Tongue Scanning As a Biometric Tool: A Review Article - International Journal ...

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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
                                                                                    Vol.10; Issue: 4; April 2020
Review Article                                                                                  ISSN: 2249-9571

    Tongue Scanning As a Biometric Tool: A Review
     Mrunmayee Godbole1, Bindiya Narang2, Sangeeta Palaskar3, Swati Patil4,
                            Anirudha R Bartake2
                 Ex-Student (Passed out), Sinhgad Dental College And Hospital, Pune, India
                                     Reader, 3Professor & Head, 4Lecturer,
        Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Sinhgad Dental College & Hospital Pune, India

                                      Corresponding Author: Mrunmayee Godbole


Tongue is an essential internal organ, unaffected by the external environment as it is located well
within the oral cavity. Dorsum of the tongue exhibits a great amount of information along with visual
differences in shape, texture, and pattern. These patterns are characteristic of every individual and
differ even between identical twins and they can be collectively called the ‘tongue print’. Tongue
printing has not only come up as a novel biometric tool but can also be trusted upon as a powerful
forensic tool. This review throws light on the distinctiveness of tongue prints. It also emphasizes its
advantages over other biometric identification systems and highlights the various methods that can be
used to extract features on the tongue.

Keywords: Tongue print, biometric tool, tongue, features, reference point

INTRODUCTION                                                does not change, it can be used for
        A person can be recognized based on                 identification purposes as well as forensic
a physiological or behavioral characteristic                purposes.
by automated methods like biometrics                                Forensic dentistry deals with the
which is separate and distinct from personal                proper      handling,     examination,    and
information. A biometric system works by                    evaluation of dental evidence which will be
identifying a person by assessing specific                  presented in the interest of justice.3
physical attributes related to that person and                      The different biometric systems that
compares it to an already existing library of               are employed for security purposes include
databases belonging to many people. Thus,                   fingerprint, retinal scan, skin color, voice
it is a real-time identification system.1                   check, palm print, face scan, signature
Biometric devices include a scanning device                 check, hand geometry, vein, etc. The
or a reader. The scanned information is                     shortcomings of each system make it
converted into digital form by a software.                  susceptible to a security breach and also
When converting the biometric input,                        pose a difficulty in identification purposes.
specific points of data are identified as                   Fingerprints can be eroded, changed due to
match points by the software. An algorithm                  work, altered by surgery, and subjected to
is used to process it into a value that is                  injuries and burns, making them unstable,
compared with biometric data scanned when                   whereas, when voice is considered, it can be
a user tries to gain access.1Recently, there                affected by ailments such as cold and cough,
has been an increased interest in tongue                    sore throat. In the case of extreme emotional
prints as a biometric and forensic tool.2                   states, there are chances of misspoken
Since it is specific to every individual and                words and the pronunciation can be unclear

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Mrunmayee Godbole Tongue scanning as a biometric tool: a review article

at times. Retinal scan is highly sensitive and            tongue, whereas the extrinsic muscles are
user-dependent. Conditions such as cataract,              attached to the bone and bring about a
astigmatism or bright light can affect it.                change in the position of the tongue which
Skin color is also identified as a type of                includes protrusion and side to side
biometric system, but the measurements can                movement of the tongue. The epithelium on
vary depending upon the age, burns,                       the dorsal mucosal surface of the tongue is
diseases, and use of skin creams or                       stratified squamous epithelium. Numerous
medications.4                                             papillae and taste buds are also embodied on
        As an alternative to bypass the above             the dorsal surface. There are four types of
drawbacks, lately, researchers have taken a               papillae present at peculiar locations.
keen interest in using the tongue print as a              Filiform papillae are maximum in number
method of identification in biometric                     but they lack taste buds.6They are
authentication. Tongue is an indispensable                characterized by increased keratinization
organ that performs multiple actions such as              and are involved in the mechanical aspect of
articulation of speech, perception of taste,              providing abrasion. Circumvallate papillae
and formation of the food bolus. It is well               are arranged in an inverted V-shape behind
protected from the external environment and               sulcus terminalis towards the base of the
enclosed in the oral cavity.2 Every tongue                tongue. Fungiform papillae are present
has its own ‘Lingual Impression’ because of               mostly at the dorsal surface of the tongue, as
it’s unique shape and texture. Also, the                  well as at the sides. Foliate papillae are
tongue is well contained inside the body                  present towards the posterior part of the
(precisely, the mouth), but it can easily be              tongue found at the lateral borders.6The
stuck out for inspection, but not without the             dorsum of the tongue also displays fissures
subject knowing about it. What remains                    and crypts in certain individuals.
constant is the physiological shape and
texture of the tongue.2Also, sticking out                 Different attributes of the tongue
one’s tongue is an irrefutable ‘proof of life’            Tongue recognition consists of two Features
and also assures of the person’s consent,                 of Tongue; they are:
whereas fingerprints and even irises can be               1. Shape
mimicked or applied without the person’s                  2. Texture
consent/consciousness. Tongue prints assure
to render uniqueness and have many                        1. Shape7(Ref. Figure.1)
characteristics that make it suitable for                 According to Traditional Chinese Medicine
identity recognition.5 Tongue prints are                  (TCM), the shape can be classified as:-
more reliable and easily available, making                 Rectangle
them a better tool of the lot. One of the few              Acute triangle
factors that can hinder the tongue print                   Obtuse triangle
includes the pathologies and anomalies of                  Square
the tongue.                                                Circle
Normal structure of the tongue:
        The tongue is a voluntary muscular                Control points are used to calculate the
structure composed of four intrinsic and                  shape parameter. Prominent outlines of the
four paired extrinsic muscles. The intrinsic              shape feature of the tongue are obtained by
muscles are not attached to the bone and                  this method.8
bring about a change in the shape of the

                                     Figure.1 Different shapes of Tongue7

                 International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (              109
                                        Vol.10; Issue: 4; April 2020
Mrunmayee Godbole Tongue scanning as a biometric tool: a review article

2. Texture (Ref. Figure.2)                                concerning the predominance of scrotal
 Physiologic                                             tongue in females while a contradiction was
    Fissured –Depth of the fissure up to                 seen in the occurrence of geographic
       1 mm.                                              tongue, more being presented in the males
 Pathologic                                              than the females.10
    Geographic                                                   In a similar study carried out by
    Scrotal                                              T.Radhika et al, it was revealed that the
    Smooth                                               length and width of the tongue differed
    Hairy                                                between males and females, with males
    Furrowing                                            having an increased length and width
                                                          compared to females. The shape of the
    Ulcers
                                                          tongue was obtained by joining three
Texture Feature is calculated by SIFT (Scale
                                                          reference points.2
Invariant Feature Transform) Algorithm
                                                                  A study was carried out at Hong
which is Pre-processed by Histogram
                                                          Kong Polytechnic University in 2007 by Liu
                                                          Z et al. It aimed at developing a tongue
                                                          image database. It encompassed both-
                                                          tongue geometric shape and surface textures
                                                          of individuals, and this database was
                                                          assumed to be a valuable resource for
                                                          assessment, comparison, and evaluation.11
                                                                  Another viable option for assessment
         Figure.2 Different textures of Tongue8
                                                          is a three-dimensional analysis of the
Methods used for tongue printing:                         tongue. The color and hue can be
        Tongue print is unique for every                  autocorrected by digital software. Feasible
individual and hence, a promising new                     matching of images can be achieved by
biometric tool. It is very difficult to forge.            using Mean Squared Error (MSE) detection
This review features various methods used                 in colored pixels of the tongue images. To
in previous studies on tongue printing.                   seek higher accuracy, the images are
        In a study carried out by                         analyzed using different filters.12
CLStefanescu et al, the various aspects of                        The positional alterations and the
lingual morphology were preserved using                   camera conditions are checked, followed by
the alginate molding technique, which is                  analysis of the tongue for its color and
considered to be the most assured technique               texture. It is then matched with its database
for duplicating the intricate details. In this            to bring about identification. A lot of studies
study, photographs of the participants’                   have been scrutinized to compile a proper
tongues were taken from the front and side                algorithm for tongue image analysis.7The
view, using a professional Nikon D 5100                   tongue is a nonrigid organ, attempts were
camera placed on a tripod, under the same                 made to capture the video of a tongue and
environmental and lighting conditions and                 extracting images from the same. Sublingual
from a predetermined distance and a                       vein analysis is another common method
database was created that contained 824                   employed for tongue diagnosis.13A different
pictures of the respective subjects' tongue. It           method that consists of an ultrasound
was found that from a sexual dimorphism                   transducer placed in the sublingual area is
standpoint, scrotal and geographic tongue                 also used to assess the function of tongue.14
was more prevalent in female subjects and                         In a pilot study carried out by
the lingual apex showed sharp tips, whereas               Nadeem Jeddy et al, digital photographs
septate tips were more commonly found in                  (front and side view) of the participants’
male subjects.9A similar study carried out                tongues were taken after visual inspection of
by Vijay P et all showed similar findings                 the dorsal surface of the tongue,15followed

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Mrunmayee Godbole Tongue scanning as a biometric tool: a review article

by alginate impressions and pouring of the             quality, where this sensor allows a ‘3-in-1’
casts.16 Cases excluded from the study were            sensor combination of ‘Fine Capture
the patients with a habit of smoking and any           Technology’        (High       Resolution).It
systemic illnesses. Two observers separately           reproduces the subject’s most minute detail
analyzed the photographs and the casts and             in bright beautiful and vivid colors. ‘Pixel
examined the intricate details of the surface          Fusion Technology’ is a Micro-receptive
morphology including shape, presence or                and extremely Low Noise technology that
absence of fissures and its pattern of                 shows subtle shades and subject’s details
distribution. Three reference points are               even in high contrast light. On the other
taken into consideration to deduce the shape           hand, ‘Dual Capture Technology’ is a Wide
of the tongue. They include the part of the            Dynamic Range, capturing the subject with
tongue in contact with the commissure of               a smooth texture and natural brightness free
the lips (when protruded outside the mouth)            from noise. EXR promises a high degree of
and the tip of the tongue.5,16 The presence of         reproduction and replication in imaging
central fissures was the most common                   with an innovative color filter array and
morphological characteristic observed on               image processing technology, providing an
the dorsum of the tongue. The males                    exceptionally    balanced     quality   and
showed multiple vertical, shallow fissures             capturing the image, just the way as the
whereas the females showed a single deep               human eyes perceive it.8
vertical fissure. Predominantly, U shaped                      The tongue image extraction module
tongue was seen in both, males and females.            consists of capture tongue images, images
V-shaped tongue was observed in 25% of                 of tongue in database, spots on the tongue,
females.15,16,17 Scalloped borders were more           display scale setting, read pixel, zoom in
common in females compared to males.15                 and zoom out.8Detailed diagrammatic
        In a study carried out by D. Zhang et          explanation of the tongue print verification
al, a tongue image database was created                procedure and tongue print set-up has been
using sample images collected from 134                 picturized in Figure.3 and Figure.4
people. A 93.3% recognition rate was                   respectively.
produced qualifying the tongue prints as a
feasible new member of the biometrics                          Various methods have been tried for
family.18                                              recognition of the tongue images such as
A summary has been made and presented in               spectral analysis, Gabor filter, and wavelet
Table 1 which includes the methodology                 transform have been tried, each of it
and their respective outcomes.                         delivering a different result.18A form of
                                                       discrete wavelet transform is the Dual tree
        Another level of precision is added            complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT).
to personal identification and authentication          DT-CWT extracts the unique features (size,
when the tongue print analysis follows the             shape, and textures) from each provided
conventional sequence of identification                tongue image and stores the results in the
steps for the study:                                   Tongue-print image database. Two wavelet
 • Image acquisition                                   trees are used in dual-tree, both effective in
 • Image registration and authentication               perfect      reconstruction     (PR).     The
• Feature extraction and enhancement                   disadvantages of DWT are taken care of in
• Matching                                             DT-CWT and thus DT-CWT gives better
• Decision making19                                    results as compared to DWT.16 More precise
                                                       results are extracted from the system using
       A high-end digital camera installed             the DT-CWT algorithm hence contributing
with an exceptional detail-capturing sensor            in the authentication process more
called CCD EXR is used for the tongue                  efficiently. Errors generated in noisy sensors
image acquisition. It offers excellent image           or communication channels often corrupt

                 International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (           111
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Mrunmayee Godbole Tongue scanning as a biometric tool: a review article

the images by noise. DT-CWT overcomes                                denoising of an                image       in     real-time
this drawback and renders the better                                 environment.20

                             Figure 3. The block diagram of the tongue-print verification procedure18

                                          Figure4: Biometric tongue-print system setup8

                                               Table 1: Summary of Previous studies   Author          Method                                                                     Results
1.      CL              Alginate impression was taken followed by pouring of the master cast.      Female Subjects demonstrated
        Stefanescu et   Photographs (front and side view) with a Nikon D5100 professional camera   sharp tips w.r.t Lingual apex.
        al9             were captured and a database with 824 pictures was established.            On the contrary, male subjects
        (2014)                                                                                     presented with septate tips w.r.t
                                                                                                   lingual apex.
                                                                                                   The presence of scrotal and
                                                                                                   geographic tongue was more
                                                                                                   prevalent in female subjects as
                                                                                                   compared to male subjects.
2.      Amit Bade et    Dual tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) was used to extract unique    Better denoising of an image in a
        al20            features of tongue (size, shape, textures)                                 real-time environment.
3.      T.Radhikaet     Verification was done by capturing digital photographs of the tongue and   Length and width:
        al2             matching it with the database. The shape of the tongue was obtained by     Males > Females
        (2016)          joining the three reference points.

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4.    T.Radhika et   Pilot study:                                                                   The dorsum of the tongue was
      al16           Visual inspection of the dorsal surface of the tongue followed by digital      characterized by the presence of
      (2017)         photographs. This was followed by Alginate impression and pouring of the       central fissure.
                     master cast. Two observers separately analyzed the photographs and the         In males, there were multiple
                     casts and examined the intricate details of the surface morphology including   vertical, shallow fissures while in
                     shape, presence or absence of fissures and its pattern of distribution. The    females, there was a single,
                     shape of the tongue was determined by three reference points.                  Vertical deep fissure.

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