Trade successfully with Indonesia - Ten important principles

Page created by Howard Hardy
Trade successfully with Indonesia - Ten important principles
Trade successfully with Indonesia
       Ten important principles
Trade successfully with Indonesia - Ten important principles
10 rules that can help make your sales to Indonesian buyers successful

                                                 Indonesia has one of the world’s
                                                 fastest developing economies, with a
                                                 burgeoning consumer market driving its
 For the forward                                 economic expansion. Its growing middle
                                                 class is eager for foreign goods and
 thinking exporter,                              services, while its government is focused
                                                 on vital infrastructure development.
 this is a market                                As a result, Indonesia offers a wealth
                                                 of business opportunities – provided

 worth pursuing                                  that potential suppliers approach this
                                                 promising market in the right way.

                                                 That’s why this report has been
                                                 produced, because Indonesia, for all its
                                                 opportunities, is by no means the easiest

       o call Indonesia ‘a country’              country to do business with. While some
       seems like an understatement.             barriers to trade have been reduced
       It consists of over 17,000                by deregulation, foreign exporters can
islands, spans three time zones and              still face complex time-consuming
covers an area of 8 million square               bureaucracy. But for the forward
kilometres – 80% of which is sea.                thinking exporter, this is a market worth
Around 6,000 islands are inhabited,              pursuing. It has demonstrated solid
leading to a multiplicity of cultural            growth over recent years: a trend that
influences. This fascinating mix is              is set to continue. Already the largest
encapsulated in the country’s national           economy in Southeast Asia, over the
motto ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ – ‘Unity            next decade it is expected to figure in
in diversity’.                                   the world’s top ten.

1. Choose your local agent or distributor carefully.
Foreign companies wishing to sell their          In the event of an early termination of        To do so you will need to obtain a
products or services in Indonesia may            a sole agency distributorship, the new         business permit from the appropriate
find it useful to appoint a local agent or       agent/distributor may be registered with       government agency. In some cases,
distributor. Such an arrangement must            the MOT only after obtaining a ‘clean          several of these agencies may be involved.
be registered with the Ministry of Trade         break letter’ from the previous sole
                                                                                                For instance, various types of local
(MOT), which makes a clear distinction           agent/distributor. For that reason, care
                                                                                                presence are available to foreign
between agents and distributors. An              should be taken in choosing an agent
agent is an intermediary of the foreign          that is suitable for your industry, so it is
principal, while a distributor acts for itself   advisable to do a thorough background          • A Foreign Trade Company
in marketing and selling the principal’s         check on your chosen agent/distributor’s       Representative Office, approved by the
goods and services. The agency/                  previous track record.                         Ministry of Trade (an MOT RO) is
distributorship agreement, notarised by a                                                       relatively simple to set up and can
notary public, and a statement letter from       If you do appoint an agent, they               undertake specific activities on behalf of
the Attache of Trade at the Indonesian           can of course be of great help in              the foreign exporter, such as acting as
Mission in the principal’s country of            navigating Indonesia’s cultural and            an intermediary, handling promotional
origin, are among the documents that             legal complexities. You may want to            activity and market research. However, it
must be submitted to the MOT.                    extend your representation further by          can’t undertake operational activities such
                                                 establishing an office in Indonesia.           as accepting offers, signing contracts and

    Trade successfully with Indonesia Ten important principles                                                                                2
Trade successfully with Indonesia - Ten important principles
• A Foreign Company Representative           • Other types of representative office        foreign-owned PMA company without a
Office from the Investment Coordinating      can be established: some associated           local Indonesian partner, unless stated
Board – the Badan Koordinasi                 with particular trade sectors, such as a      otherwise in the Presidential Regulation
Penanaman Modal (a BKPM RO) can              Foreign Company Construction Service          No. 36 of 2010 - the Negative List of
manage a foreign company’s interests         Provider Representative Office from the       Foreign Investment. A 100% foreign-
and assist in establishing and developing    Ministry of Public Works (MPW RO).            owned PMA company is obliged to sell
its business in Indonesia. The activities                                                  shares to Indonesian investors within
of a BKPM RO are limited to the role         You can go further by establishing            15 years of its inception.
of supervisor, intermediary, coordinator     an Indonesian legal entity, the most
or manager of the foreign company’s          common of which is a penanaman                Each of these arrangements has its
interests but it may not participate         modal asing (PMA) company: a limited          benefits, so seek independent advice
in managing the foreign company or           liability company subject to both             on which would suit your business best.
its branches in Indonesia or generate        Indonesian Foreign Investment Law
revenue from Indonesia, nor can it           and Indonesian Company Law. As a
engage in agreements or transactions         rule, all business sectors are open to
relating to the sale and/or purchase of      foreign investment and foreign investors
goods and services in Indonesia.             may conduct business through a 100%

2. Adapt your business model to suit the market.
Competition for Indonesian business is       Indonesia’s distribution system is
strong, with companies from many other       complex and its poor infrastructure
Asian nations vying for the Indonesian       is something you’ll need to take into
Rupiah.                                      consideration when planning to enter
                                             the market: while it is certainly one
Study consumer preferences and               of the fastest growing economies in
competitive practices and seek advice        Southeast Asia, its infrastructure is still
from your appointed agent. While             one of the worst. The government has
Indonesian consumers are price               announced its intention to invest more
sensitive, there is also a perception that   in infrastructural improvements, which
foreign goods are of a superior quality.     is good news for foreign companies that
                                             can offer related services. However,
Your pricing strategy should take into       until there is substantial improvement,
account warehousing, delivery and            those who simply want to distribute
distribution, and after-sales service.       their goods within this vast country
Also, bear in mind that, although            should factor this potential problem
Indonesia’s middle class is growing          into their plans. Seeking a suitable
fast, average incomes in Indonesia           distribution partner in Indonesia can
are considerably lower than in more          ease the burden, especially as many of
mature markets.                              those distributors can also assist with
                                             issues such as importation and customs

3. Make a name for yourself.
Brand recognition and loyalty are            But tread carefully with your advertising.    before launching an advertising
highly valued in Indonesia. Direct mail      Indonesia is steeped in religion and          campaign there.
marketing is common there, for many          tradition, and many of its people can
types of product and service. Advertising    be sensitive to the graphic elements          As well as giving your brand and
in local media can be effective in those     of advertising that would be more             products a high profile, make sure that
areas of concentrated purchasing power       acceptable in other countries. Take this      your local representatives can provide
like Jakarta and West Java. Television       into consideration and arrange for your       strong sales and after-sales support.
advertising will give national cover,        advertising to be reviewed by native          Indonesians’ brand loyalty can be
reaching most consumers.                     Indonesians beforehand: perhaps focus         established and maintained only if they
                                             groups who can give you feedback              can rely on fast and efficient local service.

Trade successfully with Indonesia Ten important principles                                                                                 3
Trade successfully with Indonesia - Ten important principles
4. Protect your intellectual property
Since the mid 1990s, Indonesia’s               Trade mark registration is on a ‘first-to-
efforts to combat intellectual property        file’ basis, meaning that the first person
theft have made some progress. It has          to file an application will usually have
reformed its laws to bring them in line
with the World Trade Organisations Trade-
                                               priority over the use of that trade mark
                                               in Indonesia. That can cause problems
                                                                                              Apply for trademark
Related Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) agreement, which requires WTO
                                               as there is no requirements for owners
                                               of registered trademarks in Indonesia
                                                                                              registration before you
members’ legal systems to encompass a
stipulated standard of IP protection.
                                               to prove that they are using their
                                               trademarks when registering or renewing
                                                                                              begin to market your
However, the 2012 edition of the US
                                               them. Sometimes the system is abused
                                               as a way of blocking well known foreign        products in Indonesia
Trade Representative’s annual Special 301      trademarks from filing for registration in
report still named Indonesia on its priority   Indonesia. Therefore, it is advisable to
watch list. While praising Indonesia’s         apply for trademark registration before
progress on intellectual property              you begin to market your products in
protection, with rights holders reporting      Indonesia and to make vigorous efforts
good cooperation from the enforcement          to seek trademark protection in the
authorities, the report urged Indonesia to     country. To its credit, Indonesia has
further its efforts to counter piracy and      introduced stricter penalties for trade
counterfeiting. All the more reason for        mark infringement.
foreign exporters to take every measure
available to protect their intellectual        Protection of industrial designs lasts for
property.                                      10 years. Copyright arises automatically
                                               once the product is created in a tangible
In Indonesia, intellectual property rights     form. While registration (with the General
can be registered for patents, trade           Register of Works at the Director General
marks, designs and copyright. This is          of Intellectual Property Rights of the
essential, as registration in your own         Ministry of Law & Human Rights) is not
country won’t protect your rights in           mandatory, it is advisable, as production
Indonesia.                                     of the registration letter can be used as
                                               legal evidence in court if a dispute arises.
There are two forms of patent protection:
normal patents, which have a 20 year
lifespan, and simple patents, i.e if there
is less inventiveness involved in the
product, which have a 10 year lifespan.

5. Don’t forget to factor in import tariffs…
Some products, such as raw materials           countries. Import duties from the
for pharmaceuticals and machinery              ASEAN countries (The Association of
related to the print industry, are free        Southeast Asian Nations) can in
of import tariffs, while others have           general range from 0% to 5%, except
risen markedly: especially on luxury           for products in the exclusion list.
goods and those that may compete
with locally produced goods like               Indonesia also has a number of Free
electronic goods and a range of                Trade Zones (Kawasan Perdagangan
agricultural products, coffee and tea.         Bebas/KPB) which are exempt from
Most Indonesian tariffs are bound              import duty and excise and various
at 40%.                                        import taxes such as VAT. When
                                               supplying to these zones, suppliers
Indonesia has preferential trade               should seek to share in the benefits
relationships with several other               that they offer to importers.

Trade successfully with Indonesia Ten important principles                                                          4
Trade successfully with Indonesia - Ten important principles
6 …and abide by import regulations.
These are quite extensive. You or your
agent must provide pro-forma invoice,
commercial invoice, certificate of origin,
bill of lading, packing list and insurance
certificate. In addition, certificates may
also be required to ensure the required
standard of products like food or
pharmaceuticals. The importer must also
notify Indonesian Customs before arrival of
goods and submit import documentation
electronically. All imported goods must
meet Indonesian labelling regulations in
the Indonesian language or Bahasa

Also, bear in mind that, even when
goods are imported to a Free Trade Zone,
customs audit and penalties still apply.

7. When in Rome (and Jakarta)…
Understanding your customer’s business            relationship building is essential and so
culture is vital, wherever you intend to trade.   that first meeting is just to get to know
In Indonesia, as in many other Southeast
Asian countries, businesses are very
                                                  each other. And secondly, decisions aren’t
                                                  taken quickly in Indonesia: your opposite         Relationship
hierarchical - so entering the meeting room
in order of rank will set the right impression.
                                                  number will not want to give the impression
                                                  that your proposal has not been given full        building is
On the other hand, the room may be empty          consideration. That means that patience is
because, although you’ll be expected to           needed – negotiations can be frustratingly        essential
be punctual for business meetings, your           prolonged. Even insisting on a written
Indonesian host may not be! Always greet          contract may be seen as questioning
your host’s party with a handshake using          your customer’s trust, although they will
your right hand and the words ‘Selamat Pagi’      understand that for you it’s necessary. But
(good morning), ‘Selamat Siang’ (good day)        present it as if it’s a guideline rather than a
or ‘Selamat Malam’ (good evening).                statement of obligations.

As elsewhere in Asia, business cards should       Because of Indonesians’ innate wish to
be presented with care, again using the right     maintain harmony, their response to your
hand, and received with respect. Because          proposal may be indirect: there are many
rank is important, ensure that yours is shown     words in Bahasa Indonesia that appear to say
clearly on your business card.                    ‘Yes’ but actually mean ‘No’. Because the
                                                  nuances of the language are quite subtle, it
At your first business meeting, don’t be          would be advisable to have a fluent Bahasa
surprised if little actual business gets          Indonesia speaker on your meeting team.
done. There are two reasons. Firstly,

Trade successfully with Indonesia Ten important principles                                                         5
8. Resolve any disputes over payment efficiently.
Indonesian contract law is based on          law and in which judges are not bound         Arbitration has more force than mediation
the principles of ‘freedom of contract’.     by precedents, can be slow moving.            – although the process can take longer
While there is no restriction on the         Moreover, usually Indonesian courts do        and be more expensive - and has the
parties electing a foreign governing         not award costs in litigation cases, and      advantage over court proceedings that
law and foreign courts as the dispute        therefore each party is responsible for its   the parties to the dispute have more say
resolution mechanism, a foreign              own legal costs.                              in the procedure and even in the choice
court decision cannot be enforced in                                                       of arbitrator. What’s more, while a court
Indonesia as Indonesia is not a party        There are alternatives to court               decision is open to appeal, an arbitration
to any international convention for the      proceedings, when a dispute arises over       award is final and binding.
recognition and enforcement of foreign       payment for goods and services. Indeed,
court judgements.                            a central feature of Indonesia’s legal        Indonesia is a party to, and has
                                             system is the national ideology of            ratified, the 1958 UN Convention on
If the Indonesian party has assets outside   Pancasila, which calls for consensus rather   the Recognition and Enforcement of
Indonesia, you may consider using foreign    than confrontation. Thus, before a case       Foreign Arbitral Awards (the New York
law and courts as the dispute resolution     goes to court, a judge must be satisfied      Convention). The existence of a valid
mechanism. If a foreign party were to        that the parties have at least tried to       arbitration agreement precludes the right
seek the performance of an Indonesian        resolve their dispute through some form       of the parties to submit a dispute to the
party (in Indonesia) under a foreign         of third party arbitration or mediation.      Indonesian courts. Enforcement of the
court judgement, it would have to file a                                                   arbitral award must be made by way of
new lawsuit in Indonesia at the relevant     Mediation must be undertaken by               an application to the competent district
Indonesian District Court and the foreign    professional/licensed mediators under         court and, in the event of enforcement of
court judgement would then serve as          the supervision of the court. The aim is to   an international arbitration award, to the
evidence in the new case. The Indonesian     reach an amicable settlement and disputes     district court of Central Jakarta.
judge presiding over the case would have     that are mediated are often resolved
the discretion, but not the obligation, to   quickly – but mediation does rely on a        However, in some cases court proceedings
evaluate such a foreign court judgement.     willingness by both parties to reach a        still continue after the arbitration decision
                                             settlement.                                   has been awarded.
It is also worth noting that Indonesia’s
legal system, which is based on civil

9. Don’t lose a valuable customer over a single late payment.
Customers are hard to come by and            in Indonesia can be biased towads
even more so in new markets. So, once        the debtor, expensive and drawn out,
you’ve invested resources in winning a       with no guarantee of success. Atradius
contract, you’ll want your new customer      Collections specialises in amicable out
to become a regular customer. If any         of court settlements wherever possible
payment problems do arise, an amicable       on behalf of their clients and will stay
settlement is therefore far more             in close contact with the debtor, using
advisable than heavy handed recovery         proven negotiation and persuasion
action. Atradius Collections can help.       techniques to convince them to settle
                                             the debt: effectively helping both
Don’t assume that, if you have a             parties to the sales contract. Atradius
retention of title clause in your sales      Collections’ most valuable asset is its
contract, this will be acknowledged          understanding of Indonesian business
by an Indonesian court. Court action         culture and practices.

Trade successfully with Indonesia Ten important principles                                                                                 6
10. Be competitive – but protect your sales.
While you may choose some form of          Our underwriters are expert in ‘reading
payment security within your conditions    between the lines’ of company accounts
of sale, such as Irrevocable Letter of     and often visit the company they are
Credit, remember that you are up against
competition from other suppliers. So
                                           assessing to verify the information
                                           they’ve obtained. They give particular
                                                                                            Expert in ‘reading
offering open account terms and an
attractive credit period will put you at
                                           attention to the riskier trade sectors
                                           like shipping, which is highly capital
                                                                                            between the
an advantage. But that will leave open
the risk of not getting paid – unless
                                           intensive; electronics, where many of
                                           the smaller distribution companies have
                                                                                            lines’ of company
you’re credit insured.                     poor liquidity; and metals, which can
                                           be vulnerable to volatile global market          accounts
Atradius provides protection for           prices.
business-to-business open account
sales to Indonesian companies. What’s
more, in doing we will assess the
creditworthiness of your prospective
customer in Indonesia – something
that you may find hard to do yourself
because of the difficulty of obtaining
financial information on companies

Many opportunities for profitable trade
Having experienced political turmoil       investment in improving the                 although bureaucracy and corruption are
in the late 1990s, Indonesia has now       infrastructure. This trend seems set        still issues. Overall, provided that foreign
achieved stability as the world’s third    to continue, with some forecasters          exporters understand the characteristics
largest democracy after India and the      predicting growth in household              of the markets and take suitable
USA. In recent years, the country has      disposable income and expenditure           precautions to safeguard their sales,
seen economic growth of around 6%          of around 40% between now and               Indonesia promises many opportunities
a year, driven largely by the rise in      2020. The government of President           for profitable trade.
consumer spending by its expanding         Yudhoyono continues to take steps to
middle class and government                liberalise foreign trade along WTO lines,

Trade successfully with Indonesia Ten important principles                                                                            7
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Atradius would like to thank international law firm DLA Piper and Indonesian law firm Ivan
Almaida Baely & Firmansyah for their assistance in compiling this report.

Copyright Atradius NV 2013

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This report is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as a recommendation as to particular transactions, investments or strategies in any
way to any reader. Readers must make their own independent decisions, commercial or otherwise, regarding the information provided. While we have made
every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this report has been obtained from reliable sources, Atradius is not responsible for any errors or
omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this report is provided ’as is’, with no guarantee of completeness,
accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from its use, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event will Atradius, its related
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on the information in this report or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damage

                                                                                                                   Atradius Credit Insurance N.V
                                                                                                      David Ricardostraat 1 · 1066 JS Amsterdam
                                                                                                            P.O. Box 8982 · 1006 JD Amsterdam
                                                                                                                                 The Netherlands
                                                                                                                    Telephone: +31 20 553 9111
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