Resurrecting Free Play in Young Children
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ARTICLE Resurrecting Free Play in Young Children Looking Beyond Fitness and Fatness to Attention, Affiliation, and Affect Hillary L. Burdette, MD, MS; Robert C. Whitaker, MD, MPH W e have observed that the nature and amount of free play in young children has changed. Our purpose in this article is to demonstrate why play, and particu- larly active, unstructured, outdoor play, needs to be restored in children’s lives. We propose that efforts to increase physical activity in young children might be more successful if physical activity is promoted using different language—encouraging play—and if a different set of outcomes are emphasized—aspects of child well-being other than physical health. Because most physical activity in preschoolers is equivalent to gross motor play, we suggest that the term “play” be used to encourage movement in preschoolers. The benefits of play on children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development are explored. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005;159:46-50 In observing the obesity epidemic,1 many active play. For example, compared with grandparents,andevensomeparents,remark preschool children who watch less than 2 that children of today no longer play the way hours of television a day, those who watch children used to play. Play is the spontane- 2 hours or more spend an average of 30 min- ous activity in which children engage to utes less time each day playing outside.3 amuse and to occupy themselves. It is also We start with the premise that chil- a way children optimize their own brain de- dren’s active, free play is disappearing and/or velopment. Viewed from this perspective, changing. Our purpose is not to explain why the nostalgic observation that children “no this has occurred or to describe what soci- longer play” should be taken seriously be- etal values it might reflect. Instead, we aim cause the consequences for child well-being to demonstrate why play, and particularly extend beyond the problem of obesity. unstructured outdoor play, needs to be re- We know of few systematically col- stored to the lives of children. Play has the lected data that describe exactly how the potential to improve all aspects of chil- amount and/or nature of play in young chil- dren’s well-being: physical, emotional, so- dren has changed; there is indirect evi- cial, and cognitive. We argue that the cur- dence that children are doing less of it, less rent emphasis on increasing physical activity without structure imposed by adults, and in young children to address the problem less of it outdoors. Between 1981 and 1997 of obesity, while an important public health children’s free playtime dropped by an es- agenda, might be more successful if the ex- timated 25%, and this change appears to be posure (physical activity or exercise) were driven by increases in the amount of time promoted with different language (play) and children spend in structured activities.2 if a different set of outcomes were empha- Within children’s unstructured time, there sized (aspects of child well-being other than are sedentary and passive activities such as physical health). watching television, using the computer, and playing videogames that compete with WHY A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE? Author Affiliations: Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa (Dr Burdette); and Mathematica Policy Young children are physically active in dif- Research Inc, Princeton, NJ (Dr Whitaker). ferent ways than older children, adoles- (REPRINTED) ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/ VOL 159, JAN 2005 WWW.ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 46 Downloaded from at University of California - Berkeley, on November 10, 2006 ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
cents, or adults. Because most physical activity in young reduces excess body fat.12,13 A major difficulty in focus- children is equivalent to gross motor play, we suggest that ing on the outcomes of fitness and fatness is parents’ per- the term “play,” not the terms “physical activity,” “ex- ceptions about health and weight in young children. First, ercise,” or “sports,” be used to promote movement in most parents with overweight preschoolers do not think young children. As preschoolers play, they have brief bouts their overweight children are overweight.14 This is prob- of varied activities with frequent rest periods.4 Com- ably because parents have differing views from public pared with exercising adults, children at play have more health or health care professionals regarding the defini- spontaneity and less interest in sustaining a single activ- tion, causes, and consequences of overweight.15 Second, ity. These differences may result from differing needs of parents, especially those who are obese, can be offended the developing brain to provide itself, through activity, by the labels of obesity or overweight, making it poten- with a pattern of varied stimulation from the environ- tially problematic to use either term or to link these terms ment that subserves its own optimal development.5 to physical activity.16 Third, parents tend to see their child’s Another reason to use the word play is that parents weight gain early in life as a marker of successful nur- may view the term more positively. Adults thinking of turance. exercise often imagine structured aerobic activity or In addition to these complex perceptions about weight, sports.6 These images can evoke in some parents the up- there are also complex perceptions of health. Although the setting memories of failed efforts at weight loss or main- inseparable nature of health and well-being has been em- tenance.7 Furthermore, many adults have also had nega- phasized for more than a half century,17 the artificial di- tive childhood experiences with exercise or sports. All chotomy between mind and body may inadvertently be these memories contrast greatly with joyous recollec- exacerbated by calls to promote physical activity in chil- tions of unstructured childhood play. Thus, if parents are dren as a response to the obesity epidemic. A parent who to create opportunities and cues for their young chil- is asked to consider how their young child is “doing” (as dren to be physically active, the term play may be the most opposed to whether their child is “healthy”) is more likely motivating and positive term to use with parents. to think about whether their child is happy, calm, curi- A final problem with using the term physical activity ous, sleeping well, and playing with other children than is that the word “active” has varied interpretations for whether their child is sufficiently lean or active. parents of young children. In the context of the obesity Parents are the primary mediators of gross motor play epidemic, the primary rationale for encouraging both in their young children. To encourage parents to maxi- adults and children to increase their physical activity lev- mize the opportunity for their children’s play, we be- els is that energy expenditure will increase to match en- lieve there should be more emphasis on the 3 a’s of child ergy intake. A problem with this rationale is that it does well-being than on the 2 f’s of physical health. That is to not seem coherent to many parents who already per- say, parents will be more inspired by the potential ben- ceive that their young children are very active. The re- efits of play arising in 3 domains of their child’s well- cent surge in medical treatment for attention-deficit dis- being—attention (cognitive), affiliation (social), and affect order, especially among preschoolers,8 may be a reflection (emotional)—than in 2 domains of physical health— of a widespread parental perception that their children fitness and fatness. are “too active.” Parents will often use the term active to describe a young child who garners their attention by dis- ATTENTION rupting and distracting them in their own chores. Simi- larly, the active child might be one who moves busily, Attention, an aspect of cognitive functioning that in- with gross motor quickness and curiosity, between novel volves inhibition and impulse control, is highly valued objects and tasks. Depending on the child’s age and the by parents because of its ability to enhance learning. The intensity of the behavior, these characterizations of ac- emergence of this aspect of cognition in young chil- tive children merely describe the behavior of healthy chil- dren, for example, permits group learning—listening qui- dren. Thus, to the extent that it is healthy for children etly with others to the reading of a story or taking turns to be active, parents may fail to comprehend advice to with others in a shared activity. In a recent national sur- increase their children’s level of physical activity. The term vey of 500 public school teachers and 800 parents, 90% play might be more easily understood by parents than of teachers and 86% of parents believed that physically the term physical activity when suggesting that their chil- active children are better able to learn and are better be- dren be more active. haved in the classroom.18 While there has been research linking physical activity in children with the develop- WHY A FOCUS ON OTHER OUTCOMES? ment of sensory-motor integration,19 there has been little research in children examining the relationship be- For those researching or delivering health promotion or tween physical activity and attention or other aspects of health care, the link between physical activity and young cognition. children’s health has focused primarily on achieving physi- In animal experiments, rats and mice exposed to an cal fitness and a healthy body weight. There is only in- enriched environment show improvements in learning direct evidence in young children of a relationship be- and memory that are related to changes in brain neuro- tween active play, physical fitness, and body fatness.9 genesis.20-22 An enriched environment is one in which there However, preschool children seem to have highest physi- are more rodents in the cage, objects such as toys and cal activity levels while engaged in play outdoors,10,11 and tunnels to stimulate exploration, and a running wheel in older children physical activity improves fitness and for exercise. For children the outdoors seems to provide (REPRINTED) ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/ VOL 159, JAN 2005 WWW.ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 47 Downloaded from at University of California - Berkeley, on November 10, 2006 ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
such an enriched environment. Outdoors is where free ing that recognition, is an ability that emerges in early child- play and gross motor activity in young children are most hood, is the key to meaningful affiliation, and arises, in likely to occur.10,11,23,24 part, from the experience of free play. While playing outdoors a child is likely to encounter opportunities for decision making that stimulate prob- AFFECT lem solving and creative thinking because outdoor spaces are often more varied and less structured than indoor Perhaps, even more than being smart and getting along spaces. In addition, there are usually fewer constraints with others, parents want their children to be happy, and outdoors on children’s gross motor movement and less it is the happiness that children can achieve through play restriction on their range of visual and gross motor ex- that may be the most important message to communi- ploration. Together these factors that do not prescribe cate to parents about the benefits of physical activity in or limit activity induce curiosity and the use of imagi- children. Although it has been the subject of little sci- nation.25,26 entific inquiry in young children, free play has the po- The problem solving that occurs in play may pro- tential to improve many aspects of emotional well- mote executive functioning—a higher-level skill that in- being such as minimizing anxiety, depression, aggression, tegrates attention and other cognitive functions such as and sleep problems. In adults, physical activity can de- planning, organizing, sequencing, and decision mak- crease depressive symptoms35,36 while physical inactiv- ing. Executive functioning is required not only for later ity has been shown to increase the risk of developing de- academic success but for success in those tasks of daily pression.37,38 In addition, exercise in adults has been shown living that all children must master to gain full indepen- to lessen anxiety both acutely and over time.39,40 Studies dence, such as managing their belongings and traveling in older children have shown that improved mood and to unfamiliar places. Parallel to these cognitive problem- emotional well-being are associated with physical activ- solving skills are another set of skills that children re- ity.41,42 Mood may be affected not only by the physical quire for social problem solving, and these skills may also activity itself but also by exposure to sunlight if the ac- be promoted by play. tivity occurs outdoors.43 Therefore, it seems likely that free play in young chil- AFFILIATION dren can improve emotional well-being. In focus groups with low-income mothers of preschool children, most Play provides opportunities for children to learn social mothers felt that improvements in their children’s mood interaction, and all parents aspire for their children to and mental health were the most immediate benefits of be successful in these interactions. This success is a mea- physical activity in their children.44 Furthermore, by join- sure of the children’s social well-being and is marked by ing their children in gross motor play, parents may also the ability of children to develop and sustain friend- be able to increase their own physical activity and re- ships, to cooperate, to lead, and to follow. Unstructured ceive, for themselves, some improvement in mood. active play with others, including with parents, siblings, Because improved mood may be the most immediate and peers, is a major opportunity to cultivate social and visible benefit of play, it is also the benefit most likely skills.27,28 This is because all play with others requires solv- to reinforce play. If playing with a child makes both the ing some form of a social problem, such as deciding what parent and child feel better, play will be sustained with- to play, who can play, when to start, when to stop, and out any public health prescription. Indeed, many adults the rules of engagement.29 Solving these dilemmas and who exercise regularly report doing so because it makes conflicts that arise in play encourages children to com- them feel better and it relieves stress. Even the lives of promise and to cooperate. This process can cultivate a young children are full of emotional stresses. These range of social and emotional capabilities such as empa- stresses, experienced by the child’s brain, result in a num- thy, flexibility, self-awareness, and self-regulation. Such ber of physiologic responses in the body, collectively re- capabilities, sometimes referred to together as “emo- ferred to as “allostatic load,”45 that can impair children’s tional intelligence,” are essential for successful social in- health.46 Gross motor play may be an important mecha- teractions in adult life.30 Emotional intelligence contrib- nism to dampen allostatic load. A smile on the face of a utes to success in the workplace, 31,32 and it is the playing child reflects multiple physiologic processes in foundation for success in the intimate social relation- the body that can improve health. Learning at a critical ships, such as between parents, that become the pri- period in development that play and movement relieves mary models for children’s social development.33 stress and enhances mood may help children sustain There is a large body of scientific literature that dem- physical activity patterns over their lifetime. onstrates the health-promoting effects in adults of vari- ous forms of social connection.34 However, little atten- CONVEYING THE MESSAGE ABOUT PLAY tion has been paid to those influences in early life that allow children to enter adulthood with the abilities to develop A major challenge in resurrecting free play is how best to and to maintain social connections. These abilities arise reach parents with messages about the important role of through early influences on the developing brain that can play in their children’s lives. Although those who are pro- be cultivated through unstructured free play. Although viding primary health care to children have a crowded many abilities may contribute to achieving social connec- agenda and little time for behavioral counseling, commu- tions, we maintain that empathy, which can be defined as nicating with parents about play should, nevertheless, re- recognizing the emotions of self and others and convey- ceive high consideration because the benefits of play can (REPRINTED) ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/ VOL 159, JAN 2005 WWW.ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 48 Downloaded from at University of California - Berkeley, on November 10, 2006 ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
be presented in a way that is congruent with parents’ as- ology and Nutrition, 34th St and Civic Center Blvd, Phila- pirations for their children’s well-being. The Special Supple- delphia, PA 19104 ( mental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Chil- Acknowledgment: We are grateful to Patsy H. Burdette dren (WIC) also has an enormous potential to provide the and the late Jessie L. Hill for sharing their wisdom about same messages to parents about play. The WIC Program the important role of play in the lives of children. serves more than 7.5 million US women and children,47 and almost half of all US children are enrolled in WIC at some point in their lives.48 With the growing problem of obesity REFERENCES in children enrolled in WIC,49 new behavioral messages are 1. Ogden CL, Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Johnson CL. Prevalence and trends in over- required to promote energy expenditure, but these mes- weight among US children and adolescents, 1999-2000. 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