Towards Understanding the Whiplash Condition at 3 Tesla

Towards Understanding the Whiplash Condition at 3 Tesla
Clinical Neurology

Towards Understanding the Whiplash
Condition at 3 Tesla
Elliott JM, PT, Ph.D.1,2; McMahon K, Ph.D.3; Cowin G Ph.D.3; Parrish TB, Ph.D.4
  Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
  School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Division of Physiotherapy, Centre for Clinical Research Excellence
  in Spinal Pain, Injury and Health. The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
  Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
  Department of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

The accurate and consistent radiological            jects with whiplash injury, it is clinically       taken to determine fracture prevalence
observation of head and neck soft-tissue            important that objective and quantifi-             in this population. More importantly,
damage in patients with whiplash inju-              able measures to characterize the whip-            CT is unable to assess soft tissue damage
ries has been largely inconsistent and              lash condition be made available. This is          in the cervical spine and surrounding
highly variable [6, 33, 34, 39, 40, 44].            especially important for the exploration           muscles.
As a result there exists the proposition            and development of more informed treat-            Conventional magnetic resonance imag-
that tissue damage does not, or cannot              ment strategies aimed at retarding if not          ing (MRI) has largely failed to consistently
occur, as a result of a low-speed motor             preventing the expression of persistent            reveal soft-tissue damage in patients
vehicle collision [9]. Engineering appli-           pain for some patients.                            with whiplash, but this may relate to the
cations [26–28, 37, 38, 49] and con-                For many of the laboratory-created                 use of generic clinical protocols (typi-
trolled animal studies [48, 51-53] have             lesions shown to occur in animal and               cally 1.5T and lower) and limitations in
informed us of what can happen to a                 bioengineering models, there are cur-              the resolution. The advent of higher-field
number of vulnerable tissues in the cer-            rently very few, if any, clinical means for        systems (3T and greater) has provided
vical region following whiplash, includ-            their diagnosis available to practicing            a foundation for measuring physiologic
ing the facet capsule, dorsal root gan-             clinicians. Plain films lack sensitivity for       processes that could be associated with
glion and nerve roots [36, 46, 48, 51–53]           ruling out bony lesions and the images             tissue damage. Preliminary MRI evidence
At the forefront of clinical enquiry how-           lack the detail to quantify strained facet         identifying the unique expression of neck
ever, is how to best determine what has             joint capsules and/or tears in discs.              muscle degeneration (fatty infiltrates)
happened to these tissues in patients               Computed tomography (CT) can identify              at 4-weeks post injury in those who tran-
with whiplash injury. Due to the persis-            some cervical spine fractures but rigorous         sit from acute to chronic pain suggests
tent nature of symptoms in some sub-                longitudinal studies have not been under-          that this may be so [12]. Muscle changes

1A                                                  1B                                                 1C

    1 (1A) Localization of SVS for the cervical cord at the C2/3 segmental level with (1B) corresponding metabolic peaks for NAA, Cr, and Cho in
    healthy control and (1C) subject with chronic whiplash (adapted from Elliott et al., Spinal Cord [16]).

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Towards Understanding the Whiplash Condition at 3 Tesla

                                                                                                                                  Neurology Clinical

                 b-value = 0 s/mm2                                   b-value = 50 s/mm2                             b-value = 250 s/mm2

     2A DWI scans of a ROI over the left cervical multifidus muscle (b-values of 0 – 250 s/mm2).

did not occur in patients with lower                 which may be contributing to their pain         ADVANCED shim* WIP that provides a
levels of initial pain or in patients with           and disability.                                 robust and rapid shim map. The typical
chronic non-traumatic neck pain [13]                                                                 shim result is a FWHM of ~15 Hz at 3T,
suggesting traumatic factors play a role             MR Spectroscopy –                               which translates into a metabolite line
in altering the make-up of the neck                  metabolite scale                                width of 6 Hz. The optimized shim is
muscles.                                             Alterations in MR visible metabolites,          achieved by manually setting the shim
We have developed a comprehensive                    such as Lactate (Lac), N-Acetylaspartate        volume to be slightly larger (5 mm in
advanced MR imaging protocol that                    (NAA), Creatine (Cr) and Choline (Cho)          each direction) than the actual acquisi-
assesses the cervical spine at the meta-             have been demonstrated in neurological          tion voxel. Following this acquisition,
bolic, microscopic and macroscopic                   disorders [5, 31] traumatic brain injury        a quick (8 average) acquisition is obtained
level. Furthermore, by applying this pro-            [7], and cervical myelopathy [24] and may       without water suppression to use as a
tocol, in tandem with clinical signs and             have predictive capacity [7]. Our previ-        standard over time, which is helpful with
symptoms, over several weeks, it may be              ous work has reported the presence of           repeated measures. These 30-second
possible to classify which patients are              altered cord biochemistry in a small            spectra assess the total amount of water
at risk for transiting to a persistent pain          sample of patients with chronic whiplash        present and can be used for control over
state. This non-invasive methodology to              related pain and disability [16]. How-          placement of the voxel over time and
quantify several physiologic processes               ever, this study did not resolve the tem-       calculate actual concentration of metab-
may afford clinicians the ability to triage          poral development of these changes or           olites.
their patients with confidence. Further-             if they are unique to those with poor           *Work in progress. This information about this product
more, it may be possible to determine if             functional recovery. Such work is well           is preliminary. The product is under development and
                                                                                                      not commercially available in the U.S., and its future
a person has suffered a traumatic event,             underway.
                                                                                                      availability cannot be ensured.
                                                     The current protocol uses a single voxel
                                                     spectroscopic (SVS) technique to investi-
                                                                                                     Diffusion-weighted imaging
      Table 1: SVS_SE Sequence                       gate the spinal cord at the C2-C3 level.
                                                     Using a high resolution T2 TSE sagittal
                                                                                                     of muscle – microscopic scale
                                                     scan along with the axial and coronal local-    Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of the
                    TR 2000 ms                       izer scans, a long rectangular voxel            muscle system has the potential advan-
                                                     (5 mm x 7 mm x 40 mm) is placed in the          tage over conventional sequences to
                   TE 135 ms                         middle of the cord (Fig. 1). The para-          help uncover the early physiological
                                                     meters are listed in Table 1. The acquisi-      mechanisms underlying the manifesta-
                                                     tion is not cardiac triggered but this is       tion of intra- or inter-muscular fatty
           160 averages with HEP
                                                     possible to reduce movement artifacts           infiltrates. Diffusion properties of water
                                                     induced by CSF flow. We currently are           have been quantified with DWI in many
            coil elements neck 1,2
                                                     using a long TE (135 ms) SVS PRESS              different organ systems (e.g. brain and
                                                     acquisition to reduce the contamination         spinal cord, kidneys, heart, lumbar
             coil elements spine 1
                                                     of short T2 metabolite species as well          intervertebral disc and the prostate) [1,
                                                     as have lactate out of phase with the           2, 29, 22, 25, 30, 35, 43, 17, 18, 47, 3,
                                                     nearby lipid signal. This acquisition is        4, 50]. Normal water diffusion is affected
 Table 1: Parameters for the SVS_SE
 Sequence.                                           5:28 minutes after the voxel has been           by the presence and orientation of phys-
                                                     shimmed properly. We are using the              ical tissue barriers (e.g. cell membranes,

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Towards Understanding the Whiplash Condition at 3 Tesla
Clinical Neurology

2B                                                                                                         proteins, myelin sheaths and/or lipids)
                                                    ADC_WAD                                                [45]. The measure quantifies the micro-
                              50          100           150          200          250           300
                                                                                                           scopic movements of water diffusion
              0                                                                                            via the mean apparent diffusion coeffi-
         - 0,05                                                                                            cient (ADC) [20, 45, 39]. Passive enlarge-
           - 0,1                                                                                           ment of the muscle cell following tissue
                                                                                                           damage may be associated with an
         - 0,15
                                                                                                           increase in ADC [23]. We have shown
           - 0,2
                                                                                                           altered ADC maps for the cervical multi-
         - 0,25
                                                                                                           fidus in a small sample of subjects with
           - 0,3                                                                                           chronic whiplash when compared to
         - 0,35                                                                                            healthy controls [16], suggesting a pas-
                                         b-values (s/mm2)
           - 0,4                                                                                           sive enlargement of the muscle cell (e.g.
                                                                                                           atrophy) (Figs. 2A, B). However, the tem-
                                                                                                           poral development of such changes and
                                                  ADC_Control                                              whether they are unique to those at risk
                              50          100           150          200          250           300        for chronicity is unknown at this stage.
                                                                                                           Such evidence could provide for a sensi-
         - 0,05
                                                                                                           tive indicator of early tissue injury at a
                                                                                                           stage when muscle degeneration remains
          - 0,1                                                                                            potentially salvageable [23, 32]. Thus,
                                                                                                           the potential diagnostic and prognostic
         - 0,15                                                                                            value of in-vivo DWI sequences for
                                                                                                           quantifying the temporal degeneration
          - 0,2                                                                                            of muscle tissue, at a cellular level, in
                                         b-values (s/mm2)                                                  whiplash is clear.
         - 0,25

    2B ADC maps (at 1.5T) for the left cervical multifidus muscle in patients with chronic
    whiplash associated disorders (WAD) and healthy controls [16].                                         imaging parameters:
                                                                                                           The DWI scan uses a spin-echo, echo-
                                                                                                           planar acquisition with an in-plane reso-
                                                                                                           lution of 1.6 mm, a thickness of 5 mm,
                                                                                                           TR 4000 ms and TE 65 ms to reduce arti-
                                                                                                           facts. The acquisition is taken in the
                                                                                                           axial plane using an inversion pulse to
                                                                                                           reduce the signal from fat with a TI of
                                                                                                           160 ms. The diffusion scan is the simple
                                                                                                           3-scan trace acquisition but the number
                                                                                                           of diffusion-weightings is increased to 5.
                                                                                                           The b-values used at 3T are 0, 50, 100,
                                                                                                           200, and 300 s/mm2. This is quite differ-
                                                                                                           ent from brain DWI where a typical
                                                                                                           b-value is 1000 s/mm2. Due to signal-to-
                                                                                                           noise constraints and distortions of the
                                                                                                           signal, the b-values are small. From all of
                                                                                                           the b-value data, trace and ADC images
                                                                                                           are generated for each of the 14 slices in
                                                                                                           7:08 minutes.

                                                                                                           Fat/water imaging –
                                                                                                           macroscopic scale
     3 T1-weighted axial MR image at the C6 vertebral level demonstrating outlined ROIs for
                                                                                                           The demonstration of neck muscle fatty
    the right and left longus colli and the right and left posterior cervical multifidus. Increased
                                                                                                           infiltrates on T1-weighted imaging in
    signal, indicative of fatty infiltration, is noted in both sets of muscles in a subject with chronic
    whiplash associated disorders.                                                                         chronic whiplash (Fig. 3) [11, 14, 15] is
                                                                                                           interesting as such findings were not

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Towards Understanding the Whiplash Condition at 3 Tesla

featured in those with chronic non-trau-        This method has been applied success-
matic neck pain [13] and their expression       fully in the liver and musculoskeletal
(between 4 weeks and 3 months post-             application using an iterative least squares
injury event) on standard T1-weighted           solution called IDEAL [41, 42]. The
images appears unique to only those who         method we have used in the study of
transit [12]. It is postulated that these       whiplash subjects collects 8 different
muscle changes represent one neuro-             echo times sufficiently spaced on the unit
physiologic basis for the transition to         circle to provide adequate phase infor-
chronic pain in this population. While          mation for the variable projection
the mechanisms underlying their tempo-          (VARPRO) algorithm*, generating a glob-
ral development and contribution                ally optimal solution for the water/fat
towards the transition remain unclear,          decomposition [21].                                       4B
it is possible that newer MRI techniques        Saurabh Shah implemented the VARPRO
(MRS and DWI) could help quantify ear-          algorithm and acquisition sequence in
lier physiologic changes at the spinal cord     the Cardiovascular R&D team located at
and muscle cell that may precede observ-        Northwestern University, Chicago, IL,
able muscle changes on T1-weighted              USA. Currently this feature is a WIP at
sequences. An earlier detection of such         syngo MR B17 software (Fig. 4A, B).
mechanisms could prove crucial for              A three-dimension 230 mm field-of-view
identifying the early presence of select        (FOV) axial gradient echo acquisition
biochemical changes in spinal cord metab-       was used to collect the data required for
olism with the attendant later changes          the VARPRO algorithm. The sequence
in muscle physiology and the develop-           parameters are TR 23.81 ms, 8 echo times
ment of chronic pain and disability.            with a spacing of 1.78 ms starting at
                                                1.36 ms. A single slab is placed over the
Fat/water separation                            cervical spine with 36 partitions and a
Several approaches are possible to              partition thickness of 3 mm and slab
measure the water and fat composition           oversampling of 22% to prevent aliasing                     4 ROIs in (4A) fat (VARPRO* based) and (4B)
of a voxel. These include a dual acquisi-       in the 3D direction. The in-plane resolu-                  water for the right cervical multifidus muscle.
tion method, where one image is fat             tion is 1.4 mm using a rectangular                         The ROIs are automatically copied to the same
suppressed [19] (water image) and a stan-       FOV of 75% resulting in an acquisition                     location for both images and relative differences
                                                                                                           (signal loss) between the fat and water images
dard image is collected (fat and water          time of 2:06 minutes.
                                                                                                           can be calculated.
image). The difficulty of this type of acqui-
                                                *Work in progress. This information about this product
sition is that it relies on the uniform fre-
                                                 is preliminary. The product is under development and
quency difference between water and              not commercially available in the U.S., and its future     References
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