Tracking the Toll of Kidney Disease

Page created by Greg Benson

Tracking the Toll of Kidney Disease

Anushree C. Shirali* and Daniel R. Goldstein†
Divisions of *Nephrology and †Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New
Haven, Connecticut

Since the discovery of the Toll-like receptors and their crucial role as modulators of         sponse to viral infection, express TLR7
innate immunity, there has been increasing appreciation of their role in human                 and 9 but not other TLR.6 In the kidney,
health and disease. Toll-like receptor signaling is critical in defending against              tubular epithelial cells and mesangial
invading microorganisms, but sustained receptor activation is also implicated in the           cells express TLR 1 through 4 and 6.7,8
pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. Here we review the role of Toll-like recep-             Data on TLR expression in podocytes
tors and their endogenous ligands in various renal diseases, particularly their                and other glomerular components are
activation in the inflammatory response of ischemic kidney injury, organ transplan-            sparse, although a recent study found
tation, and immune-mediated glomerulonephritis.                                                constitutive TLR2 staining in glomerular
                                                                                               capillary endothelial cells.9 Most TLR re-
J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1444 –1450, 2008. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2008010123
                                                                                               side on the cell surface, except TLR 3 and
                                                                                               7 through 9, which are found intracellu-
                                                                                               larly to encounter ligands in endosomes
The Toll-like receptors (TLR) were dis-          TLR: STRUCTURE, EXPRESSION,                   or lysosomes.3 Thus, by achieving wide
covered more than a decade ago as senti-         AND SIGNALING PATHWAYS                        distribution in different tissues, cells, and
nel receptors for the mammalian innate                                                         subcellular compartments, TLR are ex-
immune system.1 TLR are among a                  TLR are mammalian homologues of the           ceptionally well-positioned sentinels
growing number of receptors that recog-          Toll receptor, first described in Drosoph-    against invading pathogens.
nize pathogen-associated molecular pat-          ila as playing a critical role in embryo-         The cytosolic domains of TLR recruit
terns as infectious non-self ligands and,        genesis and antifungal immunity.1 At          adaptor proteins and initiate signaling
in response, ignite an inflammatory cas-         present, 11 human and 13 mouse TLR            pathways in response to ligand binding
cade that includes activation and matu-          have been identified,3 and all are struc-     (Figure 1). Five adaptor proteins have
ration of dendritic cells (DC), the most         turally similar to the Toll receptor, high-   been discovered: Myeloid differentiation
potent antigen-presenting cells of innate        lighting in terms of evolution that this is   factor 88 (MyD88), MyD88 adaptor–like
immunity.2 TLR-activated DC induce               an ancient system for immune protec-          (MAL; also known as TIRAP), TIR-do-
naive T lymphocytes to mature into an-           tion. TLR are type I integral membrane        main-containing adaptor protein–in-
tigen-specific effector T cells, particu-        glycoproteins. They contain a cytoplas-       ducing IFN-␤ (TRIF; also known as TI-
larly of the Th1 lineage.2 Thus, TLR             mic domain named the Toll/IL-1R (TIR)         CAM1), TRIF-related adaptor molecule
link innate and adaptive immune re-              domain because of sequence homology           (TRAM; also known as TICAM2), and
sponses, both of which are critical to           with the IL-1 receptor (IL-1R).4 The ex-      sterile ␣- and armadillo motif– contain-
host defense against pathogens. TLR              tracellular portion of TLR contains           ing protein.10 All TLR use the MyD88
are also implicated in the pathogenesis          unique tandem areas of leucine-rich re-       pathway, except TLR3, which signals
of several inflammatory diseases, in-            peats in contrast to the Ig-like regions
cluding kidney diseases. In particular,          found in the IL-1R.4
increasing evidence suggests that endog-             TLR are found on a variety of cell        Published online ahead of print. Publication date
                                                                                               available at
enous ligands activate TLR, resulting in         types, including epithelial cells, endothe-
the antigen-independent inflammation             lia, DC, monocytes/macrophages, and B         Correspondence: Dr. Daniel R. Goldstein, 333 Ce-
                                                                                               dar Street, 3 FMP, P.O. Box 208017, New Haven, CT
that accompanies ischemic acute kidney           and T cells.5 One particular cell type may    06520-8018. Phone: 203-785-3271; Fax: 203-785-
injury (AKI), solid organ transplant re-         express only a limited number of TLR.5        7567; E-mail:
jection, and immune-mediated glomer-             For example, plasmacytoid DC, special-        Copyright 䊚 2008 by the American Society of
ulonephritis.                                    ized DC that secrete type I IFN in re-        Nephrology

1444         ISSN : 1046-6673/1908-1444                                                                  J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1444–1450, 2008    BRIEF REVIEW

                                                          Flagellin                                                         el.15 As demonstrated by Cunningham et
                                                                         LPS                                                al.,15 this is a systemic effect. Kidneys
                                                                                                                            from wild-type mice transplanted into
                                                                                                                            TLR4⫺/⫺ recipients resisted LPS-in-
                                                TLR6                         TLR4
                                                          MyD88       TIRAP TRAM
                         TIRAP                                        MyD88    TRIF                                         duced AKI, whereas TLR4⫺/⫺ kidneys
                                                                                                                            transplanted into wild-type recipients
                                                                                                                            sustained severe AKI triggered by LPS.
                          TLR7/8                                                             TLR3
                                                                 NF-kΒ                TRIF                                      The identity of TLR agonists has

                 ssRNA                                                                                                      grown to include endogenous ligands
                  dsDNA    TLR9                  IRF5/7                             IRF3
                                                                                                                            (Table 1) such as heat-shock proteins
                (e.g. CpG)                                                                      ENDOSOME                    (HSP), high mobility box group 1
                 ENDOSOME                            NUCLEUS
                                                                                                                            (HMGB1) nuclear protein, and hyaluro-
                                                                                                                            nan (HA).5,12,13 Although there is con-
                                          IFN-α/IFN-β,        Inflammatory      IFN-β, IFN
                                                                                                                            cern that microbial contamination may
                                          IFN inducible         cytokines,       inducible                                  be a confounding factor,16 the weight of
                                             genes             chemokines          genes
                                                                                                                            experimental evidence supports that
                         Figure 1. TLR and their major signal adaptors.                                                     these molecules activate TLR. Although
                                                                                                                            this presents a paradigm shift in the tra-
through TRIF. TLR2 and TLR4 recruit                                   sponses, all of which support a robust in-            ditional concept of immune surveillance
MyD88 through MAL/TIRAP, whereas                                      nate immune response and subsequently                 as self/non-self discrimination (the
TLR4 also engages TRIF through                                        shape adaptive immunity.                              “stranger” hypothesis), it more readily
TRAM.10 Once stimulated, the MyD88-                                                                                         explains a role for the innate immune
dependent pathway leads to activation of                                                                                    system in AKI, organ transplantation,
the NF-␬B, mitogen-activated protein                                  TLR: LIGANDS SIGNAL                                   and autoimmune disease, as Matzinger17
kinase, and IFN regulatory factor path-                               “STRANGER” AND “DANGER”                               proposed in the “danger” model. Con-
ways of inflammation, cell growth, and                                                                                      cerning AKI and organ transplantation,
differentiation.10 The TRIF-dependent                                 TLR respond to a variety of activators                these models support the idea that anti-
pathway also activates NF-␬B with de-                                 (Table 1), including DNA, RNA, lipids,                gen-independent injury, such as isch-
layed kinetics and additionally induces                               and peptide products from bacteria, vi-               emia reperfusion or vessel attachment of
IFN regulatory factor 3, a transcription                              ruses, fungi, and synthetically derived               ischemic allografts, initiates a common
factor necessary for production of type I                             compounds.5,12,13 Among the best char-                pathway of innate immune activation
IFN.11 TLR 1, 2, and 6 contain a phos-                                acterized ligands, LPS is the cell wall               and inflammation.
phatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) binding                              component of Gram-negative bacteria
motif11 and activate NF-␬B through                                    that plays a prominent role in the patho-
PI3K independent of MyD88. Thus, de-                                  genesis of sepsis.14 LPS activates TLR4,              ENDOGENOUS LIGANDS IN
pending on the specific combinations of                               and this interaction contributes to the               ISCHEMIA REPERFUSION INJURY
TLR ligand, cell type, receptor, and adap-                            inflammation that characterizes LPS-in-
tor protein, different signaling cascades                             duced AKI, as defined by elevated blood               Ischemia reperfusion injury is a complex
result in a diverse range of cellular re-                             urea nitrogen (BUN) in a murine mod-                  pathophysiologic process that occurs

Table 1. TLR and a representative list of known exogenous and endogenous TLR agonists5,12,13
                                                    Exogenous                                                                  Endogenous
TLR1 ⫹ TLR2               Triacyl lipopeptides, lipoarabinomannan
TLR2                      Peptidoglycan, zymosan                                                    HSP 70, HMGB1, HA
TLR2 ⫹ TLR6               Diacyl lipopeptides, lipoteichoic acid
TLR3                      dsRNA, siRNA                                                              mRNA
TLR4                      LPS, peptidoglycan, taxol                                                 Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein, HA, HMGB1, heparan sulfate, fibronectin
                                                                                                      domain A, surfactant protein A, modified LDL
TLR5                      Flagellin
TLR7                      ssRNA, imiquimod                                                          RNA
TLR8                      ssRNA
TLR9                      CpG DNA (dsDNA)                                                           Chromatin complex
TLR10                     Unknown
TLR11                     Profilin-like molecule

J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1444 –1450, 2008                                                                                                 TLR and Kidney Disease      1445

when blood flow is restored to ischemic               HMGB1 is another endogenous mol-          of Bowman’s capsule. During unilateral
tissues. It occurs with profound hypovo-          ecule increasingly implicated in ischemia     ischemia, expression of both TLR rapidly
lemia, sepsis, and transplantation of vas-        reperfusion injury. HMGB1 is a highly         increased in ischemic kidneys, up to
cularized allografts. Ischemia reperfu-           conserved nuclear protein that binds          four- to five-fold over basal levels at 5 d
sion injury leads to poor clinical                DNA and facilitates interactions between      after ischemia, especially in distal tubular
outcomes, for example, the association            DNA and nuclear proteins, which regu-         epithelia.30 Leemans et al.31 explored the
of delayed graft function and allograft re-       late transcription.26 It is released during   functional significance of these findings
jection with prolonged cold ischemia              cell necrosis and binds to the receptor for   by comparing bilateral kidney ischemia
time. Renal ischemia reperfusion injury           advanced glycation end products, TLR2,        reperfusion injury in TLR2 null mice ver-
is associated with an influx of neutro-           and TLR4. In addition, HMGB1 is re-           sus wild-type mice and found that isch-
phils, macrophages, and T cells, which            leased during late phases of LPS-induced      emia-induced renal dysfunction, as as-
cause inflammation and lead to chronic            septic shock in mice and is present in pa-    sessed by BUN/Cr and histologic
renal dysfunction.18 Various endoge-              tients with sepsis.27 Moreover, adminis-      evidence of acute tubular necrosis, was
nous ligands are implicated as mediators          tration of anti-HMGB1 antibodies pro-         TLR2 dependent. Experiments with
of this process.16,19 Table 1 lists several of    tects against lethality from established      bone marrow chimeras demonstrates
these substances, including two exten-            endotoxemia.26 Recent studies found           that TLR2 expression in renal paren-
sively studied ligands: HA and HMGB1.             that HMGB1 plays a central role in me-        chyma mediates inflammation in this ex-
    HA is a glycosaminoglycan compo-              diating the inflammatory response to          perimental model.31
nent of the extracellular matrix and is           ischemia reperfusion injury, particularly         Within the past year, the role of other
abundantly present in the renal me-               in models of liver ischemia. The Billiar      TLR as well as TLR adaptor proteins has
dulla.20 HA is the major ligand for CD44,         laboratory demonstrated the expression        been investigated during renal ischemia.
a transmembrane glycoprotein receptor,            of HMGB1 increases in murine livers           One study found that bilateral renal isch-
but studies suggest HA also transduces            soon after ischemia reperfusion injury        emia reperfusion injury in TLR2⫺/⫺
inflammatory signals through TLR2                 and remains elevated up to 24 h.28 In         mice resulted in less renal impairment
alone or in synergy with TLR4.21 A recent         vitro studies with cultured hepatocytes       than in wild-type mice but through
review21 discussed HA in depth, including         found hypoxia was sufficient to stimulate     MyD88-independent mechanisms.9 This
its role as an innate immune activator.           HMGB1 upregulation.28 Use of a neu-           suggests involvement of MyD88-inde-
    Studies of murine models reported             tralizing antibody against HMGB1 after        pendent pathways for TLR2 signaling ac-
increased renal expression of HA as               ischemia reperfusion injury decreased         tivated by kidney ischemia reperfusion
well as the HA receptor, CD44, after              local TNF-␣ and IL-6 production and af-       injury, through either PI3K or TIRAP.
kidney ischemia reperfusion injury.22,23          forded protection of liver function, as       Wu et al.29 suggested that TLR4 also par-
HA-CD44 interactions are critical for in-         shown by decreased serum alanine ami-         ticipates in ischemia-induced inflamma-
flammation induced by renal ischemia.             notransferase levels.28 HMGB1 uses TLR        tion. In an in vivo model of renal isch-
Rouschop et al.24 demonstrated that 24 h          signaling in mediating hepatic ischemia       emia reperfusion injury, the authors
after bilateral kidney ischemia reperfu-          reperfusion injury; TLR4 knockout mice        demonstrated that TLR4⫺/⫺ mice had
sion injury, CD44⫺/⫺ mice had better re-          were resistant to the effects of the anti-    lower creatinine levels, less histologic ev-
nal function, as measured by BUN and              HMGB1 antibody. Whether HMGB1 is              idence of tubular injury, and decreased
creatinine (BUN/Cr) levels, and less his-         an endogenous ligand activating innate        neutrophil influx compared with wild-
tologic evidence of tubular necrosis              immune signaling during kidney isch-          type controls at several time points after
and brush border loss compared with               emia reperfusion injury is unclear, al-       renal ischemia.29 Studies with bone mar-
wild-type mice. Renal inflammation was            though a recent study reported increased      row chimeric mice confirmed that TLR4
also abrogated without CD44, because              renal HMGB1 expression after kidney           signaling on renal parenchyma is neces-
CD44⫺/⫺ mice had decreased infiltra-              ischemia.29                                   sary for the complete pathologic profile
tion of neutrophils compared with wild-                                                         of ischemia reperfusion injury.29 In con-
type mice. This effect is independent of                                                        trast to the previous study,9 MyD88⫺/⫺
cytokine and chemokine levels. Interest-          TLR SIGNALING IN AKI                          mice in this model of ischemia reperfu-
ingly, although mutant mice displayed                                                           sion injury have a similar phenotype
decreased inflammation, they also dis-            Several reports in the past few years pro-    of renal function and tubular injury as
played a slower tempo of neutrophil               posed a role for TLR signaling in isch-       TLR4⫺/⫺ mice.29 Furthermore, renal ex-
clearance compared with wild-type                 emic kidney injury. Using in situ hybrid-     pression of several endogenous ligands
mice.24 Perhaps CD44 plays a role in              ization, Wolfs et al.30 found that TLR2       increases after ischemia reperfusion in-
clearing renal inflammation in later              and TLR4 are constitutively expressed in      jury, including biglycan, HMGB1, and
stages of ischemia reperfusion injury, as         healthy, wild-type murine kidneys, pri-       HA, but not HSP 70,29 but there were no
had been demonstrated in an experiment            marily in proximal and distal tubule ep-      mechanistic data linking the release of
model of acute lung injury.25                     ithelial cells (TEC) and in the epithelium    these ligands to the altered phenotype

1446         Journal of the American Society of Nephrology                                              J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1444 –1450, 2008    BRIEF REVIEW

seen without TLR4. Clearly, this is an        models without MyD88 signaling.40              9, which recognize nucleic acids (Table
area that merits further investigation.       TLR-dependent MyD88 signaling im-              1), in mediating the inflammatory re-
                                              pairs the induction of transplantation         sponse in autoimmune disease. Mar-
                                              tolerance.41 In this work, MyD88 signal-       shak-Rothstein’s46,47 seminal work in
INNATE IMMUNE ACTIVATION IN                   ing activates inflammatory responses by        murine models of systemic autoimmune
ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION                         DC during transplantation, which subse-        disease established in vitro that self-
                                              quently primes alloreactive T cells.41         IgG2a antibodies complex with chroma-
Experimental and clinical evidence sug-       These primed T cells are resistant to the      tin or RNA autoantigens to stimulate B
gests an association between endogenous       immunoregulatory properties of regula-         cell proliferation and autoantibody for-
ligands and allograft rejection.20,32,33 We   tory T cells. Similar findings have been       mation through sequential engagement
previously hypothesized that antigen-in-      found in other studies.42,43 In summary,       of the B cell receptor and TLR9 or TLR7,
dependent ischemia reperfusion injury         multiple innate immune pathways—               respectively; however, Patole et al.48
after organ implantation would release        TLR dependent/MyD88 independent                found that in vitro binding of synthetic
innate immune ligands, and this would         and/or non-TLR pathways—are neces-             dsRNA to TLR3 failed to activate B cells
initiate TLR signaling on either host or      sary for acute allograft rejection; how-       and produce anti-DNA antibodies. To
recipient DC, leading to DC maturation        ever, MyD88 signaling inhibits the in-         clarify the role of TLR in autoimmunity,
and priming of alloimmune responses.          duction of transplantation tolerance.          subsequent studies have investigated the
In testing this hypothesis in a murine mi-        We also investigated the role of en-       in vivo importance of TLR for autoim-
nor mismatch (H-Y) skin allograft             dogenous ligands in organ transplanta-         mune disease.
model, we found that acute allograft re-      tion. There is no increase in levels of HSP        Christensen et al.49,50 backcrossed
jection depended on MyD88 signaling.34        70 in fully mismatched skin grafts under-      Fas-deficient MRL/Mplpr/lpr (MRL/lpr)
Specifically, MyD88⫺/⫺ females were           going acute rejection44; however, in the       mice, an accepted murine model of ge-
unable to reject skin grafts from             H-Y–incompatible murine skin graft             netic susceptibility to SLE characterized
MyD88⫺/⫺ males, whereas rejection was         model, HA levels were increased during         by spontaneous development of an SLE-
preserved in wild-type controls.34 In ad-     acute rejection.45 We also found in-           like syndrome and immune complex glo-
dition, MyD88⫺/⫺ mice displayed re-           creased levels of HA in the bronchial la-      merulonephritis, to TLR3⫺/⫺, TLR7⫺/⫺,
duced numbers of mature DC in drain-          vage fluid of lung transplant recipients       and TLR9⫺/⫺ mice. They found that TLR9
ing lymph nodes after transplantation,        with clinical evidence of rejection com-       but not TLR3 is required for DNA or chro-
suggesting the defective alloimmune re-       pared with patients who remained free of       matin autoantibody production.49,50 In the
sponse in MyD88⫺/⫺ mice occurs in the         rejection.45 In vitro studies showed that      absence of TLR9, MRL/lpr mice shift their
initiation phase of the immune response       stimulation of DC with proinflamma-            autoantibody repertoire, with nuclear
to transplantation.34 Lack of MyD88 sig-      tory low molecular weight HA fragments         staining patterns suggestive of increased
naling also leads to defective CD8 alloim-    leads to DC maturation, including up-          anti-RNA antibodies.50 In contrast,
mune priming and Th1 alloimmune re-           regulation of co-stimulatory molecules         MRL/lpr mice crossed to a TLR7⫺/⫺
sponses.34 The identity of the upstream       CD40, CD86, and CCR7 and production            background lack antibodies directed
TLR that initiate MyD88 signaling is not      of TNF-␣.45 Interestingly, although HA-        against RNA autoantigens but have in-
clear, although we did find that TLR2⫺/⫺      induced TNF-␣ production is MyD88              tact anti-DNA antibodies.50 Despite the
mice have a delayed tempo of graft rejec-     dependent, upregulation of co-stimula-         antibody profiles, clinical disease activ-
tion,34 whereas, in agreement with other      tory molecules is MyD88 independent            ity diverges with TLR7 versus TLR9 defi-
reports of a skin allograft model,35 TLR4     and depends on TIRAP signaling.45 The          ciency. Lupus-prone, TLR7-deficient
did not play a significant role. Perhaps      in vivo importance of TIRAP signaling to       mice display fewer skin lesions and have
multiple TLR act in concert to deliver the    transplantation is unclear.                    modestly less renal disease, as defined by
immune response in clinical organ trans-                                                     a composite score of glomerular lesions
plantation. Alternatively, LPS contami-                                                      and interstitial infiltrates, than TLR7-
nation during organ transplantation in        TLR INVOLVEMENT IN                             sufficient control MRL/lpr mice.50 In
humans may be a confounding factor.36         AUTOIMMUNE                                     contrast, TLR9 deficiency increases dis-
Indeed, clinical studies of renal37,38 or     GLOMERULONEPHRITIS                             ease activity in MRL/lpr mice, with mice
lung transplant recipients39 with hypore-                                                    displaying more severe skin lesions and
sponsive TLR4 polymorphisms have de-          Many of the autoantibodies used clini-         greater scoring for glomerular and inter-
creased acute allograft rejection rates.      cally as markers of autoimmune disease         stitial renal lesions compared with wild-
    In subsequent studies, we determined      activity, particularly in systemic lupus er-   type littermates. These findings correlate
that MyD88 signaling is not critical for      ythematosus (SLE), target nucleic acids        with distinct differences in immune ac-
rejection of fully allogeneic skin or car-    and their associated substructures. This       tivity,50 because immune cells from
diac allografts, although Th1 alloim-         clinical observation supports an involve-      MRL/lpr TLR7⫺/⫺ mice, including T
mune responses are decreased in these         ment for TLR, particularly TLR 3, 7, and       cells, B cells, and plasmacytoid DC have

J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1444 –1450, 2008                                                                 TLR and Kidney Disease      1447

an immature phenotype, whereas the               tion of IFN-␣ and other proinflamma-                           ulonephritis in susceptible individu-
same cells in MRL/lpr TLR9⫺/⫺ mice,              tory cytokines in human plasmacytoid                           als.62 Because TLR mediate immune
particularly plasmacytoid DC, have an            DC activated by TLR9 agonists. Tian et                         responses against both infection and in-
activated phenotype. Taken together,             al.58 found opposite results in a similar                      jury, they may prove useful targets in
these results suggest in experimental SLE        study in mice with purified HMGB1                              modulating immune activation in sev-
that TLR7 promotes whereas TLR9                  complexing with CpG oligonucleotides                           eral models of glomerulonephritis.
dampens inflammation in target organs,           and stimulating enhanced inflammatory
including the kidney. In partial agree-          cytokine production through TLR9-
ment with this finding, Pawar et al.51           MyD88 and receptor for advanced gly-                           CONCLUSIONS
found that inhibitory synthetic oligode-         cation end products– dependent path-
oxynucleotides with immunoregulatory             ways.                                                          Experimental and clinical evidence sup-
sequences specific for TLR7 decrease in-             Although these studies showed con-                         ports the involvement of TLR in devel-
terstitial and glomerular injury in MRL/         trasting results, both studies suggested                       opment of kidney diseases, including
lpr mice. Dual inhibition of TLR7 and            that cross-talk between endogenous li-                         AKI, transplant rejection, and autoim-
TLR9 by a different immunoregulatory             gands modulates TLR9 responses. TLR                            mune glomerulonephritis. Although
sequence do not have an additive reno-           function in such an interlinked system to                      these pathologic states are diverse, they
protective role but do not abrogate the          maintain tissue homeostasis after injury                       share a common pathway of TLR activa-
protection afforded by lone TLR7 block-          by allowing effector mechanisms of in-                         tion that begins with tissue injury. In this
ade, either.                                     flammation and repair while avoiding                           model (Figure 2), various forms of renal
   The increased numbers of activated            loss of self-tolerance to neoantigens cre-                     injury, including ischemia reperfusion
plasmacytoid DC in TLR9⫺/⫺ MLR/lpr               ated by the same mechanisms. Under-                            injury and immune complex deposition,
mice partly explain the results by Chris-        standing the pathways that govern these                        induce the release of endogenous ligands
tensen et al.50 Plasmacytoid DC secrete          systems is critical in determining safe and                    to activate TLR. As a result, an adaptive
type I IFN in response to immune com-            effective therapeutics for lupus and lu-                       immune response is primed, culminat-
plexes containing either RNA or DNA,             pus-associated kidney disease.                                 ing in robust effector cell responses that
although IFN-␣ responses to RNA are                  Several laboratories point to the impor-                   cause renal inflammation. With con-
more robust.6,52 Indeed, TLR9⫺/⫺ mice            tance of TLR signaling in models of glo-                       trolled inflammatory signals, the kidney
have higher serum levels of IFN-␣ com-           merulonephritis besides lupus nephritis. In                    undergoes repair and recovers function;
pared with wild-type controls.50 Clini-          particular, Brown et al. found that both ac-                   however, with unresolved inflammation,
cally, higher levels of type 1 IFN correlate     tivation of TLR259,60 and TLR461 in a mu-                      TLR activation persists, resulting in a cy-
with progression and severity of disease,        rine model of crescentic glomerulonephri-                      cle of chronic renal injury, inflamma-
including renal manifestations.53 Per-           tis induced by an anti-mouse glomerular                        tion, and dysfunction. Further studies
haps the shift in RNA-specific antibodies        basement membrane antibody exacer-                             are needed to determine how the im-
in TLR9⫺/⫺ animals induces stronger              bated the severity of nephritis. These                         mune system modulates TLR activation
type I IFN responses and more severe             studies are particularly interesting be-                       to maintain the balance between tissue
disease. Clearly, downstream effects of          cause of the known clinical association                        repair and injury. Such lines of investiga-
TLR signaling in immune cell subsets             between infection and subsequent de-                           tions may lead to novel therapeutics for
and their specific effects on renal pathol-      velopment or exacerbation of glomer-                           kidney diseases.
ogy in lupus are potential areas of inves-
   The studies by Christensen et al.50                       ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY                           Release of
contrast with earlier in vitro52 and in                       Ischemia,          Ischemia                 endogenous
                                                                                                            ligands       activation
vivo54,55 studies supporting an immuno-                     nephrotoxic ?
stimulatory role of TLR9 agonists in
                                                                Organ          Ischemia         Renal                                  Priming of adaptive
MRL/lpr mice. The in vivo findings by                       transplantation   reperfusion       injury                                 immune response
Christensen et al.,50 confirmed by other                                         Immune
reports,56 clearly indicate TLR9 interac-                     Systemic          deposition
                                                             autoimmune                                                      Renal
tions are more complex than previously                         disease          Infections,
                                                                              other triggers?                            inflammation
thought. Emerging data suggest TLR9                                                                    Sustained
                                                                                                       S    t i d                                 Dampened
                                                                                                inflammatory triggers/                      inflammatory triggers/
activation on plasmacytoid DC by nu-                                                             defective clearance                             clearance of

cleic acids and subsequent IFN-␣ pro-                                                               of inflammation                              inflammation

                                                                    Acute rejection   Graft dysfunction          CKD                    Repair and
duction is regulated by endogenous li-                                             AKI Renal fibrosis            CKD                     recovery
gands other than nucleic acids.
Popovic et al.57 found that recombi-             Figure 2. Role of TLR in the cycle of renal injury induced by ischemia, organ transplan-
nant HMGB1 inhibits in vitro produc-             tation, or autoimmunity. AKI, active kidney disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease.

1448        Journal of the American Society of Nephrology                                                                  J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1444 –1450, 2008       BRIEF REVIEW

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