Full Year 2020 Appendices - FY20 Earnings Appendices
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Full Year 2020 Appendices February 25, 2021
IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION AND CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS CONCERNING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS AND THE USE OF NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES Certain statements contained herein may be forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, statements that are predictions of or indicate future events, trends, plans, expectations or objectives. Undue reliance should not be placed on such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors that could cause AXA’s actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward looking statements. Please refer to Part 4 - “Risk Factors and Risk Management” of AXA’s Universal Registration Document for the year ended December 31, 2019 (the “2019 Universal Registration Document”) and “Operating Highlights – Risk Factors” on pages 12 to 13 of AXA’s half-year financial report as of June 30, 2020 (the “Half-Year 2020 Financial Report”), for a description of certain important factors, risks and uncertainties that may affect AXA’s business and/or results of operations, particularly in respect of the Covid-19 crisis. AXA undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise, except as required by applicable laws and regulations. In addition, this presentation refers to certain non-GAAP financial measures, or alternative performance measures (“APMs”), used by Management in analyzing AXA’s operating trends, financial performance and financial position and providing investors with additional information that Management believes to be useful and relevant regarding AXA’s results. These non-GAAP financial measures generally have no standardized meaning and therefore may not be comparable to similarly labelled measures used by other companies. As a result, none of these non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, theGroup’s consolidated financialstatements and related notes prepared in accordance with IFRS. A reconciliation from APMs adjusted earnings,underlying earnings and combined ratio to the most directly reconcilable line item, subtotal or total in the financial statements of the corresponding period is provided on pages 25 and 26 of AXA’s 2020 Activity Report. APM underlying earnings per share is reconciled to the financial statements in the table set forth on page 34 of AXA’s 2020 Activity Report. The calculation methodologyof the debt gearing is set out on page 28 of AXA’s 2020 Activity Report. The above mentioned and other non-GAAP financial measures used in this press releaseare defined in the Glossary set forth on pages 68 to 76 of AXA’s 2020 Activity Report.
Table of contents 1. Gross financial debt B.04 2. Solvency II B.05 3. Investment portfolio B.08 4. Additional P&C disclosure B.20 5. Margin analysis B.31 6. Corporate Responsibility B.35 B3 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
Gross financial debt – Long-term maturities In Euro billion Contractual maturity breakdown Gross financial debt 0.3 0.7 Debt 28.8% 26.8% gearing 19.1 7.1 6.6 16.6 1.0 0.1 0.4 0.5 6.7 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031- ≥2040 Undated 6.6 2039 11.3 Economic maturity breakdown 9.2 0.7 1.0 0.9 FY19 FY20 2.8 2.6 0.4 0.8 Tier 1 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.5 1.0 0.3 Tier 2 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.1 Senior debt 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031- ≥2040 Undated 2039 B4 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Senior debt Tier 2 Tier 1
Table of contents 1. Gross financial debt 2. Solvency II 3. Investment portfolio 4. Additional P&C disclosure 5. Margin analysis 6. Corporate Responsibility B5 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
Solvency II ratio Solvency II ratio1 Key sensitivities In Euro billion 198% 200% Ratio as of December 31, 2020 200% Interest rate +50bps +10 pts 59.4 55.0 Interest rate -50bps -15 pts 30.0 Corporate spreads +50bps 0 pt 27.5 Available capital Euro Sovereign spreads +50bps2 -13 pts Required capital Credit migration2 -7 pts FY19 FY20 Equity markets +25% +6 pts Equity markets -25% -8 pts Solvency II ratio roll-forward +15pts 198% +7pts 200% +13pts -11pts -22pts FY19 Operating Dividend Market impact AXA XL Debt, forex FY20 return excl. Forex integration and other 1. The Solvency II ra tio is estimat ed pr imar ily using AXA ’s inter nal m odel calibrate d b ased on an a dverse 1 /200 y ears shock .F or f urt her inf ormat io n o n AXA ’s inte rnal m odel a nd Solvency II disclosures, please r efer t o AXA Gro up ’s Solvency an d F ina ncial Co nd ition Re por t (SF CR) as of December 31 ,2 019, ava ilable o n A XA ’s we bsite (ww w .axa.co m). Pu rsuant to the au tho rizat io n fro m A XA ’s lead su perv isor (t he ACPR) ,t he co ntr ib ution of e nt ities that we re p art of t he XL Gro up (“XL ent it ies”),an d are n ow par t of the AX A XL d ivision ,t o t he Gr ou p S olvency II rat io is , as from December 31, 2020, calculated with the AXA Group internal model. In compliance with the prior decision from ACPR, the XL entities contributed to the Group’s solvency capital requirement as of December 31, 2019 using the Solvency II standard formula. 2. Sensit ivity t o E uro sover eig n spr eads assumes a 50 bps sprea d widen ing of the E uro sovere ign b on ds vs. the Eu ro swap curve (ap plied o n sove reig n and q uasi-sover eig n ex posures). Se nsit ivity t o cre dit rat in g m igrat io n assumes 20% of c orp orate b on ds (including private debt) held are downgraded by one full letter (3 notches). B6 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
Solvency II required capital Split by Risk, Geography & Business Required capital by risk Required capital by business Required capital by geography FY20 FY20 FY20 Belgium UK Operational Asset Management & Banking Transversal & Asset Management, Counterparty 5% Banking & other 3% Central Holdings 6% Holdings 4% 8% & Others 4% 21% 18% Italy & Spain 6% Market 37% 38% Switzerland 6% 28% Germany 8% 20% Life & Savings 13% Property France Property 39% Asia & Casualty 22% 15% & Casualty Life & Savings AXA XL B7 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
Table of contents 1. Gross financial debt 2. Solvency II 3. Investment portfolio 4. Additional P&C disclosure 5. Margin analysis 6. Corporate Responsibility B8 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
General Account Invested Assets Invested assets (100%) FY20 Total General Account FY20 % In Euro billion invested assets Fixed income 460 80% Duration gap at ca. 0.5 year o/w Govies and related 248 43% o/w Corporate bonds 163 28% 1 o/w Other fixed income 49 9% Real Estate 36 6% Euro Listed equities 21 4% 572 2 billion Private Equity and Hedge Funds 24 4% Cash 29 5% Policy loans 2 0% 3 Total Insurance Invested Assets 572 100% Fixed Income PE and HF 1. Other fixed income includes Asset Backed Securities (Euro 18 billion), residential loans (Euro 18 billion), commercial & agricultural loans (Euro 8 billion) and Agency Pools (Euro 5 billion) Real Estate Cash 2. Includes also non-listed Equities 3. FY20 invested assets referenced in page 31 of the financial supplement are Euro 663 billion, which include Listed Equities Policy loans notably Euro 78 billion of Unit-linked assets and assets related to the Banking segment. B9 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
Government bonds and related 43% Gross1 unrealized capital Breakdown by rating Breakdown by geographical exposure gains and losses In Euro billion France 24% Japan 14% 51.4 AAA (22%) Italy 8% 45.2 AA (45%) Germany 8% A (20%) Euro Belgium 8% United States 7% BBB (10%) 248 Supranational 6% Non rated (2%) billion Switzerland 6% Below Investment Spain 5% Grade (1%) Austria 2% Netherlands 2% Other 9% FY19 FY20 Average rating maintained in the AA range As of December 31, 2020 B10 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1. Gross of tax and policyholders’ participation
Corporate bonds 28% Gross2 unrealized capital Breakdown by rating1 Breakdown by industry gains and losses In Euro billion Banks 38% Consumer, Non-cyclical 13% 12.3 AAA (16%) Industrial 8% AA (10%) Utilities 8% 9.2 A (30%) Euro Communications 7% 163 Financial 6% BBB (37%) billion Energy 5% Below Investment Consumer, Cyclical 4% Grade (7%) Basic Materials 3% Technology 2% Others 4% FY19 FY20 Average rating maintained in the A range As of December 31, 2020 1. Corporate bonds not rated by external rating agencies are reallocated under AXA’s internal ratings: AA: Euro 1.5 billion, A: B11 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Euro 2.7 billion, BBB: Euro 2.0 billion, Below investment grade: Euro 4.5 billion 2. Gross of tax and policyholders’ participation
Other Fixed Income 9% Asset Backed Securities Mortgage loans Breakdown by asset type1 and ratings FY20 market value by entity CLO (95%) US subprime, Alt A AAA 62% Switzerland (40%) & NC RMBS (1%) AA 22% Very secured portfolio: Euro A 11% Germany (29%) Prime RMBS (1%) BBB 0% Market value3 FY20 default rate 0.50% 18 BIG 1% France (16%) Euro 26 billion FY20 loan to value 61% CDO (1%) billion Other (8%) Non rated/Equity 4% Commercial MBS (1%) Belgium (7%) Consumer ABS2 (0%) Other ABS (1%) Residential Commercial Switzerland 70% 30% Germany 88% 12% France 45% 55% Belgium 64% 36% As of December 31, 2020 1. Including debt and equity tranches of ABS 2. Mainly consumer loan ABS (plus some leases and operating ABS assets) B12 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 3. Excluding banking operations and excluding Euro 5.2 billion of Agency pools (Mortgage-backed securities issued by US Government Sponsored Enterprises)
Real estate investments 6% Breakdown by Geography Breakdown by type and geography France (29%) France Switzerland Germany Belgium Other Total Switzerland (16%) Office 9% 7% 5% 5% 11% 37% Germany (12%) Residential 4% 7% 1% 0% 7% 19% Retail 10% 0% 2% 2% 2% 15% Belgium (8%) Market value1 Others 6% 1% 5% 0% 15% 29% Other EU Euro 36 billion Total 29% 16% 12% 8% 35% 100% countries (17%) United Kingdom (6%) United States (5%) Portfolio Yield from Rental Income ~ 3.5% Japan (5%) Australia (2%) As of December 31, 2020 1. Representing Euro 4.8 billion of unrealized gains off balance sheet, net of tax and PB. The assets in scope exclude those B13 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 held directly by the French Mutual funds and the non-Main Fund unit linked holdings, as well as CRE loans.
Listed equity portfolio 4% Breakdown by asset domiciliation Breakdown by industry Gross1 unrealized capital gains and losses In Euro billion Consumer, Non-cyclical 24% US (29%) Financial 14% 5.6 5.4 France (20%) Industrial 13% Consumer, Cyclical 11% Japan (7%) Technology 10% Switzerland (6%) Euro Communications 8% Germany (4%) 21 Basic Materials 5% Netherlands (4%) billion Banks 5% Belgium (3%) Others 3% Other European Funds 2% Countries (10%) Diversified 2% Rest Of The World (18%) FY19 FY20 Utilities 2% Energy 2% As of December 31, 2020 B14 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1. Gross of tax and policyholders’ participation
4% Private Equity and Hedge Funds Private Equity Hedge Funds Breakdown by Portfolio breakdown asset domiciliation Alternative credit Short dated carry 72% Deep value credit 15% Relative value credit 8% Expertise Real asset cash flow 5% Buy-out 55% Infrastructure 30% Multi-Strategy Euro Mezzanine 10% Euro Relative Value & Multi-Strategy 24% 13 Venture 4% 5 Fixed Income Arbitrage EQMN - Systematic 22% 18% billion billion Equity Long/short 10% Diverfied Portfolio Global macro 7% Funds of Funds 55% Distressed & Credit 7% Direct 45% Emerging markets 5% Merger Arbitrage 5% Europe (64%) Japan (3%) Alternative credit program (72%) Other 2% US (26%) Other (8%) Multi-strategy program (28%) As of December 31, 2020 B15 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1. Gross of tax and policyholders’ participation
Focus on net unrealized capital gains In Euro billion FY20 Net unrealized capital gains on Balance sheet net unrealized capital gains1 government bonds and related by geographies 22.6 5.0 19.3 3.4 3.1 4.1 2.7 2.9 2.1 2.0 13.4 15.1 1.3 1.0 1.0 FY19 FY20 France Germany Belgium Switzerland Japan Eurozone Other peripherals Equities & other2 Corporate bonds Government bonds and related B16 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1. Group share excluding forex impacts, net of tax and policyholders’ participation 2. Including ABS, alternative investments, other assets, minorities and equity methods
Investment portfolio | Fixed Income reinvestment FY20 Fixed Income reinvestment FY20 Fixed Income reinvestment yield 2.6% 1.1% 1.3% Euro 50 billion3 Core Alternative Group Fixed Income Fixed Income Fixed Income ▶ Euro 50 billion fixed income invested at 1.3% Government bonds & related (46%) - Average rating: AA ▪ Maintaining quality: A+ average rating Investment grade (41%) - Average rating: A ▪ Average duration of 14 years ▪ Includes Euro 9 billion of Alternatives invested at 2.6% ABS (7%) (mainly Real Estate debt, CLOs and Private HY) BIG credit (6%) ▶ Further Euro 2 billion in non Fixed Income 1 ▪ Mainly Real Estate, Infrastructure and PE B17 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1. Excluding listed equities
Investment portfolio | P&C and L&S Yield P&C yield1 L&S yield2 L&S investment margin2 -28 bps -9 bps Stable3 2.9% 2.8% 2.7% 68 bps 67 bps 2.6% FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 1. P&C gross asset yield excluding Health B18 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 2. L&S Group yield and investment margin on total General Account business, excluding Health 3. Change at constant FX
Investment portfolio | Life & Savings - Asset & Liability management Inforce New Business FY20 Yield FY20 L&S FY20 Reinvestment FY20 L&S Spread above Spread above on total L&S average yield on L&S average guarantee guarantee asset base guaranteed rate fixed income assets guaranteed rate Group 2.7% 1.5% +120bps Group 1.2% 0.2% +100bps o/w France 3.2% 0.5% +270bps o/w France 1.0% 0.0% +100bps o/w Germany 3.0% 2.6% +40bps o/w Germany 1.5% 0.7% +80bps o/w Switzerland 1.5% 1.2% +30bps o/w Switzerland 1.1% 0.4% +70bps o/w Belgium 3.7% 2.2% +150bps o/w Belgium 1.3% 0.8% +50bps o/w MPS Italy 2.1% 0.8% +130bps o/w MPS Italy 1.0% 0.2% +70bps B19 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Life & Savings General Account business, including Health previously reported in the L&S segment.
Table of contents 1. Gross financial debt 2. Solvency II 3. Investment portfolio 4. Additional P&C disclosure 5. Margin analysis 6. Corporate Responsibility B20 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
Property & Casualty | Gross revenues and market pricing trends by geography Commercial Lines Personal Lines Gross revenues In Euro million Price Price FY20 effect FY20 effect 2021 Market pricing trends France 3,110 +2.9% 3,876 -1.9% Price stability expected in Commercial Lines in the context of Covid-19. Price softening in Personal Lines. Switzerland 1,565 +0.6% 1,725 -1.3% Price softening in Personal Motor, Commercial Property and Commercial Liability, while prices in other lines are mostly expected to increase. Germany 1,734 +2.6% 2,598 +1.4% Price hardening observed in Mid-Market especially in Commercial Property. Continuing price competition in Personal Motor. Belgium 958 +1.4% 1,129 +2.2% Prices in Commercial Lines expected to remain competitive. Limited price increases expected in Personal Lines. UK & Ireland 1,534 +6.8% 1,923 +4.9% Price stability expected in Commercial Lines in the context of Covid-19, while price expected to soften in Personal lines Motor in both UK & Ireland. Spain 410 +3.4% 1,272 +2.0% Price expected to be stable in the market in all lines of business. Personal Motor competition remains intense with expected price softening Italy 531 0.0% 1,215 -0.4% Price softening expected in 2021 on both personal and commercial lines notably from motor Asia & International 2,348 +1.2% 3,218 -0.3% Retail Motor prices hardening in South Korea and under pressure in China following tariff deregulation in 4Q20 1 AXA XL insurance 13,681 +17.2% - - Price momentum has remained very strong in 2020 in Insurance, notably in NA Excess Casualty and Professional lines, as well as in Reinsurance 1 from Property Cat. Pricing environment expected to remain favourable in 2021. AXA XL reinsurance 4,665 +7.1% - - Prices expected Prices expected Prices expected Total 31,697 +7.0% 16,956 +0.4% to increase to be stable to decrease 1. Renewals only, price effect calculated as a percentage of renewed premiums B21 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Changes are on a comparable basis
Property & Casualty | Profitability ratios by geography, including / excluding Covid-19 impacts o/w loss ratio o/w expense ratio P&C profitability ratios All Year Combined ratios excl. Covid-191 excl. Covid-191 1 Excluding Covid-19 FY19 FY20 FY20 Change FY20 Change FY20 Change France 90.7% 90.0% 88.1% -2.6 pts 61.4% -3.7 pts 26.7% +1.1 pt Europe 93.2% 90.9% 92.6% -0.4 pts 65.5% -0.3 pts 27.1% -0.1 pt Asia & International 97.1% 96.1% 98.0% +1.1 pts 65.3% -1.9 pts 32.7% +2.9 pt AXA XL 101.5% 112.2% 102.5% +1.2 pts 78.0% +2.7 pts 24.5% -1.5 pts Total 96.4% 99.5% 96.4% +0.1 pt 69.1% +0.1 pt 27.3% 0.0 pt 1. “Covid-19 claims” includes P&C net claims related to Covid-19, as well as the impacts from solidarity measures and from lower volumes net of expenses, linked to Covid-19. “Covid-19 claims” does not include any financial market impacts (including impacts on investment margin, unit-linked and asset management fees, etc.) relating to the Covid-19 crisis. B22 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Changes are at constant FX
Property & Casualty | Details on P&C current year loss ratio Personal Motor Personal Non-Motor 74.5% +1.0pt +0.5pt 62.4% +0.2pt 65.8% +0.8pt 60.3% -0.3pt -7.5pts -0.6pt -0.8pt FY19 Covid-19 Nat Cat Price effect Freq, Sev FY20 FY19 Covid-19 Nat Cat Price effect Freq, Sev FY20 & other1 & other1 Total Commercial lines Total P&C Incl. Construction & Work. Comp. +3.2pts +0.3pt +0.4pt 74.5% +7.2pts +0.5pt +0.9pt 80.3% 72.7% 71.3% -1.0pt -0.9pt FY19 Covid-19 Nat Cat Price effect Freq, Sev FY20 FY19 Covid-19 Nat Cat Price effect Freq, Sev FY20 & other1 & other1 B23 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1. Other includes opening adjustments, changes in mix, claims handling costs, Changes at constant FX reinsurance impact excl. Nat Cat, other changes in reserves, Forex and scope
Property & Casualty | Focus on P&C reserves Prior year reserve development level (in % of gross earned premiums) 6.0% 5.4% 5.4% 4.5% 2.7% 3.1% 2.0% 1.7% 2.1% 1.8% 1.8% 1.4% 1.9% 1.3% 2.1% 2.1% 1.7% 2.2% 2.3% 2.1% 1.4% 1.2% 1.2% 1.3% 0.6% 0.8% 1.2% FY06 FY07 FY08 1H09 FY09 1H10 FY10 1H11 FY11 1H12 FY12 1H13 FY13 1H14 FY14 1H15 FY15 1H16 FY16 1H17 FY17 1H18 FY18 1H19 FY19 1H20 FY20 Reserving ratio (Net technical reserves/Net earned premiums) 236% 227% 239% 233% 186% 194% 187% 198% 187% 199% 186% 196% 187% 195% 186% 195% 185% 199% 188% 199% 194% 202% 192% 203% 209% 213% 213% FY06 FY07 FY08 1H09 FY09 1H10 FY10 1H11 FY11 1H12 FY12 1H13 FY13 1H14 FY14 1H15 FY15 1H16 FY16 1H17 FY17 1H18 FY18 1H19 FY19 1H20 FY20 International Insurance activity reclassified in the Property & Casualty segment from FY15 Health “P&C like” previously reported under the P&C segment is reported as a separate business line from FY16 for prior year reserve developments and from FY17 for reserving ratio Includes AXA XL for reserving ratio and prior year reserve developments in 1H19 and onwards B24 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
Property & Casualty | Focus on P&C reserves Reserving ratio IFRS reserves in excess (Net technical reserve / Net earned premiums) of undiscounted SII BEL (in Euro billion) 227% 233% 6.8 5.6 AXA XL (€-0.6bn) France (€-0.6bn) FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 B25 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
2021 Simplified Group Nat Cat Reinsurance Program In Euro All Retention and basis risk (with €50m deductible) Retention lowered to €500m for NA key perils vs 2020 program 2.9bn Alternative 0.65bn Capital & Retention and capacity lowered vs 2020 program Cat Bonds 1.25bn 1.25bn 1.25bn Retention 500m 500m 500m 350m EU NA NA Per other Group Windstorm Hurricane Earthquake perils 1 Aggregate Insurance segment Reinsurance All (occurrence protection) segment segments (illustrative) B26 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1.Other perils include Turkey earthquake, Mexico earthquake and windstorm, EU and NA floods as well as a series of other secondary perils. Protection bought varies by peril type.
AXA Group earnings deviation with different levels of Nat Cat cost1 In Euro billion (net of reinsurance, post-tax) €+0.6bn €+0.5bn €+0.4bn 1/20y 1/10y 1/5y Median (95th) (90th) (80th) (50th) 1/5y 1/10y 1/20y (20th) (10th) (5th) €-0.3bn €-0.5bn More severe years Less severe years €-0.7bn 2021 2020 1. Natural catastrophe cost defined as Aggregate Exceedance Probability (AEP) of all natural perils worldwide, net of B27 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 tax and reinsurance. Deviation iscomparedto a normalized level, which are costs associatedto natural catastrophes expected in anaverage year (ca. 3 pointsof combined ratioin 2020 and ca. 4 pointsof combined ratioin 2021).
Property & Casualty | AXA XL topline overview, with detail by sub-lines In Euro billion +3% Change excl. FY20 Change o/w Pricing 1 18.6 18.3 Covid-19 P&C Insurance 13.7 +4% +17% +11% Specialty 3.7 -2% +13% +6% Property 3.0 +7% +20% +8% P&C 14.1 13.7 Casualty 4.0 -6% +15% +5% Insurance Financial lines 3.0 +30% +23% +33% P&C Reinsurance 4.7 0% +7% +1% P&C Property Cat 0.8 +1% +11% -1% 4.5 4.7 Property Other 1.2 +1% +7% +2% Reinsurance Other 2.6 -2% +6% +2% FY19 FY20 B28 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Changes are on a comparable basis 1. Renewals only, price effect calculated as a percentage of renewed premiums
Property & Casualty | Focus on AXA XL net reserves AXA XL premiums1 Net reserves & Reserving ratio1 Claims ratio1 In USD billion (Net technical reserve/Net earned premiums) (Net claims reserve/Net claims paid) GEP NEP Net reserves Net reserve ratio Net Claims ratio FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 Insurance 14.6 15.4 9.0 8.8 25.9 29.0 286% 330% 371% 416% Short tail lines 7.1 7.7 4.4 4.3 9.2 10.6 206% 247% 240% 280% Property 3.2 3.6 1.8 1.8 4.0 4.8 227% 270% 252% 324% Specialty 3.9 4.0 2.7 2.5 5.1 5.8 194% 232% 206% 249% Long tail lines 7.5 7.7 4.6 4.5 16.7 18.3 364% 410% 508% 545% Casualty 5.1 4.8 3.1 2.9 10.8 11.4 346% 399% 499% 547% Professional 2.4 2.9 1.5 1.6 6.0 6.9 402% 429% 578% 541% Reinsurance 5.0 5.2 4.1 4.2 11.5 12.3 280% 292% 329% 341% Total AXA XL 19.5 20.5 13.1 13.0 37.3 41.2 285% 317% 357% 390% 1. Based on USD B29 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 FY19 premiums and reserves across lines of business have been adjusted compared to AXA Full Year 2019 Appendices to reflect the latest allocation of AXA XL’s lines of business, consistent with AXA XL’s topline disclosure. Total premiums and total net reserves are unchanged
Property & Casualty | Focus on AXA XL Adverse Development Cover (ADC) Scope ▶ 100% of XL legacy Insurance long tail lines $1.0bn ADC 10% AXA XL provided by Enstar 2 co-participation ▶ 2019 and prior accident years ▶ IFRS net reserves of $11.0bn1 $0.4bn retained by AXA XL $1.6bn Structure Loss reserves 10% AXA XL ▶ Cession of 90% of up to $1.0bn of potential adverse transfer co-participation developments to Enstar2 $11bn1 ▶ ADC attaches at $375m above IFRS net reserves IFRS net reserves ▶ Loss reserves transfer of $1.6bn (90% transferred) $9.4bn Reserves retained Cost by AXA XL ▶ ADC funded by foregone investment income on loss reserves transferred (ca. $20m p.a.) B30 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1. The level of reserves on which the transaction is based 2. Through a wholly owned subsidiary of Enstar Group Limited
Table of contents 1. Gross financial debt 2. Solvency II 3. Investment portfolio 4. Additional P&C disclosure 5. Margin analysis 6. Corporate Responsibility B31 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
Property & Casualty | Underlying earnings margin analysis In Euro million FY20 Change FY20 Change Investment income 2,529 -7% Technical margin 13,486 -8% Average assets1 106,015 +4% Gross earned premium 48,854 +4% Average yield1,2 2.6% -28 bps AY Loss ratio 72.4% +3.4 pts CY Loss ratio 74.5% +3.2 pts o/w Covid-19 impacts 3.2% - o/w Nat Cat 4.2% +0.2 pt + + PY Reserve development -2.1% +0.2 pt - Expenses 13,241 +3% Acquisition expenses 8,622 +5% Acquisition expense ratio 17.6% +0.2 pt Administrative expenses 4,619 0% Administrative expense ratio 9.5% -0.3 pt Pre-tax underlying earnings 2,775 -38% - Taxes3 1,127 -1% + UE from associates 91 2% - Minority interests 95 +18% Underlying earnings 1,644 -51% 1. Average assets and average gross yield are estimated excluding Health. 2. Gross of interests credited of P&C reserves relating to annuities. 3. Effective tax rate increased to 41% in FY20 vs. 26% at FY19 B32 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Changes at constant Forex, except for gross earned premium on comparable basis
Health | Underlying earnings margin analysis In Euro million FY20 Change FY20 Change FY20 Change Investment income 147 +1% Fees & revenues 1,861 +12% 1 1,322 -7% Technical margin Gross earned premiums: 14,708 (+6%) AY Loss ratio: 78.4% (+0.7pt1) + + + - Expenses1,2 -2,378 +5% Acquisition expenses1 -1,372 -11% Acquisition expense ratio 1 9.3% -1.9 pt Administrative expenses1 -1,008 n.a. Administrative expense ratio 1 6.9% +1.6 pt Pre-tax underlying earnings 952 -2% - Taxes3 260 -1% + UE from associates 17 n.a. - Minority interests 16 n.a. 4 Underlying earnings 693 -1% 1.Includes a reallocation of expenses in France between acquisition expenses, administrative expenses and claims handling coststoalign with Group guidelines. 2.Includes VBI amortization (€+2m in FY20 and €+3m in FY19) 3.Effective tax rate is stable at 27% in FY20 vs. FY19 4.Exclude the contribution of EQH in 2019 B33 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Changes are at constant Forex and excluding EQH, except for gross earned premium which are on comparable basis
Life & Savings | Underlying earnings margin analysis In Euro million FY20 Change FY20 Change FY20 Change Investment margin 1,936 0% Fees & revenues 4,471 +2% Net technical margin 1,105 -19% Average G/A reserves 288,458 +1% o/w Unit-Linked management fees 943 +2% Mainly from the extension of disability coverage to vulnerable Investment margin (bps) 67 bps 0 bp Average UL reserves 74,505 +3% customers and the decrease in annuities discount rate in France UL average management fees (bps) 127 bps -1 bp o/w Loadings and other 3,528 +2% L&S revenues 31,524 -6% L&S average margin on revenues 11.2% +1 pts + + + - Expenses 4,728 +2% Acquisition expenses 1 2,338 -13% Administrative expenses 1 2,390 +24% - VBI amortization 91 -2% Pre-tax underlying earnings 2,693 -9% - Taxes2 474 -20% + UE from associates 183 -6%3 - Minority interests 64 -8% Underlying earnings 2,338 -7%3 1. Includes reallocation of expenses in France between acquisition and administrative expenses to align with Group guidelines. 2. Effective tax rate, excluding EQH, decreased to 18% in FY20 vs 20% in FY19. 3. Exclude the contribution of EQH in 2019 B34 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 Changes are at constant Forex and excluding EQH, except for gross revenues which are on comparable basis
Table of contents 1. Gross financial debt 2. Solvency II 3. Investment portfolio 4. Additional P&C disclosure 5. Margin analysis 6. Corporate Responsibility B35 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
AXA’s climate leadership position supports climate neutrality As a global As a global As a coalition investor insurer builder New Intermediate AXA TCFD and Net Zero Target Climate Asset Owner Alliance Innovative services to protect Sharing expertise on metrics and -20% CO2 reduction across AXA’s communities and corporations methodologies to align portfolios with a General Account Assets1 facing natural disasters +1.5°C scenario Euro 24 billion AXA Emerging Net Zero Asset Green investment target by 2023 Customers Manager Initiative Working to close the protection “Transition bonds” gap by providing insurance to the emerging middle class Net Zero Insurance Supporting two issuances of 100M€ each in 2019 and 2020 Underwriting Alliance2 B36 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 1 Aggregated 20% reduction across General Account assets related to Corporate Fixed Income, listed equities and Real Estate assets. 2 AXA called for the launch of this body in December 2020
AXA and Covid-19: responding to a health and economic crisis Backing research Helping business Supporting the and healthcare and society economy Euro 12 million Euro 700 million WEF CEO Supporting research and healthcare Invested in SMEs and mid-cap enterprises1 Action Group Leading the CEO Action Group for Extended the European Green Deal promoting a green recovery #AXA Solidarity protection Response Health and protection cover extended for vulnerable clients2 Covid Bonds Partnering with 101 Fund to Investing in access to healthcare and support 1,200 intensive care units in 60 countries Free access employment generation AXA’s medical teleconsultation services1 1. In France. €500m entrusted with CAPZA to enable SMEs to strengthen their balance sheets and recover from the Covid-19 shock, B37 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021 and ca. €200m in the FFA CDC Covid-19 program 2. In France
AXA is a recognized sustainability leader Sector Leader 1st / 51 insurance companies in 2nd / 278 insurance companies in Score: AAA 2020 2020 Included in Euronext Vigeo indices 2020: 2nd place Included in the Score: 88/100 “A+” 2020 UN PRI Scorecard Bloomberg Gender Equality Included in (focus on Responsible Investment) Index DJSI Europe & DJSI World indexes in 2020 DJSI accounts for 10% of AXA’s performance shares for top management B38 Full Year 2020 Earnings l Appendices l February 25, 2021
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