Insurance Industry Awards 2021 - Submission Criteria Guide - ANZIIF

Page created by Vanessa Gill
Insurance Industry
      Awards 2021
     Submission Criteria Guide
It is with great pleasure that I present the 2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards
Submission Criteria Guide.
Hosted by the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF),
the Australian Insurance Industry Awards is the industry’s night of nights. 2021 marks
the 17th year of the awards, which are an annual celebration acknowledging the
accomplishments of individuals, businesses and discovering new talent across the
Australian insurance industry. It’s a night where we celebrate the positive impact our
industry has on the community.
This year, ANZIIF is accepting submissions into 17 categories. This will ensure there is
opportunity for a wide range of industry sectors to be represented and recognised as
the insurance ecosystem grows.
This year’s awards are centred around 2020, celebrating how our industry has
supported the customer, community, and its people. The judging panel will explore
how organisations or individuals have contributed to professionalism in the insurance
industry and how they have successfully addressed issues by implementing innovative
This year, changes have been made to the general insurance categories, which see the
inclusion of categories for Small, Medium and Large General Insurance Companies with
criteria focused on customer outcomes. In addition, we have revised the broking and
authorised representative (AR) categories, and AR companies are now eligible to enter
the broking categories.
Awards for the Direct General Insurance Company, and AR Business of the year have
been retired.
Submissions open on Friday 30 April and close Friday 2 July. The Awards are decided by
an esteemed panel of industry Judges who read and score each submission individually
and vote under the supervision of EY. This guide outlines each award category and
the criteria required for submission and includes tips for writing an award-winning
Once again, I invite you to apply and participate in this wonderful celebration of our
industry. If you have any questions regarding the Awards, please contact ANZIIF Team
Leader, Events Rachel Magill on 03 9613 7273 or
I look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at the Awards at The Star,
Sydney on Tuesday 26 October. And, of course, best of luck.


Prue Willsford
Chief Executive Officer

We are very proud to acknowledge Asia Insurance Review as the co-founding partner
of these awards.

                                                                                 2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   3
Submission Guidelines & Tips
Entering the annual Australian Insurance Industry Awards is a great way to showcase your achievements, gain
recognition for your successes and promote your business to staff and customers.
We understand the effort, enthusiasm and time it takes to write an Awards submission.
Judges are only allowed to use the information provided in a submission, so putting effort into your document is
important. Across most categories, the top submissions can be within one or two marks of each other. Remember,
the Judges have many entries to evaluate in some categories, so make yours memorable and easy to read.
Your challenge is to write a submission with the goal of convincing the Judging Panel that yours is the best in that
category. Write it in a compelling way and make sure it is based on evidence.
Sponsorship management and judging are separate processes. Sponsors play no part in selecting the finalists or
winners. Each submission is assessed on merit against the judging criteria.
The following tips and guidelines provide an insight into the judging process and will assist you in writing an
award-winning submission.

1. The Judging Process                                       it is included in the word count. Appendices are not
The Judges are well-respected, senior insurance              recommended as they will be included in the overall
professionals selected from across the industry and          word count. An allowance is applied to account for
volunteer their time to participate in the judging           headers, footers, title pages and repetitions of the
process. The Judging Panel is overseen by a Presiding        question which are not included in the final calculation.
Judge. Judges are bound by confidentiality agreements        Pay attention to the weighting of each question, as this
and recuse themselves when a potential conflict              will help you to decide where to focus your efforts.
arises. At no time are Judges who have identified a          Make sure that your language is concise and
conflict allowed to read or deliberate on a submission.      purposeful; for example, Judges are familiar with
There are two parts to the judging process.                  Net Promoter Scores, so don’t waste words explaining
                                                             them. Use infographics, diagrams and tables, as
Round 1 – Each Judge independently reads, reviews
                                                             these can be a more efficient way of communicating
and marks every submission across all categories
                                                             your point.
allocated. The Judges then submit their marking
sheets and scores to ANZIIF, which are collated              3. Addressing the criteria
and used to establish a list of finalists who will be        In recent years, some submissions have failed to
considered on Judging Day.                                   address all the criteria for the category being entered.
Round 2 – A Judging Day is convened with the Judging         The Judges’ scoring sheets are aligned to the criteria,
Panel and the external auditor, EY in attendance.            so it is essential you address each one. If you do not
Judges may attend in person or via teleconference to         fully answer a criterion, you will receive no marks,
discuss the list of finalists for each category. The panel   reducing your entry’s chance of winning.
discuss each of the final submissions and their ranking      For some criteria, you may be asked to address several
after round 1. The finalists in each category are then       parts of a question. The total points allocated to each
confidentially ranked by each Judge and provided to EY,      criterion will generally reflect this. For example, a
who aggregate the rankings to determine the winners.         three-part question may be worth 15 marks in total,
Judges are not privy to the winners until they are           with each part marked out of five. If you only answer
announced on the evening of the Awards.                      one part of a multi-part question, your mark will be
2. Keeping to the word limit                                 awarded accordingly.
Submissions are required to meet the specific word           Judges only base their decisions on the information
count for a category and this is to be noted at the end      you provide in your submission, so make sure that you
of the document. Submissions exceeding the word limit        answer each part of each question thoroughly. Again,
by more than 10 per cent will incur a penalty deduction      check the weighting of different criteria to determine
from the overall score.                                      which questions require the most effort.
Word count software is used to verify your declared          Submissions failing to address any of the criteria —
word limit. It is important to note that words in images/    for instance, by using a previous year’s criteria or
infographics/charts/graphs etc. are included in the          providing information that does not address any of the
total word count.                                            criteria — will automatically be disqualified and not
As a general principle, if you are directing the Judges      sent to the Judges.
to read something as part of your submission then            Avoid making vague or unsupported claims.
Award-winning submissions always include data              7. Right to revoke an award
and evidence as doing so ensures credibility and           The Presiding Judge has the right to revoke an award
believability. A general claim such as ‘customer           made to an individual or organisation should that
satisfaction increased’ is much stronger when              individual or organisation act in a manner that brings
evidence is given: ‘Customer satisfaction increased by     the intention of the award into disrepute.
20 per cent, as demonstrated in the graph below.’
                                                           8. Varying criteria
There is no need to be concerned about the                 Only the Presiding Judge can vary criteria. Requests
confidentiality of information when providing              for variation must be made in writing to Rachel
evidence to support a submission. All Judges sign          Magill at Please allow
confidentiality agreements and are excluded from           five working days for a written response, which will
reviewing or participating in categories in which they     include any conditions associated with the change
may have a conflict of interest.                           in criteria.
4. Tips for written submissions                            9. Varying deadline
The 2021 Awards are for the period of 1 January            In exceptional circumstances, the deadline for a
2020 – 31 December 2020, (unless otherwise                 submission may be extended by a maximum of
indicated) and they relate to your Australian business     three working days. Requests for variation, along
operations only. Please ensure that this is reflected in   with an explanation must be made in writing to
your response.                                             Rachel Magill, Team Leader – Events at
Winning submissions answer the criteria in the    Please allow one
order in which it is presented, which is mirrored in       working day for a written response, which will include
the Judges’ scoring sheets. When addressing each           conditions associated with the change in deadline.
criterion, include a heading, presenting all your          10. Submitting
responses within a single document. Make your
                                                           Submissions can be made online at
submission less text-heavy by including graphs,
                                                           or via email to If
diagrams, illustrations, infographics, charts and
                                                           submitting by email, please ensure to include the
images, as these visual elements can enhance your
                                                           cover sheet and other accompanying documentation
entry’s readability.
                                                           which can be downloaded from
You don’t need to spend a lot of money or time on
presenting the most creative or visually appealing
                                                           11. Notification of finalists
submission. A well-written, thoughtful response            Company-based award finalists and Young Insurance
presented in a Microsoft Word document will attain         Professional of the Year finalists will be notified in
a higher score than a submission that is highly            writing within three working days of judging day.
creative but doesn’t address the criteria.                 Insurance Leader of the Year and ANZIIF Lifetime
Consider asking an independent person who is not           Achievement Award finalists will remain confidential
close to the entry to judge it against the criteria to     until they are announced at the Awards event.
ensure you have not missed anything and to check           Announcement of finalists will be made in a
spelling, grammar and syntax.                              media release and via email to ANZIIF members.
Be careful about recycling award entries from              Please ensure the cover sheet is included with
prior years, as judging criteria and focus can vary        your submission and the correct company name is
substantially from year to year.                           included in all documentation.

Note: When sending your submission, please don’t           Please note that if only one submission is received for
send it as a locked PDF file.                              a category, Judges will make an award in the category
                                                           based on the merit of the submission received and
5. Choosing award categories wisely                        finalists will not be announced.
A good submission requires a great deal of work, so
                                                           12. Help and further information
don’t be tempted to enter multiple categories unless
                                                           If you’re in doubt or need help, give ANZIIF a call.
there is a good reason. In the past, some companies
                                                           The team are well versed in the awards criteria and
who entered many categories, failed to address the
                                                           can answer any questions about the criteria or the
specific criteria for each category.
                                                           process. Asking us may help you to improve your
6. Right not to award a category                           submission. Please feel free to contact Rachel
The Australian Insurance Industry Awards celebrate         Magill on 03 9613 7273 or via email
excellence. The Judging Panel have the right not 
to award a category if they do not believe the
submissions received meet this the standard. In this
event, entrants will be notified that the category will
not be awarded.

                                                                                   2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   5
Small Broking
Company of the Year

This award is open to small broking companies (license holders or authorised representatives) with a gross
premium (base premium excluding charges) up to $20 million. The award recognises brokers who can
demonstrate strong performance and outstanding service for their customers in Australia between
1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

   20%                                                       20%
   a.	Using a case study describe a situation/           4. a.	Describe a major change or innovation
       event that occurred in 2020 where your                    implemented during the last year that
       organisation added significant value to your              addressed a business issue or change in
       customers. Provide data and evidence to                   the market.
       demonstrate the impact of your intervention.          b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
       What did you learn?                                       prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you                   include details of how you have used
       have in place to assess customer satisfaction             innovative thinking/technology to make
       and provide the data. This should include                 the customer journey smoother and/or to
       relevant survey results and client retention              streamline internal systems to the mutual
       data over the current three years.                        benefit of both your organisation and the
   20%                                                       c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
   Describe an initiative you undertook to support               in your market in the next 3–5 years and
   your community during 2020.                                   describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                 for these.
3. a	What initiatives did you undertake to support            20%
      your people through 2020?                           5. 	Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new                 describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                          professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                               terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                               and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.
Medium Broking
 Company of the Year

 This award is open to medium broking companies (license holders or authorised representatives) with
 a gross premium (base premium excluding charges) between $20 million and $100 million. The award
 recognises brokers who can demonstrate strong performance and outstanding service for their customers
 in Australia between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.
 Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

   20%                                                              20%
1. a.	Using a case study describe a situation/                4. 	a.	Describe a major change or innovation
       event that occurred in 2020 where your                           implemented during the last year that
       organisation added significant value to your                     addressed a business issue or change in
       customers. Provide data and evidence to                          the market.
       demonstrate the impact of your intervention.       	      b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
       What did you learn?                                            prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you                        include details of how you have used
       have in place to assess customer satisfaction                  innovative thinking/technology to make
       and provide the data. This should include                      the customer journey smoother and/or to
       relevant survey results and client retention                   streamline internal systems to the mutual
       data over the current three years.                             benefit of both your organisation and the
                                                           c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support           in your market in the next 3–5 years and
     your community during 2020.                               describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                               for these.
3. 	a.	What initiatives did you undertake to support         20%
         your people through 2020?                        5. 	Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new                 describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                          professionalism of the insurance industry in
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to                 terms of industry involvement, your customers
       learning and development activities for your            and supporting the community.
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.

                                                                                      2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   7
Large Broking                                                                           Sponsored by

Company of the Year

This award is open to large broking companies (license holders or authorised representatives) with a gross
premium (base premium excluding charges) over $100 million. The award recognises brokers who can
demonstrate strong performance and outstanding service for their customers in Australia between 1 January
2020 and 31 December 2020.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

     20%                                                      20%
1. 	a.	Using a case study describe a situation/        4. 	a.	
                                                                 Describe a major change or innovation
         event that occurred in 2020 where your                  implemented during the last year that
         organisation added significant value to your            addressed a business issue or change in
         customers. Provide data and evidence to                 the market.
         demonstrate the impact of your intervention.        b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
         What did you learn?                                     prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you                   include details of how you have used
       have in place to assess customer satisfaction             innovative thinking/technology to make
       and provide the data. This should include                 the customer journey smoother and/or to
       relevant survey results and client retention              streamline internal systems to the mutual
       data over the current three years.                        benefit of both your organisation and the
     20%                                                     c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support             in your market in the next 3–5 years and
     your community during 2020.                                 describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                 for these.
3. 	a.	What initiatives did you undertake to support       20%
         your people through 2020?                       5 	Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new               describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                        professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                             terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                             and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.
Authorised Representative
Network of the Year

This award is open to Australian insurance broking companies who generate 80% of more of their premium
income from an Authorised Representative (AR) model. Entrants should demonstrate strong performance and
outstanding service for their ARs and customers in Australia between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

     20%                                                    20%
1. 	a.	Using a case study describe a situation/        4. a.	Describe a major change or innovation
         event that occurred in 2020 where your                 implemented during the last year that
         organisation added significant value to your           addressed a business issue or change in
         customers. Provide data and evidence to                the market.
         demonstrate the impact of your intervention.        b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
         What did you learn?                                     prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you                   include details of how you have used
       have in place to assess customer satisfaction             innovative thinking/technology to make
       and provide the data. This should include                 the customer journey smoother and/or to
       relevant survey results and client retention              streamline internal systems to the mutual
       data over the current three years.                        benefit of both your organisation and the
     20%                                                     c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support             in your market in the next 3–5 years and
     your community during 2020.                                 describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                 for these.
3. 	a.	What initiatives did you undertake to support        20%
         your people through 2020?                       5. 	Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new                describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                         professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                              terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                              and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.

                                                                                 2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   9
Underwriting Agency                                                                     Sponsored by

of the Year

This award recognises an Australian underwriting agency that has demonstrated excellent technical skills,
strong underwriting results and outstanding client service between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.
Definition: ASIC-licensed underwriting agencies holding authority to quote and issue insurance products on
behalf of principal insurers and/or Lloyd’s
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

     20%                                                      20%
1. 	a.	Using a case study describe a situation/        4. 	a.	Describe a major change or innovation
         event that occurred in 2020 where your                   implemented during the last year that
         organisation added significant value to your             addressed a business issue or change in
         customers. Provide data and evidence to                  the market.
         demonstrate the impact of your intervention.        b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
         What did you learn?                                     prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you                   include details of how you have used
       have in place to assess customer satisfaction             innovative thinking/technology to make
       and provide the data. This should include                 the customer journey smoother and/or to
       relevant survey results and client retention              streamline internal systems to the mutual
       data over the current three years.                        benefit of both your organisation and the
     20%                                                     c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support             in your market in the next 3–5 years and
     your community during 2020.                                 describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                 for these.
3. a.	
      What initiatives did you undertake to support          20%
       your people through 2020?                         5. 	Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new                describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                         professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                              terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                              and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.
Small General Insurance                                                                   Sponsored by

Company of the Year

This award recognises APRA-licensed general insurance companies (but not underwriting agencies) that
have demonstrated strong performance and outstanding service for their customers in Australia between
1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020. Companies with a total GWP of less than $250 million in Australia
are eligible to apply for this category.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

     20%                                                     20%
1. 	a.	Using a case study describe a situation/event    4. a.	Describe a major change or innovation
         that occurred in 2020 where your organisation           implemented during the last year that
         added significant value to your customers.              addressed a business issue or change in
         Provide data and evidence to demonstrate                the market.
         the impact of your intervention. What did            b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
         you learn?                                               prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you have               include details of how you have used
       in place to assess customer satisfaction and               innovative thinking/technology to make
       provide the data. This should include relevant             the customer journey smoother and/or to
       survey results and client retention data over              streamline internal systems to the mutual
       the current three years.                                   benefit of both your organisation and the
     20%                                                      c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support              in your market in the next 3–5 years and
     your community during 2020.                                  describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                  for these.
3. 	a.	What initiatives did you undertake to support       20%
         your people through 2020?                        5. B
                                                              eyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new               describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                        professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                             terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                             and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.

                                                                                2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   11
Medium General Insurance
Company of the Year

This award recognises APRA-licensed general insurance companies (but not underwriting agencies) that
have demonstrated strong performance and outstanding service for their customers in Australia between
1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020. Companies with a total GWP of between $250 million and $1 billion
in Australia are eligible to apply for this category.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

     20%                                                      20%
1. 	a.	Using a case study describe a situation/event     4. a.	Describe a major change or innovation
         that occurred in 2020 where your organisation            implemented during the last year that
         added significant value to your customers.               addressed a business issue or change
         Provide data and evidence to demonstrate                 in the market.
         the impact of your intervention. What did you        b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
         learn?                                                   prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you have               include details of how you have used
       in place to assess customer satisfaction and               innovative thinking/technology to make
       provide the data. This should include relevant             the customer journey smoother and/or to
       survey results and client retention data over              streamline internal systems to the mutual
       the current three years.                                   benefit of both your organisation and the
     20%                                                      c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support              in your market in the next 3–5 years and
     your community during 2020.                                  describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                  for these.
3. 	a.	What initiatives did you undertake to support        20%
         your people through 2020?                         5. B
                                                               eyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new                describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                         professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                              terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                              and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.
Large General Insurance                                                                   Sponsored by

Company of the Year

This award recognises APRA-licensed general insurance companies (but not underwriting agencies) that
have demonstrated strong performance and outstanding service for their customers in Australia between
1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020. Companies with a total GWP of more than
$1 billion in Australia are eligible to apply.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

     20%                                                     20%
1. 	a.	Using a case study describe a situation/event    4. a.	Describe a major change or innovation
         that occurred in 2020 where your organisation           implemented during the last year that
         added significant value to your customers.              addressed a business issue or change in
         Provide data and evidence to demonstrate                the market.
         the impact of your intervention. What did you        b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
         learn?                                                   prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you have              include details of how you have used
        in place to assess customer satisfaction and              innovative thinking/technology to make
        provide the data. This should include relevant            the customer journey smoother and/or to
        survey results and client retention data over             streamline internal systems to the mutual
        the current three years.                                  benefit of both your organisation and the
     20%                                                      c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support              in your market in the next 3–5 years and
     your community during 2020.                                  describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                  for these.
3. 	a.	What initiatives did you undertake to support         20%
         your people through 2020?                        5. 	Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new                 describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                          professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                               terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                               and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.

                                                                                 2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   13
Life Insurance
Company of the Year

This award is for APRA-licensed life insurance companies that have demonstrated strong performance,
responded to market changes and provided outstanding service for their customers and intermediaries in
Australia between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

     20%                                                        20%
1. 	a.	
        Using a case study describe a situation/event      4. 	a.	Describe a major change or innovation
        that occurred in 2020 where your organisation               implemented during the last year that
        added significant value to your customers.                  addressed a business issue or change
        Provide data and evidence to demonstrate                    in the market.
        the impact of your intervention. What did you         b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
        learn?                                                    prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you have               include details of how you have used
       in place to assess customer satisfaction and               innovative thinking/technology to make
       provide the data. This should include relevant             the customer journey smoother and/or to
       survey results and client retention data over              streamline internal systems to the mutual
       the current three years.                                   benefit of both your organisation and the
   20%                                                        c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. D
    escribe an initiative you undertook to support               in your market in the next 3–5 years and
   your community during 2020.                                    describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                  for these.
3. 	a.	What initiatives did you undertake to support          20%
         your people through 2020?                         5. 	Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new                  describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                           professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                                terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                                and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.
Insurtech                                                                                   Sponsored by

 of the Year

 This category is open to insurtech companies who operate in the Australian insurance market.
 The insurtech must be an innovative technology company that enhances, extends or replaces a traditional
 approach to servicing insurance customers’ needs. The insurtech can be positioned anywhere in the
 insurance value chain, from loss prevention and product distribution, to pricing and underwriting, operational
 efficiency or claims remediation, mitigation). The insurtech should be solving a real customer need, with the
 view of creating genuine innovation in the insurance industry.
 Insurtech is defined as the application of technology innovation in the insurance industry value chain, to
 solve known challenges and discover unknown opportunities, to deliver value for customers. Your insurtech
 company must utilise Lean Startup Methodologies to generate value across customer experience, efficiency
 and/or effectiveness.
 What is not an eligible applicant? A project within an incumbent insurance industry player. A traditional
 insurance business that does not show characteristics consistent with that of an insurtech startup/ scaleup.
 Submissions can come from and must involve the use of technology. The insurtech program must have been
 launched in the Australian marketplace between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2020.
 Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

      10%                                                       30%
 1. 	Provide an overview of your business. This           3. 	Provide an overview of your product and service
      should include:                                           development method, this should include:
    a.	how the business is structured and whether             a.	an explanation of how you have incorporated
        the business operates as a stand-alone local               Lean Startup Methodologies into your
        insurtech company, inked to or a subsidiary of             production environment
        another business                                       b.	an explanation of how you have conducted
    b.	a business model canvas, pitch deck or                     user testing to develop your product and
        another succinct format that illustrates                   service
        your business model and commercialisation              c.	any exciting features in your product road
        strategy                                                   map for the coming 6, 12 or 18 months

      20%                                                       30%
 2. 	Provide some detail on the problem and solution,     4. 	Explain, provide data and quantify with financials,
      this should include:                                      the value that your insurtech program has
    a.	why the problem is compelling to solve                  delivered across the following categories:
    b.	why your insurtech company and your product            a.	the customer experience
        is best placed to solve the problem                    b.	efficiency
                                                               c.	effectiveness

                                                           5. 	Overview the measures you have in place to
                                                                measure success. Provide data for the last
                                                                3 years.

The submission MUST be 3,500 words or less.

                                                                                   2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   15
Services Firm
of the Year
This award is for organisations that provided specialty professional services to the Australian insurance
industry between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020. These include accounting, actuarial, consulting,
loss adjusters, recruiters and legal services.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

   20%                                                          20%
1. a
    .	Using a case study describe a situation/           4. 	a.	Describe a major change or innovation
        event that occurred in 2020 where your                      implemented during the last year that
        organisation added significant value to your                addressed a business issue or change in
        customers. Provide data and evidence to                     the market.
        demonstrate the impact of your intervention.          b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
        What did you learn?                                       prepare for change over the next 3 years,
   b.	Provide an overview of the measures you                    include details of how you have used
       have in place to assess customer satisfaction              innovative thinking/technology to make
       and provide the data. This should include                  the customer journey smoother and/or to
       relevant survey results and client retention               streamline internal systems to the mutual
       data over the current three years.                         benefit of both your organisation and the
     20%                                                      c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support              in your market in the next 3–5 years and
     your community during 2020.                                  describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                  for these.
3. 	a. What initiatives did you undertake to support         20%
         your people through 2020?                         5. Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
   b.	What was your approach to inducting new                 describe how your business contributes to the
       staff in 2020?                                          professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                               terms of industry involvement, your customers
   c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                               and supporting the community.
       learning and development activities for your
       people in 2020.
   d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
       engaged and connected with each other, your
       customers and your strategy during 2020?
   e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
       retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.
Service Provider to
 the Insurance Industry
 This award recognises organisations that have made a significant contribution to the Australian insurance
 industry through services provided between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020. This includes retailers,
 investigators, specialist claims providers, claims preparers and building services. Businesses eligible for
 other industry award categories, including professional services, underwriting agencies, insurance brokers
 and insurers are not eligible to apply for this category.
 Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

      20%                                                       20%
 1. 	a.	Using a case study describe a situation/         4. 	a.	Describe a major change or innovation
          event that occurred in 2020 where your                    implemented during the last year that
          organisation added significant value to your              addressed a business issue or change in
          customers. Provide data and evidence to                   the market.
          demonstrate the impact of your intervention.        b.	Describe what the organisation is doing to
          What did you learn?                                     prepare for change over the next 3 years,
    b.	Provide an overview of the measures you                   include details of how you have used
        have in place to assess customer satisfaction             innovative thinking/technology to make
        and provide the data. This should include                 the customer journey smoother and/or to
        relevant survey results and client retention              streamline internal systems to the mutual
        data over the current three years.                        benefit of both your organisation and the
      20%                                                     c.	Identify further changes you see anticipate
 2. 	Describe an initiative you undertook to support             in your market in the next 3–5 years and
      your community during 2020.                                 describe what you are doing to prepare
                                                                  for these.
 3. 	a.	What initiatives did you undertake to support         20%
          your people through 2020?                        5. 	Beyond your day-to-day business dealings,
    b.	What was your approach to inducting new                 describe how your business contributes to the
        staff in 2020?                                          professionalism of the insurance industry in
                                                                terms of industry involvement, your customers
    c.	Provide an overview of your approach to
                                                                and supporting the community.
        learning and development activities for your
        people in 2020.
    d.	How did you ensure your staff remained
        engaged and connected with each other, your
        customers and your strategy during 2020?
    e.	Measures of success include staff turnover,
        retention and absenteeism, and staff

The submission MUST be 2,500 words or less.

                                                                                2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   17
Excellence in Workplace
Diversity and Inclusion
This award recognises and promotes organisational excellence and achievement in diversity and inclusion in
the workplace and the wider Australian insurance industry between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.
Some of the key aspects of workforce diversity are in the areas of age, ethnicity, gender, LGBTIQ, religion, mental
health, domestic family violence and accessibility.
Your organisation must demonstrate it has specific initiatives already in place to promote diversity and
inclusion. These initiatives must be appropriate and relevant to your organisation and its employees and
distributors if appropriate.
These could include:
• Training programs in diversity and inclusion for staff;
• An organisation inclusion and/or diversity policy;
•	Employee access to diversity and inclusion resources (e.g. training materials, an online diversity calendar,
   buddy programs, ebooks or online learning);
• Community projects that offer opportunities for others inside and outside of the organisation.
Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

     15%                                                      f.	evidence and/or data to demonstrate an
1. 	Provide a brief overview of your workplace                   organisational behaviour/culture change
     diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy. Include:             approach as a result of the diversity and
   a.	business objectives and purpose of the D&I                 inclusion initiative (include engagement
       program/initiatives                                        and/or satisfaction data)
   b.	details of why workplace diversity and
       inclusion is important to your business                  20%
   c.	a description of the overall programs and/          4. 	Provide the data and comment on any changes
       or the opportunities available to demonstrate            and trends in the following areas of diversity for
       D&I in your workplace                                    your staff:
   d.	any changes that were made to encourage                a.	changes over the last 3 years in
       inclusiveness within the workplace during the              perception/values about D&I in the business
       COVID-19 pandemic                                          (use engagement surveys or other data)
   e.	how the program/initiatives link to the                b.	changes in perception/engagement of
       organisation’s corporate strategy                          cohorts in the business identifying with D&I
                                                                  focus areas
     25%                                                      c.	changes over the last 5 years in the
2. 	Provide a description of the overall programs                proportion and diversity of staff in all D&I
     and/or the opportunities available to                        focus areas; throughout the organisation
     demonstrate D&I in your workplace. Include:                  across role types (from entry level to board)
     a.	main event/program for each of the D&I focus         d.	flexible work arrangements – including
         areas in your business                                   parental leave, return to work, support
   b.	key achievements in each focus areas                       for caregivers (children, elderly and other
     25%                                                      e. gender pay equality
3. 	Choose one of your D&I programs/initiatives
     and provide:                                               15%
     a. the objectives/goals                               5. 	Overview your recruitment approach to
     b. an overview of the program                              attracting and retaining a diverse workforce of
     c. target audience                                         insurance professionals.
     d.	details of how the program is communicated        	
         across the workplace
     e. participation rates

The submission MUST be 2,000 words or less.
Insurance Learning Program
 of the Year

 This award recognises the efforts of organisations that have demonstrated a genuine commitment to
 improving the professionalism of their people through the development and implementation of a learning
 program between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020.
 Submissions must highlight one learning program (excluding leadership, safety and soft skills programs),
 that demonstrates commitment to developing the skills staff require to be successful in their roles.
 Submissions must address all the following criteria in relation to your Australian operations:

      15%                                                      10%
 1. 	Provide a brief overview of your insurance          4. 	For the program outlined in question 2 above,
      learning programs and initiatives. Include:              describe any challenges, constraints and
    a. a description                                           limitations and how you overcame them. Did
                                                               overcoming these constraints have any impact
    b. the purpose and background
                                                               of the content or delivery of the program?
    c. specific learning or performance outcomes
    d.	the link between the learning or                       15%
        performance outcomes and your business            5. 	What impact has the program or initiative had
        strategy                                               on your learners and the business? How has
                                                               the learning led to more successful business
      25%                                                      performance? How did you measure this?
 2. 	Choose one of your learning programs and                 Include data and describe the findings.
 	a.	the design of the learning program or                   15%
       initiative                                         6. 	What lessons did you learn and how would you
    b.	the process and/or people used to develop              apply these learnings to any future programs
        the initiative                                         or initiatives?
    c.	how you delivered the program or initiative
        and why you chose that delivery option
    d. the target audience and participant rates
    e. how you incorporated digital elements
    f.	how you ensured the learning met
        accessibility standards)

 3. 	For the program outlined in question 2 above,
      provide evidence and/or data to demonstrate
      learning satisfaction and implementation of the
      learning in the workplace.

The submission MUST be 2,200 words or less.

                                                                                2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   19
Young Insurance                                                                      Sponsored by

of the Year
This award recognises a young insurance professional who has demonstrated outstanding commitment,
achievement and passion in the Australian insurance industry during 2020. This award should be self-nominated
and written by the nominee.
The candidate must be 35 years of age or under as at 31 December 2020 and have more than three years of
experience in the industry. Previous entrants are eligible to apply up to three times in total.
Submissions must address all the following criteria:

   5%                                                      20%
   Provide a brief career synopsis. Include the         6.	
                                                           Outline your career goals and your plan to
   age at which you first joined the industry, what        achieve your major milestones.
   attracted you to it and outline the roles you
   have held.                                              10%
                                                        7. O
                                                            verview what you see as the major challenges
   15%                                                     within the insurance market in the next 3–5
2. P
    rovide an overview of any formal study,               years are and describe what you are doing to
   qualifications and professional development             prepare yourself for these.
   undertaken over the past 3 years.
   10%                                                  8.	
                                                           Describe why winning this award is important
   Describe why you are passionate about working           to you.
   in insurance.

4. P
    rovide an overview of what your top
   achievement in 2020 was and describe why.
   Include data or evidence to support this.

5. Provide examples of where you contributed to
    the insurance industry. This may include, but
    is not limited to, participation in committees,
    writing industry papers, contribution to
    publications and speaking at conferences,
    to community groups or to schools.

The submission MUST be 1,750 words or less.
Insurance Leader
of the Year

This award is open to any individual in the Australian insurance industry who has demonstrated outstanding
leadership during 2020 that has benefited the insurance industry. This category can be made through direct
submission or nomination by a third party.
The submissions should include:

   10%                                                          30%
1. A brief career synopsis.                                 4. An overview of how the nominee has promote
                                                                the insurance industry to the market, broader
   10%                                                          community and/or government to improve its
   An overview of any formal study or                           image and reputation. Please provide examples.
   qualifications and a description of how the
   nominee approaches their professional

3. An example of where the nominee has applied
    and implemented outstanding leadership of
    a major initiative during 2020. Describe the
    impact on the business, the industry and the

The submission MUST be 1,500 words or less.
If you are nominating someone else, please describe your relationship to that individual.

                                                                                   2021 Australian Insurance Industry Awards   21
ANZIIF Lifetime
Achievement Award
This award recognises an outstanding individual who has significantly contributed to the advancement,
promotion and improvement of the insurance industry in Australia over the span of their career. The candidate
must have worked in the insurance industry over a period of at least 15 years. This category can be made
through direct submission or nomination by a third party. Multiple awards may be made in this category.
The submissions should include:

1. A brief career synopsis.                                3. A
                                                                description of their personal contribution to
                                                               the development, advancement, promotion and
2. E
    xamples of outstanding leadership displayed               improvement of the insurance industry. This
   throughout their career, including major                    can include, but is not limited to, participation
   initiatives, improvements and successes in                  in committees, contribution to publications and
   their business and the market.                              white papers, and speaking at conferences.

                                                            4. D
                                                                escribe the legacy that they have left through
                                                               their work in the industry.

The submission MUST be 1,500 words or less.
If you are nominating someone else, please describe your relationship to that individual.
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