Transformative Research: The IASS Approach - IASS DISCUSSION PAPER - Simon Meisch - IASS Potsdam

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Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
Potsdam, August 2020

The IASS Approach

Simon Meisch

Translation edited by Damian Harrison
Transformative Research: The IASS Approach

The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) explores the characteristics, barriers and
drivers of promising sustainability transformations, seeks ethically justified concepts of sustainable
development and designs and facilitates transformation processes. As such, it performs transfor-
mation research and transformative research. It addresses both societal actors and the scientific
community (Chapter 1). Subsequently, the conditions and challenges of the IASS's transformative
research approach will be discussed. To begin with, the approach will be located in the broader epis-
temological horizon of transformative research. This is accompanied by the critique of traditional
forms of research and the demand for other, inter- and transdisciplinary as well as transformative
forms of research (Chapter 2). Transformative research in particular faces a series of epistemologi-
cal, socio-theoretical and ethical challenges. The IASS must be aware of these and productively turn
them in its work, but also understand them as a specific research task (Chapter 3). Subsequently, it is
explained how transformative research is carried out at IASS (Chapter 4) and which orientation
points guide its work and advice (Chapter 5).

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1.     Our Research Agenda                         4

2.     Transdisciplinary Research in Context       5

3.     The challenges of transformative research   9

4.     Transformative research at the IASS         12

5.     Orientation for research and consulting     16

6.     Literature                                  18

7.     About the author                            27

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1. Our Research Agenda
Since its founding in 2009, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) has pursued its
mission of exploring, understanding and facilitating transformations towards sustainable develop-
ment and critically reflecting on its role within these processes. 1 The IASS works to make
knowledge effective as a central driver and catalyst of transformations and to gain further insight in-
to these change processes.

The Institute’s mission is reflected in the following three guiding questions:

Guiding Questions of the IASS

1. Knowledge and democratic action in the Anthropocene: What are the conditions,
barriers and drivers for promising transformations towards sustainability?

2. Fair communities and shared futures: What conceptions of sustainable devel-
opment exist? How can they be ethically substantiated? And what can be done to
facilitate their social (re-)negotiation?

3. Designing and facilitating transformations: How could and should processes of
transformation be designed and supported so that they succeed?

The transformative research approach of the IASS requires a thorough engagement with the method-
ological foundations of knowledge production. It is necessary, for example, to distinguish various
forms of knowledge, understand how they are constituted and how they become effective in specific
fields of action, and to reflect on how knowledge generated by the IASS can be transformative. The
IASS has accordingly established processes to engage critically with the epistemological and ethical
foundations of its research and consultancy activities. By reconstructing and reflecting on the meth-
odologies underpinning its work, the IASS enhances its ability to pursue its mission of conducting
excellent research and engaging in strategic dialogues with actors from politics, civil society, and the
business community.

The following outline of this transformative research approach provides guidance to researchers as
they develop their projects and address their research questions. As a systematic reflection, the trans-
formative research approach describes existing research practice at the IASS and offers insights for
its improvement by establishing a horizon within which concepts, terms, methods and theories may
be understood (see Opp 2014; Stegmüller 1973; Carrier 2006).

  This transformative research approach builds on previous (internal and external) IASS documents and develops
these ideas further. Nanz, Patrizia; Renn, Ortwin; Lawrence, Mark 2017: Der transdisziplinäre Ansatz des Institute
for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS). Konzept und Umsetzung, in: Gaia 26(3), 293-296; IASS 2017: Das
IASS: Konzept und Ansatz; IASS o.J.: Profil und Selbstverständnis: Zur fortwährenden Mission des IASS.

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2. Transdisciplinary
   Research in Context
The concept of sustainable development encompasses democratically driven developments towards
globally just and environmentally compatible societies within which both present and future genera-
tions are able to pursue their visions of a Good Life (i.e. the Good within the scope of the Right, see
Seel 1993). However, the goals of sustainable development cannot be achieved by means of top-
down approaches, but must be envisioned in consideration of relevant natural and social contexts. In
order to be successful, transformations towards sustainability must be underpinned by public delib-
eration on both the nature of the society in which we wish to live and on the ways and means by
which these visions can be realized in accordance with the ethical principles of intra- and intergener-
ational justice (see Meisch 2016). In this sense, transformations towards sustainability can be under-
stood as open-ended search processes. Sustainability research supports these processes by generating
factual knowledge (‘knowing that’) and practical knowledge (‘knowing how’) but also by recon-
structing and ethically substantiating the values and norms that guide action (see Mieth 2002;
O’Neill 2009).

Transformations towards sustainability are characterised by the simultaneity of increasingly urgent
decisions, diverse and often conflicting values, systemic complexities (especially at the porous inter-
face between nature and culture) and epistemic uncertainties (see Strand 2018; Funtowicz & Ravetz
1993). In recent years, efforts to address these challenges have made reference to the concept of the
Anthropocene in a fundamental rethinking of humankind’s place in the world (see Crutzen 2002;
Horn 2014). The Anthropocene is a contested concept that is characterised by diverse and contested
understandings of humankind’s influence on the natural and man-made environment.

Due to the specific nature of transformations towards sustainability, research in this area must take
into account the limits of traditional forms of knowledge generation. The challenges arising in the
context of transformations towards sustainable development cannot be addressed by individual sci-
entific disciplines alone. Moreover, many established scientific approaches, methods and quality cri-
teria are ill-suited to meet these challenges (see Ravetz 2006; Fjelland 2016; Jasanoff 2010). The
need to develop new paradigms of knowledge production that transcend current disciplinary bounda-
ries and the epistemic limitations of exclusively disciplinary research has been acknowledged since
the 1990s. Three developments are of particular relevance to the IASS:

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(1) The traditional understanding of science (Mode 1) has been challenged by the emergence of a
new paradigm of knowledge production focussing instead on social relevance (Mode 2).

Mode 1 and Mode 2 Science

“The old paradigm of scientific discovery (‘Mode 1’) – characterized by the hegem-
ony of theoretical or, at any rate, experimental science; by an internally-driven tax-
onomy of disciplines; and by the autonomy of scientists and their host institutions,
the universities – was being superseded by a new paradigm of knowledge produc-
tion (‘Mode 2’), which was socially distributed, application-oriented, trans-
disciplinary, and subject to multiple accountabilities.”

Nowotny, Scott, Gibbons 2003, p. 179

In the traditional scientific paradigm (Mode 1), research questions are generated and addressed in
accordance with the logic specific to the relevant discipline. The validity of research is grounded ex-
clusively in the consensus established within a respective scientific community on its methods and
values. Mode 1 research is understood to provide robust knowledge about reality, which can be taken
up and utilized by policymakers to lend legitimacy to policy decisions. This understanding is under-
pinned by the notion that producing more scientific knowledge will reduce uncertainties for policy-
makers and increase the legitimacy of their decisions.

However, many of the challenges involved in transformations towards sustainable development can-
not be adequately addressed through this classical paradigm of science. Mode 1 research has its
strengths within the context of certain analytical limits and suppositions. Yet, often, experimental
and quantifying methods focus on idealized systems in an attempt to minimize or exclude ignorance
and uncertainties (see Funtowicz & Ravetz 1993; Strand 2018). The inherent epistemic limitations of
these idealized models and simplifications become clear when they are applied in the real world; at
worst, this results in a form of constructed ignorance (hypocognition), in which the members of a
scientific community are incapable of perceiving the inherent weaknesses of their perspective. 2

In contrast to this, Mode 2 research aims to generate socially robust knowledge: It addresses urgent
and pertinent issues, openly communicates uncertainties and unknowns, allows for a (conflictual)
plurality of perspectives on a problem, and acknowledges that both the methods by which it gener-
ates knowledge and the facts that it brings to light are always value-laden.3 In order to forestall hy-
pocognition and generate robust knowledge, researchers engage with different disciplines
(interdisciplinarity) as well as with affected actors from civil society, business and politics (transdis-

  In 2008, during a visit to the London School of Economics, Queen Elizabeth II famously asked in reference to the
global financial crisis, “Why did no one see it coming?”. Her question touches on precisely the kind of blindness
that scientific models are apt to foster (see Streeck 2009; Saltelli & Giampietro 2017).
 For more on the objectives of mode 2 research, see Gibbons et al. 1994; Nowotny et al. 2001; Nowotny et al.
2003; Lubchenco 1998; Funtowicz & Ravetz 1993; Schneidewind & Singer-Brodowski 2013; Strand 2018.

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Forms of cross-disciplinary cooperation

 Multidisciplinarity: Researchers from different disciplines refer more or less to the
same problem, which they address separately. Disciplines remain committed to
their respective research goals and practices.
 Preinterdisciplinarity: Researchers from one discipline supply expertise to re-
searchers of another.
 Interdisciplinarity: Interdisciplinary research is distinguished by a jointly devel-
oped research question and research design, as well as cross-disciplinary cooper-
ation on the basis of an intra-scientific problem focus. Methods may be transferred
across disciplines or new approaches and methods developed to address a prob-
lem. Interdisciplinary research entails closer forms of cooperation between disci-
 Transdisciplinarity: Extending beyond the academic community, this research
engages with actors from politics, civil society and the private sector across the en-
tire research process, in particular including the development of a common re-
search question.

Based on Potthast 2010, pp. 180f.

(2) The criticism levelled at Mode 1 research has consequences for traditional demarcations between
science and society. Long-standing notions of the division of labour between science and politics, in
which the former provides the facts and the latter accounts for legitimacy, have become obsolete. 4
Instead, when engaging with policymakers, civil society and the private sector, science can no longer
restrict itself to the development of strategic options and recommendations for relevant actors. When
it comes to issues of urgent relevance to society as a whole, science is often unable to provide relia-
ble knowledge that has been evaluated using established scientific standards. The search for perma-
nent nuclear waste repositories is a good example: given the myriad uncertainties, complexities and
value conflicts at stake, it is an issue on which a purely scientific consensus does not – and indeed
cannot – exist. In contrast, there are issues – such as global heating – on which a scientific consensus
exists. However, the social implications of such knowledge are highly controversial, touching as
they do on notions of the Good Life and moral obligations, as well as on individual lifestyles or
shared forms of living (see Hulme 2009; Grundmann 2016).

 For discussions of the classical division of labour between science and society, see Jasanoff 2007, 2004;
Benessia & Funtowicz 2016; Beck 2011; Rudner 1953; Funtowicz & Ravetz 1993.

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(3) This has led to calls for the continued development and transformation of the scientific system,
beyond the integration of non-academic actors within scientific knowledge production processes
(transdisciplinarity), thereby establishing a fundamentally new relationship between science and so-
ciety. This emerging transformative science explicitly operates within societal contexts in which it
accompanies and supports transformations towards sustainable development in collaboration with
affected actors (see Schneidewind & Singer-Brodowski 2013). This development is reflected within
sustainability studies in the differentiation between transformation research and transformative re-

Transformation research and transformative research

 Transformation research studies the conditions, mechanisms and causes of pro-
cesses of social change. It generates descriptive or analytical knowledge. Even if
transformation research does not itself refer to a specific transformative process, it
self-reflexively anticipates its future effectiveness and application.

 Transformative research, by contrast, explicitly claims to be a driver of change: It
aims to advance and facilitate processes of societal change by developing possible
solutions and supporting their implementation through inter- and transdisciplinary
research practice.

(For more on this distinction, see WBGU 2011, pp. 21f. and 322-352)

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3. The challenges of
   transformative research
Transformative sustainability research at the IASS builds on this distinction between transformation
research and transformative research while acknowledging that the concept of transformative re-
search is subject to three strands of criticism.

The first strand of criticism deals with the focus of transformative research on solutions and techno-
science. It has been argued that its focus on developing solutions (solution orientation) risks restrict-
ing scientific interest to issues that can be described in terms of problems/solutions and to the
production of knowledge that is of immediate practical use (solutionism) (see Strohschneider 2014).
Doing so would marginalize efforts to generate scientific insights in relation to issues that cannot
simply be ‘solved’, but which aim to improve our understanding of the world. If, for example, cli-
mate change is defined as a problem that can only be perceived and mastered with the aid of particu-
lar scientific practices (usually drawn from the natural sciences), this establishes within
transdisciplinary research a primacy of natural and/or techno-scientific forms of knowledge over
others (such as local knowledge or the arts) (see Rudiak-Gould 2013).5 As a result transformative
research runs the risk of uncritically adopting techno-scientific narratives about the relationship be-
tween science and society that would in fact impede sustainable development. 6

Secondly, this focus on solutions can blind actors to the fact that there are categories of problems
that cannot be solved. These are often referred to as wicked problems (see Rittel & Webber 1973) or
trans-scientific problems (see Weinberg 1972). Wicked problems cannot be encapsulated within a
simple problem/solution scheme. 7 By contrast, the concept of trans-scientific problems refers to the
deceptive certainty that a problem could be solved if it could only be described scientifically. At-
tempts to provide a clear scientific solution to problems of either category are usually doomed to
failure and, at worst, can deliver findings that are so deficient as to be harmful. In both cases, there
are no clear-cut solutions to these problems but merely provisional and ‘best-possible’ solutions that
are subject to constant social (re-)negotiation (see Ravetz 2006; Grundmann 2016). Many of the
challenges addressed by transformation research and transformative research fall into these catego-

Thirdly, in addition to these epistemological considerations, objections have been raised with regard
to the post-political focus of much sustainability policy and research worldwide. By calling into
question classical demarcations between politics and science, transformative sustainability research
risks contributing to an “atrophy of the political” (Strohschneider 2014). This criticism of the post-
political orientation of transformative research follows a tradition that resolutely rejects the substitu-
tion of political responsibility with scientific expertise. 8

 For more on the epistemological challenges of integrated research, see Beck 2019; Hulme 2011; Lövbrand et al.
2015; Benessia et al. 2012; Hofer & Meisch 2018.
 For a critique of techno-scientific framings in (transformative) sustainability research, see Ravetz 2006; Benessia
et al. 2012; Benessia & Funtowicz 2016; Fjelland 2016; Pereira & Funtowicz 2015; Jasanoff 2010.
 “The formulation of a wicked problem is the problem! The process of formulating the problem and of conceiving a
solution (or re-solution) are identical, since every specification of the problem is a specification of the direction in
which a treatment is considered.” (Rittel & Webber 1973, 161)
    For critiques of technocracy, see Habermas 1968a; 1968b; Nanz 2006/2013; Beck 2011; Swyngedouw 2010.

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Critique of post-political sustainability policy

“[Post-politics is] a socio-political arrangement that replaces ideological contesta-
tion and struggles by techno-managerial planning. It is a condition where the articu-
lation of divergent and conflicting trajectories for socio-political development is re-
replaced by a normative consensus around common humanity-wide action in face
of pending environmental catastrophe. When disagreement is allowed (…), it is
primarily with respect to the choice of technologies, the detail of the managerial ad-
justments, and the urgency of their timing and implementation.”

Lövbrand et al. 2015, p. 214, see also Swyngedouw 2013

Four aspects should be considered here:

(1) While there is some agreement as to what sustainable development might encompass, this by no
means translates into a universal consensus on what it means to act sustainably in a specific situation
or context.9 In addition to this, specific expressions of sustainable development (in the form of cur-
rently existing institutions, social orders, policies, etc.) have been criticised as unjust. 10 It is vital
therefore that transformative research does not presuppose the existence of a social consensus that
would render proper public debate of various alternatives superfluous and which just needs to be
translated into actionable knowledge by means of transformative research. 11

(2) Against this background, the implicitly desirable goals and intentions of such research must not
blind us to the way in which different forms of transformative research are socially situated; rather,
researchers must consider which interests their research serves and which – explicit or implicit –
goals it furthers.

(3) While transformative sustainability research claims to integrate conflicting social groups through
its efforts to generate knowledge relevant to society, it is not an adequate substitute for either the po-
litical sphere or political debate. In light of this, transformative sustainability research needs to elab-
orate what it precisely means when it claims to integrate the perspectives of diverse knowledge
holders: What does it exactly mean by “integration”? (see Strohschneider 2014; Rohe 2015; Grund-
mann 2007).

    For more on the consensus on sustainable development, see Grunwald 2009; Voget-Kleschin & Meisch 2019.
  For critical perspectives on aspects of sustainable development, see Sachs 1999; Beck 2010; Swyngedouw
2013; 2014; Blühdorn 2013; 2018; Brand & Wissen 2018; Luke 2009¸ Springett & Redclift 2015. On ethical and
epistemological issues of justice in sustainability research, see Kalfagianni & Meisch 2020.
  For more on this, see Swyngedouw 2010; Beck 2010; Lövbrand et al. 2015; Benessia et al. 2012; Beck 2011;

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(4) In light of the aforementioned, transformative research must be self-reflexive and transparent
with regard to the nature of the transformation that it seeks to bring about (see Sachs 2013; Brand &
Wissen 2018; Blühdorn et al. 2018). In the absence thereof, transformative research risks reproduc-
ing the very social perspectives of science, society and politics as well as the associated social and
epistemic effects that it seeks to overcome (see Blühdorn 2013). Reflecting on the nature and sub-
stance of transformation, transformative research explores the forms, conditions and limits of gradu-
al and disruptive societal change and underscores the productive function of political contestation
(see Wilson & Swyngedouw 2014; Swyngedouw 2015).

It is within this broad context that the IASS pursues its particular vision of transformative research
and endeavours to address the challenges arising in transformative research for sustainable develop-

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4. Transformative research
   at the IASS
Research at the IASS broadly reflects the widely acknowledged distinction between transformation
research and transformative research. Both have their respective research interests and thus raise
specific methodological challenges. The IASS has the ambition to explore, within the context of its
research activities, opportunities to improve the generation of knowledge for transformations by in-
tegrating both types of research. To this end, researchers consider how aspects of transformation re-
search (epistemological, ethical, conceptual or basic research) can ground transformative research
and how the methodological and conceptual foundations of transformation research can be deepened
and broadened (with respect to co-creation and/or systemic risks, for example) by the more case-
specific and contextualized approach of transformative research.

Research and consulting activities are pursued at the IASS in four interlinking modes of action that
are weighted according to the requirements of the respective project. These four modes are explor-
ing, understanding, and facilitating of transformations towards sustainable development as well as
reflecting the knowledge production processes and the role of the IASS therein. The IASS combines
these four modes with three forms of knowledge that play a central role in the literature on transdis-
ciplinary research (system knowledge, orientation knowledge, transformation knowledge) and the
above-mentioned types of research (transformation and transformative research).

Literature on transdisciplinary research differentiates between these three forms of knowledge,
which shape research processes and their particular perceptions of objects of inquiry (see Vilsmaier
& Lang 2014). Acquiring and generating these forms of knowledge requires specific competences
and methods. This has implications for the research strategy adopted by the IASS. Reflection on the
interrelationships between these forms of knowledge is accordingly a focus of research practice at
the IASS.

System, Orientation and Transformation Knowledge

 System Knowledge: the empirical study of present challenges. Empirically study-
ing the current circumstances
 Orientation Knowledge: constructs and shapes the goals of processes of societal
transformation. Constructing and substantiating the goals of social transformations
 Transformation Knowledge: Developing practical (political, technical, legal, social,
cultural) means and tools to advance transformations and achieve defined goals.”

Nanz, Renn, Lawrence 2017, p. 294

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System knowledge is generated by studying the current circumstances and is closely linked to the
first of the institute’s guiding questions, which focuses on knowledge and democratic action in the
Anthropocene. System knowledge deals empirically with the conditions, barriers and drivers of
promising transformations towards sustainable development (such as ecological balance, power, or
resource scarcity). Related research is empirically oriented. At the same time, it has an explicit nor-
mative agenda, as it deals with the conditions for more sustainable forms of living and democratic
governance. This research interest is situated in societal debates about human responsibility for pro-
found changes in the natural environment. This also implies an understanding of the normative core
and functioning of democratic systems as well as of the dynamics of assuming and attributing re-

Orientation knowledge reconstructs and substantiates the goals of processes of social change and is
closely linked to the mode of understanding. Research relating to orientation knowledge links to the
Institute’s guiding question on fair communities and shared futures and the challenge of how social
ideas of sustainable development can be ethically substantiated and socially (re-)negotiated. Broadly
speaking, orientation knowledge is generated in two steps:

Firstly, the knowledge that guides action in particular contexts needs to be reconstructed. Usually,
this can be achieved using social scientific methods. The reconstructed orientation knowledge may
be implicit or explicit. On the one hand, it is often the case that our assumptions of what is due and
appropriate are shaped by implicit socio-cultural background knowledge that can advance or impede
transformation processes.12 The values and norms structuring such everyday know-how provide an
entry point for research focussed on the development of action-guiding goals (Taylor 1992). On the
other hand, specific visions of sustainable development are already widely accepted – see for exam-
ple the Brundtland Report, the Rio Declaration and the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals – and act as normative points of reference in research on sustainable development. However,
these documents are products of political negotiation and expressions of compromise – as such, they
are often (and necessarily) ambivalent and to a large extent reflect the values and norms of current

Secondly, efforts to reconstruct values and norms may reveal inconsistencies in their ethical justifi-
cation, providing good grounds for their re-interpretation or revision. In light of this, research aimed
at generating orientation knowledge must not only seek to understand the values and norms at play
in transformative processes – whether as drivers or barriers – but must also critically interrogate
them. In doing so, researchers should clearly state the normative standpoint that informs their criti-
cism. Reflected orientation knowledge thus presupposes the ability to criticize and substantiate pre-
sent values and norms and, in the light of systems and transformation knowledge, to make moral
judgements that offer guidance in the context of concrete transformative processes. 14

Transformation knowledge develops the practical (political, technical, legal, social, cultural) means
and tools to advance transformations and achieve defined goals and is closely linked to the mode of
facilitating. This requires both subject-specific knowledge as well as knowledge of how change can
be shaped and guided (transformative expertise). Researchers who participate in knowledge-based
collaborations learn to find answers to such questions as: How must co-creative processes be struc-
tured so that relevant groups can participate in sustainability transformation on an equal footing?
How can options for action be explored and implemented comprehensively? How can action goals
be implemented and achieved within the context of diverse interests and how can these goals revisit-
ed, revised and (re-)negotiated? Engaging with transformative processes through the production of
transformative and transformation knowledge is essential for the third guiding question of the IASS
     For more on social sense / disposition, see Bourdieu 1987; Geertz 2000a; 2000b; Böhme 1997.
  For a discussion of sustainable development as political compromise, see Meadowcroft 2000; Grunwald 2009;
Springett & Redclift 2015; Sachs 1999.
  For a discussion on methodological considerations with regard to ethical reasoning, see Dietrich 2007; 2012;
Düwell 2008 und Mieth 2002. On moral justification, see Ott 2001; Sandel 2012.

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on designing and facilitating transformations: How can and how should transformation processes be
(co-)designed to ensure their success?

What role do system knowledge, orientation knowledge, and transformation knowledge play in
transformation research and transformative research at the IASS? While system knowledge is more
likely to be attributed to transformation research, orientation and transformation knowledge play a
role in both research modes. Orientation knowledge is important in the context of transformation re-
search as it identifies the goals pursued by actors and their motivations. Meanwhile, normative ethi-
cal reflection seeks to examine and justify the claims to validity of values and norms affecting
transformation processes. Orientation knowledge emerges within the context of transformative re-
search as a product of dialogues involving often heterogeneous groups of actors about goals and the
options for their implementation. Transformation knowledge is primarily generated in the context of
transformation research focused on how and why change does or does not occur. Transformative re-
search, by contrast, generates transformation knowledge by involving the groups and individuals in-
volved in the implementation of goals that are generated and recognized by all, but which are yet to
be achieved.

With its co-creative research approach the IASS makes a unique contribution to transformative re-
search for sustainable development. The Institute develops, trials and reflects on forms of co-creation
in research projects that aim to harness the knowledge and experiences of diverse actors to advance
transformation processes (see for example Bruhn et al 2019). The Institute‘s approach is informed by
the assumption that well-designed cooperation processes can tap into the assembled expertise and
perspectives of participants in such a way that new forms of knowledge, agency and creativity can
emerge. This also means that transformative research must begin where a problem is first explored,
conceptualized, and correlated with possible solutions. 15 In doing so, it must take into account the
cognitive, affective and social dimensions of this framing as well as the relevant power structures
and positions. As a result, the possible results of co-creative transformation processes are diverse: as
well as delivering insights that are (more) actionable and of a higher quality, they generate new op-
tions for action and network effects, enhance the abilities and knowledge of participants and alter
discourses, narratives, and social imaginaries relating to the initial problem. This makes co-creative
approaches particularly useful in addressing wicked problems. In addition to their immediate trans-
formative effects, they frequently deliver effects of the second or third order as actors take their new
abilities and knowledge into other contexts.

Transformative research, as practiced at the IASS, differs in four respects from other forms of trans-
disciplinary sustainability research (see Lang et al. 2012): Firstly, co-creative practice is based on the
explicit assumption that it is not simply a lack of knowledge that prevents societies from successfully
addressing sustainability challenges. Secondly, co-creative research practice seeks to achieve more
than merely gathering and harnessing "non-scientific" knowledge from the margins of science with
the aim of bridging a purported gulf between science and society (see Wieck et al. 2012). Thirdly,
co-creation resituates both science and scientists within the context of transformative (research) pro-
cesses in which they are no longer the sole nodes of knowledge production; rather, co-creative trans-
formative knowledge emerges through the interactions of others, including actors from civil society,
the private sector and politics, and against a background of diverse motivations. Fourthly, transdisci-
plinary research is usually centred on context-specific challenges and develops networks among rel-
evant stakeholders (see Klein et al. 2001).

   While the concept of co-creation is broader, this practice is unquestionably informed by the literature on deliber-
ative communication, see Habermas 1992; Cohen 1989; Dryzek et al. 2019; McNay 2014.

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This conception of co-creation also holds opportunities for cooperation with artists. Within debates
on sustainability, the arts often serve merely as a means to render the findings of the techno-
scientific disciplines into a more easily comprehensible form in the expectation that this will enhance
science communication. But relegating the arts to this role neglects their full potential. They repre-
sent an equal access to exploring, understanding and co-creating the complex human environment
and have their own methods of integrating and reflecting different forms of knowledge (see Hofer &
Meisch 2018). For the IASS, this opens up a broad inter- and transdisciplinary field of action within
which researchers and artists engage aesthetically with sustainable development and collaborate to
develop innovative strategies that facilitate the emergence of both a common understanding of our
present situation and visions of fair communities and futures in which the common good takes centre

As an institute for advanced studies the IASS is ideally placed to implement an ambitious transform-
ative research agenda. According to Abraham Flexner, the founding father of the original Institute
for Advanced Study in Princeton, institutes of this type bank on the "usefulness of useless
knowledge" (Flexner 1939). Research of this kind can also be described in the words of Hannah Ar-
endt as "thinking without a banister" (Arendt 2018). To the extent that the IASS places itself in this
tradition, it undertakes scientific research without an immediate interest in the exploitation of its re-
sults and thinks in possibilistic terms, i.e. it explores possible futures without immediately thinking
in probabilities (see Hirschman 1971, 1986). Knowledge gained in this way may appear to be useless
in the context of current transformation processes, but could well come into its own in the future by
enabling leaps in development or expanding our understanding of missing links or unknown un-
knowns.16 As an institute for advanced sustainability studies, the IASS explores both the potential for
transformative research to produce socially relevant knowledge and its own location within society
and the science system.

     In other words, processes where neither the results nor the probability of occurrence are known.

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5. Orientation for
   research and consulting
The aspirations of this transformative research approach must of course be translated into actual sci-
entific practice. This requires that IASS research projects find and adapt appropriate methods and
develop quality control procedures in accordance with their respective research interest and object(s)
of inquiry.

Transformation research and transformative research will require different approaches at the IASS.
While all IASS research projects are characterised by a clear commitment to exploring the role and
position of science in knowledge production processes, the answers at which they arrive are specific
to each project. This reflects the variety of methods applied in projects at the institute. A transdisci-
plinary project conducting transformation research on the dynamics of sustainability processes will
naturally pursue a different approach and develop different quality criteria than a transformative pro-
ject explicitly geared to shaping transformations in cooperation with different stakeholders.

Introductory literature on the methodological challenges of
transdiciplinary research

 Benessia, A., et al. 2014: The Rightful Place of Science: Science on the Verge,
Tempe, AZ.
 Bergmann, M., et al. 2010: Methoden transdisziplinärer Forschung. Ein Überblick
mit Anwendungsbeispielen, Frankfurt/M.
 Bergmann, M.; Schramm, E. (eds) 2008: Transdisziplinäre Forschung. Integrative
Forschungsprozesse verstehen und bewerten, Frankfurt/M.
 Defila, R.; Di Giulio, A. (eds) 2018: Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen.
Eine Methodensammlung, Wiesbaden.
 Defila, R.; Di Giulio, A. (eds) 2016: Transdisziplinär Forschen – Zwischen Ideal
und gelebter Praxis. Hotspots, Geschichten, Wirkungen, Frankfurt/M.
 Scholz, R.W. 2011: Environmental Literacy in Science and Society. From Know-
ledge to Decisions, Cambridge.

IASS Discussion Paper_ 16
Transformative Research: The IASS Approach

Putting this transformative research approach into practice at the Institute and representing it exter-
nally requires that researchers develop a deep and critical understanding of their objects of inquiry
and their respective societal and scientific contexts as well as their positionality, ethical and political
relevance criteria, societal responsibilities and the value of methodological pluralities. To support
this the IASS enables researchers to engage with its transformative research approach through a va-
riety of events and materials.

The transformative research approach offers guidance on how projects can engage with research
questions consistently and coherently. It allows for the application of diverse methods and neither
prescribes nor prohibits specific methods. In order to reflect the epistemological and research ethical
aspirations of the Institute's transformative research approach, consideration should be given to the
following criteria:

(1) In-house expertise is crucial for successful transformative research: Given the high standard to
which the IASS aspires with respect to both the generation of various forms of knowledge and the
reflection of situated knowledge forms, the institute should only accompany transformative process-
es and advise political institutions and societal actors on areas in which the institute itself is involved
in generating knowledge and making it effective. To this end, transformative research should be un-
dertaken in concert with transformation research, and the development of policy advice in concert
with basic research and methodological reflection. Transformative research must accordingly be
grounded in relevant expertise so that researchers are able to identify the limits and implicit assump-
tions underpinning the knowledge of potential cooperation partners and handle these appropriately.

(2) Cooperation must be guided by the institute’s transformative research approach: The IASS en-
gages in collaborative partnerships with the aim of generating knowledge to support transformations
towards sustainability that will foster the common good.17 The epistemological and democratic-
theoretical foundations and implications of these partnerships are accordingly the subject of the insti-
tute’s research agenda and of discussions with partners. In the absence of such an approach, the insti-
tute would risk legitimizing the political, social or economic interests of third parties and, at worst,
being used as a scientific "fig leaf" – this would be true even in cases in which the methodology is
applied properly.18 In seeking to fulfil its societal responsibility, the IASS engages with transforma-
tive contexts through its (co-)creative research practice and reflects systematically on these contexts
and the processes of knowledge generation unfolding within them. To achieve this, research projects
must clarify their mandate collaboratively with all those involved (see Bruhn et al. 2019). In order to
credibly fulfil its mission, the IASS does not promote the particular interests and views of individual
actors – whether they are companies, political parties or NGOs – and is committed to making its ad-
vice inclusive, fair and transparent.19

(3) Even basic research at the IASS anticipates possible future horizons of application: The IASS
does not subscribe to the popular yet questionable belief that science deals in unconditional, context-
less knowledge that can be used by non-scientific actors to legitimize their goals. IASS researchers
undertaking basic research without any immediate consideration to the usefulness of their findings
should accordingly be able to situate their work within a horizon of potential transformative applica-
tions in which its impact could emerge.

The IASS aspires to be an experimental space which, by engaging innovative and sound research
methodologies, helps to navigate diverse and often unequal knowledge and to make good decisions
towards sustainable development.

     For discussions of the notion of the common good, see Offe 2001; Ostrom 2011; Nell-Breuning 1990
  For more on how powerful actors have sought to co-opt science and/or undermine its credibility, see Oreskes &
Conway 2010; Mirowski 2011; Saltelli & Funtowicz 2017.
     The terms of reference for cooperation will be established in the institute’s forthcoming ethical code.

IASS Discussion Paper_ 17
Transformative Research: The IASS Approach

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IASS Discussion Paper_ 23
Transformative Research: The IASS Approach

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IASS Discussion Paper_ 24
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