Essential Tea Secrets - Best Teas for Your Physical Wellbeing Volume #3

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Essential Tea Secrets - Best Teas for Your Physical Wellbeing Volume #3
Essential Tea Secrets
                   Volume #3

Best Teas for Your Physical Wellbeing
            Copyright © Tarot-n-Tea 2019
Essential Tea Secrets - Best Teas for Your Physical Wellbeing Volume #3
Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

                                Brought to you by

          Our mission is to provide curated Tarot-n-Tea
          experiences through subscription Ritual Tea Boxes
          transforming lives sip by sip, card by card,

Essential Tea Secrets is a Tarot-n-Tea series offering insights and
secrets on how you can get the most of out of your tea ritual through
ancient practices, working with the elements, managing the
fundamentals of the tea ritual, understanding tea and its
components through a Western framework heavily influenced by
the East (those who gifted tea to the rest of the world).

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Essential Tea Secrets - Best Teas for Your Physical Wellbeing Volume #3
Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

       Essential Tea Secrets
                                        Volume #3

                 Best Teas for Your
                 Physical Wellbeing
                                    Mario Zeleny

Copyright © 2019 Mario Zeleny
Published by: Tarot-n-Tea

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic,
or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a
retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for
“fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written
permission of the publisher. The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or
prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical
problems. Do not attempt to treat yourself without the advice of a physician, either directly or
indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature. In the event
you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the
author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Printed in the United States of America

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Essential Tea Secrets - Best Teas for Your Physical Wellbeing Volume #3
Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

                                                  Tea’s very first use was as medicine.
                                             People have boasted outrageous health
                                             claims about tea for thousands of years
                                             and now science is proving them right, or
                                             so it seems. Here is a short summary
                                             from the long list of the medicinal
                                             properties of tea:

                                             •    Remember when you heard, “Sit down
                                             and have a cup of tea for your nerves?”
                                             They were right! Matcha and other teas
                                             are rich in L-Theanine which calms and
    soothes. L-Theanine counteracts the side effects of caffeine. Think of tea as
    a cup of calm alertness.
•   Green tea has been found to be effective in treating Diabetes. Studies found
    green tea helped control blood sugar levels and assisted with weight control.
•   Tea is good at hydrating the body. It could be even more effective than
    water because of the nutrients infused from tea.
•   In one study, tea helped in recovery from radiation exposure by protecting
    against cellular breakdown.
•   Green tea was found to improve bone density and strength.
•   Green tea is effective in preventing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and
    Parkinson’s. Polyphenols in green tea help maintain brain functions that
    regulate learning and memory.
•   People who drank hot tea regularly were more inclined to have a lower BMI
    (Body Mass Index).
•   Tea helps skin cells exposed to radiation recover to post exposure health.
•   Tea lowers the risk of stroke and heart attacks.
•   Green tea lowers cholesterol.
•   Tea helps destroy free radicals.
•   Tea boosts exercise endurance.

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Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

   •   Antioxidants in tea help prevent many different kinds of cancers.
   •   Tea drinking helps prevent cavities and gum disease.
   •   Tea helps prevent kidney stones.
   •   Black tea will help keep you alert.
   •   Tea is antibacterial and anti-fungal
   •   Green tea helps break down fats.
   •   Do you remember Shen Nong in the origin story of tea? He is quoted as
       saying that tea cleansed him of toxins? Well, he was right. Chlorophyll in
       green tea is a powerful detoxifier.
   •   Green tea is good at keeping the liver healthy.
   •   Studies have shown that green tea counteracts arthritis inflammation.
   •   White tea has been shown effective at destroying Staph and pneumonia.
   •   Green tea is rich in
       vitamin C and D.
   •   Tea is effective in
       fighting halitosis, or bad
   •   Green tea is effective in
       repair damage caused
       by heart burn in the
                                                           Tea is an antifungal agent.

    In addition, there are also ancient healing rituals that included tea: asperses
(purification through smoke or water), skin piercing needles (acupuncture), fire
cupping (fire sealed glass cups to skin), as well as sacrifices within temples and also
as “cures” through deed and sacrifice as well as through the art of placement.

Eastern Medicine Philosophy: A Brief Introduction
       In the following pages, please find tables providing brief explanations on tea
types, their medicinal qualities from Traditional Chinese Medicine:

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Essential Tea Secrets - Best Teas for Your Physical Wellbeing Volume #3
Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

 Tea Category        Common                    Notable Aspects                      It Helps…
   Black Tea       Most of the          Picked and processed by                  diarrhea,
Western Black      Tea you can          machine. Sub-species.                    dysentery,
Tea                buy at your                                                   gastro-enteritis,
(Indian tea is     local grocery                                                 hepatitis,
made from the      store and                                                     wounds, burns,
native Camellia    higher end                                                    bruises, insect
assamica species                                                                 bites
plant from which boutique
Indian tea is      shops
made produces
higher levels of

West refers to     Premium              Look for the tea that is                 Reduce fatigue,
Chinese Black      Lapsang              from small farms, ancient                stimulating the
Tea actually       Sauchong             trees and processed by                   central nervous
Hong Cha (Red      Black Tea            hand.                                    system
                   Keemun Black                                                  High in Calcium
                   Tea (First
                                                                                 Reduce fat,
                                                                                 protein and low-
                                                                                 density “bad”
                   Golden Tips
                   Red Tea (Dien

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Essential Tea Secrets - Best Teas for Your Physical Wellbeing Volume #3
Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

                                                                        Rich in fluoride,
                                                                        promotes dental

                                                                        Enhance blood
                                                                        vessel elasticity
                                                                        and strength
Hei Cha   Liubao, Liu’An,      Each is a unique and                     Aids digestion,
          Bai Liang            distinctive tea. Every type              weight loss, liver
                               of Heicha tea is associated              regeneration,
                               with a particular place in               and lowers
                               China and is not produced                blood sugar.
                               anywhere else in China.                  Rich in
                               This made with large and                 antioxidants and
                               medium-sized leaves from                 is antibacterial,
                               local varietals. The                     and anti-
                               processing varies within                 inflammatory
                               each place of origin. Hei
                               Cha is made from fully
                               oxidized leaf and is
                               classified as ‘black’ or ‘dark’
                               tea in China It is an
                               oxidized tea leaves
                               undergo a wet
                               fermentation which
                               exposes the leaf to high
                               humidity and moisture
                               over a period of time in a
                               controlled environment.
                               Some is dried over low pine
                               wood embers.

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Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

Green/Yellow     Cloud Mist           Green Tea is the least                   Regulates
Tea              Green Tea            processed. The leaves                    cholesterol and
                                      naturally breakdown by                   high blood
                 Long Jing            enzymatic oxidation just                 pressure
                 (Dragon Well)        like any other organic
                 Green Tea            material, although it is                 Bacterial killing
                                      faster than other teas.                  properties in the
                 White Tips Pi                                                 mouth and
                                      Green Tea is best kept in a
                 Lo Chun (Bi Lo                                                intestines
                                      cool, dry place in an airtight
                 Chun) Green
                                      container. Refrigeration is
                 Tea                                                           Anti-bacterial
                                      said to improve the taste.
                                                                               and anti-viral
                                      The tea will be stable and
                                      last longer with                         Lowers lower
                                      refrigeration.                           blood sugar

Puer- Real       Pu-Erh Tea           Green or “Sheng”: (also                  Aids digestion
Chinese Black    Cake Red Dayi        called raw, un-cooked,                   and fat break
post-fermented   7262 Menghai         green health tea)                        down
and aged         Tea Factory,
                 2003                 Black or “Shou”: (also                   Has been used
                 (Black/Shou)         called ripe, cooked tea)                 in the treatment
                 Pu-Erh Tea                                                    arteriosclerosis,
                 Brick, Wild                                                   colds, bleeding
                 Leaves, Ke Yi                                                 and hepatitis
                 Xing, 1990s
                 (Green/Sheng)                                                 High level of
                                                                               Vitamin C which
                 Pu-Erh Tuo                                                    is soluble in
                 Cha, Xiaguan                                                  water and can
                 Tuo, Xiaguan                                                  be rapidly
                 Tea Factory,

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Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

            1990s                                                         assimilated by
            (Green/Sheng)                                                 the body

            Emperor Pu-
            Erh Loose Leaf
            Tea 2000
White Tea   White Peony          White tea is lightly                     Known to
            White Tea (Bai       processed. The leaves                    reduce radiation
            Mu Dan)              naturally breakdown by                   levels
                                 enzymatic oxidation just
            Silver Needle        like any other organic                   Repairs DNA
            White Tea (Bai       material. It is best kept in a           damage
            Hao Yin Zhen)        cool, dry place in an airtight
                                 container. The tea will be
                                 stable and last longer with
                                                                          caused by

                                                                          Controls insulin

                                                                          High source of
                                                                          Vitamin A
                                                                          preventing night

Oolong      Iron Buddha          Usually processed in seven               Reduction in
            (also called Tie     steps. It is semi-fermented              skin irritations
            Guan Yin,            and is in-between
            Chinese              unfermented green tea and

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Essential Tea Sorcery: 5 Transformation Secrets About Water

                   Oolong,               fermented black tea (red                 Break down fat
                   Buddha of             tea in China).                           and increases
                   Mercy, Gun                                                     fat metabolism
                   Yam)                  Oolong is sometimes
                                         written as Wulong but the                Lowers
                   Da Hong Pao           meaning is the same: Oo                  cholesterol
                   (also called          (Wu means black) Long
                                                                                  Muscle relaxant
                   Wuyi Cliff Tea,       (means Dragon). Oolong
                                                                                  in the bronchial
                   Big Red Robe)         Tea is also known in China
                                         as "Qing Cha".
                   Phoenix Tea                                                    Regulates body
                   Taiwan                                                         temperature
                   Oolong (also
                   called High                                                    Prevent tooth
                   Mountain                                                       decay
                                                                                  High source of
                                                                                  Vitamin C

The Low Down on Medicinal Uses of Tea in the Modern Age
      While it’s very insightful if not downright exciting that so many studies on the
medicinal impact of tea on the human body have proven claims made thousands of
years ago are correct, what is alarming is that the information gleaned and
reported from these studies isn’t all that useful due to the poor studies being
conducted and poor reporting. But the average consumer would not know this.

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Tea Drinkers Misled

      The first issue with most tea studies is the comparison of tea drinkers from
Asian countries to non-tea drinkers from non-Asian countries. What’s so bad about
that? Well, quite often the professionals undertaking the studies have no idea what
kind of tea is being consumed. They can tell you that it is green or black, but they
cannot tell you what kind, where it came from or who made it. There are hundreds
of black teas and green teas from a variety of environments, trees and countries;
that is to say nothing of the differences in tea processing. Not all teas in the same
category are processed the same way. In addition, depending on the country in
which the study was conducted, teas
commonly consumed by the masses in
Asian countries are distinctly different
from that of non-Asian countries. The
teas consumed in Europe can also be very
different from what is consumed in
America. To tell the public that green tea
does this and black tea does that, is
extremely erroneous without this
additional and specific information.

Why All the Drama, Mama

                                      The second issue concerns exactly what you are
                                 being sold. It’s not just about what the studies say
                                 and what those who report the studies want you to
                                 believe. It’s about the tea you buy and what you are
                                 being told you are buying. Here are a few facts:

   1) The teas most often consumed in American, largely in Europe and sold in
      other countries as cheap tea are teas that have been genetically changed.

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   The teas have been genetically changed to be harvested all year. As a result,
   tea leaves are not fully mature like the original tea trees and the new tea
   bushes do not absorb or create as much nutrients like the original tea trees.
2) Most all commercial teas are mechanically processed, and the leaves are
   damaged early in the process. In addition, new processing method’s priority
                             is how fast the tea can be processed and not what is
                             good for the tea. Tea was originally processed by
                             hand and the goal was to not damage the leaf. In
                             addition, proper processing encouraged nutrient
                             retention as well as nutrient creation.

3) Because of the sheer demand for tea and because tea companies are
   publicly traded commodities, their priority is their shareholders (not you) and
   how much money they make while supplying a tea that is affordable yet
   palatable (something you will buy). How do you do this? By blending tea.
   Very poor tea is blending with poor (one step higher in quality) tea to
   improve its taste. This makes the very poor tea taste better, but also means
   the tea sells for more money. Many teas often get a flavor enhancement via
   essential oils and other chemical additives and/or gets mixed with even more
   tea. Quite often your tea has been a round the world 5 times to be blended
   with other teas or treated before it finally makes its way to your tea table.
4) New strains of tea are genetically developed not
   only for year around harvesting but also for
   specific environments. As a result, genetically
   modified trees need their own specific kind of
   pesticides. While your organically grown tea was
   grown on a certified farm it was most likely mixed
   with non-organic teas in its blending trip around
   the world. But this kind of information isn’t
   recorded or tracked officially. By the time is gets to you, your organic tea is
   no longer organic. This process includes the majority of large commercially,
   branded teas includes most “boutique” tea businesses.
5) Nutritional value of tea varies greatly in general and varies greatly by world

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      region. For instance, much of the Matcha green tea that is consumed in the
      west is substandard. Yet, many studies do not distinguish what kind of green
      tea was being consumed. Many of these same studies have reportedly been
      measuring Matcha tea consumption and not green leaf infusion consumption.
      Matcha is known, even in substandard brands, to have more nutrition than
      the many green leaf teas in the little foil bags. While Matcha has gained
      popularity in America, much of the green tea consumed is dried leaf via
      infusion, whereas Matcha is ground whole leaf green tea; when you drink
      Matcha you are consuming the whole leaf. This is not so with the green leaf
      in the disposable paper diffuser bags when just the infusion of leaf is

What’s in a Name?

   In order for the westerner to discuss tea, the westerner often says Black, Green
or White tea. This system of names is an actual dumbing down of teas. Tea is
incredibly more complex, and many teas are misclassified in the west. What a Black
Tea is the West is not what Black tea is in the East. So, when these studies say
Black, which black are they referring? Which black tea do you think they are talking
about? Chances are, it is not the tiny flakes in the paper pouches.

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   Within the designated classification of teas in the west, there are many sub-
classifications, but you don’t get to hear about that. For instance, do you know
what teas are large leaf or what is small leaf? When you go into your grocery store

to choose tea, do you know if it is from the Camellia sinensis or Camellia assamica?
What difference does it make? It makes a great deal of difference.

What They Don’t Tell You

                                   Let’s assume some of these studies were actually
                               comparing leaf infusions of green tea. Within this
                               category of green tea, the tea quality and nutrition vary
                               tremendously from one region of the world to another.
                               But within each region, the types of green teas and their
                               nutritional value also varies greatly. When you read a
                               report of a study or the actual case study itself, they
                               have no idea what type and quality green tea was
                               regularly consumed. Some ethical studies will admit
                               this. However, this lack of information and
                               generalization misleads the public into believing any
green tea will supply the miracles associated within the study. This just isn’t true.
   There are many other considerations as well, which a few reports have
admitted. Such as not knowing how long the tea was brewed and what
temperature the water was used to make the tea. What I also have never heard
mentioned is the difference in size between the western “cup” of tea and the
Eastern “cup” of tea; neither of which is an actual cup. The western cup often far
exceeds 8 oz and the eastern cups is considered large if it approaches 4 ounces.
   And, Eastern people can often consume 10-20 “cups” per day; whereas the
Western person may only consume 1-3. Who, then, consumes more tea?
Additionally, I have heard comments from Americans in the south who explain they

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consume enough sweet iced tea in a day double or triple that of their Asian
counterparts per day, but none of the studies mention this.
   The last confusing aspect to these studies is that Eastern tea often does not
include any additives such as sugar and milk. Western tea is often dependent on
sugar and milk, especially in commercially prepared brands. One must ask then,
“Do Asian people suffer from less diseases because of their tea consumption is
more than the Westerner, or because of the lack of sugar/milk consumption with

To Each His Own
        You must read the studies and weigh the evidence for yourself. However, in
truth there remains very little scientific unanimity on the health benefits of tea.
What you mostly read and hear are writers and reporters making their own
interpretation of the data with money supplied by the tea industry to fund most of
the studies and reports. When you read a magazine or listen to a news,
they report what the last guy said and continue quoting other reporters on health
fads by writers with their degrees in journalism, not health. Physicians have been
just as fooled by these report as we have all been.

        Here is what we know for sure:
              •   Tea contains vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, antioxidants,
                  chlorophyll and a variety of other nutrients. If you have a poor diet,
                  tea can help supply some of what you may be missing but it is not a
                  substitute for a healthy diet.
              •   Tea has chemicals in it that can sharpen your focus and calm your
              •   Teas nutritional content vary greatly from where it was grown and
                  how it was processed and what a population has general access
              •   Big brand teas offer poor nutritional value.
              •   Many organic teas are not organic.

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             •   Tea is hard on your digestive system. Green, yellow and some white
                 teas are the hardest because of the little processing that is done to
                 them. The more processing, the less harsh many teas become. It is
                 recommended to eat something when you drink tea to protect your
                 digestive system from the caffeine and acid.
             •   Tea is an excellent substitute for most other drinks as long as no sugar or
                 very little milk is added.

So Now What?

      What remains is that any food has the potential for both positive and
negative health benefits. This depends on many factors. The most important factor
being how the end consumer chooses and then uses said food; too much of a good
thing can be bad.
      Because of this state of affairs, we cannot recommend tea drinking for a
specific biological health benefit and we also believe is it inferior to do so. Here is
                                 why: There is something far more important that has
                                 a greater sway over your overall health. That would
                                 be energy. Energy is everything in our existence. Like
                                 money, energy has a value and distinction. How you
                                 react to one energy may be opposite how I react to
                                 that very same energy. Energy, or Qi as it is referred
                                 to in Eastern Medicine, is what Eastern Medicine is
                                 based on. Rather than depending on others for your
                                 “facts”, it is far more helpful to not only gather the real
                                 facts for yourself, but to also analyze and measure
your individual reaction to the Qi of a given tea. Having an intimate relationship
with tea is to cultivate a relationship not only with the tea but also with the
elements and nature itself. The benefit of this relationship is more real, more
accurate and more valuable than what any writer or reporter can tell you.

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If you wish to use tea as medicine, here a few guidelines to help you get started:

•   Know your tea. Earlier, I gave you a brief introduction to the Eastern
    medicinal associations of tea, but you must also ask knowledgeable people
    and do your own research. There are many fine artisanal tea masters who
    not only tend older, original tea trees organically, but do not have the funds
    or the means to get certified. Getting tea from them supplies more nutrition
    than most teas you can buy in a store; so ask around.
•   Learn about Eastern Medicine’s philosophy and beliefs about teas. Western
    medicine is very, very young and many studies “conclusions” are not
    trustworthy. Eastern medicine has been using tea as medicine for thousands
    of years and it has stuck around because it works.
•   Understand where your tea came from and how it was processed. Try to stick
    with premium whole leaf tea from trees that have not been genetically
    modified and that have also been processed by hand, if you can.
•   Stick with smaller tea companies that work directly with the Tea Master or
    with a designated person that works directly with Tea Masters who grow and
    process tea on their farm.
•   Most importantly, keep a tea diary. Take tea samples and adhere them to
    pages with clear packing tape to your notes. Include information like the
    retail name, the actual name, what store you found it in, where it was grown,
    your own cupping notes and experience drinking the tea (before, during and

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       Remember to share how your energy reacted with that tea’s energy. If it is
advertised as a tea that gives you energy, perhaps that wasn’t your experience.
Unless you specifically and consciously take time to know the tea, you may never
know what the truth is. Some teas that you believe you may not like, may surprise
you by becoming your
       It might be you thought
a particular tea was premium
tea, until you encountered
another one similar to it and
realized the big difference
with how it looks, tastes and
feels. Unless you keep a
diary, you will not realize or
remember these things accurately enough to understand tea or the tea ritual and
how to use tea effectively.
       Plainly, what people tell you about tea, crystals or rituals, Gods or Goddesses
is a starting point and that’s all it is. Begin your own personal journey today and
discover the magic that is waiting just for you.

                                   Coming Next….

            Essential Tea Secrets Volume #2: Water, Time and Temperature

  Essential Tea Secrets Volume #4: How to Begin a Magical Relationship with Tea

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