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2 AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS Foreword by Hon. Leo Brincat Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change When aquaculture was introduced in the should always be on how it is being managed, Maltese Islands almost three decades ago it from the regulatory aspect as well as from the brought with it a number of challenges. Here operational side. Improvement management is was a new sector that required its own set expected to lead to improved product quality of regulations, a sector that was unlike most without environmental damage and conflicts new enterprises since it operated mainly at with other coastal and maritime users. In striving sea. With the introduction of environmental towards this goal and supporting growth in regulations new developments were subjected the sector the Government is enabling the environmental studies to identify the most transition for aquaculture to become a valuable suitable locations with least environmental contributor towards the pursuit of greening our damage. Evaluations to assess the likely national economy. impacts on other coastal and marine uses were also made to inform the decision making In seeking to improve environmental monitoring process. All operating farms have now also and developing carrying capacities of become subject to environmental monitoring. Aquaculture Zones, this Strategy will contribute Today the industry itself has accepted the fact to define the limits of sustainability of our that in safeguarding environmental quality will marine waters and help Malta in its effort ultimately result in positive impacts on the farm towards meeting the national objective of produce itself. achieving Good Environmental Status under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The This process was not smooth. The experience strategic direction provided here is expected to gained in working with the operators to ensure illustrate in practice that economic growth and that environmental obligations are adhered the achievement of environmental objectives with, responding to public concerns whenever can take place in parallel. ad hoc reports were raised and pursuing effective regulation has been a learning curve In this manner, with innovation in mind and that paved the way for Malta to develop into a with competitiveness and human resource key player in southern Europe. development on the agenda, with full co- operation from the industry operators, I augur As with all activities if are to aim for that Malta can become the role model for sustainability in this sector then the focus European sustainable aquaculture development.
AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS 3 Foreword by Hon. Roderick Galdes Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights This National Aquaculture Strategy for Malta In parallel, the Strategy is aimed at is a key milestone for Government and for the strengthening the administrative and regulatory sector. For the first time we have laid out a framework with leadership consolidated within long term path towards clarity for growth and the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. investment in aquaculture. Investment requires In line with the European Union’s Strategic clarity in terms of how the sector can develop, Guidelines for Sustainable Development of what opportunities for growth exist and how EU Aquaculture, this strategy provides the these can be achieved through operational framework for improved integration in decision parameters. making related to maritime spatial planning and environmental management. The first signal that we wanted to give to illustrate support for the sector is the This strategy is laying the foundations for recognition that aquaculture is a valid economic improved action by all concerned, from sector with a growth potential. By reaching the Government’s side to enhance its enabling production target of 5,000 tons in addition to role as well as its regulatory functions as well the tuna penning production until 2020, it is for operators who have a blueprint up to expected that the industry will have up to 1,185 2025 of what is expected from them if Malta full time equivalent direct and indirect jobs is to become an integral player in sustainable with a Gross Value Added of €70 million to the aquaculture in Europe and the Mediterranean. Maltese economy. It is my intention to ensure that the National In pursuit to further innovation and Aquaculture Strategy for Malta unfolds competitiveness for the sector the Government into visible and tangible results through plans to develop the sector by encouraging implementation. I am certain that as all key species diversification with increased research stakeholders were involved in its formulation, and development. This will include the they will actively engage in delivering the construction of a commercial scale marine expected outcomes for a sustainable and hatchery that will meet the needs of the Maltese productive aquaculture industry for the Maltese industry, and the identification of designated Islands. marine search areas.
Contents Aquaculture: A Strategy for Malta..................................................................................................................................... 6 Aquaculture: Aquaculture as an important maritime sector for Malta................................................................7 Steering growth towards sustainability........................................................................................................................... 8 Enhanced regulatory clarity................................................................................................................................................. 9 Appropriate locations for Aquaculture Zones.............................................................................................................. 11 New potential for growth – search areas....................................................................................................................... 12 Sustainability through improved environmental management ........................................................................... 13 Competitiveness through innovation...............................................................................................................................14 ANNEX 1 Implementation Timeline...................................................................................................................................15
6 AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS Aquaculture: A Strategy for Malta This document presents Government’s strategic The strategy focuses on seven important areas: direction for the future of the aquaculture •• Aquaculture as an important maritime sector industry in Malta. It has been drawn up following •• Steering growth towards sustainability a thorough consultation process and is intended •• Clarity in regulation to provide more clarity for investment, outline •• Appropriate locations for Aquaculture Zones national objectives and define priorities and •• New Potential for growth – search areas regulatory requirements. This strategy builds on •• Sustainability through Improved the strengths of the experience gained so far in environmental management this relatively young sector since its introduction •• Competitiveness through innovation in the late 1980s. The underlying principle is that of improving competitiveness whilst promoting The National Aquaculture Strategy laid out sustainable practices. in this document sets out a framework for the period 2014-2025. The time line for its The initial stages for the preparation of this implementation is outlined in Annex I. An first National Aquaculture Strategy for Malta interim review is envisaged after not less than involved an in-depth study carried out by 5 years from its adoption so as to account for Stirling Aquaculture of Scotland on behalf of new technical, regulatory as well as economic the Government of Malta. This comprehensive developments in the sector, as necessary and exercise was funded through the European relevant. Fisheries Fund (EFF), Fisheries Operational Programme 2007 – 2013 and involved a series of studies and consultations with different stakeholders. A Strategic Environmental Assessment was conducted on an initial draft strategy that was followed by an Environment Report. Both of these were subjected to a public consultation process. The comments received were assessed and addressed and the Environment Report amended accordingly and as relevant.
AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS 7 Aquaculture as an important maritime sector for Malta The Maltese aquaculture industry is entirely dependent on marine resources and has two Promotion of aquaculture sectors: as a key maritime sector •• tuna penning, which relies on captured wild fish and is referred to as “capture based Government will: species” (CBS), and •• Ensure that aquaculture is taken into •• the farming of “closed cycle species” (CCS) account in all major policy formulation such as sea bream, sea bass and meagre, processes; that are cultured from eggs produced in •• Constantly monitor the performance hatcheries. of the sector at regional and international level; The physical characteristics of the Maltese •• Play an active role in the development Islands, together with the intense competition and implementation of International and from various sectors for coastal space and European Union plans and policies national objectives to achieve and maintain on aquaculture; good environmental status, continue to present •• Keep abreast with and actively a significant challenge for aquaculture. These promoting technological and research same challenges have led to the parallel development in aquaculture; development of operational processes and •• Provide an enabling environment for regulatory procedures which have evolved local businesses to remain competitive. since the introduction of the sector in the late 1980s. The experience gained has placed aquaculture on Malta’s economic map.
8 AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS Steering growth towards sustainability Aquaculture presents specific challenges and This strategy envisages a scenario of further in the past, conflicts arose primarily with the growth with the sector expected to provide up more traditional coastal and maritime sectors to 1,185 full-time equivalent direct and indirect such as tourism and shipping. A major conflict jobs whilst having the potential to provide a is that associated with the environmental gross value added (GVA) of over €70 million to impact of aquaculture activities. It is recognised the Maltese economy by 2020. that for the industry to perform and grow sustainably, the key challenge for the future is that of improving operational management Aquaculture development and growth in such a way as to enhance efficiency, reduce environmental impacts and promote Government’s policy is based on the competitiveness. In this respect this strategy following targeted scenario: recognises four main pillars of development: •• production target for closed cycle •• improved regulation; species of 5,000 tons yearly; •• improved operation; •• maintain current levels of capture based •• improved environmental monitoring, and species (dependent on blue fin tuna •• enhanced innovation. quotas); •• development of a hatchery; Notwithstanding these challenges, as •• ensure a stronger emphasis on highlighted in the 2012 preparatory study1, the research. aquaculture industry has considerable socio- economic value and potential. It is seen to contribute in several ways. Specifically it: •• enhances the overall diversification of the economy, especially in primary food production; •• contributes to employment generation; •• is a valuable provider of fish for the local retail and foodservice sectors; •• provides valuable export earnings; and •• contributes positively towards the EU trade deficit for fisheries products. 1 An Aquaculture Strategy for Malta: Preparatory study and recommendations prepared for the Ministry of Resource and Rural Affairs, Government of Malta Final draft report, March 2012. Stirling Aquaculture.
AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS 9 Enhanced regulatory clarity As an economic activity aquaculture has a Zone. However their physical relocation has horizontal dimension in terms of policy impact. been stalled due to pending court litigation. For instance it not only takes up scarce land and maritime space but also consumes To mainstream procedures and encourage environmental resources. Consequently, investment, the process for designating aquaculture as a sector is governed by different Aquaculture Zones and applications for regulations. new Aquaculture Zones will be made by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department which Since the introduction of aquaculture locally the will be responsible to regulate the use of these regulatory framework has evolved and adapted sites. at a reactionary pace that may not have been at the same speed as the development of the industry. As a result the greatest attention Strengthening the aquaculture and visibility was given to spatial demands administrative framework and environmental implications with very little attention to the role and performance of the Government will: sector as a food production activity. Whilst •• regulate the management of all fisheries and veterinary regulations were still Aquaculture Zones; in force and implemented, the general policy •• enhance the administrative and direction for the sector was primarily steered regulatory capacity of the Fisheries and and influenced by environmental and planning Aquaculture Department to reflect the policies. added impetus for the sector; •• review, through the Ministry responsible A holistic approach to regulation demands for aquaculture, the licensing procedure clarity in responsibilities so as to facilitate for aquaculture development so as to efficiency in processes and procedures. This ensure transparency and sustainability will directly influence the uptake of investment with a view to introduce a periodic and the readiness for the industry to compete operational permitting procedure successfully in the international market whilst to instill improved environmental doing this within the context of sustainable performance; development. •• review the regulatory mechanism for the use of Government assets used by Aquaculture is also an operation whose the aquaculture industry to reflect the regulation needs to be continuously monitored commercial value of the industry and particularly to ensure that operations, including the natural resources used at sea; existing ones, are fulfilling national objectives •• ensure proper co-ordination between as well as existing permitting conditions. A the various regulators to establish number of farms have obtained a sea-use effective implementation of the national planning permit on condition that operations aquaculture strategy. are relocated in the Southeast Aquaculture
10 AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS Figure 1: Operational sites to be designated as Aquaculture Zones
AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS 11 Appropriate locations for Aquaculture Zones At present in Malta there are six (6) aquaculture farms operating from nine (9) sites. Four Location of Aquaculture Zones farms produce only captured based species (CBSs) or tuna, one farm produces only Government strategy is that: closed cycle species (CCSs) and one farm •• all aquaculture operations should take produces both CBSs and CCSs. There is one place in designated Aquaculture Zones; farm producing only closed cycle species that •• all existing sites for capture based started operations prior to the establishment species and closed cycle species, of the planning system, in the late 1980s. The including the nurseries, are to be rest of the farms have been permitted through designated as Aquaculture Zones, a rigorous development planning process subject to adherence with the which assessed potential impacts with other carrying capacity limits established land and maritime uses to reduce conflicts and through regulatory and environmental required the undertaking of an Environmental monitoring measures; Impact Assessment (EIA). Such farms are also •• Aquaculture Zones shall respect the subject to regular environmental monitoring. limits imposed through environmental The eventual establishment of an Aquaculture methodologies that recognise the link Zone in the South East of Malta saw the between biomass and impacts; transformation of the operations management •• area management agreements shall be model from that of individual farms to one established between different operators involving the potential of grouping a number sharing a common Aquaculture Zone. of different operators. The existing cage sites are in approved maritime spaces that cater for the minimisation of user conflicts and thereby acknowledged as sites suitable for aquaculture development.
12 AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS New potential for growth – search areas Experience has indicated that whilst the size limitations of the Maltese Islands do not Sustainable growth of aquaculture that favour land-based fattening installations, the limits user conflict on land and at sea existence of a relatively larger maritime space favours offshore marine installations. The Government strategy is that: sensitivity and capacity of the Maltese coast •• aquaculture facilities intended for to aquaculture production is evidenced in the fattening of species will only be allowed direct impact on both the natural environment at sea-based installations; and other recorded coastal uses, primarily •• further expansion will be considered from developments close to the shore. When in Aquaculture Zones where the designating new zones, conflicts with existing environmental carrying capacity allows strategic marine uses should be avoided whilst •• future farms for capture based species the fish farms themselves should not cause any will need to be sited at water depths adverse environmental impacts particularly on of 50 metres or more within areas benthic habitats. identified as Aquaculture Zones; •• land-based ancillary installations Aquaculture development needs to take place requiring a coastal location will be sustainably, with specific dedicated sites or directed towards designated fishing zones being identified for the purpose. This ports; strategy proposes search areas that can be •• food-processing and administrative investigated further for the possible setting up operations will be directed towards of new Aquaculture Zones that may become areas zoned for similar activities; required. It is underlined that the necessary •• marine-based research installations studies and procedures as required by law should preferably be located off-shore: for the designation of these new Aquaculture research installations closer to shore Zones have to be undertaken. Such new zones will be directed towards designated should also cater for operations dedicated Aquaculture Zones. to research and development. Aquaculture operations may require land-based operations to cater for ancillary activities that may range from maintenance activities, such as net repairing, to more industrial operations such as those associated with food processing.
AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS 13 Sustainability through improved environmental management Improving aquaculture farm operations will lead to increased efficiency and profitability Aquaculture operations to maintain the of those farms that adhere to the principles of good quality of the coastal environment best practice and comply with the conditions of their operating consents, thus ensuring no Government will ensure this through: nuisance is caused to other coastal users. It •• the development of an Industry Code of would also engender a positive public image Good Practice; for the operators. Further development in the •• streamlining the existing environment industry needs to work within the limits of the monitoring system and ensuring that environmental carrying capacity of the coastal it recognises the link between biomass zone and marine areas. This will ensure that the and impacts; industry is operating effectively yet within the •• strengthening the monitoring and scope of national objectives for achieving and enforcement regime for permits and maintaining Good Environmental Status and licences; Good Ecological Status of coastal and marine •• introducing the concept of fallowing waters. particularly for sheltered areas; •• improving the regulation of relevant Improved environmental monitoring will farm operations including the disposal result in specified limits to what constitutes of tuna offal. adverse impact (EQS - Environmental Quality Standards) and identification of the area over which such impacts are acceptable (AZE - Allowed Zone of Effects). Monitoring systems should be proportional, practical and cost effective. A review of the current system should take advantage of the work carried out at regional level, in particular within the Committee of Aquaculture of the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean (GFCM).
14 AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS Competitiveness through innovation Research and development, human resource development, fish product diversification and Promoting innovation in the aquaculture improving the image of aquaculture are all industry in Malta priorities that should not be overlooked for aquaculture progress in Malta. The role of the Government will promote innovation by: Government will be to provide an enabling •• ensuring that relevant EU-funding environment towards this pursuit to improve schemes are geared to supporting the sector’s competitiveness at a national and companies to improve product regional level. marketing and certification; •• developing formal vocational training The main emphasis for research and programmes for Maltese aquaculture; development will be the development of •• establishing an effective mechanism alternative species with the aim of diversifying with relevant stakeholders that ensures the species produced by Malta’s aquaculture regular reviews of research priorities industry. Amberjack production will be the and funding; main priority for development due to Malta’s •• encouraging research in species advantages in the knowledge of breeding diversification, technological techniques of this species. Research on other improvement, offshore technology and species will also be carried out, focussing reduction of environmental impacts; mainly on Mediterranean species with a look •• ensuring, possible through a private towards the development of non-finfish public partnership mechanism, the aquaculture with the final aim of developing development of a commercial scale environment friendly or integrated aquaculture land-based marine hatchery to be systems. The development and testing of also used for applied research and alternative tuna feeds that reduce reliance on development; baitfish could also improve the sustainability •• supporting collaborative mechanisms and competitiveness of the capture based between the Malta Aquaculture species component. Research Centre and the University of Malta and other institutions in the Mediterranean or in Europe.
ANNEX 1 Implementation Timeline Table I: Indicative roadmap of actions for the penned tuna sector 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Regulatory Issues *Updating National *Identifying and *Standardisation Aquaculture Policy Applying for New of Concession *Improving Aquaculture Sites/ Conditions Governance Zones *Preparation of Area Management Agreements Operational Issues *Baitfish Feeding *Production *Production *Improving *Review of Tuna Practices of Codes of of Codes of the Image of Offal Disposal Good Practice Good Practice Aquaculture *Vocational Training *Enforcement *Market *Improved Fish Forum of Operating Development Disease Diagnostic Conditions incl. Capabilities Site Marking Environmental Issues *Independent *Develop Review of Environment Environmental Quality Standards Monitoring and Allowed Zone Programme of Effects Criteria Innovation Issues *Review of *Alternative Tuna Research Priorities Feeds and Funding AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS 15
16 Table I continued 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Regulatory Issues *Preparation *Identifying and of Disease Applying for New Contingency Plan Aquaculture Sites/ Zones Operational Issues *Market Development Environmental Issues Innovation Issues *Review of *Review of Research Priorities Research Priorities and Funding and Funding AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS
Table II: Indicative roadmap of actions for the closed cycle species sector 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Regulatory *Updating National *Identifying and *Standardisation *Preparation of Issues Aquaculture Policy Applying for New of Concession Area Management *Improving Aquaculture Sites/ Conditions Agreements Governance Zones *Preparation of Area Management Agreements Operational *Hatchery *Hatchery *Hatchery *Hatchery *Hatchery Issues Development development Development Development Development *Production of Codes *Production of Codes *Improving the *Vocational Training of Good Practice of Good Practice Image of Aquaculture Forum *Market *Enforcement of *Market Development*Market DevelopmentDevelopment Operating Conditions *Improved Disease incl.Site Marking Diagnostic Facility *Vocational Training Forum Environmental *Independent Review *Develop Issues of Environmental Environment Quality Monitoring Standards and Programme Allowed Zone of Effects Criteria Innovation *Amberjack Research *Amberjack Research *Amberjack Research *Amberjack Research *Amberjack Research Issues *Tuna Research *Tuna Research *Tuna Research *Tuna Research *Tuna Research *Hatchery/R&D *Hatchery/R&D Centre PPP Model Centre PPP Model and Business Plan and Business Plan *Review of Research Priorities and AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS Funding 17
18 Table II continued 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Regulatory *Preparation of a *Identifying and *Identifying and Issues Disease Contingency Applying for New Applying for New Plan Aquaculture Sites/ Aquaculture Sites/ Zones Zones Operational *Market *Market *Market *Market Issues Development Development Development Development Environmental Issues Innovation *Review of Research *Review of Research Issues Priorities and Priorities and Funding Funding AQUACULTURE STRATEGY FOR THE MALTESE ISLANDS
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