Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals

Page created by Victoria Gonzalez
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
The University for
World-Class Professionals

Exercise and
Sport Science
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
th e  De   pa  rtm   en  t  of   Ex  ercise and Sport Science
Welcome to
                                                                        of the
                                         and Sport Science is part
The Department of Exercise                                               e, south of
   ive rsi ty’ s Ch  es hir e  ca  mp  us, set in the town of Crew
Un                                                                        u all the
                                        r Cheshire campus offers yo
Manchester. Studying at ou                                            friendly
   ne fits  of  the  Un  ive  rsi ty  in a lively, distinctive and

                    uta  tio n  for  ex  ce lle nt  ac  ademic programmes, high
We have a       rep                                                     d innovative
     de nt  sa tis fac tio n,  int ern  ational quality research an                d
                  an d  co mm    un  ity  ac  tiv itie s. Our courses are endorse
 commercial                                                              ces (BASES),
     the  Br itis h  As  so cia  tio n of Sport and Exercise Scien
 by                                                                     fellowship
                                       ved accredited, chartered,
 and many staff have achie
 status in professional bodie
      r  be sp  ok e  £1  0  mi  llio n  Ex   ercise and Sport Science ce
  Ou                                                                        onmental
                                          laboratory spaces, an envir
  provides a series of large                                                well as an
      am  be  r, ge  ne  tic s an   d  bio  chemistry laboratories, as                 clinic.
                    do  ub  le  sp  ort s  ha   ll, fitn ess suite and sports injury
  eight court
                                               llent links with local and na
  Many of our staff have exce                                                  olved with a
           ye   rs an  d  ou  r  stu  de nts     have the chance to be inv
  em    plo                                                                            paid
                     er of   co mm     un ity    rel ate d activities, which provide
   large numb                                                                  ort-based
       d  vo lun  tar y  wo   rk  in   a wi   de range of exercise and sp
   an                                                                           Olympic
                                                 to work closely with many
   settings. We are also proud                                               me   Sarah
          Pa ral  ym  pic   me   da  l wi  nn   ing athletes including Da
    an d                                                                                ates
                   E  an  d  Ba  rne   y Sto   rey    MB   E, who are honorary gradu
    Storey DB
    of the University.
                                                                              en days and
          pe   to  me   et yo  u   at  on  e  of our Cheshire campus op
    I ho                                                                             ck of
                   , of  wh   ich   yo  u’l l fin  d  fur ther information at the ba
    visit days
     this brochure.

     Professor Neil Fowler
     Head of Exercise and Sport
                              lum and Quality
     Associate Dean – Curricu

    Professionally accredited
    Our Sport and Exercise Science degree is highly
    regarded both in the UK and internationally and
    is endorsed by the British Association of Sport
    and Exercise Sciences.
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
   4        Courses                       28      World-class professionals
   18       Combined Honours              30      Global connections
   21       Foundation Year               32      International students
   22       Studying                      34      Come and meet us
   24       Teaching and research         35      Courses fact file
   26       Your student experience

Exercise and
Sport Science
Studying Exercise and Sport Science
As sport is now a part of the Government’s agenda, the importance
of sport and exercise cannot be underestimated. Practitioners
in the range of exercise and sport disciplines are crucial to this
agenda. This subject area covers a vast array of specialisms
that include: physiology, psychology, biomechanics, injury and
rehabilitation, coaching, sport development, sport pedagogy and
physical education. The disciplines that you will encounter here
could potentially help your favourite sporting hero achieve their
goals or improve the quality of life for a cardiac patient undergoing
rehabilitation; in either case you will be instrumental to their success.

Professional endorsement                  Medal-winning athletes
Our Sport and Exercise Science degree     We work closely with many professional
is endorsed by the British Association    athletes including Paralympic and
of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)    Olympic champions Dame Sarah Storey
and is highly regarded within the UK.     DBE and Barney Storey MBE, who
You will also be given the chance to      are also honorary graduates of the
gain professional qualifications and      University. The Cheshire campus was
employability opportunities via the       used as a pre-Games training camp for
Development Unit whilst studying for      the Olympics 2012 and will be involved
your degree.                              with the Glasgow Commonwealth
                                          Games in 2014.
Outstanding facilities
You will be taught within a world-
class exercise and sport science
centre, working with some of the
best equipment in the industry and
learning from staff at the cutting edge
of research, practice and industry

                                                            mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 3
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
Our undergraduate
Our range of courses provide access to high
standard technical suites and outstanding
equipment that is used by professionals
and elite athletes.

 Sport and Exercise Science
 BSc (Hons)

  This course is highly regarded within      Biomechanics 1                            Biomechanics 2
  the UK and internationally, and is         This unit introduces you to human         This unit develops your knowledge
  endorsed by the British Association of     anatomy and the biomechanical             and understanding of biomechanical
  Sport and Exercise Sciences.               principles that are relevant to how       principles that are relevant to how
                                             bodies move during sport and exercise.    bodies move and become injured
  The course consists of a mixture           Your studies will cover: planes of        during sport and exercise. Your studies
  of theoretical and practical               motion, anatomical terminology, the       will cover topics such as: methods
  based units, using a multi and             anatomy of major bones, joints and        of biomechanical analysis, angular
  interdisciplinary approach. You will       muscles, and the neuromuscular            kinematics and kinetics, centre of
  study biomechanics, physiology and         system. You will develop a knowledge      gravity and buoyancy, energetics,
  psychology at all levels. You will         and understanding of linear and           efficiency and economy, modelling,
  also consider how to combine your          angular kinematics, and kinesiological    material properties, classifications of
  knowledge of sport and exercise            analyses of human motion.                 and aetiology of injury.
  populations to enhance performance
  and well-being.                            Physiology 1                              Physiology 2
                                             This unit provides you with an            This unit builds on the knowledge
  The structure of the course enables        introduction to exercise physiology and   you will have developed in Physiology
  students to study important sub-           will culminate in an understanding        1 and will provide you with the
  elements including sports injury,          of integrative systems physiology in      opportunity to further develop your
  coaching or motor control. In your         response to exercise. This unit focuses   knowledge and practical skills in core
  final year, you will work more             upon the acquisition of fundamental       aspects of physiology, related to your
  independently in areas of your choice      physiological knowledge through           specific involvement in exercise and
  and you will be encouraged to criticise,   theory and practical based learning.      sport. Topics may include: nutrition,
  analyse and interpret information in       Your studies will cover: cardiovascular   factors of fatigue, issues in health
  your research or an applied project.       system, digestive system, endocrine       screening, considerations for the
  There are also opportunities for study     system, metabolism, neuromuscular         testing of athletes.
  exchange in Europe.                        system and the respiratory system.
                                                                                       Psychology 2
  Typical units of study may include:        Psychology 1                              This unit builds on the knowledge you
  Year 1                                     This unit will offer an introduction to   will have developed in Psychology 1
  Introducing Professional Practice          two areas of psychology: the study        and provides you with the opportunity
  This unit develops your academic,          of social psychology and individual       to further develop your skills in core
  personal and professional skills to        differences, and the cognitive            aspects of psychology as related to
  facilitate a successful progression        processes that underpin motor learning    involvement in exercise and sport. Your
  through university and subsequent          and performance. This will be applied     study will be approached in five main
  employment in sport and exercise           to exercise and sport contexts.           categories: motivation, arousal, stress
  science related areas. It aims to                                                    and anxiety, motor control, behaviour
  highlight a range of essential skills      Year 2                                    measurement and modification
  to facilitate your success in both         Developing Professional Practice          strategies, social psychology and
  academic and employability contexts.       This unit continues to develop your       individual differences.
  Key themes will include: theoretical       academic, personal and professional
  and practical knowledge of research        skills. Particular emphasis is placed
  methods, and design issues relevant to     upon understanding the variety of
  the sport and exercise sciences.           research methods available to sport
                                             and exercise practitioners.

4 | Exercise and Sport Science
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
Year 3                                     In addition you will study key aspects
Enhancing Professional Practice            of mental health and the influence of
This unit has two key objectives. One      exercise on psychological processes
invites you to develop the research        and states in normal and clinical          “ I would recommend
skills essential for conducting and        populations, with specific reference to:
presenting research intense academic       behavioural epidemiology of exercise,      anyone with an
papers, reports, and projects. The         measurement issues in exercise             interest in Sport and
companion objective focuses on             psychology, exercise and anxiety,
professional level practical and           exercise and depression.                   Exercise science to
reflective skills that enhance your
emotional intelligence in relation         Interdisciplinary Sport Science
                                                                                      consider MMU, as
to your present or prospective             This unit aims to build on your            the level of academic
employment or volunteering life-
worlds. This approach contributes to
                                           understanding of the factors that limit
                                           sports performance. An emphasis is
                                                                                      support, experiences
your employability skill-set while also    placed upon strategies to enhance          and opportunities they
providing fundamental skills for the       performance that includes prevention
successful completion of a final year      and rehabilitation of injury.
                                                                                      offer is phenomenal.”
project.                                                                              Kirsty-Marie Hicks
                                           Your studies will cover topics such as:    BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science,
Exercise and Sport Science                 practical and theoretical considerations   followed by a MSc in Exercise and Sport
Research Project                           of working with sports performers,         specialising in Physiology. Kirsty is now
Students will design, implement and        the application of ergogenic aids and      a postgraduate researcher, completing
report findings for a basic empirical      techniques in sport including altitude     a PhD in Physiology and is currently
research investigation relevant to         training, sport technology, imagery and    undergoing her BASES supervised
the degree or an applied scientific        mental skills.                             experience.
support project for an identified client
or client group using a single or
interdisciplinary approach.                       mmu.ac.uk/11860

Interdisciplinary Exercise Science
This unit will develop your knowledge
and understanding of clinical
applications of interdisciplinary
exercise science. You will study
exercise limitations and adaptations
to exercise in various disease states
and physical conditions of the:
neuromuscular system (e.g. ageing
and renal disease) cardiovascular
system (e.g. hypertension and
diabetes) respiratory system
(e.g. asthma) skeletal system
(e.g. osteoporosis).

                                                                                                        mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 5
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
“You will study in recently built facilities that
include Human Performance Laboratories
which are equipped with state-of-the-art
facilities. Department staff are leaders in their
field who pride themselves on providing a
supportive environment to enhance students’
learning and development.”
Dr Adrian Burden
Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics and Learning and Teaching Co-ordinator

 Exercise and Sport Science
 BSc (Hons)
 Distance Learning

  This course is unique in the UK as         skype, facetime or even face-to-face.
  the only distance learning Exercise        Additional support comes from your
  and Sport Science degree course.           fellow students who are always willing
  Students receive iPads that they use       to help in our online forums. No matter
  to download interactive eBooks in          where you are in the world we will
  physiology, biomechanics, psychology       guide and facilitate your learning.
  and practical skills, which have been      For more information visit
  specially created by staff from the        www.sportscienceonline.com.
                                             At both Certificate and Diploma
  These eBooks contain an exciting           levels, there is one mandatory five-day
  blend of text, images, interactive         residential at the Cheshire campus.
  tasks, video lectures and videos from      At BSc (Hons) level, there are two
  external sources such as the Khan          mandatory three-day residential
  Academy. Links are also provided           sessions.
  to the University’s virtual learning
  environment Moodle, to enable you to       Typical units of study may include:
  complete quizzes and other formative       Level 4 (Certificate) and Level 5
  and summative assessments.                 (Diploma)
                                             • Physiology
  You will be encouraged to consider         • Biomechanics
  how to combine knowledge from              • Psychology
  these disciplines to enhance sports        • Practice and Professional Skills
  performance, health and well-being.
  The course has a strong applied focus      Level 6 (BSc Hons)
  and will draw upon your experiences of     • Research Skills
  exercise and sport to form a context for   • Research Project
  your learning.                             Level 6 unit options:
                                             – Performance Analysis
  The programme has been designed            – Exercise and Health Applications
  to offer a flexible rate of study and      – Performance Management
  to meet the needs of those in full-        – Science of Injury
  time employment, such as sports            – Performance Training
  performers, coaches or exercise
  professionals. After an initial
  compulsory attendance at the                     mmu.ac.uk/12022
  induction, the course is taught mainly
  via distance learning.

  While the course is mainly studied
  at distance, you will also be given
  support by experienced tutors who
  are contactable via email, phone,

6 | Exercise and Sport Science
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
BA/BSc (Combined Honours)

This course is designed to offer you a                                                 physical activities for children and
rounded education experience of sport       Year 2                                     adults. Students will examine the
which will equip you with a range of        Biomechanics and Physiology                concepts which underpin a range of
subject specific and transferable skills.   This unit introduces and examines          contemporary styles aimed at player
This will include the development of        the biomechanical principles that          development, and lifelong participation
knowledge and skills appropriate to         underpin human movement and                in sports and physical activity. It
work environments in sport, physical        the main techniques that are used          will also consider physiological,
activity and educational settings.          in biomechanics to analyse sport           psychological and environmental
                                            performance. The unit’s physiology         factors which influence participation in
The Combined Honours programme              element considers the balance required     physical activity.
offers you an opportunity to study          between nutrition and physical activity
two subjects at degree level. You may       to sustain health and facilitate sports    Sports Analysis
combine sport with subjects including       performance.                               This is a practical unit designed
business, childhood and youth studies,                                                 to develop your understanding of
coaching studies, dance, drama,             Children’s Motor Development               sport, through an in-depth analysis
education studies, sport development,       and Learning                               of selected sports. This will involve
sport management, outdoor studies           This unit provides you with an             analysis of techniques and tactics,
and psychology. For more information        introduction to the area of motor          prescribing appropriate practices, and
on the Combined Honours programme           development with an emphasis on            planning and employing strategies to
see page 18.                                the observable movement changes in         improve performance.
                                            infancy, childhood and adolescence.        Option units:
Typical units of study may include:         It considers individual, biological and    – Research Project
Year 1                                      environmental factors affecting motor      – Issues in Sport
Anatomy and Physiology                      development, particularly the study of     – Planning and Performance Analysis
In this unit you will be challenged to      growth, maturation, physical changes,
develop and apply, in physical activity     cognitive factors, affective factors and
and physical education contexts,            various experiential contexts. You will          mmu.ac.uk/11864
knowledge and understanding which           also develop an understanding of the
will prepare you for in depth study of      qualitative and quantitative changes
physical activity, physical education       in motor behaviour throughout these
and sport pedagogy.                         age phases and the importance of a
                                            holistic approach in facilitating motor
Social Psychology of Sport and              development within sport.
Physical Activity                           Option units:
This unit introduces social                 – Researching Sport & Active
psychological concepts and theories,          Lifestyles
while assisting students in the             – Coaching and performance Analysis
understanding of how these are
applied to issues and concerns
surrounding the modern sporting             Year 3
experience. This unit will explore a        Planning for Sport and
range of social theories which provide      Physical Activity
differing perspectives on issues related    This unit is designed to enable
to sport and physical activity.             you to plan a range of sports and

                                                                                                          mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 7
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
“Studying a combined honours degree has
opened up a variety of opportunities, enhancing
my chances to secure a job in many sectors.
The staff have excellent qualities, they provide
support and care for your individual needs on a
day to day basis and they encourage students to
volunteer using their professional connections.”
Sophie Jebb
BA (Hons) Sport Development and Childhood and Youth Studies (2014)
Sophie (pictured) collecting her Outstanding Contribution Student Award at
the recent Cheshire Awards Ball.

 Sport Development
 BA/BSc (Combined Honours)

  This programme provides an                Introducing Sport Development               Year 3
  introduction to the theory, skill and     This unit introduces the student to the     Sport: Policy, Planning
  practice of sport development as well     role of the coach within the coaching       and Practice
  as focusing on the importance of          process. The roles and responsibilities     Underpinned by theoretical
  effective management and the nature       of a coach are considered. The              perspectives, the focus of this unit
  and techniques of social research.        coaching process and theories of            is on identifying, critically analysing
                                            learning are introduced. You will also      and evaluating the role of key service
  Sport development is a relatively         experience the use of technologies and      providers and facilitators across the
  recent area of sport policy and           performance analysis systems that aid       different levels of UK sport, with a
  practice, which has grown in              the coaching process.                       view to satisfying the needs of all
  significance as sport has increasingly                                                client groups. Organisations include:
  become an area of interest for            Year 2                                      national sports development agencies,
  governments at local, national and        Developing and Delivering Sport             governing bodies of sport, county
  international levels. Sport agencies      In this unit the expanding field of         sports partnerships, local authorities,
  and organisations, including the          Sport Development is studied in detail      school sport partnerships and clubs.
  National Governing Bodies, have           with a particular focus on the political
  also grown in their influence and         and applied functions of both generic       A Broader Agenda
  professionalism, as more resources        and sport specific development. The         This unit will examine the evidence for,
  are devoted to sport.                     personal characteristics required are       and develop students understanding
                                            emphasised in the context of project        of, the wider impacts for sport policies
  The Combined Honours programme            planning and management. It covers          and programmes. Though sport is
  offers you an opportunity to study        topics such as: Sport Development:          often cited as a potential solution to
  two subjects at degree level. You         empowering people and augmenting            many social problems, there is some
  may combine sport development             change; Management issues in local          debate as to the nature of the benefits
  with subjects including business,         sport provision and development;            claimed for sport and the contribution
  childhood and youth studies, crime        Youth Sport initiatives and working         of sport to complex and challenging
  studies, marketing, sociology, sport      with children; Disability sport; and the    social issues remains contentious. The
  management and sport. For more            influence of policy and politics on sport   unit will also consider the methods
  information on the Combined Honours       development.                                and approaches used in the wider
  programme see page 18.                                                                context, as they present the student
                                            Sporting Cultures                           with interesting challenges to the
  Typical units of study may include:       This unit examines the collective,          traditional models of sport provision
  Year 1                                    cultivated social meanings of those         and participation.
  Developing Professional/                  who continue to contribute to the           Option units:
  Academic Practice                         making of sport. Sporting Cultures in       – Research Project or Applied Practice
  The role and responsibilities of both     particular explores how the past and        – The Olympics
  the student and sport development         present cultural organisation of sport
  practitioner will be addressed in         shapes coaching, sports development
  order to accrue the range and depth       and sport management practitioners’               mmu.ac.uk/11450
  of expertise needed to manage and         understandings and actions within
  improve on a personal level.              their sporting life worlds.
                                            Option unit:
                                            – Volunteering

8 | Exercise and Sport Science
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
With outstanding
sports and exercise
facilities, we have
an international
reputation for sport,
coaching and
physical education.
                        mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 9
Exercise and Sport Science - The University for World-Class Professionals
Dame Sarah
Storey DBE
Great Britain’s most
decorated female

Manchester Metropolitan University
has been incredibly supportive of
me, ever since I was a swimmer.
In the 6 months prior to the 2012
Games - I used to train in the
Environmental Chamber in the new
Exercise and Sport Science centre
on campus. I was here three times a
week for an hour at each time on a

It was incredible to have access to
this facility and it is a real honour
for me to be to have been attached
to the university for such a long
time. When I was awarded an
honorary MSc in 2003, and then
Barney and I were both awarded
an honorary doctorate in 2009, the
bond grew stronger. We have such
an affinity - especially as we have
the same work ethic - we both
believe in excellence.

10 | Exercise and Sport Science
Sport Management
BA/BSc (Combined Honours)

This course is vocationally driven       Year 2                                      Strategic Sports Events
and you will be supported and            Managing Projects and                       Management
encouraged to gain industry related      Human Resources                             This unit focuses upon the current and
experience throughout the course         This unit explores the planning of          future development of sporting events
through volunteering, part-time and      events, logistics and the resources         and their impact upon society and the
vocational employment, which will        required. It draws upon event project       economy, beyond the narrow agenda
provide practical context to your        planning, management theory, IT             of health and participation. Content
academic studies.                        software in the development of both         will include both UK and international
                                         an event plan and the development of        case studies focusing on the utilisation
This course is delivered by              Ganntt charts, critical path analysis and   of events for sporting and non-sports
experienced staff from the departments   the production of a project management      agendas. You will receive guest
of Business and Management and           schedule for a live event. You will         lectures from industry and sport
Exercise and Sport Science, giving you   examine human resource management           development representatives in the
excellent industry led guidance.         theories of event management                field of strategic sports management.
                                         including the recruitment and selection
The Combined Honours programme           process, managing volunteers, and
offers you an opportunity to study       managing people in events.                        mmu.ac.uk/courses
two subjects at degree level. You
may combine sport management             Entrepreneurial Leadership
with education studies, financial        The unit will cover two main aspects
management, marketing, outdoor           of entrepreneurial leadership
studies, psychology, sociology, sport    development: the transition of
and sport development. For more          entrepreneur to successful business
information on the Combined Honours      owner/manager as well as the
programme, see page 18.                  enhancement of entrepreneurial
                                         leadership capabilities. You will
Typical units of study may include:      examine of a range of leadership
Year 1                                   concepts and essential traits and skills
Introduction to Sport Management         including strategic thinking, innovation
The unit provides students with          through collaboration, self-awareness,
an understanding of how sport is         ethical decision making, effective
organised and managed in the UK and      communication skills, building trust,
how sport management has developed       emotional intelligence, social identity
and explores the knowledge, skills       and proactive self-development.
and competencies required by sport
managers.                                Year 3
                                         Management Coaching
Leadership in Sport                      and Mentoring
You will develop an understanding        This unit will explore the social and
and application of leadership skills     interpersonal nature of learning
in practical activities. The unit will   and developing management skills.
introduce leadership theory and          Coaching and mentoring will be
practise, utilising reflection as a      reviewed in the context of self-
personal development tool.               development and the development
                                         of others.

                                                                                                       mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 11
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
 BA (Hons)

  This programme has been designed to        of practical sporting contexts. In         maturation and children’s health and
  enable you to develop the knowledge,       particular it will provide you with        sports performance.
  skills and expertise required to pursue    opportunities to understand the
  a career in physical education or in the   technical and cognitive demands            Physical Education and Sports
  teaching of sport.                         performers must learn to deal with in      Pedagogy 2
                                             team game settings.                        This unit provides you with the
  You will explore research, teaching                                                   opportunity to develop your ability to
  and learning methods designed              Historical and Philosophical               teach in a range of practical sporting
  to empower children who want to            Aspects of Physical Education              contexts. In particular it will provide
  improve their performance in a range       This unit is designed to provide           you with opportunities to understand
  of sports contexts.                        you with the knowledge, skills and         the technical and cognitive demands
                                             understanding required to gain a           solo performers must learn to deal with
  The course focuses on student-centred,     critical insight into contemporary         in individual game settings.
  problem-based learning styles, which       physical education and sport, based
  provide you with opportunities to          on historical and philosophical            Year 3
  develop and apply your competence          perspectives.                              Applying Motor Control
  in a wide variety of vocationally                                                     This unit will provide a theoretical
  realistic tasks.                           Year 2                                     understanding of the two main
                                             Children’s Health and Exercise             approaches to movement co-
  Typical units of study may include:        This unit will explore factors affecting   ordination. This information will be
  Year 1                                     children’s health and physical             used to make implications to the
  Anatomy and Physiology                     development, and suggest methods of        design and organisation of practice in
  In this unit you will be challenged        promoting healthy lifestyles.              the Physical Education environment.
  to develop and apply, in physical
  education contexts, knowledge relating     Psychology of Physical Education           Physical Education and Sports
  to anatomy and physiology. Each            This new unit will focus particularly      Pedagogy 3
  unit will also provide you with the        on exploring factors that influence        In this unit you will be challenged
  knowledge, understanding and skills        learning in practical contexts. It will    to be a reflective, critical and
  that will prepare you for an in-depth      look at different physiological and        inquiring professional who is able
  study of physical education and sport      psychological factors influencing an       to contribute to the development
  pedagogy.                                  individual’s ability and willingness to    of effective teaching and coaching
                                             learn.                                     methodologies. You will be required
  Fundamentals of Skill Acquisition                                                     to demonstrate your ability to use
  This unit is concerned with the            Movement Dynamics in PE                    the pedagogy developed in other
  physiological factors which influence      Through this unit you will explore         units to promote improvements in
  children’s ability to engage with,         skill acquisition in a practical and       children’s learning and performance.
  and learn to perform, physical tasks       sporting context. Using problem            It is expected that you will select to
  effectively through P.E.                   based learning methods you will            focus on sports contexts in which you
                                             be challenged to acquire and apply         expect to develop a particular teaching
  Physical Education and Sports              knowledge of factors affecting             expertise.
  Pedagogy 1                                 children’s motor development. The
  This unit provides you with the            unit is made up of several case
  opportunity to analyse and evaluate        studies requiring you to focus
  learning and performance in a range        particularly on the relationship
                                             between physical and cognitive

12 | Exercise and Sport Science
“We have a reputation for excellent academic
                                             programmes, high student satisfaction, international
                                                 quality research and innovative commercial and
                                               community activities. In our bespoke Exercise and
                                            Sport Science building, we feature specialist facilities
                                           for both teaching and research along with a range of
                                             lecture theatres and other general teaching spaces.”
                                                                                         Professor Neil Fowler
                                                                              Head of Exercise and Sport Science
                                                                         Associate Dean - Curriculum and Quality

Physical Education in Context
This unit will enable you to acquire the
knowledge, cognitive and investigative
skills necessary to develop an
understanding of the contexts in which
P.E. functions today. This unit also
involves a discussion and debate of
current issues in sport.

Professional Development Project
You will be provided with information
and first-hand experience in order
to enhance your employability in
Physical Education and/or other sports
education contexts. This will include
a Physical Education Work Experience
Case Study. This is a student-led
unit in which you will plan, conduct
and communicate the outcomes
of an in-depth study of a PE and
sports coaching topic related to your
voluntary work placement.


                                                                                         mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 13
“You will be taught by experienced tutors who
are willing to help at every possible occasion.
Anyone who is interested in studying here
will be truly impressed with the professional
help and access to outstanding facilities, both
academic and sporting.”
Patryk Lisowski
BA (Hons) Coaching and Sport Development, currently studying
MSc Coaching and Sport Development at the Cheshire campus.

 Coaching and Sport Development
 BA (Hons)

  This course introduces a range of         Introducing Sport Development                Developing and Delivering Sport
  vocationally relevant tasks and           This unit introduces sport development       In this unit the expanding field of
  critically evaluates key theories         concepts in sport policy, including the      Sport Development is studied in detail
  and concepts in coaching and sport        fundamental structures and policies          with a particular focus on the political
  development.                              designed to promote and support              and applied functions of both generic
                                            participation and equity in sport            and sport specific development. The
  After completing your second year         and physical activity. Students will         personal characteristics required are
  you may decide on pathways and            be introduced to key terminology,            emphasised in the context of project
  choose options that would satisfy your    concepts and knowledge relating to           planning and management. It covers
  learning outcomes across the different    the sport development process.               topics such as: sport development:
  disciplines.                                                                           empowering people and augmenting
                                            Introduction to Sports                       change; management issues in local
  During the third year you may further     Coaching Practice                            sport provision and development;
  your experience in each field through     This unit introduces you to the role         youth sport initiatives and working
  either applied practice or a research     of the coach within the coaching             with children; disability sport; and the
  project. You will be encouraged to gain   process. The roles and responsibilities      influence of policy and politics on sport
  professional/coaching qualifications      of a coach are considered. The               development.
  and experience throughout the course      coaching process and theories of
  to support your studies.                  learning are introduced. You will also       Sporting Cultures
                                            experience the use of technologies and       This unit examines the collective,
  The professional development process      performance analysis systems that aid        cultivated social meanings of those
  is supported in the first year of the     the coaching process.                        who continue to contribute to the
  degree where we will offer two                                                         making of sport. Sporting cultures in
  industry-recognised coaching courses      Play Leisure Sport                           particular explores how the past and
  as part of your programme.                Play and active leisure connect with         present cultural organisation of sport
                                            an individual’s life-long involvement        shapes coaching, sports development
  Typical units of study may include:       in sport. Understanding the impact           and sport management practitioners’
  Year 1                                    of these links is the key to future          understandings and actions within
  Developing Professional/                  participation in sport. This unit invites    their sporting life worlds.
  Academic Practice                         you to experience and think about the        Option units:
  The role and responsibilities of both     historical, cultural and social influences   – Coaching and Performance Analysis
  the student and sport development         that shape the contemporary structure        – Volunteering
  practitioner will be addressed in         and practice of play, active leisure and
  order to accrue the range and depth       sport throughout the life-course of
  of expertise needed to manage and         individuals.
  improve on a personal level.
                                            Year 2
                                            Coaching Pedagogy
                                            This unit explores the pedagogical
                                            principles and practices underpinning
                                            sports coaching. It specifically focuses
                                            upon using theory to develop coaching
                                            practice. The coaching process, social
                                            and logistical issues are also debated.

14 | Exercise and Sport Science
Year 3
Applied Practice
Continuing with the employability
strand of the programme in levels 4
and 5, this unit is designed to provide
a collegiate, supportive platform for
substantial further development of
your practical skills.

Research Project
This unit focuses on the development
of specialised knowledge in either a
single discipline or in relation to an
interdisciplinary problem identified by
the student.
Option units:
– The Olympics
– Planning and Performance Analysis
– Sport: A Broader Agenda
– Sport: Policy, Planning and Practice
– Working in High Performance Sport


                                          mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 15
16 | Exercise and Sport Science
Coaching Studies
BA/BSc (Combined Honours)

Combined Honours Coaching                   Year 2                                     data processing and analysis; peaking
Studies provides you with the               Coaching Pedagogy                          and periodisation and the design and
opportunity to integrate coaching           This unit explores the pedagogical         validation of performance analysis
theory and knowledge into a practical       principles and practices underpinning      systems.
environment. You will be required to        sports coaching. It specifically focuses   Option units:
demonstrate competence in a range of        upon using theory to develop coaching      – Research Project or Applied Practice
vocationally relevant tasks as well as      practice. The coaching process, social     – The Olympics
your ability to understand and critically   and logistical issues are also debated.
evaluate key theories and concepts in
coaching.                                   Coaching and Performance                         mmu.ac.uk/11447
The Combined Honours programme              This unit explores the different
offers you an opportunity to study          methods of analysis in sport
two subjects at degree level. You           performance (past, present and future)
may combine coaching studies with           and examines how such methods have
subjects including education studies,       and can inform coaching practice,
outdoor studies and sport. For more         design and delivery. It covers topics
information on the Combined Honours         such as: qualitative and quantitative
programme see page 18.                      analysis of sports performance
                                            and historical and contemporary
Typical units of study may include:         development in performance analysis.
Year 1                                      Option unit:
Developing Professional/                    – Sporting Cultures
Academic Practice
The role and responsibilities of both       Year 3
the student and sport development           Working in High
practitioner will be addressed in           Performance Sport
order to accrue the range and depth         This unit explores the working
of expertise needed to manage and           practices of high performance coaching
improve on a personal level.                environments. It specifically focuses
                                            upon theory to critically analyse
Introduction to Sports                      practice. You will discuss areas such
Coaching Practice                           as the coaching practice, the coach-
This unit introduces you to the role        athlete relationship, group dynamics
of the coach within the coaching            and understanding the elite athlete.
process. The roles and responsibilities
of a coach are considered. The              Planning and Performance
coaching process and theories of            Analysis
learning are introduced. You will also      This unit explores the development
experience the use of technologies and      of a range of performance analysis
performance analysis systems that aid       systems and examines the theoretical
the coaching process.                       basis of periodisation in the
                                            development of training programmes.
                                            Topics include training principles;

                                                                                                         mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 17
Combined Honours
The Combined Honours Programme provides the flexibility
for you to study two subjects at degree level.

The table lists each Combined Honours subject and its
available combinations. Choose a subject and follow the
column or row across to see which subjects you can combine
it with and the relevant UCAS code for each combination.

                                                                      Childhood & Youth Studies
                                         Abuse Studies

                                                                                                                       Creative Music Production

                                                                                                   Coaching Studies

                      Abuse Studies


          Childhood & Youth Studies     LX5J
                                                                                                                                                    Creative Writing

                   Coaching Studies
                                                                                                                                                                        Crime Studies

           Creative Music Production

                    Creative Writing                     NW18                                                         WW3W

                       Crime Studies    LL53             LN3D        LX3J

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Education Studies
                              Dance     LW55             NW15        XW35

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Early Years
                              Drama                                                                                                                WW84 LW3K WW54

                          Early Years                                X350

                   Education Studies    LXM3                         LX5H                         CXQ3                                                                 LXHH                      WXK3

                             English                     NQ13        QXH3                                                                          WQ83                                 QW35 QWH4                        QX33

                         Enterprise*                                                                                                                                                    8D11*                            2A63*

            Film & Television Studies                    NW16                                                         WW3Q WW86 LW3P                                                             WW46                                         QW36 8W78*

              Financial Management                                                                                                                                                                                                                       8H27*

                          Marketing                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8H22*

                               Music                     NW13                                                                                                                           WW35 WW34                        WX33                            2W67*

                     Outdoor Studies    8G63*            NC16        X301                         CX6C                                                                 CL6H                                                                   QC36       2J74*

                          Philosophy    LV55                                                                                                       WV85                LV3M                                              VX53                 QV35

                       Popular Music                     NW1H                                                         W396 WW38                                                                  WW3K                                         QW3H 8P67*

                          Psychology    LC58             NC18        CL85                                                                          WC88                LC38                      WC48     X3C8           XC38                 QC38       2S48*

                           Sociology    LL5H             NL23        XLH3                                                                                              LLH3             WL53     WLK3                    XL33

                               Sport                     CN61        CXP3                         XC1P                                                                                  CW65     CW64                    CX63

                  Sport Development                      NC1Q        LC5P                                                                                              LCHP

                 Sport Management*                                                                                                                                                                                       2A66*

18 | Exercise and Sport Science
The Combined Honours programme                                                                  Combining two subjects at                                   Flexibility
                   is currently under review and                                                                   degree level                                                Once you have chosen your Combined
                   there may be some changes to the                                                                A number of our Sport and Exercise                          Honours programme there is further
                   combinations offered.                                                                           Science courses may also be studied                         flexibility in the amount of each subject
                                                                                                                   as part of our Combined Honours                             you study.
                   Check mmu.ac.uk/courses or the                                                                  programme, providing the flexibility
                   course search at ucas.com for the                                                               for you to study two subjects at                            In Year 1 you will study equal amounts
                   latest information.                                                                             degree level.                                               of your two subjects. In Year 2 the
                   *This combination is subject                                                                                                                                balance may vary from equal amounts
                   to approval.                                                                                    The subjects and combinations are                           of each subject to a major/minor
                                                                                                                   drawn from several disciplines and you                      combination where you focus more on
                                                                                                                   may choose to study two closely related                     one of your subjects. In Year 3, you may
                                                                                                                   disciplines or two that are entirely                        continue to study both subjects on an
                                                                                                                   unrelated.                                                  equal or major/minor basis.

                                                                                                                   Whatever your chosen subject                                If you study both subjects in equal
                                                                                                                   combination, you will be able to                            amounts, you will receive a joint award
                                                                                                                   demonstrate to future employers your                        where the name of both of your subjects
                                                                                                                   flexibility and breadth of experience                       will appear in your degree title. For
                                                                                                                   and skills.                                                 example, if you choose to study Sport
                                                                                                                                                                               and Business equally you would obtain
                                                                                                                                                                               a BSc (Hons) Sport and Business degree.
                                                                                                                                                                               If you choose to major in Business,
                    Financial Management
Film& Television

                                                                                                                                                                               your degree title would be BA (Hons)
                                                                                                                                                                               Business with Sport.

                                                                                                                                                                               Named degree route
                                                                                                                                                                               If you have studied a major/minor route
                                                                                                                                                                               in Year 2, you may be allowed to focus

                                                                                                                                                                               solely on your major subject in Year 3.
                                                                  Outdoor Studies

                                                                                                                                                                               This is called a ‘named route’ pathway

                                                                                                                                                                               and results in a single subject award at
WW36                                                                                                                                                                           the end of your course, eg a BSc (Hons)

                                                                                                   Popular Music

                                                                                                                                                                               Sport, BA (Hons) Coaching Studies or
                                                                                                                                                                               BA (Hons) Sport Development.
VW56                                                    VW53

                                                        W391                        VW5H                                                                                              mmu.ac.uk/combinedhonours

                                                                                                                                                           Sport Development

                                           CN85         WC38                        VC58

LWJ6                                                                                VL53          LWHJ               CLV3

CW66                                                             LC36                                                CC68

                                           NCM6                                                                                     LCHQ         C607

                   2A68*                   2F15*                 8T77*                                               8G45* 8R24* 2M74*                    2J76*

                                                                                                                                                                                                 mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 19
“The course offers applied
  opportunities in Exercise and
  Sport science rather than just
  theory-based lectures. The
  facilities are fantastic and
  having access to a pool of
  expert lecturers and
  technicians really supports
  my learning.”
  Niall Green
  BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science

20 | Exercise and Sport Science
Foundation Year
Each year we accept students onto Foundation Year
courses who have the potential ability to study at
degree level but who don’t have the qualifications to
enter directly onto an Honours degree.
Each Foundation Year is an integral part   If you choose the Foundation Year route,    Entry requirements for a
of a specific degree course. The content   you will apply for a four-year course.      Foundation Year
of the Foundation Year is tailored to      Once you have passed your Foundation        The typical minimum entry requirements
prepare you for your chosen degree         Year you will progress directly onto        for a degree that includes a Foundation
so that you start Year 1 of your linked    Year 1 of your linked degree and, if you    Year are 160-180 UCAS tariff points.
Honours degree with confidence.            are a full-time UK student, you will        The points must come from full A levels
                                           qualify for student financial support for   (not AS) or equivalent qualifications,
                                           the full duration of your course.           for example BTEC Level 3 Diploma/
  A number of our Single Honours                                                       Extended Diploma, CACHE Level 3
  and Combined Honours Exercise            Develop your academic and                   Diploma. Other vocational qualifications
  and Sport Science degrees are            study skills                                at level 3 will also be considered,
  available with a Foundation              On the BSc (Hons) Sport and Excercise       for example NVQ. If you have other
  Year:                                    Science and BA (Hons) Coaching and          qualifications that are not included
  • BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise          Sport Development foundation year           in the UCAS tariff we are happy
    Science                                degrees you will study four units           to consider the suitability of these
                                           designed to develop your academic and       qualifications. You will also need to have
  • BA (Hons) Coaching and Sport           study skills:                               a grade D or above (or an acceptable
    Development                                                                        alternative) in GCSE English language
  • BA/BSc Combined Honours Sport          • Academic Skills for Higher Education      and mathematics. For full details of
  • BA/BSc Combined Honours Sport          • Foundations in Sport and Exercise         Foundation Year entry requirements,
    Development                              Science                                   please visit mmu.ac.uk.
  • BA/BSc Combined Honours                • Working in Sport and Related
    Coaching Studies                         Industries                                If English is not your first language
                                           • Introduction to the Social Sciences       you will also need to have IELTS 5.5
                                                                                       (or an equivalent English language
                                           Typical units for Combined Honours          qualification). You will be placed on our
                                           subjects will depend upon the               Foundation Year International Route
                                           combination chosen.                         which provides additional English
        A large choice from                                                            language, study skills and tutor support

        courses to choose
                                                                                       through the English and Academic
                                                                                       Practice Unit.

                                                                                       Applying for a Foundation Year
                                                                                       Honours degrees with a Foundation
                                                                                       Year have their own unique UCAS codes
                                                                                       which can be found in the grid at the
                                                                                       back of this brochure, on the UCAS
                                                                                       website or by using Find a Course on
                                                                                       our website at mmu.ac.uk.


                                                                                                         mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 21
The academic year is divided into three terms, starting
in September. If you enrol on a full-time route you can
expect to devote around 35 hours to study each week;
if you enrol for a part-time route the hours of study are
significantly less, and spread typically over six years.

Each year you will study four units of     Studying abroad                              European exchange
30 credits each. These will be made up     Participating in an exchange programme       We are the lead partner in a large
of core units for your chosen course and   is a great way to experience another         sport-related SOCRATES European
option units that you can select from an   culture, country and education system.       exchange network. Our partner
extensive range of titles.                 On many courses we offer high quality        universities are spread throughout
                                           programmes with institutions in many         Europe enabling staff and students to
Timetabled classes                         parts of the world, including the USA,       participate in academic exchanges with
Teaching techniques vary from              Canada, Australia and across Europe.         colleagues from the length and breadth
formal lectures to practical sessions,                                                  of Europe.
presentations and group activity,          Developing skills
supported by the use of our online         It isn’t just about study. Many students     The scheme supports postgraduate
Moodle system which will also give         tell us it is a life-changing experience -   and undergraduate student exchange
you access to your own personalised        as they make new friends, explore new        as well as offering opportunities
timetable so you know where you’re         places and sample a different lifestyle.     for teaching further afield. Beyond
supposed to be and when. You may                                                        Europe, there is an extensive network
find that this is a big shift from 6th     Many employers value time spent on           of research collaborations, with well-
Form and A level study: the emphasis       exchange programmes. It shows them           established links in Brazil, Australia,
at University is on your management of     you are adaptable, confident – and not       Russia, North America and both the
your working week, though we are here      afraid to try new things.                    Middle and Far East.
to help and guide you.

The range of assessment in these
courses reflects the nature of skills
required to work in exercise and sport.
Year 1 and 2 assessments include
group work, presentations, and the
production of various forms of written
work including essays, reports, seminar
papers and more extended pieces in the
form of project and journal articles. In
year 3 you will be required to complete
a research project, as well as final

22 | Exercise and Sport Science
             access to

partner in

             “We are here
             to ensure that
             students have
             the best
             at university,
             helping you
             with academic
             and enterprise.”
             Student Experience Tutors
             Cheshire campus

                          mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 23
Teaching and research
With outstanding sports and exercise facilities,
we have an international reputation for
sport, coaching, development and physical
education and our staff are at the cutting
edge of research, practice and industry

Specialist learning environments          analysis of technique involving any
The centre includes a state-of-the-art    projectiles. Commonly assessed skills
laboratory suite with a series of large   include pistol and rifle shooting.
laboratory spaces as well as an eight
court double sports hall, health and      The human performance laboratory
fitness suite, PC lab and sports injury   A multi-purpose laboratory used
clinic. We also have a 3rd generation     predominantly for Biomechanics
(3G) pitch and an Olympic beach           teaching and research utilising
volleyball court on campus.               equipment such as Woodway Treadmills
                                          VICON motion analysis systems,
Environmental chamber                     Kistler and AMTI force platforms. This
Our new £250,000 facility is capable      space can be divided into three smaller
of simulating some of the most harsh      spaces, each functioning as a smaller
environments on earth. Bespoke            teaching or research space with multi-
programmes lasting minutes, hours or      media facilities.
days can be run in which temperature
humidity and oxygen concentration         Data analysis suite
can be varied to simulate conditions      The suite has 26 computer workstations
to acclimatise athletes to hot or cold    to analyse data for biomechanics,
environments, or altitude.                physiology, psychology and coaching

Muscle function laboratory
                                          purposes - including video match
                                          analysis software, nutritional analysis,
All aspects of muscle function can be     kinetic/kinematic analysis, and many       environmental
examined in the laboratory using a        others.
range of dynamometers measuring force                                                chamber
generated during isokinetic, isotonic     Psychophysiology laboratory
and isometric exercise. Electrical        Our well-equipped psychophysiology         can simulate
stimulators are used to analyse full
muscle contraction and ultrasound
                                          laboratory hosts exciting projects in
                                          cognitive motor function using a variety   altitude, and
systems record fibre changes within the
body of the muscle.
                                          of neurophysiological techniques.
                                          These include transcranial magnetic
                                                                                     hot or cold
Projectiles laboratory
                                          stimulation, eye gaze metrics and
The 14m long laboratory can be placed                                                environments.
into complete blackout for detailed

24 | Exercise and Sport Science
Professional status
                                                                                        Many staff have achieved accredited,
                                                                                        chartered or fellowship status in
                                                                                        professional bodies such as the British
                                                                                        Association of Sport and Exercise
                                                                                        Sciences (BASES), British Psychological
                                                                                        Society (BPS), the Physiological
                                                                                        Society, the Chartered Institute for the
                                                                                        Management of Sport and Physical
                                                                                        Activity (CIMSPA).

                                                                                        A range of sport and coaching science
                                                                                        support for UK and International
                                                                                        sporting bodies is based within the
                                                                                        Department. Senior staff are influential
                                                                                        at national and international level and
                                                                                        their vision and leadership has created
                                                                                        a vibrant academic community that is
                                                                                        outward looking.

Research active
Institute for Performance Research           Centre for Research into Coaching
The Institute for Performance                The Centre for Research into Coaching
Research engages in world-class and          was established in order to encourage,
internationally recognised research.         enable and disseminate research into
Through the Institute, the department        sports coaching among academics and
has excellent relationships throughout       practitioners. We draw on the expertise
the University, with particular strong       of our academic staff working in
links with the Faculty of Health,            coaching pedagogy, coaching science,
Psychology, and Social Care, the             coaching and training history, the
Faculty of Science and Engineering,          sociology of coaching, performance
the Department of History, Politics          analysis and coach education in order to
and Philosophy, and the Faculty of           stimulate and support a sports coaching
Education.                                   community.

In the 2014 national Research Excellence     Sports and Leisure History Group
Framework exercise, thirteen staff           This specialist research group has
submitted their research to the Allied       major links with both the Department
Health Research area, reflecting the         of History, Politics and Philosophy and
importance of exercise, sport and the        the Institute of Humanities and Social
associated disciplines in our portfolio to   Science Research. The group provides
the development of health. The breadth       a focus for research into nineteenth and
and quality of our research was reflected    twentieth century sport and leisure,
in other department staff submitting         with a particular emphasis on coaching,
their research to History, Engineering       training and the early entrepreneurs of
and Education.                               sport.

                                                                                                         mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 25
An award-winning and
outstanding student experience
We work hard to provide you with a first-class student
experience, ensuring that the combination of integrated
learning, student support services, a focus on graduate
employment and a great social life provide you with a
well-rounded education to get you ready for the world
after you graduate.

First-class learning facilities              class and you can also use it to check     Library
With over £70 million invested in            updates on your fees and finance,          Libraries are a key part of your academic
our Cheshire campus you’ll find              the library and career development         experience and ours have been winning
an impressive array of learning              resources.                                 annual awards for Customer Service
technologies, study facilities and smart                                                Excellence since 2008. In addition to
student accommodation. Professionally        University IT and technical suites         an extensive range of books, you’ll
equipped studios provide industry            Our technical suites are of the highest    have access to a huge digital library of
standard music technology suites,            standard and you’ll have access to         journals, e-books and research papers to
rehearsal rooms and an extensive             training on technology and equipment       support your studies.
collection of instruments. Outstanding       that is industry-standard and used by
sports and fitness facilities and a world-   the professionals.                         Open all year round, with late opening
class exercise and sport centre make the                                                at peak study and exam times, our
Cheshire campus particularly appealing       We’ve recently invested over £2            Cheshire campus library includes IT
to students who have a passion for           million in student PCs and software        suites, quiet study spaces and group
sports and outdoors.                         and regularly update our learning and      project rooms. Our library staff run
                                             teaching equipment to ensure you have      regular information skills training
MyMMU                                        access to the very best equipment and      sessions to ensure you can locate,
Our virtual online learning environment,     support for your studies. Our IT Zones     access and select the most appropriate
Moodle, is sector-leading and brings         have extended opening hours for your       resources from the wealth of material
everything together in one place:            convenience, and printing facilities and   available.
your student email, your personalised        WiFi are available to you across the
course timetable, coursework, teaching       entire Cheshire campus.                    Food and drink
materials, assessment deadline                                                          We have a selection of good value
reminders, exams schedule, study                                                        catering facilities on the campus,
materials, reading lists, online articles,                                              open at convenient times to fit around
audio and video clips, along with your                                                  your studies and serve a range of
assessment marks and feedback on your                                                   economically priced hot and cold drinks,
work from your tutor. It also provides a                                                snacks and meals.
channel for keeping in touch with your
tutors and fellow students outside of

       We are one of only five                                                                Awarded in recognition of
       UK universities to have                                                              the University’s commitment
                                                      Winner of the 2013                     to support and advance the
         been awarded the
                                                    Guardian newspaper’s                      representation of women
        Investors in People
                                                        award for Best                          in science, technology,
          Gold standard.
                                                     Student Experience.                        engineering, medicine
                                                                                                  and mathematics.

26 | Exercise and Sport Science
Student support services
We’re here to help you get the most out of your studies,
with personal support from your tutors and advice and
guidance from specialist student support staff.

Personal tutor                                Counselling                                Student accommodation
You will be allocated a personal tutor        The Counselling Service offers you the     We have over 900 student rooms
who will monitor your progress and be         opportunity to talk to a professionally    available at our Cheshire campus
there to support you when you need it.        trained counsellor, in confidence, about   including shared flats with en-suite
Each year, this tutor will be a lecturer      any personal problems you may have.        bedrooms, and traditional halls with
who teaches one of your units and             Both individual and group counselling      shared facilities and common rooms,
therefore knows you and your work.            is available free to all students who      each with internet access and free
                                              are registered with the University.        personal possessions insurance
Student hub                                   The Counselling Service also runs          included in your hall fee. Feeling safe
The Student Hub, located on campus,           workshops and courses on themes such       and happy in your new home are
is your first port of call for face-to-face   as relaxation, stress management and       important considerations when coming
information, advice and guidance on a         confidence-building.                       to University and our Welcome Teams
wide range of course-related matters,                                                    will help you settle into your student
and also for information about services       Disability support                         accommodation when you arrive.
and facilities. They can answer your          We are committed to providing equal
questions about accommodation, student        opportunities in education for all         Students’ Union
finance, careers, and accessing support       students. Our Learning Development         As a student with us you will
if you have dyslexia or a disability.         Service provides a range of support for    automatically become a member of
                                              disabled students and students with        the Students’ Union which is led by
Student support officer                       specific learning difficulties, such as    a team of student officers who are
Our student support officers can provide      dyslexia. Our advisers act as a contact    elected by our students to ensure that
you with confidential and impartial           within the University for current and      the needs and views of all students are
advice on academic and pastoral issues.       prospective disabled students to provide   considered. The Students’ Union at the
They advise on assessment problems,           support, information and advice on the     Cheshire campus is famous for its fun-
time management, exam technique,              resources which are available to them,     loving social events, regular club nights,
finance, employment or personal               both within the University and from        student societies and sports clubs. You
difficulties and work closely with the        external support agencies.                 can also find most of your day-to-day
University’s Counselling Service and the                                                 essentials at the competitively priced
Students’ Union, to ensure that students                                                 on-site Students’ Union shop.
have access to specialist advice and
assistance if needed.

                                                                                                           mmu.ac.uk/cheshire | 27
You can also read