Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions

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Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions

Towards a neural basis of
music-evoked emotions
Stefan Koelsch
Cluster of Excellence ‘‘Languages of Emotion’’, Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Music is capable of evoking exceptionally strong                                                 Limbic and paralimbic correlates of music-evoked
emotions and of reliably affecting the mood of individ-                                          emotions
uals. Functional neuroimaging and lesion studies show                                            Although not well defined, ‘‘limbic’’ and ‘‘paralimbic’’ struc-
that music-evoked emotions can modulate activity in                                              tures are considered as core structures of emotional pro-
virtually all limbic and paralimbic brain structures.                                            cessing, because their lesion or dysfunction is associated
These structures are crucially involved in the initiation,                                       with emotional impairment [8]. How limbic (e.g. amygdala
generation, detection, maintenance, regulation and                                               and hippocampus) and paralimbic structures (e.g. orbito-
termination of emotions that have survival value                                                 frontal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus and temporal poles)
for the individual and the species. Therefore, at least                                          interact, and which functional networks they form is still
some music-evoked emotions involve the very core of                                              not well understood.
evolutionarily adaptive neuroaffective mechanisms.                                                  A central structure within the limbic/paralimbic neural
Because dysfunctions in these structures are related                                             circuitry is the amygdala, which has been implicated in the
to emotional disorders, a better understanding of                                                initiation, generation, detection, maintenance and termin-
music-evoked emotions and their neural correlates                                                ation of emotions that are assumed to be important for the
can lead to a more systematic and effective use of music                                         survival of the individual [9]. Several functional neuroima-
in therapy.                                                                                      ging [10–16] and lesion studies [17–19] have shown invol-
                                                                                                 vement of the amygdala in emotional responses to music
The benefits of investigating emotion with music                                                 (Figure 1). The first neuroimaging study showing activity
In most humans, music can strongly affect emotion and                                            changes in the amygdala was a positron emission tom-
mood, and such effects are among the main reasons to                                             ography (PET) experiment by Blood and Zatorre [10], in
produce, and listen to, music [1,2]. However, a common                                           which changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were
misconception is that music-evoked emotions only involve                                         measured during ‘‘chills’’ (i.e. intense emotional experi-
aesthetic experiences, lacking motivational components                                           ences involving sensations such as goose bumps or shivers
and goal relevance (Box 1; for reviews see Refs. [2,3]). This                                    down the spine). Each participant listened to a piece of
view implies that music is not capable of evoking ‘‘every-                                       their own favorite music to which they usually had a chill
day emotions’’, and therefore is not well suited to inves-                                       experience. Increasing chill intensity correlated with rCBF
tigate the neural basis of real emotions. Challenging that                                       decrease in the amygdala as well as the anterior hippo-
view, this article provides an overview of neuroscience                                          campal formation. An increase in rCBF correlating with
studies on music and emotion, showing that activity in                                           increasing chill intensity was observed in the ventral
each and every so-called limbic and paralimbic brain                                             striatum, the midbrain, the anterior insula, the anterior
structures can be modulated by listening to music, in both                                       cingulate cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex (the func-
musically trained and untrained individuals. Therefore,                                          tional significance of these structures is discussed in the
music is a well-suited tool to investigate the neural corre-                                     following sections; see Refs. [20–22] for patient studies on
lates of emotion. A particular advantage of music is that it                                     music-evoked pleasure).
enables researchers to study a range of positive emotions                                           Even if individuals do not have intense ‘‘chill’’ experi-
(such as fun, joy and ‘‘chills’’), some of which are otherwise                                   ences, music can evoke activity changes in the amygdala, the
difficult to evoke in experimental settings. Moreover,                                           ventral striatum and the hippocampus. Investigating the
studying the neural correlates of emotions with music                                            emotional valence dimension with music, Koelsch et al. [11]
also has direct relevance for music-therapeutic appli-                                           compared brain responses to joyful instrumental tunes
cations (Box 2).                                                                                 (played by professional musicians) to those evoked by elec-
   The following sections outline how neuroscience studies                                       tronically manipulated, permanently dissonant counter-
on music and emotion have advanced our understanding of                                          parts of these tunes (for other studies using consonant
the functional significance of different limbic and paralim-                                     and dissonant music see Refs. [7,12,23–25]). During the
bic structures, and thus our understanding of emotion in                                         presentation of pleasant music, increases in blood–oxygen
general. This overview will mainly deal with functional                                          level dependent (BOLD) signals were observed in the ven-
neuroimaging and lesion studies (for EEG studies see Refs.                                       tral striatum (presumably the nucleus accumbens, NAc) and
[4–7]).                                                                                          the anterior insula (among other structures). Dissonant
                                                                                                 music, by contrast, elicited increases in BOLD signals in
    Corresponding author: Koelsch, S. (                                  the amygdala, the hippocampus, the parahippocampal
1364-6613/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2010.01.002                                                      131
Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions
Review                                                                                                Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.3

 Box 1. Social functions of music: The seven Cs                             Box 2. Relevance for therapy
 Humans have a need to engage in social activities; emotional effects       Music therapy (MT) can have effects that improve the psychological
 of such engagement include fun, joy and happiness, whereas                 and physiological health of individuals. A heuristic working factor
 exclusion from this engagement represents an emotional stressor            model for music therapy [72] assumes five factors which contribute
 and has deleterious effects on health [59,60]. Making music is an          to the effects of MT. These factors refer to the modulation of
 activity that involves several social functions: (1) when we make          emotion, attention, cognition, behavior and communication.
 music, we make contact with other individuals (preventing social              Given that music can change activity in brain structures that
 isolation); (2) music automatically engages social cognition [61]; (3)     function abnormally in patients with depression (such as amygdala,
 it engages co-pathy in the sense that interindividual emotional            hippocampus and nucleus accumbens; see main text), it seems
 states become more homogeneous (e.g. reducing anger in one                 plausible that music can be used to stimulate and regulate activity in
 individual and depression or anxiety in another), thus promoting           these structures (either by listening to or by making music), and
 interindividual understanding and decreasing conflicts [62]; (4)           thus ameliorate symptoms of depression. However, so far the
 music involves communication (notably, for infants and young               scientific evidence for effectiveness of MT on depression is
 children, musical communication during parent–child singing of             surprisingly weak, because of the lack of high-quality studies, and
 lullabies and play songs is important for social and emotional             the small number of studies with randomized, controlled trials [73].
 regulation, as well as for social, emotional and cognitive develop-           Studies on neurological applications of MT have so far mainly
 ment [63,64]); (5) music making also involves coordination of              dealt with the therapy of stroke patients. Recent evidence suggests
 movements (requiring the capability to synchronize movements to            that playing melodies either with the hand on a piano, or with the
 an external beat) [65–67]. The coordination of movements in a group        arm on electronic drum pads that emit piano tones, helps stroke
 of individuals appears to be associated with pleasure (e.g. when           patients to train fine as well as gross motor skills with regard to
 dancing together), even in the absence of an explicit shared goal; (6)     speed, precision and smoothness of movements [74]; it seems likely
 performing music also requires cooperation (involving a shared goal        that an emotional component contributes at least partly to these
 and increasing interindividual trust); notably, engaging in cooperative    effects, because this treatment was more effective than a standard
 behavior is an important potential source of pleasure [68,69] and; (7)     rehabilitation. Electrophysiological data suggest that these effects
 as an effect, music leads to increased social cohesion of a group [70],    are due to enhanced cortical connectivity and stronger activation of
 fulfilling the ‘‘need to belong’’ [71], and the motivation to form and     the motor cortex as a result of music-supported movement training
 maintain interpersonal attachments [60,72]. Social cohesion also           [75].
 strengthens the confidence in reciprocal care (see Ref. [64] for the          Other studies showed that isometric musical stimuli have the
 caregiver hypothesis) and the confidence that opportunities to             capability of regulating gait and arm control in patients with stroke
 engage with others in the cited social functions will also emerge in       and Parkinson’s disease, presumably as a result of music-evoked
 the future. Music seems to be capable of engaging all of the ‘‘Seven       arousal and priming of the motor system via auditory stimulation,
 Cs’’ at the same time, which is presumably part of the emotional           as well as a result of entrainment of the motor system to the beat of
 power of music. In this regard, music does serve a goal, namely the        the music [75,76]. Moreover, positive emotions elicited by preferred
 goal to fulfill social needs that are of vital importance for the          music can decrease visual neglect (possibly by increasing atten-
 individual. Therefore, the notion that music evokes only aesthetic         tional resources) [77], and listening to self-selected music after
 experiences without goal relevance is doubtful.                            stroke appears to improve recovery in the domains of verbal
                                                                            memory and focused attention (along with less depressed and
                                                                            confused mood) [78]. The neural mechanisms for such effects,
gyrus and the temporal poles (and decreases of BOLD                         however, remain to be specified.
signals were observed in these structures in response to
the pleasant music). Notably, patients with unilateral resec-
tion of the medial temporal lobe including the parahippo-                  form a network which plays a prominent role in emotional
campal cortex show diminished emotional sensitivity to                     processing (blue-colored structures in Figure 2).
dissonant music [24,25], consistent with activity changes                     The findings of Baumgartner et al. [14] received support
within the parahippocampal gyrus observed in functional                    from a study by Eldar et al. [13], who showed that when
neuroimaging studies using stimuli with varying degrees of                 either positive (joyful) or negative (fearful) music was played
dissonance [11,23]. The results of these studies [11,23–25]                simultaneously with an emotionally neutral film clip, it
suggest a specific role of the mid-portion of the parahippo-               evoked stronger signal changes in the amygdala, and in
campal gyrus for the processing of acoustic roughness, which               areas of the ventrolateral frontal cortex, compared to when
is perhaps also relevant for the decoding of the affective                 only music or only film clips were presented. Moreover, the
content of vocal signals.                                                  combination of negative (but not positive) music and neutral
   In an attempt to investigate the neural correlates of                   film clips evoked stronger signal changes in the anterior
sadness, fear and joy, Baumgartner et al. [14] observed                    hippocampal formation compared to when only music or
that auditory information interacts with visual infor-                     only film clips were presented. Subjective ratings showed
mation in several limbic and paralimbic structures, in-                    that the music plus film conditions were not perceived as
cluding the amygdala and the hippocampus (for other                        significantly more positive or negative than when music was
studies using joyful and sad music see Refs. [24–26]):                     presented alone. Therefore, the functional significance of the
activity changes in these structures were stronger during                  increase in signal change (in the amygdala and hippocampal
the combined presentation of fearful or sad photographs                    formation) remains unclear. However, the findings that the
with fearful or sad music, compared to when only visual                    visual system modulates signal changes in the amygdala are
information was presented. The combined presentation of                    corroborated by data showing that simply closing the eyes
music and photographs also elicited stronger activation in                 during listening to fearful music also leads to increased
the parahippocampal gyrus, and the temporal poles.                         amygdalar activity [16].
Activity changes in the amygdala, hippocampal formation,                      Another important finding by Eldar et al. [13] was that
parahippocampal gyrus and temporal poles were also                         activity changes in the amygdala were observed in
found in two other functional magnetic resonance imaging                   response to both positive and negative stimulus combi-
(fMRI) studies [11,27], suggesting that these structures                   nations. This supports the view that the amygdala is not

Review                                                                                                                Trends in Cognitive Sciences        Vol.14 No.3

Figure 1. Illustration of some structures belonging to the limbic/paralimbic
system. The diamonds represent music-evoked activity changes in these
structures (see figure legend for references). Note the repeatedly reported             Figure 2. Schematic representation of anatomical connections of some limbic and
activations of amygdala, nucleus accumbens and hippocampus, reflecting that             paralimbic structures involved in the emotional processing of music (Figure 1 and
music is capable of modulating activity in core structures of emotion. Top left: view   main text). ACC: anterior cingulate cortex; ant Ins: anterior insula; Am (BL):
of the right hemisphere; top right: medial view; bottom left: anterior view; bottom     basolateral amygdala; Am (CM) corticomedial amygdala (including the central
right: bottom view.                                                                     nucleus), Hipp: hippocampal formation; NAc: nucleus accumbens; OFC:
                                                                                        orbitofrontal cortex; PH: parahippocampal gyrus; Temp P: temporal pole.
                                                                                        Connectivity is depicted based on Refs. [37,79–81].

only involved in negative but also in positive emotions [28],
clearly challenging the rather simplistic view that the                                 lateral and/or basal nuclei), whereas BOLD signals
amygdala is primarily a ‘‘fear center’’ in the human brain.                             increased with increasing valence in a superior aspect of
Notably, the amygdala is not an anatomical unity: it is                                 the amygdala (including the substantia innominata).
composed of several distinct nuclei (the lateral, basal,                                Importantly, the central aspect of the amygdala was found
accessory basal, central, medial and cortical nuclei), and                              to be functionally connected to the temporal pole, the
although the amygdala has become one of the most inten-                                 hippocampus and the parahippocampal gyrus, whereas
sely studied brain structures, the functional significance of                           the superior aspect of the amygdala (presumably the cor-
these nuclei, as well as their interaction with other struc-                            ticomedial amygdala) was functionally connected with the
tures, is not well understood [29]. A music study by Ball                               ventral striatum and the orbitofrontal cortex. This
et al. [12] was the first to provide insight into different                             suggests that different nuclei of the amygdala are involved
functional properties of different subregions of the human                              in modulating activity of different emotion networks.
amygdala in response to auditory stimulation. This study                                   As mentioned above, the amygdala and related limbic
used original (mainly consonant) piano pieces as pleasant                               structures play a critical role for emotions that are assumed
stimuli, and permanently dissonant versions of these                                    by some to have survival value for the individual and the
stimuli as unpleasant stimuli (similar to other studies                                 species [9]. The studies cited in this section provide compel-
investigating the valence dimension with music                                          ling evidence that music can evoke activity changes in these
[7,11,23]). The authors investigated signal changes in                                  brain structures, suggesting that at least some music-
the amygdala in response to both consonant and dissonant                                evoked emotions involve the very core of evolutionarily
music. A BOLD signal increase was observed in the baso-                                 adaptive neuroaffective mechanisms. This challenges the
lateral amygdala (to both types of music), and signal                                   notion that music-evoked emotions are merely illusions,
decrease in a superior region of the amygdala. Also using                               rather than real emotions (reviewed in Refs. [2,3]; Box 1).
consonant and dissonant music, Fritz and Koelsch [27]                                   The next section provides further support for the view that
reported BOLD signal decreases with increasing emotional                                music is capable of evoking real emotions by illustrating
valence in a central aspect of the amygdala (presumably                                 neural correlates of music-evoked pleasure.

Review                                                                                    Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.3

Music affects dopaminergic neural activity                        key position for the generation of a drive to move to, join in
Several studies have shown that listening to pleasant             and dance to pleasant music, although the neural basis for
music activates brain structures implicated in reward             this drive needs to be specified.
and experiences of pleasure (perceived pleasantness                  It is important to note that in three of the cited studies
evoked by the engagement in social functions during mak-          [11,30,31] participants did not report chill responses
ing, and listening to, music is addressed in Box 1). Blood        during music listening, suggesting that dopaminergic
and Zatorre [10] reported that the ventral striatum (pre-         pathways including the NAc can be activated by music
sumably the NAc; Figure 1) is involved in intensely plea-         as soon as it is perceived as pleasant (i.e. even in the
surable ‘‘chill’’ responses to music. Similarly, another PET      absence of extreme emotional experiences involving chills).
study by Brown et al. [30] reported activation of the ventral     Results from the reviewed studies indicate that music can
striatum (in addition to the subcallosal cingulate cortex,        easily evoke experiences of pleasure, or fun, associated
the anterior insula and the posterior part of the hippo-          with the activity of a reward pathway involving the hypo-
campus) during listening to two unfamiliar, pleasant              thalamus, the VTA and the NAc. This emotional power of
pieces contrasted with a resting condition. Activation of         music needs to be explored to provide more systematic
the ventral striatum in response to pleasant music was            knowledge that could be used in support of the therapy of
also observed in three studies using fMRI (one investigated       affective disorders related to anhedonia (such as depress-
the valence dimension [11], another examined differences          ive disorders or Parkinson’s disease; Box 2). It has pre-
in pleasantness as a result of the predictability of music        viously been argued that music cannot only evoke
[31], and the third investigated music-evoked memories            subjective experiences of fun (involving the NAc) but also
[32]). One of these studies [31] reported that activation of      experiences of joy and happiness [3]. The next section puts
the ventral striatum was connected to activity in the             forward the hypothesis that the latter experiences involve
ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the hypothalamus. This           different neural systems than those involved in experi-
suggests that the hemodynamic changes observed in the             ences of fun.
ventral striatum reflected dopaminergic activity: the NAc
is innervated in part by dopaminergic brainstem neurons           Music and the hippocampus
(located mainly in the VTA as well as in the substantia           Compared to studies investigating emotion with stimuli
nigra) and is part of the so-called ‘reward circuit’ [33]. This   such as emotional faces, affective pictures, pain stimuli or
circuit includes projections from the lateral hypothalamus        reward stimuli, the number of studies reporting activity
via the medial forebrain bundle to the mesolimbic dopa-           changes within the (anterior) hippocampal formation in
mine pathway involving the VTA with projections to the            response to music [10,11,13,14,26,27,30] is remarkably
NAc [34]. Further support for the assumption that the             high (Figure 1). It is well established that the hippocampus
hemodynamic changes in the ventral striatum reported              plays an important role for learning and memory [38], as
in Refs. [10,11,30–32] involved dopaminergic neural               well as for novelty and expectedness [39] (for relations
activity stems from a recent PET study [35] showing that          between music-evoked emotions and memory processes see
strong music-evoked pleasure (including ‘‘chill’’ experi-         Refs. [32,40,41]). However, at least in some of the func-
ences) lead to increased dopamine binding in the NAc.             tional neuroimaging studies that used music to investigate
    Importantly, activity in the NAc (as well as activity in      emotion, it is unlikely that the hippocampal activations
the ventral pallidum [33]) correlates with motivation- and        were simply a result of memory processes. For example, in
reward-related experiences of pleasure, for instance during       the fMRI study by Mitterschiffthaler et al. [26], in which
the process of obtaining a goal, when an unexpected reach-        sad (as compared to neutral) music elicited changes in the
able incentive is encountered, or when individuals are            anterior hippocampal formation, participants were prob-
presented with a reward cue (reviewed in Refs. [33,36]).          ably comparably familiar with neutral and sad pieces.
In humans, NAc activity has been reported for sexual              Similarly, participants were presumably equally unfami-
activity, intake of drugs, eating of chocolate and drinking       liar with the happy and fearful musical pieces used in the
water when dehydrated [33,36]. It has, therefore, pre-            study by Eldar et al. [13].
viously been suggested that NAc activity correlates with              Therefore, studies on music and emotion remind us of
the subjective experience of fun [3], but more detailed           James W. Papez’s view that the hippocampus also plays an
information about the functional significance of the NAc          important role for emotional processes [42], a notion which
is needed to determine the role that the NAc possibly plays       is at least around 70 years old, but has unfortunately fallen
for other emotions as well.                                       into abeyance. The hippocampus has dense reciprocal
    The NAc also appears to play a role in invigorating, and      connections with structures involved in the regulation of
perhaps even selecting and directing, behavior in response        behaviors essential for survival (such as ingestive, repro-
to stimuli with incentive value, as well as in motivating         ductive and defensive behaviors), and with structures
and rewarding such behavior [36]. The NAc is considered           involved in the regulation of autonomic, hormonal and
as a ‘limbic motor interface’ [37], because (i) the NAc           immune system activity [37]. Such structures include
receives input from limbic structures such as amygdala            the amygdala, hypothalamus, thalamic nuclei, the sep-
and hippocampus; (ii) injecting dopamine in the NAc               tal-diagonal band complex, the cingulate gyrus, the insula
causes an increase in locomotion; and (iii) the NAc projects      and autonomic brain stem nuclei (Figure 2). Efferent con-
to other compartments of the basal ganglia, which play an         nections project to the NAc, other parts of the striatum, as
important role for the learning, selection and execution of       well as to numerous other limbic, paralimbic and non-
actions. This motor-related function of the NAc puts it in a      limbic structures [37]. The functional significance of these

Review                                                                                      Trends in Cognitive Sciences     Vol.14 No.3

connections places the hippocampus (along with the amyg-          Box 3. Outstanding questions
dala and the orbitofrontal cortex) in a pivotal position for
emotional processing, and it has previously been noted             How can the emotion-evoking power of music be used in the
                                                                    therapy of affective disorders related to anhedonia, such as
that the key to understanding the function of the hippo-            depressive disorders, or of Parkinson’s disease?
campus lies in the fact that it has major projections not          What are the neural correlates of the mechanisms underlying the
only to cortical association areas but also to subcortical          evocation of emotions by music?
limbic structures [37].                                            How (and why) does the interaction of music and visual
                                                                    information impact on activity of the amygdala and the hippo-
   The notion that the hippocampus is involved in
emotional processes (in addition to its more cognitive             What is the neural basis of the drive to move and dance to
functions such as memory and spatial representation) is             (pleasant) music?
supported by significant empirical evidence. First, individ-       Can modulation of hippocampal activity (and possible upregula-
uals with depression show structural as well as functional          tion of neurogenesis in the hippocampus) with music be used for
                                                                    the therapy of depressed patients and patients with PTSD?
abnormality of the hippocampus (reviewed in Refs.
                                                                   What role does the ACC play for the synchronization of biological
[43,44]). Second, the hippocampus is unique in its vulner-          subsystems?
ability to emotional stressors. In animals, chronic stress         What is the neural basis of beneficial effects of music listening in
related to helplessness and despair leads to death of               stroke patients?
hippocampal neurons and related hippocampal atrophy
[44], consistent with studies on humans that show reduced
hippocampal volume in individuals suffering from child-          that activity changes observed in the amygdala and the
hood sexual abuse [45] and post-traumatic stress disorder        hippocampus during the presentation of unpleasant (or
(PTSD) [46]. The loss of hippocampal volume during and           threatening) stimuli is not necessarily a result of the
after emotional traumatization, or during depression, is         generation of fear (or other unpleasant emotions) but could
assumed to be partly due to both a downregulation of             well reflect inhibitory processes activated to prevent the
neurogenesis in the hippocampus and death of hippo-              hippocampus from traumatization during exposure to
campal neurons [44]. Third, activity changes in the              potentially harmful stimuli.
anterior hippocampal formation (as well as in the amyg-
dala) in response to pleasant and unpleasant music are           Effects of music on insular and anterior cingulate cortex
reduced in individuals with reduced ‘‘tender positive emo-       activity
tionality’’ (i.e. with reduced capability of producing tender    Current theories of emotion emphasize the association
positive feelings that can be described as soft, loving, warm    between emotion and changes in physiological arousal
and happy) compared to individuals of a normal control           (mainly involving changes in autonomic and hormonal
group [47].                                                      activity). Changes in autonomic activity have been
   Although only little specific information about the invol-    reported to be associated with activity changes in the
vement of the hippocampus in the processing of emotions is       anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the insular cortex
yet available, the results of the study by Koelsch et al. [47]   [48–50], and music studies using PET or fMRI have
(as well as of studies showing hippocampal dysfunction and       observed activity changes in both of these structures
structural damage in depressive individuals) encourage           (during music-evoked chills [10], as well as during experi-
the hypothesis that the hippocampus is a critical structure      ences of fear and sadness [14]). Note, however, that activity
for the generation of tender, positive emotions, such as joy     changes in the ACC or insular cortex are not necessarily
and happiness. This hypothesis relates feelings of happi-        related to emotional processing (for the role of the ACC in
ness (supposedly involving the hippocampus, presumably           performance monitoring and motor activity see Ref. [51];
in connection with the amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus           for movement-related functions of the insula and the
and temporal poles) to a different neural network than the       involvement of the insula in the perception of speech
experiences of fun (involving the NAc, the VTA, and the          and music see Ref. [3,52]).
hypothalamus; see previous section). Future neuroimaging            It has recently been proposed [3] that the ACC is
studies of emotion should carefully control for familiarity,     involved in the synchronization of biological subsystems
novelty and memory processes elicited by different               (such as physiological arousal, motor expression, motiva-
stimulus categories to rule out the possibility that hippo-      tional processes, monitoring processes and cognitive
campal activations are due to such factors.                      appraisal; [53]). The synchronization of these subsystems
   Notably, owing to the capability of music to evoke            is likely to occur as an effect of every emotional instance
activity changes in the hippocampus, it is conceivable that      and could even be indispensable for subjective emotional
music therapy with depressed patients and with PTSD              experiences (usually referred to as feelings). The ACC is in
patients has positive effects on the upregulation of neuro-      a unique position to accomplish such synchronization,
genesis in the hippocampus, but this is still an open ques-      owing to its involvement in cognition, autonomic nervous
tion (Box 3).                                                    system activity, motor activity, motivation and monitoring.
   It is also worth noting that because of its particular           Emotions are usually not only accompanied by auto-
sensitivity to emotional stressors, inhibition of neural         nomic but also by endocrine (i.e. hormonal) effects, which,
pathways projecting to the hippocampus during the per-           in turn, have effects on immune system function [54,55].
ception of unpleasant stimuli could represent a sensitive        With regard to music, such effects are particularly relevant
neural mechanism that serves the prevention of potential         when they are related to a reduction of stress or ameliora-
damage of hippocampal neurons [3,11]. Thus, it is possible       tion of depression and anxiety [56] (Box 2). However, more

Review                                                                                                            Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.14 No.3

evidence of the emotional effects of music on autonomic,                             8 Dalgleish, T. (2004) The emotional brain. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 5, 583–
hormonal and immune system activity is needed for music
                                                                                     9 Price, J.L. (2005) Free will versus survival: brain systems that underlie
therapy to be systematically employed in the treatment of                              intrinsic constraints on behavior. J. Comp. Neurol. 493, 132–139
diseases related to endocrine, autonomic or immune sys-                             10 Blood, A. and Zatorre, R.J. (2001) Intensely pleasurable responses to
tem dysfunction.                                                                       music correlate with activity in brain regions implicated in reward and
                                                                                       emotion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 98, 11818–11823
                                                                                    11 Koelsch, S. et al. (2006) Investigating emotion with music: an fMRI
Concluding remarks
                                                                                       study. Hum. Brain Mapp. 27, 239–250
Despite active research in the area of affective neuro-                             12 Ball, T. et al. (2007) Response properties of human amygdala
science, the different roles of various brain regions involved                         subregions: evidence based on functional MRI combined with
in emotion are still not well understood. This review                                  probabilistic anatomical maps. PLoS One 3, e307
illustrates that music is an important, perhaps even indis-                         13 Eldar, E. et al. (2007) Feeling the real world: limbic response to music
                                                                                       depends on related content. Cereb. Cortex 17, 2828–2840
pensable, tool to gain such knowledge. Future work with                             14 Baumgartner, T. et al. (2006) The emotional power of music: how music
music can contribute to the investigation of the neural                                enhances the feeling of affective pictures. Brain Res. 1075, 151–164
networks underlying different emotions, with the particu-                           15 Koelsch, S. et al. (2008) Amygdala activity can be modulated by
lar advantage that music can be used to study a range of                               unexpected chord functions during music listening. Neuroreport 19,
positive as well as negative emotions.                                                 1815–1819
                                                                                    16 Lerner, Y. et al. (2009) Eyes wide shut: amygdala mediates eyes-closed
    As yet only little is known about the neural correlates of                         effect on emotional experience with music. PLoS One 4, e6230
different psychological processes underlying the evocation                          17 Gosselin, N. et al. (2005) Impaired recognition of scary music following
of emotion with music (such as emotional contagion [11],                               unilateral temporal lobe excision. Brain 128, 628–640
musical expectancy [15,57,58] or musical memories [2]).                             18 Gosselin, N. et al. (2007) Amygdala damage impairs emotion
                                                                                       recognition from music. Neuropsychologia 45, 236–244
Specific knowledge can be gained by systematically manip-
                                                                                    19 Dellacherie, D. et al. (2008) Is the neutral condition relevant to study
ulating different such processes to identify their neural                              musical emotion in patients? Music Percept. 25, 285–294
correlates.                                                                         20 Griffiths, T.D. et al. (2004) ‘When the feeling’s gone’: a selective loss of
    Finally, with regard to music therapy, future work                                 musical emotion. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 75, 344–345
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