Page created by Nicholas Moody
                                   PARKS COMMISSION

                                      February 9, 2022

The Cranbury Township Parks Commission Meeting was held on February 9, 2022 at 9:15 a.m.
by remote access videoconferencing in response to COVlD-19 and the updated Open Public
Meetings Act guidelines.
With a quorum present, Ms. O’Grady called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m., and Ms. Golisano
acted as Recording Secretary of the meeting.
 Pursuant to the Sunshine Law, adequate notice in accordance with the Open Public Meetings
Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6) was provided on January 5, 2022 of this meeting’s date, time and place, and
the agenda was communicated to the news media, posted on the Township bulletin board, mailed
to those requesting personal notice, and filed with the Municipal Clerk.
Robert Bolger, Robert Briggs, Joann Charwin, Brendan Hanson, Kellie Lavery, Stacy Noonan,
Sally O’Grady and Terri Morrow were present. Adam Knierim was excused.
Volunteer hours since the January Parks Meeting to present, including 1.5 hours for today’s
meeting, are: Mr. Bolger – 3.5; Dr. Briggs – 3.5; Ms. Charwin – 3.5; Mr. Hanson – 2.5; Ms. Lavery
– 16.5; Ms. Morrow - 2.5; Ms. Noonan – 5.5; and Ms. O’Grady – 15.5.

Eman El-Badawi, Township Committee Liaison

The January 12th Minutes were reviewed by the members. On a motion by Ms. O’Grady,
seconded by Ms. Lavery, the January Minutes were approved by a voice vote of all members
present at the meeting.
Ms. O’Grady announced the order of the Agenda was being changed.
Celebration of Wind Sculptures – Ms. Lavery updated members on the Arts in the Park event
scheduled for April 3 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. She reported she reached out to other Boards and
Commissions, the Police Department, EMTs, Fire Department and outside organizations.
Responses to participate include the Woman’s Club, the Historical Society, the Cranbury Library,
the Girl Scouts, Lightening Lacrosse, Shade Tree Commission and the Municipal Alliance. Ms.
Morrow inquired if the Lions Club had been contacted, and Ms. O’Grady suggested contacting
Home Depot and Amazon to possibly contribute to the event. Ms. O’Grady stated organizations
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should come early to set up and then move cars from the park area. Ms. Noonan suggested the
Arts Council set up art in the Parsonage Barn, and Ms. O’Grady stated, weather permitting, it
would be nice to have the art in Heritage Park.

Ms. El-Badawi reported the Township Committee is very excited about the event being the kickoff
event for the 325th Anniversary of Cranbury Township. She suggested Ms. Lavery reach out to
the clergy in town to see if they would like to participate.

Parks Inventory – 2022 Commissioner Assignments – Members discussed and agreed to the
following park assignments:

   Village Park – Adam Knierim, Bob Bolger, Bob Briggs
   Heritage Park – Sally O’Grady, Adam Knierim, Stacy Noonan
   Memorial Park – Joann Charwin and Terri Morrow
   Millstone Park – Kellie Lavery, Terri Morrow, Brendan Hanson
   Cranbury Brook Preserve – Terri Morrow, Stacy Noonan
   Barn Park – Sally O’Grady and Bob Bolger
   Reinhardt Preserve – Bob Briggs and Kellie Lavery
   Hagerty Property/Fisher Preserve (Pin Oaks Trail) – Bob Bolger and Bob Briggs
   Town Center – Joann Charwin and Adam Knierim
   Unami Woods/Cranbury Brook Trail – Sally O’Grady and Stacy Noonan
   Shadow Oaks/Millstone Easement – Brendan Hanson and Kellie Lavery

Budget Update – Ms. O’Grady reported the following from the Budget Meeting:
   • Township Committee approved the budget for the survey and walking trail in Village Park,
      to also include survey of Heritage Park’s walking path low spots.
   • $500 for beautification of parks approved.
   • Bicycle racks approved for Millstone, Heritage and Village Parks.
   • Water Fountain/Bottle Refilling stations approved for Millstone, Heritage and Village
   • Pavers for under picnic tables were not approved. TC was concerned pavers would be
      difficult for DPW to maintain.
   • Interactive Art in the Park (chess tables at Library site) was not approved since
      construction is still underway. Interactive Art in the Park will be requested again for next
      year’s budget.

Ms. O’Grady reported that 307 volunteer hours were logged in by Parks members in 2021.

Grants – Ms. El-Badawi reported the Township now has a grant writer, Lori Thompson, who will
seek grants that may apply to the Parks Commission, such as park equipment, walking paths and
interactive art in the parks. Ms. O’Grady has been in contact with Ms. Thompson, and suggested
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members provide ideas for grants. A grant has a better chance of being approved if it can be tied
to Sustainable Jersey. Ms. O’Grady used the example that perhaps the water fountain/bottle
fillers could have been obtained by a grant if a small Sustainable Jersey sign was attached stating
“How many years does it take to break down a water bottle?” Ms. Charwin and Ms. Noonan will
research inclusive handicapped equipment for the parks that may be eligible for grants.

Old Cranbury Road Path – Ms. O’Grady stated the stone path is being overtaken by grass/weeds.
Since it is not a Township budget line item, the path will go natural and disappear. Parks would
like to keep it a walking path, and since the path connects Cranbury Housing Associates
affordable housing to the Pin Oaks Preserve, Ms. O’Grady will reach out to CHA to see if there is
interest in maintaining the path.

Village Park
        Updates on the Village Park Walking Trail – Budget for survey and trail has been approved
        by Township Committee. No further updates.
Heritage Park
        Wind Sculptures – Ms. Noonan and Ms. O’Grady will meet Friday morning with Mr. Jerry
        Thorne, Public Works, to mark exact locations for placement of wind sculptures.
        Holiday Tree – Parks will work with Shade Tree concerning the addition of an evergreen
        tree near the sparse evergreen. The Township Committee was concerned if the location
        for the new tree was suitable since the existing tree is not doing well. Parks will coordinate
        with Shade Tree.
        Water Fountain Heads – Ms. El-Badawi suggested Parks offer to DPW solutions to the
        problem of the broken fountain heads. Ms. Noonan and Mr. Bolger will research cages to
        offer protection to the fountain heads.
Memorial Park
        Veterans’ Monument – Dr. Briggs will continue to research adding names to the
        monument. Members discussed the amount of space available and eligibility and the
        problem of setting a precedent by adding names of conflicts. Ms. Charwin and Dr. Briggs
        reported there is some space to add names to the base of the monument. Dr. Briggs will
        contact the engraver to see if adding names is even possible. He will report back at the
        March meeting.
Inclusive Park & Recreational Services for Special Needs Children – Ms. O’Grady reported a letter
was received from Mrs. Christina Mascarenhas Ftikas requesting Parks give consideration to
provide inclusive playground equipment for the Township’s parks. Members were all in
agreement that providing inclusive equipment is a priority of the Parks Commission. Ms. Noonan
and Ms. Charwin will look into the costs of equipment. Ms. Golisano will send the correspondence
to all Parks members.

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Township Committee Report – Ms. El-Badawi stated she covered her items and had nothing
additional to report.
Recreation Commission – Ms. O’Grady invited the Recreation Commission to participate in the
Art in the Park event on April 3rd. She reported a bid opening for Recreation Facilities
Improvements in Village Park was held on February 8th. The bid is to replace the pavement of
the basketball court and the possible addition of one or two volleyball courts.
Environmental Commission – Mr. Hanson reported nothing pertaining to the Parks Commission
was discussed at the meeting,
Shade Tree Commission – Ms. O’Grady reported there was no update from Shade Tree.
Proposed Eagle Scout Project – Ms. O’Grady reported an Eagle Scout candidate proposed
installing an AED in Village Park as his Eagle Scout Project. Ms. O’Grady voiced her concern
about the monthly maintenance of the AED to the Scout and Scoutmaster, Mr. Tim Brennan, who
agreed with the concern.
Cranbury Brook Preserve – Ms. Noonan reported a large tree was down and blocking the Eagle
Trail. Ms. O’Grady reported her husband cleared three trees off the trail. Members discussed
three bridges that have washed away and are out of place. Also, a new bench was installed;
however, the old debris was not removed. These items will be added to DPW’s list.
Digging at the Lake Dredging Site – Ms. Noonan reported she left messages with the Township
Engineer overseeing the dredging project concerning broken fences and people digging at the
site. Ms. El-Badawi reported Mr. Decker did address the issue at the Township Committee
meeting. She will bring the issue to the Administrator for the police to monitor if people are seen
in the lake bed.
2021 Accomplishments/2022 Goals – Ms. O’Grady attended the Township Committee Meeting
on February 7th to provide the Parks Commission’s 2021 Accomplishments and 2022 Goals. She
reported she added the following accomplishments and goals to the list discussed at the last
Parks meeting from items culled from the 2021 Minutes. Additional items in italics include:
        2021 Accomplishments
                     ▪     Acquisition of interactive art (wind sculptures) for Heritage Park.
                     ▪     Working fountain in Heritage Park through the summer.
                     ▪     Weighed in on Cannabis Ordinance impact on Township parks.
                     ▪     Increased communication and decreased duplication of efforts by having
                           Parks members attend Recreation, Environmental Commission, Shade
                           Tree Commission meetings.
                     ▪     Accepted $850 donation from two Girl Scouts for purchase of ADA picnic
                     ▪     Memorial trees will be planted for Mr. Tom Weidner and Mr. Sal Golisano.
                     ▪     Plantings at Heritage Park sign to obscure electrical unit.
                     ▪     Perennial plants by park signs.
                     ▪     Painted yellow lines at Heritage Park and added signs at parking lot to
                           discourage cars from parking on the grass.
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▪     Added while lines to Heritage Park parking lot thus doubling amount of
                     ▪     Participated in Stream Cleanup.
                     ▪     Created Master Plan for Village Park.
        2022 Goals
                     ▪     Acquire more interactive art for parks (tactile or climbing in addition to
                     ▪     Completion of walking trail in Village Park.
                     ▪     Bike racks for Village, Heritage and Millstone Parks.
                     ▪     Combination water fountain/water bottle refilling stations for Millstone,
                           Village and Heritage Parks.
                     ▪     Plant evergreen tree near sparse tree in Heritage Park.
                     ▪     Be involved in the planning of the library outdoor space (giant chess
                           board/small chess tables).
                     ▪     Continued collaboration with other Township entities.
                     ▪     Plan town-wide Arts in Park event to celebrate the installation of wind
                           sculptures and Cranbury’s 325th Anniversary.
                     ▪     Working with Scouts on projects.
                     ▪     Replace plantings in Lions’ Garden at Millstone Park entrance.
                     ▪     Obtain more inclusive equipment and services in Township parks.
                     ▪     Pavers under memorial bench at Heritage Park.
                     ▪     Place garbage container at Memorial Park.

The next meeting of the Parks Commission will be on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 9:15 a.m.
WHO DOES WHAT BY WHEN – Below is the list for members to follow up:

             Ms. O’Grady
                 1. Attend Recreation Meeting.
                 2. Contact CHA concerning walking trail on Old Cranbury Road.
                 3. Woman’s Club participation at wind sculpture celebration?
             Dr. Briggs
                 1. Continue researching criteria for names for Memorial Monument.
                 2. Research types and cost of bike racks for parks. Coordinate with Cranbury
                     School for types.
             Ms. Noonan
                 1. Research fountain head cages.
             Mr. Bolger
                 1. Research fountain head cages.
             Ms. Charwin
                 1. Research inclusive equipment for parks.
             Ms. Lavery
                 1. Continue working on Wind Structure Celebration.
             Mr. Hanson
                 1. Attend EC Meeting.

             All Members – Ideas for Interactive Art in the Park
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Short List for Public Works
               1. Rototill northwest corner of Heritage Park and plant shade grass seed.
               2. Wind sculpture installation
               3. Replant bushes at Millstone Park Lions’ semicircle.
               4. Move bridges on Eagle Scout Trail to original locations.
               5. Remove broken bench debris from Eagle Scout Trail.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Motion by was made by Ms.
O’Grady, seconded by Mr. Hanson with all in favor to adjourn. The motion was carried.
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the recording Secretary of the Township of
Cranbury Parks Commission and that this document, consisting of six (6) pages, constitutes a
true and correct copy of the minutes of the monthly meeting held on February 9, 2022.

                                                   Jean Golisano
                                                   Jean Golisano
                                                   Board Secretary

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Parks Commission Meeting                                                          February 9, 2022
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