Page created by Dwayne Johnson
  The first section of Paris’ T11 Express
  opened in June 2017; Citadis Dualis 312 at
  Epinay-sur-Seine on a service bound for
  Bourget. Sébastien Godefroy

Tram-Train: Making
new connections
Philippe Bernard and Derek Small from SYSTRA, and Stephen Ware from TSP Projects, a SYSTRA
company, examine the benefits of tram-train with case studies from France and the UK.

             he announcement by Transport         “The tram-train option works brilliantly for         Further to this impressive expansion of
             for Greater Manchester (TfGM)        cities or large towns seeking to extend their     its light rail system, tram-train could be a
             that its strategy for the next 20    coverage via the conventional rail network.       game-changer by increasing the network’s
             years to expand its Metrolink        Tram-train links adjacent economies by            reach still further by connecting Metrolink
             rapid transit network includes       improving connectivity between cities.            with existing rail lines outside the main
tram-train suggests that the concept is              “The rolling stock can accelerate and brake    conurbations.
gaining momentum.                                 almost in the same way as a bus,” he adds.           In January 2019, then-Secretary of State
   Well-proven around the world, tram-train       “Tram-trains can also travel at speeds of up to   for Transport Chris Grayling said: “A Greater
combines the flexibility and accessibility of a   100km/h (62mph) on railway lines [tramway         Manchester tram-train has the potential to
tram network with the speed of a heavy rail       operational speeds are always lower]; run on      seamlessly integrate our existing rail and
system, enabling passengers to get directly       tramway lines as well as conventional rail        tram tracks and services,” and added that the
into a city centre, shopping or business          infrastructure, with certain adaptations;         UK Department for Transport would work
district without having to switch modes.          climb gradients of 8-10%, depending on            closely with TfGM to explore such proposals.
Offering seamless interchange, it enables         the chosen propulsion method; and where              The transport authority is exploring the
sharing of infrastructure with conventional       appropriate, operate at a minimum curve           possibility on a number of routes under
rail services although tram-train vehicles        radii of 25m.”                                    the ten-year ‘Our Network’ vision outlined
(commonly derivatives of low-floor LRV                                                              by Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy
platforms) require adapted signalling and         Expanding Metrolink                               Burnham in June 2019. Three ‘pathfinder’
power supply capacities, specific wheels,         At 97.5km (60.6 miles), Greater Manchester’s      routes are progressing to the business
as well as control and telecommunications         Metrolink light rail network is already the       case stage, designed to test the viability
technology that allows them to run on both        largest in the UK, with services running on       of tram-train technology: Altrincham –
light and heavy rail networks.                    seven lines and serving 93 stops. This will       Hale; Bury – Rochdale; and Manchester
   The concept has many more benefits over        expand by another 5.5km (3.4 miles) in            Airport – Wilmslow. It is likely that the Bury
single or mixed-mode travel, says Philippe        2020 with the opening of the new Trafford         – Rochdale route would share part of the
Bernard, Director of Tram Train Projects at       Park Line (see TAUT 980); an additional 27        heritage East Lancashire Railway. A wider
SYSTRA, which has designed and delivered          trams are on order to bolster the existing        roll-out includes routes south-east from
tram-train systems around the world:              120-strong fleet.                                 Manchester to Marple, east to Glossop, west

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to Wigan via Atherton, and south-west to           network, utilising specially adapted Stadler          An increasingly popular concept
Warrington Central.                                Citylink LRVs and tram tracks between                 Elsewhere in Europe, tram-train has
   But before that can happen, TfGM says           Sheffield Cathedral and Meadowhall/South              performed a vital service for over 25 years.
there would need to be a trial scheme with         Tinsley before crossing onto a new 170m               The first tram-train service was introduced in
Network Rail to gain technical approvals.          section of track (the Tinsley Chord) that             Karlsruhe, Germany, as a way of increasing
If this is the case, it will need to absorb some   allows the connection of 80lb tram rails to           mobility by connecting the city’s tramway to
of the learning from the South Yorkshire           113lb rail tracks. The route then continues           under-performing suburban rail lines while
pilot that has seen tram-trains running            for another 5km (three miles) to Rotherham            also taking cars out of the central areas.
on Sheffield’s Supertram network and               Parkgate via Rotherham Central on the                    It started operating as a fully-shared
continuing on the main line railway to             national rail network.                                system between the rail and tram operators
Rotherham since October 2018.                         At the moment this is still officially a pilot     in 1992, and improved service frequencies
   This government-funded pilot programme          scheme, with SYPTE monitoring customer                and additional tram stops near residential
is a partnership between South Yorkshire           satisfaction, passenger numbers and                   areas saw ridership grow rapidly. The system
Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE),             reliability. If successful, the tram-train section    has expanded significantly since then, with
which owns the tram infrastructure in              will continue to run as a local service and any       passengers now able to travel from towns
Sheffield; Network Rail, which owns the            lessons learned will be used to inform other          such as Baden-Baden, 30km (18.6 miles)
national rail infrastructure; Stagecoach,          potential tram-train projects in the UK.              away, directly to destinations in central
which operates Supertram services; and rail        The innovative South Yorkshire service carried        Karlsruhe without having to change modes.
franchise holder Northern Rail.                    over a million passengers in its first year, and         The success of the ‘Karlsruhe model’ has led
   Stagecoach currently operates three tram-       this success has led to the exploration of the        other European city regions to introduce tram-
train services per hour on this section of the     feasibility of other routes across the region.        train networks, including those in Alicante,

                                                                                 Metrolink's Altrincham terminus; Transport for Greater Manchester is
                                                                               exploring the potential of extending Metrolink services to Hale using the
                                                                               adjacent railway (platforms on the far right). Neil Pulling

                                                                                 Stadler Citylink 399203 traverses the Tinsley Chord on 25 November 2018,
                                                                               opening day of the UK’s tram-train pilot scheme. Tinsley Chord is the vital
                                                                               connection between tramway and main line railway. Neil Pulling

    France’s first tram-train line,
  T4, is soon to be extended by
  a 6.5km branch from Gargan
  station; an SNCF-operated
  Siemens Avanto pictured at
  Gargan in 2014. Neil Pulling

22 / january 2020 .
  Haluchère-Batignolles station in Nantes is an        For users:                    ore effective
                                                                                     M                         reater operational
                                                                                                              G                           he possibility of
important transport hub, served by the city’s trams,     Reduced travel times        use of resources         flexibility according      using non-electrified
trains and tram-trains. Neil Pulling                     Single ticket journeys      (for example,            to the time of day         lines or those that
                                                         Higher frequencies          reorganisation of        One operator per          cannot be electrified
                                                         Easier access               local bus networks)       vehicle and one driver    Participation in the
Saarbrucken, Kassel, Paris, Aarhus, Den Haag
                                                         A n alternative to the   Reduced operating          training programme         reduction of gas and
and Utrecht; it is also being considered as
                                                          car for suburban-         costs and energy                                      noise emissions
part of the South Wales rail network upgrade              urban journeys            consumption              For the environment:
programme. Significant expansion is planned                                         compared to heavy rail    Re-use and               For the community:
in France and Germany, and the concept has              For operators:              I ntegration of           sharing of existing       Reduction in delays
been introduced in the US.                               A n increase in the        stabling and              infrastructure             linked to traffic jams,
   SYSTRA has designed and delivered many                 zones covered by the       maintenance               (bridges, tunnels,         road maintenance
tram-train projects including those in Aarhus,            transport offer            facilities                stops, depots)             and incidents
Denmark, and Mulhouse and Nantes-
Châteaubriant in France. “All of                                                                                The Greater Paris region currently has four
these schemes have a common goal: to extend              “The tram-train option                              tram-train routes either already in operation
the existing urban transport network into the                                                                or under construction. The oldest is the
surrounding region”, says Mr Bernard.
                                                       works brilliantly for cities                          T4 line between Bondy – Aulnay-sous-Bois
   Despite this expansion, there are currently
no international standards for tram-train
                                                         or large towns seeking                              in the north-east of the city. France’s first
                                                                                                             tram-train line, the former low-frequency
design or operation. Many cities still use
the original rules developed for Karlsruhe
                                                        to extend their coverage                             regional commuter line that dates from
                                                                                                             1875, was converted to tram-train operation
as a yardstick to measure a proposed                      via the conventional                               with new Siemens rolling stock, increased
scheme’s viability. Recent years have seen                                                                   frequencies and additional stops. It opened
moves towards standardisation of vehicles                     rail network.”                                 in November 2006.
however, with the Verband Deutscher                                                                             In mid-December 2019 a 6.5km (four-mile)
Verkehrsunternehmen (Association of                       Stephen Ware, Senior Project Manager               extension is to open, linking directly into
German Transport Companies, or VDV)                    at TSP Projects, a SYSTRA company, who                the national rail network by branching off
leading an ‘alliance’ of operators and                 worked on the South Yorkshire pilot, says             at Gargan station at the line’s approximate
authorities looking at opportunities for joint         this is one reason why the Meadowhall –               mid-point. The cost of the new 11-stop line
procurement to reduce costs by up to EUR1m             Rotherham route was chosen: “The existing             is estimated at EUR270m (GBP230m) for
per vehicle (see TAUT 968, 977 and 981).               railway runs very close to the tram network,          infrastructure work and a further EUR100m
   Mr Bernard says tram-train works                    so we could put a short link in from one              (GBP86m) for additional rolling stock, Citadis
particularly well in cities or regions where           piece of infrastructure to the other,                 Dualis vehicles supplied by Alstom. Funded
there is disused or underused conventional             and provide benefits to various places on             approximately 86% by the Île-de-France
rail infrastructure, or those operating                the route.”                                           region and the State, and 14% by national
vehicles on semi-urban equipment with                                                                        rail operator SNCF, the vehicle and
multiple level crossings and stops.                    Paris and its suburbs                                 operational costs are being financed by
He explains that it is cost-effective as long          One city-region that has embraced                     Paris transport authority Île de France
as it can be done without needing to build             tram-train very successfully is Paris.                Mobilités (formerly known as STIF –
significant new infrastructure: “Tram-train            While the city’s Metro is undergoing                  Syndicat des Transports d’Île-de-France –
is an economically-attractive solution as              massive expansion under the EUR22.6bn                 until its rebranding in 2017).
long as the programme is limited to the                (GBP19.3bn) Grand Paris Express programme                In the meantime, another new section
redevelopment of an existing line and does             – four new lines totalling over 200km                 of tram-train has started operating in the
not impact too much on its surroundings,               (over 125 miles) to be delivered by 2030 –            northern suburbs: the T11 Express. This 10.6km
and providing that levels of availability and          tram-train is seen as the best way to open            (6.6-mile) line between Epinay-sur-Seine –
reserves of equipment have been defined at             up under-served suburban areas and                    Le Bourget opened in July 2017 and serves
the early stages of the project and shared             encourage people to use public transport              seven stations and was created by laying two
with the transport operating authorities.”             through new rail-based connections.                   new tracks along an existing freight alignment.

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                                                                                                                     SYSTRA teams have been heavily involved in the
                                                                                                                   design and engineering of the EUR306.7m T13 tram-
                                                                                                                   train line in Paris’ western suburbs. This is due to
                                                                                                                   open in 2023. SYSTRA

                                                                                                                   by franchised companies, often with more
                                                                                                                   than one franchisee operating on the same
                                                                                                                   lines; trams may be either privately or
                                                                                                                   publicly-operated; and different regulators
                                                                                                                   and bodies oversee everything from safety
                                                                                                                   to ticket pricing. “There is no worldwide
                                                                                                                   way of implementing tram-train,” says
  France’s only true tram-train operation, Siemens Avanto 23 is seen about to join the main line railway section   SYSTRA Engineering Director Derek Small.
north of Lutterbach, heading to Thann. Neil Pulling                                                                “And there is no one way of doing it in the
                                                                                                                   UK, because no two tramways are the same
   The T11 Express, originally known as the                  “Integration into an                                  in the UK. Every system is bespoke, so the
Tangentielle Nord or Tram-Express Nord, is                                                                         application of tram-train is bespoke.”
eventually planned to become a 28km                           existing network is                                     Because of this, Mr Bernard says it is
(17.4-mile) route between Sartrouville in the                                                                      vital that all the main players are involved
north-west of Paris and Noisy-le-Sec to the                the most complex issue                                  at the earliest possible stage: “The method
east. The project is being co-ordinated by the                                                                     employed to maintain and operate the line
Île-de-France region, Île de France Mobilités,
                                                               and must be fully                                   must be accurately defined from the very
SNCF and the municipalities of Seine Saint-
Denis and Val d’Oise, with the EUR603m
                                                             understood from the                                   start and, if possible, validated by those who
                                                                                                                   will work on it in their respective areas.”
(GBP517m) cost split between Ile-de-France
(47%), central government (27%), SNCF (24%),
                                                          preliminary design phase.”                                  Mr Ware says this is one of the lessons that
                                                                                                                   must be learned from the South Yorkshire
Seine Saint-Denis (2%) and Val d’Oise (1%).                                                                        pilot programme: “When working with
   This line is also served by Citadis Dualis             The importance of collaboration                          two separate operators that have different
vehicles, and like T4 is operated by SNCF and             The introduction of tram-train in France is              requirements, such as signalling, it can be a
its subsidiaries.                                         not limited to Paris, says Mr Bernard: “Other            challenge to make it work. On the Sheffield
   Also under construction is the T13 Express             projects are scheduled to be launched across             system we worked with the two operators
line in the western suburbs. Being built in               the country in the coming years to enable the            to ensure that the project was completed
phases, the first 18.8km (11.7-mile) section              gradual replacement of lines currently served            and the tram-train operated successfully.
brings tram-train services from the existing              by regional express trains, or to reopen lines           That may not always be the case on other
RER station at Saint-Cyr to Noisy-le-Roi on               with a conventional rail system abandoned                schemes unless parties go the extra mile
a currently-disused segment of the Grande                 due to low levels of use.”                               to ensure requirements are co-ordinated
Ceinture (GC) freight route, and from Noisy                  Mr Bernard, Project Director of France’s              effectively”.
to Saint-Germain GC on a section that                     first tram-train (the T4 line between Bondy                 Moving forwards with future tram-train
currently carries passenger traffic.                      and Aulnay-sous-Bois) and also involved in               projects, Mr Ware believes that for a smooth
   Around 4km (2.5 miles) of new                          the T11 and similar schemes in Mulhouse,                 and successful operation all parties need to
infrastructure is being built to join Saint-              Bordeaux line C and Nantes – Châteaubriant,              work collaboratively together, dovetailing
Germain GC to an interchange with RER Line                says every new project comes with its own                their programmes and requirements to
A at Saint-Germain-en-Laye; six new stations              specific technical and operational challenges.           deliver a streamlined solution.
are being built with a further five being                 However, they all have a ‘transition zone’                  Experience in other countries shows that,
refurbished. The new route is due to go into              where the operating, power supply, signalling            if all of these issues can be ironed out, tram-
service in 2021 with ridership predicted at               and telecommunication systems are                        train is an extremely attractive proposition
21 000 passengers/day.                                    changed if the infrastructure necessitates it.           with many benefits for municipalities,
   The EUR306.7m (GBP263m) project is                     “Integration into an existing network – and              operators and passengers alike.
being financed by Île-de-France (53.2%),                  especially the definition of its transition                 As Philippe Bernard concludes: “Tram-
the municipality of Yvelines (30%) and                    zone – is the most complex issue the project             train constitutes an economical transport
the central government (16.8%). Île-de-                   faces and must be fully understood from the              system in terms of cost, investment,
France Mobilités is financing the EUR68.4m                preliminary design phase,” he says.                      maintenance and operation, and enables
(GBP58.65m) purchase of tram-train vehicles                  As most countries use different bodies to             passengers to travel safely from the city
(again of the Citadis Dualis type, ordered in             regulate heavy rail and urban tram or light              centre to surrounding cities several dozen
a joint procurement for T12 in 2018). In the              rail operation, he adds: “The main challenges            kilometres miles away – the potential for the
longer term, a northern extension to Achères              exist in getting these two different worlds              UK is huge.”
via Poissy is planned, taking passenger                   to co-habit, so they communicate and
numbers up to 40 000 a day.                               co-operate during design phases, and are
   A further route, the T12 Express, is under             compatible in operation and maintenance.”                               Have your say...
construction between Évry-Courcouronnes –                    The UK regulatory and operational                                     ive us your views on
Massy-Palaiseau RER stations to the south of              landscape is more complex than most.                                    the role of tram-train
Paris. This 20km (12.4-mile) route, with                  Different organisations own the rail and                       
16 stops, is due to open in 2022.                         tram infrastructure; rail services are operated

24 / january 2020 .
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