed results                                12

Section Three          State by state comparison                       20

Section Four           Background and methodology                      29

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX - SEPTEMBER QUARTER 2020 - released November 2020 - Australian ...

Transport costs steady as
economy awaits recovery
Transport costs, like the economy, are showing early, tentative signs of
recovery back into growth as Australia emerges from the pandemic-fuelled

After falling significantly in the first half of 2020, this edition of the AAA’s
Transport Affordability Index shows that average transport costs in the third
quarter of 2020 increased by 1.2 per cent compared to the previous quarter.
The national average household weekly transport costs were $309 in the
September quarter, which is up from $306 in the June quarter, but still down
on the $318 recorded in March. For the typical metropolitan household, this
equates to a yearly transport expenditure of $17,813; and $14,093 for the
typical regional household.

The quarter saw a cost increase lower than the rate of inflation. A recovery in     Michael Bradley
incomes, continuing low interest rates and fuel prices all contributed to making
transport more affordable. This will be welcome news for those households
                                                                                    Managing Director
suffering the effects of the COVID-19 recession.
                                                                                    Australian Automobile
Loan repayments and fuel remain the largest cost inputs, with the average           Association
cost of transport as a percentage of income now at 12.4 per cent for the
typical household.

When it comes to transport, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane remained
the nation’s most expensive capital cities, while Alice Springs, Geelong and
Bunbury were the most expensive regional centres.

The AAA’s quarterly Affordability Index measures household transport costs
in all capital cities. Additionally, the Index measures a regional centre in each
state and the Northern Territory to give an indicative picture of household
transport costs across the regions.

It is important to note that the Index measures transport costs over a normal
week. With restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic still in effect in
some jurisdictions, many households have a reduced ‘transport footprint’ – in
particular expenditure on fuel, road tolls and public transport – which is not
measured in this report.

AAA                                                          4
TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX - SEPTEMBER QUARTER 2020 - released November 2020 - Australian ...
Section One

Summary of results
Household total weekly transport costs

In the September quarter, transport costs increased                                       Regional The average weekly transport expenditure
slightly for the benchmark capital city and regional                                      for households in the benchmark regional centres was
households.                                                                               $271 compared with $269 in the previous quarter.

Capital cities The average total weekly transport cost for                                Alice Springs remained the regional centre with the
benchmark capital city households was $343 compared                                       highest total weekly transport costs at $286 per week,
with $337 in the previous quarter.                                                        down from $289 in the June quarter. Wagga Wagga
                                                                                          remained the least expensive at $249 per week, up
Sydney remained the most expensive capital city for total
                                                                                          from $248.
transport costs with weekly costs at $412 per week, up
from $406 in the previous quarter. Hobart remained the
least expensive capital with weekly costs of $294, about
the same as the previous quarter.

Capital cities                                                                            Regional
                      Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20     Q3’20          Q3’20 avg.                             Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20     Q3’20          Q3’20 avg.

        Sydney                                                                               Wagga Wagga
      Melbourne                                                                                  Geelong
                                                                                            Mount Gambier
         Darwin                                                                               Launceston

       Canberra                                                                            Alice Springs
                 $0           $100         $200         $300      $400       $500                          $0           $100         $200         $300      $400       $500

          City                Q4           Q1            Q2         Q3      Rank                     City               Q4           Q1            Q2         Q3      Rank
         Sydney       $427.90        $419.54      $405.70      $411.51           1            Wagga Wagga       $261.57        $256.57      $248.06      $248.90           7

      Melbourne       $401.26        $394.03      $380.33      $387.74           2               Geelong        $307.07        $295.46      $280.58      $285.72           2

       Brisbane       $395.81        $389.08      $374.17      $385.18           3            Townsville        $268.47        $263.35      $251.64      $255.71           6

          Perth       $346.04        $338.79      $324.95      $329.62           4               Bunbury        $303.92        $298.55      $285.14      $283.80           3

       Adelaide       $324.94        $314.61      $301.97      $307.65           6          Mount Gambier       $286.16        $281.11      $266.33      $270.18           4

         Hobart       $310.90        $305.29      $293.72      $294.00            8           Launceston        $284.92        $279.62      $264.56      $266.31           5

         Darwin       $317.88        $309.48      $300.51      $300.06            7         Alice Springs       $305.52        $299.97      $288.90      $286.48           1

       Canberra       $336.13        $330.46      $316.79      $324.70           5          Regional avg.       $288.23        $282.09      $269.32      $271.02

   Capital avg.       $357.61        $350.16      $337.27      $342.56

AAA                                                                                   6
Section One

Household total annual transport costs

In the September quarter, the typical Australian city                      per annum for city households and $2,620 per annum for
household’s average annualised cost of transport                           regional households. However, there are other motoring
increased by $275 to $17,813.                                              taxes and charges that the Index does not seek to analyse.

The greatest increases in transport costs were recorded in                 In most of the benchmark regional centres, residents
Brisbane, Canberra and Melbourne – equivalent to $573,                     typically drive further than their capital city counterparts,
$411 and $386 per year, respectively. These were mainly                    so they pay more in total on fuel. The exceptions are
due to higher fuel prices.                                                 Wagga Wagga and Townsville; residents in these centres
                                                                           typically drive less than their state capital counterparts.
The average annual cost of transport for the typical
regional household increased by $88. The typical                           In Victoria and South Australia, regional households pay
regional household would spend $14,093 per annum on                        less for registration, CTP and licensing due to lower CTP
transport if the September quarter costs held constant.                    premiums for regional centres. While in New South Wales,
The greatest increases among the benchmark regional                        city households will ultimately pay less for registration,
centres were recorded in Geelong, Townsville and Mount                     CTP and licensing due to free registration as a result
Gambier, where transport costs increased by $267, $212                     of the Toll Relief Scheme. But in Queensland, Western
and $200 per year respectively when compared to the                        Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory regional
previous quarter. This was also mainly due to higher fuel                  drivers pay the same state levies as city drivers. If
prices compared to the June quarter.                                       people in those states’ regional centres have higher fuel
                                                                           consumption they will pay more in motoring taxes than
Fuel excise, registration, Compulsory Third Party (CTP)
                                                                           their city counterparts.
and licensing alone cost the typical two-car family $2,641

Capital cities                                                             Regional
             City       2020 Q2          2020 Q3    Change     Rank                    City      2020 Q2       2020 Q3     Change Rank
           Sydney     $21,096.52     $21,398.76     $302.24       1             Wagga Wagga    $12,899.37    $12,942.92     $43.55         7

       Melbourne      $19,776.94     $20,162.57     $385.63       2                 Geelong    $14,590.36    $14,857.64    $267.29           2

        Brisbane      $19,456.73     $20,029.43     $572.70       3              Townsville    $13,085.07    $13,297.13    $212.06         6

            Perth     $16,897.15     $17,140.25     $243.11       4                 Bunbury    $14,827.08    $14,757.39   -$69.69            3

        Adelaide      $15,702.44     $15,998.00     $295.56       6           Mount Gambier    $13,849.28    $14,049.13    $199.85         4

           Hobart     $15,273.41     $15,287.76      $14.35       8              Launceston    $13,757.28    $13,848.34     $91.06         5

           Darwin     $15,626.57     $15,603.09     -$23.48       7           Alice Springs    $15,022.82    $14,897.03   -$125.78           1

        Canberra      $16,473.23     $16,884.28     $411.05       5           Regional avg.    $14,004.47    $14,092.80     $88.33

    Capital avg.      $17,537.87     $17,813.02     $275.14

         Average taxes         2020 Q2        2020 Q3      Change                  Average taxes       2020 Q2       2020 Q3     Change
            Fuel excise      $1,112.49      $1,112.49                                  Fuel excise    $1,166.77     $1,166.77

        Registration,        $1,524.41       $1,528.52                              Registration,
                                                              $4.11                                   $1,448.41     $1,452.83        $4.42
     CTP and licensing      ($1,571.54)*    ($1,575.64)*                         CTP and licensing
                             $2,636.90       $2,641.01        $4.11
       Household total      ($2,684.03)*    ($2,688.13)*                          Household total     $2,615.18     $2,619.60        $4.43

* The figures bracketed in the table above show the fees and charges
  that would apply in the absence of the Toll Relief Scheme in NSW.

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                          7
Section One

Household average weekly expenses

Overall, there was an increase in household average                Roadside assistance and insurance were the smallest
weekly transport expenses.                                         transport expenses.

The increase in transport costs over the quarter was               There were a few notable differences between capital city
driven by changes in all cost categories:                          and regional transport costs:

• Fuel – prices increased in all capital cities and regional       • Households in most regional areas spend more on fuel
  centres except Hobart, Bunbury and Alice Springs.                  because they usually drive more and generally face
                                                                     higher fuel prices than their city counterparts.
• Toll roads – toll road costs increased for Sydney and
  Melbourne due to scheduled quarterly indexation                  • Most states offer lower comprehensive premiums
  and increased in Brisbane due to scheduled annual                  on new and used cars in regional areas compared to
  indexation from 1 July 2020.                                       capital cities.

• Comprehensive insurance – premiums increased                     • In South Australia, registration, CTP and licensing
  most notably in Brisbane, Townsville and Canberra.                 costs were $239 cheaper in regional areas due to
                                                                     lower CTP premiums. In Victoria registration, CTP and
• Car loan payments – the average upfront cost for
                                                                     licensing costs remained $110 cheaper for the regional
  purchasing new cars increased in all jurisdictions,
                                                                     household due to lower CTP premiums. Sydney vehicle
  offsetting decreases in interest rates.
                                                                     owners are eligible for free vehicle registration costs
• Public transport – public transport fares increased                under the state’s Toll Relief Scheme, but regional
  slightly in Adelaide.                                              households must pay for registration.
• Registration, CTP and licensing – registration and               • In all other jurisdictions, registration and CTP costs are
  CTP costs increased slightly in all jurisdictions except           the same for city and regional families.
  Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania.
                                                                   • Because regional households rarely utilise toll roads,
• Car maintenance – costs increased slightly in most                 the Index assumes they don’t incur tolls.
  jurisdictions.                                                   • Because many regional areas lack public transport, the
• Roadside assistance – costs increased slightly.                    Index assumes regional households don’t use public
The ranking of average expenses for the typical city
and regional families remained largely the same                    The Index assumes that city and regional households
over the quarter, with the exception of registration,              have the same costs for purchasing and financing a new
CTP and licensing costs becoming a greater expense                 car and for roadside assistance. Because city and regional
than servicing and tyre costs for the typical regional             households drive similar cars, the same assumptions
household. Car loan payments remain the largest                    about fuel efficiency and fuel mix are applied.
expense in the representative families’ transport budgets.

AAA                                                            8
Section One

Capital cities                                                              Regional
                                     Q4 ’19   Q1 ’20   Q2 ’20   Q3’20                                            Q4 ’19   Q1 ’20   Q2 ’20   Q3’20

           Car loan payments                                                           Car loan payments

Registration and licensing                                                  Registration and licensing

                    Insurance                                                                    Insurance

        Servicing and tyres                                                        Servicing and tyres

                          Fuel                                                                        Fuel

            Public transport                                                           Public transport

                         Tolls                                                                       Tolls

             Roadside assist                                                            Roadside assist
                                $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                        $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

          Expenses         Q4            Q1       Q2       Q3   Rank                Expenses          Q4             Q1       Q2      Q3    Rank

 Car loan payments $130.90 $127.37 $128.13 $128.46                 1        Car loan payments $130.85 $127.33 $128.10 $128.43                  1

Registration, CTP                                                           Registration, CTP
                       $29.53        $29.33   $29.32   $29.39      6                               $27.90        $27.85   $27.85   $27.94        3
    and  licensing                                                              and  licensing

         Insurance     $24.87        $25.10   $24.90   $25.49      7                Insurance      $19.73        $20.33   $20.00   $20.23      5

         Servicing                                                                  Servicing
                       $29.41        $29.07   $29.47   $29.51      5                               $27.86        $27.48   $27.88   $27.91        4
         and tyres                                                                  and tyres

               Fuel    $76.23        $72.21   $58.23   $62.13      3                      Fuel     $79.82        $77.04   $63.43   $64.43      2

 Public transport      $41.18        $41.44   $41.44   $41.53      4         Public transport           -             -        -        -      -

              Tolls    $62.43        $62.82   $63.22   $63.89      2                     Tolls          -             -        -        -      -

  Roadside assist       $2.08         $2.08    $2.08    $2.09      8          Roadside assist       $2.06         $2.06    $2.06    $2.07      6

NOTE: The toll figure is averaged only across the three cities where
      tolls are charged. All other expenses are averaged across all
      capital cities.

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                           9
Section One

Affordability: transport costs as share of income

The relationship between a region’s income and costs                                     Regional household transport costs were 11.7 per cent
determines local purchasing power – or affordability.                                    of average income, compared to 12.0 per cent in the
Measuring transport costs as a share of income determines                                previous quarter.
local affordability: the higher the percentage of income,
                                                                                         Among the regional centres, Bunbury recorded
the lower the affordability.
                                                                                         the largest decrease – 0.7 per cent lower than the
For example, in total dollar terms Hobart has the lowest                                 previous quarter.
total transport costs, while Sydney has the highest. But
                                                                                         Across Australia, regional households earned $220 per
when this cost is measured as a share of typical household
                                                                                         week less than their city counterparts (based on ABS
income, Hobart – not Sydney – ranks as the Australian city
                                                                                         data). But the difference was more pronounced in New
with the least affordable transport costs.
                                                                                         South Wales and South Australia: households in Wagga
Nationally, the average cost of transport as a percentage of                             Wagga and Mount Gambier earned considerably less per
income for the typical household was 12.4 per cent, down                                 week than their city counterparts, $268 and $258 per
from 12.8 per cent in the June quarter.                                                  week less on average, respectively.

For the typical Australian capital city household, the                                   The affordability rankings of all capital cities and all
average cost of transport was 13.2 per cent of average                                   other regional centres, excluding Perth and Adelaide,
income, compared to 13.5 per cent in the previous quarter.                               remained unchanged from the previous quarter.
Perth replaced Adelaide as the third-most affordable
capital city in the September quarter.

Capital cities                                                                           Regional
                      Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20     Q3’20       Q3’20 avg.                               Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20      Q3’20       Q3’20 avg.

         Sydney                                                                             Wagga Wagga
      Melbourne                                                                                 Geelong
                                                                                          Mount Gambier
         Darwin                                                                             Launceston

      Canberra                                                                            Alice Springs
                 0%      2%        4%      6%     8%     10%   12%    14%    16%                          0%      2%        4%      6%     8%      10%   12%   14%   16%

          City                Q4           Q1            Q2          Q3     Rank                    City               Q4            Q1            Q2          Q3    Rank
         Sydney         14.4%           14.1%          13.6%      13.4%        4             Wagga Wagga           9.7%             9.4%          9.1%       8.9%       7

      Melbourne         15.3%           14.8%          14.3%      13.8%        3                 Geelong         12.2%           11.5%           10.9%      10.6%       5

       Brisbane         16.4%           15.6%          15.0%      15.2%        2              Townsville         11.6%           11.0%           10.5%      10.5%       6

          Perth         14.1%           13.5%          13.0%      12.4%         6                Bunbury         13.3%           12.8%           12.3%      11.6%       4

       Adelaide         14.1%           13.5%          12.9%      12.6%         5          Mount Gambier         13.9%           13.4%           12.7%      12.4%       3

         Hobart         16.8%           16.3%          15.7%      15.4%        1              Launceston         16.9%           16.5%           15.6%      15.4%       1

         Darwin         13.5%           12.9%          12.6%      12.3%        7           Alice Springs         13.8%           13.3%           12.8%      12.5%       2

       Canberra         12.3%           12.3%          11.8%      11.3%        8           Regional avg.         13.1%           12.6%           12.0%      11.7%

   Capital avg.         14.6%           14.1%          13.5%      13.2%

AAA                                                                                 10
Section Two

Detailed results
Household weekly car loan payment costs

The upfront costs for purchasing a new car increased in                                the least expensive city for car loan payments. The largest
all jurisdictions – on average by $591, offsetting lower                               increase among the capital cities was seen in Adelaide,
interest rates which decreased by 0.72 per cent in all                                 where weekly car loan payments increased by 38 cents
jurisdictions. As a result, the cost of car loan payments                              per week (equating to $20 per year).
increased in all locations.
                                                                                       Regional households incurred the same costs in this
The average cost of car loan payments increased by                                     category as their capital city counterparts because it is
around 33 cents per week, or $17 per year.                                             assumed that interest rates and new car purchases costs
                                                                                       are the same in regional and capital city locations.
Among the capital city households, in the September 2020
quarter Melbourne remained the most expensive capital                                  The rankings in this category were unchanged compared
city to take out a loan for a new car. Brisbane remained                               to the previous quarter.

Capital cities                                                                         Regional
                  Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20          Q3’20     Q3’20 avg.                          Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20          Q3’20     Q3’20 avg.

         Sydney                                                                            Wagga Wagga
      Melbourne                                                                               Geelong
                                                                                         Mount Gambier
         Darwin                                                                            Launceston

       Canberra                                                                          Alice Springs
              $120   $122      $124    $126         $128     $130   $132   $134                      $120   $122      $124    $126         $128     $130   $132   $134

           City           Q4           Q1             Q2            Q3     Rank                   City           Q4           Q1             Q2            Q3     Rank
         Sydney   $131.57       $127.36       $128.62         $128.92         2            Wagga Wagga   $131.57       $127.36       $128.62         $128.92         2

      Melbourne   $131.45       $127.95       $128.70         $129.00         1               Geelong    $131.45       $127.95       $128.70         $129.00         1

       Brisbane   $130.44       $126.98       $127.72         $128.04         8            Townsville    $130.44       $126.98       $127.72         $128.04         7

          Perth   $130.64       $127.19       $127.93         $128.28         5               Bunbury    $130.64       $127.19       $127.93         $128.28         4

       Adelaide   $130.77       $127.31       $128.04         $128.43         4          Mount Gambier   $130.77       $127.31       $128.04         $128.43         3

         Hobart   $130.56       $127.10       $127.84         $128.18         6            Launceston    $130.56       $127.10       $127.84         $128.18         5

         Darwin   $130.55       $127.38       $127.83         $128.14         7          Alice Springs   $130.55       $127.38       $127.83         $128.14         6

       Canberra   $131.20       $127.69       $128.37         $128.67         3          Regional avg.   $130.85       $127.33       $128.10         $128.43

   Capital avg.   $130.90       $127.37       $128.13         $128.46

AAA                                                                               12
Section Two

Household weekly vehicle registration, CTP and driver’s licence costs

Registration, CTP and licensing costs increased slightly                                     remained the least expensive at $22.13 a week (up from
in all jurisdictions except Victoria, Western Australia and                                  $22.09 a week). The annualised difference between
Tasmania, over the quarter.                                                                  Bunbury and Mount Gambier is $493.

Canberra remained the most expensive capital city for                                        Registration, CTP and licensing costs were cheaper for
registration, CTP and licensing at $36.14 a week (up from                                    regional households in South Australia and Victoria
$36.12 a week), while Hobart remained the least expensive                                    because state government policies impose different
($22.73 a week). When the September quarter figures are                                      regional and metropolitan pricing structures in relation
annualised, the typical Hobart household spends $697 less                                    to CTP premiums. The New South Wales Toll Relief
per year than the typical Canberra household.                                                Scheme means the typical Sydney household pays less
                                                                                             for vehicle registration than the typical Wagga Wagga
Bunbury remained the most expensive regional centre in
this cost category ($31.62 a week), while Mount Gambier

Capital cities                                                                               Regional
                        Q4’19        Q1’20          Q2’20    Q3’20        Q3’20 avg.                               Q4’19        Q1’20          Q2’20    Q3’20        Q3’20 avg.

           Sydney                                                                                Wagga Wagga
       Melbourne                                                                                    Geelong
                                                                                              Mount Gambier
           Darwin                                                                                Launceston

        Canberra                                                                               Alice Springs
                   $0      $5        $10     $15      $20   $25   $30     $35    $40                          $0      $5        $10     $15      $20   $25   $30     $35    $40

              City              Q4            Q1            Q2          Q3      Rank                    City               Q4            Q1            Q2          Q3      Rank
           Sydney        $24.79         $24.50         $24.50      $24.60           7            Wagga Wagga        $27.85            $27.78      $27.78        $27.86        5
                        ($31.94)       ($31.75)       ($31.75)    ($31.85)       (3)*
                                                                                                    Geelong         $31.05            $31.05      $31.05        $31.05        2
       Melbourne         $33.17            $33.17      $33.17        $33.17        2
                                                                                                 Townsville         $29.74            $29.74      $29.74        $30.05        4
         Brisbane        $29.74            $29.74      $29.74        $30.05        5
                                                                                                    Bunbury         $31.87            $31.62      $31.62        $31.62        1
             Perth       $31.87            $31.62      $31.62        $31.62        3
                                                                                               Mount Gambier        $22.09            $22.09      $22.09        $22.13        7
         Adelaide        $26.69            $26.69      $26.69        $26.73        6
                                                                                                 Launceston         $22.73            $22.73      $22.73        $22.73        6
           Hobart        $22.73            $22.73      $22.73        $22.73        8
                                                                                               Alice Springs        $29.97            $29.97      $29.97        $30.14        3
           Darwin        $29.97            $29.97      $29.97        $30.14        4
                                                                                               Regional avg.        $27.90            $27.85      $27.85        $27.94
         Canberra        $37.31            $36.23      $36.12        $36.14        1

    Capital avg.         $29.53            $29.33      $29.32        $29.39
* The figures bracketed in the table above show registration, CTP and
  licensing costs and rankings in the absence of the Toll Relief Scheme in NSW.

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                                           13
Section Two

Household weekly comprehensive insurance costs

In the September quarter, the weekly cost of                                               in insurance premiums of $2.93 a week (equivalent to
comprehensive insurance for both the benchmark new                                         $152 per year).
and used vehicles increased slightly for the typical
                                                                                           The typical Australian regional centre household paid
Australian city household.
                                                                                           less for comprehensive insurance compared to its capital
Melbourne replaced Darwin as the most expensive city                                       city counterpart because of lower premiums.
for comprehensive insurance ($31.73 a week); Perth
                                                                                           The largest difference between the capital city and regional
remained the cheapest ($14.39 a week). When these
                                                                                           counterparts was in Victoria. The typical Geelong household
costs are annualised, the Perth household spends $902
                                                                                           spends $11.78 a week (or $613 a year) less on comprehensive
per year less on comprehensive insurance than the
                                                                                           insurance than the typical Melbourne household.
typical Darwin household. Canberra recorded the largest
increase in comprehensive insurance premiums among                                         Mount Gambier replaced Alice Springs as the most
the city households, rising by $3.58 per week (equivalent                                  expensive regional centre for comprehensive insurance,
to $186 per year). Brisbane also saw a large increase                                      while Bunbury remained the cheapest.

Capital cities                                                                             Regional
                       Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20         Q3’20     Q3’20 avg.                              Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20         Q3’20        Q3’20 avg.

         Sydney                                                                                Wagga Wagga
      Melbourne                                                                                   Geelong
                                                                                            Mount Gambier
         Darwin                                                                                Launceston

       Canberra                                                                              Alice Springs
                  $0       $5        $10    $15          $20      $25   $30    $35                          $0       $5        $10    $15          $20      $25      $30    $35

           City                Q4           Q1             Q2           Q3    Rank                    City               Q4           Q1             Q2             Q3     Rank
         Sydney         $26.86        $26.88        $26.56         $26.76         5            Wagga Wagga        $19.51        $20.27        $20.02             $19.42        5

      Melbourne         $32.94        $32.59        $31.49         $31.73       1                 Geelong         $20.68        $20.48        $19.47             $19.95       4

       Brisbane         $24.64        $26.36        $25.21         $28.13       3              Townsville         $20.06        $21.49        $20.53             $22.96       3

          Perth         $15.21        $16.24        $15.33         $14.39       8                 Bunbury         $11.46        $12.39        $11.54             $11.64       7

       Adelaide         $27.38        $27.60        $27.60         $27.29         4          Mount Gambier        $23.60        $25.83        $25.83             $25.56       1

         Hobart         $19.60        $19.25        $20.10         $20.84       7              Launceston         $16.33        $16.04        $16.76             $17.38       6

         Darwin         $32.50        $31.34        $31.65         $29.97         2          Alice Springs        $26.51        $25.80        $25.83             $24.71        2

       Canberra         $19.80        $20.58        $21.26         $24.84       6            Regional avg.        $19.73        $20.33        $20.00             $20.23

   Capital avg.         $24.87        $25.10        $24.90         $25.49

AAA                                                                                   14
Section Two

Household total weekly servicing and tyre costs

The cost of servicing and tyres increased slightly over the                                The cost of servicing a new car is the same across both
September quarter for both the typical capital city and                                    regional and city locations, as these costs are based on
regional households.                                                                       the manufacturers’ servicing schedule. The difference
                                                                                           between regional and city households is attributable to
Overall, the cost of maintaining a representative new and
                                                                                           differences in the cost of servicing the older car and the
used car remained highest in Canberra ($38.23 a week)
                                                                                           cost of tyres.
and lowest in Adelaide ($23.84 a week). The annualised
difference between the typical households in Canberra                                      Costs associated with the older car, and tyres for
and Adelaide is $748.                                                                      both cars, are based on data from the ABS Household
                                                                                           Expenditure Survey (HES)1 and indexed in line with the
Among the regional locations, the cost of maintaining
                                                                                           CPI for maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. 2
both a new and used car remained most expensive in
Alice Springs ($33.60 a week) and cheapest in Launceston
($22.56 a week). The annualised difference between the
Alice Springs and Launceston households is $574.

Capital cities                                                                             Regional
                      Q4’19        Q1’20         Q2’20    Q3’20        Q3’20 avg.                                Q4’19        Q1’20         Q2’20    Q3’20         Q3’20 avg.

         Sydney                                                                                Wagga Wagga
     Melbourne                                                                                     Geelong
                                                                                             Mount Gambier
         Darwin                                                                                Launceston

      Canberra                                                                              Alice Springs
                 $0      $5        $10     $15     $20   $25   $30     $35    $40                           $0      $5        $10     $15     $20   $25   $30    $35    $40

          City                Q4            Q1           Q2          Q3      Rank                     City               Q4            Q1           Q2          Q3     Rank
         Sydney        $29.91            $29.50     $30.09        $29.63          5            Wagga Wagga        $28.04        $27.62         $28.18     $27.76          4

     Melbourne         $30.85            $30.65     $30.95        $31.09        2                  Geelong        $29.53        $29.32         $29.61     $29.74          3

       Brisbane        $24.82            $24.15     $24.27        $24.25        7              Townsville         $25.30        $24.62         $24.75     $24.73          5

          Perth        $30.20            $30.03     $30.56        $30.59        3                  Bunbury        $32.61        $32.46         $33.03     $33.07          2

       Adelaide        $23.81            $23.41     $23.84        $23.84        8            Mount Gambier        $23.91        $23.50         $23.93     $23.94          6

         Hobart        $27.64            $27.46     $27.89        $28.06        6              Launceston         $22.34        $22.07         $22.45     $22.56          7

         Darwin        $30.15            $29.62     $30.02        $30.36        4            Alice Springs        $33.31        $32.78         $33.21     $33.60          1

       Canberra        $37.89            $37.76     $38.14        $38.23        1            Regional avg.        $27.86        $27.48         $27.88     $27.91

   Capital avg.        $29.41            $29.07     $29.47        $29.51

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                                         15
Section Two

Household weekly fuel costs

The cost of fuel increased across the country in the                                    the previous quarter. If Hobart had the same prices as
September quarter. The average Australian capital                                       Darwin, its typical household would save $4.37 per week
city retail price of regular unleaded petrol increased                                  (or $227 a year).
by 9.4 cents per litre, from 113.5 cents per litre to
                                                                                        Regional households generally spend more on fuel as
122.9 cents per litre. If fuel prices remained at that
                                                                                        they drive further on average than their capital city
level, fuel expenditure for the typical city household
                                                                                        counterparts. The exceptions are Wagga Wagga and
would increase by $203 per year.
                                                                                        Townsville, as people in these centres drive fewer total
Hobart remained the capital city with the highest fuel                                  kilometres than their city counterparts.
expenditure. Its average petrol price was 124.2 cents per
                                                                                        Regional households also generally pay more per
litre in the September quarter, down 2.1 cents per litre
                                                                                        litre for fuel. Averaged across the regions, the cost
from the previous quarter. Darwin was the capital with the
                                                                                        of regular unleaded petrol increased by 2.7 cents a
lowest fuel prices and fuel expenditure. Its average price
                                                                                        litre, from 118.5 to 121.2 cents per litre. Alice Springs
for unleaded petrol was 118.0 cents per litre in the quarter,
                                                                                        remained the regional household with the highest petrol
up 2.0 cents per litre from the June quarter.
                                                                                        prices – 129.1 cents per litre. Geelong remained the
The typical Hobart household spent $63.92 a week on                                     regional centre with the cheapest regional petrol prices
fuel in the September 2020 quarter – down $1.04 from                                    at 116.2 cents per litre.

Capital cities                                                                          Regional
                      Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20    Q3’20        Q3’20 avg.                               Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20    Q3’20        Q3’20 avg.

         Sydney                                                                            Wagga Wagga
      Melbourne                                                                                 Geelong
                                                                                          Mount Gambier
        Darwin                                                                              Launceston

       Canberra                                                                           Alice Springs
                 $0    $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100                                           $0    $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100

           City               Q4           Q1           Q2          Q3    Rank                     City                Q4           Q1           Q2          Q3    Rank
         Sydney        $78.01        $73.96        $58.01        $63.16       3             Wagga Wagga         $52.43        $51.36        $41.29        $42.77       7

      Melbourne        $75.86        $71.07        $56.83        $62.95       4                 Geelong         $92.16        $84.47        $69.55        $73.78       2

       Brisbane        $76.94        $71.53        $56.90        $63.48       2             Townsville          $61.03        $58.62        $46.99        $48.03       6

          Perth        $73.92        $69.52        $55.32        $60.55       7                 Bunbury         $95.25        $92.79        $78.93        $77.10       1

       Adelaide        $76.59        $69.92        $56.12        $60.98       6           Mount Gambier         $83.81        $80.40        $64.45        $68.14       4

         Hobart        $80.18        $78.56        $64.96        $63.92       1             Launceston          $90.78        $89.49        $72.60        $73.20        3
         Darwin        $72.82        $69.27        $59.14        $59.55        8          Alice Springs         $83.28        $82.14        $70.17        $67.99        5
       Canberra        $75.56        $73.83        $58.53        $62.45        5          Regional avg.         $79.82        $77.04        $63.43        $64.43

   Capital avg.        $76.23        $72.21        $58.23        $62.13

AAA                                                                                16
Section Two

                                                             Household weekly public transport costs

The typical household in Bunbury continued to have           In the September quarter, the cost of public transport
the highest fuel expenditure among the benchmark             remained unchanged across all cities, except Adelaide
regional centres at $77.10 per week (or $4,009 per           which increased by 70 cents per week ($36 per year).
year) because Bunbury residents tend to drive
                                                             The typical Darwin household spends $42.10 per week
longer distances than people in the other benchmark
                                                             ($2,189 per year) less on public transport costs than its
regional centres. Wagga Wagga continued to have
                                                             equivalent household in Perth.
the lowest fuel expenditure among the benchmark
regional centres at $42.77 per week (or $2,224 per           The Index assumes the regional households do not incur
year) because its residents typically drive less than        public transport costs as the locations analysed lack
people in the other benchmark regional centres.              reliable services and have low usage rates.

                                                             Capital cities
                                                                                   Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20         Q3’20     Q3’20 avg.

                                                                              $0      $10        $20     $30         $40      $50   $60    $70

                                                                        City               Q4           Q1             Q2           Q3    Rank
                                                                      Sydney        $50.00        $50.00        $50.00         $50.00        3

                                                                   Melbourne        $44.00        $45.00        $45.00         $45.00        4

                                                                    Brisbane        $55.44        $56.52        $56.52         $56.52        2

                                                                       Perth        $62.10        $62.10        $62.10         $62.10        1

                                                                    Adelaide        $37.70        $37.70        $37.70         $38.40        5

                                                                      Hobart        $28.00        $28.00        $28.00         $28.00        7

                                                                      Darwin        $20.00        $20.00        $20.00         $20.00        8

                                                                    Canberra        $32.20        $32.20        $32.20         $32.20        6

                                                                Capital avg.        $41.18        $41.44        $41.44         $41.53

Section Two

Household weekly costs of toll roads

Only three Australian cities – Sydney, Melbourne and                                          (or $1,751 per year) less on tolls than the typical Sydney
Brisbane – use toll roads. The toll road costs increased                                      household.
for Sydney and Melbourne due to scheduled quarterly
                                                                                              In Sydney, the Index assumes that one member of the
indexation and increased in Brisbane due to scheduled
                                                                                              family uses toll roads only two days per week to travel to
annual indexation from 1 July 2020. Costs increased by
                                                                                              central Sydney because toll costs are high and alternate
52 cents per week ($27 per year) in Sydney, 60 cents per
                                                                                              routes are available.
week ($31 per year) in Melbourne and 90 cents per week
($47 per year) in Brisbane.                                                                   The Index assumes one member of the benchmark
                                                                                              household uses toll roads every weekday in Melbourne
The typical Sydney household continues to incur the
                                                                                              and Brisbane.
greatest costs for toll road usage, while the typical
household in Melbourne replaced Brisbane as the one                                           The Index assumes that the regional households do not
with the lowest toll costs among these three cities. The                                      incur regular toll costs as there are no toll roads in these
typical Melbourne household spends $33.68 per week                                            regional centres.

Capital cities
                      Q4’19        Q1’20         Q2’20      Q3’20          Q3’20 avg.

                 $0     $10    $20    $30    $40     $50    $60     $70    $80    $90

          City                Q4            Q1             Q2             Q3     Rank
         Sydney        $84.60        $85.16         $85.76          $86.28          1

      Melbourne        $50.80        $51.40         $52.00          $52.60           3

       Brisbane        $51.90        $51.90         $51.90          $52.80          2

          Perth                -             -              -              -        -

       Adelaide                -             -              -              -        -

         Hobart                -             -              -              -        -

         Darwin                -             -              -              -        -

       Canberra                -             -              -              -        -

   Capital avg.        $62.43        $62.82         $63.22          $63.89

AAA                                                                                      18
Section Two

Household weekly costs of roadside assistance

The differences between states for roadside assistance
costs are not large. Tasmania has the highest ongoing
roadside assistance costs at $118 per year, while
Queensland and the Northern Territory have the lowest at
$99 per year.

Roadside assistance costs are based on state and
Northern Territory motoring clubs’ basic or standard
packages, but services included in these packages vary
from club to club.

The Index assumes that the regional households face the
same costs as their capital city counterparts, as roadside
assistance providers offer standard state-wide pricing.

                   Q4’19        Q1’20    Q2’20       Q3’20         Q3’20 avg.

   $0.00      $0.50         $1.00            $1.50        $2.00        $2.50

           State           Q4           Q1           Q2           Q3   Rank
            NSW       $2.17         $2.17        $2.17       $2.17         3

            VIC       $2.19         $2.19        $2.19       $2.19          2

            QLD       $1.90         $1.90        $1.90       $1.90         7

             WA       $2.10         $2.10        $2.10       $2.10         5

             SA       $1.98         $1.98        $1.98       $1.98         6

            TAS       $2.19         $2.19        $2.19       $2.27         1

             NT       $1.90         $1.90        $1.90       $1.90         7

            ACT       $2.17         $2.17        $2.17       $2.17         3

  National avg.       $2.08         $2.08        $2.08       $2.09

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                                   19
Section Three

State by state comparison
Capital city vs regional comparison by state

New South Wales                Sydney       Wagga Wagga               Victoria                        Melbourne   Geelong

         Car loan payments                                                       Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                            Registration and licensing
                Insurance                                                               Insurance
       Servicing and tyres                                                   Servicing and tyres
                      Fuel                                                                   Fuel
         Public transport                                                        Public transport
                      Tolls                                                                 Tolls
          Roadside assist                                                         Roadside assist
                         $0     $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                   $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

Queensland                     Brisbane     Townsville                Western Australia               Perth       Bunbury

         Car loan payments                                                       Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                            Registration and licensing
                  Insurance                                                             Insurance
       Servicing and tyres                                                   Servicing and tyres
                       Fuel                                                                  Fuel
          Public transport                                                       Public transport
                      Tolls                                                                 Tolls
           Roadside assist                                                        Roadside assist
                          $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                   $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

South Australia                Adelaide    Mount Gambier              Tasmania                        Hobart      Launceston

         Car loan payments                                                       Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                            Registration and licensing
                Insurance                                                               Insurance
       Servicing and tyres                                                   Servicing and tyres
                      Fuel                                                                   Fuel
         Public transport                                                        Public transport
                      Tolls                                                                 Tolls
          Roadside assist                                                         Roadside assist
                         $0     $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                   $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

Northern Territory             Darwin      Alice Springs

         Car loan payments
Registration and licensing
       Servicing and tyres
         Public transport
          Roadside assist
                         $0     $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

AAA                                                              20
Section Three

New South Wales weekly costs of transport

Sydney transport costs increased and remained Australia’s                         Wagga Wagga remained the benchmark regional centre with
most expensive city for transport. In the September                               the lowest transport costs – both in total cost ($248.90 a week
quarter, the typical Sydney household spent $411.51 a week                        or $12,943 a year) and in terms of the local income-to-cost ratio
(equivalent to $21,399 a year) on transport (up $5.81 a week                      (at 8.9 per cent, down from 9.1 per cent in the previous quarter).
or $302 per annum from the previous quarter). Transport
                                                                                  Transport costs increased over the September quarter by
costs measured as a percentage of average income
                                                                                  84 cents per week a week (equivalent to $44 per annum),
decreased from 13.6 per cent to 13.4 per cent. Under this
                                                                                  driven largely by higher fuel prices which increased by $1.48 a
metric, Sydney remained the fourth-least affordable city
                                                                                  week – equivalent to $77 a year (assuming fuel prices remained
for transport. This increase was mainly attributable to
                                                                                  constant). Car loan payments also increased in line with Sydney
higher fuel expenditure, which rose by $5.16 per week,
                                                                                  and registration, CTP and licensing costs increased marginally.
equated to $268 per annum (assuming costs remained
                                                                                  Insurance costs decreased slightly by $31 per annum and
                                                                                  servicing and tyre costs decreased by $22 per annum.
Sydney’s toll costs increased by $27 per annum due to
                                                                                  The typical Wagga Wagga household incurs lower fuel
scheduled quarterly indexation from 1 July 2020. Car loan
                                                                                  expenditure than its Sydney counterpart since Bureau of
payments and insurance premiums also increased by $16
                                                                                  Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE)
and $10 per annum, respectively. Registration, CTP and
                                                                                  data suggests that it travels less than the city household. A
licensing costs increased marginally.
                                                                                  representative Wagga Wagga family also paid slightly less for
Servicing and tyre costs decreased by $24 per year.                               unleaded petrol in the September quarter – 3.5 cents per litre
Public transport and roadside assistance costs remained                           less compared to its city counterpart. Roadside assistance costs
unchanged.                                                                        remained unchanged. The Index assumes that limited options
                                                                                  mean the Wagga Wagga household does not incur any public
                                                                                  transport costs.

Sydney                               Q4’19     Q1’20    Q2’20      Q3’20          Wagga Wagga                        Q4’19       Q1’20       Q2’20       Q3’20

            Car loan payments                                                                Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                                        Registration and licensing
                     Insurance                                                                       Insurance
         Servicing and tyres                                                              Servicing and tyres
                           Fuel                                                                            Fuel
            Public transport                                                                 Public transport
                          Tolls                                                                           Tolls
             Roadside assist                                                                  Roadside assist
                                $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                            $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

              Sydney          Q4         Q1        Q2         Q3   Rank                  Wagga Wagga          Q4         Q1          Q2          Q3      Rank
  Car loan payments $131.57 $127.36 $128.62 $128.92                      1          Car loan payments $131.57 $127.36 $128.62 $128.92                       1

 Reg. and licensing       $24.79   $24.50   $24.50   $24.60             7          Reg. and licensing     $27.85     $27.78      $27.78      $27.86         3
                         ($31.94) ($31.75) ($31.75) ($31.85)         (5)*
                                                                                            Insurance     $19.51     $20.27      $20.02      $19.42         5
           Insurance      $26.86      $26.88   $26.56    $26.76          6
                                                                                  Servicing and tyres     $28.04     $27.62      $28.18      $27.76           4
Servicing and tyres       $29.91      $29.50   $30.09    $29.63          5
                                                                                                  Fuel    $52.43     $51.36      $41.29      $42.77         2
                 Fuel     $78.01      $73.96   $58.01    $63.16          3
                                                                                    Public transport           -             -           -           -      -
  Public transport        $50.00      $50.00   $50.00    $50.00          4
                                                                                                 Tolls         -             -           -           -      -
                Tolls     $84.60      $85.16   $85.76    $86.28          2
                                                                                     Roadside assist       $2.17      $2.17       $2.17       $2.17         6
    Roadside assist        $2.17       $2.17    $2.17      $2.17         8
                                                                                                 Total $261.57 $256.57 $248.06 $248.90
                Total $427.90 $419.54 $405.70 $411.51
* The figures bracketed in the table above show the costs and rankings            The Index assumes that limited options mean the Wagga Wagga
  that would apply to the Sydney household in the absence of the Toll             household does not incur any public transport costs.
  Relief Scheme.

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                                21
Section Three

Victoria weekly costs of transport

Melbourne remained Australia’s second-most expensive                               Geelong had yearly transport costs of $14,858 and replaced
city for transport. The typical household spent the                                Bunbury as the regional centre with the second-highest costs
equivalent of $20,163 a year on transport – an increase of                         (previously third-highest). When transport costs are considered
$7.42 a week (or $386 a year) from the previous quarter.                           as a percentage of average income (10.6 per cent compared
Transport costs as a percentage of average income                                  to 10.9 per cent in the previous quarter), Geelong remained
decreased from 14.3 per cent to 13.8 per cent compared                             the third-most affordable regional centre for transport.
to the previous quarter. Melbourne remained the third-
                                                                                   Weekly transport costs increased by $5.14 (equivalent to
least affordable city under the income metric.
                                                                                   $267 a year), mostly because of higher fuel expenditure. Fuel
The increase in transport costs over the quarter was                               expenditure increased by $4.22 per week (equated to $220
mainly attributable to higher fuel prices. Fuel expenditure                        per annum). In the September quarter, Geelong had average
increased by $6.12 per week (equivalent to $318 per year).                         unleaded petrol prices of 116.2 cents per litre – cheaper than
Melbourne’s toll costs increased by $31 per annum due                              all capital cities and regional centres, except Perth. While its
to scheduled quarterly indexation from 1 July 2020. Car                            petrol prices are low compared to other regional centres, fuel
loan payments and insurance premiums also increased by                             expenditure was the second-highest among all benchmark
$16 and $13 per annum, respectively. Servicing and tyre                            centres. BITRE data suggests that the typical Geelong family
costs increased marginally.                                                        travels greater distances than other regional centres.
Registration, CTP and licensing, public transport and                              Comprehensive insurance premiums also increased by
roadside assistance costs remained constant over the                               $25 per annum. Car loan payments increased in line with
quarter.                                                                           Melbourne, and servicing and tyre costs increased marginally.
                                                                                   Registration, CTP and licensing, and roadside assistance costs
                                                                                   remained unchanged in the September quarter.

Melbourne                        Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20      Q3’20        Geelong                          Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20

          Car loan payments                                                                  Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                                         Registration and licensing
                 Insurance                                                                          Insurance
       Servicing and tyres                                                                Servicing and tyres
                        Fuel                                                                               Fuel
          Public transport                                                                   Public transport
                       Tolls                                                                              Tolls
           Roadside assist                                                                    Roadside assist
                            $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                               $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

        Melbourne         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank                   Geelong         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank
 Car loan payments    $131.45    $127.95      $128.70       $129.00      1          Car loan payments    $131.45    $127.95      $128.70       $129.00        1

Reg. and licensing     $33.17     $33.17       $33.17        $33.17      5          Reg. and licensing    $31.05     $31.05       $31.05        $31.05        3

         Insurance     $32.94     $32.59       $31.49        $31.73      6                  Insurance     $20.68     $20.48       $19.47        $19.95        5

Servicing and tyres    $30.85     $30.65       $30.95        $31.09      7         Servicing and tyres    $29.53     $29.32       $29.61        $29.74        4

              Fuel     $75.86     $71.07       $56.83        $62.95      2                       Fuel     $92.16     $84.47       $69.55        $73.78        2

  Public transport     $44.00     $45.00       $45.00        $45.00      4           Public transport          -            -            -             -      -

             Tolls     $50.80     $51.40       $52.00        $52.60      3                      Tolls          -            -            -             -      -

   Roadside assist      $2.19      $2.19        $2.19         $2.19      8            Roadside assist      $2.19      $2.19        $2.19         $2.19        6
             Total    $401.26    $394.03      $380.33       $387.74                             Total    $307.07    $295.46      $280.58       $285.72

AAA                                                                           22
Section Three

Queensland weekly costs of transport

Brisbane’s typical household had weekly transport                                  Townsville’s typical household transports costs increased
costs of $385.18 in the September quarter (or $20,029 a                            by $4.08 a week to $255.71 a week (or $13,297 a year) in
year) – Australia’s third-highest city for transport costs.                        the September quarter. This is considerably less than its
Transport costs as a percentage of average income were                             Brisbane counterpart. BITRE data suggests that Townsville
15.2 per cent compared to 15.0 per cent in the previous                            residents travel slightly less than people in Brisbane.
quarter, making Brisbane the second-least affordable
                                                                                   Townsville remained the second-least expensive regional
city. Brisbane was the only location measured where
                                                                                   centre, and the second-most affordable when costs are
affordability worsened over the quarter.
                                                                                   considered as a percentage of average income (10.5 per
Transport costs increased by $11.01 a week (or $573 a                              cent – unchanged from the previous quarter). The increase
year) largely due to higher fuel prices. Fuel expenditure                          in transport costs was largely due to higher comprehensive
increased by $6.58 per week (equated to $342 per year) and                         insurance premiums, with total comprehensive insurance
comprehensive insurance also increased by $2.93 per week                           costs increasing by $2.42 per week or $126 per annum. Fuel
(equated to $152 per year). Brisbane’s toll costs increased                        expenditure also increased by $1.05 per week (equated to
by $47 per annum due to scheduled annual indexation                                $54 per annum). Car loan payments and registration, CTP
from 1 July 2020. Car loan payments and registration,                              and licensing costs increased in line with Brisbane.
CTP and licensing costs also increased by $17 and $16 per
                                                                                   Servicing and tyre costs decreased marginally, while
annum, respectively.
                                                                                   roadside assistance costs remained constant in the
Brisbane remained the second-most expensive city for                               September quarter. Compared to other regional centres,
public transport costs but remained the cheapest city for                          Townsville remained relatively inexpensive for servicing
car loan payments.                                                                 and tyres, fuel, and roadside assistance.

Brisbane                         Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20      Q3’20        Townsville                       Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20

          Car loan payments                                                                  Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                                         Registration and licensing
                 Insurance                                                                          Insurance
       Servicing and tyres                                                                Servicing and tyres
                        Fuel                                                                               Fuel
           Public transport                                                                  Public transport
                       Tolls                                                                              Tolls
            Roadside assist                                                                   Roadside assist
                            $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                               $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

         Brisbane         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank                Townsville         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank
 Car loan payments    $130.44    $126.98      $127.72       $128.04      1          Car loan payments    $130.44    $126.98      $127.72       $128.04        1

 Reg. and licensing    $29.74     $29.74       $29.74        $30.05      5          Reg. and licensing    $29.74     $29.74       $29.74        $30.05        3

         Insurance     $24.64     $26.36       $25.21        $28.13      6                  Insurance     $20.06     $21.49       $20.53        $22.96        5

Servicing and tyres    $24.82     $24.15       $24.27        $24.25      7         Servicing and tyres    $25.30     $24.62       $24.75        $24.73        4

              Fuel     $76.94     $71.53       $56.90        $63.48      2                       Fuel     $61.03     $58.62       $46.99        $48.03        2

  Public transport     $55.44     $56.52       $56.52        $56.52      3           Public transport          -            -            -             -      -

             Tolls     $51.90     $51.90       $51.90        $52.80      4                      Tolls          -            -            -             -      -

   Roadside assist      $1.90      $1.90        $1.90         $1.90      8            Roadside assist      $1.90      $1.90        $1.90         $1.90        6
             Total    $395.81    $389.08      $374.17       $385.18                             Total    $268.47    $263.35      $251.64       $255.71

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                                 23
Section Three

Western Australia weekly costs of transport

Perth’s typical household weekly transport costs                                     Bunbury’s typical household weekly transport costs were
were $329.62 (or $17,140 per annum) in the September                                 $283.80 (annualised to $14,757) in the September quarter,
quarter – an increase of $4.68 a week ($243 a year) from                             a decrease of $1.34 (or $70 per annum) from the previous
the previous quarter. Perth replaced Adelaide as the third-                          quarter. Bunbury replaced Geelong as the regional centre
most affordable city (previously fourth-most affordable)                             with the third-highest transport costs (previously second-
when transport costs are considered as a share of                                    highest costs). Transport costs as a share of average
average income at 12.4 per cent (compared to 13.0 per                                income also decreased from 12.3 per cent to 11.6 per cent,
cent in the previous quarter).                                                       with Bunbury remaining as the fourth least affordable
                                                                                     regional centre.
The increase in transport costs was mainly attributable
to higher fuel prices with fuel expenditure increasing                               The decrease in transport costs was driven by lower fuel
by $5.23 per week (equivalent to $272 per annum). Car                                prices, with fuel expenditure decreasing by $1.83 per
loan payments increased by $18 per annum due to                                      week (or $95 per annum). Car loan payments increased
higher upfront purchasing costs for new cars offsetting                              in line with Perth and both comprehensive insurance
lower interest rates on new car loans. Servicing and tyre                            premiums and servicing and tyre costs also increased
costs increased marginally. Comprehensive insurance                                  marginally. All other costs remained unchanged.
premiums decreased by $49 per annum and all other
                                                                                     Bunbury remained the most expensive regional centre
costs remained constant.
                                                                                     for registration, CTP and licensing, and fuel expenditure.
In total dollar terms, Perth was Australia’s fourth-most                             Bunbury still had the lowest comprehensive insurance
expensive capital city for transport. Perth remained the                             prices.
least expensive city for comprehensive insurance but
remained the most expensive for public transport.

Perth                            Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20        Bunbury                          Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20

          Car loan payments                                                                    Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                                           Registration and licensing
                 Insurance                                                                            Insurance
        Servicing and tyres                                                                 Servicing and tyres
                        Fuel                                                                                 Fuel
          Public transport                                                                     Public transport
                       Tolls                                                                                Tolls
           Roadside assist                                                                      Roadside assist
                            $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                                 $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

             Perth        Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank                     Bunbury         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank
 Car loan payments    $130.64    $127.19      $127.93       $128.28        1          Car loan payments    $130.64    $127.19      $127.93       $128.28        1

 Reg. and licensing    $31.87     $31.62       $31.62        $31.62        4          Reg. and licensing    $31.87     $31.62       $31.62        $31.62        4

         Insurance     $15.21     $16.24       $15.33        $14.39        6                  Insurance     $11.46     $12.39       $11.54        $11.64        5

Servicing and tyres    $30.20     $30.03       $30.56        $30.59        5         Servicing and tyres    $32.61     $32.46       $33.03        $33.07        3

              Fuel     $73.92     $69.52       $55.32        $60.55        3                       Fuel     $95.25     $92.79       $78.93        $77.10        2

  Public transport     $62.10     $62.10       $62.10        $62.10        2           Public transport          -            -            -             -      -

             Tolls          -            -            -             -      -                      Tolls          -            -            -             -      -

   Roadside assist      $2.10      $2.10        $2.10         $2.10        7            Roadside assist      $2.10      $2.10        $2.10         $2.10        6
             Total    $346.04    $338.79      $324.95       $329.62                               Total    $303.92    $298.55      $285.14       $283.80

AAA                                                                             24
Section Three

South Australia weekly costs of transport

Adelaide’s weekly household transport costs of $307.65                               Mount Gambier’s typical household spent $270.18 a week
(annualised at $15,998) remained the third-least                                     on transport in the September quarter (or $14,049 per year
expensive among capital cities for total transport costs.                            if all costs remained constant) – an increase of $3.84 a week
Adelaide replaced Perth as the fourth-most affordable                                from the previous quarter. Mount Gambier remained the
city (previously third-most affordable) when costs are                               third-least affordable regional centre for total transport
considered as a percentage of average income at 12.6 per                             costs with costs as a percentage of income decreasing from
cent (compared to 12.9 per cent in the previous quarter).                            12.7 per cent to 12.4 per cent in the September quarter.
Transport costs increased by $5.68 per week (or $296 per                             Mount Gambier’s increase in transport costs was mostly
annum) due to higher fuel prices where fuel expenditure                              attributable to higher fuel prices, with fuel expenditure
increased by $4.87 per week (or $253 per annum). Public                              increasing by $3.69 per week ($192 per year, assuming costs
transport costs increased by $36 per annum and car loan                              remained constant). Car loan repayments increased in line
repayments increased by $20 per annum. Registration,                                 with Adelaide and registration, CTP and licensing costs
CTP and licensing costs also increased marginally.                                   also increased marginally. Comprehensive insurance costs
Comprehensive insurance premiums decreased by                                        decreased by $14 per year and all other costs remained
$16 per year, while all other costs remained unchanged                               constant.
in the quarter.
                                                                                     Mount Gambier had relatively low costs for most categories
Adelaide remained the least expensive capital city for                               compared to other benchmark regional centres, but was
servicing and tyres.                                                                 most expensive for comprehensive insurance.

Adelaide                         Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20        Mount Gambier                    Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20

           Car loan payments                                                                   Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                                           Registration and licensing
                  Insurance                                                                           Insurance
       Servicing and tyres                                                                  Servicing and tyres
                        Fuel                                                                                 Fuel
           Public transport                                                                    Public transport
                       Tolls                                                                                Tolls
            Roadside assist                                                                     Roadside assist
                            $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                                 $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

         Adelaide         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank               Mount Gambier         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank
 Car loan payments    $130.77    $127.31      $128.04       $128.43        1          Car loan payments    $130.77    $127.31      $128.04       $128.43        1

 Reg. and licensing    $26.69     $26.69       $26.69        $26.73        5          Reg. and licensing    $22.09     $22.09       $22.09        $22.13        5

         Insurance     $27.38     $27.60       $27.60        $27.29        4                  Insurance     $23.60     $25.83       $25.83        $25.56        3

Servicing and tyres    $23.81     $23.41       $23.84        $23.84        6         Servicing and tyres    $23.91     $23.50       $23.93        $23.94        4

               Fuel    $76.59     $69.92       $56.12        $60.98        2                       Fuel     $83.81     $80.40       $64.45        $68.14        2

  Public transport     $37.70     $37.70       $37.70        $38.40        3           Public transport          -            -            -             -      -

              Tolls         -            -            -             -      -                      Tolls          -            -            -             -      -

   Roadside assist      $1.98      $1.98        $1.98         $1.98        7            Roadside assist      $1.98      $1.98        $1.98         $1.98        6
              Total   $324.94    $314.61      $301.97       $307.65                               Total    $286.16    $281.11      $266.33       $270.18

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                                   25
Section Three

Tasmania weekly costs of transport

Hobart’s typical household spent $294.00 per week                                     Launceston’s household transport costs were $266.31 per
(annualised at $15,288) on transport in the September                                 week, equivalent to $13,848 a year – an increase of $1.75
quarter, an increase of 28 cents per week ($14 per annum)                             per week (or $91 per annum) compared to the June quarter.
from the previous quarter.                                                            Launceston remained the third-least expensive regional
                                                                                      centre for total transport costs.
Hobart remained Australia’s capital city with the lowest
transport costs, but in terms of purchasing power it                                  Launceston had the lowest average earnings among all
remained the least affordable city. Because Hobart had                                the capital cities and regional centres analysed by the
the lowest average earnings of any capital city, it had the                           Index. When costs are considered as a percentage of
least affordable transport when costs are measured as a                               average income (15.4 per cent compared to 15.6 per cent
percentage of average income at 15.4 per cent (compared                               in the previous quarter), Launceston remained the least
to 15.7 per cent in the previous quarter). Fuel expenditure                           affordable regional centre for transport.
decreased by $1.04 per week (equivalent to $54 per
                                                                                      The increase in transport costs is due to factors such as
annum). Insurance premiums increased by $38 per annum,
                                                                                      higher insurance costs which increased by $32 per annum.
while car loan payments increased by $18 per year due to
                                                                                      Fuel expenditure also increased by $31 per annum, car
higher upfront purchasing costs for new cars, offsetting
                                                                                      loan payments increased in line with Hobart and servicing
lower interest rates on new car loans. Servicing and tyre
                                                                                      and tyre costs increased marginally. Registration, CTP and
costs also increased marginally while registration, CTP and
                                                                                      licensing costs remained unchanged.
licensing and public transport costs remained constant.
                                                                                      Launceston remained relatively inexpensive for
Hobart remained the most expensive city for fuel
                                                                                      registration, CTP and licensing costs, and servicing
expenditure, but remained the cheapest for registration,
CTP and licensing fees.                                                               and tyres, but remained relatively expensive for fuel

Hobart                           Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20         Launceston                       Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20

          Car loan payments                                                                     Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                                            Registration and licensing
                 Insurance                                                                             Insurance
       Servicing and tyres                                                                   Servicing and tyres
                        Fuel                                                                                  Fuel
          Public transport                                                                      Public transport
                       Tolls                                                                                 Tolls
           Roadside assist                                                                       Roadside assist
                            $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                                  $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

           Hobart         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank                   Launceston         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank
 Car loan payments    $130.56    $127.10      $127.84       $128.18        1           Car loan payments    $130.56    $127.10      $127.84       $128.18        1

 Reg. and licensing    $22.73     $22.73       $22.73        $22.73        5           Reg. and licensing    $22.73     $22.73       $22.73        $22.73        3

         Insurance     $19.60     $19.25       $20.10        $20.84        6                   Insurance     $16.33     $16.04       $16.76        $17.38        5

Servicing and tyres    $27.64     $27.46       $27.89        $28.06        3          Servicing and tyres    $22.34     $22.07       $22.45        $22.56        4

              Fuel     $80.18     $78.56       $64.96        $63.92        2                        Fuel     $90.78     $89.49       $72.60        $73.20        2

  Public transport     $28.00     $28.00       $28.00        $28.00          4          Public transport          -            -            -             -      -

             Tolls          -            -            -             -      -                       Tolls          -            -            -             -      -

   Roadside assist      $2.19      $2.19        $2.19         $2.27        7             Roadside assist      $2.19      $2.19        $2.19         $2.27        6
             Total    $310.90    $305.29      $293.72       $294.00                                Total    $284.92    $279.62      $264.56       $266.31

AAA                                                                              26
Section Three

Northern Territory weekly costs of transport

Darwin’s typical household spent $300.06 per week                                     Alice Springs In the September quarter, Alice Springs was
on transport in the September quarter, a decrease of                                  the regional centre with the highest transport costs. Its
45 cents (equivalent to $23 per annum) from the previous                              benchmark household spent $286.48 per week on transport,
quarter. If costs remained constant over the year, this                               a decrease of $2.42 a week from the previous quarter. This
would equate to $15,603 a year.                                                       was largely due to lower fuel expenditure, which decreased
                                                                                      by $2.18 per week (or $113 per year). Insurance costs also
Darwin remained the capital city with the second-lowest
                                                                                      decreased by $58 per annum.
transport costs. When transport costs are measured
as a proportion of income (12.3 per cent compared to                                  Servicing and tyre costs increased by $21 per annum, while
12.6 per cent in the previous quarter) Darwin remained                                car loan payments and registration, CTP and licensing costs
the second-most affordable capital city. The decrease                                 increased in line with Darwin. Annualised, all transport costs
in the household’s transport costs over the quarter                                   equate to $14,897 a year, with a decrease of $126 per annum
is due to lower insurance premiums, with insurance                                    from the previous quarter (assuming costs remained constant).
costs decreasing by $1.69 per week (equivalent to
                                                                                      Alice Springs remained the second-least affordable regional
$88 per year).
                                                                                      centre when costs are considered as a percentage of average
Fuel expenditure increased by $21 per year, servicing                                 income – at 12.5 per cent compared to 12.8 per cent in the
and tyre costs increased by $18 per year, car loan                                    previous quarter. Alice Springs was the only regional centre
payments increased by $16 per year and registration,                                  where transport costs were less affordable than its city
CTP and licensing costs increased marginally.                                         counterpart. The typical Alice Springs household spends
                                                                                      more on fuel than its Darwin counterpart. This is because of
All other costs remained constant.
                                                                                      greater distances travelled and higher fuel prices. Roadside
                                                                                      assistance costs remained unchanged over the quarter.

Darwin                           Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20         Alice Springs                    Q4’19        Q1’20        Q2’20        Q3’20

          Car loan payments                                                                     Car loan payments
Registration and licensing                                                            Registration and licensing
                 Insurance                                                                             Insurance
       Servicing and tyres                                                                   Servicing and tyres
                        Fuel                                                                                  Fuel
          Public transport                                                                      Public transport
                       Tolls                                                                                 Tolls
           Roadside assist                                                                       Roadside assist
                            $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140                                                  $0    $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140

           Darwin         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank                Alice Springs         Q4             Q1           Q2           Q3 Rank
 Car loan payments    $130.55    $127.38      $127.83       $128.14        1           Car loan payments    $130.55    $127.38      $127.83       $128.14        1

 Reg. and licensing    $29.97     $29.97       $29.97        $30.14        4           Reg. and licensing    $29.97     $29.97       $29.97        $30.14        4
         Insurance     $32.50     $31.34       $31.65        $29.97          5                 Insurance     $26.51     $25.80       $25.83        $24.71        5

Servicing and tyres    $30.15     $29.62       $30.02        $30.36        3          Servicing and tyres    $33.31     $32.78       $33.21        $33.60        3
              Fuel     $72.82     $69.27       $59.14        $59.55        2                        Fuel     $83.28     $82.14       $70.17        $67.99        2

  Public transport     $20.00     $20.00       $20.00        $20.00        6            Public transport          -            -            -             -      -

             Tolls          -            -            -             -      -                       Tolls          -            -            -             -      -

   Roadside assist      $1.90      $1.90        $1.90         $1.90        7             Roadside assist      $1.90      $1.90        $1.90         $1.90        6
             Total    $317.88    $309.48      $300.51       $300.06                                Total    $305.52    $299.97      $288.90       $286.48

TRANSPORT AFFORDABILITY INDEX: SEPTEMBER 2020                                    27
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