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CONFLIT D’INTERET 2020 • Intérêts financiers: néant • Liens durables ou permanents: néant • Interventions ponctuelles: GSK ⎼ Participation à des frais de congrès/formation ⎼ Rémunération de formation
PREAMBULE • Toux chronique de l’enfant: – Symptôme fréquemment rapporté – Retentissement familial et social important – Motif très fréquent de consultation – Sujet historiquement peu exploré Ø Prise en charge longtemps basée sur l’application d’algorithmes de prise en charge «adulte » appliqués à l’enfant • Travaux de recherche récents: Ø Amélioration des connaissances • Mécanismes physiopathologiques de la toux • Etiologies pédiatriques (PBB, …) • Evolution et morbidité(s) associée(s) Ø Elaboration de « nouvelles recommandations » de prise en charge pédiatrique
Etiologies of Chronic Cough in Pediatric Cohorts CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report 2017 [ Evidence-Based Medicine ] Anne B. Chang, MBBS, PhD, MPH; John J. Oppenheimer, MD; Miles Weinberger, MD, FCCP; Cameron C. Grant, PhD; Bruce K. Rubin, MD; and Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP; on behalf of the CHEST Expert Cough Panel Use of Management There is Pathways no published systematicor BACKGROUND: Algorithms review on the etiologies of chronic cough or the relationship between OSA and chronic cough in children aged # 14 years. We thus undertook a in Childrensystematic With Chronic review based on key questionsCough (KQs) using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report 2017 Outcome format. The KQs follow: Among children with chronic (> 4 weeks) cough (KQ 1) are the common etiologies different from those in adults? (KQ 2) Are the common etiologies age or setting dependent, or both? (KQ 3) Is OSA a cause of chronic cough in children? Anne B. Chang, MBBS, PhD, MPH; John J. Oppenheimer, MD; Miles M. Weinberger, MD, FCCP; Bruce K. Rubin, MD; ERS OFFICIAL DOCUMENT We used the CHEST Expert Cough Panel’s protocol and the American College of METHODS: Kelly Weir, BSpThy, MSpPath, PhD, CPSP; Cameron C. Grant, MBChB, PhD; Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP; on behalf ERS GUIDELINES Chest Physicians (CHEST) methodological guidelines and Grading of Recommendations of the CHEST Expert Cough Panel Development, and Evaluation framework. Data from the systematic reviews in Assessment, conjunction with patients’ values and preferences and the clinical context were used to form recommendations. Delphi methodology was used to obtain consensus. studies We undertook systematic the etiologies of cough reviews to examine in children various aspects are different TASK FORCE ERS guidelines on the diagnosis and BACKGROUND: Using management algorithms or pathways potentially improves clinical out- RESULTS: Combining KQs 1 and 2, we found moderate-level evidence from 10 prospective comes.that in the generic approach (use REPORTfrom those in adults and are treatment of chronic cough in adults of cough algorithms and tests) to the management setting dependent. Data from three studies found of thatchronic cough in common etiologieschildren (agedin#young of cough 14 years) ERS STATEMENT 2017 based on key questions (KQs) using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome children were different from those in older children. However, data relating sleep abnor- format. METHODS: We used malities to chronic the AmericanThere the CHEST cough College Expert in children were of Chest Physicians Cough foundPanel’s (CHEST) only inprotocol and case studies. that methodological guidelineschildren for the systematic reviews and andcough Grading in of 2020 ERS statement onare different protracted bacterial CONCLUSIONS: is moderate-quality evidence common etiologies of chronic Recommendations children Assessment, from Development those in adults and Evaluation and are dependent on ageframework. Data and setting. As from there arethe fewsys- bronchitis in data children tematic bewere reviews used toinform in conjunction with recommendations. patients’ Delphi values and sleep methodology preferences guidelines. was and used 2017; the to obtain clinical relating OSA and chronic cough in children, the panel suggested that these children should context the final grading. managed accordance with pediatric CHEST 152(3):607-617 1 Alyn H. Morice , Eva Millqvist2, Kristina Bieksiene3, Surinder S. Birring4,5, 6 Ahmad RESULTS: Combining data from systematic reviews addressing Kantar1,13, AnneKEY WORDS:2,3,4,13 B. Chang cough;, Mike evidence-based 5 medicine; D. Shields , Julie M. Marchant2,3, pediatrics Peter five KQs,Dicpinigaitis we found high- , Christian Domingo Ribas7, Michele Hilton Boon 8, Keith[ Grimwood Evidence-Based6 quality Medicine , Jonathan Grigg ] 7, Kostas N. Priftis8, Renato Cutrera9, evidence that a systematic approach to the management of chronic cough Ahmad Kantar , Kefang Lai10,21, Lorcan McGarvey11, David Rigau12, 9 improves 11 clinical outcomes. Although there was evidence from several pathways, 13,14 the highest , Jacky Smith15, Woo-Jung Song 16,22, Thomy Tonia17, Jan 10 12 Fabio Midulla ,CHEST ABBREVIATIONS: Paul =L.P. BrandCollege American andof Mark L. Everard Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; and Imran Chest Physicians; Satia the Department of Pediatrics W. GERD = gastroesophageal reflux evidence disease; ILDwas from the = interstitial lunguse of the CHEST disease; approach. (Dr Weinberger), However, University thereSan of California, wasDiego, no or little Rady evidence Children’s KQ = key question; PBB = protracted bacterialsome bronchitis; PC-QOL Hospital, San Diego, CA. KQs=Bergamaschi, K. van den Berg18, Mirjam J.G. van Manen19 and Angela Zacharasiewicz20 Affiliations: 1Pediatric Asthma andtoCough address of Ospedalieri Centre, Istituti the posed. University and Research parent cough-specific quality of life; PRISMA = Preferred Reporting Items DISCLAIMER: AmericanHospital, College of Chest Physician guidelines are Hospitals, Bergamo, Italy. 2Dept of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Lady Cilento Children’s for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; CONCLUSIONS: Brisbane, Australia. 3Centre for Children’s QoL Compared = quality Health Research, RCT with of life;Institute the = of Health 2006 intended& for Coughinformation general Biomedical Guidelines, Innovation, there only, are is now not medical high-quality advice, and do Chronic Cough and Gastroesophageal randomized Belfast, Menzies 6 controlled UK.School From Menzies trial; Queensland University of Technology, the of Health UACS = Division Health Institute upper evidence Research; of airway Brisbane,that Child use ofQueensland, cough cough Health syndrome Australia. 4 (Dr management Child Health in children 5 Griffith and the Respiratory aged Chang), not replace Division, # 14 ways professional Menzies years should Research, Charles Darwin University, Casuarina, Australia. Dept of Child Health, Queen’s University Belfast, AFFILIATIONS: protocols University Sleep Gold(or and disclaimer be School with algorithms) CoastforHealth, Gold medical of Health chronic sought for improves this guideline any Coast, care and cough (> medical physician 4 weeks’ condition. advice, @ERSpublications clinical can be accessed The atoutcomes, which al- the duration), complete and cough http://www.chestnet. Reflux in Children Australia. 7 DepartmentBlizard (Dr Institute, Queen Chang), Lady Mary Cilento University Children’s management London, Hospital, or London, testingQld Uni UK. of algorithms 8 Third Dept should of Paediatrics, differ University depending on the New ERS guideline on chronic cough details the paradigm shift in our understanding. In adults, org/Guidelines-and-Resources/Guidelines-and-Consensus-Statements/ associated characteristics 2019 General Hospital Technology Attikon, School Queensland, of Medicine, Australia; National and the Division Kapodistrian of Allergy and University of Athens, Athens, Greece. CHEST-Guidelines. cough hypersensitivity has become the overarching diagnosis, and in children, persistent bacterial 9 Respiratory Unit, UniversityofDept ofof the cough Pediatrics, and clinical Bambino Gesu’ history. A Children’s chest radiograph Research Hospital, Rome, and, when age Italy. appropriate, spirometry … Immunology, Department Medicine (Dr Oppenheimer), New Jersey 10 CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report Dept of Pediatrics Medical and Infantile School, Pulmonary andNeuropsychiatry, Allergyand (pre- “Sapienza” Associates, University Morristown, post-12bSchool 2 agonist) NJ; FUNDING/SUPPORT: shouldMedical be Child undertaken. 11 A. B. C. is supported of Rome, Rome, Italy. Isala Women Other Research Council tests (NHMRC) bronchitis should by explains a National Health not fellowship practitioner be routinely most wet cough, changing treatment advice. and [Grantper- and Children's Hospital, Zwolle, the Netherlands. the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, of Pediatrics and Health, University of Western Australia, Princess(Dr Margaret Hospital, Subiaco, Australia. 13 1058213] and holds multiple grants awarded from the NHMRC related Department of Medicine formed Irwin), UMassand undertaken Memorial Medical inBoth Center, authors contributed accordance with equally. the clinical settingCite andthis to diseases associated with pediatric cough. The views expressed in thisthearticle child’sas: Morice AH, Millqvist E, Bieksiene K, et al. ERS guidelines on the diagnosis and clinical Anne B.MA; Worcester, Chang, MBBS, PhD, the Department MPH; John of Pediatrics J. Oppenheimer, (Dr Rubin), Children’s MD; Peter J.areKahrilas, MD; Ahmad Kantar, treatment MD;of the chronic cough in adults and children. Eur Respir J 2020; 55: 1901136 [ Correspondence: Ahmad Kantar,symptoms and Pediatric Asthma signs (eg, tests and Cough for Centre, tuberculosis publication Istituti Ospedalieri when those the of the child authors Bergamaschi, hasdo and been exposed). not reflect views of the Hospital Bruceand University of K.Richmond Rubin, Research atHospitals, MD; Virginia Commonwealth Miles Weinberger, via Forlanini MD, University, FCCP;San 15, Ponte Rich- and Richard Pietro, S. Irwin, NHMRC. Bergamo, MD, Italy. Master E-mail: FCCP; CHEST kantar@ 13993003.01136-2019]. on behalf of the151(4):875-883 CHEST Expert mond, VA; the Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health, 2017; Cough Faculty Panel* and Health Sciences (Dr Grant), The University of of Medicine
DEFINITION • « Toux chronique de l’enfant »: DUREE? Ø Recommandations internationales discordantes : − American College of Chest Physicians: durée ≥ 4 semaines Chang et al. Guidelines for evaluation chronic cough in pediatrics: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guideline. Chest 2006;129:Suppl.1,260S-283S − British Thoracic Society: • Toux « chronique »: durée ≥ 8 semaines • Toux « aigue prolongée»: [3-8] semaines = temps « attendu » de résolution d’une toux post-infectieuse Shields et al. BTS guidelines: Recommendations for the assessment and management of cough in children. Thorax 2008;63:Suppl.3,iii1-15. Ø Littérature récente: • Toux chronique de l’adulte: ≥ 8 semaines • Toux chronique de l’enfant: ≥ 4 semaines Morice et al. ERS Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough in adults and children. Eur Respir J 2020;55:1901136
• « Toux chronique de l’enfant »: PERIODICITE? Ø « For children aged ≤14 years, we suggest defining chronic cough as the presence of DAILY COUGH of at least 4 WEEKS in duration » (Ungraded, Consensus Based Statement ) Chang et al. Use of Management Pathways or Algorithms in Children with Chronic Cough. Chest 2017;151(4):875-883 Ø Infections de VAS récidivantes et rapprochées peuvent donner l’impression de signes continus • « Toux chronique de l’enfant »: AGE? Ø Etudes et recommandations: non homogènes…
to 43 weeks [median (IQR) = 12 (6–19.5) weeks] who were data. In comparison with other studies, these results con- referred by community pediatricians for chronic cough. firm, as mentioned above, that the prevalence of various Chronic cough was defined as a cough lasting more than etiologies of chronic cough depends on numerous factors. ETIOLOGIES 4 weeks. Thirty-four of the children had a wet cough, and 19 presented wheezing. The diagnostic protocol employed at our center is based on a modified Australian chronic cough Future Management and Prevention protocol [38]. The diagnostic approach was patient centered, and the parents shared in the diagnostic approach and Respiratory infections and their sequelae appear to be the • TRAVAUX RECHERCHE récents chez l’enfant: management. The study was approved by Local Ethical principal cause of chronic cough in children. This con- Committee and parents gave informed consent. clusion suggests various possibilities for both treatment and The approach was based on an initial detailed medical history and physical examination. This step was followed by 20 Ø Amélioration des connaissances first-phase investigations that included one or more of the following assessments: chest radiograph, laboratory exami- 18 16 ⎼ Physiopathologie nation (immunoglobulins; IgE; markers for pertussis, % of total cases 14 mycoplasma, and chlamydia infections; sweat test; Alpha-1- antitrypsin; Epidémiologie ⎼ Mantoux or Quantiferon tests), skin prick test 12 10 (n = 60), oscillometry (n = 13), spirometry (n = 47), 8 FeNO (n = 44), induced sputum (n = 32; children 6 [5Ø LUNG, years), 2016:for ciliary analysis (n = 10), and nasal brushing 4 psychological evaluation (n = 16). The first exam per- 2 formed was 64 enfants, • selected 2011-2012 based on the patient’s clinical profile 0 and the nature of cough. In the second phase, CT scanning • 2 perdus (Dual Source de vue Flash Spiral; n = 21), pH impedance (n = 16), and/or flexible bronchoscopy (n = 10) were per- • 1 patient « sans étiologie formed. These tests were conducted if the initial investiga- Diagnosis identifiée tion did not lead » and the cough persisted. In to a diagnosis Fig. 1 Frequency (%) of the primary diagnosis in 64 children with two patients, esophagogastroscopy was also performed. chronic cough, defined as cough [4 weeks duration. Protracted A primary diagnosis was obtained for 61 children, who bacterial bronchitis (PBB), gastroesophageal reflux (GER), and upper were followed up for 6 months (Fig. 1). Among these airway cough syndrome (UACS) Kantar A. Update on Pediatric Couch. Lung 2016;194:9-14 123
• RECOMMANDATIONS: ETIOLOGIES chez l’enfant − DIFFERENTES // chez l’adulte (IB) [ Evidence-Based Medicine ] Ø « Hypersensibilité à la toux » chez l’enfant? Ø CAUSES SPECIFIQUES: Etiologies of Chronic Cough in Pediatric Cohorts ⎼ PBB CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report 2017 ⎼ CEB Anne B. Chang, MBBS, PhD, MPH; John J. Oppenheimer, MD; Miles Weinberger, MD, FCCP; Cameron C. Grant, PhD; Bruce K. Rubin, MD; and Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP; on behalf of the CHEST Expert Cough Panel ⎼ Toux psychogène BACKGROUND: There is no published systematic review on the etiologies of chronic cough or the relationship between OSA and chronic cough in children aged # 14 years. We thus undertook a … systematic review based on key questions (KQs) using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, ⎼ Outcome format. The KQs follow: Among children with chronic (> 4 weeks) cough (KQ 1) are the common etiologies different from those in adults? (KQ 2) Are the common etiologies age or setting dependent, or both? (KQ 3) Is OSA a cause of chronic cough in children? METHODS: We used the CHEST Expert Cough Panel’s protocol and the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) methodological guidelines and Grading of Recommendations − Toux = le + svt SYMPTÔME d’une pathologie sous-jacente Assessment, Development, and Evaluation framework. Data from the systematic reviews in ERS OFFICIAL DOCUMENT conjunction with patients’ values and preferences and the clinical context were used to form ERS GUIDELINES recommendations. Delphi methodology was used to obtain consensus. Combining KQs 1 and 2, we found moderate-level evidence from 10 prospective Ø Présentations cliniques différentes RESULTS: studies that the etiologies of cough in children are different from those in adults and are setting dependent. Data from three studies found that common etiologies of cough in young ERS guidelines on the diagnosis and children were different from those in older children. However, data relating sleep abnor- Ø Etiologies variables selon malities to chronic cough in children were found only in case studies. treatment of chronic cough in adults CONCLUSIONS: There is moderate-quality evidence that common etiologies of chronic cough in children are different from those in adults and are dependent on age and setting. As there are few • Age and children data relating OSA and chronic cough in children, the panel suggested that these children should be managed in accordance with pediatric sleep guidelines. 2020 CHEST 2017; 152(3):607-617 KEY WORDS: cough; evidence-based medicine; pediatrics • Contexte/Environnement ABBREVIATIONS: CHEST = American 1 College of Chest Physicians; Alyn H. Morice , Eva Millqvist , Kristina Bieksiene (Dr Weinberger), 2 3 GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease; ILD = interstitial lung disease; 6 Peter Dicpinigaitis , Christian Domingo KQ = key question; PBB = protracted bacterial Ribas 7 Hospital, San Diego, , CA. Michele bronchitis; PC-QOL = Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; and the Department of Pediatrics , Surinder University S.Diego, of California, San Hilton Birring Boon 4,5 , Rady Children’s 8 , parent cough-specific quality of life; PRISMA = Preferred Reporting Items DISCLAIMER: American College of Chest Physician guidelines are • Durée de la toux 9 QoL = quality of life;10,21 11 only, are not medical 12 Ahmad Kantar , Kefang Lai , Lorcan for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; McGarvey intended for RCT = , David Rigau advice, general information randomized controlled trial; UACS = upper airway cough syndrome , and do not replace professional medical care and physician advice, which al- 13,14 15 16,22 17 Imran Satia , Jacky Smith , Woo-Jung Song ways should AFFILIATIONS: From the Division of Child Health (Dr Chang),be sought for any, Thomy ToniaThe medical condition. ,complete Jan W. Menzies School of Health Research; disclaimer 19for this guideline can be accessed at http://www.chestnet. 18 the Respiratory and Sleep K. van den Berg , Mirjam J.G. van Manen and Angela Zacharasiewicz20 org/Guidelines-and-Resources/Guidelines-and-Consensus-Statements/ Department (Dr Chang), Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, Qld Uni of Technology Queensland, Australia; the Division of Allergy and CHEST-Guidelines. Immunology, Department of Medicine (Dr Oppenheimer), New Jersey FUNDING/SUPPORT: A. B. C. is supported by a National Health and Medical School, Pulmonary and Allergy Associates, Morristown, NJ; Medical Research Council (NHMRC) practitioner fellowship [Grant
Statement). chest CT 3. For children aged £ 14 years with chronic cough, we underta recommend Summary of using pediatric-specific cough Recommendations/Suggestions the chil appropr management 1. For children aged £ or protocols 14 algorithms (Gradedefining 1B). DEMARCHE DIAGNOSTIQUE years, we suggest underta 11. For chronic 4. cough as For children the£presence aged 14 yearsofwith daily cough cough, chronic of at least we chronic 9. For ch 4 weeks in duration recommend taking a (Ungraded, Consensus(such systematic approach Basedas suggest suggest Statement). using a validated guideline) to determine the cause of (AHR) pertussis the cough (Grade 2. For children 1A). aged £ 14 years with chronic cough, we suspecte Chronic suggest 5. that an aged For children assessment of thewith £ 14 years effect of cough chronic on cough, impaired 10. For • UTILISATION D’ALGORITHMES Pédiatriques: we recommend basing the management or testingthe the child and the family be undertaken as part of adverse we recom clinical consultation algorithm (Ungraded, Consensus on cough characteristics and theBased Also, (eg it tests Statement).clinical history, such as using specific associated as bronc chest CT – DUREE (?) cough pointers like presence 3. For children aged £ 14 years with chronic cough, weof productive/wet early dia underta (eg, child fore cough recommend (Gradeusing 1A). pediatric-specific cough the – CARACTERISTIQUES de la toux: management 6. For childrenprotocols aged £ 14oryears algorithms with chronic (Gradecough, 1B). we morbidi 11. leadsFor to • Sèche recommend basing the management on the etiology of 4. For children aged £ 14 years with chronic cough, we the cough. An empirical approach aimed at treating recommend taking a systematic approach (such as chronic resolutio suggest Use of c • Productive upper airway cough syndrome due to a rhinosinus using a validated guideline) to determine the cause of condition, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and/or the cough (Grade 1A). (AHR) lead to b unneces e asthma should not be used unless other features Chronic – SIGNES d’ALERTE et d’ORIENTATION 5. For children consistent with these £ 14 years are aged conditions withpresentchronic cough, chronic impaired we recommend (Grade 1A). basing the management or testing adverse • Histoire clinique algorithm on cough characteristics and the 7. For children aged £ 14 years with chronic cough, we In the m Also, it than 4 w associated clinical history, such as using specific as bronc • Examen physique suggest that if an empirical trial is used based on cough pointers like presence of productive/wet features consistent with a hypothesized diagnosis, the to confir early dia investiga cough (Grade 1A). (eg, fore trial should be of a defined limited duration in order issues an morbidit 6. confirm to For children aged £the or refute 14hypothesized years with chronic diagnosis cough, we consider leads to Ø BILAN SYSTEMATIQUE: recommendConsensus (Ungraded, basing theBased management Statement). on the etiology of function resolutio the cough. An empirical approach aimed at treating young c 8. For children aged £ 14 years with chronic cough, we Use of c upper airway cough syndrome due to a rhinosinus pulmon • ? + E clinique + Q de vie recommend that a chest radiograph and, when age condition, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and/or lead to e challeng unnecess Summary of Recommendations/Suggestions appropriate, [asthma shouldspirometry not be used (pre- unless and post- otherb2 agonist) features be laborato • Radiographie Pulmonaire 1. For children aged £ 14 years, we suggest defining Evidence-Based Medicine ] undertaken (Grade 1B). consistent with these conditions are present FUNDING/SUPPORT: The authors have reported to CHEST that no chronic adverse chronic cough as the presence of daily cough of at least (Grade 1A). may req • EFR (pré/postBD) funding 9. was For children received aged for £this 14study. years with chronic cough, we In the m 4 weeks in duration (Ungraded, Consensus Based aged < Use of undertaking 7.Respiratory of Management For children and Sleep Pathways CORRESPONDENCE TO: Anne B. Chang, MBBS, PhD, MPH, Department suggest agedtests £ 14evaluating Medicine, years Ladywith or Cilento Algorithms recent chronic Bordetella Children’s cough, we Hospital, than 4 w Statement). in Children With Chronic Cough pertussis infection when pertussistrialisis clinically to confir Ø REEVALUATION ET SUIVI 2017 South suggest Brisbane, thatQLD 4101, if and an Australia; empirical e-mail: used based on CHEST Guideline Expert Panel The 200 2. For children aged £ 14 years with chronic cough, we suspected Copyright !(Ungraded, 2017 American Consensus College of Report Based Chest Statement). Physicians. Published by investiga features Elsevier consistent with Inc. All rights reserved. a hypothesized diagnosis, the (CHEST suggest that an assessment of the effect of cough on Anne B. Chang, MBBS, PhD, MPH; John J. Oppenheimer, MD; Miles M. Weinberger, MD, FCCP; Bruce K. Rubin, MD; trial should bePhD,of a defined limited duration in Master order issues an 10. DOI: Kelly For Weir, children BSpThy, MSpPath, aged CPSP; £ 14C.years Cameron Grant, with MBChB, PhD;chronic Richard S. Irwin,cough, MD, advocate FCCP; on behalf the child and the family be undertaken as part of the of the CHEST Expert Cough Panel to recommend confirm or refute the hypothesized consider we not routinely performingdiagnosis additional
Detailed history [11] Detailed history Clinical [11] presentation of cough# Clinical presentation of cough Physical # examination Physical Identify examination symptoms and signs suggestive of Identify symptoms andspecific disease of ¶,+ signs suggestive specific disease¶,+ Perform chest radiography Perform Performchest radiography spirometry in collaborative children aged >5 years Perform spirometry in collaborative children aged >5 years Symptoms and signs of specific Symptoms and signs of specific Symptoms and disease signs of specific present¶,+ Symptoms and signs of specific disease absent disease present¶,+ disease absent Specific pointers identified Specific pointers not identified Specific pointers identified Specific pointers not identified Investigate and treat accordingly Wet cough Dry cough Investigate and treat accordingly Wet cough Dry cough Wet cough Dry cough Wet cough Dry cough Attempt sputum culture Check for irritants Attempt sputum culture Check for irritants Allergy testing§ Allergy testing§ Rule out precedent infection Rule out precedent infection Treat with antibiotics as for PBB Treat with antibiotics as for PBB (according (according to ERSto ERS document) document) [69] [69] No recurrence No recurrence Follow for 4Follow weeks for 4 weeks Resolution Follow-up for Follow-up for Resolution recurrence recurrence Not resolved Resolved Resolved Not resolved Treat andTreat and after prolonged after prolonged follow-upfollow-up Spontaneous 4–8-week trial Recurrence Spontaneous Persistent Persistent 4–8-week trial coursecourse Recurrence closely forclosely for regressionregression with ICS with ICS (according (according to ERSto ERS sequelae sequelae document) document) [69] [69] Persistent Investigate for Investigate for Persistent Follow until Follow until underlying underlying spontaneousspontaneous disease disease Investigate Investigate for for resolution resolution underlying underlying disease disease + + FIGURE 2 Cough FIGURE assessment 2 Cough flow chart assessment flow for children. chart PBB: protracted for children. bacterial bacterial PBB: protracted bronchitis;bronchitis; ERS: European ERS: Respiratory Society; ICS:Society; European Respiratory inhaled ICS: inhaled # corticosteroids. : how#:and corticosteroids. howwhen and the cough when started, theMorice time-course cough started, of cough,ofnature time-course cough, and quality nature of cough, and quality symptoms ofand cough, associated symptoms with cough, triggers associated with cough,intriggers of cough, diurnal of cough, and nocturnal diurnal variations, and nocturnal variations, et cough associated al. ERS cough associated Guidelines with indoorwithand on outdoor indoor the diagnosis andirritants; ¶ : chest pain, outdoor irritants; ¶ treatment history : chest of suggestive pain, history of chronic cough inhaled foreign suggestive adults and children. of inhaled foreign body,body, dyspnoea, exertional dyspnoea, dyspnoea, exertional haemoptysis, dyspnoea, failure tofailure haemoptysis, thrive,tofeeding thrive,difficulties (including (including feeding difficulties choking/vomiting), Eur Respir J 2020;55:1901136 cardiac or neurodevelopmental choking/vomiting), cardiac or neurodevelopmental
gestions appropriate, spirometry (pre- and post-b2 agonist) be st defining undertaken (Grade 1B). s Based • IMPORTANCE gh of at least de 9. For children aged £ 14 years with poser chronic un CADRE DIAGNOSTIQUE pour cough, we suggest undertaking tests evaluating recent Bordetella guider les EXPLORATIONS NON SYSTEMATIQUES: [ Evidence-Based Medicine ] pertussis infection when pertussis is clinically ic cough, we suspected (Ungraded, Consensus Based Statement). f cough on 10. For children aged £ 14 years with chronic cough, part of the Use of Management Pathways or Algorithms we recommend not routinely performing additional s Based tests (eg, skin prick test, Mantoux, bronchoscopy, in Children With Chronic Cough CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report chest CT); these should be individualized and ic cough, we undertaken in accordance with the clinical setting and Anne B. Chang, MBBS, PhD, MPH; John J. Oppenheimer, MD; Miles M. Weinberger, MD, FCCP; Bruce K. Rubin, MD; Kelly Weir, BSpThy, MSpPath, PhD, CPSP; Cameron C. Grant, MBChB, PhD; Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP; on behalf h the child’s clinical symptoms and signs (Grade 1B). of the CHEST Expert Cough Panel ade 1B). 11. For children aged > 6 years and £ 14 years with ic cough, we Ø Pas d’indication de TDM systématique si bilan initial normal… chronic cough and asthma clinically suspected, we BACKGROUND: Using management algorithms or pathways potentially improves clinical out- comes. We undertook systematic reviews to examine various aspects in the generic approach (use (such as Morice suggest that a test for airway et al. ERS Guidelines on the diagnosis and ofbased hyperresponsiveness treatment of chronic cough in adults and children. cough algorithms and tests) to the management of chronic cough in children (aged # 14 years) on key questions (KQs) using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome format. the cause of (AHR) be considered (Grade 2C). METHODS: We used the CHEST Expert EurCough RespirPanel’sJ protocol 2020;55:1901136 for the systematic reviews and the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) methodological guidelines and Grading of Chronic cough among children is associated with Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation framework. Data from the sys- 1 2 tematic reviews in conjunction with patients’ values and preferences and the clinical context onic cough, impaired quality of life, multiple physician visits, and • Evaluation de la PSYCHOMORBIDITE: were used to form recommendations. Delphi methodology was used to obtain the final grading. or testing adverse effects from inappropriate use of medications.3 RESULTS: Combining data from systematic reviews addressing five KQs, we found high- quality evidence that a systematic approach to the management of chronic cough he Also, it may signify a serious underlying disease such improves clinical outcomes. Although there was evidence from several pathways, the highest specific – Permanente as bronchiectasis or an inhaled foreign body.1 Further, evidence was from the use of the CHEST approach. However, there was no or little evidence to address some of the KQs posed. ve/wet early diagnosis is important, as delayed diagnosis CONCLUSIONS: Compared with the 2006 Cough Guidelines, there is now high-quality – Diminue avec le suivi d’un traitement efficace! (eg, foreign body) may cause chronic respiratory 4 evidence that in children aged # 14 years with chronic cough (> 4 weeks’ duration), the use of cough management protocols (or algorithms) improves clinical outcomes, and cough morbidity, whereas early diagnosis of chronic disease management or testing algorithms should differ depending on the associated characteristics ic cough, we leads to appropriate management and subsequent of the cough and clinical history. A chest radiograph and, when age appropriate, spirometry e etiology of Morice et al. ERS Guidelines resolution of cough and improved quality of life (QoL). 1 on the diagnosis and (pre- treatment of chronic cough in adults and children. and post-b2 agonist) should be undertaken. Other tests should not be routinely per- formed and undertaken in accordance with the clinical setting and the child’s clinical at treating Use of cough algorithms or pathways can potentially symptoms and signs (eg, tests for Eur Respir tuberculosis whenJthe 2020;55:1901136 child has been exposed). CHEST 2017; 151(4):875-883 hinosinus
Pas à pas en Pédiatrie. Toux chronique de l’enfant. G. Benoist, G. Thouvenin, 2019
1. ASTHME: Ø « Test before treating, wherever possible » Ø Patients « COUGH-VARIANT ASTHMA»: 1. Eliminer un diagnostic différentiel 2. Caractéristiques de la toux: 1. Toux sèche persistante + hyperréactivité bronchique 2. Prédominance nocturne 3. EFR parfois normale => variabilité+++ Ø ENFANT ≥ 6 ans: • EFR (VEMS/CVF12%) • Etude de la variabilité: o DEP x2/jour, 2 semaines: DEP>13% o Test d’exercice: FEV>12% ou DEP15% o Visites médicales: FEV>12% ou DEP>15% o (Test de provocation bronchique: FEV ≥ 20%)
Ø ENFANT ≤ 5 ans: • Caractéristiques de la toux suggérant un asthme: ⎼ « Recurrent or persistent non-productive cough that may be worse at night or accompanied by wheezing and breathing difficulties. ⎼ Cough occurring with exercise, laughing, crying or exposure to tobacco smoke, particularly in the absence of an apparent respiratory infection. » • Test thérapeutique: CSI + BD ALD, 2-3 mois • TCA: si > 3 ans, plutôt prédictif de la persistance de l’asthme GINA 2020 Ø AUTRES EXPLORATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES? Ø Test de provocation bronchique: mauvaise VPN Ø Inflammation eosinophilique : ⎼ LBA, E induite: diagnostic bronchite eosinophilique! ⎼ FeNO: absence de seuil discriminant/diagnostic positif ⎼ NFS: non évalué Morice et al. ERS Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough in adults and children. Eur Respir J 2020;55:1901136
2. BRONCHITE BACTERIENNE PERSISTANTE (PBB): Ø Diagnostic = CLINIQUE Ø Explorations complémentaires : UNIQUEMENT si • Signes d’alerte • Absence d’amélioration sous ATB conventionnelle (>4 semaines) • TDM, Fibroscopie, B immunitaire… Chang et al. Management of Children with Chronic Wet Cough and Protracted Bacterial Bronchitis. Chest 2017;151(4):884-890 3. RGO: Ø 2 examens diagnostiques recommandés: • pHmétrie (RGO acide) • pH-Impédancemétrie (RGO acide et non-acide) Ø Autres explorations non indiquées… Ø Lien de cause à effet: difficile à démontrer Ø Test thérapeutique: UNIQUEMENT si symptômes évocateurs de RGO NASPGHAN – ESPGHAN Pediatric GER Clinical Practice Guidelines, 2018
the child and the family be undertaken as part of the w clinical w clinical consultation (Ungraded, Consensus consultation (Ungraded, Consensus Based Based Statement). tet Statement). c ch PRISE EN CHARGE THERAPEUTIQUE 3. 3. For For children children aged £ 14 aged £ 14 years years with withchronic chroniccough, cough,wewe uu recommend using pediatric-specific recommend using pediatric-specific cough cough tht management protocols or management protocols or algorithms algorithms (Grade (Grade 1B). 1B). 11 4. 4. For For children aged £ children aged £ 14 14 years years with withchronic chroniccough, cough,wewe c ch recommend taking aa systematic recommend taking systematic approach approach (such (suchasas s su using using aa validated guideline) to validated guideline) to determine determine the thecause causeofof ( (A the the cough (Grade 1A). cough (Grade 1A). Ø ACCOMPAGNEMENT, REEVALUATION 5. SYSTEMATIQUE 5. For For children aged ££ 14 children aged 14 years years with with chronic chronic cough, cough, CC imi Ø TOUX SPECIFIQUE = TRAITEMENT ETIOLOGIQUE! we we recommend basing the recommend basing the management management or algorithm on cough characteristics characteristics and or testing and the the testing aa AA associated clinical history, history, such such as as using using specific specific aa cough pointers like presence presence ofof productive/wet productive/wet eae • TRAITEMENT MEDICAMENTEUX: TRAITEMENT D’EPREUVE? cough (Grade 1A). (e( mm Ø PRINCIPES GENERAUX: recommend basing the £ 14 6. For children aged £ 14 years years with withchronic the management managementon chroniccough, onthe cough,we theetiology we etiologyofof lel rer the cough. An empirical empirical approach approach aimed aimed at at treating treating UU upper airway cough syndrome syndrome due due to to aa rhinosinus rhinosinus − Si symptomatologie évocatrice condition, gastroesophageal gastroesophageal reflux reflux disease, disease, and/or and/or lel uu asthma should not bebe used used unless unless other other features features associée consistent with these conditions conditions are are present present chc − Durée (pré-) déterminée (Grade 1A). InI 7. For children aged £ £ 14 14 years years with withchronic chroniccough, cough,wewe tht − Réévaluation nécessaire suggest that if an empirical empirical trial trial isis used used based basedonon tot features consistent with ini with aa hypothesized hypothesized diagnosis, diagnosis,the the − Utilisation séquentielle trial should trial should be be of of aa defined defined limited limited duration durationin inorder order isi to confirm confirm or coc to or refute refute the the hypothesized hypothesized diagnosis diagnosis (Ungraded, Consensus fuf (Ungraded, Consensus Based Based Statement). Statement). Chang et al. Use of Management Pathways or Algorithms in Children with Chronic Cough. Chest 2017;151(4):875-883yy 8. For 8. For children Morice et al. ERS Guidelines on the diagnosis aged £ children aged and treatment £ 14 of 14 years with withchronic yearscough chronic chronic cough, we in adultscough, we and children.pp recommend that a chest radiograph recommend that a chest radiograph Eur Respirand, and, when age when age J 2020;55:1901136 chc
Ø INDICATIONS: TRAITEMENT INDICATIONS DUREE RECOMMANDATIONS CSI + BDCA ALD OUI, si toux 2-3 mois GINA 2020 (faible dose) sèche 2-4 ERS guidelines 2020 ASTHME semaines CSI + Formotérol ? (> 11 ans) Antileucotriènes NON (EI) BDCA ALD NON ATB PO: OUI, si toux 2 semaines CHEST 2017 BRONCHITE Amoxicilline-A grasse+ RP N + +/- 2 ERS Task Force 2017 BACTERIENNE Clavulanique EFR N semaines ERS guidelines 2020 Ou C2G, C3G, TMP- Réponse // au PERSISTANTE SMX, Macrolides délai d’instauration du ttt IPP OUI, si ∑ RGO 4-8 EPSGHAN/NASPGHAN Ou antagonistes H2 En association semaines 2018 RGO aux mesures HD CHEST 2019 NON, si pas de ∑ ERS guidelines 2020 Prokinétiques NON
• TTT NEUROMODULATEUR? − Chez l’adulte: recommandés • Morphiniques action rapide, faible dose (5-10 mgx2/j) • Gabapentine, Prégabaline − Chez l’enfant: NON recommandés, car • Etiologies différentes • Effets secondaires • Manque d’études Ø A reconsidérer selon l’âge?... • APPROCHE NON MEDICAMENTEUSE? − Absence de recommandation validée − Kinésithérapie respiratoire/orthophonie, « praticiens expérimentés » Morice et al. ERS Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough in adults and children. Eur Respir J 2020; 55:1901136 • ATTENTE THERAPEUTIQUE? – Si résolution spontanée attendue – Toux grasse, en l’absence de signe d’alerte, < 8 semaines (=toux aiguë prolongée)
TAKE HOME MESSAGES • Toux chronique de l’ENFANT ≠ ADULTE ⎼ DEFINITION: ≥ 4 semaines ⎼ ETIOLOGIES: spécifiques Ø TOUX = SYMPTOME d’une pathologie sous-jacente Ø IMPACT = ETIOLOGIE > retentissement de la toux • Utilisation d’ALGORITHMES de prise en charge ⎼ PEDIATRIQUES ⎼ Démarche diagnostique SYSTEMATIQUE Ø Amélioration des résultats cliniques • PRISE EN CHARGE THERAPEUTIQUE ⎼ Toux spécifique: TRAITEMENT ETIOLOGIQUE! ⎼ Toux non spécifique: TRAITEMENT d’EPREUVE? ⎼ Toux attendue: REEVALUATION…
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